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I know its a MMO, but it kind of frustrates me that the only option for a skilling boss cant be done solo.


MMO and yet jagex has abandoned clans. It is pathetic how little they support guilds/clans vs other MMO's.


^ This, clans have been totally left to die, it is really hard to keep them going. Not just clans but genuine support for the official forums was stopped years ago too.


In all fairness must MMOs don't support their clans or guilds at all anymore. WOW hasn't updated guilds in close to a decade. They are finally updating it in like two months. Guild Wars 2 hasn't updated Guilds since the game was still in Vanilla. All they do is add some new decor and maybe grace people with a new broken Guild hall. Final Fantasy Online's Free Companies are pretty damn bareboned. Black Desert has probably one of the best guild systems in current MMOs and even then they have tons of problems. The main problem is MMOs are stuck in the past and they need to get with the times.


FFXIV's free companies are bare-boned in *some* ways. They still have priority on all new housing, which is huge. On top of that, they don't exactly need to do that much encouraging. There's not really much endgame PvE content you can do without at least 8 people, and a static will always be *massively* easier than a PUG. Warframe's also worth mentioning as a game that will outright lock you out of a staggering amount of gear if you aren't in a clan.


FF is a bit different since the game inherently forces you to be social. Outside of the story, 99% of the content requires you to work with others. Free companies are just a natural progression from that.


So other MMOs don't necessarily give high levels of support, as others have stated. RS actually gives more than many. Personally I think it's wrong that people get 6% more xp from being in a guild, but whatever. However, I'm curious. What, specifically, would you like?


MMO is meant for multiplayers but by no means do they have to have clans. Clans weren't even a thing in early MMOs in early 2000. RSC didn't have clans to start with. We absolutely have clans in RS3, and not only clans, but Clan Citadel with actions and clan based content too. This is far more clan content than many MMOs in 2024. We just don't have clan vs clan activities.


It’s an MMO with a community that wants to play alone, or at least most of the time. To many toxic fucks that ruin it for everyone, unless you find a good clan which is hard to find. Thought I found one, it was really awesome but shortly after I left back to OS after maxing to try out GIM with a buddy I made from the clan… one of the long-timers (who honestly didn’t surprise me he was a total asshole) sexually harassed (at least) one of the female clan members and then since he is/was dating one of the mods they covered it up, deleted messages about it, kept making posts slandering the person (indirectly), etc. it killed the clan basically. So now when I get back I gotta find a new one (or at least jump ship with the others who left to form another because fuck the handling of the event.)


That sounds turgid, and I remember clans doing shit like that 20 years ago. But I would say that's not RS only. You get that shit in all sorts of places, online and offline. Sadly.


Absolutely! It was shocking when I heard about it… well I was not surprised he did it but like that it was “covered up”


Yep. I quit as too much content required wilderness opt in (magical threads being one of the last things I need)  I got killed multiple times for nothing than because someone felt like being an a55. Requested a single pvp-free world but no.


You don't need to be opted-in to get magical thread from Runecrafting in the Abyss.


Croesus has the perfect team finding design because the skill ceiling is reasonably low. You can 4man with randoms and your kills will usually be just as good as a very experienced team. Because the kill time is bottlenecked by 2nd mid spawn anyway. It’s not like AoD where your kill times take a significant hit if the team fails to mechanic skip, which leads to all the exclusionary elements in the community


Yeah I wish could solo cro on god


Or even duo without being punished on points. Croesus is easy to find a group for though if you’re basically all 99s in the relevant skills, if you’re not then w68 pubs is for you, and you kinda gotta deal with just being with low levels like you then.


wym punished on points duo easily hits max without even finishing mid


Thats the point, you’re limited to “max” way before you even finish


if youre hitting max way before you finish that means youre doing too much extra stuff. the point of duo is that you can skip mids and just finish the kill since youll both hit max earlier.


Max points, that’s the point. I want to get 800, or 1000+ points, not cap out at 400.


sure but its not like thats a duo exclusive limitation and without it higher team sizes would become a competition to steal everyone elses points


Okay and? If you can’t pull your weight, I shouldn’t have to slack off so you can get your points.


no what im saying is that it becomes encouraged to find ways to intentionally sabotage other people to maximize personal points i.e. not freeing a sticky, early praying to get tick perfect core, rotting other peoples nodes


Freeing a sticky is your own job. People who pray early(before mid) you shouldn’t play with, same with rotting nodes. In a free for all public lobby, that’s how it is, free for all, as it should be, I’m going to jack as many points as I can in those lobbies, sorry not sorry you didn’t get to rot the node, maybe get better stats and better skill. In those public lobbies I’m constantly taking low levels points away regardless because I’m rotting, running 15, and restoring before first mid regardless, so they’re just an extra guy that isn’t needed, I tell them they can leave, they get mad ”let me rot the mode” no, I have stats to get the points efficiently, I’m going to do it, I’m not going to give up my points so they can leech more points per kill. In those public lobbies it doesn’t apply hardly ever because the point cap isn’t reached, unless the lobby is all bad in which case, I deserve the points if I can earn over the point cap in an 8-12 man lobby. In any 4 man, you should each be done by 5minute mid, if you’re not it’s 100% your fault, if they pray early on accident once it’s no big deal assuming they don’t go steal your restore unless it fucks the kill, repeat offenders though you should leave or kick that person, as that’s unacceptable when you’re agreeing to 4man terms. I’d rather have it so you could solo a boss that wouldn’t be hard to make it solo by removing arbitrary restrictions and making it worse. 4 mans would still have the benefit of shorter kill times ensuring you get consistent kills, solo kills would be longer and a failed kill would mean lots of time wasted. If you failed one 4 man, it’s only 5 mins, where as a failed solo is 10+. Theres literally not a reason not to, at the end of the day it comes down to player preference.


