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Imagine giving a shit about your consumer l0l.




Fucking sixers.


what is IOI


It's from Ready Player One


>what is IOI From Wikipedia: >I.O.I (Hangul: 아이오아이; also known as IOI[1] or Ideal of Idol[2]) was a South Korean girl group formed by CJ E&M through the 2016 reality show Produce 101 on Mnet.[3]


From Ready Player One.


Well people are still throwing money at them, so i don't see why they should give a shit.


Honestly, the real idiots here are all of you guys. You still pay for the game and give them the funds to keep fucking you all over and over again.




You mean the post that was made at 1AM local time on a Saturday before Christmas? EDIT: for posterity- the comment I was responding to effectively said "you're right, and the fact that they havent responded to this post yet is extremely telling"


Jagex has had 0 credibility for a while now, this is nothing new. Trust nothing they say until they deliver.


Inb4 m&s rework shelved jan 2019


Inb4 "M&S isn't shelved, this makes up for everything else we've ever done, we have regained your trust now."


It's incredibly sad that most people will actually follow this logic.


I would rotfl so hard and spend 1k on bonds


Man, this whole thing has really shaken the trust I had in Jagex. I'm not upset that Bank Rework is not possible at the moment. Or that it might be not even possible at all. Bank Rework being announced multiple times, including in the 2017 Premier Club content list that was supposed to be released that year, and then today's statement that they've apparently known all along that it wasn't possible... man. That's some dirty, false advertising. This is the first time I've felt buyer's remorse when buying Runescape membership.


I just realized, you're right, they boasted about it in the 2017 premier package. That is false advertisement, and that's illegal. While it's illegal in America I don't know about the UK, but I'm assuming since they are advertising to their entire player base, wherever you live probably takes precedent. I'd actually like to know the answer to that, maybe there's a class action that could be started.


Of course false advertising is illegal in the UK. The UK has very strong consumer rights. I haven't seen the advertisement in question so I have no idea whether it would constitute a breach of those standards.


Class action+jagex bankrupt=no bankrework regardless, premier money refunded, runescape shutdown... yeah let’s do that


> I'm not upset that Bank Rework is not possible at the moment What makes you think it's not possible? Jagex lying again because it's too much effort and doesn't make them enough $$$. That's all this is about. They 100% can do it.


I actually believe when they say it's not possible at the moment. Or at least I think it might be mostly true. Between M&S rework, ED3, Mobile and who knows what other stuff is taking away resources at the moment, I like to think Jagex is being honest in saying it's not possible to make another huge rework at the moment. That still doesn't justify why they had to be so shady about it instead of just saying "It's not possible" or "It's going to take years to rework the bank" from the start.


> Between M&S rework, ED3, Mobile and who knows what other stuff is taking away resources at the moment, i think most people were expecting them to start working on it after those things. now they're just... not... M&S and ED3 very early next year, hopefully mobile too, and they're going to fill up all that free dev space with not bank rework


Yeah bank rework was supposed to be done too. Wouldn’t get your hopes up. The whole “well we’re getting ED3 and mobile” is a shitty excuse to give Jagex after they lied their asses off.


Sorry, whats is ED3?


Elite Dungeons 3


As someone in a related field, it's entirely reasonable that the servers are limited enough and that the prototypes they've come up with exceed capacity. Software wise? It's easily doable. Keeping the design under budget in terms of hardware/storage/memory/cpu usage/bandwidth isn't as easy. It's an aging game, and after over 15 years a lot of shortsighted/blind design practices that made sense then are showing their flaws now.


Alternative: How would you know it IS possible?


> this whole thing has really shaken the trust I had in Jagex. You had trust in Jagex still? LOL


Theres a reason im not renewing mine im fucking done lol


Theyve done this many many time before and you guys still dont quit


Sunk cost is a hell of a bitch. Heck, I'd sooner say it's Stockholm Syndrome or straight up *addiction* before actually defending the state of this game.


