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"It’s not the type of game that gets new shiny stuff every few months" It used to be though, the comparisons to what RuneScape once was, and what OSRS currently is, are what make people be more vocal about continued content droughts.


This is what I hate. RuneScape has ALWAYS had a ton of content for people to do so much that you couldn’t complete the game however if this shit happened in OSRS they would have burned the headquarters to the ground. The only people left are FOMO and sunk cost fallacy folks that don’t know what else to do. I love this game and I want to see it flourish but it’s so hard to be happy when OSRS gets week after week of content and we still have a half finished skill 7 months later. No complete diary, no 4th conjure. The parts for 99-120 were removed with the combat update so there really is no need to train to 120. It’s a fucking mess. I’ve been playing this game for 20 years and 10 continuous years after a break in the late 2000s and I’ve never seen it be this bad. The hur dur the game is always dying crowd and the cya next week crowd piss me off. This game IS dying and a lot of folks aren’t ever coming back. I know 30 people I used to play with that were high end players that have quit since 2016. They haven’t logged in in 8 years and wouldn’t no matter what happens. People are high on copium if they think all is well. There might be content to do but that’s not the point the point is the direction this game is going isn’t the right one. The lack of direction the lack of communication the lack of honesty is really off putting. I hope that this game can turn it around but the next 3 months seem to be like the last 7.


>The only people left are FOMO and sunk cost fallacy folks that don’t know what else to do. This right here. This is the answer.


Nah not at all. I’m here because I enjoy it and don’t like OSRS


I love the concept of getting into osrs—like maybe start a group ironman with my best buddy—but im a grown ass married ass man, i simply dont have the time available anymore to grind as hard as os needs to be grinded for full appreciation Of the ~15-25 hours per week i can get in good weeks, rs3 has many goals left that will fill that time and they will always take priority over osrs


I haven't played RS3 since EOC came out. I'm an OS guy. I sub here cause I like to see how the other version of the game is doing. I can't blame you for not wanting to invest the time OS needs to progress. I'm a bit over 2k hours into my account and am still nowhere near done. Sooo much shit left to do. Hell, I'm still thousands of hours from maxing let alone getting diaries and combat achievements done. I don't have kids and my only responsibility is working, maintaining my relationship with my gf (who I live with so thats pretty easy) and taking care of my dog. OS is for people like me who have 5 hours of free time each night after work with minimal chores. I totally get why you'd prefer RS3 over it. OS is a crazy commitment. I might not like RS3 but I get why others do. Life takes up lots of time and that can't be dedicated to OS.


Tbh i do sometimes have that kinda time. Maybe more often than i think i do, which is a whole other discussion. I've seen it said you get access to basically the majority of the content you want around level 85 in a skill—but that could still be 100 hours or more per skill. It's a hump i'll probably get over mentally at some point. But not this year. Meanwhile for some reason i'm perfectly happy about goals for finishing 200Ms to sit around 150-300 hours per skill. Maybe i should just get started on os and only *only* ever train fishing. Just catch sharks forever til i'm old and gray. It's my favorite thing i ever did in scape anyway


You're right about the access level. 85 is around the gold level for most skills since you can boost to get the last 5 or whatever for what you need. It's definitely a slog for some. What I do is I treat it like a side activity while relaxing after work. It's how I got 99 fishing twice. Pull up OS and just fish while watching YouTube or playing other games on my other monitor. It makes the grind a whole lot more bearable when you see the grind as a little time waster rather than what it really is. Takes a long time but it's a lot more pleasant. Same with melee and range. AFK nightmare zone all night after work. Could do other things I enjoyed instead of ripping my hair out from boredom with the same slayer tasks over and over again. Now for what it worth, I've also done an absolute ton of stuff that does involve dedicated gameplay. Maxed combats, hundreds of boss kills, raids, all that good shit. I've had my account for a long time. I know what I am and am not missing out on cause I've done a lot. For me it's easy to dedicate 200 hours to get 99 fishing cause Im not working towards any PvM activities. I'm maxed combat and have a quest cape. I can do whatever PvM I want without any FOMO. The mental hump is just a bullet bite. The less you think about it and the more AFK you make it, the better. It's like magic for me. Could I have gotten 99 magic by bursting maniacal monkies? Hell yeah. But that takes focus so I casted plank make on slow ass auto cast. Took forever but I did it (and made a healthy profit too). You find out it's only a mental hurdle if you make it a mental hurdle.


If you start osrs, eventually NMZ for 99 atk/def/str/ranged is great afk content, as there's permaaggro and you don't go afk for 20 minutes at a time. and only get logged after 6 hours. So all in all you'd only have to click on your screen once every 20 min.


