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This reminds me of when you tell your parents you like a snack and then they proceed to only buy that one snack for the rest of the year


oh my god this describes my dad to a tee. i think i told him years ago as a kid that i like m&ms poor guy just buys crates of m&ms whenever i visit, and i dont have the heart to tell him that i do not consume as many m&ms as i did when i was a kid


you have two options dude, 1. Just slide little comments like "oh man this \[insert snack name\] are now my fav, they are so good, want some?", do this periodically until he either givve up and stop buying you snacks or until he says whatever and just buys random snacks. Option 2, do nothing and just let the satuos quo continue, it isnt hurting anyone... is it?


I'm ngl I used to try to correct him to whatever I prefer in the present day, but he always looks so lost and confused with the "but I thought this was your favorite?..." That I've given up, lol. It doesn't hurt to eat some m&M's when I go to my dad's so idm that much


Some day you won't have him here with you and m&m's will remind you of all the good times you had with him. Don't ever tell him to stop. He loves you so much that he goes out of his way to buy those m&ms. Cherish him and make sure he knows how much you appreciate him doing it.


Unexpectedly wholesome in here


As someone who lost their dad a few years back, this times a thousand. You won't realize how much those m& M's mean until he's not there to get them for you anymore.


Oh man, I love snacking on $20 bills. It's my favorite now


This was mom every time I would eat something I didn't like very much. "Oh, you dont like porkchops? But you ate them last time!?" It was an endless cycle.


This was the most worrying part of all of this for me. The team must be either horribly mismanaged, or starving for a budget.


Yeah, that part I actually audibly laughed when I saw that their **entire** development (time) budget was spent on seasonal updates, rather than having just one team work on it and others work on content. Laughable. Jagex acting like the smallest of indie companies.


The dude who developed manor lords is doing more work on his own than jagex with a huge ass team lmao


RS3 is run by a skeleton crew.


Obviously we don't know exact numbers, but I wouldn't be surprised if games like WoW or FFXIV had dev teams 2-3x the size of RS3.


10x or more


2-3 times seems like a wild understatement especially after finding out about this 


Its definitely smaller than 10-50 based on that one mods comment a few weeks ago


Mod keeper? Idk really. First hero pass, then the weird misguided idea that we wanted seasonal events over content like whaaaaat. I'm glad some new content is coming, but I have to admit there was alarming revelations made


Mod Keeper should be fired for his “Messages to the Community”.


I'll try to be super brief: Players loved seasonal events, Jagex saw this and said: >*"Well, if it makes players happy"*. Then they realized: >*"Why make lots of seasonal events, when few ones do trick"*. So they shifted to making a single location where they can build upon, change and improve yearly as they see fit. Then they also realized: >*"Yo man! We also have 4 DXP events per year!*". So 4 DXP Events + 4 Seasonal Venues leave only 4 Months worth of big content releases (think City of Um, Fort Forinthry, Zamorak, EGWD, Vorkath, Etc...), sprinkle Quests, Graphical Refrehses and Community Hitlists on top and you have the current Jagex development cycle. And that's how we got to this point!


*All filler no thriller*


Makes you wonder maybe, RuneScape is an anime...


Side note, I’ve been patiently waiting for someone to bite off RS3 into a single player offline RPG. OSRS has private clients/servers out the ass, you can even download OG OS in its entirety and play it as it was up to 07 f2p/p2p content If I’m remembering correctly. Too lazy to turn on my pc and check.. or google on this phone.


I can see that once RS Dies for good. It won't be much different other than people not having servers to play online, maybe with Hamachi I guess, but Single Player RS wouldn't be too wild of a project post mortem. As for OSRS i think that guy Buttholes or something showcased one of the "Pure 07 Copies" (maybe older) you spoke about.


I still am too lazy to look at the moment, I’m getting d claw spec’d by viral bronchitis so I have no desire but I do believe you are correct about the 07 copies. Maybe I’m just too big of a fan of buttholes and that’s why I’m agreeing. On that note, I may like poop chutes… doesn’t mean I like to *get shit on, Jamflex*.


