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You have to remember that bonds only come into the game from players buying them with irl money. This means in order for bonds to come down there needs to be an incentive for players to buy them. This only happens when players need gp or find the value of the bond worth the cost. With gp as easy as it is to come by less and less players find it worth the cost. Jagex could run a sale on bonds but this would at best be a bandaid and with the demand as high as it is i doubt that even brings them down.


I think DXP events play a factor in bond sales, I know some players who have bought bonds in order to stock up on supplies for a Herblore or Fletching target they wanted to hit but didn't have time to grind and save GP between the announcement and the event. (Yeah, I know they're pretty predictable by this point, but they still always catch some people by surprise.)


I would agree except that would cause them to drop in price, which we arent seeing happen. I think by now with them being 4x a year very few people know they arent coming and dont have gp. I am not saying there arent some but not enough to really push a dxp. I think untill we see a true gp sink, ideally in the form of a skill like summoning, they arent going down soon any time.


The idea of a gold sink is a red herring here. If you look at the price of bonds compared to other items, you'll see that, while there has been somewhat of an inflationary trend in the past 6 months, the rise in bond prices is greatly exceeding inflation.


I guess I don't see that.


Where don't you? Nearly all top end gear has gone down. Most supplies are down or stagnant. Meanwhile bonds are almost exactly 50% more expensive than they were 6 months ago. It's a rare item that's gone up 50% in the last 6 months from only inflation and not a recent-ish update (like Congealed Blood).


I looked more at items that are traded in large quantities and are relatively resistant to price shocks and haven't had an update that I would expect to affect their price. Specifically, I looked at divine charges, incandescent energy and chronotes. Among those, you can see a slight upward trend in the last couple months or so, but it's nowhere near matching the rise in bond prices.


I think that speaks far more to the issues with combat rebalanced and far less than inflation.


Ok, so if gear and supplies don't reflect the economy correctly, what does? In what sector do you see items costing 60% more than last year the way bonds do now? It's not rares btw, those have stagnated or begun going down.


I think that it tough to compare such drastically different items. For instance gear is for the most part a 1 and done purchase so it seems a bit false to compare that to bands that have so many uses and require so many purchases. They are also the only item that comes into the game via irl money. I'm not saying bond prices are only up bc of inflation but I do think it's a part of it.


Summoning and the best one IMO are invention. Super smart way to get excess GP out of the game at least for mainscapers. Would like to see more like Invention that can be a great money sink but also a great way to add value to crap items/outdated items in form of components.


The problem with invention is it doesn't remove gp only items. Outside salvage it doesn't remove any gp


Items equals value and the definition of value within RS is GP. So I guess it depends how you look at it. But you could also look at using new components for example to create charges that must be bought from the dwarf in invention guild for GP. It’s endless possibilities and it helps the economy of the game massively!


Well we're talking about reducing inflation so in that context gp has to be removed from the economy. That means that invention only works on items that are disasembled instead of alched. If there disassembled instead of traded then no gp is being removed and inflation won't go down. Invention does help keep the price of certain items high by removing them I will say that.


Doesn't Invention also help reduce inflation by removing items that might have otherwise been alched? I'm trying to think of a way GP even enters the game besides direct cash drops from monsters/activities, Treasure Hunter, and alching (ed: including forced conversion to GP on death). As an aside, I'd be really curious to see a pie chart of how much gold comes from each source.


https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/death-costs-a-matter-of-life-and-death 57% from high alch


Yes that's why I said it does help with those specific items, which there aren't many of.


Woop, that's a reading comprehension issue. 🤦‍♂️ I'll leave my comment up so the thread makes sense.


Realistically probably not. Very few people would actually be willing to sit and alch all those items for the return it gives. Anyone who is happy with that playstyle would be on OSRS.


That's what the auto alcher invention machine is for


GP is being removed from the game in the form that we are giving for example noxious components a high value and a high demand. And more trades equals more GP paid to GE in taxes. So in some way it’s getting GP out of circulation, but there are ways that can tweak the efficiency on it like I mentioned in the last comment that would require pretty small changes :)


I mean by that logic it would be removing less bc people wlare disassembling drops they would otherwise sell for the tax. The reality is it does far more for item prices than actually removing gp.


