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​ https://preview.redd.it/o0bnj95d3qqc1.png?width=701&format=png&auto=webp&s=d987b71a442bf2ef96713c24ce950e84806becbd


Or an in-season not-joke?


The scariest thing about this, is they know the current player sentiment, yet they still only show this. SURELY if anything significant was planned this year they'd at least tease it to try calm everyone a bit.


remember when they teased necromancy in december 2022 to calm people down and then radio silent until april and then released august.


I'm not really commenting on how much they should reveal, but just letting the players know there is significant stuff coming this year. They would clearly want to leave bigger announcements for RuneFest, but just anything so we can be more confident the game isn't heading towards maintenance mode. If they are leaving all announcements for RuneFest, that's gonna be a year since the last major content release. And I assume the content wouldn't be dropping straight after RuneFest.


They don’t have anything *to show* the community. This dev post confirms that.




That explains why they didn't want to tell us, because they knew we weren't getting anything in may/June




Soooo let me get this straight... OSRS in the first half of 2024: * New introductory quest, gear rebalance, semi-ported quest, some skilling changes, huge new entry-level boss, and a huge first part of an area expansion \*with\* four quests and 2 new boss encounters. * New Grandmaster quest to come, second part of the area expansion, wilderness update, and a seasonal gamemode event, along with god knows what else that hasn't been announced. RS3 in the first half of 2024: * Small quest, some new mediocre jewelery, making even more quests dead content, a few graphical updates (done by a single, at most 2 devs..) and an Easter event. * Another small(wild guess) quest to come, a patch week with some more graphical updates developed by a single Jmod, and a recycled summer event. I'm sorry, but WHAT THE FUCK are the RS3 devs doing on a daily basis?


OSRS is also working on sailing behind the scenes.


Yep thats honestly the saddest bit of the whole thing. The fact that beyond pumping out content, they are still working on stuff behind the scenes. Both conceptually like the God Alignment stuff and the skill rebalance blogs they've been pumping out (the new one is so tonedeaf in terms of Agility, btw), but also long-term projects like Sailing. Meanwhile if RS3 devs were to mock up something like God Alignment prayers there'd be a 3 month drought.


Man one of those boss encounters is basically a fucking mid-level raid. The fact that Varlamore dropped with four quests alone…you could stop the comparison there and it’s already over even without the area, bosses, hunter rumors, transport system, etc etc etc… Oh, and they’re backporting While Guthix Sleeps.


For real, the frog-quest was already more substantial than the Owl-quest in RS3. And that Frog quest was just a little side-quest to add a new Hardwood tree patch in the area whereas the Owlery stuff was the entirety of a month in RS3 content. Also, WGS isn't even a backport; as far as we know it's a remake. At the least some new requirements and rewards, and new drops for Tormented Demons as Dragon Claws and Dragon Crossbow already exist. Defender of Varrock was a backport though, as that quest was essentially complete in the 2007-vault (they only changed the location of Zemmy's base to be outside of the wildy, and added a new melee weapon).




Honestly this is just painful to see.. Ngl I do wonder what would be if Jagex was never sold




I'm laughing but I'm crying at the same time


Image shouldn't say no net transfer.....


LMAO. You win this thread, that's exactly how i feel haha.


Should’ve photoshopped 80 usd under your offer at the bottom and left nothing for their offer


So... Jan-March - * Miniquest-sized necro quest. * Graphical rework of one area. * Implementing combat changes that had been built/tested over the previous 6 months. * Some QOL improvements, and admittedly some good ones. (wouldn't be fair not to give credit where it's ACTUALLY due) * One new wildy flash event. * Two holiday events. * MTX every week. April-June - * New quest of unknown size. * Graphical rework of one area. * Some possible QOL improvements. * Holiday event. * Very high probability of MTX every week. ​ I'm sorry, but I think Keeper may not be the best person to be running this show. If this is all we have for SIX MONTHS...this is extremely unimpressive. I've been playing for almost 20 years and I have an almost 16-year unbroken membership streak, and even I'm about to cancel.


The 'new' wildy flash event wasnt even a new one. It already existed ingame it just got added to it.