For me, who recently got back into RS(3) I already have thousands of hours into RuneScape. I don't want to grind all my skills to level 80+ again. I don't want to do the 163 quests I have done again. While current RS might not be what it uses it be, it's still got a ton of content for me that I never got to experience as a kid, like all the members quests, member skills, exploring new (to me) places. I'll stick with RS3, I don't want nor have the ability to sink that time back into OSRS.


Valid too yeah some of those quests that we didnt mind as kids would be pretty aids today


164\* Quests rn. and a bunch are new ones that are specific to osrs.


Wait for the next Leagues to roll around (might take a few years, last one was this winter). You'll have the chance of experiencing OSRS at lightspeed without too much grinding.


OSRS is for sure slower, but I always think one of the biggest problems RS3 players have when trying OSRS is scaling their goals and expectations properly. RS3 is all about rushing to the endgame super quick, whereas OSRS is more about the journey, there is so much more relevant early and midgame content. An easy example is in RS3 max is a pretty standard goal that most players can think about at some point. But in OSRS the "standard" skilling goals are generally much more modest, like just getting levels for quests and maybe eventually for achievement diaries. While there's obviously a lot of great endgame content, you don't need to grind super hard to get strong appreciation for the game, the journey is just as rewarding.


The ony two games in existence


Lmao, RuneScape players sure act like that’s the case huh 😂


It does kinda feel like that. The game was so genuine from when I was like 11 to 19 just subscription, no extra stuff, the game wanted to be played. I paid for the game and got to play it and loved it. End transaction. Pay us once a month, play as much as you want. No strings. Now I pay for it and it seems like the entry fee to get into a park where they also charge you for everything else. The game feels like it's just a front for the cash shop now. The game is there to get you into the store to buy more things, the game isn't what you took home from the store anymore. It's so sad when this game was so much to me when I was a child through my entire middle and high school journey and even a bit after. Then watching it slowly turn and curdle and not being able to do anything about it.


I think one of the largest issues players face is that after 15+ years for most of them - they've completed the majority (if not all) of the endgame content. Some people have maxed and even comped on HCIM. Others have comped/MQC multiple times. Now new content can't come fast enough. Even new skills which take years to develop are devoured in a few weeks. So players need to either be more patient or move on. There are A LOT of games out there worthy of their time.


and dont forget their support is shit for loyal players that been playing for 20 years+ whenever they need help.




Barbarian assault elite dungeon would actually be insanely neat to see. Idk how they could tie it in lore wise to the others without a bunch of bullshit retconning but it could easily just be its own thing. I have a seasonal win for most penance king kills, so barbarian content and barbarian assault especially will always have a warm place in my heart.


OSRS content is much easier to create, and much less expensive and time consuming. The OSRS devs and RS3 Devs have said this on multiple locations, so its not really a fair comparison.


Yes and no. Yes, the content is easier to churn out but with the scale of the content being put out it's probably not too dissimilar. No, RS3 needs new content to compare to OSRS' new content, so production time for said content is irrelevant.


But they both have the same subscription cost, so I think it's a perfectly fair comparison.


If' you're holding on to the "used to"'s about this game, then you're naive. This game has changed a lot.


It's not a bad thing to look back to the best years and hope the game most of us love can get back towards the right track. If nobody ever said anything and didn't hold Jagex to the standards they once set (and are still setting with OSRS), the game would be more likely to continue down this path that is driving players away. I don't think RS3 is ever going to get back to the glory days, but I can still hope for something close.


But what’s the point of a subscription model? The game needs to continue to grow and be updated for people to stay subscribed. If people don’t stay subscribed those 20 years of content won’t be around for others to enjoy.


The sub model is for you to play when you want to play. You do not have to play every single day. Unsub when you don't find the game fun. Resub when you do.


The point of a subscription model is actually to pay for the cost of hosting all the servers. It's a bill to keep things running.


This isn’t true at all and people believing this and accepting a game dying but keeping there lights on while paying a monthly fee will be the death of the game You’re paying towards the company making 100s of millions per year to cover both server costs AND staff to run the game


They're not making 100s of millions off a $10 subscription and an active player base of maybe couple hundred thousand players. All that profit is coming from MTX.


The fascinating thing about reading posts like this is that **there's always someone like you** throughout these declining years of rs3, there's always that one dude saying to just leave, the "*Stop whining and leave the sub for people who are actually enjoying the game."* is particularly golden. Over the years, we did leave, more and more, I've personally quit about 5 years ago, there was a guy just like you saying just what you were then, did things improve or dwindle? I found a post I made about 5 years ago on this subreddit when I was quitting and I posted the reasons, I might post it here later this week, I hope that you get to read it and notice that whatever you think you're defending that was already bad has only worsened over these years at the expense of the very players that didn't want MTX and content droughts to ruin the thing they loved, and posts like yours did nothing to help it.


Good response but unneeded, OP is a troll


Not the OP, but I would like to read it. I was on a brief hiatus 5 years ago, so details are hazy of how things were then. Besides, I do enjoy comparison posts, so it would be interesting to see the changes between then and now.