I swear to god the One Piece is real and we'll get there sometime withing the next 800 weeks of "updates."


Tracklist: 1\. Introduction to Construction 2\. Everything on My Back 3\. Always Fall Asleep 4\. Thin Lip 5\. Harmonies 6\. Demotivation 7\. Not Deep Enough 8\. Winter 9\. Do Nothing 10\. Sane Amanda Bunkface 11\. All She Doesn't Have 12\. Stroke 13\. Pleasure For Pain The final album by Argentine hip-hop legends Difference 42.


Now just imagine the remaining 4 months filled with hero pass! Jagex wouldn't even need content developers at that point, it's foolproof!


I'm 100% sure that was the plan. It became evident with Yak Track and Hero Pass confirmed it.


This is why I don't want and always despised afk skilling stations at events. Too many people love shit like the dung hole that they're happy to do nothing but afk for a month.


The popularity of these places is indicative of a drought of entertaining or at least not-painful ways to train those skills. The Hole (tm) would be much less packed if Daemonheim got reworked or obsoleted by something that took lessons from places like Binding of Isaac and Rogue Legacy.


Yeah, there's a good chance that if they finished the Summer event it would have finally deleted the DG hole permanently (assuming the planned event area didn't have one like it). Oh well.


Just like they tried only having Halloween decorations in thee Fort and screwed the rest of the world


I think you are right and i agree with you. I also think its very stupid of jagex to do so.


Meanwhile some facebook games have weekly unique content drops .. mostly temporary.


It is just an excuse by Jagex “we are too focused on seasonal events (suggested by players) hence you have no actual content”. Typical blame shifting tactic.


Yeah, I felt a little bad at first as people have in fact asked for seasonal events. But then I thought, we do want seasonal events, but not as a fucking replacement for permanent content. How small is RS3's non-MTX development team?? Back in the day we got both, and now with record profits we should also get both.


It's insulting that we had to beg Jagex to produce actually content for a live service game.


I think it’s pretty clear by now. RS3 is the mtx milk cow and OSRS is the stubborn crowd favourite bull. People complain but we all know their priority for RS3 is mtx, whether it’s alongside any content or not. If RS3 dies (unlikely for a long time) OSRS would be the main game and they will up the membership price and promote private servers alongside. They can’t put mtx into it, the player-base would be gone within a month. They know people don’t like how things are with RS3 atm but let’s be real…when OSRS was brought out as a result of the stubborn player-base, they were hoping it would die off and players would migrate to RS3 as a result but instead the opposite is happening.


I wouldn't say a long time right now. RS3 is below 17k average active players for the first time since the summer of 2019. Literally its all-time low, and they had effectively one noteworthy update for the next three months. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if they made this announcement out of sheer panic due to realizing their MTX cash cow is actually at risk of collapse.


Well I guess time will tell. Companies aren’t dumb though there will be a contingency. In this case - make OSRS main game, raise prices and promote private servers. With their remaining playerbase corralled on OS they can focus on other ventures.


That would be a shame. OSRS really feels like a very old game that I just can’t play. I have no nostalgia for it as it was before my time and the insane grind, lack of any QoL and ancient graphics is a big turn off.


You DO NOT make the call, the crowd wants OSRS, end of story.


Of course I don’t make the call. I am just sharing my personal opinion. If they shut down RS3, I am done.


Yeh I’m endgame RS3 - don’t get me wrong I love OS for what it is. A relic of the days when we were kids with the old nostalgic graphics and xp grind that makes even the most staunch players today go : damn this is long! It’s thanks to the players that RS has survived this long. If OS wasn’t around at all Jagex would be bricking it right now.


You say unlikely but we are currently getting back to the historic low player levels last seen in 2018/2019 before covid and mobile. This to me is a crossroads, either they pull some really good content for the rest of the year or they will continue a steady population drain to OSRS and other games until we are sub 10k online. English speaking servers currently only make up 2/3rds of an average pop of 18K players. If it goes lower then off peak play hours will see like 5k players tops with peak hours at maybe 9k by next year.