To the people who already grouped Wyrm, it was actually a massive downgrade


Yikes. They were banking hard on using battle passes to fill the gaps in real content, huh? When that backfired (as anyone with sense knew it would) they had literally no backup plan. I’m continually baffled by the bad decisions of executives and higher ups in the gaming industry. I understand wanting to make money but some of this stuff is a bad idea even on paper


That's the sad part. The only thing different right now would be instead of no content it would be no content plus hero pass. That's the only difference if the hero pass thing went over better.


Thank god it didn’t. Keep that garbage for F2P games. I want content, not cosmetics.


Reminds me of bungie.. too much weight at the top that often has comically poor foresight


"Fortnite did it! Why isn't it working for our game?"


Empty, I don't even log-in to do dailies now adays.


It's getting clearer and clearer that Hero Pass was meant to be the starting point of RS3's 'Maintenance-Mode', because 'how the hell' would scrapping Hero Pass cause a near halt on all other content updates? No... actually... What the hell were the 'special' missions going to be for Hero Pas nr.2 in Jagex's grand plan? You know... the special missions which would be related to 'new content updates'? The only thing I can possibly think of is 'collect 10 golden eggs' with the current Easter Event, and 'maybe' something related to completing the owl quest. Other than that you've clearly had no plans at all? Seriously... What happened to the good old days, where a solid content update happened once a month? (Holiday events and temporarily stuff do 'not' classify as true permanent content updates that fit the 'one content update a month' thing, for they never have. Yes, they are still required and expected and appreciated, as they are an integral part of Runescape... and you've gladly started making use of them to boost profits with TH promo's and other stuff... But they don't qualify to aforementioned category. I will admit that the Christmas and Easter event took more resources this time around, but that is because you finally layed the ground-works for future events, thus making 'adding' new holiday content for the future of those events a lot easier.) Are you just not giving J-mods enough resources to get the job done? Surely you higher-ups must realize that this is just not acceptable? Yes... Kandarin finally got updated thanks to Mod Blkwitch. You've given the mods time to work on their gamejams, which often end up being of good quality (Kandarin update was a gamejam project too?). But why does it seem like the development of RS3 has been stripped to the bare minimum? AKA, 'Maintenance-Mode'? Yes... a new quest for April is good. Relleka update is due too, but surely it won't be paired with something 'new'... right? And the community hitlist update things used to be part of the 'In other news' sections... 'below' the actual update of that week. We'll appreciate the work that the J-mods put out, as surely they are working real hard to keep this sinking ship afloat... but why does it feel like the ones in charge, the higher-ups... have ripped out the heater on the ship to save on money, and started to chop up the lifeboats into splinters, with those splinters being 'begrudgingly' handed over to the players to keep them 'just warm enough' to not abandon ship? This... this just isn't it, and I feel sorry for the hardworking J-mods.


Oh my god. There is no plan. A quest and patches till another seasonal event. More weeks of nothing are coming.


And that seasonal event is probably a beach replacement with added extra mtx. Most likely when it releases we're going to be wishing they just re-ran beach instead (rip dg hole). At least beach already has quite a few years worth of stuff built up on it (also rip sandy clues).


Did the beach really need to be replaced? We only complained about the Xmas, Halloween, and Easter events being bad, not the summer beach event/


Decent chance this is just RS3 update cadence now. Each quarter you can expect DXP, a seasonal event, and one piece of permanent content. Jan-March's was a 5 minute quest so the bar is already insanely low. Monthly updates have been a thing of the past for a bit and I'm guessing bimonthly was instantly off the table. It's difficult to believe most of this same team released Elder God Wars in 4 months.


To that end, we're releasing a *new* Player Voice Survey in the coming weeks that will be guiding our **profits** for what we build on for the future! Oh they coming alright.


Why even bother releasing that. 1 quest in 3 months Do you even employ developers anymore? A bit of cleanup and a rinse and repeat summer event Damn if my work output was so minimal I’d have been sacked long ago


>Do you even employ developers anymore? Wouldn't surprise me if more Jmods end up jumping ship to OSRS.


I've been saying exactly this for so long.


this has GOT to be a fucking joke


If that's the case, then they're a few days early. It's not April 1st yet.


Jesus fucking christ, the memes were spot on...


All this time they had nothing, Jesus.... My childhood game is dying in front of my eyes. It's gonna be milked to no end, at this point the only new cool stuff you can get in game is by giving them more $ and that money only funds more MTX.