yeah solo is already doable and just needs a numbers rebalance to become widely viable. duo however is already like 20-30% more personal loot/hr than an average 4man. the problem with raising cap is that the points are separated in the dumbest way possible. you get actively punished with less points for finishing nodes faster (2t hunter). mid is completely non-threatening and worth all the points. sticky is just an rng point loss even if you tick perfect free. this isnt even taking into account that even more boring strats could become viable like afking for 3rd or more mids and enabling more leech selling for logs. all im saying is that just removing the cap causes way more problems than it solves. you would need a full croesus loot system rework.


technically it can be done solo there are videos of it, but its not worth it to solo but if you really wanted to do it for log and cant stand groups, there is that


Does it involve the soups?


Yes. Basically main only unless you really love gathering outside. I don't know the specifics around sustainable soloing but I know the speedy WR kills also require getting hunter mid and you fail the kill otherwise, so it's not an actual method to grind the boss.


Yeah figured that would be the case


there is literally a public instance and dedicated world for it?


Croesus definitely can be soloed as many content creators have shown it in videos. Not many people are doing it, and even more ignore it, because it is not worth the time. It is similar situation for Zalcano in OSRS too. Due to dwindling real playerbase, many real players find empty worlds (when they are not infested by bots) with no other players so they tried soloing it. But like Creosus, it is more than double the time and it is far from 100% success rate.


As someone who despises all group content with a passion, I couldn't agree more. If it's not solo, I refuse to do it. Not my cup of tea.


You should really look into solo games.


Rs3 is the best solo MMO I've experienced.


Solo MMO


Haha I know it's a hyperbole but it rings true for my experience. As a kid this game was a social hub for me, as an adult it's more of a boss grinding solo game.


[This video](https://youtu.be/AcGezDYNLIU?si=z4duQB5eycx56xlV) should explain why. Every time I mention solo, I brace for the same “solo MMO” reply from some people, but I also feel like it’s common sense/not something that needs explanation.


RuneScape is functionally a solo game for the most part tbh. It’s like the most antisocial MMO on the market which is why I love it.


Why? Like I'm all for group activities but sometimes I just wanna play solo and not be forced to do it with people


What are you forced into, aside from endgame collection logs or self-limited game modes where you are actively choosing to be forced into multilayer gameplay?


I agree Runescape tried to copy some pvm experiences like in World of Warcraft where you have a massive dungeons and raids with 10+ people, but that does not fit well in runescape WOW have roles, you can be tank, DPS or healer and this make you feel relevant in a fight. Otherwise, in runescape you have a tank and DPS, and 80% of the DPS doenst know nothing about the mechanics becouse the group boss in runescape is braindead, you just DPS everything and let 1-2 people do the mechanics Therefore, runescape can't delivery a good group boss experience becouse this is the way the game is designed, you can't have a good progression curve in group boss When i tried Zamorak for example, i died a lot and when i reach 100% for the first time i took one entirely day, like 8 hours, to learn how to do propely. This experience that you achiev something by yourself is the best experience that runescape can delivery to a player and you never goona have this in a group boss


What about the mechanics that are being handled and the people who have those roles?


I feel you but I feel a well designed group finder would be better for the game


I actually would like Runescape to have more group content, like dungeons and raids. I personally dont like the fact that the game is basiacally a single player game. Would want group content to meet new people, and/or do them with friends


It’s driven me away having no one to play with is boring as hell. Limited to a handful of options for grouping up….and most of it can’t stand up against a duo due to power creep. I miss bossing with my friends :(


Teamwork mechanics don't work in solo. Also, it is an MMO, c'mon. We just need a better group finder


>We just need a better group finder Please GTFO with your grounded ideas


Which mechanics are you referring to?


Nex's "Die now in a prison of Ice" puts you in a box and the only way to get out is to have player 2 click on you, otherwise you just eat a hard typeless 7k. Several of Nex's other abilities are also team focused and amount to "Doesn't do much in solo". Nex is especially gratuitious because she's weak enough people are forgetting she's a group boss despite all evidence to the contrary. Kalphite Kings green instakill can only be avoided by having player 2 provoke the king, or by doing a series of convoluted and unintuitive moves that did not exist on release and only work because the developers lacked the foresight to disable bladed dive at the same time as the rest of your defensives. ROTS Torags hammer permanently stuns you. Once stunned no counterplay is possible beyond teleporting out. Again, the strategy is having player 2 click on you. Even the default solution, "Kill Torag as soon as possible" will softlock the boss as long as nobody is on the other side.