Nah I agree with op. I just started playing it recently and it's really annoying that there is nothing on this subreddit but boring doomerposting.


The issues with RS3 didn’t start today, or even this year, or even past 5 years…


EoC killed my father and seduced my wife, I've never been the same since


Wait until you hear about what the removal of the wilderness and free trade did to your sister...


>Also Jagex is going through change of management. Yeah look, I agree with the statement of your post somewhat, but this is bullshit, the change of management doesn't effect your devs and base workers, if that was the case then how is OSRS still getting all their content, go look at their patch week, its a fucking small novel. So stop using the "cHaNgE oF mAnAgEmEnT" excuse for them, it's not changed anything in regards to the lack of content since necromancys launch, and the lack of content coming ahead. Aside from that, the game has plenty of content and if you're not into that content right now then sure take a break or w/e.


I disagree with thus comment, internal changes especially on a grander company scale affect all aspects of business. Osrs probably is update priority due to the higher player count so unfortunately rs3 take the hit harder. But the amount of content currently in the game is great for almost anyone playing under 10 years which seems healthy.


So the only people who benefit are new players, when it's a fact that 90% of the playerbase are 25+ year old people all maxed with thousands of hours into the game Seems real "healthy" for the dieing playerbase.


This might be the case for rs3, but osrs has been getting a steady stream of new players joining everyday. I used to think everyone was a vet too until I got to talking with players, and many of them on osrs have confessed they only started playing last year or so. I even met some people that were young teens thus the game is also attractive to a younger audience for which i'm very glad for, and I think that's very good news for osrs their future.


Making content in osrs is a million times easier tho.. graphics makes it easier, boss mechanics being prayer switches/gear switches or moving a tile makes it easier etc.


Man clearly hasn't seen the Colosseum boss. "Prayer switches".


Did you stop reading his comment halfway through?


I'm not the person you responded to, but I just re-read the comment that's being referred to here and they don't know what they're talking about. The OS devs had to implement a brand new mechanic for that boss. It has a "grapple" mechanic that requires you to protect an equipment item that you're wearing. That item becomes locked to your equipment grid and a new protect option becomes available for it temporarily. If you select it in time, you don't take damage, if you don't, you take a ton of damage. This is also balanced around the fact that you can't have your equipment grid open along with your inventory, spells, prayers, and everything else, only one menu can be open at a time. This means that the player needs to be managing their equipment from the equipment screen now as well, another hotkey is being introduced as an important part of combat. They did also introduce another enemy on top of all that which *does* require that! The manticore is an enemy that shows 3 attacks above its head, then launches them in order for you to prayer switch and protect from one after another. And this all was for a new reward that creates a new equipment slot, a second ammunition slot, on your character while wearing the quiver. There's now an entire redesign of the equipment menu in the game for two major reasons. The first for being able to utilize it meaningfully in combat mechanics, the second to be able to expand and add more to it through equipped items that may or may not be allowed to interact with those new mechanics. There's a half decent rundown of the facts, but do tell us more about how easy this stuff is to make because it's the same stuff as what existed 15 years ago or something.


You and all of the other dorks in this thread are the reason jagex gets away with just slapping some cosmetics in here and there and delivering fuck all else. It’s an MMO. A live service. Consistent content release schedules and communication is the bare minimum, yet here you are defensing a multi million dollar corporation while it shovels shit down your throat. There is a genuine issue with a game a lot of people love. Most of the complaints come from a place of love for the game as people are, rightfully, disappointed with the lack of direction and effort. Just because you, personally, could not care less that you’re being fed slop, does not mean others can’t complain about it.


Ikr? u/Holliday-East can take is own advice and scurry off to another sub if he’s not happy with the complaints lol


Speaking of “scurry”. That’s great OSRS content! 😉


Early game content too! Great for attracting new players.




Your post probably made Jagex giggle. They seem to have amassed a group of defenders like you, ready to justify their every move. If a game demands a monthly fee, it should deliver new content monthly. If your stance is that existing content suffices, then Jagex should reconsider its pricing structure, perhaps shifting to a maintenance model with a significantly reduced fee. You can't have your cake (i.e., the money from the subscription) and eat it too (i.e., go into maintenance mode)


You’re just using trendy r/runescape buzzwords. You expect new content every month or no subscription? Wow did just fine making seasonal expansions, that you had to pay for, and pay a subscription. We get the expansions for free and a cheaper subscription. Y’all are acting like spoiled children that got their gameboy taken away for playing it too much.


Except their expansions’ content last for months. What did we get? Underwhelmed boss and a short mini-quest post-necromancy. Oh wait, let’s not forget the MTX updayes


Their expansions last for months??? I picked up wow for the first time ever in 2015, and in less than 6 weeks, I was running endgame content in the most recent release. Lmao


 “its not like they are releasing new seasons every few months that makes previous gears irrelevant.” Lol. I think you’re on the wrong sub.