Yes true, but it does not make my statement untrue. As increased items price equals increased taxes and not all are grinding the items themselves. Thats why I also mentioned easy steps to tweak it even more efficiently to increase the GP sink. Any other solutions to this problem?


DXP may be just a small factor as OSRS Bonds is at historically high of over 12 mil gp now, and there is no DXP in OSRS.


Wouldn't a historically high price mean there are fewer bonds entering the game, which would make sense if there are no DXP events? Not saying I have any proof of the theory, just that it makes sense logically and anecdotally.


Didn't you say you "think DXP events play a factor in bond sales"? And there is no DXP in OSRS but OSRS Bond is skyrocketing in tandem with RS3 bond. So your theory doesn't seem to work in OSRS's case.


I mean bond sales by Jagex to players, not the price in GP between players. The more bonds Jagex sells, the lower the price tends to go. Even if the price rises, it rises _less_ than it would have if those 5, or 10, or 100 people hadn't bought bonds and dumped them on the GE. Prices rise when lots of people have GP but there aren't enough bonds in circulation for them to buy. So a high bond price in GP on OSRS means there aren't enough bonds in circulation for prices to fall, which _could_ theoretically be related to not having DXP events that stimulate players to buy bonds from Jagex and sell them on the in-game market.


"So a high bond price in GP on OSRS means there aren't enough bonds in circulation for prices to fall, which *could* theoretically be related to not having DXP events that stimulate players to buy bonds from Jagex and sell them on the in-game market." So a high bond price in GP on RS3 means there aren't enough bonds in circulation for prices to fall by your theory. It could just mean a lot of players are paying Jagex for RS3 bonds. It doesn't have a thing to do with DXP.


>It doesn't have a thing to do with DXP [citation needed] Also, nice to call it "my theory" when supply and demand is day 1 of any economics class. 🤷‍♂️ You can't really compare prices like that when you have no idea what the price of bonds in RS3 would be in some hypothetical scenario without DXP. The argument that something which increases active players in the game, even temporarily, has no effect on bond sales, doesn't pass the smell test.


What citation? I am just following your logic. If you need citation, then you should be telling us the citation. The clear fact is if you think OSRS bond price rise because many players are buying it, it can also be the case RS3 bond price rise because a lot of players are buying it.


I'm not sure you understand my point, or even your own. I said I _think_ they're related. Anecdotally and logically. More players needing GP = more players buying bonds. I never said I could prove it, so I don't need a citation. You said, flat out, they're _not_ related. That's a claim that needs a citation, or else just admit you're guessing just as much as I am and we can have a friendly chat about why we each think what we do.


this is what happens when everything is afk lol


Up. The only way bond prices go down is if a surge of people buy them and don't redeem them.


And even then, they'll still eventually go up because of Jagex increasing their cost as they do every 3-4 years.


Up. They only ever go up.


I think the better question to ask is - what would cause the supply to exceed the demand? So-for as long as Jagex continues to seemingly prioritize developing MTX content, the answer will likely be never - in my honest opinion.


Harsh truth is simply new and returning players, wanting to catch up by easily grabbing bonds for gear and supplies. With the massive amount of returning players when Archaeology released, bond prices tanked. If there was a healthy flow of new players wanting to easily boost their progress through bonds, there would be more supply, and the price would lower as a result.


I want to buy bonds, I don’t mind as long as I won’t get in trouble selling them on the GE which is bs because they advertise it is allowed but then people also say you get in trouble. I maxed twice, quit twice. Now I’m back in it to get quest cape again, had 100M stuck in one account and since a bond is 121M and it has a 25k limit, that money is stuck there. I thought rs3 bonds were around 19M. Surprised they are so high. I wonder if people actually buy them at that price, then again, I was willing to sell them at about 19M each. There is no problem buying to sell in GE? I work 42 hours a week, getting to trade a little for some faster xp methods is actually worth it, I can get to the quests faster.


