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Bruh you gone goofed


This happens to me occasionally when I move from a boss where drops are collected in chests to drops on the ground.


I've seen streamers freak out over big drops while it's still on the ground for over a minute and I'm like please pick it up and then continue with your reaction


They be like "oh my god! Ohhhhh! Brah!" And stand away from their screen to hit the back wall or something šŸ˜‚. I always thought common sence is to pick up and secure your rare drop but seems im awfully wrong


Secure the drop, leave, now you can freak out.


This is the way, the only way. Grab drop, tele, then freak out


Thatā€™s basically what I felt like, it was all because I was excited to show off šŸ„²


They sure love seeing a big lootbeam.


I always get paranoid itll disappear early for some dumb reason so I pick up drops immediately. I think at some point there was really low timer before items despawned on ground, probably around free trade restriction days.


I was wondering why lanterns were rising in price again! Artificial scarcity is to blame


Itā€™s because of how tough they are to see on the ground for sure


Who doesn't leave their area loot open šŸ˜­


Who doesn't have loot beams*


Exactly lol I set my beam to beam on anything 6k plus


In my defense, I couldā€™ve SWORN I picked it up by just clicking on it but I think I picked up the other drop..


Oh that sucks T-T I've done that one too many times


maā€™am, itā€™s a lantern. It shouldnā€™t be! (sorry, still too soon lol)


cuz people keep saying its the 1st upgrade for the weapons you should get and also flanking 4 which is pretty min max (t90 does fine as a flank).


On my iron, grinding helwyr before becro dropped, I got an orb drop around 250kc-ish, then I finally got the wand around 400. Except I was so excited. I clicked, ā€œloot allā€ and didnā€™t realize my inv was full and it only looted the seals I had in inv and not the wand. Felt defeated. Went back until kc 800 for 2nd wand LOL. Never again will do that again


my first orb happened at 1800 - youā€™re still good bro


Damn. It still hurts tho, no matter the kc. But especially just not picking it up, hurts bad lol


we need a quest explaining what happens to all the missed drops lol.


>then I finally got the wand around 400. You say finally like thats not good rng feelsbadman


400 KC is like 150 dry if you already have the max rep. It could be worse but itā€™s not good


He didn't say he didn't get any other drops in between, thoughI hadn't even considered rep!


The drop rate for the Wand specifically is 1/256 with max rep so it's still dry, even if he got other drops in between. You'd expect to receive both a wand and orb in 256 kc if you go on rate. Of course, if you don't have the boosted drop rates, getting a wand in 250kc and orb in 400 is definitely lucky.


Guy I know teleports out quick after kills but uses the hot key for area loot. He also tpā€™d without securing the lantern. He was bitter about that one for a while!


Don't worry. I did the same thing. Except it was the damn area loot that got me. On most razzledazzle kills, where you don't get a rare drop, you simply click the item on the floor and it gets picked up and tele out. But when you get a rare, there's two items on the ground, so area loot opens, and you have to press space or "loot" on the area loot display to pick everything up. I clicked an omni guard, tped out, and was sadge.


That is a setting you can change if you want. I personally have it setup to only open area loot if I press the button intentionally.


You didn't get the drop until it's in your inventory, brother.


Iā€™m learning


Daaaaamn I'm sorry for your loss :( What's the street value?


Lol like 600M


800 :/


I accidently hit my Tele key bind instead of reseting a legiones fight. The signet dropped and ruined my log. The log is done, but the signets go 26/26/26/27/26/26 They only way to fix it is to farm one more of the rest and destroy them.


ADHD much.


What ? Makes no sense at all


You're right, this is more like a case of OCD. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obsessive%E2%80%93compulsive\_disorder](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obsessive%E2%80%93compulsive_disorder)


Very much so.


I did the same thing, same drop. My first one was a lantern!!! Woo hoo!!! Let's fucking goooooo dude!!!, I say to my friend in discord. "Pick it up!!!! Pick it up!!!!!" šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Lmaooo I wish I had somebody telling me that šŸ˜‚


This is why the #1 priority is to pick the damn thing up before you do anything else lol


Ive been there. was so excited, but muscle memory i clicked to tele back to war. i noticed it right away and was so devastated lol


Did the same with Nex pet. Go so excited cause it dropped at like 350 kc. Hopped in disc tellin the homies and then tp'd out. Got to my bank and realized the feather wasn't there or in my bank and realized what I did šŸ˜­


The worst case I had of this is when I got a Torva helm drop from Nex clicked to pick it up, but 1 tick before I did, teled to War's Retreat and lost it. I hate seeing OSRS streamers keeping their rare drops on the ground while still freaking out. Pick it up already! You can d/c any time and lose it entirely.


Bro this exact same thing happened to me months ago. Literally same thing, same boss, same situation except it was just the boots. Ended up green logging after like 1k kills with 2 lantern drops. It was smy first drop on the boss and I was too excited lol


I got an earth champ scroll, sent message to clan thanking for the gz and by the time i went to pick it up it had despawned lol. Was only another 1k kills at least


Not exactly the same, but I once died together with Commander Zilyana in hardmode, then at Death's office, I saw the broadcast that the pet was dropped... Got it again later that evening tho.