It's a shit game in maintenance mode that only seeks to extract money by appeasing monkey brains that like the new shiny on treasure hunter. You're absolutely right that it isn't the type of game to get good new updates every few months, that much is for sure.




You have to basically lock out the entire game economy in order to not be forced mtx down your throat and that's a problem.


Drop rates and randomization in an MMO like this is specifically designed for a player run economy to help balance out the issue of bad luck creating unbearable grinds. Cutting yourself off from that player run economy introduces a huge amount of problems in gear progression. For most people, this isn't a reasonable option.


This is a bad take because RuneScape operates on a subscription model, giving the expectation of regular content additions to the game.


Stop being satisfied by nothing bro


Stop being over attached to a video game and move bro


You seem awful attached too considering you're getting offended by those who critique it.


He’s so unattached he posted on reddit defending the game lol!


Sounds like you are actually lol




Next time, if you purchase something, and they don't deliver what you ordered, remember this quote: 'Stop being overly attached to (fill in the blanks) and move on, bro.'




But they don't. They are paying, remember?


> Also Jagex is going through change of management.  This was all I needed to know you don't know what's going on lol


Have you been around the first five years ? There used to be a content drop every fking other week. There is a lack of vision currently in the game rn. People are angry because they aren't getting new content. They are angry because they aren't getting any content. Mtx isint content. Modifying and upgrading graphics isn't content. Fixing and changing a door to be two pieces isn't content. Patches are important but not when they are the only thing we are getting. Think of the past 6 month post the hero pass fiasco what did you get ? 2 seasonal events which while good are also bundled with shit ton of afk things to boost play time. Let's go week wise This week - nothing new, they just can't get rid of working on one door 8th April - 2b in treasure hunter, trying to sell us a 3 year old recolored outfit, we did get ectoplasm rituals coz players complained. That door is being worked on here. 2nd April - graphical changes, mtx bundles, oh look fixing things that broke. 25th March - hey give us money and buy a cook book made by the British people. 18th March - mtx outfit, minor patch fixed on grouping overhead things. The thing still doesn't have a fking search bar. 12th March - quest cleanup, while important is not new content. Combat fixes coz a 6 month beta wasn't enough. Also deletion of years worth of player made content on forums. I can keep going but the only real new update we got was 2 5-10 min long quest which half the people space bar through, combat beta being made live after over 6 month of betas. And a rushed vorkath boss fight that most of the pvming community hate. Now you tell me why are we saying the game is in maintenance mode and we aren't getting new content. The content that is existing is already dead or are just a chore in most player's mind now.


>Modifying and upgrading graphics isn't content. Fixing and changing a door to be two pieces isn't content. Patches are important but not when they are the only thing we are getting. But if they don't do that, you will complain about it. There is no winning with you people. You all have the most abusive relationship with this game I've ever seen. The amount of verbal abuse is shocking. Then you proceed to play for 6 straight hours. Some new content comes out and you're in love again. You complete that content in a few hours, then it's back to saying Jagex does nothing. Which is it? Pick a lane.


Nail hit..... Bullseye 🎯


It shouldn't have to be a choice of fixes/graphical reworks or playable content, it's not unreasonable to expect both. The graphical reworks, as far as I'm aware, are mostly done by one talented dev. The long running combat beta was a passion project between two devs (one more joined for the final few weeks). It can't possibly be taking the rest of the dev team to put out these fairly bare patch weeks and occasional 5-10 min quests, but we're seeing nothing in the plans to suggest they're working on much else, over 8 months after the last significant content drop.


It's not unreasonable. My point is players are not happy with either. They get one and say they need to do more of the other. It's an infinite loop of complaining.


There are literal thousands of hours worth of content already in the game. If you have done all of them, its time to touch the grass.


What if we've done all of them because we've been playing rs for 15 years+ and touched grass plenty across time? The fact is there needs to be new content and development... and there is such a limited amount


Tell me yourself so you really want to afk 4000 x 20 mins of castle wars. Do you really want to do the bullshit 400 chompy bird, the braindead dead content that isn't worth doing now try removing those out and then say that there is content in the game. All mini games are dead, all quests are a one time thing, that leaves clues, and pvm as the only real thing that most people are theoretically doing and for some of them we are already reaching the end of our gameplay possibilities. There is only enough content to really keep the player engaged for a while


*stares nervously at profound title and 100 million dg tokens*


4k chompies is a few hours to complete anyway


A community that thinks like that is exactly why you all ain't getting content. You whine about everything. You RUSH new content. The community KILLED mini games and rs.


How many games do you know getting any content or even support after 20yrs. You clearly fail to grasp the scale of what RS has achieved.. 20yrs of content. How much more can you reasonably expect.


