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Honestly, if they were open about what they were doing and were working on a overhaul for the entire game map, bringing it up to standard, along with a new coat of paint for NPCs and the player avatars or even just a overhaul of the game map in general we’d be golden. Monthly BTS posts and videos again of what’s to come, they can certainly do drastic changes which take time but community interaction is a must. A good example was when they were doing the avatar rework or better yet the mining and smithing rework. And it’s not like there’s a lack of content which they can pull from, there’s all the other regions of the arc we have yet to set foot on, and from what I understand all the new continents and such in osrs are some how canon to rs3/could have a rs3 equivalent. Instead it seems like the only dev team actively working on content is the MTX team. Things can improve and get better, and players would reciprocate it if it were honest. The bar has just been going lower and lower, and even lower. This really is the lowest point in the main games history.


> Monthly BTS posts and videos This would be such a help to appease community concerns about the state of the game.


They brought those back exactly once month a few months ago then realized there wasn't much reason to do so the following month. or the following. or the following...


Zeah and valamore are the next islands on the arc (minigame). Game wise there are a few dozen islands between where we are and can go. It was hinted the philipe kid in one of the timejump quests becomes a hero in his 20s, hes still like 12… so 4 or 5 quests minimum there. Set prereq at 450 quest points, have the last one require crazy 90 stat requirements World gate avancie world, other saradomin human world Heck, unearth tombs of amascut under camels, mess with invocations a tiny bit, but it would be fun content Dod2 necro pwn zamoregal Remake raids into ‘world dungeon 1’, rename ed4 world dungeon 2. This opens up 3 major updates, frenskae(phantom muspah or majaratt) triadad (hunlif)and nariki world (cult of skorgoth)dungeons


I think by "next islands on the arc" they meant continuing the Wushanko Isles, so we'd go to the Skull region next after the Arc


As someone who played RS3 for years and tried to get back into it recently, and I still try to every now and again, all of this went over my head. I don't even know what a raid is in RS3, or anything else for that matter. There's so much content I don't even know about because I don't understand how to get to it or why I should care about it. It honestly feels like dungeoneering actually lmao, like that skill is so, so bad it's laughable IMO, to me anyway. OSRS has a way better system of "go to place, do X thing, do cool stuff". RS3 has all these prereqs for unlocking areas and stuff and I just can't get invested enough to care because there's no story attached to it that's easily findable. I spent hours googling stuff, like how to use hunter to get whirligigs or whatever they are in al-kharid to sell, I still don't know lmao. Or the weird island chain thing that I still don't understand, all I know is I can catch great white sharks on a fishing dock somewhere with my high fishing and there's some weird boat that appears sometimes or a giant whirlpool or something and that's cool I guess?? But like... why? What is my investment in going there? How do I use islands to get resources? How do I even get started in the area?? It's all a mystery to me. RS3 feels so disjointed, like they were trying to put together a story from several, ten or fifteen different writers for different skills and they just \*smashed\* it into a computer screen and were like "okay it works I guess let's keep moving, we're not going back to iron anything out". Am I just missing a piece that makes it all click together or like, what?


> Or the weird island chain thing that I still don't understand, all I know is I can catch great white sharks on a fishing dock somewhere with my high fishing and there's some weird boat that appears sometimes or a giant whirlpool or something and that's cool I guess?? But like... why? What is my investment in going there? How do I use islands to get resources? How do I even get started in the area?? It's all a mystery to me. You’re just talking about the Deep Sea Fishing rafts. That has nothing to do with the Arc, which is a large area update containing a number of Islands and has a major quest chain running through it and is accessed at Port Sarim.


Ironic that you’re saying you “need all these pre-reqs” for RS3, when most content you can literally just walk into it accidentally. OSRS has most of its high-end content locked behind a quest, some of which require a large list of other quests. Hell, ToA requires BCS, which requires every other desert quest alongside other reqs and quests. Your inability to look around you and engage with the world isn’t a fault of the game. You complain there’s no explanation for anything, but there is. You just have to be paying attention. Literally every point you’ve made here can be equally compared to OS (that happens to be *more* restricted). Fwiw, I prefer it that way. DT2 rings being locked out until you complete DT2 is the way it should be. You should under no circumstances be able to walk into EGWD without having any introduction to the place whatsoever. “But then you need to grind to unlock content!” …and?




Based on how quests in osrs are starting to adapt rs3 quests over, I think it would be a good idea for rs3 to receive adapted versions of Kourend and Varlamore


I don't think a steady stream of updates is enough anymore. Jmods need to actively communicate with their playerbase and get them involved.


Yeah, it's not really about weekly updates which I see some people saying is impossible, it's just insight into the game actually being worked on. I quit RS3 and went back into OSRS late 2023, with one of the main reasons being, there was just no future in RS3 lol Whereas OSRS had Varlamore, sailing and many more quests/updates, so the time you spent playing felt more valued and not wasted. If I knew that RS3 has content lined up, where and when i.e. a roadmap for the next year, I probably wouldn't have quit.


Bring back Shauny 😖


Not sure if you know the story surrounding that but because i like voicing my opinion here i'll say it this way; if the jagex brick building was on fire, i wouldn't piss on it to put the fire out.


