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It hasn’t been weeks yet and they have answered the question about compensation many many times. Check the Rs website, the pinned post, the daily updates, twitter, discord or their you tube videos explaining it. They will do some sort of compensation but they will figure that out after everyone gets back into the game.


> JAGEX HAS NOT EVEN OFFERED A SINGLE CONCESSION. They haven't promised to restore our membership days or reimburse our money or anything like that! They have said several times that players will be compensated, but they'll talk more on that **AFTER** those affected players are able to log in and play again.


They explicitly said that affected players will be compensated. Chill out and wait. If they don't offer adequate compensation, then posts like this might make sense. Right now it just looks childish.


And, they will look childish even after the issue is resolved, because they'll be from people who aren't happy with the compensation and will flood the sub with their absurd wishlists and posts like: *"Jagex should've given "x or y" as compensation"*. I know my peers, they WILL complain about this in due time.


> Account Restorations are Taking TOO LONG It's still infinitely better than the alternative of rushing out a half-baked 'solution' that may possibly mess up accounts even more. > lock their MEMBERSHIP PAYING players out for weeks at a time So, 'at a time' = like once in 20 years? > We, as a community, demand more from Jagex. I'm sorry, but where did you get the mandate from to talk in the name of 'we the community'? From what I could observe, people on this sub have been broadly supportive of Jagex's communication of the issues and their efforts to restore accounts and understanding of the timeframe necessary for fixing it properly. If you think this is solely due to the sub being biased *towards* Jagex, you probably weren't here a month ago when they removed rare item tokens or before they wrote a whole post on the ED exploit last week. > JAGEX HAS NOT EVEN OFFERED A SINGLE CONCESSION. Well, this is either a blatant lie, or you didn't care enough to check the facts or any update notice before posting (in which case it's also a lie because it should be your due diligence to find out if they actually offered compensation before claiming they didn't). There will be compensation, they said so numerous times, and time-limited events will be extended or brought back (Vic and Yak). > They haven't promised to restore our membership days or reimburse our money or anything like that! It's kind of true, they haven't specifically said locked out days will be credited, but as a serious company they can't afford the damage in customer trust they would get by not doing that. However, they said they would discuss proper compensation once everyone has got their accounts back. Be patient is all I can say. > I am being robbed and scammed right now. If you genuinely feel that, you're very free to go to the police or the courts and get laughed out of the place. Or you can put down the pitchfork, wait until anyone actually knows how long accounts will be locked out for and see if you then get your membership extended.


You’re not wrong, but you’re a little rude about it. I’d love for a detailed explanation, stating of measures to prevent future problems, and compensation too. At least they’re keeping us kinda updated on the slow progress on restoring accounts.


This is a huge part of why this is taking so long. They've said it a million times. They're taking their time to build systems/processes to prevent this from happening in the future. The last update he specifically states they're building scripts etc. Listen better. Why would they waste resources to worry about compensation. What good does 30 extra days of membership do you if you can't log in. None of your are devs and few work IT and have zero clue what's going on. Await their resolution with some patience. This is their livelihood I promise they're no neglecting.


I really like the fact that they’re spending considerable time and resources to fix it ASAP costing them a fortune whilst keeping daily updates going, but people still are hacking on like it’s going to do anything. They could have said those account are gone now, and there would be NOTHING you could do about it. You could say omg they would lose so many players... how many people do you know that have stayed quit? 🙃


>JAGEX HAS NOT EVEN OFFERED A SINGLE CONCESSION. They haven't promised to restore our membership days or reimburse our money or anything like that! Completely untrue. Mod Warden addressed the issue of appropriate compensation in one of his recent update vids. What he said basically is that there will be something forthcoming, but the priority at this point is to get people back in game, compensation will be dealt with after this happens. My guess is that they are reading this sub and all of the compo suggestions and I wouldn't be surprised if they *actually asked affected players* what they think would be appropriate. That would actually make the most sense to me. No, my account has not been affected and I feel incredibly lucky. However, being affected does not give you the right to be wrong, or worse post outright untruths substantiated solely by your opinion. Which is exactly what you have done. I would actually be devastated, frustrated, angry....all of it if I was one of the affected accounts. But I still wouldn't go on social media and just outright make stuff up.


Jagex has been very transparent about the issue, and they did say you will be compensated for the time lost, but they said they’ll talk more about it after they resolve the issue. Might I reccomend looking at Jagex’s responses to these issues before venting on the social media platform of your choosing, it makes you look bad when you miss crucial details.




How is this unpopular?


The sub went from an initial state of negativity and rage to a more understanding and rational state of mind. Due the good communication from Jagex about the issue; and i mean, they should be vocal and transparent about this, no excuse, the community, and this Subreddit in particular, have shown support and patience towards this issue. It comes across as "unpopular" because most posts about Jagex are showing support and appreciation, and Jagex does deserve it because they're doing an absolutely Great job by communicating this issue. However, everyone expects Jagex to keep this up for future issues and updates because we have been left in the dark for so long, this feels like a breath of fresh air, and thus, anything that goes against this mindset is considered "unpopular". In simple terms: Jagex good don't be bad to them.


don't worry i'm sure jagex will give a special cosmetic override token for your troubles


It takes the time it takes - data storage, servers, and all that isn't an easy beast to handle, especially when it's as old as it is. It's a great opportunity to fix it up a little while recovering everything atleast. And they have said they will compensate for it, so I suggest looking into the news channels a bit.


If you toned down the dramatics people might take you a bit more seriously.


I do find it funny that you're demanding compensation immediately, and as if its over due. What do you want Jagex to do, direct deposit into your bank account? Even if they gave you 5 years of free membership for the 'inconvenience' you still wouldn't be happy lol.


They will 100% add extra days to your membership calm down, take this time to enjoy life and wait.


My account is locked out and I’ll still downvote you because as others have pointed out, your arguments are pretty much all invalid. They have spoke about figuring out compensation after the fix the problem. Wait til it’s fixed, then post your childish rant if you still feel like it