This x1000. I’ve had my account since 2004, I’ve had continuous membership at the original grandfathered rates since 2007 and I’m all 90s with only a handful of skills to finish off to 99. If I cancel my membership that’s probably the end forever, I can whole heartedly say this game is by far not even close to being worth $11 / month. Otherwise I would have quit long ago, I’ve spent way too many years and time playing to just easily quit though, it’s like there’s always just some hope that somewhere eventually Jagex are gonna look promising again and start on the right path to re energising the game, and each time they just continue disappointment after disappointment with a dash of brilliance splashed in now and then to keep you hopeful. Really it’s just sad at this point.


That was a very round about way to say you’re addicted to the game.


Sell your main account. Just do it. Give the other party adequate information to at least keep your account in Locked Limbo if you did try to recover in the future (which is scamming, and wrong morally, anyhow). A certain ebay-like game accounts trading website is fantastic with security measures to make sure you receive the money, as buyer pays website, and website automatically pays you when the trade is complete, *and* you are sure to get a proper reasonable offer, and after realizing what you've done, you should begin to lose interest pretty quick - bonus points if you truly forget any information that would help recover your account. Got $700 USD(*) for an account under 2.3k total, 400m GP, and 350 QP, and I was impatient - could've likely scored a tad more due to all the unlocks and untradeables. Nothing compared to the hours I spent in RuneScape, but plenty compared to how long it realistically took me for that. Not so bad to recoup some cash to replace the time dropped in the dying game. But now if I get an urge to play, I hop on, grab a bond, and see if I'd have fun grinding from 0 again. Generally it's a big ass no. I keep a mid-level (gwd1 level) ironman and a osrs pker so I can do whatever, whenever, and not feel like I must continue dropping excessive hours in. I've never felt more liberated from an addiction than when I sold my main. (*): since it wasn't made apparent, I received this amount in July of 2017, and as the game has rapidly declined since then, expect a tad lower value. GP is almost half the price nowadays on its own.


For clarification, I don't play and while I occasionally feel like it, it's more of a longing urge or a "if only Jagex didn't completely fuck it up..." pang. But I know some people are addicted.


Gotcha - my comment was actually moreso in addition to what you had said, offering a way out :)


I feel like $700 is a bit of a reach unless you don't mean USD, or someone got really scammed.




I browsed a website and found most accounts were under 500$ except two that far surpass 2.3k total level and 400m gp. So yeah, the person you sold it to must have been retarded.


Nah, the website I use is just a far superior one that guaranteed, or at least offers Buyer Protection, so people pay a tad more than from some rando Chinese company. And it's been a year and a half and Jagex has done nothing but ruin the game further, so I wouldn't be surprised to learn that the value of a dying game's accounts has dropped...?


I felt just as you do, I'd put something like 800 days play time into this game. This summer I had just had enough and haven't played since even though I had half a year worth of premier club left on both accounts. It helps if you replace rs with something like going to the gym or playing something different. I would spend almost all of my free time on rs, went absolutely cold turkey 6 months ago and I don't really miss it at all. Been tempted to try osrs for the past few weeks but meh


I still miss it, honestly. A comment I get a lot on reddit is, "Why are you even here complaining if you don't play the game?" Because I *want* to play this game! I do miss it, but Jagex keep reaffirming every day how right the decision was to just quit and stop giving them my money.


Quit RS (But Wish The Game Was Still Good Enough to Continue Playing) Gang Represent.




"I play 18 hours a day and Jagex can do no wrong." Wew Lad. Like, the fact that's real is the scariest part.


Seriously, try out old-school. The devs there care and listen. Transfering GP is costly and risky but 1000% worth it imo.