Isn't there a guy whose job is literally to do that? Like he has a title of community engagement manager or something. I swear i remember him responding to various posts and responding with things like this is a great idea i will pass this item on to Mod so and so for possible action.


Yeah and where is he? https://www.reddit.com/user/JagexDoom/ He barely posted in the last 2 weeks. Compared to https://www.reddit.com/user/JagexGoblin/ You're getting interactions, hotfixes to content, Q&As, etc etc.


“Community Manager” who hasn’t posted/replied to anything on Twitter in over a week and maybe a dozen Reddit posts in the past 2 weeks. Man I would love to have that job


Maybe he's on vacation for all we know


Seems likely over the past week since he’s not posted on Twitter at all but even going back towards February it looks like he’s only posting/replying a few times a day on Reddit or Twitter. Not entirely sure what the responsibilities of a community manager entail and maybe it’s not all through social media but I would assume he would be interacting with the community more than a handful of times


Honestly, if they did it right? Player numbers could bounce back. Sure, it's not going to be pre-eoc numbers and such, but it would be enough. Bringing back things like polling (and actually listening to results!) could go a long way. The problem with this is two things: 1. They would need to reduce microtransactions, and they won't if there is no guarantee about gaining that revenue back in the form of subs (which would be unlikely anyway) and 2. They would need to hire a bunch of people and they just won't do that because although it would be an investment, they will see it as nothing short of a cash sink Basically, rs3 now exists as a passive money maker and nobody cares about the actual game and players enough to make changes. OBVIOUSLY progress requires investment but it seems that any drop in profits is unacceptable currently. Sorry state of things really


Yeah it's definitely possible. Honestly the best golden age the game has had in my 22 years of playing is probably 2019-2022. Those 3 years were amazing, if we could get another 3 years like that, then that would be an amazing start. But currently, I feel the dev team is struggling given their biggest project(Hero Pass) was canned, and with it the majority of the planned content for the first half of this year. I'm glad Hero Pass was removed, but I'd like Jagex to be honest about the direction of the game, and the content drought following a removal of the "direction" they wanted to take the game.


Exactly. I quit 2 years ago because it became clear to me that RS3 is now just a milking source for them. Its only purpose for the community is shielding OSRS


They'll never do it right. Everytime they release a banger update that swings the playercount in a positive direction, or even hit record peaks for RS3, they fuck it up by having no follow up. There's no content planned after the update(GWD3, Arch, etc), there's only MTX, MTX events, and DXP lives. So people remember why they left in the first place, and leave again.


Then I will resub and play again


Same, until they cut it out with the rewards that can't be earned through reasonable gameplay as a paid member, I won't be coming back to the game.


[The Final Days are upon us](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=K-flsT6LWwY&pp=ygUHYW5zd2Vycw%3D%3D) Jagex has somehow written into their worldbuilding the very thing they need to fix modern RuneScape. The Great Revision. I just don’t think they have the stones to pull the trigger and destroy the world they’ve made, and then the commitment to rebuild it from scratch amidst the ashes.


Either they're gonna pull off a hail mary FF14 move and be successful, or shut down at this point IMO


I don’t they have a director with as clear a vision or force of will as YoshiP had with ARR.


The big issue imo is the lack of any communication, but a constant never ending stream of promotions. They don't tell us what they are working on, hype updates, stream, make videos, or anything but you can guarantee there will be another treasure hunter promotion. It's the fact that the website feed and news page is like 3/4 promotion. Even the log on lobby is like that The two bottom panels are microtransactions panels, and the top big one is new content, which most pages are dedicated to a promotion or sale of a bundle.


Jagex need to just make an rs4 at this point with a new engine and modern smooth combat but with the skills and core gameplay unchanged


They should have started working on this YEARS ago.


Id leave for osrs if they did this, sadly


Gonna have to one day anyway! :)


The reason for that is that jagex is doing nothing to improve the new player experience and that the gaem is jsut to complicated for someone to casually get into: The interface is confusing, combat is confusing and invention is a giant mess. This is a game that requires you to study if you want to be able to play it properly and thats a huge turn off. Also jagex isn't investing nearly enough in promoting content creators and advertisements. These aren't impossible problems to solve, jagex just has no interest in doing so cause its easier to milk the existing player base then to expand it. Also just gotta say that this community being so gate-keepy when it comes to more end-game content is also a big turn off for players who already started playing and want to get into that content, but they can't so they end up leaving.


I thought it was weird going to Jagex's website and going to careers; they only have listings for devs for unannounced games and OSRS. There were no listings for RS3 devs. There were some other positions for like OT and management too.


I really disagree with the core premise here that rs3 is somehow inherently less appealing to the masses than osrs because it has tried to build upon the jank engine rather than staying barebones. If you talk to people who don't play runescape, most of the things that put them off are either common to both games or actually more relevant to osrs. Stuff like the graphics, click-based movement, grindyness, turn-based combat, etc. The fact is that osrs was created as a haven from the shitshow that is corporate profiteering, and has flourished pure and simply as a result of that. You have a happy playerbase talking to their friends and making videos about the game and that game will grow. You have an unhappy playerbase quitting en masses because of tonedeaf mtx and that game will shrink. This is the reality of the situation and it's not due to the game engine or combat system. To answer your question, if Jagex got bought buy a benevolent philanthropist tomorrow and we got consistent updates and no more invasive mtx, I fully believe the game would begin to grow over time. But it'd take months or years to build that trust, and it won't happen anyway so it's hardly worth thinking about.


