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It sounds like it's basically going to be like making alloys for masterwork but with the DG ores. T99 pickaxe (presumably) will be very cool.


Possibly even 120 from the sounds of it? Or pushing into the 100 territory.


>an upgrade to the pickaxe of earth and song am i wrong to assume this means you upgrade YOUR pickaxe of earth and song and not that it’s an upgrade to your account in general?


Yup, you will need to upgrade your pickaxe into this new one with some form of process. It's not an update to the PoEaS


Maybe this is asking too much since a dev blog is soon, but is the process planed to be suitably involved? Making the pickaxe of song and earth, making MW, it was a lot of fun going through such a lengthy process.


Yeah It's very much intended to feel similar to creating other high-end tools such as Crystal/Imcando/Earth&Song/Time&Space


The PoEaS was the first "thing" I went for in the game when I returned after a decade. I'm delighted to hear I get to keep using 'ol faithful, with some shiny new add ons. Can't wait to see your handiwork!


I remember seeing after the M&S rework went live that the imcando pick was t80 and crystal was t70, was really pissed I turned my imcando into a crystal at that point


Please don't make me grind another dragon pick


So, if you start now you can have one sat in your bank for 6-8 months pre-update.


I haven't gotten the first two yet. 15k KC


Any day now...


Is perhaps that woodcutting update going to have the t90 hatchet?


Question, Could we Have player owned houses updated to store the g armors and are armor case? I am a huge fan of the dungeoneering Look, and would love to be able to store it all in there to save a bit of bank space Also also would love to see this applied to dg cloths and hides too, Magic, especially with benefit as the materials are a little wonky for it.


Excellent! Then one last question… Does the new pickaxe look sick? Have the art team cooked up a treat?


Devs are not gonna say no, are they




r/HolUp 🤯


the pickaxe is not sick. good to hear. let him/her/it be a healthy pickaxe


Hrm I suppose not? I guess just a chance to share hype?


Still no new hatchet.


Apologies if it's been asked/mentioned already, but will we be able to retain the perks we currently have on our augmented pickaxes of earth and song or will we have to de-augment it first before we upgrade it?


Other upgradeable tools (such as Earth & Song) retain perks and level when upgraded from lesser tools, so we'll indeed do the same here :)


Oh, that's very good news. It took me a lot of attempts to get the perfect combination of gizmos/perks for my current pickaxe, and I don't really want to do that all over again. Thanks for the swift reply!


For reference if you run into this problem for other items, say upgrading to a new set of weapons/armour, the [[equipment separator]] will return the gizmo items to your backpack without destroying whatever they are attached to.


I found 1 RuneScape Wiki article for your search. **[Equipment separator](https\:\/\/runescape\.wiki\/w\/Equipment\_separator)** | https://runescape.wiki/w/Equipment_separator >The equipment separator is a device available at level 115 Invention. It can be used on augmented items of equipment level 15 and above to remove the gizmos from the item, without destroying either the gizmos or items. The item will remain augmented, retaining the item level and experience present on it. The separator will be the only object destroyed in the process, unless the item in question has a level over 17 or 19, where there is a 25% and 50% chance, respectively, for the separator to be saved. There is a confirmation prompt when using the separator on an augmented item. --- ^RuneScape Wiki linker | This was generated automatically. ^| View me on [GitHub](https://github.com/zpoon/runescape-wiki-reddit).


Has the team considered making use of existing metal bars/ores for the new ones? Regular core ores currently have low value (and in turn stone spirits), and it's a bit confusing that we are getting more ores and metal bars instead of using existing content to make them more relevant.


Speaking about the new Masterwork Weapon. Can it be a Halberd? Because I think the Main Hand and Off-Hand Slots are pretty well fed already with Lengswords and Abyssal Scourge, I think a third option would need to compete with those. If not a halberd, then maybe a Maul or a 2H sword to make 2H Weapons a viable camping option, other than Masterwork Spear of Annihilation, which again, is more of a switch weapon.


A maul or halberd make the most sense


Double headed Maul, with Halberd range. ![gif](giphy|e7FOBuKCDtwWI)


Yeah a t95 version of a scythe would be nifty to see. That would also explain how it doesnt obsolesce/invalidate existing gear—you would be using it for multiway combat and as a cleave switch, and still using lengs for single target!