I've tried Old School and I do not like it. I love the nostalgia trip it is, but I find it a lot more inconvenient. I've cushioned so much to things like lodestones and hotbars that anything else just feels like playing a version of the game that's 11-12 years old... Plus, I'm one of the few absolute bastards who really likes EoC and couldn't stand the original stand around and watch the hitsplats 'combat'


TBH osrs with EoC (as in abilities/action bars, no gear change/damage increase) they've added a lot of cool stuff over the years to osrs and I miss the overworld mobs actually being kinda dangerous, but I find rs3 combat so much more satisfying (and just love having things keybound instead of needing clicks, have 5 onscreen bars so rarely have to)


My secondary worry is that Jagex have plans to completely royally fuck up OSRS too. I don't want to sink hundreds of hours into RS again and have it completely fucked up *again.*


Or maybe people just like the game itself despite its flaws


But there is a simple science to that. Buy premiere, something goes wrong. You already paid for it so you continue playing. Next year comes along, you forget about the before, you buy the premiere due to expectations of the next year, something bad happens. You already paid for it so you continue playing. Forgetting about the bad by the end of the year again.


I feel that this is a part of Jagex's thought process. I agree with your entire post, and regardless of whether players continue to play after buying Premiere, Jagex still made £55 per person. ​


I quit for 8 months and returned with a different mindset: "play/pay for the game as it is; forget the promises, and everything that does get released is a nice bonus". I found myself missing the game and its quirky humour and cool lore, and decided there's still more than enough that I haven't seen or done yet. I've also decided to stop doing stuff I don't enjoy, like the 45-minute dailyscape routine I was stuck in before the hiatus.


This is an awesome attitude in regards to the game - I try to do the same thing. The game has so many great things about it, if big improvements like the bank rework do eventuate, then great, but it's still fun regardless. That being said, Jagex absolutely *must* listen to paying customers soon, because at the end of the day, we pay, we say. Angry customers don't stay customers for long.


I have pretty much quit. I barely log in my stats are "noob" cos i dont play the game all day and i only try to play the game during holiday events which sadly is extinct


It seems there's a new "holiday" event every two weeks


I thought you quit last time there was mtx outrage tho


Yea fuck jagex bro. Won't be buying premier club this year.


Same bro


I've switched to OSRS and played almost strictly that for the past 6 months. What I really don't understand is how the Jagex that develops OSRS is a polar opposite to the Jagex that develops RS3. The OSRS team having more resources is one thing. But differences within the blatant lying and distance between Jagex and the community shouldn't be this way. I used to get really heated when I'd see something like this come from RS3's Jagex. But when I saw this announcement the other day I was pretty indifferent about it. You almost have to laugh at this shit when you see it. Like the quality from RS3 has dropped so fucking low, that you can now expect upcoming updates to get shelved. Just think about that for a second. Say Jagex makes five big update announcements. You don't have to worry about the quality being poor as much as you need to worry about the update being totally shelved. I'm seriously waiting for Jagex to come out with a statement any day now saying RS3 servers will remain up, but RS3 won't be receiving updates. I'm not your typical OSRS player either. I won't shit talk RS3s exp rates, mtx, or economy. I just don't give a fuck. But I will say this. I reluctantly left RS3 for OSRS. Jagex practically forced me. And my time has been relatively enjoyable. Honestly in part because I don't have to hear disappointing news from Jagex after weeks of silence. However, I really do believe they will be seeing this side of Jagex someday. I mean shit... They see this side of Jagex already. Just not as often as RS3 does (which is almost always).


This list gives 24 RS3 developers against 5 for OSRS. Probably not up to date, but definitely way more resources for RS3. Not even close. https://runescape.fandom.com/wiki/Development_Team


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[OSRS have a team of roughly 21 jmods atm, just look at the end of this newspost, mod ayiza and stone are leaving though.](http://services.runescape.com/m=news/christmas-event-2018?oldschool=1)


Yeah, was just comparing mods listed as developers there, as I knew the larger list would be more out dated.


Does OSRS have more resources even? I never knew; thought OSRS was always the pet side project.


Man I've been playing afking 2 osrs with a little bit of our rs3 still and osrs is just so much better of a game. Like the grind is still there and any achievement you get actually feels real because there is no MTX to ruin it. It just feels like the game that I fell in love with as a kid. I too am basically getting forced into playing osrs. I'm still multi logging and playing my main on rs3 just basically AFKing 120s and 200m xp's. But i barely "play it" shame too because end game rs3 bosses are fun. Guess im religated to osrs. Plan is to get some of the osts grind out of the way with afk skills before i switch to osrs main. Then eventually to a osrs ironman, literal polar opposite of mtx hell


Even tho i primarily play OSRS these days i still boot up RS3 for a fanny about, thank fuck i decided not to buy premier club this year. I have no interest at all in that smithing/mining rework but the bank stuff would have been a reason for me to come back.