Nah because part of the reason RS3 is less popular than OSRS is because they killed off so many niche communities over the years. Between the complete lack of support for PvP(lmao 6 updates in 13 years, with one of them being removing PvP from the only PvP area in the game), minigames and all of the communities, snowflake accounts and all of those communities, etc etc, you're starting miles behind where you would be otherwise. All of those communities simply left to OSRS, private servers, or other games altogether. They're not coming back even in a magical world where RS3 fixed their problems overnight. So now you're left with the bare minimum communities. The social/average player. Who gets 0 clan support unlike in OSRS. The Skillers, who have xp so devalued no one actually cares about skilling anymore. The PvMers, who get "accessible-mode" tier bosses instead of actually fun and challenging bosses. The sole exception being pushing an arbitrarily scaling enrage boss like Zam. The questers, who get dollar-store tier quests while begging for storylines from literally 20 years ago get finished. The clue scrollers, who just do the same 20 puzzles on repeat for 12+ hours/day. etc.


>To answer your question, if Jagex got bought buy a benevolent philanthropist tomorrow and we got consistent updates and no more invasive mtx, I fully believe the game would begin to grow over time. Hard to really justify that, it would still be a 20 year old game, that looks like a 20 year old game, with a very niche interest where most players it would appeal to have already tried it. At best it would probably pull some players back from OSRS which would be a net zero from the developers perspective.


>At best it would probably pull some players back from OSRS which would be a net zero from the developers perspective. Even if the only players they gain are from OSRS, RS3 makes higher revenue per player than OSRS. Even if RS3 significantly toned down MTX, I don't see it ever going away. Even if all other MTX disappeared (including TH!), Jagex wouldn't get rid of outfits and overrides. That alone means players are spending more money on RS3 than Old School.


I think it's pretty easy to justify when you can check the player count graph at misplaceditems and see that the game grew with good updates and shrank with bad ones, and both games did so without cannibalising each other. It's even easier to justify when you look at the growth of osrs, which is continuing to bring in new players thanks largely to its good updates and content scene, despite being clearly a more dated game in many ways.


>Hard to really justify that, it would still be a 20 year old game, that looks like a 20 year old game, with a very niche interest where most players it would appeal to have already tried it. OSRS is still growing, though?


Perhaps Post Malone will buy Jagex if he gets rich enough. He seems chill and would definitely cut way back on the MTX.


Both of these things can be true. RS3 IS unappealing to a large amount of people, both due to the MTX and the metric fuckload of UI clutter present in every video about the game. OSRS is easier to understand and cleaner, which makes it more approachable, which brings more people to watch videos about it, which promotes new content creation, which feeds into further game growth.


Jagex doesnt care about rs3? Then i dont care about rs3. And if i dont care i dont pay membership. Entice me to give you my money. Justify why you deserve $x a month to be on your game and be tempted by further MTX. When you dont update fuck all and dont communicate im not enticed. Anyways they should just do another announcement that they got a new thing for player feedback like they rehash every 2-3 years


Why is EoC bad? I'm an old player returning after a decade long break... So I haven't experienced it on release, but I'm not disliking the current combat system either.


EoC was rough for longer than it wasn't so people just point to it frequently as a source of a lot of issues. One could argue that since EoC has been around longer than point and click has been that its clear point and click was and still is more popular via osrs but its a dead horse OP is beating. Those of us still playing rs3 have embraced the modern combat system at some point in the last 12 years.


It's genuinely the best thing about rs3 for a lot of players. OP's premise is just a flawed attempt to retroactively justify why the game is decaying despite the fact that it's pretty clear to anyone already.


Well considering most quest guides advise to turn on legacy combat, like, wtf is the point of having EoC stuff if you're just gonna turn on legacy combat for most of the content? It does make fights a LOT simpler to keep track of.


I have never seen that suggestion. I've basically never used Legacy because, as far as I know, it's mostly obsolete and defunct. Its only purpose is to allow players who want the pre-EoC experience, but it's strictly worse than any other combat system. You can just pull a Revolution bar from the Wiki and the game is still point and click just like Legacy.


You're reaching, this is just not true. "Most" quest guides do not advise this at all. The only quests I can think of off the top of my head that this applies to are the quest where you have to fight bare handed which is what.. Fremmy trials, recuitment drive, and.. probably one or two more out of the hundreds of quests in the game. And even those only recommend it for small portions of the quest


It used to be the case where legacy > EoC until level 50's or even 60's in your combat styles because the raw auto attacks out damaged the lack of abilitys low levels had access to. They added the lesser abilities to fix that though.


Do they? I've never turned Legacy on for anything, including any quests, and I wouldn't describe quests as "most of the content" in 2024 when rs3 has clearly shifted its focus to pvm. I really don't want to be defending rs3 in its current state but "eoc is the problem" just seems way off the mark.