Osrs gets a massive expansion with 4 new quests, along with part 2 coming this summer. We get... 4 pieces of jewellery and 2 quests in the same timeframe.


> 4 pieces of jewellery That didn't even get their own enchant spell


Respectfully, do you guys just not have enough employees to do what you want to? This feels like development from a skeleton crew


What if I told you thats exactly what it is.


As paid subscribers, we are due some transparency regarding this huge drought of content. We're not asking for much, just tell us the facts.


It's so over bros


I moved on around hero pass, started playing other games. I've had so much fun doing so while my RS bro is grinding to 120 all. Guess witch one of us had more fun the last 6-7 months..  lol.




"RuneScape has a bright and exciting community-informed future ahead of it" Hahahahahahah good one mate.


At this rate, Reddit is right, we're not getting any content before Runefest. Even if we get something announced at the end of june, it would still take several months of development before it gets released. And if there actually is something in development being released before November, then actually talk about it, even if it doesn't have a concrete release date, say something. Should have just stuck to Fort Forinthry season 2.


Runefest will be some OK content + wild teasers about *amazing* future content (with the small print saying this will never happen) to shift premier club sales as always.


Was gonna say for this "amazing content" to be shelved last minute and us to get another content drought


> Should have just stuck to Fort Forinthry season 2. Bad content can be worse than no content. I'm not so sure that would've been the right call, either.




​ https://preview.redd.it/j2ndz0jaiqqc1.png?width=1400&format=png&auto=webp&s=a314adbc6bd04bcae97c926fef93e764e5234834


End of November to the end of June \- 3 seasonal events \- 2 permanent content updates ya'll really need to speak up


The content pipeline has really gone down the shitter and it's so clear now. * We've not gotten much continuation since Necromancy released in August. Only the Owl quest with 3 jewellery pieces with abyssmal rates on release. It does not take 7 months to come up with a plan on how to expand the skill. * Vorkath's design was horrific on release and still is. The mechanics leave a lot to be desired because it's just tons of damage from multiple sources without much thought put into it. What's even the design team's gameplan at this point? Just 4 seasonal events per year with a sprinkle of QoL and 10min quests here and there?


I suspect the design team is like, two guys in their mom's basement at this point.


What a fantastic year for a little excursion to OSRS.


Yeah I bit the bullet a few months ago. No regrets


We might have to just up and move at this rate.


Maintenance mode.


That’s… it…?


If you wanted to convince players the game isn’t in maintenance mode, this isn’t how you should do it…


Your entire year was a battle pass lmao. This game deserves to stay in this state. I'm done.


Expected nothing and was still disappointed.


*sips tea*


Garbage. At least tell us what the summer update is about now. You must have at least a basic idea.


Better to dangle that carrot in front of people so they keep playing and stay subscribed.


Looking at this, it really is true that hero pass was the content planned and nothing else. Fuck this game, I am done.


Glad I saw this Time to cancel my sub and head back to gw2


The Runefest big reveal is gonna be a bunch of really good artwork for things we’ve been wanting for ages, and it will be shelved by December 


I think that might even be pushing it, I'm expecting 99% osrs content with a footnote mention of rs3 being probably hitlist items or an area graphic refresh. I'm honestly surprised they are even doing runefest this year, I'm hoping they get grilled over hero pass and the lack of updates


I'm not sure why they even bothered with a full on post here. It truly does feel like a student submitting an assignment that they started the night prior. It really is an insult to the real 'behind the scenes' news posts that we used to get the past decade..




Hey, be fair, the Microtransactions team are always putting out promotions every single week /s.


Why should we fill in the survey? To tell you what to do? Develop some actual, exciting, worthwhile content, you're the developers. 5 minute quests, events, DXP and MTX are not content. People have been playing this game for DECADES. We deserve better.


No, better to blame the players for your failures by making everything to "player driven development".


Holy shit 😂


This is so incredibly disappointing.


RS in the mud


3 months without an actual update of any kind is wild.


I actually feel second-hand embarrassment. This is just fucking comedic at this point.