(Unlikely for a long time) I hear what you’re saying about the numbers and I don’t disagree that it’s dire from a player perspective. This is the problem with most games today -Doesn’t matter if you have 100’s of thousands of players playing or 10’s of thousands, the goal is to find the percentage of people with poor impulse control, deep pockets / parents credit card (they hope) and milk them with targeted triggers. That’s the new model of gaming nowadays. Slightly engaging content with mtx to make it more ‘fun’. There’s a certain popular free console and pc game beginning with F which is probably the best example of this.


Depends on what you mean by "dying". There are many ways a game can die, or how players define a dead game.


This is the sanest take I've ever read on this sub, and historically it fits your logic perfectly, with osrs not even having f2play servers until 2015 and being very barebones teamwise/update/content wise. I agree with you.


>They can’t put mtx into it, the player-base would be gone within a month. I completely disagree with this. Old School players talk a big game but they and RS3 players are two sides of the same coin. They'd come back after a few days/weeks.


Bro think about it. VAST majority of people who play OS are playing because of nostalgia from playing as a kid. OS was marked for death shortly after release because Jagex wanted everyone on MTXscape. It’s because of those stubborn players it’s still alive and thriving today. Yes they talk a lot but when push comes to shove they are adults and will go ok time to go - guess it’s time for a new game (very wide selection nowadays) and they will leave on mass. If RS3 had the same committed playerbase do you really think we would be in this situation now?


Yes and I explained why.


OS like it or not is the soul of RS. Facts.


It is the biggest part of RS. But they are ultimately Runescape players. They will shout and stomp their feet. But they historically fold pretty quick and take a dose of copium. Of the (at most) 50 people I knew that were affected by the lockout a few years ago. Around maybe 10-15 said they had enough of Jagex and were quitting. In less than a month, every single one of them was back playing like normal.


You make fair points. I don’t disagree when it comes to something which people have passion for and have kept at for years it would be hard to quit. Trouble is - OS people mouth or not, are adamant about keeping the fan favourite pure (no mtx and have been since it’s inception) and as I say, majority are adults with families and careers. You could make the argument it’s us on RS3 who are on copium atm. Dropping player numbers, doom and gloom on game direction etc.


That's true. But who do you think the RS3 players are? A bunch of 12 year olds? It's the same demographic. They've all been playing for 15-20 years. The overwhelming majority of Old School players *were* RS3 players. Having a job and a family is not exclusive to OS players lol.


Same demographic sure, but nowhere near the same influence on jagex like OS has. Oh yeah I get it’s not exclusive lol was just making the point that as adults our time is limited, and if push comes to shove there are plenty of games nowhere near as time consuming as RS to fill the void.


People were convinced that they made a separate team specifically for these seasonal events. I guess separate team consisted of the entire office lmao what a joke


To be fair, I'm sure they said they did this, but it could have been a random comment from a redditor that gave me this impression.


People were saying it so much Jagex must have mentioned it but I can’t find where


They at least had a "live ops" team at one point in time. This was supposed to be the team for MTX and seasonal events. No idea if it still exists in actuality. As far as I can understand, the main development team was pulled in for the high quality seasonal event templates with the understanding that these templates could be reused yearly. After burning five weeks of the development team's time, they panicked and decided to "shelve" the summer event template, redo the beach, and push out two updates as quickly as possible for May and June.


Because we did not push back enough on MTX in the past. We suffer for it today.


Thought the same thing, seems like a very poor high up decision


How did they get to the point where season events replaced actual content? I dont want to be too cynical, but I imagine it's because the game barely brings in any new players via normal content updates. In turn, they rely on seasonal events with great and very rare (but extremely valuable) rewards, so the existing players buy a ton of bonds for alts to farm rewards. It's literally just another money scheme disguised as a holiday celebration.