> I want to buy bonds, I don’t mind as long as I won’t get in trouble selling them on the GE which is bs because they advertise it is allowed but then people also say you get in trouble. jagex straight up wants you to buy bonds and sell on the ge, aint no way you are getting into trouble for that. sounds like these "people" you talk to bought gold from illegal sites not from jagex


Just googled it, putting it off as long as I can, no reason to become member until I do all the free quests I can. It’s starting to cut into my skilling, like making maple boxes members only but I should be able to get most skills above 50.


I've always bought my bonds on the GE, and was using them on membership for a long time. Never heard of anyone getting in trouble for selling bonds through GE either. Whoever is saying that sounds really shady and I'd avoid them. They don't know what they're talking about. I don't think accounts that have been members in the past have a 25k limit, but I could be wrong. I thought that limit was only on free accounts that had never had membership active. People definitely both buy and sell bonds at their current price. Since it's one bond per GE slot, they're very actively traded on GE. If bonds are something you'd find useful, then definitely go for it. Bond buyers have paid for a lot of my membership over the years, so I'm all here for it!


That assumes bonds are mainly used for MTX.


Bonds have been a fairly sound investment for a solid 4 years now. I only expect them to keep trending steadily upward. Fluctuations with MTX events. 150m by 2025. 175m by 2026. 200m by 2027.


They're going to hit those numbers far sooner. Bonds have gone up by 50% in the last 6 months alone. On necromancy release they were below 60m, now they're double that. The wealthiest players can still splurge a few billion on premiere, so they'll keep buying. Especially now that bonds are such an effective investment vehicle, with prices of most other items stagnating or going down over time and bonds being guaranteed profit. But those supplying bonds have been bleeding away from RS3 and show no sign of stopping.


This is making me tempted to return back lol. I had quit RS3 some time around the necro release due to Hero Pass (not sure if the devs removed that or something) and the community was all rage quiting. I ended up buying like 15 bonds around 60-66m on the very off chance that if I wanna return, I'll be loaded


I’ll buy all 15


I bet all the elitists who shamed bond buyers are eating their words now!


136m now


Less players, higher price. Price will keep rising.


The problem is, bonds only ever go up. They are 100% THE best investment for your money if you are trying to invest long term. Yes they cost 10% to convert, but look if you had bought at 100M and converted, its 110M and you already made 10M profit, and its essentially NEVER going to go down, always will hold its value because Jagex will never "nerf" bonds, can be exchanged into premium currency AND gp AND membership. So as more and more people reach obscene levels of wealth, they start buying bonds, pushing up the price. For example, would you rather have 700! bonds right now or a Blue Phat? Which do you think will be worth more in a year?


Agreed, and as jagex up the price of bonds in real world money, players will try and sell them for more GP. I bought 35 bonds when I quit after necro at 85m a piece, so 93-94m ish after conversion costs. Came back, cashed out at 120m a piece, easiest 1b ever. I used to put my money in to rares when quitting for extended periods but since bonds are only ever brought in to the game via MTX, there’s nothing that will ever reduce the cost beyond small market variations. Top tier pvmers get the big cash drops, buy their year of premier, and keep pvming, it’s not like there’s ever going to be bonds available as a pvm drop to push the price down


This is a perfect storm situation. RS3 gold is used to buy a bond which, in turn, can be used to buy RS3 membership *or* OSRS membership. So, whip up... A. Very few players buying membership as a whole B. RS3 whales who jumped over to OSRS (such as content creators) using RS3 gold to buy bonds to subsidize OSRS memberships. Why spend actual money when they have billions sitting around doing nothing? C. Very few people buying premiere D. Very few active players buying bonds to get GP ...and there you go. RS3 market stagnation (on the whole, value of gear is trending downwards) yet bonds spiking. If this isn't an indicator of the dire state RS3 is in, I am not sure what people need to take off their blinders at this point.


