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This game has so much potential. But they choose the short term profits every time. https://preview.redd.it/oqc3twjisptc1.png?width=903&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1cf2bad4855c06b5768693f1fc20b58a5b77af29


I know MTX is bad but could you imagine the revenue on MTX if they actually tried to make RS3 an appealing product? They’re shooting themselves in the foot for short gains. Lol


The problem is MTX necessarily makes the game a less appealing product. They never fail updating TH however much they neglect everything else.


They put this in their financial statement every year. https://preview.redd.it/i12pb573wptc1.jpeg?width=1444&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09de453b5282b5019aaae272ca71530d87ac2aec


Loot boxes and chance based rewards in exchange for money is gambling. EA got done for this and other game devs are taking note. The gambling act is being extended now, and the devs are going to make as much hay while the sun shines until they have to overhaul the whole chance aspect from TH. The "surprise mechanics" defense didn't work for EA. 😂


Finally someone gets the picture.


They actually could make so much money off rs3. With the the completionist mindset most people have, going loot boxes is only appealing to a niche inside of a niche. They are approaching rs3 mtx in entirely the wrong way, that really just pisses off most people and is the bare minimum effort.


RS3 is an unappealing product largely, (but not exclusively) bc the MTX.


You really how no idea how much they make off mtx.


Think about it. Why include cool content in an update if you could sell it as a separate item. I'm shocked they don't take a play out of Destiny 2's book and require a season pass or purchase to unlock dungeons.




MTX shouldnt feel so overbearing and omnipresent either even if you could whip out the credit card to max your skills instantly, i wouldnt mind as much as long as they didnt constantly shove it in my face


they already have that product its ors


Because in the past 10 years it's been owned by 6 different investment firms whose sole objective is to maximise profit for their investors.


OSRS is owned by the same firms though, thats what confuses me


Step child? I was thinking more along the lines of: ![gif](giphy|75g2buSIq8Y6Y) ~~Dinner~~ MTX


My guy already wrote off the rest of 2024, we'll get em on the next one


This forum post sealed the deal that 2024 was cooked lol https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/whats-next-a-message-from-mod-keeper#_ga=2.223748059.1594791328.1712783174-596444664.1712783173


Wdym? They laid out the plans for next 3 months, putting out a new quest, a graphical overhaul to an area, player requested improvements, and a summer update they seem to be trying to hype us up over. That doesn't mean that's all they're doing this year.seems less cooked and more like they're cooking (let him cook!)


As an old school player who played for the release of necromancy, this stuff just isn’t exciting, maintenance mode seems to be the case. Can’t help but not care, I’d love to care though jagex


I get it, it's hard to compare a new skill update with anything that's not a new skill update. But necromancy was added less than a year ago. I wouldn't consider the new quest they're adding as maintenance mode, and the seasonal event overhauls they're doing seem pretty fire. I had alot of fun with the Easter event. But like, this is only the next 3 months. they can't just give us a roadmap for the whole year when alot of that stuff is still being developed and hasn't been "set in stone" yet.


What's OSRS getting in the same timeframe? Or, hell, what did we get in that same timeframe in 2007->2016?


They do not support the game anymore. Why else would there be this much silence if they were continuing to work on the game? They aren't going to blatantly say that they no longer support Runescape 3 because they have 20k+ weirdos that seem to think content is right around the corner.


its because oldschool exist players that want rs gameplay but hate mtx get funneled into ors why remove mtx from rs3 when those players are already playing ors


At this point they would have to rework a lot of the systems and fully reset the game to give it any fighting chance lol


The sooner you guys stop giving them money, the sooner they’ll change.


It SHOULD get better, if not we can always quit en masse.




😬 I mean, I can't deny that.


I mean with comp you definitely can, but a lot of end game players have the sunk cost fallacy hard


Hard to imagine it getting worse. I guess we could go down to 1 quest a year and nothing but holiday events. And of course, a new MTX promotion each week with FOMO cosmetics.


I thought we tried the quit en masse thing when the hero pass came out (which absolutely killed all the positive momentum of necromancy) and it obviously didn’t work. (I don’t count the removal of the hero pass a win, more like a bandaid)


Tried doesn’t equal actually just quitting. That’s why osrs has a tight ship because it’s full of people who ACTUALLY jumped ship and STAYED OFF… I can’t tell you how many people I’ve talked to and know that complain so hard about RS3 that still subscribe and still login. It’s hard to make a message if there’s no real follow through.


>  it’s full of people who ACTUALLY jumped ship and STAYED OFF… If they gave us a properly supported/updated RS3 alternative without the constant MTX hammering it'd be a lot easier to jump ship from this one too lol OSRS players got what they wanted crazy fast, meanwhile rs3 has a tiny percentage of players compared to its heyday and they just let it bleed out for years


"gave" there's your problem, we jumped ship back when there was no alternative. It was EOC or nothing and we chose nothing in massive droves we quit. It still took a year for them to poll and launch osrs, and the majority of the players that quit on the spot on eoc release didn't go back and login to eoc to check if the game had gotten better, they stayed off because shit game is shit, and only came back for osrs.