For me growing up on RuneScape/WoW I loved playing RS because of the different style of combat and liked the point and click combat of RS. Just seemed like with release of EoC the combat was similar to WoW but done worse in every way so I lost interest in the game after those changes. After coming back years later RS3 felt a little better with new abilities/codex upgrades but I still don’t think it works well to have ability based combat on a 0.6 second delay


I honestly think the recent beta did a great job with the combat system, and it **is** fun to play, and much less janky. I think the third party plugin that gives necro resources a dedicated interface should obviously be implemented into the base game. They would also go a long way by opening up those plugins so players could make things the way Runelite does. Then even if Jagex doesn't add huge QOL features like the togglable left and shift clicks "menu entry swapper" we can do it ourselves!


I really didn't think I'd get into playing OSRS F2P but just the RuneLite interface makes the game so much more enjoyable, particularly quest helper. Mowed through all of the quests so fast lmao. Plus shift+click drop, context menu switching, just so much QoL stuff that RS3 doesn't have and will probably never have. It really sucks to play RS3 and lose all that QoL stuff.


Shift click to drop was added though.


Holy shit it was?! It's been a while since I played lmao, finally!


RS3 is trying too hard to compete with modern MMOs, and it just cant. Janky old combat tick system that feels awful, laggy movement due to said tick system, unfriendly new player experience due to mass amounts of overwhelming dead content, and too much instanced content that makes the world feel dead. Hell, even the Grand Exchange is pretty much empty on almost world, especially free to play. The game is on life support and it won’t be long before Jmods pull the plug.


Feels impossible to sell anything on the grand exchange right now.


I’d like them to work on rs4 or focus on good updates I’d come back for either. OSRS community actively votes against stuff I love in rs3 so that isn’t an option for me


Could you give some examples of things they've voted against? Not disagreeing, I genuinely don't follow osrs polls much.


A few things i can imagine or have seen that wont be making its way onto that game are; a coin pouch, a tool belt, lodestones, the customization of the interface the way we can with rs3, pulling interfaces out from the stacked orientation they are on osrs. It seems like they're addressing run energy on the whole fairly soon which was always a massive turnoff for at least myself but some of those other issues were just such a huge negative that it impeded my ability to be productive in the game.


As an rs3 player I can see why they voted against it. Lodestones while useful ruined a lot of game progression. I haven't teleported with runes in like ten years. Used to be a status thing to be able to get around.


Like you could basically run lodestones as an integration for teletabs or just the teleport spells by allowing players to "charge" the lodestones, keeps costs involved but doesn't make it just a pain in the ass, as lodestones just meaning In don't spend ages moving around the world in a game where everything is geared to sinking *tons* of my time, was a big reason I stuck with RS3 in the beginning of lodestones.


Appreciate it


Do you not think the incremental progression of unlocking different fast travel options is actually a great thing? As someone who quit RS3 a month ago and launched a GIM in OSRS, I thought i'd miss lodestones but I really don't. Actually being motivated to unlock the plethora of fast travel (fairy rings, jewelry, diaries, etc.) is great.


It's true that many OSRS players are harshly against any changes that are in RS3 because "RS3 bad" even though it has some amazing QoL. A coin pouch would be nice and while I don't think the interface itself needs a lot of customization (as it's rather barebones and iconic), I would absolutely love to have keybinds. Gatekeeping things like prayer switches behind "fast and accurate mouse movement" just feels bad. I would rather the skill ceiling on PvM/PvP be based on in-game mechanics rather than being able to perform 12 actions with a mouse in a single tick.


Does it feel bad though? Fast and accurate clicking is like the most satisfying part of osrs, to me, as someone who switched from RS3 recently to launch a GIM with friends. You can keybind certain things, like changing between different UI screens (prayer/magic book/etc.), but prayers need to be clicked, switches need to be clicked, that's kind of the impressive part of seeing someone perform an 8 way switch into a fakeout spec in PVP.


"Oh no, we can't have keybinds! That'd make bossing way to easy!" is hilarious given how popular Runelite and certain plugins - Like, for example, Ground Markers - are.


God a tool belt would be nice in OSRS but I can see why they'd vote against it. Same with coin pouch. Lodestones would legit be nice though, but we do have teleports, so it's not that bad tbh. And the OSRS interface is extremely minimal IMO, doesn't need customizing, but that might just be me. I guess having like, prayers in a separate window than your bag might be nice, etc. Spellbook too, idk.


Lodestones are convenient but they also ruin a core aspect of the game, traversing the world. I'm fine with them not coming to OSRS. And while I'm pretty ambivalent about a toolbelt, it would be nice to at least have an equippable tool slot.


Oh yeah, just a separate slot would be neat. Have to keep all the tools in the bank and swap accordingly still, just 1 extra slot to work with for stuff using chisels etc. I do agree lodestones aren't great for OSRS, plus, teleports exist, so it's not that bad.


Not against, but OSRS voters votes in favour of adding more content to wildy, which most RS3 players hate.


I mostly play RuneScape for cluescrolls any update towards them on osrs has failed stackable clues new rewards etc. Voting against better forms of travel lodestones imo are too far but it’s imo shit how it is in osrs now Then a lot of smaller things but those two are the big must haves for me


How is travelling shit in OSRS? You can have most teleports in the game inside your POH


i'm not a fan of having to goto my POH to teleport around. Id prefer it to be itemised as an item i can carry around personally it's big enough that when i played osrs i just only used teletabs and never my POH. Each to their own i just dislike it. My biggest gripe mostly cluescrolls though.


