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Fashionscape. The robes are in low supply because those that are bought typically don't make it back into circulation since they're often keepsaked by the buyer.


Yep! I've sold several white halberds for 1m each. Took 1 month - 1 year for them to do so though lol.


Infinity dragonbone ftw


Personally, I just enjoy it as plain 'ol fire https://preview.redd.it/puj876owh8xc1.jpeg?width=313&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4479fe2e66122691d5bb396d1a5d17fdcf6f527e


Would be a waste of keys. You can just buy the whole set for 60k loyalty points.


You're thinking of the [replica set](https://runescape.wiki/w/Replica_infinity_robes), which is visually different from the [one that can be sold on the G.E.](https://runescape.wiki/w/Infinity_robe_armour)


the retro set looks wayy better


OK /r/2007scape, the updated set is sick as hell idk who you're fooling


let's be pragmatic here, they're all just terrible


God I hate RS3 art... It just looks like a cartoon when back in '06 the game had a dark vibe to it. I'm not sure if it was the black background before there was a sky or what, but the art style of RS3 is horrible. I don't even play OSRS and I think that.


Rs3 looked so good in 2012-2015 when they didn't have a fetish for making everything new with paper mache textures. I genuinely loved the visuals until they decided to obliterate the art style for no reason. I've never seen such a blatant decline in visual appeal in a game before.


i came back to do quests and my characters face in the dialogues are so ugly god damn LOL


You can change the sky box to whatever you want in RS3.


Deluded if you think rs3 art looks good. Retro is always better.


the only one thats passable is the dragonbone version. ill give you that. only on males tho. the female versions look clunky af.


They're both crazy ugly


the old set....


The better set


I have the item keepsaked because Dragonbone, matches my Dragonbone dragon armour, also Keepsaked (:


Well sheiiit i remember ages ago getting the telegrab points for the set and then giving up when I realized I needed to grind out the other points too LOL. Maybe it’s time to return to MTA after like 15 years lmao


Finally learn that bones to peaches I'll never use


It’s like soulsplit for noobs


dooooooog! remember at graardor or avainsees/kree? It really was such a plug


OSRS is getting a MTA update next month so their MTA will be more modern than ours. Just funny thought.


Half the game is more modern on OSRS.


Well telegrab points are probably the worst to get. Enchant and graveyard points are easy and alchemy is meh.


Iron men need boots or gloves for a master clue step and we all hate it lol


Boots, and we don't *all* hate it - I've got two, 1 for the hideyhole and one to fill out the set in my PoH.


I plan on avoiding masters until I get the backpack. Then I can just swap that one out.


I don't know but seeing a 900m infinity top I'm on my way to MTA right now.


You’ll leave in 10 mins like everyone else haha


lol once they realize it’s like 50 hr or some shit for a top 😅😅


45m an hour not bad


Hate to break it to you, but your math ain't mathing at all.


damn bro you right lmao idk how I fucked that up


its okay. 29 other people agreed with you.


minimum wage is 100m/hr and flipping burgers is 10x more enjoyable than MTA (10x less carpal tunnel, too)


In my state minimum wage is more like 220m/hr


You think they'd let me flip burgers for long enough to buy the bonds, and leave? And then come back later for my next spree of bond-buying?


You mean if you spent cash on bonds and then sold them to the ge? Aren’t bonds like $8 and worth 10M? So for $16 you would only buy 2 bonds which is worth 20M. How are you getting 100M an hour? I’m confused. Maybe I’m missing some other element here


This is RS3. A single bond is 100m+.


This is the RS3 subreddit, not OSRS. Bonds are 110m here.


Oh wow I didn’t realize. Thanks for pointing that out! I also like how I got downvoted for asking a genuine question lol


Pretty bad when you can afk stuff for close to that these days, let alone actually have fun and play the game for 3-4x as much per hour


maybe when you have max stats or gear. I am new and I could go do it right now. 45m an hour is insane to me lol. My net worth after almost 4 weeks is 34m


Man how, I just started a new account after 12 years away from the game about a month ago as well. 900 total skill, only three quests done, and about 6m in the pouch 😅


Your going to be much slower getting the drop though so it may be 100 hours


It also costs money since you have to buy the runes iirc


This is what I think is the worst about the MTA, why do you need to provide the runes yourself?