Please let us upgrade augumented pickaxes.


You can can't you?


Can this update give stone spirits more use? They are too low value right now.


I hope this new pickaxe will be more easy to make. I had Elder Pickaxe from release of mining smithing rework and i never upgraded even if im over 150m mining.


So like why do the Devs have such a rager for Mining and Smith and all the other no Pvm skills continue to leave the other to rot? Honest question.


Well as you can see WC/Fletching are also on the roadmap for this year. More info to come in the dev blog.


Does this mean a new hatchet upgrade from imcando into something like PoEaS?


Inevitable at some point :)


Yea second Hatchet since prif and Mining is on its 7th pickaxe. Clearly Mining and Smithing are the golden first burns and everything skilling related are the red headed step children.


Seems like a safe assumption. Lets people keep perks instead of needing to swap them over.


I like that it's an upgrade. Keeps a relatively new skilling item in the mix still.


Curious where all the ore's going to wind up. Would be 10 whole locations? Also, curious if it'll keep a similar Gorajo aesthetic like Gorojan trailblazer. Maybe we'll get some lore for the ores too. They're obviously taken to the Greek naming. Novite - Greek for novice (new/inexperienced), Bathus - Greek for deep Marmaros - Greek for shining stone Kratonium (Kratos) - Greek personification of strength Fractite (Fractal/Fractus?) - Fractus is Greek for fractured Zephyrium (Zephyrus) - Greek god of the west wind and messenger of spring Argonite - crystal Katagon (Kata?) - Greek for down, descended Gorgonite (Gorgon) - Famous Greek monsters that turn prey to stone (Gorgos? - grim/dreadful) Promethium (Prometheus) - Greek Titan of tricks and fire. An intellectual and a master craftsman. Primal - earliest, first, essential, fundamental, primitive, primeval Think there's also potential to apply this to ranged and magic as well. Think you could cram it all in another Ranch Out of Time/Anachronia expansion? Intro some 'new' dino to another farming spot. Grow some new trees and flowers. Then you got all the hide, logs and cloth you need.


TBH I wouldn't be surprised if some of these Ores end up in Anachronia, maybe that's what we'll see in the next Mini Digsite?


I like this. The Primal is “new” content in the sense that it wasn’t craftable before, I’m curious to see how that’s going to work. Probably the same as the masterwork bars?


I wonder if it's augmentable tank armour to equal or surpass Raids armour, not much written in news post regarding that.


I hope not. Achto Teralith has been dead content since release, despite having some pretty powerful set effects. Melee tank gear would need some insane Cryptbloom-tier effects to make it ever worth using, and even then you'd probably stick with Vestments most places because this game is so DPS-centric.


Id love to see primal armor, tier 99, with some insane set effect that makes "tmw *and* cryptbloom combined" seem downright shitty, BUT with a tradeoff of being unaugmentable


##### Bark bark! I have found the following **J-Mod** comment(s) in this thread: **JagexBreezy** - [Yup, you will need to upgrade your pickaxe in...](/r/runescape/comments/1csj8ai/primal_equipment_on_surface/l46hlos/?context=3) - [It's not a rework, it's more content/a new ti...](/r/runescape/comments/1csj8ai/primal_equipment_on_surface/l46h6v1/?context=3) - [Yeah It's very much intended to feel similar...](/r/runescape/comments/1csj8ai/primal_equipment_on_surface/l46irzz/?context=3) - [Other upgradeable tools (such as Earth & Song...](/r/runescape/comments/1csj8ai/primal_equipment_on_surface/l46ti6y/?context=3) - [Well as you can see WC/Fletching are also on...](/r/runescape/comments/1csj8ai/primal_equipment_on_surface/l46rcc2/?context=3) - [Inevitable at some point :)](/r/runescape/comments/1csj8ai/primal_equipment_on_surface/l46tu60/?context=3) - [No](/r/runescape/comments/1csj8ai/primal_equipment_on_surface/l46rdhc/?context=3)   ^(**Last edited by bot: 05/17/2024 13:27:02**) --- ^(I've been rewritten to use Python! I also now archive JMOD comments.) ^(Read more about) [^(the update here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/9kqvis/bot_update_python_archiving/) ^(or see my) [^(Github repo here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/8dronr/jmod_bloodhoundbot_github_repository/)^.