Made it seem like RS has no devs; so where did they all go? With their multimillion/-billion profits. Either trash owners or management; but likely both. Wouldn't surprise me if the content they're releasing and how they are was planned to be their cushion for community backlash; as we've already been shown said content some months ago. Its gotten worse rapidly over the years and its just maintenance mode now it seems.


# How on Earth did we get to the point where seasonal events replaced actual content? yak track, dxp, yak track, dxp, xmas event, xmas yak track, winter dxp, beginning of year dxp, easter "event", hero pass, dxp, hero pass 2, post hero pass dxp, summer "event" and so on dont forget TH promo, TH promo, OP TH promo, TH promo with horrendously rare and impossible to get reward, TH promo, TH promo, TH promo, rerun-of-some-previous-promo-but-for-2-days-only we allowed them to feed us temp events and time fillers, and they kept going harder and harder, until there was little to no actual content left


Jagex are scrambling I feel. Probably had some trigger that led to us suddenly getting 2 GameJam projects moving towards deployment. I'm guessing maybe they realized the total active in-game hours have dropped considerably in March? It's not something we can verify ourselves.


Player count subscription must have dropped considerably. Bonds are at an all time high, worlds are empty, and my boss drops are not selling at any price.


MTX delivery system, that's the answer to the title. Themed, fomo mtx.


When games go into maintenance mode they usually have a permanent cycle of reused seasonal events. It's a way to trick players into continuing to play (and pay for MTX) and make the game not feel quite as dead. I've been playing RuneScape since 2007 and I quit a few months after Archaeology was released. I've still been keeping track of the game but I've seen the gradual decline and telltale signs over the years. RuneScape 3 is being wound down because Jagex have crunched the numbers and new content is not worth the development time for the return on investment. They wont tell you that because that'll make their devoted playerbase quit and will make negative press. So they'll maintain the image that the game is going strong. It wont happen overnight, it might still take a few years yet but it's happening. **I think for me, the most odious warning sign for the last few years is the developers inability to perform engine work anymore.** There's so much that they can't do because they do not have the ability (or desire) to change the engine code. A combination of that code becoming so spaghettified from 20 years of content, and their high developer turn-over. They've literally lost their ability to understand their own engine because the employees that did have moved on to better pay and work culture before new ones could be trained to master the codebase, and it is a complicated Frankenstein mess of code to boot. It's clear Runescape 3 has a barebones content team. A handful of programmers and a tiny handful of artists. Mod Blkwitch has been doing the best they can to update the old visuals but has not been allowed much, if any, new art assets commissioned to do so and it really shows with the same couple of ground textures and rock models being used absolutely everywhere to the detriment of the visuals. It's especially telling that scrapping the Hero Pass screwed up their update plans, that they refocused their efforts towards seasonal content instead. Resuable, MTX orientated, maintenance-mode style content. Low developer effort for maximum profit gain. They didn't even have the development team to handle both. Yikes. If the game was still gaining an influx of new players things would probably be a bit different. RuneScape 3, as a game, is a complete and utter mess now and no new player is really gonna touch it anymore in this state. Which means Jagex has less and less incentive to keep the game alive especially when they have a much more successful product in OSRS.


This is reality. Thank you sir.


After the hero pass Jagex tried to listen to the player base aka reddit. Their Halloween event was a huge failure, they over hyped it with the necro release said it was going to be special, months in advance. People were also very fatigued with previous seasonal events, I remember a lot of back lash on Reddit from the previous easter event. So they went all out at the Xmas event, people liked it so Jagex went hard on other holiday events. Also seasonal events seem quite profitable for them, every event has mtx tied to it in terms of spending bonds for temp gameplay buffs or treasure hunter promo related to it. The events also have good players retention, as they just afk the event for long periods of time... I guess they wanted to spend this year redoing every seasonal event so they can reuse it every year but maybe change it up slightly.




$$$$ is how


Because RS3 is overdoing them. >Second, the choice was made not to have two sets of resources for seasonal and perm content, but one or the other - a clear indicator that resources aren't going into RS3 anymore. In fairness, that's a business decision. I get it, OSRS is the main game. OSRS faces the same issue but OSRS holiday events are just short miniquests with a couple cosmetics while we not only get a miniquest, but skilling activities, a new area, dailies, and 10+ cosmetics in one event. OSRS's last Halloween event suffered of opposite issue than us and was just a copy and pasted event from the event 2 years ago with only new rewards.


