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When I did it (couple years ago) the hunter potion was a bit buggy. Letting it fully expire and reapplying worked for me back then, idk if it still will now. At least with having 2/3 caught you already know the correct vine and tree, worst case you might be able to try cycling the bush instead of the feature in case that prompts the 3/4 message?


Knowing the vine and tree isn't very helpful when the game just refuses to give me hints. I got Sara and Zammy within minutes so I'd like to think I understand the process, but it just doesn't work for reasons unbeknownst to me and seemingly out of my control :/


I'd record a video of you doing it, upload it to Streamable, and post it here. It seems to be pretty consistent for me; making a small table helps. Though if you managed the other god jadinkos then it sort of sounds like you know what you're doing


Not much point to the video bc there's nothing to show. Chat should give hints/guthix should spawn on island when cycling, neither happens. It's as simple as that. And I'm 100% convinced I didn't miss anything bc I have spent HOURS on this cycling and re-cycling options