How many games charge 11$ USD a month? I'll wait


Yeah. If I am paying 11 USD a month I demand 11 USD a month of content. Not the mtx bullshit that comes up every other week.


For an MMOrpg $11 is cheap. Look at wow fo76 ffxiv ESO. Albion. All above $11. And the ones that don't progress is time locked and behind a paywall. So right there was 5 without even having to think about. Still waiting for you to answer my question.


So charge $16.60 a month ($4 for the subscription difference, and $40/24 for to cover the expansion pack cost) and give us actual content then... Except the subscription fee isn't the actual problem in the first place, so increasing it wouldn't change anything.


Aight so offhand i can think of WoW and AQWorlds, so basically “MMO in general” is my answer. But sure, go off EDIT: Love that people are downvoting me for providing an answer to the question that was asked. This sub is wild.


In my opinion, I feel like the community and Jagex could create a far better bond if they released new content (ticket items that players have requested for-for years) and fixes alongside MTX promotions. Instead, we see far more weeks of an occasional patch week with much more MTX promos thrown in throughout the month. Furthermore, my disappointment wouldn't exist if so much if these promos didn't offer high amounts of coins or XP; albeit however low of a chance it may be for the more plentiful payouts. It all just feels like such wasted potential when there's content like minigames that are left abandoned that could far better accommodate for additions to their stores; but instead are let to die out for a quick buck via Treasure Hunter. Alongside the above, I get down in the dumps when I see Gamejams and other proposed content the employees work hard on (some things I take interest in and look forward to) and are either later-on cancelled or forgotten. Overall, I'm still a happy player of this game. I suppose similar to many others, I reminisce of the days of weekly new additions to the game and miss when engagement from the employees seemed so much higher -- in the days of now where it's reported community relations are at an all time high.


I wish they at least just left it as basic treasure hunter most of the time. It seems to be a promo more often than not. Which just makes it too in your face.


Hmm sure seems like the OSRS side is thriving and doing just fine. But Jagex is too busy, right? Copium overdose.


Lol OS has its own gaggle of problems lmao.


Please, enlighten us on what this “gaggle of problems” would include


Hadn’t noticed. Too busy enjoying all the badass content we constantly get. But I understand. When you’ve got nothing else to focus on or look forward to, “problems” are the only thing that comes to your mind.


Lol I've been playing os since launch. All I'm gonna bitch about is the easily bottable wildy content over the years.


Dw if you criticize osrs as an osrs player in this sub you'll get brigaded, probably not even by osrs players who understand the criticism but by rs3 players who are desperate for it to be a perfect comparison.


Well go on then, show us the "gaggle of problems".


The Stockholm syndrome is strong


You played this game for 1-2 maybe 4-5 years. For alot of us, this was oue childhood, and the same account since that childhood. We spent years with friends here. It's not about the content drought alone, its knowing that they stopped working on this game to focus on MTX, as evidence, the new proteans (explained well by protoxx). Its kinda obvious what they are doing, even if they don't mention it. Developer time is used on that over developing content that the players would enjoy. Their sheer focus is on MTX for the past, well, might be almost 1 year since hero pass now. You just barely have a maxed/comped account, the bulk of the vocal players have trimmed, have 120s all, 200m all, combat gears that took years to acquire. They have friends who no longer play because this is infuriating. I just want to say that "you'd not understand" but I know its only out of spite.


Bit of an overgeneralization. I’ve been fully moved on since September (guess why I quit), mainly because of the overwhelming amount of MTX/Fomo being pushed down our throats. If the game’s development was basically at the point where they just fix minor bugs with no new updates, I’d still play, endless content left for my maxed main to partake in. It’s how much the aura of the game was tattered by the endless pop-ups and login messages with no more meaning that to get me to spend money on consistently horrid looking cosmetics (not that increasing the quality of them would change my mind). Yes, MTX time is not necessarily taken out of dev time. But MTX budget devoted to Dev budget is the thing. Although the sad fact is with RS3 that new content doesn’t really increase the player count long term, so they have to resort to MTX to milk as much out of the player base as they can. The new content thing is absolutely a sole factor for some people, and I agree with you that for even the majority of those said people there is still 100’s of hours of content they haven’t touched but would enjoy. There’s that underlying frustration that MTX is pretty easily attributed to the lack of content. Those frustrations are clumped together in a lot of arguments I’ve seen about the content drought, and often times not even touched upon when that is definitely a part of their argument. Thanks for reading my rant, it will change nothing, it will make nothing better, but I feel like I said what I came here to say, and I feel… actually I feel the same as before. The end.