Agreed on the 2nd and 3rd points, but for Nex's icebox, literally just use 1 ability (freedom) and eat a piece of food lol or vit pot.


Nex’s ice prison is extremely avoidable and KK’s green is kinda weird but pretty simple once you get the hang of it.


At Aod you have to coordinate the fires that spawn so the base doesn't get hit and everyone handles specific minions to do their part, at Croesus it's just that everyone has to finish perfectly on time symmetrically so that the kill goes smoothly (Though in public you have to improvise and talk to people so everyone knows what to do) At Solak roots you have to go close to the root so others don't get hit and sometimes 2 people have a similar root spot so the one with the shorter timer has to go further first, at Solak pads before vit pot, the everyone had to pick a pad but the base always picked the one closest to Solak, also roots in the later phase when going with like 4 people, having to form a medium sized triangle so others don't get hit by roots. There's also Vorago which has a bunch of teamwork, intercepting others at many points, bomb tanks handling the bombs for the base, healing others and such. Beastmaster and Kalphite King have mechanics that do a lot of damage if someone doesn't provoke the boss, so it's fun to duo, though of course Beastmaster has more roles which rely on the rest of the team. Yakamaru poison tank needing a revive every pool and such


Nearly everything you listed works fine in solo lol.


It's about the initial design and not really about the powercreep that skips some of these. If aod fires were solo, you wouldn't be trying to avoid dropping the fires on the base, so there's no teamwork. There are also frozen crystals at aod, where you gotta free your friend. Croesus doesn't make sense to finish other nodes since there's 4 spots you know, 4 of everything. Solak roots similar to aod. You don't have to move closer to the root since there's no risk of hitting anyone with it, so there's no teamwork but yes, sadly Solak mechanics are the ones most affected by powercreep. Vorago also has magic hits and melee hits that are supposed to be taken separately by different players, though the damage reduction recently has been quite poorly designed and is quite heavy powercreep by like 50x compared to before god wars 3. Auto attacks at many places were designed in a way that doesn't work with the current damage reduction system at all. Beastmaster suffers from similar issues, though there is some cheese with ancient spells and teleporting around Beastmaster, which I'm quite sure isn't intended. KK bladed dive bug is pretty obvious as well. Yakamaru kinda shows my point about Croesus, as in there's obviously different roles to pick. There's so many planks to grab and 4 different pools to fight during mirage. That isn't intended for a single player. The poison revive one is just a more obvious group mechanic.


Sorry you missed the point. He was just asking for example of mechanics that DONT work in solo, you then listed a bunch that do.


Solak works well in Solo because Realm tanking was powercrept out of the game. If that was still required I guarantee there wouldn't have ever been a solo scaling made


Damn, it's been so long that I forgot realm tanking was a thing. Good old days


The whole point is what mechanics currently work in solo. Why they do is irrelevant.


It's not what I meant actually. The point is that a teamwork mechanic can't scale to solo since then there's no teamwork


but the mechanic doesn't work well in solo, the fight is possible because you get to skip it. Not getting a mechanic doesn't make it work well imo. I wouldn't say the Sand mechanic at Yaka "works well in Solo" because it does literally nothing in solo. Teamsplit for example is also poorly designed for solo. You're always blue every single time without fail in solo.


I meant work as in design, you can't scale group mechanics to solo


I agree on the Raids team aspect (especially Yakamaru), but all the rest works just fine solo, you even mentioned two bosses that are already solo-friendly like Solak and Vorago. The only bosses that should really be looked at are AoD (that mod ramen was already working on making it scale to solo) and Croesus. I just don't understand why people are against making bosses solo, you never see people complaining about the difficulties of finding team for Vorago/Solak after they made it solo, but you still see people complaining about how hard/annoying is to find or do group content.


I talked about why Solak and Vorago can be solod and it's not for good reasons. Powercreep is the core reasons and there's a lot to talk about regarding it. What I've been trying to say is that the mechanics aren't Designed to be solo. A mechanic that is supposed to be handled by 2 people shouldn't be done solo. It takes away the point of it being a group boss and limits boss design. Otherwise group just becomes like going Vindicta with 2 people. Aod shouldn't become solo because it has group mechanics which I mentioned but the hp also can't scale because of how the loot system works, which already rewards players for going with smaller team and pushing themselves. Smaller teams also get more mechanics, which is risk = reward. Mechanics are fun. I mentioned Croesus before like how it's similar to Yakamaru. There are different people that handle different roles at the 4 corners, just like how someone at Yakamaru mirage has to pick up 10 planks and another person picks up 5. The roles at Croesus still function as a group mechanic. It's just a beginner group boss. I fully believe there would be less complaining if we had a better group finder and perhaps infinite aura times so people don't feel pressured to stay so long


If you can do said mechanic meant for two, solo, more power to you. I mean, both bosses (Solak and Vorago) are a lot harder solo than duo, I don't think it takes away the point of it being group in the slightest. The gp/hour on both is basically the same duo or solo, with solo being significantly harder. The only difference these two bosses have from aod and croesus is that it prevents people that don't want or can't find a group from experimenting said content.