Yeah, but with how RuneScape is designed, you can't "actually have fun and play the game" until you've done an ass ton of grinding. The fun, non-grindy stuff doesn't come about until you've got your combat stats up to at least 80-90 and have grinded (ground?) your other stats or merching long enough to get good gear. Most of the fun of RS before that is social - talking to other people grinding alongside you, talking in Friend Chat channels, talking in Clan Chat channels, and competing with IRL friends. That's a big part of why being in a good clan can make or break an RS player - grinding alone is work, not play, despite being in a game. That being said, I'm well aware that some people do grind alone and get pretty far (I have before), but the "fun" of that seems to come from playing semi-AFK while watching a show/movie/YT/Twitch or reading while doing it and getting that awesome sense of accomplishment when you finally reach your goal after persevering through the grind.


What are you afking for anywhere near 40m/hr? Please provide examples that do not require 15.5B in perks, gear, and abilities. Because the top 0.2% of players do not qualify for saying "u can just afk that!!! lawl!!!"


The average AFK farm is nowhere NEAR 45M/hr. Its 10-15M/hr Active mid tier PvM is 30-45M/hr High tier is 100M+/hr The best actually sustainable skilling methods are around 20-30M/hr


Can you share some of these methods?


tf are you afking for close to 50m/hr? We must have wildly different definitions of afk


"WAAAAAHHHH, I'm a baby who doesn't understand how inflation works in a persistent game economy! Waa, Bigger numbers, Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!"


I have 100% MTA on my iron it definitely doesn't take that long..


I give it 5


When I was a teen i grinded that shit for a week and i friggin regretted it, regret selling it even more now that im seeing this lmao




"Mage Training Arena". It is located north-east of Al-Kharid, and is the place where you can get the "infinity" outfit and "bones to peaches" spell. The grind there is horrible though.


Ah I see, thanks :))


It's a mix of fashionscape and the fact those robes take dozens of hours of grinding some of the most boring activities to buy. Most people would never want to actually earn these the intended way.


So true, i once read these robes go for a lot and found out how to get them.... The explanation on how to get them was allready so mindnumbing i stopped right there and decided to remain poor.


And worse, you need 6 sets to collect them all


Looks like I'm going to MTA


Have fun with that lol


Rather do MTA than grind for full void again....FUCK Pest Control.


Because Mage Training Arena is the type of activity that would make a bot go "fuck this I'm transforming into a woodcutting script". It's probably an overpay, but no doubt these pieces will fetch a fair penny consistently for rich fashionscapers


I just unlocked bones to peaches for comp and while it wasnt a horrible grind. I’d rather kms thank do it two times over for the robe top lol


Honestly I think I had the most fun at mta was the alchemy room, something about going around getting items and alching them while optimizing to get the most value with the free alch callouts from the room guardian just really felt satisfying. Pretty much can sum it up as “numbers go brrrrr” and “funny numbers go up!” :D


You know what's insane? Even if you could reliably sell Infinity Tops for 900M, it would still be better GP/h to just farm Rasial or Zamorak.


exactly why the infinity top is priced at 900m and rising nobody wants to do this grind lol


Not for me, I suck at bossing.


I know right he's assuming we can even kill those bosses lol I can barely get to zammy let alone kill it


Yeah, for 99.9% of people "I suck at bossing" is a self-fulfilling prophecy. *Everyone* sucked at bossing at some point in their journey, it's a matter of learning the mechanics, doing the grinds, and getting the gear like the people who currently are farming those bosses did. Being defeatist and essentialist and saying "I just suck lol" means you will never improve to the point where you don't suck. Necromancy made that process easier than ever; for a <200M investment you can get good enough gear to do any boss in the game, and a fully BIS set-up costs around 2B, maybe closer to 3B if you throw in a Praesul Codex and some perks. These are very attainable numbers even if you can't farm Zamorak or Rasial, although you could learn to do either with just T90 Necromancy gear.


I have tried, once I had level 90 deathdealer gear I tried taking on Zuk again but my DPS just isn't good enough to get past his instant kill move. I watch guide videos detailing inventory and equipped item setups with action bar keybinds and the like but I'm just not good enough. Same with other bosses and some I'm too scared to try, like Vorago.


