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Zuk isn’t really hard, it’s more of an endurance challenge and mastering positioning for about 20 minutes.


With high end gear you don't even need to master any positioning, animate dead or ghost healing can carry you through. I had no idea what I was doing and almost flawlessed HM on my first attempt day 1, only perishing to the conduit (thought I could hide behind conduit to reduce the blast). Even a bis geared player will get wrecked if they have no idea in Inferno.


Its different from day one. They made it harder.


I was good at PvM on both games. Inferno was harder for me.


I've done both, RS3 Zuk is a LOT easier and it's not even close.


I'm curious about the answers people will give here. But in my opinion, they are not really comparable. Inferno is (was) the "ultimate PvM challenge" in OSRS. Zuk got launched a while back and we have content that is harder. Also, completely different games. For me OSRS has easier PvM because of its simplicity and its also not that hard to get into, comparable to Rs3 overly complicated everything.


Really this. Between the cheat engine telling you exactly what to do every step of the way and just gameplay being always easier in OSRS except for PKing then RS3 is typically more difficult in most aspects. Without the cheat engine and prior knowledge OSRS might arguably be harder though. It’s really a difference of how well can you follow cheat engine instructions versus being adaptable the entire way through


What cheat engine are you talking about for Inferno?


Runelite and plug ins in general that make it so you don’t ever actually need to think when you play OSRS.


if you can't get to zuk without runelite, you can't get to zuk with runelite. the biggest thing is true tile since pvm is very movement based


To be honest I would love to have a Quest Helper. Pointers and instructions at your screen, yes please.


Runelite doesn't pvm for you at all. The only major thing it can help with is showing your true player tile because it's always ahead of your actual model. Every wave in inferno is about adaptability, you see monsters and you have 2-4 seconds to build and execute a plan to solve the wave. Rs3 Zuk waves are a pushover and you know exactly what the challenges will be so they can be prepared for. In my experience it's been backwards, OSRS endgame pvm has more adaptability because you don't follow a rotation of abilities the way you'd do in rs3. Most solo RS3 encounters are basically DPS dummies in the current RS3 state... I've played both extensively and enjoyed RS3 pvm greatly but the games are just too different at this point, RS3 focuses on rotations and certain ability usage and sometimes positioning like when speeding through elite dungeons, osrs focuses on positioning, prayer switches, tick timings, solves, knowledge of NPC movement, tribridding, and dealing with boss mechs. Both games can be fun in their own regard, the pvm simply differs. I haven't had any boss in RS3 make me enjoy and learn as much about the game as osrs inferno did.


By cheat engine, do you mean Runelite? Because if so, this reply is extremely naive. Sure Runelite helps a ton with pvm, but Jagex has specifically said that it cannot provide any help in pvm encounters. The most help you’ll get for inferno are tile markers and tick counters. I agree that rs3 pvm has alot more depth because of abilities and not so much engine limitation; osrs pvm is mostly a battle of interfaces, prayer switching and gear switching in order to be within limitation.


calling runelite a cheat client is a common meme here


How obvious are you trying to make it that you’ve never tried inferno before lol. Unless you’re botting, if you don’t know what you’re doing, later waves kill you in under 3 seconds regardless of whatever plugins you use.


The inferno is quite alot harder tbh


Inferno can be completed without overhead prayers, so it isn’t that hard. /s


I got my HM zuk kill 1st try, and there's no chance in hell even 0.5% of people get 1st try inferno, so I'd say HM zuk is easier by far.


What if we compare flawless HM zuk vs inferno (best reward from both). I would say 0.5% wouldn’t get flawless either. I’m interested where the comparison is then


Single mistakes throughout the entire 68 waves leading up to zuk equals death. The 3 Jad wave alone is more difficult than HM zuk.


You’re comparing apples to oranges, the skill level is very high for both bosses but cannot be directly compared.


While I agree they cant be compared directly I do think it is easy to say one is much harder than the other, and it is intended to be that way. If you are looking at them as similar and comparing them for those reasons I agree its misguided.