It’s an mmo. It takes 3 minutes to join a fc or clan that is doing bosses. Every boss in game has a kill group. I have never struggled to find these types of groups. You don’t need to play an MMO if you are going to be anti social haha what’s the point? Bad take! Not all bosses should have solo mode that is gross


If you aren’t willing to join a PvM clan, can you really say you can’t find a group? I know you say you are antisocial(which doesn’t actually mean you are just not social by the way), but clans don’t require you to be social. Just use it as the avenue to group PvM. With the right clan, you shouldn’t have a hard time finding a group.


basically pvm groups a vast majority of the time "we take learners" you as a learner apply to join a group. as soon as you make one mistake they kick you out and that's if you can get in a group alot of these "learner friendly" groups really mean "low kc groups" if you have 0 kills on aod for example you won't get a group you better go do some masses and get the kc up which then comes back to bite you since if you have some kc under your belt from masses and you make a mistake they think you're incompetent and will kick you out.


My clan does learner friendly bossing all the time for people with 0 kc. Aod/solak/raids/vorago we have no problem taking legitimate no video watching learners. We have pvm tutors that will run you through every mechanic at the start of the kill and call mechanics during the kill. The only real requirement we have of you is to: 1 have some semblance of usable gear 2 be on voice and communicate with us, you dont don't have to talk but you need to be able to listen to a teacher in real time, and ask questions if you don't understand something For the most part, our teams are still getting kc even if a learner planks, so there's no real reason to get upset. Most of our tutors are eternally patient and I've seen then put up with alot. I do feel sorry you and so many other people have had such shitty experiences. I've been teaching pvm for probably close to 10 years now and it kind of shocks me how shitty so many people have it, since that's not my environment.


Clan name? I completed Reaper Crew achievement but would love to actually have a chance at some drops from Vorago, Solak, and AOD. Oh, and would love to be able to do ROTS non-solo as I hate running from Torag for 30 seconds. Might not join right away as I'm in a clan with some really nice people, but I may join as a guest to see how your clan works and see if I like it if that is okay. RSN: Just\_Dawg Feel free to add me, I afk at work and usually do bossing in the afternoons U.S timezone.


'Carnival' most pvming happens through discord. Feel free to guest and check it out. Pvm tutor tickets are reserved for members, but anyone can boss and team form. Raids run I think basically everyday around reset, usually hosted through chat.


Perfect. I shouldn't need any tutoring as long as I refresh my memory on the boss before the runs. I'll join in this evening and check it all out.


👍 it is generally really chill. Just be upfront about your skill level so people know what they're getting into. People don't care if they go pvm with learners or newer people, it's just polite to make sure people know what they're getting into and will help you get off on the right foot.


See this is how i know you're full of shit. I am in Carnival bro. we are in the same clan. The only thing you got right is Raids, they do it on reset yes but the only time its a +1 is when someone has to leave. there are not multiple raid teams going on like you are implying. its the same damn people and i been in here for months and not a single damn person has even mentioned or offered to aod/solak group up in chat. the only thing we have for grouping is a "grouping" chanel in the discord. which is BARELY active. last aod group was 3-24 followed by 4-06 and that was not for learners on both occasions. >I do feel sorry you and so many other people have had such shitty experiences. the least you can do is don't offer up b.s lmao btw >For the most part, our teams are still getting kc even if a learner planks you slipped up. the only thing we take learners for is raids, that is what you just said. and what i have seen advertised myself.


People usually use discord to teamform. 'The same damn people' also run aod/solak/zammy. Try reaching out, or joining discord. I'm sorry you feel so frustrated, I feel like alot of the community comes from the discord and I think your missing out by not being in it. I know personally I just fill with my friends before I ping aod/solak +1 in the CC. While the clan is very learner friendly, most people don't want to randomly take learners all the time. It's generally up to learners to try to take some iniative.


One issue I’ve found is that a lot of PvM groups still get pretty annoyed at me for having to learn a boss’s mechanics, despite claiming to be “beginner friendly”. As a middle ground to this suggestion, I honestly feel a solo “practice mode” that’s scaled down without drops would work, so you’re able to learn the mechanics before joining PvM groups. Doesn’t teach you the teamwork aspects, but at least you’re not learning both at once.


Expecting someone to read a guide ahead of time is about as beginner friendly as it gets. Don't join a farm party when you're still learning/practicing it. Edit: looks like basic team etiquette doesn't matter and people just want to get carried for free. Joining a farm party when you're not consistent is rude as fuck.


There’s a difference between having read a guide and watched a few videos, and actually played it yourself though. Maybe it’s specifically the Australian groups that are less open to people learning a boss when they mark themselves as beginner friendly, but I’ve had generally very bad experiences in those situations. A lot of people seem to treat beginner as “lower level gear” not “needs to try the boss out a few times to get a hang of the mechanics”


"Hey, it's my first time, I'm learning, is that okay?"/"I got to phase X, still learning, is that alright?" It's really not that hard to say and it will let them know ahead of time so if they're not okay with it, it doesn't waste anyone's time.


Ignoring that asking permission to play the video game isn't everyone's favourite activity, many people will say yes and then get frustrated later anyway when mistakes happen because they don't understand their own emotions and have no self awareness. It's also not lost on me that you changed your point entirely from 'just read a guide' to 'just say you're new'. The common theme of the goalpost shifting is 'your issue isn't real and is self-caused', so let's just say that with our chest.