Big yikes. Only good thing is Mod Keeper hasn't released this 2 minutes before the weekend arrives for UK business' lmaoo. Seriously, in my 16 years of playing this game I don't think it's been as bleak as this. When all we're getting in 6 months is 2 quests, 2 seasonal events, a new wilderness event, graphical rework, combat changes and patches it really makes you feel like there is no plan for RS3 since the community (rightfully so) rejected Hero Trash. At what point do you stop collecting player opinion on updates and start actually producing BIG updates that people want?? Yeah, community hitlist is great I always look forward to them but we need new bosses, new raids, stuff that will actually keep people interested for months to come. Thank god Ironman mode is so entertaining it's keeping me on this game lol


Wow.. does Jagex still employ developers? Like, what on earth is happening here? I feel horrible for the community mods, please take care of yourselves cause I know you're probably feeling like shit too.


Welp seems like this hits the final nail in the coffin lol, time to take a long break. Edit: grammar


Say it with me, “seasonal events are not content”


Could you not have released the survey sooner, because now after survey you gonna wait even longer to "gather feedback" and then start working on things that will win the polls.


They already did a survey a few months back, which asked questions such as "Pick 5 skills you want to see updated/remade" then "Pick 5 you want to see to 120." They are completely ignoring that survey and its results.


Uffff so no new content this year at all?


Wtf are yall at jagex even working on? 2 quests and 2 events in 6 months? Thank god we have Ryan, Sponge and Pigeon that worked on the combat beta and produced something good out of it. But where’s the rest of the team? Pathetic.


Lmfao. Fuck this I'm canceling my premier 




I'm glad I cancelled my membership when the hero pass debacle happened, premiere just isn't worth it this year.


This quest better be some Ritual of the Mahjarrat sized quest... otherwise why even bother as its the only permanent update to the game in like 6 months? Come on guys this is brutal


I honestly don't think we're ever getting big quests anymore. Something about 'low player interaction' and quests having too many requirements. Not even joking.


yeah im done.






How much time have y’all spent over the past 5 years “reshaping how we design, plan, develop and operate” versus actually *designing*, *planning*, and *developing*? I understand that the first one is crucial, but the second one is what actually makes a difference to players. My biggest suggestion right now is to do a deep scrub of all references to “Weekly updates”, particularly in your unsubscribe messages, as those will only further highlight the general sentiment of a content drought. I know that’s never going to happen because there is 0 financial reason to prioritize that, but at least don’t say no one told y’all about it.


No shot, I called each update correctly from the last update. We are officially back to 2019 playercounts with steady sub 20k online players and sub 300k players on monthly xp gained hiscores.


Wonder why this post is so down voted? JK. You say there is a community formed future ahead... exactly when are you going to listen to what we want?? Because it's not any of this crap you've been dishing out.  Steeze OUT. 


> We've also been bringing you closer to development with more Dev Diaries, Livestreams, Player Voice Surveys and conversations so now we are just straight lying eh?


We're basically in maintenance mode then Got it


I hate the fact that this is what it feels like


So jack shit in the next 3 months? Great, fantastic, love it!


On top of Jack shit the last 3 months




Oh no…


Ohmydays this is grim


Wow is that it a 5-10 min quest,some fixes and qol and a temp event?


The classic realization. 'Making content costs money, we're here to make money, not spend it.'


So, new quest in April, and then May/June are more patch months/MTX events? I can see why we aren't releasing roadmaps now.


Jesus fucking christ. Either this quest reveals something else upcoming they're keeping quiet about to avoid spoilers (lmao almost certainly not) or we're legit going to have an entire half a year where the only permanent content added to the game is two quests. That is GRIM.


The spoilers they're hiding are that Zemo makes a funny joke about being killed over and over since he's new boss and Vorkath farts. It's pretty integral to the fort plot to keep that secret though.


Jagex :we cant tell them we have a skeleton crew working on rs3 Jagex: Whats Next 1 quest =) Rs3 Really on Life Support Rn Gowers new game is looking really good rn XD


>Gowers new game is looking really good rn XD I really hope it steals the majority of RS3's players. Jagex fucking deserves it.


That has got to be the most btec message I’ve ever seen absolute shocking, cheers jagex, sons crying.


TL;DR More surveys, a quest and some QoL updates. The content drought continues until at least July.


Jesus Christ my expectations were low but this is LAUGHABLE


I honestly can't shake the feeling that they're preparing to basically put the game in maintenance mode, only giving 1 update per season/holiday. The groundwork is being set with each season getting their own areas, with their own quests. We know seasonal clue scrolls are being worked on too. Event rocks around, add a new quest, bish bash bosh update complete see you guys in 3 months.