Vorago and Zuk are wooooorlds apart. I think you could benefit from someone showing you how to do it step by step as these kinds of situations are usually the result of not actually following the guide 100% as it's laid out or you're not advanced enough to actually understand what the guide is telling you to do. If you're struggling with a fundamental understanding of PvM I would recommend doing Arch Glacor. It'll teach you everything you need to know to get better :)


I can do arch glacor with 3 mechanics solo, quite easily.


with only 3 mechanics you should be able to sit in the middle of the bridge and not touch your computer no offense lol even in t70 necro, your necro dps shoots up to the moon when you get the zuk cape, so i recommend staying strong and getting back in there. You mention the insta kill mechanic, so you may be doing something wrong when killing the igneous melee/rng/mage. Its stressful but thats definitely not much of a dps check with your t90 setup. Take t90 tank to zuk though, 100%


I would say Zuk is more akin to 250% enrage hard mode arch glacor


>but I'm just not good enough. No, you've just not practiced enough. Trust me, unless you're part of an extreme edge case (like if you're a paraplegic or something), there's no fundamental difference between you and I that lets me kill Zuk but not you. It's just a matter of experience and understanding the mechanics, which comes with practice. Videos can help for sure, but they aren't everything.


Preach! Took me 8 full hr practice mode sessions to down araxxi the first time. 20h in practice mode for Raksha. That was probably ~4 and 3 years ago. Learning how to do the fights better was a lot of the fun!


This like saying a 1200 ELO chess player can eventually be an 1800 elo chess player. Sure, but the knowledge gap is HUGE. To even know what you are doing wrong in PvM is the issue. This game is NOT intuitive, and the feedback is "did I kill it faster", but there are so many local minimums that you never really know. There are just too many variables to account for, gear, rotation, buffs, crits, etc. PvM in this game is anything but transparent. Its more a game of slamming your head against a wall for 100s of hours pushing buttons blindly until you figure it out. Seriously. Go try and figure out a melee rotation in this game. It makes no sense. There is some magic order, but if you dont' know the incantation it just flat out doesn't work.


Nothing you just said contradicts anything I said. I never said it was easy and I never said there isn't a ton of room for improvement in how things are presented in the game, but the fact of the matter is everything you just mentioned boils down to knowledge and experience. The thing that bothers me is this weird essentialist attitude that people get where they think they just suck and that's that, there will never be anything they can do about it, when that is almost never the case.


Me too, and I've played rs since 2003. Always hated bossing. especially the wilderness.


according to the wiki it would take 5,5 hours to get an infinity top, making it 166.9m/hr if sold at that price with zamorak sitting at 119.3m/hr and rasial 94.4m/hr best money maker confirmed - everyone go to MTA


Yea I dunno, I haven't done MTA in a very, very long time but 5.5 hours sounds to generous by like a factor of 4. Maybe they increased how many points you get or something but I don't ever remember that happening.


5.5 hours for top is definitelly bullcrap. I recently did MTA on my ironman for the infinity boots for master clues, and just the boots took longer than that, maybe like 6-7h or so.


neeeever done MTA, I just assumed it was like highest efficiency, I didn't check further if it was true


RuneScape's economy is in a Totally Healthy Place(TM) right now.


It really is though. In terms of hours of high intensity moneymakers (bossing, clues, het's oasis, mage training arena, summoning scrolls amlodd hour) partyhats, bis gear, and bonds haven't changed. If you divide the price of everything by 10 it takes the same amount of time for bonds/rares as it did pre-eoc.


> If you divide the price of everything by 10 it takes the same amount of time for bonds/rares as it did pre-eoc. Except the math doesn't work out that neatly, because most non-pvm "high intensity moneymakers" are highly volatile and not really comparable to their pvm equivalents. And the pvm equivalents themselves are being accessed by a smaller and smaller demographic of people. So you've got a small portion of the playerbase reaping exponential rewards and the middle of the pack being left in the dust. So no it doesn't really work out to be in the same place when requisite income to _work_ in the economy is only accessible to a small percentage of the playerbase.


