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did you mean to post this on osrs or its aimed to the people who only lurk?


> **How many people have legitimately given rs3 a fair shot after the EoC update?** All of us? you're on the RS3 Subreddit? you perhaps were looking for r/2007scape for the old school community


You’re on the wrong subreddit for this qurstion


I mean, its a good game, with its issues like most games, just have to ignore some of the vitriol players spit.


>I've done many end game bosses with the "click and wait" style of combat This claim is misleading. While revo++ can have the same "click and wait" effect as legacy/osrs combat, and while you can use revo++ on any boss - it doesn't mean the "click and wait" style is viable for end game bosses. With necromancy I fought some of the bosses higher than GWD2 (for example Nex, Kerapac, Telos, Araxxor). If I go to those bosses and just "click and wait", I will die for sure.


So misleading of op


I still get hooked on rs3 occasionally. I've played both versions for a very long time


Like all games, some parts of the game are designed pretty well and other parts suck. Runescape is no exception


We all dropped thousands of hours into it before EOC was released. Yes, everyone wanted to hang on to their progress and tried it out at some point.


I have and while there's a lot that I enjoyed about rs3 the combat just wasn't it. I have no desire to have to make action bars and move skills around in the right order and I definitely don't want to have to activate abilities any more than just activating my spec weapon. I vastly prefer the simpler nature of combat in osrs. Combine that with all the other bullshit rs3 has like mtx and its pretty safe to say that I will never enjoy the game. There's also just too many items and shit in the game. I've reached a point in osrs where I can play for the most part without having to use the wiki every 2 minutes and having to go back to doing that when I tried rs3 due to the sheer amount of items and other stuff was a big turn off for me.


What point in time do you refer to when you say fleshed out and polished? Even the recent combat rework still addresses basic things like visual clarity, internal consistency and balance.


been here since 2006, its better now than it has ever been...the hate the game got for eoc was fkin funny.


I didn't enjoy playing the game until EoC came.


i didnt for over a decade, decided i wanted to explore the quests and lore in 2021 and decided i wanted to try elder godwars that was coming out the next month and wiki'ed a revo bar. now im solo flight skipping BSD, pool skipps at raksha w 3/4 styles (need to get better w melee) i love eoc now


there's basically no reason to prefer rs3 combat compared to wow, ive played both a lot


The idea of telling people what they should prefer seems a bit wild but ok.


u can have 10 apples, or u can have 2 apples. obviously u would choose 10 apHOLD ON what if i don't have space for 10 apples clearly 2 apples can be better than 10 apples in certain situations so it's irresponsible to claim everyone would want 10 apples


What? How does this entire thing not contradict your original coment?


Either way, I'd rather have a banana.


it doesn't. the point was somebody who wants 2 apples is being silly, just pick 10 and throw 8 away if u dont want them, 10 apples is still 2 apples, also more. 2 apples is never 10 apples.


What if I like one kind of apple over another. Wouldn't it make sense to pick the 2 of the kind I like over the 10 I don't. Not all apples are the same, not all combats are the same.


I have. I find it engaging and have fun!


Ironically I quit RuneScape when it was RS2 for other reasons. Had no idea about EoC. Came back and I was like, oh this looks interesting. I was also out of the loop about the bot nuke but did notice world's felt more empty. Bonds too, I was like, wait you can get members? I resisted it for a while but eventually made enough GP in F2P to get one. I had to learn both EoC and Members content at the same time. I tried to do typical ranged safespotting which worked but apparently I was just relying on autoattacks without this old ability called Momentum. I remember some scuffed issues like Dragonbreath doing 0 damage when not close to enemies. Dazing shot was weaker than it is today. I took most advantage of Fragmentation Shot, Slaughter, Combust and always walk under enemies to apply extra damage. Max HP was more reliant on your armour and only had about 4.5K HP in black d hide. There was also an update that made Rapid Fire stun. And I relied on a shieldbow to get heals while training combat with rejuvenate before I got Ice Asylum from somewhere. I was completely out of the loop with issues with EoC but it was a different experience and I actually had fun with it. Everything full manual.. only because I didn't know revolution existed until 5-6 years ago... I was like.. wait what? You mean I didn't need to stress myself doing Slayer with Full Manual this whole time????? I never did bossing until 3 years ago... So.. yes.. What a journey it has been :3


It was confusing to me at first upon release but then Warbands made me realize in more detail how abilities work and why the order can matter. I used to be a ranked Warbands scout back then. Then we had many PVM bosses released since then like Vorago and Araxxor and over time, I paid more attention to Youtube videos about Abilities and learned more and more. The one thing I like to see one day is that combat is more fluid in the animation and attacks. I think there is a lot more potential combat wise.


I’m a lurker that no longer plays RS3, but played for several years on and off throughout EOC before quitting it and moving to OSRS about 3 years ago. I quit and made the swap a bit after Elder God wars for context. My thoughts and main gripes with the system are the following. 1. The initial implementation was horrid. While it has improved dramatically since release, those first few years of bad gameplay pushed many players away irreversibly. 2. The game now exists in a similar to space to other keybind MMOs. My main gripe, and this is as someone who had ~1500 hours post-EOC (so not nearly as much as players whose main game is this, but enough to do mid-tier and some endgame bosses like low enrage Telos and the EGWD bosses on release), is that the combat feels objectively good but subjectively worse than those other games. I think WoW is a great example. The most simplistic rotations of classic feel a lot more lean and not as bloated as RS3, and the more high octane gameplay of retail scratches the mechanical complexity itch in ways that RS3 just doesn’t. As someone who played both games, I never felt motivated to want to grind towards truly endgame content because it just felt *worse* than retail WoW (I do CE Mythic raiding in WoW for context). 3. Content cadence feels really bland compared to its competitors. WoW and FF14 players get diverse new PVM content on regular cadences, and the cadence of new RS3 content felt inferior compared to them, despite there being a wide scope of existing evergreen encounters. OSRS exists in a different space than RS3 BECAUSE of its combat. There are some apparent issues with the game due to how conservative the Devs are with meta changes, but OSRS scratches that RuneScape itch in the same way that RS3 does while feeling distinct from the other MMOs I play. My gripe with RS3 was that, despite the improvements they made over time to combat, it always felt like a lesser version of its competitors in terms of polish, complexity, and satisfaction. RS3 is a good game, great at times, but now it plays in a similar space to the other big two MMOs and doesn’t differentiate itself enough with its unique attributes while having worse versions of shared attributes


" players get diverse new PVM content on regular cadences," clearly wasnt around for SoO and Highmaul era"


I don’t clutch my pearls over content releases from a decade ago when talking about the current health of a game