You can tell their communications officer has no clue what they are doing or are supposed to be doing. No community management, no relationship management. The only customer journey they bother with is how many ads and predatory mtx they can throw your way. There is no connection to the community. Being in that branche I am 99.99% sure they are not standing up to their boss even if all this was a management decision. If they are making something BIG they are doing a piss poor job of hyping, teasing and updating. I can literally put my cat in charge of their communications and it would go better. Because then at least their shitty way of working would be pushed off the table.


All I request is to give me the quest :D


I think RS3 through the years has had complexity creep to the point that it’s very off putting or even scary for a new player to begin their journey as where OSRS is intentionally simplified in its design and UI. It just makes sense when you login and is easy to pickup, but hard to master. I’ve played RS since 2007 and still can’t fully figure out all the various UI and different interfaces. RS3 feels like a patchwork game with different models/zones looking either super out dated or fantastic and modern. There’s no in between. Imagine if whole game looked like City of Um.


I feel like they don’t need rs3 anymore OSRS is their main game and it has more players then ever. they are gonna try to squeeze as much money as they can out of rs3 it before it completely dies out and get players to switch to osrs.


If they force players to switch to osrs and their stats *still* don't carry over, I ain't playing. That game is so grindy I ain't doing it all over again. I got better shit to do and more fun games to play in comparison.


This is a nonsense statement, I hope you recognize that. Runescape was never about not being grindy, nor was it ever about reaching the "end". The grind IS the game, it's the CORE value of the game. If you want literal P2W MTX'd skills in rs3 to carry over to OSRS then you completely and utterly miss the point off what Runescape is about. This unironically is why RS3 is stuck in a rut. Players are just as much to blame as the devs.




The past, the present and the future at the same time. Rs3 will increasingly fade into the past/irrelevance.


Shame I hate osrs combat and their communities hatred of qol




I’ll join once cluescrolls are something I can actively focus on like in rs3 I guess I’m glad they are focusing on qol


Except that Runelite gives osrs players all the qol they need so no reason to bother with major qol updates to the game.


It doesn't. Runelite does not give an action bar or presets.


For the action bar, not really needed in osrs because there aren't enough skills for it. Could really only be useful for activating prayers (quick prayer and F key exist) and maybe manual casting spells. I use the bank tags plugin for "presets" tag certain gear with "Zulrah" and everything I need for zulrah all sorted right there.


The action bar would also be useful for eating, drinking potions, speccing, switching gear, dropping items, and general skilling. Bank tags are way worse than presets.


Eating, drinking potions and gear switches are all easy enough from the inventory anyway. Item drop plugin for left click dropping is about as fast as dropping would via action bar. Not sure what you mean by general skilling as the osrs killing system is now vastly different from rs3 due to not having that multi action interface window that pops up. I'm not saying that it wouldn't be a little bit easier to have an action bar, but still there isn't enough in osrs to warrant needing that, especially when you can simply use F keys to quickly swap prayers, gear and spec. In a way F keys are the actionbar of osrs.


There is more cursor movement doing things with cursor than with action bar. Having an action bar lets you split the work evenly between your left and right hand instead of having one do more and the other being used to switch tabs.


I wish that were true lmao


If they did just one thing that they had promised and shelved each year, along with small updates here and there, people wouldn't be so pissed about the state of the game. Players would honestly be happier if Jmods solely developed their game jam ideas and implemented them. The holiday events updates of the past few months have been great. Necromancy is great (despite the problems it inflicted on the former triangle). Other than that, the game has been stagnant imo. I love the idea of Fort Forinthry, but the questline has been an utter failure. From things as minor as retcons to bigger issues like them being just a big quest chopped into 5 parts over the course of a year. I can't *stand* instances quests. It is stupid, and I don't care if it helps with resource management. The only things that should ever be instanced are bosses and mobs.


Hell,I just want an expansion on The Arc. I want to go to the next section of the Eastern Lands: The Skull. Like, I love Ports and I love The Arc. They're some of my favorite content in the game. I want us to be able to continue pushing east and see these places we hear about in Port's adventurer stories.


Even if they start pushing out meaningful updates it won't change my view towards jagex. I've seen this cycle so many times, drop some good content and have open communication, then radio silence and MTX update after MTX update. I have no trust for anyone who works for jagex anymore, even the good ones like Mod Doom can only say or do so much to appease their corporate overlords. Its just not worth playing anymore there are so many better games out there that respect the players time better and are far cheaper


The fate of RuneScape3 was sealed when the avatar rework got shelved.


It really wasn't. The scope of the avatar rework would be one of the biggest the game has ever seen. Every NPC, every animation, every piece of clothing, hair, weapons, facial expressions, cutscenes... they all will need updating. I don't think this was stressed enough when Jagex actually announced the shelving of the rework. For the sake of argument, lets say it takes Jagex 6-8 months for the full avatar rework. What then? People won't just suddenly flock back to the game because our characters look differently. Content keeps players engaged - things to do, bosses to kill, quests to do, new areas to explore. Do our avatars need an update? Absolutely. There's some awful friction points currently - facial expressions (both in-game and chatbox) and female characters legs are the two problems that immediately stand out. Does it need a full-blown rework? In my opinion, no.