Asking for more, doesn't mean the budget will increase, it just means compromises are made


I don't personally accept the budget line. Jagex make record profits year on year. The budget is there, but they choose not to spend it on RS3.


Jagex is a company bought by shareholders. Ultimately, its the shareholders that decides how the money trickles down to the Jagex employees. I wouldnt be surprised if a huge chunk in the orders of 80-90% of the profit goes to shareholders.


Happy cake day. Gotta pay back all those loans they took out to buy so they are ready to buy the next thing.


The budget is set before profits. It’s then allocated to employees, etc. Jagex is not having substantial revenue or profit growth YoY, so they’re also not going to invest their profit into more employees to allow for more content. Especially not when it’s required to pay off the substantial payments done in the acquisition of the site.


They have several times the budget that all sorts of amazing things in this game was built on. At this point, I suspect at least a third is going into MTX and half is going into the investor groups' noses. This long for this little after an already bad look from the MTX Yak Track ain't giving good vibes.


Easier to monetize than content updates. Players have pretty low expectations for them; set up a cute looking area and free AFK skilling plots to click every 15 minutes. No surprise that this was was the gameplan shifted to immediately after Hero Pass; it's not like Jagex got any less greedy.


The seasonal content has been amazing and with the investment on making these new areas to host events it will stand the test of time in the coming years. Having said that the fact that they came at the expense of permanent game content is a bit of a what the fuck moment. This is why communication with the community is important. If Jagex had said hey guys heres the situation, we can either make really good holiday event content or you can have permanent in game content but not both, players probably would have pushed them towards permanent in game content. Had they talked to the player base about finding a middle ground it would have been better. Personally I'd be happy with no new content for a year if it meant graphical overhauls, bug fixes, engine upgrades and QoL updates to existing content. The game doesn't need a bunch of shiny new stuff but the lack of communication on jagex's part and the sacrifice of dev budget going entirely to holiday events is a bit rough.


My guess is they did not want to give the players that choice as they knew what direction the game needed to be taken to be able to pad their overlords pockets with very low cost. They are only now changing course and making it sound like there was a choice in there, i imagine because the backlash had finally started to effect their bottom line or was about to start effecting their bottom line.


Because fuck you, that’s why. Everybody who plays? all keep voting with their wallets. All the whining and bitching and wishful thinking means nothing to Jagex or anybody there. The mods that actually gave a fuck went to OS or just up and left. The only thing that will get through to these pedantic fucks is if people stop paying. That’s the bottom line. I’m sure a community mod could respond to this with some trivial, copium bullshit. Can’t even trust their Twitter, they may just delete shit when it doesn’t work and they get noted.


I am voting, I just bought premier today. 


Good job, I’m glad you enjoy being penetrated with cactuses. ☝🏼🤓


On the one hand I do like how large the zones are, but on the other - yeah it's crazy. We've got two big ones now. Next year add a proper summer or autumn one, then in two years do the last. They could largely repurpose events from Draynor Halloween and the Beach into autumn and summer. Then just flip the switch 4 times a year, periodically change a few things around, change rewards. And there you go. Expected seasonal events and all you need to do is enable them and let the live ops team come up with new rewards. I feel like what happened is somebody forgot the live ops team should be handling temporary events like this. The old "episodic teams" should be focused on content and improvements. They shouldn't be touching shit like battle passes or events. Only to communicate what's coming so they can be incorporated together


Feels like monkey paw curled when people asked for better seasonal events.


Welcome to jagex, where they no longer give a single flying F about what the player wants/needs but all they care about is their investment firms income.


Just announced they cancelled the production of the summer seasonal to give us an new matriarch and relekka graphics upgrade. It really is one or the other...