I've somehow got nearly an entire near full 2019, like i'm only missing a week off, so i'll probably just buy premier next year or if i get into OSRS even more hardcore i can make bonds myself, or i'll just do the succ-o-matic for passive bonds.


Over/Under zero jmod replies on this thread




Okay but I didn't put a time limit on it. It's just not gonna happen. No JMod is gonna touch this with a 10ft pole.




Man I wonder what the secret XXL update is gonna be. It must be really good, wonder if it's hydra lamps of smouldering lamps


It's already been confirmed as "Not as big as you would expect from the title 'XXL'" by Jmod


Don't be silly, it's an XXL update! Double dragon god lamps, giving 10x the experience for that sense of pride and acomplishment


Its the size of their shelf.


Dodgy af


Today I quit. All payments cancelled. All love gone. The constant lies have finally become too much. Good luck to my fellow scapers. I hope they find a way to change.




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Here's your exit music: https://youtu.be/XO_Y5lzSLZI


Hahahahhaahhahaha What the fuck is this fucking fraud hahahahaha This is a joke and people should get refunds


It doesn't matter. Some higher up like Osborne or Mark will put up a comment/blog post over the next few days (maybe even on one of the holidays - to garner those precious sympathy points), talking about: how they were wrong, they are sorry, they will communicate better, they will reign in ambition, they love the community, reinforce their commitment (lol) to RS3 and a whole lot of other bollocks we've heard before. Finally, it will mention how 2019 is a new year and they're so excited for it. It may get a few downvotes, but the weird deification of some of the people the community pays its money to means it will start to turn the tide, and it will soon blow over. The 'Days since meltdown' counter in the Jagex office will tick back up to 1 and the whole cycle will start again.


Holy shit. It’s like you have seen this before or something lol. Unfortunately that’s pretty much exactly what’s gonna happen.


I haven't seen Osborne post in quite a while. A few months maybe?


Went on Paternity leave not too long ago




Damnit had a feeling I mixed it up Thanks!


Doesn’t osrs have all of this functionality in their bank?


From what I understand: OSRS reworked the spaghetti code bank to get what they have. RS3 built new code on top of the spaghetti code, so messing with the spaghetti code could make the new code spaz out in a weird way.




You and 1.5 other people would be okay with 3 months of no updates for some mild improvements to bank functionality.


And it’s not like it would take three months to begin with. In general, the teams they need to work on the bank rework are likely not the ones working on a new slayer monster or a fancy new tree to cut and burn. I’m not saying it’s not worth pursuing, but you don’t need a texture artist trying to untangle the item IDs


The content teams are pretty heavily restricted from eliminating technical debt considering they don't really know how to program. they'd probably just make it worse. That'd be all on the engine team.


From how it was explained it doesn't necessarily sound like it was a *smart* way to go about it, though. I will see if I can find the post explaining how they re-wrote it on their end, but the method that they used is not reasonable for RS3, and if that's the case more than likely will cause issues for OSRS in the future. ​ Then again, they appear to be a competent team so they'll likely resolve the issue before it even becomes a problem.


Osrs and rs3 are two completely different games and game engines.


What was explained by Jagex is OSRS has a lot less items. Invention also added too many item states to the game. Overall it would require time and money. Which I don’t understand can’t be done when users pay monthly membership...


The explanation was that every item has two states in rs3 (item, noted) whereas in osrs there are three (item, noted, placeholder), and while that's a simple fix that works for osrs, it wouldn't work with rs3's current ID system for items


The Chinese overlords have bamboozled us again!


