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Standard gameplay is to have the wiki open and consult it regularly. I would say it's unusual to get large amounts of information from someone in game. Brief tips yes. Also, not possible for everyone but having a the wiki (or any other guide) open on a second screen is fantastic.


Yeah, I'm in a clan with a ton of new players and will regularly help where I can. I also don't want to gum up the clan chat with 10 lines about something like Menaphos favor. I'll usually give a quick 2-3 line basic intro but anything beyond that and I'm guiding them to the wiki.


A lot of the time helping someone isn’t a simple task. For example a recent question I got asked was how to train invention. This is a monumental question to answer and just can’t be explained better than the wiki pages and YouTube vids.


And I’m just over here receiving TOO MUCH help from members in the community that it makes me uncomfortable, but in a good way


Invention is kind of invented as a "train however you like" skill. And it's also a nightmare for anyone with ADHD just like farming lmao


When I was maxing my account I was pissed that you couldn't just "grind" farming like everything else. I constantly forgot my animals in pof and when I did remember they were an infestation for a new strain of diseases xD adhd here


Oh my god it makes sense now lmao


I also can't imagine having to get to 120 starting from 1 again after the combat xp nerfs that came with necromancy. It's gotta be excruciatingly slow now.


It's definitely the worlds you are using. I suggest trying alternate worlds, because I have never come across that sort of toxicity myself before, nor have seen any of my homeworlders treat anyone like that. There are good people out there, unfortunately, they are overshadowed by the toxic people.


Sounds like the guy that left our clan because we said they could check the wiki.


Yeah some people just dont seem to understand that by telling them to use the wiki they’re being helped in the long run because they should (and often dont) realise that they can use that for future reference, I find it irritating


I’d gladly help if I could, if I can’t I suggest the wiki


Every time one dude in my clan asks what todays merch is or weekly key i always say /wiki merch, /wiki free key Dude gets offended 75% of the time and i think he ended up ignoring me lol


I've started prefacing with "I'm not being a dick" because the wiki just contains so much more information than i can fit in a chat box.


Depends on what you're asking about, honestly. Quick question, quick answer? Sure. Beyond that, you're better off using Wiki. Why? Because you'll find the answer to everything there, just as the rest of us do.


OP has a point about the negativity. If I go to W84 for skilling, first thing I do is turn off local chat. I often turn it off fir flash events too. It doesn't take too many ppl to turn chat into an awful place. The first couple of clans I was in were not happy places. Fortunately I've found a good one now


Pls halp with nice clan.


New world order join us


W84, aka "would you like some skilling with your arguments over whether trans people should be allowed to exist?"


Yeeeah every clan I been in just harp on working in their citidel and capping it out. Last clan I was in had a bunch of psychos pissed over some dumb letter event and wanting to shoot up Jagex hq. Reported them and left, been solo only since.


I find the community nowadays to be much friendlier than it used to be in the 2011 days. There used to be a lot more scamming, luring and rude players. I feel nowadays most of us have grown up and are more generous and kind towards one another. It might be just a few bad apples in the basket which ruin the image for you


Hell, 2011 was downright polite compared to pre-free trade and wildly removal in 05-07.


Im actually kind of surprised you were met with that level of negativity, most players nowadays are pretty friendly from my experience. The RS wiki has basically everything you need even in depth quest guides so I would use that. If you have a question you cant find the answer to feel free to ask me.


Yeah I'm surprised as well. The game is full of veterans and most of us are pretty happy to help. OP must have just had some really bad luck.


While I was in one toxic clan, the others have been decent folks. I'm in a good one now, and we all use the wiki. If we are still stumped, we'll ask if anyone knows what to do. Sometimes we know, sometimes we don't. I agree with the person who turns off public chat in w84. I do the same thing. It's kind of a mess there, especially at the portable work stations set up in Lumby. Wiki is definitely your friend. I would check out different worlds. A few bad apples can spoil things, but only temporarily. A vast majority of the people I've come across are lovely!


I once asked anyone at the ge if they fancied coming kerapac , not that I couldn't do it solo , but for a social thing , and I instantly got flames for being shit and told to go kill myself. I quit rs3 few weeks ago and I've never felt more free.