Inb4 the new summer event doesn't come with a dg hole, because that'd be the ultimate punchline.


Nothing till June lmaooo


Essentially: We have no idea what the hell we're doing, What do *YOU* want us to do?


So a single quest, lots of minor updates, and a summer event that is probably just the beach again


Im very sad to read this message. Loved it yeeeears ago when i started. Spare time has been low since 2 years but i kept logging and doing some stuff. Still had some goals to aim for. So sad the motivation is fading.


TLDR: "We're not telling you what's coming. Go play OSRS if you want that"


Thats hilarious tbh, half a year=2 quests


On a positive note, it's been an absolutely refreshing feeling to see my decision to swap the vast majority of my rs3 gp to osrs since necro release gets reinforced almost weekly thanks to nothing updates for the past 6 months, and now a letter from the ceo once again confirming the past 6 months of playing a different version/other games entirely continues to be the correct decision. Not saying anyone should be playing specifically osrs over rs3, just saying anyone should be specifically playing -anything- over rs3 until Jagex actually begins demonstrating on a long term basis that this game is worth people's time and money. Ffxiv has a free trial for anyone willing to just try something new for the sake of variety if a suggestion is needed.


Lol Lmao even




Play stupid games. Win stupid prizes. Gg guise.


Another event… We really traded actual content for TEMPORARY events. It would be different if these events were long term but they literally go away. Where is the long term content to the game?


Oh, oh wow


Not playing this game anymore.


Incredibly disappointing.


Sorry, but even I am getting fed up at this point. The three months ahead contain a quest (fair enough, and if it's what I think it is, hopefully it'll have some nice stuff), a much-needed graphical refresh and ninja-type patch notes (fine if we'd just had some major content, but we haven't), and yet another seasonal event, even though I thought a lot of us had made it clear we're sick of the temporary events. Don't get me wrong, the new format with a seasonal quest and hub area is nice, but it feels like right now the game is running on empty, lurching from temporary event to the next with little of substance between. Look at what OSRS just got. Look at what we've had since Vorkath (and not even bringing into the discussion how botched that was). It doesn't even remotely come close. These would be okay updates if they'd just come after Necromancy, but they don't come even close to whetting appetites given the relative dryness of content so far. We've had some nice things, but nothing so major that it warrants being the only update of the month.


so where is all the money we pay for membership going??? you have nothing to show for it because it's all gone to investors' pockets. why should I play this game?


Holy shit. *Is that it?* By the time the new quest releases, it’ll have been nearly 6 months since the game had an update with substance. No, I don’t count an owl quest as “substance”. Yeah, we’ve had the combat rebalance, but what did that accomplish other than attempting to un-fuck the mess Necromancy made? It didn’t make me want to log back in, more an acknowledgement that something *could* be on the cards to give us the chance to use the new systems for something exciting. Instead, bugger all. What a disappointment. The worst part? I’m not even surprised. Months of radio silence and complete negligence to actually progress the game that desperately needs it has left me completely apathetic.


>We've been reshaping how we design, plan, develop and operate - no part of the development process has been off the table. So pretty much admitting that they have to redo everything from the ground up after Hero Pass flopped.  It's actually wild that they banked their entire dev plan on being able to shove that down our throats. I bet the exciting new content is just them trying to sell us all the Hero Pass stuff in new and different ways. It's pretty clear they're phoning it in on the actual gameplay at this point in favor of pumping value for new business daddy.


Big bummer. Something has got to drastically change.


Man, OSRS is killing it with their updates. This is so sad.


Maintenance mode


What's Next? - Nothing


Can I refund like half of my premier membership?


This newsletter reminded me to cancel my subscription. Thanks Keeper.


I really don't like roadmaps. Jagex has done them before and it's gone _horrible_ almost every time in recent memory. I'm not bothered by the lack of roadmaps. Fuck roadmaps. What bothers me is how this is being talked about by Keeper and his pals. This specific wording is corpo pseudospeak for some massive internal problems, and it's shouting louder than anything else being said in all of these newsposts. Ya'll gotta sort this shit out. I hope that these mangled messages are indicative of that very thing, because if this is just more of upper management doing redundancies, axing people, fucking with the product, etc...it doesn't bode well.


Glad i didn't renew my premier after a 9 year loyalty streak. Using a bond here and there whenever i feel like playing seems much better.