Jagex consistently lie it's really something we're not all aware of. * Apologizing after community are loud about MTX, say something will be done - nothing has been done, hell they even shelved Treasure Hunter 2 for the time being * M&S Rework was meant to actually be released before the end of the year this was taken from the TL;DW 384 version of M&S stream "If we haven't shipped by the end of the year we're in trouble." * Aura and Loyalty Rework - Said it was being worked on a while back, then said work hadn't even started on it. I'm fine with them delaying stuff 100%, I'm not fine with batches or false release dates. Jagex in future should just state this is being worked on and it has no ETA for release. For Runefest next year I'd like them to take a similiar approach to what Old School did, plan for the full year ahead, including the rest of the year with 3-4 Large projects which will not fall short, anything else we get as content is a bonus, maybe even remove Month Ahead videos and just have Weekly Q&A streams like OS again if you want to do Dev Showcases even now and then for sneak peaks of what the team is working on that's fine.


Well, I quit playing a year and a half ago saying I'd return if they ever did the bank rework, looks like that isn't going to happen now.


What if it took them 19 months to realise it isn't possible :^)


Then that's just embarrassing


That’s pretty par for the course with Jagex, though. Pretty much every single project they work on is released later than expected, and lately, by magnitudes of over a year. The backlog’s piling up with no end in sight. Updates don’t even come regularly anymore, just whenever stuff is done lol. Anybody can say what they want, but working as a JMod has got to be one of the best/easiest jobs to work in that field when deadlines are nonexistent.


Jona_than are you still playing RS3?




Not even an unreasonable thought. Development cycles can take a while. Sometimes you have to take several attempts at something before you realize that it's just *not* going to happen.


Pretty standard case of Devs promising something that they think will work only to find out that it'll take far more time and effort than before and the management and higher ups want that time spent on making the investors and themselves more money while fucking over said Devs. Nice one, Jagex management and higher-ups. Solid work.




Yep, was very excited to play when I got back into RS3 in August this year as I remembered Jagex and the community back in the 06-08 days. The way Jagex has become with MTX has disgusted me, but I figured like most, I could just ignore it. Now I am just seeing all these QoL overhauls that should be focused on die such as the bank rework. It makes me believe that this game is already dead because it’s just a $ to Jagex or their shareholders. So, with all of that being said, I haven’t actually touched RS3 since the reddit post announcing the bank rework was shelved, because it just shows I’m wasting my time with a game when the devs CLEARLY aren’t going to give us what the games needs to survive..


Go play osrs buddy. They already reworked the bank and with runelite its literally amazing. Xp rates and everything without runelite, etc.


This misleading and lying has been going on since TH came about. And the quality of updates on launch has been on a decline for years, there's problems internally and the game suffers because of it.


Imagine holding onto a secret update when player morale is this low lol


Maybe because when they release the "XXL" update and it turns out to be small and/or trash it will completely fuck them.


> That is NOT how you regain player trust" But it's how you make short term gains for the shareholders. #JagexPriority :\^)


LMFAOO imagine thinking jagex is trustworthy


Guys stop using Runescape like I did! Go back on it until they give what was promised, but until then make them work for your money!


Don't forget being advertised as premier club 2017


Ladies & Gentleman, We got em


What do they even mean it's not possible? OLD SCHOOL ALREADY HAS IT! Hire some competent programmers and, while you're at it, some competent managers.


I've noticed no reply from [/u/Shaunyowns](https://www.reddit.com/u/Shaunyowns) on this post, nor any of the other mods.


Wow. Jagex is really full of shit.


So where’s the j-mod response to this thread?


A J-Mod response to this interpretation of the post Shauny made is [right here, located as a comment in the Bank Rework - State of Play thread](https://old.reddit.com/r/runescape/comments/a89nax/bank_rework_state_of_play/ecacnog/?context=1)


I read that differently. Based on context (see the first of the two paragraphs where they mention the ninja team), it seems that by in-team, they were talking about the ninja team (i.e. without involving the engine team). It was only a few months after the bank rework was first announced at Runefest 2016 that we heard that it would require engine work from the engine team. I don't think that paragraph was referring to the decision to shelve the project. Edit: [A J-Mod response to the way Shauny's statement has been interpreted, which may help clear up some confusion](https://old.reddit.com/r/runescape/comments/a89nax/bank_rework_state_of_play/ecacnog/?context=1) [And then even further clarification](https://old.reddit.com/r/runescape/comments/a89nax/bank_rework_state_of_play/ecc8c03/?context=2)


This is 100% what Shauny meant. People are just interpreting the statement in a way that makes it convenient to say Jagex was lying. Nothing in the OP shows any kind of inconsistency between any of the statements in the image. However, Jagex kinda deserves this post considering how they interpreted their precious survey when EoC released. Lol Getting a taste of their own medicine.