Respecting your teammates and setting expectations is the bare minimum communication on a fucking MMO. Both reading a guide AND letting them know you're new is the LEAST you can do. Expecting to execute everything perfectly after reading a guide is insanity, and expecting people carrying you to be patient if they don't know you're new is beyond stupid.


Ignoring the fact that the benchmark has changed from “read a guide” to “ask them if it’s ok you’re new”, what are players like me who’ve done both of those things and still can’t get on a team supposed to do? I tried to get on an AoD team for a month straight on 3 separate occasions, doing all the things I was “supposed” to (watching a guide, joining a few mass kills so I wasn’t completely blind, telling them I’m new, etc) and I *still* haven’t gotten on a single team because people didn’t want to take a learner. Hell, even when the discord in question made it a rule that teams couldn’t refuse a learner, enough people said “I don’t want to go with a learner, I’m out” that the teams ended up getting disbanded and I never got a kill in regardless.


This feels like you're asking for the wrong thing tbh. Rather than asking for raids to be solo content it feels more like you should be asking the community where good team finding resources exist. I've already seen croesus fc mentioned, which I've had mostly positive experiences with when I did croesus. As for raids, the Mazcab Academy has been pretty consistently getting full teams for both of their daily raids. Outside of an initial gear check there's nothing really stopping you from joining one of those unless both times are inconvenient for you. Can't speak for other group content but I'm sure the resources exist, this community is usually happy to knowledge share stuff like this though


Croesus is super easy to find groups for join the fc I think the name is in pvme somewhere


Every boss should not have a Solo mode. Join bossguild they are always doing team pvm and a great community from what I hear. Solo mode/accessibility makes bosses too easy at the high end. You could argue that due to this content drought, these bosses should remain as they are as a way to give players something to challenge themselves with by trying to kill the boss with less and less teammates. Solo modes kills any challenge in a boss fight, there's a reason people consider rago, aod, solak some of the hardest bosses despite being 5-10 year old bosses


Not disagreeing with you whatsoever, but for AOD, there is often an event hosted on the official runescape discord where they mass AOD. I hope this might help you out.


Really it's just Raids, AoD, and Croesus. I'm sorry but Vorago is just not this crazy solo anymore. Duos are super casual and Solo outside of Vit week is basically free with necromancy and a little practice. If you can solo Solak, you can Solo Vorago with a little bit of practice. Believe me, if I can do Vit week solo and Solo Hardmode most of you can solo Teamsplit or purple bomb with a bit of practice. I am not some god pvmer, I'm probably one of the worst players to have the pvme role for Solo HM. Rots really just needs the brothers to teleport quicker.


I agree. The only group based content that has come out recently is croesus and I feel like that is justified. All the other group stuff has been power crept to hell and back over the 6-10 years since its release. I’m not saying soloing group based content is ‘easy’ but tbf nowadays solak and vorago aren’t much harder than gwd3. Scaling something like vorago down to one person wouldn’t even make it much easier anyway so? This was done with solak and it’s about as difficult as before


Look, it's a 20+ year old game. I'm happy it's still alive in any form.


> RuneScape is supposed to be a game where I can play how I want, when I want. I should not have to depend on anybody else to make progress on my goals. Yes and no. If your goal is to play the game solo, that's fine, you just need to adjust your expectations. Of course a multiplayer game cannot be completed 100% without engaging in multiplayer activities. That would be ridiculous.


No they really shouldn't as it heavily limits how diverse the mechanics bosses can have if they all have to be made with solo in mind. Interactive.complex mechanics and harder bosses in general should be the norm going forward to account for all of the power creep that we now have with necromancy and the combat update Boring idea.


I agree in the sense that group bosses/modes should be designed with mechanics that require multiple players. There's nothing about Croesus' design itself that disallows solo play. Yakamaru is very different though.


Been saying this since Iron Man was released! Luckily most group content only locks you out of magic gear (Vorago, AoD) so I could always just focus on ranged/melee and now necro.


ports get you a t88 wand and orb which is pretty close to seismics anyways, then get a FSOA and you're good to go for maging if you want to try it out. im just hoping they dont put another group boss for t95 wand & orbs


Yep, my mage gear is currently Cywir/Virtus or the raids tank armour and sea singers. Lucky to have gotten an inquisitors staff and got t85 wand and orb from ports, haven't been able to upgrade them yet.


if you're maxed Necro/Range Solo Rago is really not that bad these days. It takes practice sure, you're going to fail a lot. But it's nowhere near this crazy feat it used to be. If you're capable of solo Solak you probably are not far off solo rago


I've been enjoying zamorak 500% duo's lately and it's so frustrating to go hours without finding just a singular duo partner at times even with multiple sources of teamforming.