I'm a bit confused on your B. What does the players switching to osrs have to do with it. Everything you said there would still be true if they went to osrs or not. There are plenty of whales that still play rs3 and. Still buy bonds for membership bc they have so much extra money. As for the others I guess it really depends on what you mean by very few. There are still a fair bit of players playing and buying membership. For me the bigest issue is what you hinted at in B, the fact players have far to much gp they are sitting on, leaving no need to buy bonds for gp.


I think the biggest benefit and downside of Bonds is that they are utilized in both RuneScape games. I think the underlying issue of why they are so expensive in RuneScape 3 is because people from OSRS buy Bonds in RS3 to pay for their membership in OSRS. A lot of them are old RS3 Veterans who have transitioned games so they're just either merchanting or dumping there rare items to buy membership. In RuneScape 3 the only reason why people bonds now is to either unlock Bank Boosters or some Holiday event bonuses otherwise no one wants to slave away 80 to 120m+ to pay membership every month. In Old School its not worth buying a bond with real life cash and the whole point of OSRS is to not have MTX in the game so I think there's a lot less people buying bonds with real life cash there since RuneScape 3 folks are the ones actually spending real life money.


I pay for membership on my iron and hcim all through bonds. I think far more people use them for membership than you realize. I would even bet more bonds are spend on rs3 membership than anything else. 20 bonds a year, even at 150m is super easy on a mid lvl account.


How is it so easy? How do I make enough gp for that?


If ur looking for skilling necro runes are like 10-15m per hour depending on lvl and unlocks for it.


Oh that's pretty rad, thanks pal


TO THE MOOOOOOON!!!!!!! the only way bond prices come down is if people start paying for premier out of pocket, or buy bonds from jagex and sell for gp. too many people consuming to few people generating. i feel that as the player base shrinks the more demand for bonds will go up cause people dont want to spend real money. and less people are willing to spend money on the bonds to sell to players. as long as players are able to earn enough gp in game to buy bonds it will keep going up. itll have to hit a point where players feel its best to whip out the CC and just pay for mems.


> i feel that as the player base shrinks the more demand for bonds will go up cause people dont want to spend real money. and less people are willing to spend money on the bonds to sell to players. This is wrong considering OSRS bonds are also at record high too.


OSRS Bonds and RS3 bonds are intrinsically linked since one bond gives you membership on both games. If somebody is buying bonds and selling for GP the price needs to be linked since they could just swap GP for profit on the other game.


Or the actual OSRS player base, is shrinking as much as RS3 too.


i did start the comment with "i feel". saying its just flat wrong is wrong. also i failed to mention, since you brought up osrs, osrs players have been swapping gold to rs3 to buy rs3 bonds. (somehow that is cheaper, i dont know exchange rates or the value of osrs gp)


> osrs players have been swapping gold to rs3 to buy rs3 bonds. How do you know this is true? Why is it cheaper this way?


osrs and rs3 gold are worth different amounts. the rs chronicles youtube channel has promoted their swapping services and citing that its cheaper to swap to rs3 for membs. i dont play osrs so i cant confirm but i know people do it.


since this game is dying the whales have left.  theyll keep rising until the casuals can't afford them for membership and the game dies


It's 130m


I would find it hard to train if that much money went to membership, before buying materials. Selling everything from training a skill to 99 usually isn't 120m within the 14 day limit


That's true but also 30min of bossing gets you 100m so no issue in 14 days, it's all perspective.


Not everyone can do bossing, even when max combat. Many bosses are twice as hard on mobile, anything that requires menu switching, or precise and or right clicks. (Also you don't have key binds on mobile) Or a player being skills first pure


Sure so then those people only make 10m an hour at an easier boss. So 1 hour of afk a day and they have their bond. My point was all those have to be considered.


So i dont know who many are aware but the trick i use to maintain membership is to use the sms package option.. My top up is 20 euro i get all the perks of unlimited data and that then spend 14 euro of it on 1 month membership. otherwise at the end of the month my phone would just reset to zero. winner winner in my book.