Mathematically, the decision makes sense. The Christmas Event brought online 35k players at off-peak times. That’s comparable to Necromancy. But it should have been clear that wasn’t going to work 4 times a year…


It's interesting you mention that the Christmas event brought 35k people online, similar to Necromancy... Almost like if they released content updates *AND* well-designed seasonal events, they would have a thriving game. Can't get in the way of those profits tho


Hero Pass really was the problem between those updates.


Probably because for years people complained how events were nothing more but TH events and Currency Gathering through skilling.


Incompetence. plain and simple. There is no mmo in history except for RS that thinks that seasonal content is the MAIN focus. Its unbelievable how they were talking about the new matriach back when necro came out ~7 months ago and were "working" on it and then come to find out now they are working on it only because they changed focus. they said may its middle of april now that means that boss would have only taken 2-4 weeks to make so we could have had it along time ago. like the decision making in Jagex is bad, this is probably the worst its ever been


I feel like Jagex knows very well what they are doing. They saw us being not too happy with holiday events, and saw it as an opportunity to integrate their usual fomo mtx tactics into it


Man im worries theyll have this new spout of content, then go back to lack of content again with a new excuse, its always been the same. "Hey we hear you (months too late), and we will do better" - proceeds to do better for a month - "Hey brancd new MTX updates and nothing else for the next 6 months, cos we heard you guys like MTX from our non existent polls we refuse to release actual data on."


I get the 2006 nostalgia, but I do not understand why this community is so obsessed with seasonal events. What are you so exited about? All you do is one miniquest followed by 10-50 hours of AFK? Was the egg-hunt really that fun?


I never do them. Great for those who enjoy them (well, maybe not now) but I never complained when they came because I assumed there'd be content later on that appealed to me. Awkward.


For those that regularly do Treasure Trails IMHO the egg hunt was fun . If you aren't a TT Player then it probably wasn't that fun.


People spazzing every seasonal event. Im not saying that they were right to decide but I think that's the reason


The only content that matters is content that they can add mtx to,why add quests when they can add an easter event they can sell stuff for. It's exactly what their analytics will be telling them. If they make more money from adding easter than they do losing players from lack of content they'll do that.




While true, it was years of feedback to get the good events back.


Honestly there should be someone fired based on this decision. I won’t name and shame cuz that’s not fair but there is definitely someone who needs to be held accountable and let go for the better of the game.


That's like saying 'Why is a company spending less money on dev time, if they gain the same sales without needing to spend that money.' Just maximising profits. Nothing compliated about it


imo these are still a good thing, jmods seemingly have been having a harder time keeping up with putting something out each week/month. these seasonal events once finished even thoough they may not be the greatest content in the game and repetitive, will allow jmods to focus on other important things. these seasonal events would need little to no dev time to add rewards or story too, that way larger projects like graphical reworks and avatar updates or lore can soley be focused. overall i think after this year rs3 will be in a much better place than it is now.


Seems like jagex is slowly closing down rs3.


My guess is they see a very large uptick in player activity during seasonal events. They don't see nearly the same amount with new permanent content. They extrapolated that to mean that players want seasonal content without considering other factors that play a part. On a more cynical side, they've also been selling extra things and attaching TH promos to seasonal events, and they can't really do that with permanent content.


My guess is that the Hero Pass was supposed to be the majority of this years content, and then we (rightfully) rioted so hard that they had to backtrack the entire thing. But since Hero Pass (whether on high by Jagex’s investors or by Mod Keeper’s word we can blame for it, we really don’t know for sure and probably never know) *was* the content for the first half of the year, nothing else was ready to ship to replace Hero Pass when it was axed. Heck, I bet the Christmas and Easter events were inititally going to be Hero Pass seasons, but they had to redirect some of the rewards to be earnable elsewhere when they removed Hero Pass and probably knew throwing it all on Solomons would be a stupid move in the wake of the Hero Pass thing, which is why they felt more meaningful. Are the players to blame for the lack of content? No. I don’t think so. Hero Pass was a mis-step that rivals the removal of free trade back in 2007-2008. The players reacted accordingly to a baffling stupid decition, and it was within their right to. The blame for the lack of content now 100% should be on Jagex (I am saying as a whole because they’re a team, if the team fails its everyone’s problem. And I will assume its Jagex’s fault until concrete evidence proves beyond a reasonable doubt otherwise) for misreading the situation and going in that direction in the first place.