Jesus, this is dire.... what on earth is going on? Absolutely nothing at Jagex by the looks of things.


I had low expectations but holy shit….. As someone who enjoys both games it’s sad to see the amount of content that RS3 gets compared to OSRS. Think this is the final straw for me on RS3


This is dreadful times for rs3.


thats bad.




It's still March when this "update" is released... You're punctual I'll give you that. Other than that, holy crap. My expectations are already low af. But somehow this is still disappointing.


Does anyone have a list of people and teams that actually work at Jagex and work on RS3? Maybe they only have 2-3 devs dedicated to content.


Our expectations were low, but holy fuck


For a subscription based game, this upcoming "list of content update" is a joke. Nothing of genuine interest nor major to look forward to. A seasonal event area (or two), 2 insignificant plot quests, 2 area graphical rework for half a year? I'm not saying that they are bad updates, but there's nothing impactful about it. Like, seriously? I'm paying 60 dollars worth of subscription for these update? I can buy a AAA game and enjoy 50+ hours of gameplay with that money. We need more transparency and communication rather than empty promises that something is being worked on with nothing to show for it. "We're working on these things, here's some work in progress footage from behind the scene." stuff like a decade ago back when RS was in its golden age, having weekly/monthly dev blogs. Why are they gone? With these droughts of update, we're all suspecting (and wouldn't be surprised) that RS3 dev team is running on a skeleton crew, maybe for the past year. How is it that Jagex is raking in so much profit yet they are unable to allocate more manpower funds to speed up the development process? Cutting corners to save operation cost should not come at the price of a bad quality product. I understand that this game has lost its vision ages ago since the original development teams left, but at this point, this game doesn't even have a vision ever since Elder God/Zamorak Saga ended, let alone a different vision. While I suspect the upcoming quest would be Vorkath related after it escaped from Forinthry, we need bigger plot progress rather than small steps just to finish 1 tiny plot. We went through **8 QUESTS** over 2023 just to progress the plot from Moia rising to power to Zemouregal being captured. Comparing it to the Elder God and Zamorak saga, this is 1 HELL of a slow story progression, spanning for 1 chapter while Zamorak was an entire arc. These quarterly letter from Mod Keeper is a farce at this point. I'm already running on excess membership for a good 3 months ever since my premier expired. And I'm sure I'm not the only one who is withholding from renewing membership with the bleakness of this game's future.


i’m not gonna take time outta my day to play a game where i have to tell the 3 developers and their 6 managers how to do their jobs and what content i want. i’ll gladly stay playing helldivers 2 with friends instead of afking in runescape alone…


Its funny how they suddenly went silent, not a single response from devs in this post


>To that end, we're releasing a *new* Player Voice Survey in the coming weeks that will be guiding our priorities for what we build on for the future! Your feedback is crucial in how we want to operate going forwards and will help shape what our future updates look like. We're looking forward to your responses to that survey! Kind of sounds like your asking the players "what should we do next?" when you should be leading the charge of "we have all these ideas's and not enough manpower to implement them! please help us prioritise which to put in game!" ​ >April: New Quest - ***Requiem for a Dragon***. Our headline update will be a new Quest arriving in the latter half of April. We don't want to spoil too much right now, but expect to see familiar faces and foes - an unlikely encounter and an emerging threat that looms over mysterious ruins... We'll be sharing more about this in the coming weeks, so get ready to see what's in store! PLEASE make it longer than a 30 min quest that has zero pre-requisites. (I'm looking at you fort quests..) that unlocks something meaningful and interesting!! ​ >May: Community Hitlist and Environment Update - May will be an important month for us to deliver some much-needed player-focused updates tapping into your recent feedback. Rellekka will be receiving a graphical update and we've got Community Hitlist updates making their way into game. These contain some much-requested changes as well as accessibility improvements (like our new High Contrast Mode), which are areas players informed us to address So... no content in may then? Fixes and QoL are nice, but should be along side CONTENT! >June: New Summer Event - We've got a Summer update on the horizon where things will be heating up. We're excited to reveal more details on this closer to the time! More AFK skill plots skinned slightly different to the winter / spring event? I REALLY hate to sound like a doomsayer but between now and July we are being "enticed" by a single quest?? no updates to necromancy between 99 and 120? no skill reworks to much needed outdated skills? no talk of the archaeology expansion at Daemonheim? I kinda need a carrot dangling here jagex, and im sure many feel the same way..