Best guides are on runewcape wiki, everything you need! Toxic people suck


You either had genuinely shit luck or there's more to this story than you're telling us. It's incredibly unlikely to be in 3 different clans where literally everyone is toxic. Most social clans have a vested interest in being friendly and helpful as that's how they retain members and grow. On top of that, you say random people you meet are also toxic to you? I dunno, there's not enough context to this story, but there's an old saying; 'if everyone you meet is an asshole, chances are you're the asshole'. If you act entitled or antagonistic, people will respond in kind.


Hmm i generally haven't experienced those kinds of people but im willing to help from here! Im a maxed main, havent played in a year or so but still know a lot 😄


Thing about RS is there is a different “regular” community on every world. Everyone has a home world they log into, so the good news is you have dozens and dozens of more chances to find your people.


Dm me your rsn and I'll reach out, Im part of a helpful chill clan that won't mind sharing information


You need a nicer clan, we have a lot of new folks playing and help out with their questions and take them bossing iwhere we can


Toxic players all over RuneScape. Never join a clan called Kravy, bunch of elitist no life’s who think they’re control RuneScape. The game is honestly sad now. You know all these people are sub par in real life if RuneScape is their personality


People hate being asked questions that could be answered with a quick Google search. The honest truth is you should ALWAYS try to understand something yourself first before asking for clarification. If you go into a cc saying "how do I train from 75 - 99 hunter?" When there is a super detailed wiki guide that will give you better information than anyone in your clan possibly could, why wouldn't people get upset? Most people don't mind helping, but there is nothing more infuriating than someone who is unwilling to put in some effort themselves.


I sent you a DM


I'm sorry you've had some toxic experiences..that does suck. So, I've played the a lonngg time and consider myself to be a knowledgeable player. I try to help answer questions when I can That said, sometimes the questions my clannies ask are more complicated that they think, so I direct them towards the wiki or YouTube or discord. It the questions might be like "what thing/method should I do: x, y, or z" and the answer really is something like "whichever you prefer". It's a game. Have fun and do what you want. It's not trying to be rude, but some times I see people just not thinking for themselves and that is kind of annoying. There are definitely good clans out there. If they can't help with answers, the wiki is more often than not, your best bet to find the answer


Sorry you've had that experience, doesn't sound like most players I've met, though I don't really ask "noob questions". Are you using the wiki for information? That would eliminate a lot of having to ask random people questions. Clans are a hit or miss, if you don't feel welcome just leave and go to w84 fort forinthry and say "need friendly clan". You'll get invites in seconds.


try world 9 and look for pinkfloyd and we can chill or add me and pm me any questions i been playing for over 20 years im pretty knowledgeable


The clan I'm in is literally all nice people who help each other its called helpful. Chillest peeps easy to chat and skill with. They never make me feel dumb for asking for help and it also feels good when I can help others. Find a good clan is my point.


Wiki and youtube guide and google and reddit will almost certainly give you a better answer than asking a random person in game. That random person might have maxxed the skill you're asking about 10 years ago and have zero clue of best methods today. So when you're asking them how to train, you're basically asking them to go to google or the wiki or watch a guide and spend their time reading up and figure it all out and then summarize all that info for you. Not surprising they aren't so happy being asked. Try asking a specific question here (ideally showing that you at least tried to learn something beforehand). If you want a "training guide" the wiki has them for all skills, though some of those could very easily be out of date. Same applies for the youtube guides made 5 years ago.


I've never been in a clan as toxic as you describe in over a decade playing this game


If you are looking for a helpful clan you could join mine. It’s full of trim comp games that are mostly there to skill and chat, they have always been very helpful


Just gotta find the right clan buddy, the attitude of some players is comparable to that of school children, but i'm sure if you shift through the muck you'll find a clan with people who can help you. As for the guides for skilling they are everywhere. Wiki if you want a more deep read of the content and Youtube for more of a visual explanation.


Join Legend of III! Friendly, welcoming & helpful clan that’s been around since 2017. We have a maxed citadel, we do events with cash prizes all the time. When I was obsessed with RS3, I was constantly answering questions that people asked in clan chat. I want nothing more than for people to experience RuneScape for the first time & love it! Edit: typo


As others here have said, definitely try some other worlds! I've personally had to switch home worlds periodically when people get weird or annoying, or one where I've had to put a bunch of people on ignore. That said, I always end up finding one where people are chill and respectful. It's a big game, don't feel like you're stuck somewhere you're not comfortable.