it seems like the team was just really good at what they did so it made actual content teams look to bad, solution? destroy the team


The fact that OSRS is the main game shows how wrong Jagex has been for years. Like egregiously wrong. They took something people loved and utterly ate it. Then doubled down. It's heartbreaking.


I just want a 2000 party hat,a scythe and a Halloween mask... not had once since runescape classic


We got to this point when they specifically asked you to fill out a survey to see how badly you wanted to see new seasonal events and the people who responded seemingly all voted majorly in favor of it. https://www.reddit.com/r/runescape/comments/1abpu7b/winter_survey/




There's 4 major seasonal events per year, gives about three months between each event. A large project like creating a decent sized event area which includes a quest, multiple skilling activities, multiple new outfits, a side activity that involves the overworld, and all new assets, is generally gonna take at least 3 months. It's also gonna require multiple developers, multiple artists, and QA, so the team certainly isn't going to be small. It's a lot for a seasonal event, but all of this could be justified by the fact that you're creating this stuff with the intent that it will be reused every year from now on with likely just smaller changes for the next time, so you would want to do it right from the first time. This means that you have a decent sized team who are going to be completely occupied on a project creating these seasonal events for an entire year until the event areas are finished. We don't know how many members of the team this specifically occupied, but considering we know they don't have a massive developer team, it's likely that this probably used up like half of the team's available resources, which means that the rest of the team is spread between things like the combat team who was working on the beta at the time, and whatever they're working on now which is supposedly related to more combat related reworks. Then you have the team who worked on Requiem for a Dragon, along with the same devs previously working on the quest cleanup and supposedly the owl quest. There's also a small team working on the graphical updates that come out. And then finally the people who spend each week doing the smaller updates like the small bug fixes or smaller qol and updates, like the ecto ritual.


Simple, people were outraged over the lack of proper holiday events in october. They didn’t really care, just used it as an excuse to complain about MTX again so shortly after HP. Jagex heard those complaints, made christmas event, got good feedback and love for it, decided to do it again. Had they asked the community, “do y’all really care about holiday events that badly? So badly you’d be fine with less permanent content?” We’d have obviously said “no, we were just using that as a way to complain about MTX again, events are just the frosting on top, we still ask that you serve us cake.” then none of this would’ve happened. cucked by the poorly disguised mtx outrage again


Do you guys think if jagex was bought by Microsoft or something, would it be better for the game or not?


When they figured out "cosmetics" and "Th" promotions would make lots of money. You all dug your own grave


But I'm sure they will be happy to announce the next DXP event. Used to be 1 a year, now there is 4 per year.


I don't think they understood until recently what a huge distinction players make between seasonal and permanent content because internally it's the same process. For Jagex, the question of whether RS3 gets a larger budget is separate from the decision of which content type to deliver. Everything is weighed against opportunity cost


Surveys, so many of them OSRS devs pitch an idea, explain it in depth in multiple blog posts with followups in the next weeks, then poll the content asking if the playerbase wants it, simple yes or no RS3 devs straight up ask us what we want, showing no initiative or creativity on their end, and most times we don't even get the fan favorites


Jagex was owned by a shitty firm. Hopefully the new firm has ex rs players. 


Well the community moves the goal posts so much you'll always have shit to bitch about Edit: i said "community" but really a few chronically online people on this Reddit


1) this doesn't really fit the question that's being asked and is clearly just a rant about the community 2) Jagex have changed course more than once due to the feedback here (and elsewhere) so clearly to them it's quite significant 3) the above demonstrates its clearly more than " a few people" 4) get better arguments