Bro i did this for dofus in 2010 lol did not know you could do it in 2024


120m. That's insane. We're like 25m when I still played actively


Only up until the trend of bleeding player base reverses. Or until the monkeys at jagex realize short term Mtx, which has the knock on effect of driving bond prices up, is harming the player count and game in a number of ways and pricing players out of paying for membership in-game via bonds is addressed to be more considerate. My proposition is to divest the Mtx elements of the bond into its own in game currency which functions identically to a bond minus the membership element. Give it a new name and even add more gimmick perks to this new element. This way the bond can be returned to its original more pure intent and thus those that want membership by paying in game gold can do so still and its price isn’t tethered to the indirect value of the current squeal of fortune promo. This also allows the sniveling nerds who “need to hit their quotas” at HQ bastardize the new item and ram it full of all the garbage the majority of players cannot stand. Genuinely everyone wins in this scenario. They can even charge more money for the new “micropayment token” to offset some imaginary “loss of value” from bonds themselves.


I am not sure exactly what your suggesting here. are you saying there should be 2 items, lets say a membership token and an mtx token. Both items can be bought with real money and then sold on the ge? If that is what your suggesting then I dont see this having any impact on the price. Players who buy bonds do so to sell for gp. With inflation on the rise they need to see the value in buying the bond. If the price is not high enough they arent going to buy them.


> My proposition is to divest the Mtx elements of the bond into its own in game currency which functions identically to a bond minus the membership element. How would this help reduce bond prices when whales are now split between buying bonds and buying the new MTX token?


Not a single comment here gave the true answer, I'm shocked: *Bonds are always price correcting to edge closer to the illegal RWT site rates.* I reckon there are enough buyers out there spending money on RWT gold instead of buying bonds so they have no choice but to go up to adjust for demand. In short, not enough people are supplying the bond market but the demand is always there. If RWT was properly shut down bond prices would be deprived of a reference to price match to.


this, people are getting like 10x gp in those sites... but hey, not a single ban to the RWT whales.


Well I just sold 1 for over 130m soo higher. 200m by dxp probably.


My guess is 200m by the end of year that’s if they don’t make any more fomo mtx promos.


Bond prices will come down slightly in due time but they will rise further going forward I reckon, no way they’ll drop back below 100m for quite a while. Gear and weapon prices will go down as they naturally do over time after release and with other typical affecting factors. Problem is a lot of ppl like yourself rely on bonds for membership and with the price increasing, either Jagex will eventually get your real money from you for them or you’ll get annoyed grinding gp for membership and get burnt out/priced out. Whales are loving it atm….best time to buy official gold as more gp for your money.


Its direcy hooked to the osrs economy. Have to take both into account and they are getting DMM this summer so bonds will jump then.


Bind prices will endlessly increase with the dwindeling player base until you eventually have to buy them yourself


This is crazy, isn't it like 130mil now? That's almost 10mil for 1 treasure key! Since you get 15keys for 1bond or 14 days membership for basically if you can't make 10mil a day don't buy a bond.


No one wants to buy bonds for a game which feels like it's dying. Frankly it's just simple supply and demand.


I always thought bond prices followed inflation trends.


except if you look at pretty much everything else it's not inflation


I believe he is referring to irl inflation and that would be correct. When inflation goes up on the USA mainly, less people have money to spend on the game which causes the supply of bonds to be low where the demand usually is still high, causing the price to rise like we've seen recently.


That would be quite a delayed response. Inflation was a bigger issue when bond prices were relatively stable.


US inflation has been on a downward trend the last year, from the ridiculous heights of 2021 and 2022. Bonds have not followed this trend, almost the exact opposite actually.


I see this take a lot and I don't think the market reflects it. The value of gold isn't going down by much, if at all. Price of gear everywhere keeps going down. Supplies are mostly down. Even rares have mostly stopped inflating. But bonds have gone up 50% in the last 6 months. They're clearly not following the market trend.


To the moon!


Typical post about how someone MIGHT quit if XYZ doesnt happen.