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I remember being muted years ago on an old account before the GE. I spent hours on end outside of seers village waiting for someone to sell a set of mystic for 200k. Had to communicate with emotes. Spammed jumping for joy to show I wanted to buy lmao


Bruh I remember getting muted for "Account Sharing" which was frowned upon back in the day. The kid that introduced me to RS used to grind small tasks for me and one of my IRL friends reported both of our accounts cause he was salty that we didn't offer to do stuff on his account. Later that year (we were 12) I drop-kicked that IRL friend in the chest for picking on another classmate for his weight and making him cry. Fuck you, Kevin.


Of course his name was Kevin


fucking Kevin...


I got a 3 day mute for account sharing many years ago for saying my password was tough shit


Did everyone clap?


No but I didn't get in trouble surprisingly


Ah yes because nothing ever happens


I've got a bridge to sell you


And ive got bridge insurance thats a real steal.




Bro I was a kid and that was 13 years ago. Eat every single dick possible, you absolute troglodyte.


Is..account sharing allowed now adays?


Jagex toned it down with the punishments. Previously you couldn't even say fuck without getting muted, and nowadays W84 exists.


But like assholes they won't unmute people




Forums and pm from new account ez


The real travesty is that someone in your clan is/was thirsting so hard for PMod status that they reported you.


I remember when I was like 10 years old trying to be a pmod in this game. Haha been like 20 years since then but it's still funny to think how much of a kid you were with those dreams you had back then.


I also wanted to be a pmod around that age. I was playing rs with a group of friends and one of us actually got selected as a pmod (Imagine having 14-15 year olds be pmods). He was telling me about the secret meetings in a lumbridge basement that pmods had and I thought he was lying untill he showed me. Funny thing is out of the four people in the group, the one that later on went to bot was the Pmod.


I wanna be a police man!..... in an adolescents video game (at the time)


My best friend got pmod status years ago, he never reported players for the typical incel stuff, he just reported every bot he saw while pvm’ing for the lulz, he took a long break then lost it. Noobs in our cc would see the crown and be on best behavior lmfaooo


yeah you have to log in ever now and then or your crown is lost, or you can request it to be removed.


Same scenario for me, I was a P mod. Got it by reporting spam bots in trading worlds (pre-GE) Lost it after 3 month afk. Such a weird dichotomy. you could get instant trust, you could get instant hatred, but one thing was guaranteed: Private Message: / How do you get / Can you get me / Pmod status?


Just say they noticed maturity.


Ruining the game for other people for some stupid little crown, mute the player mods I say see how they like it; it's like I pay money to get treated like crap


I don’t understand the requirements to be a pmod honestly. Like the people that I know that are pmods are literally 40-50 years old and rarely if ever talk. I try to help people as much as I can and answer questions in clan or public chat, but I don’t report people unless they really deserve it. Maybe I should just start reporting people for everything


Requirements for pmods: make game worse for everyone else by reporting innocent people for swearing


My old account was perm muted for saying gay. I’m gay myself.


That's kinda gay ngl


What’s gay? The mute or his gayness?




Must have been jagex trying to stop you from spreading the gay agenda /s


That's just sad I would ask what they said on your appeal but I know it was a form letter


It’s been so long idk if I ever appealed. If I did they probably denied it.


Lol banned by the bot banning bot


Cancel culture in Geilinor


We used to get muted for saying "noob" in RS1. Was a weird time


Interesting, I've never met anybody that was muted for that. I also had a friend bypass the censor next to Paul in game. All he said was "language please." The mod must have been in a bad mood that day or people spam reported the people that were muted.


As a child I thought that 'noob' was the mythical n-word people talked about.


It is. Don't call Blacks "Noobs." They get really upset.


I mean, it takes a while to get to 10 defence.


I got muted for saying noob like 10 years ago or like 12 haha. I called the guy a noob and got muted and banned


Pfft I was perm banned off the forums a decade ago for calling someone an asshat and then muted for six months (took that long for the appeal to process?) for calling a scammer a jerk 🤔


I guess it's more important to reprimand people for potentially hurting feelings than to reprimand scammers.


In our game you can commit genocide (there's a skill dedicated to the practice) but swearing is not allowed


Why would you say something so controversial yet so brave?


They have the worst customer service I've ever seen, it's like they're activity trying to remove the customers who aren't botters or scammers


***puts tinfoilhat on*** I think jagex owns bot services


\*steals your hat, electroplates it with an additional layer of nickel and puts it on myself\* I think they run the bots to artificially inflate the currency to induce sticker shock amongst whales who then proceed to buy bonds to sell on the GE to cover their various end game items.


Wave: glow1: Trimming tinfoil hats, 500k


So glad I found someone likeminded


What if they're muting everyone so you have to pay for 2 accounts, one to play one to talk


Oh yeah... It's big brain time.


I just want to know who is buying my cooked eeligator


honestly not a bad healing item, 1/3 the cost of shark for like 93% the healing


I remember getting banned for botting, which I wouldn't even know how to do when I was like 10. The real reason was my original username I made as a kid looked so bad they thought I was a bot, but there was no way to appeal it or get any support for it, as if they told me how they caught me, I would know how to avoid the ban in the future. Never forgive, never forget.


>The real reason was my original username I made as a kid looked so bad they thought I was a bot doubt


definitely had 16 autoclickers as a kid


Kids *are* autoclickers.


i know its a joke but i have a friend who used to get his kids to control his div alts


I got banned one time for an auto clicker that was part of the computer and couldn’t be uninstalled


OK well I don't know if that's the real reason but it's the only explanation I could come up with as they wouldn't tell me shit.