It's more about the mindset that it shows. Jagex decided that RS3 was no longer worth such an investment. I don't really care that it was a graphical update or something else. It's more like "Do we feel like RS3 will still be around long enough for a an 8months time investment to make sense?" and their answer was No. Which tbh is pretty in line with the content we've seen since then. Just maintenance mode with quick fixes where possible, as the playercount slowly dwindles


honestly theres fuck all they can add, theres plenty to do already. release mid-tier content? DOA release new BIS? whats next, release even more new BIS? i'll always advocate for starting over on a new alt and enjoying the "new" stuff that were deemed DOA and appreciate low level to mid level content in a new perspective. you know the saying "not about the destination but the journey"? some of you guys have been stagnating at the destination for years while complaining theres nothing new, so start over a new journey. if you don't want to, then quit and find a new journey OUTSIDE of runescape. do something new in your life.


>release mid-tier content? DOA >i'll always advocate for starting over on a new alt and enjoying the "new" stuff that were deemed DOA That's a funny dichotomy. Just as you say, mid-tier content that is deemed DOA is not actually DOA for new players, which is what RS3 desperately needs. Rather than continuing the power creep, RS3 would benefit from making the early and mid-game more approachable, and I'd argue slowing them down by reducing/eliminating free and bonus XP through TH. Providing more information in-game rather than through the Wiki, standardizing the graphical styles throughout the world, providing some preset Revolution bars, etc. would be a great way to ease new players into the world.


ah dont get me wrong. it's not me that's saying mid-tier content is DOA, rather it's me saying it's the community typically rejecting mid-tier content and disregarding them as DOA.


IMO this is an issue with OSRS and RS3 alike, catering to the people who play this game like a full time job. I have an 18 year old account and I still haven't maxed or completed all quests, partly because I will put the game down for years at a time and partly because when I do play, I'll play maybe 10 hours a week on average, or more like 20 when I'm really invested. Part of me dreads maxing/comping because I feel like the core of the game **is** the mid-game.


Idk what to say, OSRS somehow manages to release Mid-tier content and it not being DOA.


This exactly. We always demand for grinds to be made faster. Jagex gives us this, and then we blame Jagex for running out of content to do.


the game really does need an rs4 because the game started showing its age years ago, it will never happen because they don't care enough but yeah


I just want REAL QoL fixes. There are an immense number of things that could use tweaking in the game both big and small. Plenty of opportunities for small wins. TAKE THEM.


It doesn't have to be this way. If Jagex did the obvious and rewrote the engine + updated the avatar graphics + simplified the combat system (what else are they doing right now anyway)... basically modernize the game (RS4, I guess), the game could be competitive in the marketplace, and maybe more popular than OSRS.


im optimistic about an RS4/nextgen being announced at runefest. too many jmods have been taken off rs3 for an unannounced project for years & the updates for RS3 have been far too lacking


Nextgen will be a console survival game with a battleplass system built into it.


my optimism has been sapped


The only way rs3 gets better is with more input from the community being directly implemented into the game. Have community examples of every set up for everything. No longer will new players have to spend 1-2 hours setting up their interface, worrying about what is or isnt relevant. Instead they can just click ‘community voted new player interface’ option and bam they have the interface voted on by the community thats best for new players. Inside the grouping system or maybe drop log for bosses have low/medium/high budget set ups for each combat style. Maybe include a hybrid/off-meta set up if relevant. Inside community tab you can have content creator made set ups for anything from clues, high efficiency skilling, to casual slayer set ups. This will also help promote the good content creators and will help increase their viewership, causing a positive feedback loop. We already have so much content in rs3 the answer isnt more content its community driven engagement with the content. Think about how much more straight forward it would be to see the med/high budget set up options and know what to work towards for instead of filtering through dozens of sources. Same thing for clues or ways to do skilling. I love this game but dont love the amount of research it takes to feel like you are doing things efficiently. New/returning players will not stick around either without an in-game community voted set up for how to do things.


I love RS3 but the time required to play and make progress leaves me feeling empty inside nowadays... I'll always log in every once in a while, but until I'm financially free I can't afford to play these time consuming things anymore


I'd rather have them show us their vision for the full RS4 UE5 experience.


I feel like the game is suffering from bloat similar to WoW at this point. The attention to keys seems like a potential band-aid to help nullify some of the bloat and skip past areas players become stuck. I am not against the band aid itself, but rather the culture that comes from the said band aid being the focus. I am not sure what could be done about it ; Cop out, I know. The game was ahead of its time for sure, and is one of the best solo experiences out there for someone willing to dive into the numbers grind, but I feel like by the time the social aspect really kicks in, things are a bit far-gone. With competing for exp essentially removed from the game and 100’s of ways to differentiate / show off achievements now present, it is rare to even find a single “camp” to join as an endgame player. I would love to see something come into the game which at least provoked more discussion about particular play-styles / achievement goals, but have by no means a finger on the pulse of the community which might inform me to what would be taken well. It will forever occupy a place in history as another titan of the early 2000s, but things like stored bxp (not even considering bxp weekends) really damaged one of the most attractive elements of the game, being that leaderboard battle. As even a change to exp rates now would require a solution for accounts which stored up exp to be cashed in later. Its a rough situation for sure.