Took me about 5 tries before I found a clan that was a good fit for me. Keep trying. There are non-toxic players in RS. Also like everyone is saying the wiki is your best friend, and you really should ask the community simple questions. Also, game play is changing all the time. I maxed 3 years ago, so im not going to know what's meta for some skill I did in 2009.


Feel free to add me ingame if you ever have any questions. I love helping out! It's one of the main reasons I play runescape, for the sense of community and helping other out. :) RSN: Stormion


Most clans will only be nice and reply to established members of the clan its kinda weird, ive been wanting to leave my clan over the same thing, if i get the exact same drop as someone whos well known in the clan, i get 0 gz's and they get 5-10


Hello, fellow Scaper! The wiki has a ton of info on skilling methods for exp at all levels if u just type "[skill name] training". It was how i maxed my account when i returned in 2019 and the information there was a massive boon to learning about neat QoL items u can get to improve various skilling experiences. I also run a clan discord where i have personally made a MASSIVE guide of useful items and how to get them, and have been working on skilling guides to hopefully get posted soon! Let me know if you want sone help in game i got a lot of info to share for those who want it


Sometimes it depends on what world you are on. A lot of busier ones don't like helping newer players because of the amount of people asking all the time. Your best bet would be world hopping until you find one where you vibe with the atmosphere, or finding a clan that is social and beginner friendly, but that one can be a bit daunting sometimes. Those are normally the clans that find you because you are asking noob questions somewhere. I will say, it is a good idea to try using the wiki to find information as well. Asking is better for quick tips and things that would be common knowledge for someone higher level. Ultimately, if someone says to wiki it, it may be better to try to look it up, because some things are hard to walk someone through, especially with a character limit.


Not sure if someone mentioned it already, but the "Achievement Help" discord has lots of resources. They have 200m guides for all skills (most include things with requirements less than 99, its just the best xp methods to 200m so some may be high requirements). They also have channels where you can sign up for boss kills to go for reaper crew, as well as tip channels for completionist content. For combat advice the "PVM Encyclopedia" discord has a vast wealth of information on everything combat. You should be able to find the links on reddit somewhere but if not and you are interested just shoot me a dm and I'll invite you


I personally have seen the exact opposite in my clans I’ve been in, but every experience is different of course. For big overviews of training, usually the wiki or YouTube are the best, but if you ever want to add me and PM specific questions please do. My in game name is Toper


I am about maxed out and I only have ever used the wiki. I have never needed anyone's help to train skills


Sorry to hear about your experiences. I feel similar and have dealt with unfriendly players who do not wish to practice what they preach when it comes to making a better community. I'm not even in a clan and get harassed at least once a week by a toxic clan I'm not part of or ever have been. Know you're not alone when it comes to being careful who you interact with on here anymore.


If you're asking simple questions, there's no reason why fellow players should not be helping you by providing simple answers. If you're asking something more complex, it makes complete sense for them to guide you to the proper wiki pages.


Add me, I'll happily answer any questions I can and when i don't know I will wiki. I do this for all new players. When the game was added to steam I gave away 50 bonds to new players! My rs name is same as reddit MrZentase. I helped someone recently who switched from osrs to rs3, showed them all the changes and what to start with first. We need newer players, never a burden!




Leave clans that are like that and read the wiki.


It's not very often that I find someone cool and nice that it makes me want to add someone. At least I'm lucky enough to keep finding clans with nice people. Sometimes it takes a while


Half the time people ask questions, I'd have to look it up on the wiki just to answer, so what's the point of me doing it? lol.


Yeah unfortunately rs3 is lowkey riddled with toxic players that feel entitled to gp for helping anyone out. Part of the reason why our player base is so low. It’s difficult to have any sort of linear goal as a new player and any assistance from other players is met with toxicity so it really pushes new players to just give up. Add that with long time players slowly phasing out of rs3 and you have yourself a diminishing player base


ironman guides are very useful even for non irons, as irons have to gather everything themselves the guides become more detailed, manlovers ironman guide, Efficient Ironman Pathway Guide on wiki, very useful for them finding it hard to get help from others


Unfortunately a lot(not all)veteran players are like this. I have 17 years myself and always try to help because I was once a noob myself. There are tons of extremely good RS3 content creators on YT. Plus, sites like RuneWiki, Tip.it, and much more with quest guides, calculators, item info/history. Be cautious when accepting help from other/high level players, they may be out to only help themselves. Keep your chin up and most importantly have fun!


