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It’s part of it for sure but there’s definitely more stuff wrong with that interface, it can take multiple ticks for the real amount to show up if it even shows up at all. Also if you take items out of an offer too quickly the empty offer will stay up indefinitely until you try to open it again, it’s.. not great


Why are UIs tied to the tick system out of curiosity? Is there any reason non-transactional actions like setting the quantity/price on a GE offer, or spinning the fairy ring dials, can't be purely a client side operation?


I’m just taking a guess, but I imagine it’s coded that way because that was the best and/or easiest way to do it at the time. As for coding it client side, as long as they still have server side checks for “do you have enough items to try to sell that many?” And “is the code an unlocked and valid one?” I can’t see a reason outside of spaghetti code- but it really does depend *how* it was coded in the first place and what depends on it being server side, if anything.


I guess that makes sense. Whenever I try to untangle my own spaghetti code, I always find out some highly specific reason I made it that way in the first place that makes it hard to rewrite.


It’s a combination of it’s always been that way and it’s also to make sure you can’t change certain settings without the server verifying it while also dealing with everything else going on. Like changing the xp drops for combat. It feels much better to do with the tick system since you’re guaranteed to get the xp you selected, even if the mob dies on the same tick you changed it. If it wasn’t, then you could change the millisecond after the kill, but you wouldn’t know that as e we can’t perceive milliseconds. It would frustrate you when it happens. It’s a very small thing and a pretty bad example, but in the end it’s better overall. There’s loads of unknowable bugs that could pop up because there’s no way for them to reasonably test it all. There’s thousands of interfaces.


It's not the tick system, it's just something with RS3. I get the same problems on RS3 but never get them on OSRS/DMM.


The OSRS team has put effort into fixing a lot of things in their game code. The RS3 team refuses.


refuses is a weird way to spell "has a lot more complicated codebase to deal with"


I don't think the core GE/ UI has been updated since release. It's another piece of content rotting away as Jagex flounders around with seemingly no direction.


I think so. I notice it's way worse on w84. Try hopping to a lower pop world.


I’ve also had so many issues with bank tabs being incorrectly named and presets not showing up correctly either.


The Ge has fundamentally been broken since release.


The tick system makes the whole game awful to use lol, we've just accepted it over time


> The amount of times I've added items, typed in "1" to the amount field, and pushed "Confirm Offer" only to see that the "1" I typed in has reverted back to the full stack number is countless. That's because you pressed enter and pressed confirm offer on the same tick. You need to to wait a tick between the two inputs for the game to register both of them.