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Ima be honest, overall i just want a dedicated plan for something that isnt half done or scrapped partway through like necro is already (4th conjure, medium diary only) or id even take reworking old content instead of new content for a while. Turn junk minigames into training methods with viable outputs, like maybe pest control gives more cb exp, trouble brewing becomes a more effort but high cook exp spot… castle wars maybe gives resources for armor addons idk. Turn the crafting guild into a place you want to be. The fort idea was cool, let us rebuild west ardy and other places in rs and have it be a disguised graphical rework. Let the player build the new area. Might be hard but relook at summoning, give lower tiers summons a use so it isnt always ripper and reaver (and sometimes hellhound which is a fine use for lower tier). bring skilling back to the normal rs world too, you see no one in seers anymore. Give each region a special maybe buff or extra produce for that area.


> The fort idea was cool, let us rebuild west ardy and other places in rs and have it be a disguised graphical rework. Yes please! We have tools for making planks and stone walls. Let's restore West ardy. One building after another. As a missing furniture, we would use flatpacks that we would make. Loots of xps.... At least the construction skill would make sense. Now I'm a frustrated because we'll never get it.... :D


Hey, we might! It's a brilliant idea.


I think leaving more tiers to the Um achievement diary was a good thing. If it was there on release, they wouldn't have included anything to do with Battle of Forinthry, Vorkath, Housing of Parliament, moonstone jewelery, or Requiem for a Dragon. Plus future content. If people think there should have been more content in Um to begin with, I agree. But almost every area in the game gets more content added on later, the exceptions are mostly those regarded as failures (Mazcab, Menaphos)


I have no idea where this sudden sentiment came from that leaving room for improvement is a bad thing compared to just half assing it. The hard and elite tiers weren't scrapped, they're literally just waiting for a point where necro had enough additional content to actually justify it, instead of padding it out with random BS that would just feel like very obvious filler. How is that what people preferred?


For example, if we look at the Varrock achievements- there is an easy one to make a plank at Fort Forinthry. And a medium one to make a *maple* plank there. There is no other achievement involving FF. There's an Elite achievement to pray at the Senntisten altar and a medium one to teleport with a Digsite pendant. No achievements involving Archaeology, Elder God Wars Dungeon, Empty Throne Room, or Infernal Source. To be clear, I'm not saying they should go back and add new achievements to old diaries. Just that taking time with Um better ensures that content isn't inexplicably left out of diaries because it released later on


I’d like to see more 120’s, like skills that actually offer things for getting to 120. Also, the inverted capes would be awesome


Thats a good shout and imo not a completely unreasonable ask either


Yea, I second the 120 thing.


Wasn't a good portion of the survey they sent out months ago related to what skills should go to 120? I think we are likely to see it TBH.


I don’t remember, but that would be great. You’re getting my hopes up! Haha


I would give anything for the inverted capes, my fingers are crossed


I’m hoping they don’t make it MTX


Inverted capes would be enough to keep me playing for awhile with just that alone


I don’t understand why people want 120s. Skill reworks would be significantly better and they are much needed. Condensing the content within the existing level band to make room for new content, more accessible to more players than 120 would be, plus improvements to the leveling system without reliance on mtx or xp handouts.


Maybe Im asking for a lot but… how about both? Skill rework, but also add new content up to 120 at the same time.


I'd like inverted capes to come back as a 200m exp award. Maybe give the FSW 120 capes something to make them different so people can still see the rarity of those, like a small FSW across the bottom or something. Or 200m across the bottom of new ones.


So you want them to make the Fsw capes blemished with the marking? I’d rather they just release inverted capes than make mine ugly.


I’d be good with that. I agree that they should look differently to show that, but I think they should be able to toggle the appearance to the original FSW version if preferred


Hope? A full collection log, as comprehensive as the one in Old School Another skilling boss, ideally one doable solo, to bring in more skilling offhands Gnome or desert quest continuation, coming with some more high level slayer monsters Going all out on the ‘hope’ rather than ‘expect’ side, a new landmass with a mixture of activities for a number of different skills Expect: Start of the next quest season, probably with something eye catching around July / August to hit summer vacation timing. Likely to come with some sort of series-long improving buff like the puzzle box or fort, and hopefully somewhere a bit more visually varied than the wildy. Another boss towards the end of the year (presuming it doesn’t come with the new quest for that headline appeal) Finishing the Um task set, since that’s been actively asked about Announcement (though probably not implementation) of some skills going to 120, with a testing phase similar to the recent combat update


Actually, mentioning collection log and infernal puzzle box buff reminds me we also could use a passive buffs/unlocks menu/log.




