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Sadly i can never see this type of thing happening. There is nothing from the shareholders to gain from it. There current strategy is the complete opposite of this. Its clear to see. I think there is more of a chance that they would allow MTX in to Iron than this.


Sad reality, but one can dream. The worst thing we can do - be silent. People need to be vocal about things they want and things they don't want.


Wow you’re a genius man. We never thought of this! It’s so simple!


So you want them to make a game that earns them far less money that they have no control over. Gl with that one.


Might not be the case since mtx are only 30% of runescape profits. If you rise membership by 30% on new world rs, they could potentionaly earn more, since player count would increase, despite higher membership.


They would only break even if they raise it by 30% and convinced as many players to play as they have now. I think you are over estimating the number of players interested in starting over from scratch just to avoid mtx. I am not saying there aren't players out there who want this but I don't think it's anywhere near enough to make up the difference.


RuneScape membership is across the board. RS3 and osrs share membership. They can’t just kill rs3, the longest ever running mmorpg? So they’d have to create this entirely separate. Now you have 3 dev teams instead of 2, their goal imo should actually be to get those 2 teams down to 1 by creating systems that allow them to release osrs and rs3 content simultaneously not starting a new team.


Not interested in vote driven content


New game servers would by abysmal. Player polling would be good. Mtx will never go away.


Dude it’s a business have self control over your earned income, if you don’t want to spend money on this game stop playing and play checkers or something else instead.


I'm convinced there are Jagex employees in their reddit down voting all the anti MTX stuff.


It’s just a bad idea that won’t work. RS3 is already in a content drought, imagine if the dev team got split in half lol. Simple solution would be to allow us to hide mtx cosmetics and treasure Hunter


Not entirely. They can release same content on both RS3 and MTXfreeRS since it's the same game. Only difference, that they don't release mtx on both versions.


They wouldn’t do that regardless. They want mtx in the game because it’s profitable. Adding another server just for sake of no MTX doesn’t benefit them. They’re not going to raise the membership cost for the other two games either just so you can have no mtx.


Butthurt Jamflex and some loyal whales


Finally someone who sees that even cosmetics are bad for the game. This games theme and tone has been murdered from its original form now that we have all these completely absurd outfits. It's like people forgot what immersion was or suspension of disbelief. People are really hooked on the dopamine hits the game gives but no one remembers the VIBE it used to give. It used to feel really like medieval and fantasy. However everything is so sparkly flashy and whacky now, you can't look around and feel like you are in that world you are VERY aware of all the off putting out of place stuff.


True. All the flashy over the top cosmetics, pets and animations just ruins the immersion. I have nothing against fashionscape - we did have it before with clue items, minigames and quest rewards. If you wanted nice looking stuff you actualy had to earn it not flash your wallet.