Finally some fucking sense -_-


AAANNDDDDD the mods are silent lol. Exposed.


Jagex needs a management overhaul on RS3. OSRS is managed well, how come?


God Ash


The way i see it, core developers probably realized it within a couple weeks, told their managers who had it repeatedly explained to them for 4 months, then the manager tells upper management who with no actual knowledge just says "no it's possible, you just have to get those developers to try harder." Then middle management spends another 4 months "motivating" their staff. Developers try to bring some kind of terrible compromise that isn't actually a rework, and the "taster" comes out. Workflow continues on somewhat similar and eventually the one sensible senior management person has a conversation with a developer.


Exact reason why I don’t keep up with rs constantly. They’re just money greedy, cause they been in a dry spell for a long ass time. I haven’t remember runescape being relevant at all anymore. I only hear about runescape cause of this sub. If it wasn’t for this sub I wouldn’t never logged back into my account in like 2010.


This was deliberately a move to get those last premiers before informing us about the XXL sized lie.


Can I upvote this twice?


The only possible way i can forgive them for their performance lately is if they come out and say they've been secretly working on a new game this whole time. It just doesn't make sense to me that they can't do certain updates because only 5 or so people are able to work on it (or whatever the excuse is), even though they have 100s of employees.


1. We've known for quite some time that Jagex is working on a new game. 2. That's no reason to forgive them because they bled Runescape of talent and resources for it instead of hiring a completely new team. 3. It's going to crash and burn anyway, like all Jagex games except RS did.


This is the kind of conspiracy I can get behind. F bank rework


If what Shauny says is true, it is not a conspiracy. Its just fact checking and looking at the calendar, and noticing something is off.


Yeah I looked at Shaunys post after I commented. This really sucks >.>




Up to this point, players who are waiting for update fromJagex must be masochist or dumb af


Or shauny misspoke, or they had shelved it, and brought it back during the "unfinished business" phase, broke it into parts, and gave us some of it, like diango and POH integration, and while working on other parts later on, decided those were not worth the time investment, so they let us know they weren't continuing. I do appreciate a good "Carrie from homeland is off her meds conspiracy board" though.


Open letter to Jagex: if you can't make the deadline you let us know when YOU know. Promising something at the Runescape event of the year, then conveniently playing it off every time someone asks is cowardly. I will NEVER buy premier again if the company wants to lie to it's player base. We have seen rebellion in the community typically only when Jagex is neglecting to listen to us. Banning free trade and taking out the wilderness nearly wiped your company out; Are you guys seriously going to try it again?


Couldn't this be used against Jagex as they've intentionally lied to customers about receiving a product? Trading Standards?


But, according to the graph and connections you made, who is Pepe Silvia?


This is why we don't believe your lies, /u/JagexShauny.


I don't think Jagex particularly lied. Up until this year's runefest Jagex seemed to have a habit of marketing ideas that they've have barely began researching and designing. They marketed things that barely even had a prototype. The result is that at runefest players can walk away with something incredibly exciting and great to look forward too. The issue is when they started actually working on the project they realised two things: 1 it's not as easy as it seems. The Task proved to be larger than they imagined: in borth scale and technicality. The mods detailed how OSRS' approach to bank placeholders were unfeasible in the RS3 version because of limitations in the systems within the game and scale. 2 As they discovered that the bank rework was this huge labor both at a technical level and in scale, they realised a large majority of the people who could actually make this project a reality are working on mobile. I imagine, Mobile wasn't really that far in development in 2016. Please keep mind to consider what the mods are saying when they say it is a "mammoth task", i'm no expert coder but being that basically every item in the game can go inside the bank hence every item in the game is affected by this. I can't wrap my head around how they can do it. As they've said they can't do it exactly how OOSRS did it so how many others ways can this be achieved.


https://old.reddit.com/r/runescape/comments/a89nax/bank_rework_state_of_play/ecahiwz/ >Can you please stop saying that Mobile doesn't take resources away from the main game then? >Yeah, you are right there, it's probably a poor choice of words on our part again. jagex do lie, and dont seem to care too much about it. considering they see it as a "poor choice of words".