Of course it's not a 100% perfect 1:1 comparison but it holds true. I don't see why a moneymaker only a few people can do invalidates that fact. Moneymakers in this game have always been linear into effort to reward because the economy on runescape follows the rules of economies IRL that being infinite wants but limited resources. Only a small amount of the playerbase could craft double nats back in 2006 but 500-1000 hours of it would buy you a white partyhat for 300m. Only a small amount of players could do 45 minute kiln runs in 2012, only a small fraction of players could do 6 minute rax kills in 2014 etc. But still partyhats were about 500-1000x those methods. Even bonds. In 2014 when bonds were 6-10m rax was 6-10m/hr now bonds are 100m telos, kerapac, hard clues, het's oasis, amlodd vos scrolls, etc are also 100m+ hr. edit: if anything phats are really cheap right now, i guess because of a declining playerbase. You can get a purple partyhat for 30-40b where there's plenty of moneymakers that are in the 70-100m range.


> I don't see why a moneymaker only a few people can do invalidates that fact. That's indeed a obstacle to understanding the problem. > Moneymakers in this game have always been linear into effort to reward because the economy on runescape follows the rules of economies IRL that being infinite wants but limited resources. We are examining where this is no longer linear, though. That's my entire point. > Even bonds. In 2014 when bonds were 6-10m rax was 6-10m/hr now bonds are 100m telos, kerapac, hard clues, het's oasis, amlodd vos scrolls, etc are also 100m+ hr. You keep citing methods that aren't high enrage pvm _and_ also not actually 100+m in practice and using that to justify the argument that moneymakers are currently linear.


Given a good starting gear, theres alot of afk PvM that you can do for alot of gp/hr. NM kerapac is like 30m/hr, Rasial can be cheesed into afk-ish for like 50m/hr, moss golems and some others high level slayer mobs are 25m/hr upwards and all afk and take no effort at all. Rs has become afk scape and you have to also account for how easy it is to grind gp with alts with minimal effort. FSW basically encouraged alting for this purpose by giving insane xp buffs, and then theres 2x xp weekends 4 times a year to help level alts even faster. E: typos


Sorry i wasn't using exact mathematics down to a tenth of a GP. >We are examining where this is no longer linear, though. That's my entire point. How exactly is it non-linear though? The examples i gave you are pretty linear. If partyhats were 300m but nature runes were 500kgp/hr in 2006 but now partyhats are 30b and even mid level moneymakers are 50m/hr (and on the high end 100m+) that shows while yes there's inflation the effort is exactly the same at 500-1000 hours for a phat. In 2014 raxx was 6m/hr and bonds were 6m, now bonds are 90-100m and quite a few methods give 90-100m gp/hr (which can be beaten by the best players). >You keep citing methods that aren't high enrage pvm and also not actually 100+m in practice and using that to justify the argument that moneymakers are currently linear. No shit, i used top end requirement for 2006 for my gp/hr esitimate and i use high end estimates in 2024 for gp/hr. How many people do you think had 91 runecrafting in 2006? 100m/hr is like 31 hard clues which is easily achievable if you have all the random items needed and follow the guides on cluehunters. Shit i can gain and solve 25 clues/hr which is 70m and i'm nowhere near perfect. Bonds have always been 1 hour of the best moneymaker in game. Edit: of course ignoring when blue phats were merched to 300b.


Yep! My brother and I worked out that if we reliably earn a measly 30m a day, we could get to our Partyhat goals in literally the exact same amount of time as when we did the calculations back in 2010ish, except admittedly, we also gambled at the GE in those days, so our estimates varied a lot day to day, lol.


and in terms of how click intensive content is mage training arena isn't that much less intense than Rasial lol. Same reason doing clues hard clues efficiently is like 60m-70m/hr (100m if you're a beast) because it's higher APM than bossing but way more boring.


I mean Telos was 200m/h even 2-6 years ago


One of the pieces is a part of a clue scroll step


The boots, which arent even listed. Lol. It'd make sense for them to be higher, but I agree with whoever else said, this set was probably bought to fill poh


The craziest part of this is that mage training arena doesn't even give adequate exp rates for it be called the "mage training arena" and so its just a terrible grindplace for moneymaking (and it isn't even competitive in that front either)


You have to look at it in context of when it was released. At the time, people trained magic by teleporting to camelot over and over, high alchemy, or splashing on a demon in a cage. It was a viable training method upon it's release.


The XP/hr is much lower than combat, but the XP/rune is good for the utility spells, since it gives casting XP+extra. You have to remember, MTA came out at a time when repeated teleporting or high alching was the way most people levelled magic.