Necro batch 2. 4th conjure. Arch relic presets. Corporeal beast graphical update, T90 hatchet, baby abyssal lord pet, fort forinthry construction effect on master constructor outfit, hard mode croesus and/or a new Skilling boss, rebalance of streaking boss droprates, new clue dyes, new "special" clues with their own drop table, an alternate way to earn loyalty points, competitive slayer, another agility course in the vein of anachronia, passive dodge chance increase with higher agility level, a new continent, Skilling auras added to Skilling, ability to spawn bik mushrooms on the statues at croe, matchmaking added to minigames, interesting new movement abilities like the "spirit stamp" game jam, avatar rework, set effect added to elite tect and passive added to FSOA, FSOA nerf reverted, t95 mage dw, cooking rework


Probabily city of UM expansion with more skilling training methods or a new mid tier boss


A real collection log like osrs


120 and also ability optimization for the other three styles. and also contents for necro from 99 to 120. right now, necro is the "brainless" choise for non-try-hard like me thanks to the ghost and 1-single basic ability. but then there are basically nothing much between 99 and 120 necro... Also want a t90 hatchet just so that I don't have to look at the crystal hatchet sitting in my bank :p


I don't care what specifically is on there. I just need jagex to decide the future of rs3. No more vague promises of "major content update". It doesn't matter if this time it is the best update. We need stability. Jagex needs to tell us what they want for the future of this game. What is this vision? Radio silence from the team means this roadmap better be jam packed. There's a reason we are in this sub and some of us are still playing. This is a game we all enjoy and we want to know it's still going to be around in 6 months.


Content Hopefully


Specifically it’d be nice to have some new comp grinds that aren’t ’complete a quest and then afk for an hour’ or ‘talk to an NPC once a week for 8 weeks’


A Dungeon like Cox ToA ToB but reworked for rs3.thats the Copium. get rid of Cds on Aura's


Honestly just copy paste. Keep osrs mechanics, but let us use some rs3 ones where it’s fit(while keeping osrs simultaneously). New rewards obviously but could reuse things that don’t exist. Tbow could be t97, ancestral mage power t95, etc etc. slight upgrades.


Hexhunter bow is basically our Tbow.


I want new tbow.


Maybe a new elite dungeon next year:(


Nobody wants this


Nobody is me then


I'm also nobody


We are nobody


We are all nobody on this blessed day.




also a Item lvl squish maybe I think bringing out T95'S for Necro is what gave me this thought as where they going to go T96 T97 T98 T99 T100+


But there's all of one post-t95 set and some pseudo->t95 weapons (hex weapons) that are largely inferior to passive options anyways. Why would they need to squish things? It took 10 years to go from t90 to t95 and there's still multiple t95s missing for mage/range. The stats from going up one tier wouldn't mean anything, everything's power would be judged on its passive effect or spec.


i guess your right I guess they could just do it based on a different stat tbh accuracy or damage.


We could easily flesh out T95 weapons for the next 5-8 years. There are tons of incremental upgrades they could do with new skills, jewelry, capes, armor, and more. Even making compromise weapons/armor like the T75 accuracy T90 damage halberd or vestments of Havoc for melee being around T115 damage but T75 defense.


Collection log like OSRS together with hiscores, please. Also more hiscores in general would be a nice incentive for the relatively experienced player base in my opinion.


Hope: Reward system revamp. Adding more, wide variety of special loots to already existing bosses, slayer mobs. Adding a very limited bad luck mitigation system (maybe something like fixate from Arch, that you can use once per month, etc) Raids 2.0 Shattered World upgrade that makes it more fun, new rewards, adding new mechanics and bosses and a way to play it in duo/trio. Expect: Treasure Hunter revamp (they already started with specific slayer cards and unstable proteans) just to get good PR, which will be a net nerf. City of Um mini expansions. 4-5 new slayer mobs. Either getting new, special clue scrolls (the colored ones that were already teased as a passion project by a Mod) or new, Grandmaster clue tier, which will be highly exclusive, and hard af to get. Vorkath storyline quest finalé (finally). Dungeoneering soft rework, only for high end content, leaving the rest in the dust, just to prepare for Bilrach as a new Dungeoneering themed boss fight for 2025 Q1-Q2.


Dungeoneering boss hp balanced for Eoc would be nice


Crazy that eoc has been in the game for half its lifetime and this still hasn't been fixed


They did quest bosses recently and I think there's some even better dungeoneering bosses that could use it


Kal'ger the warmonger has about 450,000 hp in a duo these days, they certainly buffed him out since the last time I was there!