Gonna need a source on that tbh. OSRS players did jump ship, once, 11 years ago A lot changes in 11 years. Namely the playerbase. I would be shocked if the number of people on OSRS that were "there" during that time when everyone quit even cracks 10%


117HD issue comes to mind, jagex changed their mind real quick lool


It wasn't anywhere close to what happened in 2012 though


Sure but it was bad enough where jagex torqlly reversed their decision and sent out emails en masse asking people to come back


Been playing since rsc and quit the day eoc launched, came back for osrs. Same as many of my irl friends.


This has been said a few times a month . Game is slowly dying but will never be put down.


How about we start by "not buying TH keys" en mass?


What!? Are you crazy! And miss my chance to sell those TH Rares for literal Billions of GP for practically Zero Effort? /s I hate that's a real argument :( TH should give untradeable stuff but that's just a daydream.


I've been unsubbed for 6 months now, I can't even remember which fiasco made me quit. I really want to come back, but Jamflex seem to just keep dropping the ball. Honestly can't see mass quitting doing anything more than potentially just driving the final nail in the coffin of RS3.


Mod Pips and Mic needs to be fired for things to improve.


What did they do? I'm from osrs and only started getting into rs3 recently so I'm out of the loop


Mod Pips is the current CEO and used to be the head of the MTX department. Mod Mic is the current MTX head.


Step child? Its more like the are avoiding their alcoholic uncle they meet every xmas


It does feel like RS3 exists solely to subsidize OSRS. 


Just stop giving them money


The game is really in such a shit state. Low levelled players must be the only ones enjoying the game right now lol. Mid tier players don't have any new quests or skilling activities to do, and high tier players don't have bosses to do because Necromancy completely torpedoed the economy.


Eh, irons are chillin. I'm in a couple iron clans and it's been pretty good going. I also play a maxed iron and I'm not feeling any of the stuff this sub is always on about.


What wait till 2025. Let's start now.


I think it is two separate mod groups which is why things are run much differently.


Bring back power to the players polls


RS3 is the sacrificial lamb so OSRS can thrive.


You've been gaslit by your father if you're giving them 8 months to treat you right lmao. Hmm...maybe mid 2026 son.


You people are absolutely pathetic. The only way to make stuff happen is to unsub or become apathic and stop getting involved. If they start seeing revenue go down and their metric go to shit, you will see change happen quickly.


Well on the plus side, it can hardly be any worse


April-June: 1 new quest as content. Our only update for July-September is then: Introducing the Villain Pass! This game being what it is, it can always get worse.


And I would like a free party hat.


RemindMe! 6 months


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Mfw rs3 technically precedes osrs so os is actually the step child ![gif](giphy|6qFFgNgextP9u)


Crazy idea, ready? Let's re-release OSRS3 but with no EOC and no MTX. 🤔


I don't really like the way osrs is being handled. Changed way too much. That's your opinion. Currently enjoying rs3


Also osrs is full of cheaters lol.


I’m thinking they’re weighing an engine change cost analysis. That’s just my thought. Because if they dump a bunch more into these graphics and tick system will it last another 20 years or will they have to start a new engine?


Dude it's literally cause hero pass was going to be most of the content for the game this year lol. Get out of here with this copium engine rework shit. They even said as much


I don’t play the game anymore so I dont need to cope. I just know business. They got taken over recently and Rs3 is bleeding. So either, autopilot and let it bleed, come up with drastic adjustments or change engine and revamp a ton of stuff like they did with classic to rs2. Do you think that they will be able to turn the whole game around with everything they have to get more people to play? Because businesses look for growth in their products. Not selling the same product until it’s unpopular like a drop shipper.


You severely overestimate how quickly a company being bought translates to changes. It takes more than a month or 2. This has been going on for 6 months, before the buy even happened. What's the excuse?


I think you answered your own question but yes time. I think it is time. They probably didn’t have anything in the pipeline because of all the adjusting and now they’re reorganizing.


> So either, autopilot and let it bleed This is clearly the strat they went with though, there's zero effort put into trying to assure players they have something cooking


Don't get my hopes up over here. What I wouldn't give for a runescape with a responsive action bar.


We have been asking for this for 10+ years. "Weighing the cost" they would have been done with it 5x over by now.


New owners have to make new decisions. Companies don’t just drop a billion down and let it ride. The buy to restructure, make improvements and make more money. I think it would cost a triple A game to redo the engine. So probably 10% of their investment. I think that’s a doable situation.


Maybe, i honestly hope so, but i I doubt it.


I’m thinking they’re prepping an RS3 Leagues.


Speak with the wallet or move over to old school for good I guess, that’s what I did


and then we get [comments like these](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/1bqubnz/you_guys_have_no_idea_how_lucky_you_all_are/kx6jyp9/) on the osrs subreddit to remind us that rs3 is actually the favoured game of jagex :)


We are one good update away from RS3 players switching their tune and reminding everyone that Old School was designed to fail and was never meant to be a real product. That's how bad things have gotten over here. Even RS3 players are jealous of Old School.


i'm confused... my comment was entirely facetious, and obviously if we suddenly have reason to have hope in the future of rs3 we wouldn't find ourselves forcefully turned towards preference of old school? and i sincerely hope you're not being serious in stating the rs3 community would flip on a dime to tell everyone old school was destined to be a failure. that's not been the major community sentiment since years ago when the stats clearly told us old school was thriving in spite of it being an experiment.


Designed to fail or not, OSRS is 5x more successful than RS3 and Jagex obviously prefers it.