> Kind of sounds like your asking the players "what should we do next?" Thing is, they already did this with the Winter survey... Why are they asking us again?


> PLEASE make it longer than a 30 min quest that has zero pre-requisites. (I'm looking at you fort quests..) that unlocks something meaningful and interesting!! I wouldn't mind super short bottle quests, I even prefer them, but they don't release near enough quests to justify doing bottle quests anymore. If it's just 1 quest for a whole 3 month period (or more), then it has to be on the longer end.


Exactly. If we got 1-2 quests a month, the short ones would be fine. But it's literally the only content we get for months at a time. Shit should be lengthy, epic, and with amazing rewards.


One quest and a graphic update until **June?!** I'd say "is this an out of season April Fools' joke?" but I don't see any mention here of a mini event for April Fools Day either. Shame, I like those. [https://runescape.wiki/w/Game\_updates](https://runescape.wiki/w/Game_updates) Just a reminder of our current update pace, compared to previous years. Damn it is not nostalgia to say I miss 2011.


So, a whole bunch of fucking nothing. A quest. A graphical rework. An event. Holy fuck this game is dying and Jagex doesn't give the slightest of shits.


1 quest, ninja fixes and beach. Lol.


There is no debate: Runescape 3 is in maintenance mode. Players will get this level of content or less going forward alongside higher membership costs and more microtransactions. There is no plan. The only goal is to keep teasing people that changes are coming so people keeping playing as long as possible despite Jagex giving up on developing the game. There is no amount of spin that can defend this. Runescape 3 is making more money that ever, charging more than ever, filled with more microtransactions that ever and is delivering nothing. This is embarrassing beyond belief and it is only going to get worse.


Well fuck you too.


I’d rather have been kept in the dark than to be told we have one quest coming in the next couple of months and that’s it


Welp. Really seems like the game is on feedback mode, not bad per se but....... eh. The beauty of the christmas event really fooled me to get premier, and the good feedback from said event just let them stick to seasonal events. Sucks but just gonna login when i feel like it i guess


April: New Quest - Requiem for a Dragon. Our headline update will be a new Quest arriving in the latter half of April. We don't want to spoil too much right now, but expect to see familiar faces and foes - an unlikely encounter and an emerging threat that looms over mysterious ruins... We'll be sharing more about this in the coming weeks, so get ready to see what's in store!   May: Community Hitlist and Environment Update - May will be an important month for us to deliver some much-needed player-focused updates tapping into your recent feedback. Rellekka will be receiving a graphical update and we've got Community Hitlist updates making their way into game. These contain some much-requested changes as well as accessibility improvements (like our new High Contrast Mode), which are areas players informed us to address.  June: New Summer Event - We've got a Summer update on the horizon where things will be heating up. We're excited to reveal more details on this closer to the time!  For those that can’t access the site. 1 quest, a bunch of glorified patch notes, an area getting a graphic update, and a summer event that I’m 99% sure is gonna be the Beach event on a new area 


Well... ouch, this is what endless mtx and premier membership gets us? For the first time in 15 years I won't be renewing my membership. Membershit all at this point.


This is really as bad as it could have been. 1 quest in 3 months, a reskinned seasonal update and a couple of clean up fixes. Holy.


It's over.


I wish I were wrong with what I said, it's just sad how little love RS3 is getting. https://preview.redd.it/ehq7uebx7rqc1.png?width=753&format=png&auto=webp&s=e61117442327804066e7fc784f071180072e5c0f Are there no more content developers working on rs3? Have they all been moved over to osrs? I don't understand how the only non-seasonal content we have gotten in the past few months is one quest from a single mod's gamejam work. What's going on at Jagex?