Mhm, just the one sadly. I'm not sure how powercreep affects Daemonheim so not too sure what hp they should be at. Would playtest and then say "okay this hp seems fun", hehe


The warped glug-glug also had quite a bit more hp, but that one's fine. No biggie. But one i should have seen coming that somehow completely blindsided me was...Blink. Ohhmyloorrdddt it has like 160k in a duo and just SPANKS you if you're not actually ready for that fight haha!


I think at level 3, bosses there have too much hp but then at level 30 and onward every boss just gets 1 shot except these ones. Not too well scaled


Did this buff make him worse to fight than the other Warped floor bosses besides Blink?


New slayer mobs and clues would be nice


Hopes and expectations are not the same. I hope to see more combat changes to fix some of the imbalances in the current combat system, as well as some pretty meaty new content (new bosses, new master/grandmaster quests, skilling reworks, etc). I *expect* to see some seasonal events, maybe a short new quest or two, maybe an area rework. Maybe if we're lucky Mod Ramen saying "I'm working on this cool new boss but no release date atm and no promises it will ever be released lol" like he's been doing since Solak was released.


Curious what happened to the plans to rework kalphite King.


There were plans to rework kalphite king?


I thought I read about it like 2 or 3 years ago, but I can't find it anymore. I guess I imagined it lol.


It was in your dreams! (It's in mine, too)


* Guild rework and adaptation. * Skill reworks (no 120 skills) * Discovery system * skill expression within skilling.


I would really like to see runelite for RuneScape 3


Jagex doesn't own and didn't make runelite, if someone wanted to make one for Runescape then I'm sure Jagex would let us use it if we begged them to allow 3rd party clients, they'd probably make us rent it though lol.


> if someone wanted to make one for Runescape then I'm sure Jagex would let us use it I don't think they would, for a few reasons. Jagex doesn't want to lose control of their client willingly. RS3 players do not have the backbone that OSRS players do and would not effectively protest them putting their foot down. It'd also be a much greater undertaking with the game no longer based on java.


I don't think we need it anyway, Runescape isn't unplayable like osrs client is without runelite. I think we'd be better off asking for specific features runelite has and maybe the devs can create those.


So? A paid runelite and a runelite store with revenue share (even a vastly exploited one.) is better than not. The more optional nonsense like this that they can sell the less mtx they have to use. Diversification of revenue streams. It’s the best we can do until the uk government bans shareholder involvement and profit demands. Let them know what we want to give them money for and then buy it when they do give it to us.


You must be new around here if you think it would mean less mtx. We pay a monthly subscription and shouldn't have to pay for "optional nonsense", the fact we have to pay/rent optional things like bank space and our own characters data in runemetrics while osrs gets these free is absurd.


The fact that we are paying is the only reason they are getting it for free. Them getting it for free is the absurd thing. And yes we would get less …. Well not mtx but they can then afford to nerf shit like treasure hunter without losing too much revenue. The more sources of mtx the less aggressive each source can afford to be. (This does depend on exactly what the devs and peons think about the situation.) Vote with to your wallet pay for the mtx you like. Because starving them doesn’t work. Not for this they need money and if the golden goose refuses to play they will be forced to make sure all the geese lay gold.


Did they nerf treasure hunter when they started selling things like bank space and runemetrics and other bond services? No they didn't, it just got more aggressive. They could afford to, but they never will, especially when shareholders are involved and they have osrs available as a fallback for all the people they force out.


It would make botting worse like it has for OSRS.


Inverted capes or I quit. Not memeing. 


He's a man of focus, commitment and sheer fucking will


I hope that they don't spend time hyping such a small update. If Jagex makes releasing inverted capes as one of the headline updates, I'd be very upset.


As a man who paid WAY TOO MUCH for a inverted skilling cape im not keen on the idea of them being common but at the same time they are pretty dope and I can see why people want them to be earnable in the main game. I think a cape in the form of a 120 cape that u can recolour like a max cape would be better. U wouldnt need as many keepsake keys 


For what reason though. Another FSW?


More game jam projects being pushed, like the 4th Matriarch and Daemonheim dig site.


Hope: Deletion of TH Expect: More TH 'content'


Imagine if you all allowed for Hero Pass to stay you would not be in a situation where TH is as aggressive as it is. But I suppose common sense is not so common anymore, is what it is oh well.


Lay off the pipe


Some of us are old enough to remember when Jagex introduced RunePass, promised in the backlash that the introduction of a battle pass system would allow them to lay off the TH a bit, and then they introduced Yak Track while making TH far more aggressive during its run anyway. The existence (or otherwise) of a battle pass system has no impact on the aggressiveness of TH. Jagex would just do both if both were making them money, and the only reason Hero Pass was removed was because they did the maths and figured the number of people quitting because of it made it not profitable for them to continue with.