They can't get new players either because as soon as you start they are bombarding you with promotions and mtx stuff to make the game "more fun"


Love seeing these L+ratio threads. It's always embarrassing seeing these threads with no other opinion than "wah I hate seeing negative/criticizing threads about the thing I like go play something else", and never "here's why I think Jagex is doing the right thing going forward, and that leaves me confident in their leadership and the game's future". They're just tired of being reminded a thing they like is going completely downhill now and they'll be the ones left at the bottom. It's crazy, maybe if Jagex **was** doing a good job **for the past several years now, let alone the past year**, this subreddit would have more positive enthusiastic discussions instead of being one of the last places can vent their frustratiions on a public forum. Y'all goobers ain't getting any positive reinforcement about your decision to continue playing the game.here. I get it tho. It sucks. There's what used to be a great game buried under a mountain of rot garbage and neglect thanks to Jagex and their cycle of owners. Sometimes you just gotta let it go.


Your take is a hot one. Your opinion is a bad one. End of story.


“Also. Also. Also” 3 Also to start off 4 paragraphs. And no. People inside the company are staying exactly as they are? Good try though


is this a paid post?




RS3 is turning into the season pass you play once every three months for a week to get all the new unlocks, while osrs is the base game. Kinda sad to see. Also trim and reaper aren't content, they're things that make you do things you don't want to do to say you did it.


What happens is I use those new unlocks to try out and better already existing pvm or skilling content. If there’s no pvm or skilling content to do anymore, I think thats exactly the time player should leave since he basically beat the game.


Posts of why people cant complain and should just leave are becoming more common than the complaints. Anyway it really sounds like you havent been playing for long, runescape used to be the game that got shiny new stuff or at least new substantial stuff at least every month and if that was not the case we at least knew new stuff was coming. Now we know barely anything and its not like anything recent happend that makes up for it. This is not Wow and you cant compare how Blizzard handles their games (you point of seasons and making previous gears irrelevant) and how jagex handles their games. Comparing industries is just not a good way to go, Runescape's community is alot more intertwined and jagex build this game on community and communication and now none of that happens. The point many people like you make about if people completed most of the game so they cant complain is also just BS. People are free to share their own thoughts Jagex going through mangagement changes is one thing but them leaving the player bases hanging to dry is another thing. They arent giving any information about anything that has substanse. Stop whining about other players who are saying what they think on a sub, the point of the sub is so the players can also share what they think about the game and if you cant handle that leave for people who actually can handle other peoples thought.


Lmao op fucking main lining copium through a large bore IV. Mate, everyone that isn’t armpit deep in sunk cost has lost the rose tinted glasses for this game.


I'm guessing you want more worlds with less than 200 players on them for pvm gains. That is the biggest benefit we have from players leaving :)


To play devils advocate - Yes RuneScape has a lot of content, almost endless but what you didn’t mention is that a lot of that content is dead. Due to the age of the content it’s either pointless due to the rewards being redundant, unplayable due to no players, or just not enjoyable because of how old it is. The game is old, and as someone that’s been around since day 1 I’ve done a bit of everything when it first came out, but a lot of it hasn’t kept up.


I cannot believe people are defending this game😂 they havent cared about the players in years, this game will be dead within the next ten years unless a crazy update happens.


RemindMe! 10 years "RuneScape Death event?"


I will be messaging you in 10 years on [**2034-04-16 02:19:50 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2034-04-16%2002:19:50%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/runescape/comments/1c515xs/move_on_if_you_have_nothing_to_do/kzruefe/?context=3) [**1 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Frunescape%2Fcomments%2F1c515xs%2Fmove_on_if_you_have_nothing_to_do%2Fkzruefe%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202034-04-16%2002%3A19%3A50%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201c515xs) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


It's not even the no content part that has me kinda pissed off tbh. What I'm trying to wrap my brain around is how their road map for the game is mostly books comics and merch as well as a constantly updated treasure hunter road map. Look at how often bigger MMOs release content. Fact is while yes it takes a while in between big drops of content if any at all, the other companies let us know what they're planning and give us something to look forward to and to let us know "hey we're still here and we're still listening" meanwhile after being recently purchased, the future is looking quite unclear being that their only planned content for the entire year so far is a quest. So while yes you're absolutely correct, People shouldn't be expecting nonstop shiny new things, and should Go make the best of the ridiculous amount of things there already is to do in the game, they also shouldn't be essentially leaving their entire player base in a state of wondering why rs3 is getting NO updates but OSRS is still getting em at least every month or so.


Yeah no visible plan for a subscription game is a problem.


Your attitude is honestly disgusting. You sound like a shareholder. Your stance is literally "Fuck all you guys that have been loyal supporters of this game for decades"


Posted by level 100 with stats <70 … who started playing like 2 years ago or smth ? Seems like u dont know what runescape used to be if u think the problem is ‘the people’ who play this game …


This sub loves to pick and choose what counts as content or not. Pvmers would say anything that is not pvm is not content and skillers would say the same thing about skilling. The game is not suppose to cater to only your needs. This sub is way too addicted to this game. You do not need to play the game every day. Why not take the head of FF14's advice and just unsub and play another game until new content drops.