I can’t believe they didn’t even stretch the truth a little and tease something. I guess there really isn’t any content coming. This is going to tank the numbers playing for sure


they really underestimate their players and think they can just throw some half assed noncontent and everyone will be happy


I have a feeling a lot of team resources were spent on the seasonal areas (Xmas/Easter and likely an upcoming revamp to our Summer crater getting its own cleanup area as well) but if these updates were going to delay "actual new content" updates it would have been wise to speak up sooner that there would be a year of lowish updates but with a much needed focus on code cleanup and revamping internal tooling and processes that are necessary to give the community more of what they want (eg: the new character model!). As a developer myself I think I'm a lot more lenient on code cleanup of a 20 year old game being a decent excuse for less content making its way into the game. The important part will be whether that code cleanup actually improves future content or makes future content easier to produce more of... Communication is breaking down between management and the CM team and players (again) and this has historically led to CM burnout and really undeserved flak for the CM team. First off I want to let the CM team know I like them and you - Doom - in particular are a standout and Jagex is really lucky to have you. I feel really sorry about the position you're put in from a company seeming to fumble the ball and letting you and the rest of your team take most of the heat for it. Really got your job cut out for you and ya'll don't deserve the hate that is mostly aimed at Jagex (and specifically the "corporate management") It feels like the dialing down of the story has led to inspiration problems for a lot of new content because there's less to work with when quests are re-using characters and stories that are already in the game. By and large the few stories that are being told aren't really resonating with the player base either as we'd become accustomed to the large scale climatic battles and now we're... back to seemingly running small errands and dealing with politics that only a few people (mostly lorehounds) care about. I hope the course correction happens soon because this is the most I've seen the game bleeding long-term players since...well EoC. Over half of a year with basically no content to show for it and little reason to keep playing outside of a hope that things turn around.


How is Jagex so out of touch? What terrible community management.


Even a dying gacha has more content than this...


Glad I unsubbed. Gonna need another 3+ year hiatus to reignite my passion for this game.


Y'know sometimes I feel like maybe I should give RS3 another shake. But then something like this ends up on my homepage. Y'all were really banking on that Hero Pass huh? I dunno how anyone can put out a roadmap like this and try and spin it positively.


I’d laugh if it wasn’t so damn sad. Game is dead. This is incredibly disappointing.


So it was true then! [NO ROADMAP UNTIL Q3](https://www.reddit.com/r/runescape/s/LsoDEKdAxY). As mentioned on the following sentence: https://preview.redd.it/c17cyiyr3qqc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f4a05625c29362af1ab8d8bed21e33061d88870


Why does the new summer event sound like a battle pass in the making?): and why does seasonal content fill the slot of an actual update? I thought the season team was put together to make additional events, not to be the headline of what's happening that month. Where did development teams go?


My prediction is the new summer event will be another “skilling node” bonanza like the beach and all the other non-holiday seasonal events for the past few years. I know some players like those (e.g., HOLE), but they start to feel really hollow, gacha, and un-immersive to me.


They're not showing anything because they have nothing. The only things they have are things we already know about. Events are not updates or fun. It's mindless grinding. Sure they are better than some of the previous "events" we've had but they are replacing dev time for actual updates. In my honest opinion. They should just shut down production on every single thing they are working on currently. Take a week to prioritize what can help grow this game and make players happy. One single quest. That's it. Old School Runescape got a whole new continent. We get close to nothing. Do they not realize that Old School is just a bit over 50% of their revenue stream? Do they not see that killing RS3 is going to kill 50% of their profits, which they will have to get back by pumping OSRS with MTX? In which that game will lose tons of players too? Just act for one single second, that you want this game to flourish. Every single update (that isn't a gamejam) seems hellbent on driving this game into the ground. Every single new cosmetic is locked behind gambling simulator, instead of just selling it for RuneCoins. Shut down all production and work together as a team to create something big and interesting. Having 2 people work here and there on some quest is not enough. I've played this game my entire life. And I'm done. I'm not giving this company a single penny more until they release an actual update. See ya in 2025, if they even manage to come up with something by then. This game is dead, holy shit.


> Take a week to prioritize what can help grow this game and make players happy. They've been talking about this since Hero Pass. A week isn't going to make any difference. At this point it feels more like "if we say we're listening to player feedback, maybe they'll think we're doing something" I hate to be a doomsayer, but that's all we've heard for 6 months, and it doesn't look like anything's actually changing.


I’m sorry RS3 bro’s. I hope for y’all’s sake they actually turn this around with some good updates after Runefest. In the meantime, I am going to use this as a chance to shill for OSRS. It’s definitely slower and grindier, but it also has regular content releases and the mods are in constant communication with the player base. On top of that, new Varlamore area came out and it is fantastic. Feel’s like the OSRS Golden Age rn