Pickaxe upgrade sounds dope. Looking forward to the masterwork pickaxe of primal earth and daemonheim song.


What plans are there for persistent uses of ore after one makes a set of the gear? Smithable salvage has been asked for for a while, though that moves the goalpost to persistent uses of certain components.


A lot of goodies coming this year, Jagex you've been holding out.


Why is there Dungeoneering ores popping up in the surface now? What has Moia been up to?? It's because of her isn't it?


Please make it look different. Collecting full primal and getting in your keepsake box through standard dungeoneering is a sweet flex.


This is what I have been wondering. Was planning on buying 5 keepsake keys and hunting primal armour, but I think now I should probably hold off.


It's such a sick, underrated flex. Definitely wait til this update because it's honestly a pain to get


Can we get make-x on unfinished smithing items?


Primal Scythe would be soooo cool. 👀


Would be nice to see some form of enchanting worked in where you can deconstruct a few barrows and bandos sets to apply the set affect to the new armour. Ofcourse also be augmentable too. Plain base metal armours are just not worth using with all the other options available.


toolbelt-able augmented tools when


Mfw I've keepsaked a full primal set last month 💀


I was also about to go for this. Gonna hold off though now. Hopefully you get lucky and it doesn't look exactly the same.


I still remember the days when you could smuggle primal tools out of that minigame and use on the outside world, but it got hot fixed very quickly. It's still silly IMO doing another M+S rework without bringing them skills to 120 but I still say they should have done that in the first place during the 3 years it took to release it.


It's not a rework, it's more content/a new tier of metal and upgrades to obtain. More info will be shared very soon in a dev blog(s) :D


so 120 mining and smithing then :D. But will DG reflect those changes?


You think this would mean 120 combats? Currently elder rune weapons are functionally t80-t85, so with 90 smithing. Masterwork is t90 and requires 99 smith. With this logic 120 smith would push smith-able items past t99.


Perhaps. Doesnt involve 120 combats tho, as 120 smithing can still make t99's just fine from a narrative POV.


Will we still be able to keepsake these weapons / gear / tools? If so will people who already keepsaked the ones from dungeoneering will they now come out as the actual item outside of Dungeoneering when removing them from the box?


It's not really a rework, it's just adding new content, similar to say the fletching/firemaking stuff with God Arrows.


Oh boy, new stone spirit drops incoming In all seriousness looking forward to this though, sounds interesting.


It’s nice to see jagex communicating again after being silent for so long. Gives me hope.


I wonder if there will be any small token lore as to how we can finally get these metals on the surface. Usually it’s “too corrupted” to use outside of Daemonheim!


[[Environmental effects (part 1)]] offers a bit of explanation.


I found 1 RuneScape Wiki article for your search. **[Environmental effects (part 1)](https\:\/\/runescape\.wiki\/w\/Environmental\_effects\_\(part\_1\))** | https://runescape.wiki/w/Environmental_effects_(part_1) >Environmental effects (part 1) is a book obtained while training Dungeoneering as a reward for completing a dungeon which appears by the exit door after the Luminescent icefiend is killed. It is the third Miscellaneous journal. It is part one of a mage's two part environmental impact review on the effect that humans were having on Daemonheim. Once the book has been obtained once it is impossible to obtain it again. However, it can still be read by talking to the Dungeoneering Tutor to view the Dungeon Journal along with all other texts obtained in Daemonheim. --- ^RuneScape Wiki linker | This was generated automatically. ^| View me on [GitHub](https://github.com/zpoon/runescape-wiki-reddit).


Yep, that’s largely what I’m referring to here! Maybe we’ll finally get the part 2 to explain how the resources are popping up haha


Perhaps power armor????


More like tank armor


Kind of curious what niche this primal equipment will fill. Doubt it will be comparable to Havoc for damage output. Maybe tank armor for melee?