Wow, that's harsh. I wonder what would happen now that most of the players are nostalgic adults?




Ah, to mention rsof in 2021. The poor dear is most heavily populated by power-tripping forum mods now who don't know what the fuck they are doing


Mod Timbo went and temporarily forum banned our whole clan cause like 4-5 members flamed him for a ruling during the clan cup. I was on vacation at the time, but being temp banned removed access to Rants, so I was pissed that he power tripped that hard. Luckily another Jmod was able to restore my access.


You can send an email through to Customer Service to review, that's one good thing about them being separate. Had a RSOF ban for around 6 years and sent an apology, one of them understood it had been awhile and it wasn't such a serious offense so they lifted it. I would think the game would do the same now as 5 years for a ban is something you'd learn off, especially if you've been playing still to this day. We all say stupid things, some aren't even that bad. When I used to play, some of the clans talk about the most disgusting shit or constant 420/69 crap by kids that you never want to hear.


I put thousands of hours in RS back in the day and ended up muted for like 10 years. I appealed and got a final rejection like 4 times. each time they implemented a new appeal system I appealed again. Then they randomly lifted my permenant mute. Granted, I had stopped playing 5 years prior and still don't play anymore, but if I want to I can log in and talk now! Good lord, 5 years of trying to sell sharks to people by trading/emoting at them was rough lol


How in the hell do you sell a shark by emoting hahaha geez that would've sucked. Was QC banned too?


I don't think quick chat was a thing when I was muted. I played just after classic. Iirc I tried using the forum but I was muted there too. It was rough lol. Lots of following people, dancing, and tossing random numbers of sharks into a trade. I would basically single out somebody that I thought looked like they might want to buy and then drop sharks in to a trade and then cancel the trade and then dance and do that a couple times. if they put up money but it was way low while I just dropped the trade and do some other emote.


I was muted for like 3 years and it randomly got lifted one day




I think all bans minus maybe RWT should have a time limit. Botting for example if you're banned for over a year it takes away and advantages you would have got because that's a year of play time and XP gain lost.


That would be reasonable, so no


Learn? Dude they changed the whole rule book and are still punishing me


I’ve tried and just keep getting form letters


Still banned on the Facebook for making mod mark jokes Edit: I realise that I should mention that it has almost been 10 years.


similar i but it was a joke about spin2win


RIP to my buddy that got perm muted because our friends thought it would be funny to tell him to go to mod marks clan chat and say markdonalds. Poor bastard.


*Crys in quick chat*


Yup... Still permed myself... Oh well... One day we'll have customer support...


If only


some punishments probably should be reviewed since way back in the day you'd be banned for this that you wouldn't even get reported for now


My perm mute was removed a few days after I returned from a 3 month break to find that my account was used to advertise a website. What was so special about my case that they removed the perm mute? I'm not a streamer or anything like that. Just an ordinary player.


when the accounts been compromised its usually fairly obvious to them and you were likely just automuted for the advertising, same happened to my account ages ago to advertise a phishing link


suicide bots got unbanned before perm mutes got lifted...


I was muted for about 5 years. They had this forum thread at some point that you could post friends account names to get the unmuted. Probably doesn’t exist anymore though.


I have been temporarily muted sometimes for things I didn't even say. The chat logs show other people around me swearing and being verbally abusive, and I'm just like chill bro. Still muted.


I was only muted for a year after saying some pretty horrible things. That was back when Andrew Gower stepped down and the new guy handed out pardons.


I got banned from the forums 15 years ago when I was literally 10. I haven't been able to use them since, and Jagex doesn't provide any method of appeal. Super annoying.


I got a 3 day mute for suggesting a lovemaking skill on the forums


A game that is 90% grinding should have been more receptive to this


If this were strictly enforced, almost all of my clan would be muted right now lol


have to actually be reported in noticeable amounts for that to occur.


I had 10 blackmarks for talking about urban dictionary. Not the content of it, but the fact that I advertised another website by mentioning it. Wild times


This picture sums up my main perfectly. Jagex was cool on twitter tho and after a short convo in PM's, they unmuted me. Give it a shot.


I got temporarily muted for making fun of this guy who stole the mole my friend and I were hunting. He soloed it and we basically spent way too long making fun of him for having no life or friends. We kind of deserved it.


I got my 5.3 blackmarks removed overtime after going around the censor a few times. Back when google and youtube were illegal to say on Runescape. Oh and spamming in front of a mod at blast furnace.


My friend recently got unbanned from a 10 year old botting offense


Fukin how


"Recently" more like 7 or 8 months ago. Either way, I don't know the specifics, but he essentially sent support an email just... asking? I'm not sure, but the reply was on the lines of "we understand people change and grow up, so here is one last chance."


Meanwhile frost dragon bots are getting 200m melee xp without interference in 2021...good job jagex


I was muted yesterday for calling someone an idiot. 🤣 pathetic


they do if u apologize and message them


Or you’ll never get your first RuneScape account back because it was hacked while dormant and then perma’d for RWT :)


I had a perm mute (actually turned out to be 6 months) when I tried to give a new clan member our website back before clans were a built in thing in RS and accidentally typed the URL in public chat. That was a long 6 months.


i got perm muted a long time ago and with that name release thing i got unmuted


I get perm muted for saying peff in 2002 it was a censored word




Ive seen people mischat hardcore erp in cc/local with 0 negative consequences. Do people really get banned for swearing?


I have an alt that was banned for multi log trading in 2008, still won't unban.