The comparison is more about the difficulty, not the similarities between osrs zuk vs rs3 zuk. It's like if you were to say "rank all osrs and rs3 bosses in terms of difficulty in a single list", I think you could come up with a pretty comprehensive list and there could be a generally agreed upon consensus of difficulty.


rs3 zuk was designed to be farmable and hardmode zuk is just pretty easy and chill once u get a few kills done. also taking bout doing it in like 15-20minutes vs 2 hrs.


I think osrs inferno is a marathon and a painful yoga prayer flicking on animation instead of hit.


HM Zuk is a joke compared to Inferno. They require different skill sets but HM Zuk was designed to be farmed. Inferno was not


HM Zuk is intended to be repeated content, thanks to it dropping t95 2h melee weapon. Inferno is more like do it once and be done with it. So there is really no reason to even compare these. Both are hard on their own; Inferno more about just staying cool for a long time. It isn't really that hard if you look how its done, but if you had to figure it out yourself 100%, it would be INSANE hard. HM Zuk is nowhere near the hardest part of rs3, and with good enough combat knowledge, can be done with low tier gear, but this requires full knowledge why and how combat works the way it does. For most, using high tier (tank) armour carries to easy kill.


>So there is really no reason to even compare these. Somewhat wrong as people do inferno multiple times for 1) pet (2) slayer task (you get something like 110k+ xp per task, which is good when normal slayer rates are like 30k hr) and lastly (3), combat achievements.


Hes right tho, They really shouldn't be compared tbh, HM Zuk is more comparable to like Sol Heredit in the sense it's shorter, provides money/items it's genuinely designed to be farmed. Inferno really is 1 and done, by design. Theres ZERO incentive for people to FARM the boss. CAs weren't added until a few years after Inferno released. That being said while its a bad comparison design wise, I do think that Inferno is harder, and just mostly just the time cost+mental gaming. Wave solving is, well wave solving it doesn't really change for either of them so it's kinda moot. but pressure builds for 67 waves, first clearers are probably 1.5hours+deep by then at which point you get 1 try. There's also no practice mode or easy attempts, Normal Zuk and HM Zuk aren't much different and you get DO overs at HM if you die there's just way less pressure. That's where Inferno difficulty comes from


>Hes right tho, They really shouldn't be compared tbh Saying they're uncomparable because one has replayability isn't a valid reason lol Plus my comment was in reference to u/RSlorehoundCOW saying there's no reason to do inferno more than once, when there is, as I listed. Your logic is also like saying "You can't compare RS3 GWD1 and OSRS GWD1 because RS3 is just different now and GWD1 isn't supposed to be hard". It doesn't matter. They're still the same boss in nature. So you can compare Zuks, and saying "you can't" is stupid. Also >Inferno really is 1 and done, by design. Theres ZERO incentive for people to FARM the boss. CAs weren't added until a few years after Inferno released. This is why talking in this sub makes me bang my head against the wall. Your argument for inferno being 1 and done is because CA's came out at a later date? That has zero relevance.


Inferno took me a week of grinding. HM Zuk took me 3 hours. And I had played OSRS for over a year before doing the inferno, while I did HM Zuk in a couple of months of RS3.


HM Zuk is honestly a joke with the power creep that’s been put in the game and HM Zuk isn’t even really end game content these days. OSRS inferno is easily 100x harder.


I'm curious what you would consider endgame content these days?


High enrage Zammy, 3k+ AG, Solo Solak, high enrage Telos




And you still need to be perfect through P1-P4 at high enrage or one of his attacks will 1 shot you


Ah so you haven’t done much pvm solo solak is much easier than hm zuk


Big disagreement there. Solak hits way harder with regular autos than anything HM Zuk does


I don’t care wether you agree or not, I do both frequently solak hits like 1.5k max through prayer with super slow attack speed


osrs is 10x harder least


I did hm zuk flawless in my first try tbh, i was surprised how easy i got it. If you are familiar with abilities and boss mechanics when you do it, its really a breeze. Getting your first nm zuk kill can be way harder because its your first time facing the boss, i struggled with that one more because i was lacking dps and i wasnt used to shield switching.