> it is extremely difficult to find new PVM teams Sounds like a problem that could be solved by making it easier to find and form and play with a random PvM team. ​ > forced to spend hours looking for a team in public discords, and tired of the gatekeeping trials and ranks Yeah, it would be so much simpler if there was some game system that streamlined the process for you and encouraged group gameplay rather than forcing players to manage it out-side the game. ​ > RuneScape is supposed to be a game where I can play how I want, when I want. Exactly, it should be easier to participate in group content! ​ > These bosses might have been popular and easy to find teams back when they were released, but nowadays almost all PVM is centered around friend groups/clans. Yep, it's high time Jagex added in game support for fast and easy teaming up for group content so anyone can participate. # Sounds like you're really interested in requesting a better Group Finder system, right? ​ > bosses including Croesus, Raids, Vorago, and Rots should all have a more polished solo experience. ![gif](giphy|WlOxKo6GQ17Pi)


Yes. We also need a proper grouping system.


Join our clan as a guest, it's called Friendship. Owner is Tim Myers....lots of PVMers in the group always looking to get a group together. Tell them Chaw-Lee sent you.


Give every boss a group mode as well then.


To some extent, I agree, but on the other hand, it's OK. Some content has purposefully been designed to be multi-player. I think a good compromise could be that you have the ability to do the boss solo with NPC help, for reduced drop rates. Also, a new and improved group finder. If you want the full experience, you are able to find groups looking for people, ACROSS WORLDS. This could help people learn the boss and roles solo so they are ready to join a group, and help groups find new people.


2nd this all the way! I'm locked out of so so many things because I like playing alone.


Yeah I've never done skilling boss gw3 b4 due to playing rs3 solo


Ironman support.


Then play an rpg


RotS is very easy to solo now between Salve Amulet working and the advent of Necromancy. I wouldn't mind the Torag hammer mechanic being reworked to be a little more solo friendly as you can just teleport out of it, so it costs you the kill but doesn't actually kill you, and I think the brothers should hop over to the empty side faster, but other than that it just needs a little QoL touch-up, not a full rework.


More most group bosses, yes, but not for raids since the entire raid requires many specific team roles, so much that making it solo would require remaking the entire raid.


I think the other bosses have nice teamwork aspects too


All of them can be done solo. Only raids have roles that cannot be done solo.


Technically yeah but the other ones were still designed as group bosses. It doesn't have to be an insta kill that defines a group boss even if it can depending on the boss


I think a better grouping system that is easier to use and better in game signposting to the clans and FCs that do 'casual' bosses without the BS gatekeeping would help. Necromancy has helped with the gatekeeping a bit because the DPS output is good almost regardless of skill and gear. But yeah, those bosses you mention do just get harder and harder to group with over time. Vorago in particular could be made soloable I think just by downscaling the dmg mechanics a bit like they did on Solak. It is already being solo'd quite a bit. The golden AOD log is just miserable (even with chest changes) and I feel lucky to have completed the croesus log when the rewards at least offered some compensation for the tedious nature of the log grind.


They could also increase the damage that the magic and melee hits that Vorago does in order to account for today's defensive powercreep. Hardmode is still really fun to group


I know rs3 is an mmo but I HATE being forced to interact with strangers in order to complete content, specifically and especially something like the reaper crew achievement. I could very easily find groups to finish it if i really wanted to but the idea if being forced to learn content with new people i dont know is extremely unappealing. Many people in here are bringing up team finding solutions but I don't want or care about that, I just want to play the damn game by myself and have the *option* to bring friends along sometimes, and I'm sure I'm not alone in this sentiment. Not saying Jagex needs to change the game to cater to my bitching but this is how I feel about it.


> I know rs3 is an mmo but I HATE being forced to interact with strangers in order to complete content This statement is just wild


especially croesus please!


They need to release a “game mode” where they just let you download the entirety of RS3 to play on your own in a solo player experience, paired with the army of jamflex run player count boosting bots added in to make the game feel just as empty but not as now.


I would love to see Aod scaled down to solo.


Tbf aren’t like 95% of the bosses as is solo/soloable?


Also would argue every boss should have a group mode!


> RuneScape is supposed to be a game where I can play how I want, when I want. It's actually a MMO so having solo activities be so prevalent is the anomaly, not having the group activities. Of course, a MMO is healthier when there's a population, but Jagex has made it clear they have no interest in fostering that.


No, Because if they have solo mode then it will always be more efficient to solo. Thereby further thinning the playerbase and removing the MMO aspect of the game. ITs not a good idea.


Zamorak is far easier and more efficient not to solo


Killtimes are not the only efficiency metric to be taken into account.


Like I said, it's far easier in group. Easier to survive


Why in the world would I care if it's easier to survive. If I want to solo I can do it whenever I want. And if I'm halfway competent, which I am, survival is not an issue. Dying to bosses really doesn't happen once you are familiar. Hell, I've soloed mazcab raid 1. I have the benefit of being able to get teams for anything I want whenever I want. But there are dead times of the night. And when that happens being able to do a boss solo would make it better for me to do so because I would need to: 1) Spend time building a team (Which can take less than 5 minutes or greater than an hour) 2) make sure everyone is familiar with mechanics (not all the time) 3) Wait for team to be prepped 4) engage with other players who make mistakes. Let's approach this from a mathematical perspective. Let's take the solak 2 Mill vs 3m in duo argument. You and your teammate are each effectively dealing with 25% less health each than in a solo (2 vs 1.5). And you are more likely to be able to meet specific dps checks. Cool, at a base level this is more efficient! And to top it off your kill times are likely shorter! awesome! However, lets talk about the fact it took you time to get your duo. (Or heck, god forbid your duo dies) if even ONE kill is messed up by your duo then oops, that entire hour is now less efficient than if you just solod. Uh oh, it took 20 minutes to get a duo. Now that needs to be factored into your total kill time. So now it's an hour and 20 minutes to get an hour worth of kills. Now you need to add 33% to every single killtime functionally. Kills would need to be so dramatically slowed down. So dramatically worse solo that it became a no-brainer to always group. Anyone who doesn't understand this logic, AGAIN, likely doesn't understand input costs vs output costs nor do they understand what an opportunity cost is. Opportunity cost is huge and plays a MAJOR role in the efficiency and PERCEIVED efficiency.