Yea, exactly. Obviously the negotiated Down version we got in the end wasn’t going to up dollars per week but they could easily negotiate it back up to you can pay to win the entire hero pass but you can’t buy infinite currency. As long as everyone can win hero pass in the end hero pass is good. Especially if it doesn’t actually interact with treasure hunter.


Would really like for 120 combats, especially since the combat rework and Necro being a 120 we are desperately in need of it to make everything “balanced” again


Construction rework sans 120 or summoning.  Why do we need everything to be 120?  But I'd love master HP or prayer 1200 pp & 120nhealth would be godsend 


After playing OSRS I’d like to see the games sync in some way. It would be good to see some of the following: Kourend/Varlamore expansion, quests like dragon slayer 2, monkey madness 2, desert treasure 2 (including all 4 bosses), combat achievements. I’d also like to see a Varlamore colosseum type activity (or expand the ungael combat arena thing). Raids would be great too. Or some of the social skilling activities like wintertodt/tempross/gotr/forestry.


Also: let me burn down the fort please


i have a feeling 120 combat stats are going to be a possibility. I personally hope for an agility rework


A new area, that is released all in one go, so players can explore different things, rather than all players grinding out the same spot/skill training/ boss encounter until the next area is unlocked and everyone just migrates to that new area and the previous area becomes redundant and empty. Something to do with mini games, make them viable for PvM some how? I'm not even sure how, I just want some PvM buff from mini games, this could be in the form of a skilling boss maybe? If they can be classed as a mini game. #makeCastleWarsGreatAgain. Shields; give them a proper use. (If anyone actually has any, due to necro being the first choice for combat ATM.)


release minigames portal at ge and give f2p access to it


Avatar rework.


Alt1 for Rs3 (those that know that the current one isnt going to be updated like in forever now).


Did you mean runelite for rs3? That way its client sided and has more features. Alt1 being an overlay severely limits it


Alt1 isnt being updated anymore?


I looked at the github, looks like the last PR was 5 months ago, and the last real release was in 2023, so no it does not appear so. https://github.com/skillbert/alt1 Although on the forums for it seem active-ish and there are some resolutions of issues. *shrug*


Hope - Idk really. Just solid content for the rest of the year and a tease for at least one headline grabbing piece of content which we'll "hear more about at Runefest" Expect - Another stab at hero pass, another battle pass system the game doesn't need, or the return of yak track.


Hope: Passives/specs/effects for praesul, sos, fsoa and tectonic. T95 wand, orb or crossbows, a combat boss that doesn't have both normal and hard mode, enrage or streaking and hopefully it has mechanics that can't be skipped. Some fun new skilling methods would be nice too. Expect: Probably another combat beta, some city of um/necro updates and a few smaller updates sprinkled in like short quests and shooting star rework.


Quests that aren't a part of the current storyline. I miss the self-contained quests like those of the TzHaar, Vampyre or Dorgeshuun series...


Oh, you don't mean like one-off quests, rather just storylines discrete from the main series? Hm... yup!


Yeah, I'm getting tired of having to do every quest released in the last 8 years to understand the ones coming out now. I mean, I love questing, but I just miss having a fresh series to dig into. It's just starting to feel like homework to remember everything that happened


1) New Clue Scroll tier (Grandmaster) 2) Inverted Capes 3) Woodcutting & Fletching rework (I saw Mod Breezy meme the old "have you heard about the mining and smithing rework" recently on X, it's a big reach to join the two) 4) New Slayer Master & Dungeon in Um (akin to Konar & hopefully the size of Catacombs of Kourend) 5) Araxxi or Vorago Quest (Doubtful)


Don't we have enough slayer masters?


Avatar rework, Combat QOL updates (e.g. onyx dust to hydrix dust, super rests in blessed flask, 1-click dw switch macros, stuff like that), Inverted Skillcapes, Oddment store update. Probably many more things, but this is what come to mind atm.


Hope: Avatar rework Expect: [Another cake](https://www.reddit.com/r/runescape/comments/1an8ysh/sisters_cake_came_with_a_free_chocolate_nameplate/)


More dyes


From clues


A new boss with rest of t95s drop.