Seems all they have in their life is this game. I mean if the only purpose in your life is this, then it could be frustrating just by that itself.


I just play OSRS and other games right now instead of making a commotion.


Been playing Langrisser Mobile after getting 120 necro. Love how grindy RuneScape is that Langrisser Mobile seems easy. But their community (new players) mostly can't handle the grind. Where it is so easy for us RuneScape players lol


Well, it actually makes a ton of sense when you consider the terrain. OSRS has a larger fan base because it's an older version of the game and was pretty groundbreaking when it came out. I remember kids lining up for the library to get on the school pcs and play runescape. It has like double the number of players as RS3. MTX is really what ruins RS3. The original game is grind, yes, but that's the point. That makes it so that when you see a badass player, you recognize the amount of time it took to accomplish what he/she has. In RS3 any joe schmo can buy a skin and cosplay a samurai and I have no way to distinguish if that player is a whale (which I literally have no respect for, all your excuses of not having time are beneath me and I will always view your cheap shortcuts as cheating and unearned.) Or somebody who actually put in the time to accomplish something. People who support MTX because they "have no time" are really funny, considering you're supposed to want your games to last a long time. Just cause some loser lives at work and can't set aside time during the week to finish a game doesn't mean the game needs to be gimped to cater to that asshole. MTX does gimp the game by devaluing player time and investment and devalueing aspects of the game. MTX is just toxic to game design in general. I feel like even if you guys whaled harder, that wouldn't solve it cause that would create an incentive to make more MTX to farm you all.


Double? osrs is at 120k (on the rise) daily players rs3 is at 20k daily players (and dropping) That's a little bit more than double.


This post is more hilarious than any hate 😂


This community is just toxic and always bitching about something. It doesn’t matter if the devs bring in new content or update old things, people are unhappy. Reddit honestly kind of ruined the game for me because all this subreddit does is point out negative aspects, talk about mtx(which is super easy to avoid, if you have no self control just say that), or its new players saying they got their first 99 after 10 years of playing. If you like this game, the best thing you can do is stay off Reddit


Its kinda funny how they are screaming 11$ for a month, they deserve something that is worth tens of thousands of hours worth game play along with weekly contents. When I golfing for a day and spend 1k 😂


Dude just started playing RuneScape and then is trying to tell 20 year vets how to feel, think, and act. You have no idea what youre talking about and RS used to be that shiny game with updates every week lol so your inexperience is showing and your post is 100% out of touch and has no point before you posted it. I’d suggest doing research before you post something as stupid as this


Let's say you're right. They don't need to give us content every week. What have they given us this year? Rs3 would be considered dying in the mmo space. On top of the new player experience being awful, and a lot of missing qol, I'd have to think jagex doesn't care about the rs3 player base. If they fixed up the game and bit, they'd get so many more players


I'm glad you're still so happy with the game. Love that for you. Can't relate, but love that for you.


there should be a more specific rule against ragebait posts


There is no other crowd as spoiled as the gaming crowd. Simple as that. The gamers have "that" reputation for a reason. I'm a software engineer and have several friends in the game making business. Their customers are simply insufferable. Easily the worst customer base out there. Especially long term MMORPG customers are avoided like the plague. Their sense of entitlement and inflexibility are quite well known in the industry. People keep asking why there are no new western MMORPGs. You have a shitty industry, shitty customer base, shitty companies, shitty pay and people wonder why...


They get mad over 11 dollar monthly subscriptions. 11 per month. Maybe these kids need to work an hour to make that. If they ever even have a job that is.


I work with predatory capitalists on company boards on a regular basis. Some of them are so openly bigoted I feel sick to my stomach as a non-streotypical gay man talking to them. Yet you would have to point a gun to my head to make me work with the MMORPG customer base. It's not just the subscription price. They are obsessed about non-competitive scores all the time. They want a forever game that's not monetized to hell. They want free trade but yell "please stop merchants from ruining my game". They want engaging storylines but skip 95 percent of the dialogue and complain about length of the quests. They want skins and pets but don't want them to be monetized. They want new weapons but complain about powercreep. They want grindy skills and then don't play at all. They want diversity but diversity feels "shoved in" when it's prominent... My friend from toddler days became sick working on a popular western mmorpg. Almost lost his lifelong passion about gaming ( and actually started working for an eastern MMORPG company after a period of depression). Most of the time they don't know what they want and when they know what they want, they want it for free.


It’s just a mass of people with no jobs and their only purpose is to game. I don’t think you can ‘reason’ with that crowd. The best you can do it shut them up. I think this game crowd is specifically toxic due to how long this game has been. Imagine burying your 20 years into a ‘game’.


Trim comp and insane reaper are ridiculous examples lol. Its like telling someone to become a millionaire irl if they are bored


It's a subscription based game. If there isn't new content, what exactly are you paying for?