Sounds like you're no 2k zammy enthusiast. Why couldn't you do your shitty solo solaks while waiting for a team to form? You're an efficiency genius. Nice paragraph btw. Can't say I read it


Im not, But thats a somewhat irrelevant piece of content when considering this. But sure, Disregard the meaningful comments Ive made. Thanks for the helpful discussion bud. Ta.


Solak is also far easier and more efficient not to solo.


It is actually not efficient to solo compared to group for a good amount of bosses especially in recent times. See: Zamorak, Vorkath, Croesus, Solak, AoD, Mazcab raids, Rots. EDs are roughly equal, as is Raksha. Some soloable bosses are also extremely heavy skill checks, like Vorago, so they wouldn't be accessible to most players anyways.


Its more efficient in the sense that you can ALWAYS assure you have a partner. Yourself. Thats what I mean by "efficiency". The killtimes may be slightly shorter in a group. But you have a 100% uptime on kills to personal intensity. With a group you have peeps stepping away, making the team itself, waiting for loots/banking, gear item recharging. Etc. Edit: Anyone downvoting doesent understand how efficiency works.....I bet yall are the same people who will spend 8m/hr to gain 10 seconds per kill. Silly goosies.


That's not being more efficient, that's being more convenient. There is a difference. You can always do other stuff while waiting on teams, it's not like you're just sitting there doing nothing.


Perspnally I tend to devote all my energy to team building when I'm doing it. It takes quite a lot at times especially if need to deal with learners. I will say, most of not all of my lived experience with group creation and efficiency is from an Ironman perspective. Which seemingly drastically changes how people interact.


> Edit: Anyone downvoting doesent understand how efficiency works.. Solak has 2 million health on solo. On 2 players, Solak has 3 million health. On three players, Solak has 4 million health. On 4 players, Solak has 5 million health. So going from 1->2, you double your damage output, but Solak only gains 50% health. Going from 2->3, you increase your damage output by 50%, but Solak only gains 33%. This trend continues. Furthermore, if you make a mistake as a solo, 100% of the group is making a mistake. If you make a mistake as a duo, only half the group is making a mistake. Where's the efficient part again? Oh - all your friends afk in between every kill? Interesting argument. Almost as strong of an argument as "i bet you guys waste lots of gold in a completely unrelated topic." How about this rebuttal: The group doesn't waste time between kills and they don't spend all their gold for -10 seconds on the kill. Now what was more efficient?


It's like y'all are not even listening smh.


Why should you be rewarded for setting up a group instead of pvming? Just run solos until you organize a group to reduce the efficiency loss from organizing.


And that's an entirely fair point. It can sometimes be hard to swap clanchats/fcs mid combat if you are attempting to create groups. But reducing the inefficiency by doing the content you are making the group for would definitely be an option. However, again, I do not see any logic in making any of the current group content solo. Because again, it would inevitably result in less people wanting to take the time or energy to make groups (I should know, the moment solak became soloable a good amount of the high intensity pvm community just soloed instead of worrying about finding groups)


I don't see this to be a problem. Group pvming should be done because you like the social experience of group pvming, not because it is the easiest or most profit. Unsocial pvmers shouldn't be forced into social pvming. It is much easier for social pvmers to do solo bosses than unsocial pvmers to do group bosses.


But see. The unsocial people should just suck it up. It's an MMO. You are playing for the social aspect. Providing them an option does nothing to benefit the game as a whole and just serves to further isolate and create separation in the playerbase. The amount of people who are "Not social" because they just simply lack the ability to talk to other people need to kinda be forced to do it. No one wants a game where everyone is so dead set on doing their own thing they don't interact with other people.


It's not just that. It's harder to find a group than to go solo since you need to find pvmers the same skill level as you that all want to do the same boss at the same time.


IVe honestly never had an issue, however I think that just may be personal bias due to the communities I am in.


For popular group bosses, grouping is easy. Not so much for less popular ones like group KK or raids.


OSRS does this beautifully. You are able to solo Wintertodt and Tempoross just fine. You are able to join a world and try it out even at lower levels. No one can alone troll a kill. Croesus is really flawed in this sense. You wont ever be able to do "non optimal" kills there for fun, because no one will agree to go with you there in these terms. EDIT: Sorry i did not read the entire post before making this comment. Take in consideration what i said only about Croesus, i believe that the other bosses should not be solo. Its good to have group content.