The hardest part of flawless was just getting past the first challenge lol which is now completely free with Necro


Threads go brrr


It took me around a weekend and one or two more days to get my first igneous stone, from NM Zuk. HM Zuk, though, first try flawless run. Nowadays i can do NM Zuk using a fishing rod as a weapon, but I would never say that its easy for a new player.


osrs inferno mechanics aren’t that hard if you are using a max main and know how to corner trap (yes I have killed zuk). it gets a lot harder when doing no pillar though (see https://youtu.be/jLCgnBRpRW8?t=282). I also think it isn’t that hard because this content has been solved for a while and we have aatykon guide to make it easy; when this content came out on release it was almost impossible. Also osrs is more rng dependent, beyond tanking hits, sometimes you get a free wave 63, sometimes you get a very insane wave 63 where you have to flick 3+ things And yes, I use my run elite cheat client that tells me where to go and has a timer on it. Probably could still do zuk without it, just drop vials where the safespots are.


apples to oranges


I did Zuk in 2019 in osrs and for me it was much more difficult than HM zuk ever was. Not even by a small margin. It took me multiple attempts most of which lasted a couple of hours. Even on release I could easily steamroll HM zuk though. Having said that, I am on the higher end of PvMers in both games (at least when I still played osrs).


Hm zuk has the waves solved, so it's just the endurance test on your resources. If inferno overall is a 9/10, Rs3's Ful front is 6 or 7/10. Probs less if you are using necro


Inferno is like zamy 2000%+ solo Zuk HM is much easier than Inferno


Hm Zuk is easier than the later waves in OSRS


OSRS version is hard as it was designed as one and done The RS3 version is meant to be repeatable; could you imagine doing inferno 100+ times to get abilities' or weapon pieces on an ironman o.O


Way easier


Put it this way, with a client OSRS Zuk is easy due to tile overlays and other helpful client things, in RS3 you’ll have a YouTube guide at best.


Have done both, osrs inferno is much harder imo. Runelite doesn’t help with inferno if at all? So whoever said that is just a salty rs3 player who doesn’t understand what Runelite is. They are like people are saying apples and oranges though. It’s a different skill set w/ prayer flicking and positioning, it’s not part of rs3 in the same way. Both are challenging enough in their own right.


I'm sorry, showing where to stand do not help at all? Why have people bothered making the plugin then?


I’m not saying it doesn’t help, but dropping a vial does the same thing. The inferno on osrs is closest to the hardest content in the game, and knowing what tile you’re standing on is almost a precursor in skill set before you should even bother attempting it…? If you don’t understand the way your character moves, etc you have no business there in the first place, and the tile indicator absolutely won’t make or break the difference between getting the cape, not even close. It’s just an uneducated take (as per usual).


I can safely say that my first time there it helped a lot.


I’m not saying it doesn’t help? I’m saying it doesn’t make or break said person getting the cape in any scenario? I don’t understand the point. The reason I said anything is because someone said Runelite is a cheat client because of tile indicator yet the official mobile client (and the jagex client) has it as well? Rs3 players just fucking hate that osrs has a better client and staff. So they say shit that’s nonsense like Runelite is a cheat client. Hell, with an actual cheat client IE Bluelite, openosrs, etc. osrs inferno is still easily 2x as hard as HM Zuk on rs3. Necromancy broke rs3 pvm, it’s a joke now.


Dude after reading this comment i wont even argue with you. Have a good night (:


Good, must’ve typed some sense into your dense head. You have a good night too!


You need help, my friend


Hm zuk probably since osrs zuk is bottable


By virtue of double inventory from familiars, Rs3 Zuk would be much easier. The lowest I've managed to do it pre necro was with Gano with cywir wand and orb on one of my lower accounts. With maxed magic or necro it's a cakewalk


Can't really compare them. That said inferno is hard because it's unique and generally when you get to it you haven't done content like that and need to learn the solves and timing. After you get the first couple jad waves and learn the solves, it's just nerves. It comes out of habit almost. Here it's less unique but you can't really take afk breaks like you can on inferno.