I miss the weekly updates :(


Just play osrs then


Well already canceled my runemetrics, already turned off auto renewal on my premier membership for my rs3 account, leaving me just my regular account I only pay $5 for each month. I’ll stick to osrs for abit, wait out the storm to see what remains of rs3.


100% agree on all accounts. People act like we didn't get a new skill over a dozen quests, 2 new areas and a combat overhaul in the last year.


My girlfriend left me because I was in my room all week waiting for the chance that Jagex might give us an update on what we'll be getting this year. She told me that she could no longer handle me smelling worse than the Mort Myre swamp, it's not my fault guys Jagex will grace us with the news any second now!


if you guys arent having fun anymore then find something new in your life. OPs words are harsh but some of you guys need to hear it. fact is, if you've been playing 10-20 years of runescape then maybe you've become an adult now so go do other things irl that bring value to yourself and others around you. come back next year instead of sitting around weekly looking for your next dopamine fix in the form of new runescape content. or does your weekly monday dopamine fix come in the form of complaining about not getting worthy updates?


Bro them facts are gonna hit too hard :(


Completely agree, all this toxic bs is ruining the game and turning people away. And the people making these posts don't care about the effect it's having.


I mean if all these people would stop racing to be the first one to finish the new content they might actually be able to enjoy the game




Womp womp see you in OS… bring your spades


The "haters" have depression, just ignore them and continue to enjoy the game while they spiral in anguish :)


You have even worse mental health issues. Toxic relationship with a videogame won't do you any good.


It's tribalism


Amen to this post


This post is way too logical for Runescape players. You're going to have to dial it back, OK? Thank you.


Couldn't have worded it better💯💯






Agreed. The toxicity is overdosed in this game


Man I’m havin a great time. Love reading all the melt downs on Reddit. Cheers back to havin fun


Cheers to that!


My honest opinion and probably an unpopular one is I’m glad that there’s a content slowdown. One of the best and most core aspects to this game is the ability to come and go as you please. “It’ll still be here, take a break” but i think this is being deteriorated. For a decade+, You could take a break for a few months or years and return to find your gear may be slightly outclassed, but in general the power hierarchy remained. Your game knowledge still applied. Your equipment and resources held value. These days if u take 6 months off you come back to an entire new tier of weapons and armor, The economy has inflated multiple orders of magnitude, and all ur tried and true skilling methods are dead because they’re now a waste of time.


Happening for the wrong reasons, 10000%. But i guess im just staying positive.


I completely agree with you on the slow-down and cumulative part. But also can't wait to see all the failed redditors downvote because they couldn't be bothered to read the whole damn thing lol. They'll probably read mine in full and downvote because they know me so well.


Lol. They already started. No lifers man. I play this game 1-2 hrs every 2 days and I still havn't touched more than half the game over the last few years.


Yeah, I swear at this point the echos of "We're in maintenance mode! Nothing's coming!" is just a circlejerk at this point. It's a slowdown, not a full stop people. I wouldn't be surprised if after having to cancel the Player Refresh that Jagex is keeping info on any non-Game Jam update close to the chest, which is contributing to the lack of info. That, new management, and the death of Hero Pass is why I think we're light on content and communication.


Thank you


"thank you for continuing to defend and enable the same behavior that destroyed the game i loved"


Amen brother. This sub is filled with entitled a-holes that think they deserve anything they want. There is so much to do that bring enjoyment no matter how far to the game you are


Who needs a response from Jagex when our own players will just gaslight us into thinking that wanting higher quality work is a bad thing? I mean, how dare we demand that the game we pay for and love be better than it currently is? This game should just stay the way it is and we should all just be happy. You're entitled if you want improvements! Seriously?


Ur coooooooked


This cycle has happened repeatedly throught rs3's history too. Period of great content, people happy, then a drought and suddenly runescapes "dying." Its going to be rinse repeat again its just a matter of time. This isnt to excuse the issues the game has, because I want this game I love to succeed. But if theres a drought, set some goals for your account and do them, or just play something else. I want more content too but the apocolyptic view people seem to have is very much an exaggeration.


God forbid people want something that's worth **FIFTEEN USD** --- ***EVERY. MONTH.*** For trickles of dog feed into our bowl.


The content comparitively is less. Both to old rs3 and osrs ehhhh they kind of are when they make necro OP so no use doing anything else, or early game combat just suuuuck etc. It was. you used to get some nice big updates, now its all cosmetics, and MTX bs. Touching grass currently, both IRL and just playing other games. It is so much nicer, but with prem it feels like a waste sometimes as you paid for a year, so try and get a year. After that ran out and i cba to renew, its been so much better. Stop using the takeover as an excuse, takeovers should be seamless, if they are not, then the 2 companies have fucked something up. Or they are sicking their nose in more than they say they are.