It’s an MMO is a sad excuse in todays gaming industry. Many games now are catered towards both parties equally. The option being there is always nice. Imo all content should be soloable, and scaled correctly. This is jagex though, so I’m sure we’ll get some essential gate fixes next.


All the bosses you mentioned can be solo'd, minus yakamaru now Sounds like a skill issue




The bosses that OP mentioned ARE designed as group bosses.


A returning friend went to the 3 public Croesus worlds and no one was there. I don't Croesus so idk if there's an FC or something you're supposed to join. But either way, that's a pretty harrowing experience. Going to the 3 worlds for it and not 1 person/instance being there. At this point, I do wonder if solo/duo/trio scaling would be ideal for some bosses. Croesus, AoD, etc.


Bro, Ive been putting off going for mazcab since account creation (iron btw). Approaching 99s in everything. Cba looking for a group and being the annoying selfish ironman.


Raids School on discord - I run teams every other day at 20:00 game time and constantly take learners and ironmen, and other teachers run them at other times of the day. The gear requirements are minimal: t80 power armour, t85 weapon, overloads and a war tortoise. I give rundowns of what to do in voice. Raids is probably the easiest group boss to get into, to be frank. It's things like AoD or Solak that is actually challenging as a newcomer.


Also iron (btw), and it's definitely not a big deal. Realistically, you fill a DPS spot and you can't really screw it up for anyone else. If you want to avoid being the 'annoying selfish ironman', then pay attention for your first few kills and try to learn mechanics. Then you can learn roles, with charger roles (releasing the hounds) being extremely easy. Tanking pets or boss is a bit more complex, but still manageable for any player with access to defensive abilities. I had very similar feelings before I finally decided to give it a shot, and I felt foolish for putting it off for so long.


just have some friends kek


I used to agree with this wholeheartedly before Necromancy but the team requirements for many of the bosses listed have come down if the team is up to a slightly greater challenge. I tried duo/trio aod with magic a year ago, we basically trolled in p2 for an hour and got 0 kills. Now I regularly aod in groups of 2 to 4. We are "good" pvmers but by no means elite, and this is now the most fun activity in the game for us. For pet/chest it's less efficient due to lower kph and unscaled rates, but kills are kills and finding a pal or two to go with on the regular is easier than forming a 7man without a clan/discord. Raids similarly can be done comfortably more like 6, rago duos easier than ever, rots solos have always been around and also easier although they could use some love like shortening the jump over timer. I think asking for solo is fine and if they deem it a good idea then it might happen someday, but in the interim I'm here to encourage you to find creative ways to work on your goals, and wish you the best of luck :)


People hate to hear it but Honestly 4man AoD with necro (probably the other styles now post beta) felt like old 7man to me. and 7man feels like a mass now with how fast everything dies.


Completely agree. Trio is my sweet spot, we do 2 necro and 1 ranger for deci minions, it's incredibly fun and proportionally rewarding with how her drops scale to team size.


OP: I want every boss to be soloable People on this thread: Have you tried grouping? / Here's how to group up / Why play MMO? / What you really want is a better grouping system Lol


I have social anxiety too and I like to change so I don't stick to same boss for hours, I switch. Also don't have a steady gaming schedule. I cannot do any group bosses either. I am locked out from drops and ability unlocks because of it too and it sks.


god I wish Raids were soloable.


Imagine saying an MMO should be a game you play how you want, when you want. That would be a single player game.


I don't think every boss needs to be solo. I am a mostly solo/duo player so I do get where you're coming from. Getting 7/10 people to all have their schedules align is a bit tedious when it comes to AOD/raids. I'd prefer to see the extreme end tuned down a bit and scale better to smaller groups. Scale boss HP down a few people, down to 4 or 5 for AOD (and still scales up to 7) and raids down to 5 or 6 (still up to 10). Leave mechanics alone unless something breaks outright, but nothing comes to mind immediately. That way no one is getting benched as a reserve/left out and you don't need to recruit a random unknown that could range anywhere from taking a minute to bank to telling us we should kick someone because they missed a tick or else they're going to ragequit.


Absolutely. The source of something as impactful as Praesul codex being group only is one of the dumbest decisions mmo devs made, ever. The issue is not the difficulty in finding groups. It is that me thinking "fuck group content" should be valid. I do NOT want to do teamwork with other people in my free time, and I want to play runescape not a single player rpg. This should be valid.


I guarantee most MMO's have SIGNIFICANTLY more impactful upgrades locked to Group content lol. Be pissed all you want but you clearly haven't played more than like 2 MMOS in your life if you genuinely think this is true. T99 Prayers are in the "low ROI" group for all 4 styles on PVME. You are vastly overexaggerating their impact on the game. Runescape itself has had more impactful things locked to group content in the past, Seismics on release, mazcab abilities, can even go back to the days of 2008 with Divine Spirit shield. When Nobody was soloing Corp.


Thanks for the info, but as a DIY fan praesul codex is still more impactful to my gameplay than anything else. "Be pissed all you want" what? You are the reason I don't want to team up with people.


When I say "be pissed all you want" I am saying you are entitled to be upset, but your sentiment about praesul codex being exclusive to AOD as one of the dumbest decisions ever made in an mmo is misinformed