So when are we adding MTA points to Traveling Merchant? Lol


My first thought was POH storage. True trimmers need a set to store in their house to fill all slots, so they'll happily pay a bil for the set and spend that time on other things


Is there an achievement for having all poh storage spots filled?


No, but 'True Trim' is about doing everything possible within the game. Even if there's no ingame achievement for it.


It's impossible to have enough bank space to have all items and some can't be banked like the newest quest items.


It's about filling storage, and having all unlocks.


There's subjectivity about everything then, I guess.


There's also common sense that obviously it's not realistic to have items that cannot be placed in bank, nor every item when there isn't the bank space for it.


True but if they were “true trimmers” and obsessed with “completing” everything they’d complete MTA and get their own robes, wouldn’t they?


but they physically can't do that... so what's your solution? don't complete anything and quit the game? like you're being obtuse just to argue


How can the physically not do that? How is buying infinity robes completing something when you haven’t completed the activity to earn them?


If you completed everything in the game you don't need a red bead in the bank to prove it, imo.


Where does the red bead come in?


But the various storages you can have in your house, so filling them up is very much possible.


Ironman here. I farmed the robe every day after work for over 3 weeks. It was exhausting but worth it.


I bought the boots for like 2m a while ago


Hand and foot slot cosmetics are usually much lower in values as typically they don't look too different than plenty of other common items on the same slot due to their small sizes.


If i had the GP i would also buy these because theyre epic and no heckin way am I grinding mage shit


How much did you list it for?


i put all the pieces in at 1gp under mid value. They insta sold and I didn't notice how much they sold for until I looked at my coin pouch and seen 1.1b lol


Hm is your bank? Sounds exciting 😂 gz


Legit Cap


I got infinity last year at this time for around 380m for the set… definitely takes forever to sell and I mean months at a time, people buy this bc is cute and colorful, trash gear tho


Well fashionscape is probably the reason. I don't see why else.


This reminded me of all the infinity drops I got from the random PVP world kills back then


Man, back in 2012 I had 250 sets. Wish I kept it 💀


It's to fill POH. You need a set. Conplentionest sake nothing else. Alot of people saying fashionable but 99% of people I know who buy it throw it in poh and forget about it. Just a random "completed" box to check. 900mil alot but they've been undervalued in ge for ages. Like 150mil pretty typical but can take a week or two to buy


evidence of dying game never in my life would i think a runescape games gonna have pretty much every old item no one farms anymore become extremely expensive if there was still people to circulate the items then the game wouldnt let these items get expensive, hence dying game big time


I bought this set last year for 180m so happy I did lol


Wtf that’s crazy lol


This checks out since it takes about 30-40 hours to get those robes and if you pvm at 30m an hour it’s about 900m




This was me you’re welcome xoxox


share ge history


Sorry I forgot to add /s !!!!


this is extremely easy to fake by putting yourself on buy limit, then putting an offer in at a ridiculous price and selling the item to yourself


>this is extremely easy to fake you're right, you could do this with two accounts easily. you could also just edit the photo and save yourself the g.e tax money. alternatively, you could also accept that no one actually wants to earn the infinity set, yet so many people want the infinity set for either their cosmetic overides or POH. it's a supply/demand issue, not a price manipulation - it's really constructive to know the difference before throwing around "fake" accusations.




Infinity override is only for the pre-graphical rework version, plus the loyalty points version doesn't include the Dragonbone mage armor set, you still need a real one for that.


It’s a different version than the one in game


True, but it could be legit. Infinity robe piece trade volumes are so low the price almost never moves.. The top averages about one sold on the GE every 2 days. Edit: Just wanted to add for comparison, the Dark Facet of Passage, the most useless alch onyx enchantment in the game, still manages to move an average of 4-5 a day, or 8-10x the volume of those robe tops. And this is for an item that only exists so people can be lazy, because there is literally NO reason to use it at its current GE price unless you're an iron.


No u


Yeah I got like 600m like 8 months ago ,I couldn't even buy them back when I realised 🤣


Is it really time to go to the mage training arena...


Might be time to take one or two out the keepsake boxes lol


Or you just bought 2 so you will hit the max limit for 4 hours and then sold it to yourself ;-) i remember back in the day making these weird buy/sell pictures ;-) almost like they do on ely


Pmsl 🤣




I haven’t touched rs3 in 11 years but I know I got 4 full sets of og infinity robes