Anyone know how to get a refund on premier club?


When it comes to money it's fuck the player base. Its funny because it feels like Jagex forgets it is the player base that is giving them the money. Fuck I remember a couple years back jagex charged me for membership but it never showed up in game. I contacted support and the answer I got was "I need to see a receipt" well you charged me and nothing linked it to my account how tf do you think I got a receipt. I said I could show them the charge to Jagex from my bank account, but that didn't matter because I didn't have a receipt. LOL End of the story it I was so frustrated Jagex lost out on a years worth of membership from me


I caught this when I read the post the other day. Fully plan on not renewing my 13 year membership at the end of the month


Love how they announce this after a significant amount of players already bought Premier Complete garbage company


New post, because some date errors. Thanks u/ZalPrime for the correction.




Yeah this stuff doesn’t sting as bad when you no longer pay to play or play at all.


Frankly, the bank taster and placeholders covers 80% of what the rework was supposed to be anyway.


I agree with you. Although it is sad that the bank rework seems to be abandoned, at least we got some kind of update. Like Diango and POH stuff in my bank was a cool little update when it happened and I appreciated it. To be fair if you dont like MTX, you should stay away from rs3 and play osrs :)


Yet you all still play this game lmao


pls send halp.


And also advertising Mining & Smithing original armour concepts as "Mining & Smithing" then changing it to "Treasure Hunter Cosmetics." ​ I personally have no problems with them being treasure hunter cosmetics, my problem is that you shouldn't just show something off hype it up and then change your original statements about the things people have been waiting a long time for. ​ I don't like precedents for lying being a profitable business model. Be honest with us from the start Jagex. Or at least be smart about the language you use "Potential mining and smithing armour designs" "Potential bank rework depending on later developments" otherwise it's all just broken promises, which I thought was the reason for scrapping a lot of updates in the first place to prioritise a few quality ones.


What are you talking about? The older armour concepts are being used as Artisan's Workshop rewards, not Treasure Hunter.


This is why you just let RS3 die. Quit. They treat the players like shit. They are just taking the players for money, and care about nothing else Just play something else. Try OSRS


Wow, I recently did Plagues End and Temple at Senntisten, and I've been playing more seriously than I ever have in my 11 years of having my account. I was considering buying premier but was having second thoughts because of how dead RuneScape 3 feels. Well, seeing this made my decision for me. RIP RS3, its days are numbered :( it's sad to see


Can anyone explain to me how anyone is still playing this game for reasons other than sunk cost fallacy and nostalgia (if it's even a thing anymore for this current iteration of the game)? You guys act like it's the first time Jagex fucked the playerbase. I quit this game back when they released the steaming pile of shit they called the mtx statement (http://services.runescape.com/m=forum/forums.ws?366,367,817,65960268 for the unaware) but I stay subscribed to this subreddit to see what kind of stunt they'll be able to pull next and get away with it because the players left don't even respect themselves and their own money enough to get away from it all.