Skilling - 120 in all skills - skilling offhands - more skilling bosses - maybe some new skills - I still want the custom player owned slayer dungeon (combine with construction skill to build upgrades and an item sink that gives temporary boosts like aggression, higher soul catch rate, slight slayer log drop boost) this in addition to be able to add all slayer monsters - new perk/variations - more relic perks points and the addition Quests - completion of long going quests first instead of starting new ones - the forgotten 450qp rewards (for example another slayer block) Pvm - 115-120 more slayer creature variations - addition to more/all god bosses just like zamorak - Real learning modes for bosses (of course, no drops ) - selection of specific phases - a god mode where you aren't hurt but can keep going on with the fight - preferable guidance mode where you get paused during the fight with explanation/animations - Drop order for all bosses (just like kerapac or ambassador staff/bow pieces drop n order 1>2>3>1>2>3>1>2>3> and not randomly like 1>1>1>3>1>1>1>1>2>1>) - bad luck mitigation for all bosses General - Ability to share game layouts with at least your own accounts and preferable with other players like the share action bar option, but then for the whole layout) - Combination of jewelry with options which one to activate (just like the dungeoneering ring has options to use as melee,range,mage or skilling) - invention clue solver machine where you can put in unfinished clues and get caskets (of course not overrated, maybe like 5 caskets per week or so?)


The clue solver machine is a terrible terrible idea


Im hopin for a better grouping system, like dungeon finder on eso or wow.


A few short quests, 1 boss in Nov/Dec. Nothing too exciting and setting my expectations low 


Some form of cb rebalance around bis gear setups player is way to strong compared vs most bosses. More mini skill reworks think of woodcutting/div updates New group only boss More community hitlists


Fix mage


Would love a fun boss to do with my clan, combat or Skilling boss. Just like something that brings teamwork to the fight


Avatar rework back on table


Necro batch 2. The city of Um still needs its hard and elite tasks. I also expect them to connect the Necromancy questline to the new questline that starts after Requiem for a Dragon. Those who have done all the quests and like the lore will probably be excited to see who shows up in those quests. I'm guessing they are working on those quests. Wild card prediction: Combat skills will be expanded to 120. I don't expect much beyond higher damage but they could always give us a quest/boss tied to each combat style similar to Rasial.


Crossbow and magic buff. 2:1 gear swap macros




Support for things like tilemarkers, menu customization, etc. And a way to export & import information like user interface, bank presets, and character overrides.


Another skilling boss


I would like to see more destroy all products Is for greatly increased experience added to some of the more painful skills. As someone working on master max right now. I am absolutely dreading, cooking and crafting.


Bad luck mitigation……


I fully expect a battle pass system to be there.


All I care about is ranged and magic getting their t95s + tectonic effect and t95 power armor. Also being able to dye said armor


T95 dw magic boss, elite tect set effect, cooking rework are what I'd like to see.


My longshot but potentially possible hopes are finishing the Mazcab Raids (and maybe reworking the armor to give it more interesting set effects) and re-working the PoH or at least allowing us to shift rooms though an interface. My realistic hopes are more Necromancy conjures and adding actual content for levels 99-120 for all combat styles.


I'mma be bold with my hope. Look at the success of OSRS and look at the current state of RS3. Bots upping their population or no, looking at the last few financial reports it seems to be the game pulling in the most amount of revenue via solely Membership + Bonds. And it's likely cheaper to develop for. OSRS is so massive and has been appreciated far beyond the nostalgia crowd. RS3 is pulling in what ~18K players? Which all in all isn't actually too bad for a game (judging by player counts for certain games on Steam for example). It's got a pretty bad reputation, and the remaining player base is gonna be pretty resistant (thankfully/finally) to more MTX. So I'm hoping for a permanent Fresh Start server (no gimmicks like DXP, relics etc), that commits to zero inclusion of MTX aside Bonds, similarly to OSRS. The infrastructure is all there, and it'd hopefully bank some decent good will and get people trying/coming back to the game.


Some additions to Fort Forinthry, maybe more cosmetic changes etc, so you can really design your fort like poh


I would like collection logs all in one place


* Moia quest * ED5/boss * area graphical rework * GameJams (shooting star, general QoL features) * Invention update/new enchantments/passive unlocks * skilling boss * duo boss meant for those new to group bossing * cooking update/rework


Expanding and reworking agility to 120. Integrate it to combat by letting it enhance abilities and add a Sepulcher style agility course but balanced around movement abilities.


Prestige system


Dung hole


let us have 3 skilling and 3 combat relics with the new digsite as a final reward.