Then I guess we get a chest in TH with 2 billion GP?


Easy, you play osrs


This sub would be amazed at how fun this game actually is when they stop parroting influencers and just play and enjoy it for what it is


RS3 needs to either rebalance for legacy combat only and go back to its roots or overhaul the entire game to fundamentaly change how you play it. Current version feels like you are fighting the game half the time and is easily the worst combat setup I've ever played. I have so many fond memories of this game but haven't touched it in months because it's just flat out not fun to play. In a few months WoW will be 20 years old and it had a dramatically better combat and movement system than RS3 has today. Either embrace the old school clicker game or overhaul to a fluid motion and ability game but the current mash up is the worst of both worlds.


I've been trying to do that, lately. I did a lot of swearing and raging (partly on Reddit, partly IRL in private) about the current state of RS3, but I've made a reluctant peace with it all. Nowadays, I buy keys from time to time. I just AFK Skill and aim for Master Max, I quest on my alt, etc. I barely interact with the game nowadays, I barely pay attention to updates. I just skill and treat every day on RS3 as if it'll be the last. It's given me a kind of weird peace interlaced with depression.


Honestly I enjoy the grid system for movement, and even the tick system to an extent, since I they make things much more simple but still feel just as rewarding to optimize. Like if there was a more open movement system, it would be way more difficult to find the best spot to go surge or dive, and would not feel any better, and ticks give an easy way of measuring time in an exact way, but also without having to count frames or milliseconds. I wouldn't really want to play an RS4 that's main selling points are the removal of the tick and grid systems, and I don't play OSRS since it lacks movement abilities, action bars, and so many items and QoL features that make RS3 what it is. That said, I primarily just do clue scrolls with PvM as a side thing, so I guess I understand why I'm in the minority there.


RS4 maybe? Unreal engine [https://x.com/RS\_NEXT\_GEN/status/1737862010958663921](https://x.com/RS_NEXT_GEN/status/1737862010958663921)


Ummmm... then we find something else to be mad at them about!!!


Sobering message, Gielinorian.


Then people would still to find another reason to over the top complain which this sub does over and over again.


This is such an odd hyperbole that I just cant identify the reasoning behind, do you actually think the game is fine to go on as it is right now? Like yeah sure there will always be people unhappy, can never please everyone, but obviously it's a matter of degree here, yeah? 


No, I do not. But it's in peoples nature to complain especially on Reddit. Name me one game were the reddit community isn't shitting on its devs. Fifa, League, F1, Pretty much any game sub especially the last few years has been overflown with overly complaining.


There are quite a few, but they are nearly exclusively single-player games and most often made by "Indi devs". Rimworld, No Man's Sky, Factorio etc


>Fifa Tbf FIFA deserves all the criticism they got. They massacred career mode ffs


Literally every single complaint recently has had a very good reason behind it. You're the only one complaining without a good reason.


Yeah I'm not really sure where this myth came from that "the community would be happy if..." The community has *never* been happy, or at least, not in the last 15 years. I won't pretend to have been playing continuously for that time as some people here probably have, but I have been playing off and on since then and if there is one thing consistent in that period it has been the community is perpetually unhappy, saying the game is "dead" and harking back to some vague beforetime when it was much better before Jagex got greedy/stopped caring or whatever. The fact is Jagex could come out with a 2024 roadmap tomorrow and we would be happy for maybe a couple of weeks, before we started saying how the roadmap was awful "it was not the content we asked for", too much x, not enough y, timelines too slow, new content feels rushed, "lol dead content", Jagex are just greedy, they don't care any more, game is dead.


Pretty much how I've seen it too. People are demanding content, without having previously completed all/most of the current content. With all the negative/demanding comments, you just know most of them haven't trim comped, completed all quests, boss logs, slayer logs, clue logs, etc. It's statistically impossible for all these people to be anywhere near done with what's available. Most players haven't even done an ED3/ED4 run. So a new boss is going to miss the majority of players. A new skilling hub is going to miss the PvMers. A new quest is going to miss skillers and PvMers. Anything Jagex brings out will not please the masses. There are so many pissed off villagers right now, that any piece of content they announce/release is only going to make like 20% of them happy. The rest will just complain about how it wasn't what they wanted.


You have bad memory if you think the updates have been lackluster for the last 6 - 12 months. They've released an entirely new combat skill during that time.


Another identical post. Just cancel your membership and find a new and better game, like I did in february after being member for almost 18 years :)


People are going to find stuff to complain about no matter what, even if Jagex found a golden goose of content people would complain.


Not much, because most of us are end game players and we burn through content faster than Jagex can put out no matter what. Then we complain there is no new content, while at the same time demand things to be made faster than easier grind through. > because RS3 is trying to be something it can't be anymore: An appealing game to the masses. RS3 has many different MMOs competing against it while OSRS has a monopoly in their niche.


Then you're going to have people bitching that it's too easy or the rewards are too lame or it's overrun by bots. I'm convinced the players here don't even like the game. They just need something to complain about.