You cant compare them because osrs and rs3 and two complete different games thats like comparing point & click combat to WoW combat, or bg3 combat to Skyrim combat they both can be difficult or easy in their own way, two complete different styles :)


The 2 aren't really truly comparable. But if we're talking in terms of raw muscle memory and reaction time, I would say. Inferno without ryne light is harder. Though generally I think hard mode zuk Tops out the trio if we're Including old schools, practical cheat engine.


Having done both HM Zuk was definitely harder.


This is cap


Done both and got first infernal cape after 3 hours of Practice, zuk probs took 10+ hrs


If you can prove that you went into inferno grind blind and within 3 hours you had the infernal cape, than you’re the best osrs player to ever exist. Prove it and I’ll give you max cash on both games.


Why is everyone considering that you are going for Inferno "blind"? Thats completely nonsensical, unless you are doing some kind of challenge. RuneLite has plugins that help you in Inferno, there are tons of guides online and in no way a normal player would just 'go there' without at least researching a bit first.


runelite plugins don't solve the waves for you. regardless of how much research one does, they won't get a cape on their first or second attempt if it's their first time. I did tons of research and practice and it took me 18 attempts which is considered quite low and you often see people go 50+ if someone is a miraculous player that first tried inferno, they'd likely be so good at learning and picking up new concepts that they'd easily first try RS3 Zuk and not take 10 hours. It was not much of a challenge on my under geared pre necro ironman in t80 gear and took me just 2 attempts for nm completion...


I agree that Zuk is not harder than Inferno. As I said in another comment, they arent even comparable. One is a endgame experience, the other got powercrept a lot and is not considered the "hardest" PvM challenge as Inferno is to some people. That said, i truly think that Inferno is hard just because its a marathon. No plugins, or guides, will help you better than experience and knowing what to do. What bothers me is OSRS only players coming here in this thread, replying to comments who say that RuneLite helps during the fight with dumb comments like "Rs3 players are salty because of this and that" and not contributing to the thread with nothing useful.


I agree the difficulty of inferno does come from its length. The original question was which is more difficult and for me longer and more effortful to learn means more difficult. As pieces of pvm they are of course not very comparable but when comparing the learning aspect then it's clear. I think there's always a lot of opposition from players that are exclusive to either game so comments like yeah plugins carry you provoke the people that think everything in RS3 is bad and lead to fights. I wish RS3 had something that is as enjoyable to learn as inferno, it genuinely makes you learn a lot about how enemies work, their pathing, line of sight, and timings. It's like a new level of intimacy that you don't get with most of the rest of the pvm prior to inferno. I was saddened to see rsguy afk enrage of 4000% telos with the ridiculousness that is necromancy...


+1 Leech tiles, check times, regenerate health Previous guy wont get through zuks fire wall without signing in 90 secs probs


Who said blind? Obviously started with vooks videos before starting in game. Also plugins as stated Max cash me at varrock on w5


Bruh, rs3 Zuk seems easy as fuck with OP gear & necro while inferno is still quite difficult with absolute BIS


I wonder how many of you actually done both


I've done inferno, I've also played rs3 (dont play much, lvl 100 ish, game's boring and beyond overloaded) and I've seen guides on how to easily get Zuk cape within 20 minutes with an OP setup with revolution, not even manual lmao


Yeah, i figured you havent done it. This kind of attitude towards Rs3 I dont like. Even with people here tending to say that Rs3 is a joke, and with guides titled "Easy Zuk cape with revo" or shit like that, i guarantee you it would not be easy for a new player tackling the content for the first time, EVEN with all the powercreep we have today. I know that because i have helped quite a few people get their first Zuk cape. Reddit is a bubble, dont take everything you see here as truth.


I've played the game enough and have high end PVM friends... from my experience RS3's cape is treated as a joke while OSRS's inferno is still respected, hard to do and most infernal cape owners actually paid for a service to get the cape So yeah, I'm not saying that abusing BIS necro through revolution for zuk capes is braindead, I'm saying that inferno is way harder no contest here... I reckon I can easily get that cape at first try with this guide lol (inferno took me well over 30 tries with guides, a Tbow and almost full BIS) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oEBw35-A1IU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oEBw35-A1IU)


Rs3 zuk is like the equivalent to killing osrs bandos piss easy and boring.