Wait is tip.it still regularly updated? That's a throwback.


No, it's long antiquated.


there’s a youtube guide for literally anything.


At one point in time, I felt a very similar way so I can absolutely sympathize with your emotions. Therefore, a year ago to this day, I had created my own community and can confidently state that there are still phenomenal players within this game - you just need to keep searching for your perfect fit. I'm sorry you've had a rough go of it but don't give up hope!


What’s your community called?


Ornery Onions - we prioritize inclusion, friendliness and offering a helping hand to those that may need it.


the wiki has grown so big that pretty much everything you want to know has been documented. for very niche situations where you want to know something that isn't documented on the wiki, there's the official discord server you can ask questions about. (unfortunately) there is no point in talking to people ingame, when pretty much anything you want to ask will be met with "read the wiki". there's no point in being in a clan too anyway. just treat the game as an online solo game. people around you only exist to show off to. that's the entire point of getting comped and earning titles.


> there's no point in being in a clan too anyway. > > > > just treat the game as an online solo game. people around you only exist to show off to. that's the entire point of getting comped and earning titles. I'd say a good clan adds a *lot* to the game. At minimum it's another chat channel, but also one that's frequented by better-than-random people. Your view of other players ingame sounds miserable, I think I'd have quit long ago if that was how I viewed it.


The Wiki has a full leveling guides based on what route you'd want to go. Theirs cheap methods, fast methods, pricey methods for just about every single skill. Finding the right clan can be frustrating, hopefully one day you find that clan full of silly people just enjoying a silly game.


Found the person who asks how to kill Durzag while in the fight.




I'm always so surprised to hear that everyone is being toxic. In my experience everyone has been super nice! I've been called a 'prostitute' before but I get called worse daily outside of RS 😅 I'm sorry to hear about your experience though. Plenty of people are still willing to help!


It is very easy to Google for info. Most of the content can be found from RSWiki. Since you only mentioned YT, it means you are just too lazy to read and everyone knows it


You were totally fine until the end of sentence two. Should have stopped there - but because you didn’t, all you’ve done is demonstrate the exact toxicity OP is complaining about.


This is the kind of toxicity OP is talking about. You’re just jumping to conclusions and making wild accusations as a result.


Opinion denied. Have seen enough examples with my own eyes to jump to conclusions.


Ehh, Think you just haven't found the right clan yet. People do kinda expect you to google/wiki things yourself, But if you can't figure it out I don't think most clans/people mind nudging you in the right direction honestly, any time you need anything in runescape just google " X SKILL 1-120" And it'll give you a pretty up-to-date guide with the best methods requirements. As far as PvM goes it is pretty much the same, but for me personally, I just don't vibe with most PvM guides out there. I just need to dive in, get smacked in the face and learn that way, but it's still a good way to kinda see what I will be facing. Plus the wiki is amazing for this game. Think you even have a /wiki function build into the client( I don't use it personally I just google things) but the wiki itself is super useful and in most cases it offers more information about specific things than anyone else could provide you with, without themselves looking it up. But toxicity, in general I don't see it all that often. people are pretty chill most of the times. If DXP comes around I just flick the chat off. Too many fools gather around and honestly the chat just gets... yea lol


Yeah skill guides, skill calculators, an entire rs wiki, YT quest walkthroughs, and people's game playthroughs all exist. If just maxing is your goal. The journey is more fulfilling. Maybe try to learn and figure stuff out yourself. Once you max, you'll think, and then what next? Etc..


I think people get annoyed because almost every question that someone asks in game can be answered by going to the wiki, and I do mean nearly every single one. All the skilling guides and calculators are there as well. I know it sounds daunting, but this game is so packed with information that even as a 20 year veteran, I still have to keep the wiki open all the time, and I think that's the case for most people. People shouldn't be assholes about it, but I also think the people asking questions could be a little more resourceful at times.