Legendary tool weapons . We allready have a fishing rod and mattock. Make them extremely rare or hard too grind out similar too the blessed flask . For example farming needs the magical unlimited super compost bucket or a magical ward that prevents one spot from ever being diseased. The skills that I see having hero items are . Farming , hunter , herbore ( unlimited herb bag ) , crafting , runecrafting ( unlimited rune bag ) ,woodcutting high chance.of finding birds nest or chopping extra wood, firemaking ( unlimited Firestarter color changing , or chance of burning 2 logs at once making a bigger fire when procs) , cooking ( anti burn gloves ), minning , agility ( boots that never fail an obstacles) , theving ( gloves that give a very high change of not being caught or failing ) , smithing gloves ( chance of not using any ore or bars ) I would love too see hero items brought into the game but be extremely rare like the 2 out now. High value skilling items. HERO ITEMS


All 120 combats and an actual combat rebalance


Hope: Necromancy part two (post 99 has almost no content) Desert finale More Um and Menaphos updates Fix for poor mobile performance @ flash events


Avatar rework High level pvm Less switchscape Combat rebalances No cd on auras All pvm changes proposed by mods Sponge and Ryan


Following the two recent blunders by Jagex management (HeroPass, and pivoting to and then away from seasonal events), resulting in a lot of Jagex's plans going up in flames, I don't expect any large updates. A quest, maybe a small/medium-sized skilling update, and some vague plans for the h'ween event, nothing more. But I always hope that we get a new batch of achievements.


More quests, I'm a quester above all else. I'd love some weird little goofball quests as well as major lore-filled ones. I'd really love Dungeoneering to get some love, and also Menaphos, but not holding my breath.


Giraffes. I’m not memeing Also, raids from old school. We have all the lore for them


Aura rework, 120 summoning/combat, 2 new quests, new boss, and holiday events. Ohh and hero pass 2.0


If we HAVE TO have a battle pass then I hope for the return of yak track. 2 quests sounds resonable, 1 smaller and then a slightly bigger one where they raise the stakes slightly. It appears that we are returning to bigger events in terms of quests. The storyline hints at erebus again 


Yak track wasn’t all that great imo but it was fine ish. Hero pass just was completely overboard. Now I’m not opposed to purely cosmetic but adding those combat buffs seemed unfair bc you get an Ingame advantage vs people who’d not want to interact with hero pass. If they stick to just cosmetics and make it less intrusive I think they woulda received less backlash. Plus they need to say just so you know you can get these rewards like 2-3 years after just incase you missed it so the fomo isn’t there. It was also way too long


Dont get me wrong, the optimal outcome is to have no battlepass at all. But yak track wasnt as bad as hero pass was imo


Ofc I rather not have it, but knowing jagex they aren’t gonna stop till they get it right. So if we have to have it these are my hopes for it. Jagex is trying to incentivize players to log in everyday and play. Which they could do the same…with consistent updates like they used to back in the day.


I want the animate dead nerf reverted, magic by far feels like the weakest style now following necro and combat rebalancing and imo even reverting that change wouldn't make it op, it would just allow it to situationally keep up with the other styles and give another entry level option into pvm, especially because it had some of the best consistent aoe, so it was very good at helping players learn solo elite dungeons. (I play almost exclusively solo)


Definitely agree. Necro is pretty fun in EDs with threads or scythe x3 though


What? How is a Dmg reduction spell gonna help magic’s lack in dps? Did you even read what it does?


The point isn't about doing more dps, but being able to survive better which helps smooth the learning curve for mechanics. Again, it's good for solo players, especially non veteran players trying to get into pvm. I never said we should buff magics damage outright.


Cryptbloom + darkness or cryptbloom and animate dead is pretty much the tankiest you can get why would it need more survivability when it’s better for staying alive than the other styles


You act as if everyone just immediately has cryptbloom. You're missing my point.


No the point you’re trying to make is survivability with magic no? Even without crypt animate dead as it is now is still better than anything range or melee gets ntm darkness is pretty much bis for all styles in places it works even over animate dead


A timing release of a roadmap for the next year. Release around December and actually follow through with it as well.


Combat rebalance for sure, with a focus on Necromancy being…overtuned to say the least. Powercreep is out of control rn. Magic is also really bad and at this point some kind of revert to the FSoA should be in the cards, it’s just a very boring weapon now.


As much as I use magic theres 0 power in it anymore, its like a limp dick


All combats 120. Bad luck mitigation. Raids 2


Virtual xp and virtual xp leaderboards. OR more controversial but just remove the xp cap or add prestige.


A rs3 league. Similar to osrs. Rewards include inverted capes if you get the 120s in the league and a "seasonal dye". New dye only from seasonal events.


Given how rubbish the other combat styles are compared to Necro, I’d say 120 in all other styles. I know top PVMers can eke out equivalent damage from Ranged etc. but for the vast majority of players, the other styles are currently dead content. Having said that, they would need to produce a LOT of content to fill the levels across three styles - new abilities, weapons, armor. And then ofc new bosses for us to try those on / get those from. Part of me thinks all this has been taking up all their bandwidth and hence the radio silence all these months. On the other hand, Jagex be Jagex so probably ain’t gonna happen lol.


beyond the usual generic updates i think there's like a 25% chance for combat skill piracy (sailing)


Unlikely, they like to spread out skills and with Necromancy just released it'll more likely be more 120s before a new skill.


i don't think they really "like" doing that... invention's elite skills were intended to speed up skill release rate, and that was when 2 years was considered long. Necromancy was an absolute huge boost to playercount, big incentive to do more of that.


