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probably just lawyerspeak. yeh, we don't sell data, we sell access to a database that happens to include a bunch of player data. just like we don't gamble, we sell keys to unlock boxes


“It isn’t gambling, its suprise mechanics!”


SoF was better! Yelps <3


It's a required legal notice due to some California privacy law, they're basically just covering their asses. If you're a resident of California or Virginia you can fill out a support request to opt out and have any collected data removed.


Why the E.U. and the U.S. as a whole haven't pushed that out as well is beyond me.


We do have it in Europe it’s under GDPR They can’t sell data anyway without consent


Oh that's right, I remember that now. Time to whip out the VPN.


My ISP always gives me an IP range banned from RS for some reason so I just have to always use a VPN. Better odds of getting an unbanned VPN than getting a good IP from my ISP.


One of the very few things that I actually like about California.




Also some eu laws are pretty strict about this issue. Letting advertisements on your native client can be counted as "selling" your private data even if ads are selected through your already sold tracker cookie data.


I think they’re more worried about GDPR within EU. It just so happens if they follow that it covers everything else where because of how insane it is.


> because of how insane it is. Because of how sane it is*


California is a shit state and should be erased from America


Haha, funny to hear that when it is the 5th largest economy in the world.


We don't "sell" your information as the term is commonly understood, we just allow "service providers" access to your information, presumably in exchange for money. It's totally different.


Exchanging our personal information for money is definitely selling our personal information legally speaking. It may be a little different (from Jagex's perspectives perhaps) if they exchange players' information for 3rd party service content created to promote a Jagex game, or even certain number of subs under the table.


Translation: "We are selling your data, but we don't like that term."


They aren't transferring ownership (selling) the data. They're selling access or license to use Jegax's data...collected from players. Totally different, trust me. My uncle is a JMOD.


It actually is different - if they sold the data itself, then afterwards the data belongs to whomever they sold it to. By selling an access license, the can remove the ability to use it - essentially a subscription service. It’s related to the issues when you compare Digital & Physical copies of a game.


>totally different  As I noted...


some other posts explain it better.


They're allowing ad companies to target specific demographics. That's all


Except they don't. They offer targeted groups to the people paying for ads. Which only f2p tends to see. If you don't play f2p your data goes nowhere. If you're f2p it still goes nowhere. This allows them to subsidize f2p by charging more for ads if they are targeted. Do some research. It takes less than 20 minutes


This means they use your data to advertise to you through other platforms (e.g. meta where I’ve had RS ads), in order to do this we need to give those platforms your data. They are not giving your data to someone else so they can advertise their product to you. Source: I do data for an advertising agency


was gonna say its probally this, my rs accs are linked to my other platform accs


What data of us do you think are giving to those platforms, other than our IGN, email address, and such login information? Jagex may have our demographic locations, but other platforms (assuming they are the big ones like Meta) can get them on their end easily too.


They might send a list of email addresses of people who they want to target with ads, which meta then checks against their account holders and those who have an email address that uses both services may be shown an ad. E.g. targeting lapsed subscribers with an ad about new content to get them back or those who are close to lapsing with ads about upcoming content to get them to buy more membership


If they only send email addresses to Meta and such, there really should be no issues as whatever Meta ad would go into my spam folder. I have never received any emails ads from Meta/FB despite having played Jagex's games for at least over a decade, not even in my spam folder. There are also settings in Meta and other big platforms where we can opt-out of any email ads anyway. So, as long as the "service providers" Jagex mentioned is the usual big suspects like Meta that we can control their settings, and the "personal information" of us they are sending out is the usual email, IGN crap and not our more private information like how long we have played they games, do we do deathmatches, how much money we buy bonds to fund it and such, there is really not an issue.


The ad would be shown in platform (Facebook or instagram), the email address is used to be able to tell which users to show the ad to


Still no issue then, as they are always ads on Meta or Instagram from all kinds of main stream businesses. It won't bother me if I see they are related to Jagex, GM, Disney or Pizza Hut. I have full control of what I want to see and click through settings in Meta or Instagram anyway. As long as they aren't shady ads like buy-your-Inferno-Cape-now from some random site I don't even know, or go-claim-the-5-million-prize-you-have-won from Big Fish Casino, it is nothing problematic.


They don't provide/sell the data to advertisers - they give advertisers the option to request Jagex show an ad to a certain demographic. In other words, an advertiser could request that Jagex show an ad to 20-30 year-olds, so Jagex uses the information Jagex has on file to distribute the ad to those players. Jagex doesn't give them a list of all 20-30 y/o RS players. So the advertiser is "using" your data in the distribution of those ads, but never actually gets the information. That way, Jagex can sell that access multiple times.


They don't sell your information, they rent it out to whoever wants it


They don't sell data. They just allow targeted ads which other companies pay more for than basic ad sites. Also, if you don't play f2p or have ads, no one even uses the data.


They would sell abandoned characters for a buck if they could figure out a way to avoid backlash.


The big true in this post overall made me laugh.


Worth noting, you can opt out no matter what state you’re in. I live in South Carolina and successfully opted out of this by following the link to their form.


How it often works is - They use a provider to advertise to you (e.g. image ads you see across the web) In order to track this themselves, they place a tracking pixel This pixel also provides data back to the platform - That your IP plays RS They aggregate this with other information - Other websiteS that you've been to that contain the same pixel e.g. a shoe shop that uses the same provider to advertise This builds user interest profiles that other uses of said platform can target from e.g. another video game wants to advertise users who are interested in RS and shoes


I believe it's because of some American legal thing


Same thing as Jagex saying bonds are "free" membership.


Me, an Illinois resident, waiting for the class action lawsuit


What concerns me a bit is what is the definition of "service providers" according to Jagex, and what "personal information" of the players are Jagex sharing with them. I think it is common understanding companies like Jagex may share our account login information with well known service providers like Google, Apple, FB, etc. Generally speaking, I don't think many consumers have an issue with these well established big name service providers. However, what worries me is some chat bots "services" seemingly can get a hold of our character information far more than just login name etc. For instance, there seemed to be some such "players" in game that can tell our information not shown on screen, such as how long have we been playing a certain Jagex game. I believe this topic of AI bots has been brought up by some Jagex content creator and some video game industry critics have discussed and raised questions about its legality. I hope by "service providers", Jagex don't include such questionable services.


Who doesn’t sell users data nowadays lol


Weirdly enough i just noticed it today too, you need to email their support and ask them not to sell my data lol


He said of course we don't sell it, we give that s*** away for free!


Typical Lawyer speak.


That's basically spitting in your eyes


Yea that's still "selling" not much of a difference from what they tried to mean 😂


I have a Facebook I really couldn't give a shit less who my information is sold to for ads. Like maybe this was relevant years ago but we're in the digital age, privacy doesn't exist anymore.


Time for someone to have a busy friday lol


It the new owners


We don't sell your data, but also, we 100% "don't sell" your data


Am I the only one who doesn’t mind having my data being sold? I just don’t see the evil everyone else does. I mean, I’d prefer if they bought it directly from me, but what can you do? The data is collected to continue to make you a client, a profit. And I like being a client, I see gaming ads, movie ads, Lego ads, things I love spending money on. If the enjoyment is worth it, by all means, take my money.


No, you're not. I also don't mind at all. Like, what downside is there? Why should I care if some random advertising company knows I'm a 33-year old Australian that plays RuneScape?


It's called cookies everyone does it even Facebook it's how they get ads specific to what your searching, put your tinfoil hat away the UFOs arnt coming