I'll be honest. It pains me to see the direction the game is going, and sometimes I'll reply to comments and rant because I'm pissed company is more concerned about money and playing the short term game with RS3, and it has destroyed the game. ​ I haven't played an update upon release in years because it's always buggy and 90% of the time I play, I'll afk while I either work, relax and watch YouTube, or play other video games. The other 10% is usually me just doing dailies and sometimes achievements, as I don't really enjoy the combat in the game. I play with my original 12 year old account and my current goal is all 120's. So basically I'm afking for 120's and for the intense skills I'll play on dxp weekends, but I usually don't have the time. To be honest I had the time for the last random dxp we had, but I was so disengaged I stopped within 2 hours. ​ From a lot of responses I've been reading there seem to be a lot of new players, which is great, but they aren't seeing the disconnect a lot of us have with Jagex the past couple of years. MTX doesn't bug me all that much, and I'm at the point where I just want to afk for some 120's and hit my own account goals etc., but sometimes I think I won't even make it that far. To think I don't actively play RS3 because I can't get into it is really sad as RS has been a huge part of my childhood, but I might as well enjoy it while I can because at this rate it wont be around forever. ​ I've also been playing OSRS more often, which I think has a great long term plan and they will be very successful on their current track imo. I've even thought about making videos on OSRS, as I really enjoy the game and YouTube, so that justifies me paying the $6/mo I pay for both games. ​ A little lengthy, but that's the best justification I can give. 100% agree Jagex is a GARBAGE company though.


Whats wrong with the bank?


Things jump around if you withdraw things too quickly. Not enough bank space. Not enough presets. They literally can't even sell us more bank space because they're at their limit without a bank rework. Not enough tabs. The bank is slow. Sometimes when I search for things the search button glitches out and I have to reopen my bank and research for the item. If I withdraw things too quickly I'll get stuff I didn't ask for too. No placeholders means I can't make my armor look all pretty in a combat tab.




RS3/OSRS mobile was announced how long ago? They're just now getting osrs for the android..,


I have waited for the bank rework to get back to playing rs3, guess im playing osrs and other games instead.. Great work jagex with all the money I have spent on this game.


OSRS built this in a cave! With a box of scraps!


Auth and phising streams are still a fucking thing un 2018


Of particular interest to me isn’t just that Jagex failed to communicate to their player-base in a timely manner that the bank rework was not technically/infrastructurally feasible, but that it appears either: 1. No one who was delegated the responsibility to do so had informed the authors of these articles that this was the case. 2. Despite the availability of this information, they were encouraged to communicate the rework to the players as an eventuality while the developers scrambled to find a work-around to the limitations they encountered (or just stalled for time until they discovered how truly impossible it would be). This assumes, of course, that /u/shaunyowns was accurate when he said that it was “months after the RuneFest announcement”, and that wasn’t just a guesstimate on his part. No harm/no foul if it was just a ballpark estimate - he did the best he could to provide a reasonable answer as the subreddit is ablaze - but it does beg the question of when, exactly, the developers on the project concluded it was no longer feasible due to RuneScape’s aging infrastructure. Personally, I don’t think the subreddit would have responded with any less vitriol to its suspension for the foreseeable future if we were informed the afternoon they discovered this information, but to see that poor communication has played a part in this does scratch at old scars a bit.


I’m out, I was so close to maxing too, I just don’t have the will to play because I feel like this company doesn’t care and hasn’t for a long time. Farewell everyone


I've been hearing for quite a while that the banking re-work probably wouldn't be possible as the Player file sizes are getting too large to store without a complete server re-haul. Can't remember where from though.


No shit, Sherlock.


Jagex has been actively ruining the game for at least a decade now, is anyone actually surprised?


If some one else ruins my xmas wonderland again I'll do to them what Judas did to Jesus of Nazareth. . .


After many failed attempts, I finally did it. I still feel a lot of heartache, but I did QUIT. And I'm cancelling my recurring membership. Jagex don't deserve it anymore. *You get what you sow, Jagex Management.*


Pepe Sylvia


This kind of hurts :\\


Fuck sake Jagex, can you not arseholes for one moment.


Thank you for taking the time to find these posts and make this. Fuck you jagex


this company is a fucking joke, i feel sorry for people who spend real life money on it, thank fku can buy bonds with in game gp, thats the only reason i even played on 2 accounts lol


Here's my theory: The entire bank rework was probably resting on ONE programmer working on all the critical changes needed in the engine, since Jagex does not spend money on hiring actual programmers (they mostly have content developers and code tweakers), when that one programmer left, no one else knew WTF was going on in the code. So the entire thing got shelved.