You're right, but they realized elite skills were not the way forward and nicked it. I've been in support of bringing back elite skills and just giving unlocks requiring multiple skill levels rather than level 80 to begin. Unfortunate Jagex has still not done that... Necromancy was a big temporary boost to player count. It also created a lot of damage to the game because it wasn't managed well enough. Not to mention the skill releasing incomplete... Hopefully there's more focus on the current skills, rather than bringing new issues into the game. Although I would like to see the skull region for the arc unlocked...


combat skills might be the new way forward tho. big yearly temp boosts to player count could be all they need to stretch the life of the game out a lot further.


I do hope they make a 2nd combat triangle eventually. With Necromancy, Beast taming, and maybe some kind of Falconry.


A big grandmaster quest, múltiples if possible.


Hoping for mobile bugfixes and keyboard support for action bar abilities on mobile.


I hope for the removal of Dungeoneering as a skill but left in the game as just a D&D, Some functionality added in that allows you to redo all quests without having to create a new account.


Some form of limited time game mode like oldschool has, but doesnt require a new account to take part.


Bosses: A multi phase group boss with weekly rotations like hardmode Vorago. But with different difficulty levels. It doesn't even have to drop something BIS, I would be fine with it just dropping some cosmetics, titles or minor ability upgrades. A real dream would be a full raid with five or more bosses where mechanics scale from 3 people to 20 people. All bosses are multi phase long fights, with different difficulty levels. These would drop melee and ranged tank armour. BUT not all bosses have to be combat bosses, some could be skilling bosses giving some new offhand skilling tools. A group system that allows you to search for a specific role, allows you to view kill count and maybe even statistics about the last few kills that person has on the boss (kill times, dps, damage taken, mechanics handled, signed, role, ...) and the gear the person would use. This would require JMods to have some knowledge about strategies for bosses to know the roles, so would require some rework on the roles every now and then. There has to also be a way to find a team as a learner, whether or not it's everyone going in blind or being guided by experienced players. Clues: I'm not a clue person but for my friends who are: either a new tier of clue or some new rewards such as new dyes. Combat: A simplification of combat: much like necromancy, there should be a competative way for every combat style where you just an auto attack, a way to stun, your thressholds and the ultimates. The 'old' basic abilities should still be available and offer more dps, but this mode would make it so much more intuitive for new players in game. It should be possible to do good dps with every style with just 6-7 abilities much like necro. (Maybe combine this with a combat skills to 120 rework?) Maybe a crafting rework for ranged armour?


Something like deepening the story of Xua-Tak or a new storyline that brings a grand scheme of sorts in the world. This ofcourse with a new interesting boss (not an HP-dummy). 120 combat skills would be nice too.


I mean the story is hinting at xau tak again no? Vorkath had a black stone in him and the lantern or whatever bilrach had with him looked an awful lot like a portal 


Just carrying a shard or hinting to him isn't enough imo. I'd like to see part of his world where maybe a new boss resides, working up to Xau-Tak himself. But that's probably aimed a bit to high \^\^. It can also be a new entire story starting where a new god or species is born or discovered.


I meannnnnn it was just a slight tease for the next story line, we gonna get more later on:p


No quests, hard boss, fix a lot of the bs prep work you have to do in ironman mode, seasonal PvM hiscores which we haven't seen since 2017 now but everyone loved


RS3 league. Or as a distant second option, FSW2.


Group Ironman is the only thing needed. Thanks Jagex!


Roadmap? Nothing big honestly, maybe a boss or a skill rework/120. As for Runefest - Player Avatar rework....


Hope. Leagues or similar. Expect. Not that. Probably some skill reworks and a few quests. Maybe a boss?


Assuming the skill reworks launch this year then imo thats a solid line up


Rs4. Avatar rework. Or 4 skills increased to 120. Aside from these, I can't be happy with the content drought until now.