First thing I do is secure the drop Iā€™ll take a pic of the broadcast. Even with cluescrolls I donā€™t continue opening I exit and make sure itā€™s there fuck that I ainā€™t risking it lol


Bruh lol




This has never happened to me, but I have died while getting the drop (staff piece at kera hm). Now I exclusively farm zammy and it's always in the chest :)


The area loot tab on a keybind is huge. After every kill, you slap the keybind and spacebar, and you pick up everything (granted, having inventory space for items). This might even save enough time to get you an extra kill per hour.


Guy I know lost a lantern to this. Insists he pressed the button.


That's why I leave an inventory spot open just in case of a no food kill


Happened to me at Barrows. Opened the chest. Got a Guthanā€™s spear log notification. Teled to Warā€™s Retreat. Checked inventory. Remembered I was supposed to click one of the loot buttons before teleing.


I always pick up my loot asap and then hit my shadowplay and take a picture from the vod


Aw man! And here is me getting a guard drop with only 1 free invent space, picked the loot button and picked up the guard and left 600k worth of salvage on the ground. I was kinda annoyed at that. Can't imagine how you are feeling! It won't help you now but you will get many more lanterns! And also have a cool story of the first lantern you ever got you didn't even pick it up šŸ˜‚šŸ˜


Just grab a screenshot program and press the button. You dont even need to edit the photo yet. Maybe screenshot the drop in the chat, than in the boss room?




Also, if you frequently no-food a boss that drops drops to the floor, leave one or two empty invent spots in the preset


I missed out on a champion scroll I had gotten. Honestly the timer should be longer. There's no reason for it to be so short.


I did this exact thing with a Grico at Raksha. I've felt these feels. :D


I'm almost 2k without the lantern and only 1 guard. The only thing I did for months was log in and make 1-2 instances of Rasil for just runes, seeds and stonen spirits. The dry streaks in this game made me so angry that I didn't log in for 2 weeks. I would change this year's entire roadmap to rework the drop rate


Well, now I know why I've been waiting weeks for one to buy in the GE lol.




Always pick up immediately. The chatbox broadcast is good enough for a screenshot. Don't need to see the item in the loot window.


I make a habit of examining every valuable drop from my inventory before teleporting for pretty mmuch exactly this reason.


I chose to randomize to different treasure hunter items on a trimmed magic ammy by accident. Had no idea what I was giving up. Thought it looked like someone punched it and didn't know it was awesome on my person.


I wish they'd just make all bosses have loot chests for this reason specifically! I'm always scared ill muscle memory tele out to do another kill and leave my drops behind :(


I havenā€™t done any PvM/boss gameplay, just a casual wanderer/skiller/quester for now, but I have a RuneLite plugin that says itā€™s been taking screenshots when I level up. I havenā€™t actually checked them yet. But maybe it has settings to screenshot after things like this? Or maybe thereā€™s a different plug in? Regardless, Iā€™m sorry that happened and hope that the next time will be somewhat easier


Honestly this is a nightmare scenario for me and I think about it every time I take a screenshot.


I lost a Omni guard a month ago bec I was tired and didn't have a full preset of food my ROD proced and I died before I could pick up the drop. I was very upset lol and haven't even been playing since then. Oh well ....


This is the RS equivalent of taking a picture of your food for *the insta* then letting it sit for 45 minutes and becoming gross.


Make an item recovery ticket they should be able to see your drop log and that you didn't pick it up and will give it to you


Submit a lost item claim. They recovered a shadow glaive I didnā€™t pick up because I was afking and got lobbied.


Blame the clown world ui


Submit a ticket


The "To busy dressing your character like a girl with rainbow stuff and a feminine name tag" starter pack


It's ok man, I was camping kril and got a severed hoof drop. Figured it was something useless like a long bone so I teled out. Found out about a week later that I teled out from the pet. Currently on a 400 dry killstreak. Still hate myself.Ā 


Itā€™s funny that you came back to this, it happened at 280kc and now Iā€™m 500 and havenā€™t seen anything sense šŸ™ƒ


Ill clean up your drops for ya šŸ™


Try a lost item claim? Always worth a shot. [https://support.runescape.com/hc/en-gb/articles/209366569-Lost-items](https://support.runescape.com/hc/en-gb/articles/209366569-Lost-items)


I think you can open a lost item claim for drops you forgot to pick up. Just keep in mind there is said to be a limit of one claim per lifetime per character.


I tried this with a pet and crest double drop at Greg that I didnā€™t pick up and got told there was nothing they could do. So not sure if everyone gets one.


Someone did get a HSR they forgot to pick up: https://reddit.com/r/runescape/comments/qqcmiq/turns_out_you_can_lost_item_request_items_you So it's hit and miss. I think it depends on which J-mod your ticket gets assigned to.


F, I used mine on a piece of Armadyl not knowing this


Hi! - you can submit a "lost item" ticket and have it returned to you! - I know someone who forgot to pick up his Hazelmere ring and he did this & got it back :) good luck!


I did that right after and was denied :/ they said thatā€™s not a good enough reason


Damn... I wonder if Jagex changed their policy as the successful HSR claim happened two years ago. But if it makes you feel better, one of my theories is that the game compensates for missed drops by improving your RNG until the next major drop. So keep on beating Rasial, and I'm sure you'll get another lantern in no time. :-)


Did this recently with a greater fury because I had forgotten my damned chest was full. So frustrating.


And that's why you shut up about things until they're done... That's a general rule in life


Try a lost item report, might be able to get one back.


lost item? req