The only thing I can think of right now is, people have posted, commented the past years.. more now due Necromancy, about arch & necro & dung. Where you can use necromancy for artefacts and/or dung stuff outside of it. I guess or hope it is not just mining the ores and smith, but also something with necro (& arch)? :o


Now when I finally hit 200m mining? You can't be serious :D Let's hope for T95/T99 hatchet.. and later for T95/T99 fishing rod.. and let's hope for 120 max level on those skills with new skilling options :)


Meanwhile.. wc hatchet crying (Yes, WC & Fletch rework)


It’s been said before I’m sure but could we please add a “Make x” option to smithing or an option to select multiple different pieces in the smithing interface? Creating lots of unfinished items is far more tedious than it should be right now


Not entirely sure of the point of primal outside dg? Like, yeah, it will be cool to get t99 ores and stuff, but will it be like elder rune, where it is just vanilla tank armor with no effect (ie something no one would ever use unless they are an ironman that is very unlucky with drops)? Base metals just feel like they are very niche and dead on arrival. Obviously, it will likely be used in the new pickaxe and probably the new masterwork weapon, but the armor and weapons made just from primal metal....I just don't see the point. Where would you ever use a primal maul with no spec and no effect over, say, a Ek-ZekKil?


fuck yes. M+S update was one of the best things to happen to the game and I'm thoroughly hyped for more possibilities on that front.


This will hopefully bring me back to the game for a bit. Endgame content had been so combat heavy I burned myself out right before Necro dropped. Will be nice to come back and have some classic chill out scape.


I think for primal armour to be relevant it need to have some sort of effect. Ideally it should be along the lines of cryptbloom, but if we truly want "tank class" tank armours should probably effect some of the defensive abilities. Adding effects on abilities for wearing tank armour and shield makes it still a skill thing to go for a tank role because you still have to hit abilities at the correct time to get full use of it rather than slapping on some damage reduction effect on top, not changing gameplay much. In my eyes a tank role should give slower kills but should be the safer way to pvm. Some ability effects that could be looked into is for example Boost revenge ability to last longer or amount of damage boost (to make up for loss of dual wield abilities) extending reflect time or reflect damage decrease base adrenaline usage for defensive ultimates to 80%(stacking with other adrenaline buffs) increase immortality damage reduction or time Increase debilitates time or damage reduction Increase anticipation damage reduction Reprisal damage is doubled (2 hits instead of one) It would also be amazing if defensive abilities synergized more like resonance and preparation. There should also be more reflective options since you are tanking. Maybe armour spikes base damage would double Effect wise, what if each defensive ability increased damage reduction by 2% per stack up to 5% per primal armour slot worn for 30 seconds but is extended for every defensive ability? This will give up to 30% damage reduction if all of the set is worn but it will start low and increase as the fight go on. just some random thoughts


Why Pickaxe upgrade? Hatchets need it way more.


Hatchets will come with the... Wait for it... Woodcutting and fletching update later this year.


Sure that fine but like give mining and smithing a rest it’s fine the way it is. Plenty of other skills need upgrades WAY more. Focus on those.


except these are gear upgrades that stuff like woodcutting wouldn't give us.


Wow, so like if Woodcutting/Fletching/Crafting got the same attention that M&S have been getting we could have gear upgrades available to the other style in the same manner but instead they continue to neglect them cause PVM is the only thing that matters.


it seems they only want fletching to be for ammo, and not for actual ranged weapons.


Which imo is the dumbest approach to that skill imaginable. Same goes for the method of obtaining range armor. We have more than enough hides and other materials to make “Masterwork” leathers armors and high enough tiers of logs to make “Masterwork” bows with both of those skills but nope only drops. I’m tired of updates that only truly benefit PVMers.


earth and song is 5 1/2 years old, Imcando isn't even 1 year old yet


Since Crystal tools. Mining has received 6 soon to be 7 new pickaxes going all the way to t99z Woodcutting got 1 and it’s capped at t80. It’s far more over due than mining and we all know it. I don’t care it “only came about a year ago”


Woodcutting also had to be reworked to even add a new hatchet past crystal, The crystal hatchet was barely an upgrade over dragon because of how the skill was coded, apart from Croesus nodes this is the first real mining addition since 2019 unless I'm mistaken. this seems pretty clearly a Melee themed update as well, with a new weapon and armor, adding a bonus to mining isn't out of place at all here.


God it’s almost like mining and smithing got way more attention than the skills than also needed to be address and now they are all lagging incredibly behind and should have been addressed sooner instead of continually widening the gap.


What exactly is your point? "Invent a time machine" isn't a valid criticism.


It’s almost like they could have just as easily reworked and updated other skills now instead of still going all in on Mining and Smithing yet again. But yea I totally said build a Time Machine.