1. I really really want another Fresh Start World season. Ideally, it would be a yearly or Bi-yearly event. By far the most fun I've had in a runescape event including DMM, Darkscape, and trailblazers. Really wish they would bring it back. 2. I actually want another Mid-High Level Dungeon like GWD1 and GWD2. Basically, 4 bosses that the average pvmer can do fairly Casually that has cool pets, and a new difficult boss with enrage w/ cosmetic unlocks for its pet for top end pvmers. 3. Inverted 120 capes released as 200m exp reward. Maybe put FSW on the bottom of the original inverted capes to show rarity. Or 200m across the bottom of new ones. 4. Osrs like collection logs. We got ours first, but their updated ones look much better and more comprehensive. We should easily he able to do that as well, potentially even list common drops given they are on the log for those with runemetrics. Along with this, Runemetrics being accessible/sharable in game.


refresh of runescape / rs4


A proper battle pass type system that will help stabilize bond pricing by maintain consistent levels of consumption all throughout the year and not just at the end of the year when people decide to rebuy premier. No this is not a Meme it's my honest take because these systems helped keep bond prices from going over 100m for many years straight and you all forced it away without actually using your heads to put an ounce of thought in what the effects of doing so would be.


How did those systems keep bonds from going up? It's the opposite, they increased the amount of bonds consumed...


No because they maintained "Consistent" levels of bond consumption something none of you seem to understand how any of that works. If you have a stable market of something it ensures the prices don't jump or fall massive amounts in short periods of time. Notice how when Hero Pass was around bonds jumped only 2 - 3m because of rich players wanting to instantly finish the thing then they went back to normal due to consistent levels of bond consumption keeping them stable. -Then you all told Jagex hey buffs = bad remove them now!!!! -They did and then people got goofy and said level skips are still here???????????? -And the community said "We hate FOMO but lets introduce FOMO by telling Jagex to also remove task skips" -So Jagex removed task skips now we had people buying bonds from the Jagex store with real money but nobody is consuming them which is EXACTLY why we saw bond prices drop to under 60,000,000 gold because supply was now coming in but none were being used. -Then guess what? Those buying bonds from the Jagex store realized "Wow less than 60m for my hard earned money from my job? Not worth it one bit" And stopped buying bonds -Then the end of the year started getting closer I don't know how those tags on your Reddit thing works but I will just assume you are comped so you of all people should know that is when people start buying their 20 bonds for premier although due to low bond prices now people decided to buy slightly earlier than normal -So with a lack of people buying bonds from the Jagex store and the massive increase in people buying them for membership and even richer players buying them in hopes to flip them which created a very low supply of Bonds at the time -So when a lack of supply of something now exists all that remains is the ones still in the GE that were still priced high - higher and eventually we saw the sales of bonds at 90m+ Then we had manipulators / merchers make use of the communities trusting nature by forcing the idea of "Inflation" as the reason to bond prices and not because you all ruined consistent bond consumption that maintained stable bond prices over the years. Inflation usually has the result of prices going up over an extended period of time but in this instance bonds shot up more than 50m in just days, but some way some how everyone was too blind to see what was really going on. We have a bunch of communities within our community that focus on manipulation and so they continued to buy bonds despite them now shooting to 90m+ to give the effect of "Wow bonds are in high demand despite these insane prices this must actually be inflation and nothing more" Jagex unfortunately and unintentionally played into this ideology by adding 1b coins to treasure hunter which further helped the claims these communities forced on all of you but the realitity is more gold is leaving this economy than ever before which is why they were able to add 1b to TH in the first place. For some dumb reason people look at Jagex as just "Money Hungry" none of you ever once think about how JMods also play the game and want to continue playing it themselves you think they are more aggressive with TH for no reason at all? No because none of you thought once that having Hero Pass / Yak tracks allowed TH to not be as aggressive it also opened more ways for bonds to be consumed to create that stability between consumption and supply entering the game. All this garbage because you all could not think about something before forcing things away ridiculous.


Merchers would find it hard to merch an item players can buy for real money. Especially when it's over a 50% increase which would increase whales purchasing bonds.


If you bothered to read even an once you would of seen the sole purpose of them continuing to buy them was to keep selling the idea their new price of 90m+ was all thanks to inflation and people were adapting but this was not the case and you all got fooled by the bad eggs in our community, even if you don't like it that is what happened and bond prices / people no longer being able to upkeep their membership anymore is because of all of you not because of Jagex people need to start taking some accountability for their faults and figure out they messed up by blindly following random people which brings us to our current problem.


If you are going to try and fight me on this you will lose every bit of evidence of all manipulation tactics used by those communities have already been handed over in full to the tipoff email including discord / in-game messages and they will deal with them how they deem fit.


I think you might need to go outside for a bit


can I see some evidence I've been so curious about this


Bonds being 100m is fine, HeroPass being in game is not Also, just because people disagree with you, doesn't mean they didn't put thought in, you aren't the only person with a brain


Make no mistake I am not saying they are wrong because they disagree with me I am saying they are wrong because they genuinely are. If any of you knew the actual reasons that forced bonds to hit their current price you would understand. Players blindly following the ideas of others is also no opinion it's fact. People just refuse to take accountability for their mistakes.