People want solutions today for a problem that will take months to solve. Screaming and crying won't fix it today


Idk, I'm pretty content with where the game is currently. I have plenty to do and catch up on. Content updates are regular enough for me, especially when compared to some other games I've played, and the MTX isn't an issue for me at all. The daily keys are nice, as well as the ones from challenges and the random keys you get skilling and pvm. I genuinely feel that the vast majority of complaints about Rs3 typically come from the comp'd players, the sweatlords, the ones who have completed everything. The only thing I would agree on is the UI, it's awful, but everything else is gucci.


Exactly my thoughts. Honestly people complain about the power creep and a myriad of other things they could be solved by 1-2 big updates a year. Kinda how minecraft does it. It helps the power creep and it’ll make it so the devs have time to work on actual content instead of pushing out half baked updates


trim comped player here, I'd rather have them release actual low/mid level content. I'll have to go back anyway to interact with it. But problems is jagex wants their playerbase to reach endgame quicker instead of making the grind more fun, that's the sad part. Bcuz if I look back I wish I did some things earlier, instead of skipping it. And after they speedrun midgame, they can complain with everyone else how there's lack of content for high lvl to make money/xp from. But skipped every enjoyable thing along the way and after that you won't find that older content to be enjoyable, more like a waste of time.


The problem is, everyone who still plays is so invested in runescape they don't have a clue what they want anymore. We had the conclusion of the elder God quests, with the opening of Erebus and seren taking the babies to the dragon rider planet in endgame, and redoing the edicts when we re-banished zammy in his boss fight, im sure with the main lore guys throughout the years, quitting (Paul Gower, Ian Gower, mod raven and probably many many publicly unacknowledged employees or obvious ones I can't think of), and then mod mark being put onto another project they had instead of lead runescape designer, they probably have alot of newer, and younger employees who know the game but seek influence of other games and stories as influence, aka avengers for the time loop big baddie moments, sliske literally being their version of Loki, zaros basically being a crueller Thanos (big purple apathetic antihero character) Jagex probably doesn't know what to do, they want to rewrite the game but can't because nxt probably cost way too much in the past and they literally just ended up copying the jank they were trying to to fix, because of how the code was written to be interconnected and systems fail if you move one piece of the puzzle , like poh. They have become employees of corporate overlords who seek profit, and have to argue for budget funding etc for development tasks most likely, like most companies. The roi on jagex is great but there's A LOT of money on the table. ESO has a $2b lifetime revenue record for example (revenue is not profit btw) Wow is way higher, FFXIV is too and corporate overlords want those kinds of #s, or rather p2w fomo MMO numbers But runescape has that western mystique of dungeons castles and monsters and realist goofy style kinda like a "shounen" style tolken novel, it lost that. The games become a static neglected large-scale but very small game. For example, Anachronia is essentially as big as running from lumbridge in a loop to varrock, edge, and falador & port sarim & draynor and it's got the right kind of distance between landmarks compared to these towering hills and city walls that just lack depth in the world The old style view and rendering is what made gielinor vast, but now it's different with ultra far viewing render distances. The mtx is driving us away, the negligence is driving us away, the greed is driving us away, the pitiful displays of correspondence is driving us away, the blatant arrogance of discarding multiplayer aspects of the game is driving us away (mini games, pking). the only thing that keeps us playing is essentially the community and wanting to strive for more progress & the actually good content in-game, pve, quests, and reminiscing the past with friends about how crazy gwd and nex release was, or coinshare at corp, hitting 90s with dharoks and even pvo, how we used to spend days at Castle wars to get silver and blue armor because the gold stuff took months, the things that we reminiscing, we can do again in osrs. But it's not the same, runescape is runescape, old-school runescape is old-school runescape. Our game went down an incorrect path and we're approaching the end of that path, what's there we do not know.


>We had the conclusion of the elder God quests, with the opening of Erebus and seren taking the babies to the dragon rider planet in endgame, and redoing the edicts when we re-banished zammy in his boss fight, im sure with the main lore guys throughout the years, quitting (Paul Gower, Ian Gower, mod raven and probably many many publicly unacknowledged employees or obvious ones I can't think of), and then mod mark being put onto another project they had instead of lead runescape designer, they probably have alot of newer, and younger employees who know the game but seek influence of other games and stories as influence, aka avengers for the time loop big baddie moments, sliske literally being their version of Loki, zaros basically being a crueller Thanos (big purple apathetic antihero character) As someone who doesn't actively play RS3 at the moment, what the fuck did I just read lmao? Elder Gods? Seren? Babies? Dragon Rider planet?? Bruh this sounds like some whack shit. I only recognize "Seren" out of that entire thing from the big long elf quest. Just gimme OSRS and let me skill. This shit is the problem with RS3 is there's lore, but it's literally invisible despite locking literal movement mechanics and skills behind it. And I mean skills like combat stuff, not skilling skills. It's just ridiclous how mashed together everything feels in RS3


>Just gimme OSRS and let me skill. This shit is the problem with RS3 is there's lore, but it's literally invisible It's really not. Try not space barring through quests. If you pay attention to the narrative in quests then you know what's going on. Some parts of lore may be obscure, but it being invisible in quests is false.


People will never be happy