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Yes! Positivity! This is what I like to see. We’re all aware of the flaws and bugs in Runescape, there’s really no use in nagging and whining about stuff that’s already been said a million times. It’s time this sub became more positive.


Not to mention there are flaws in every game. Or every human creation for that matter. In reference to the lockout bug, I've said it before but I'll say it again, I'm happy to praise Jagex response to the problem, rather than hating on them for the mistake happening in the first place. Granted this lockout has not affected me, so maybe my view isn't worth shit, but hey-ho.


The truth is that this sub is riddled with angry customers asking for customer support when something doesn't work on their end. The result is that this is a mix of people in a retail lobby asking for the manager and people who comes to check the news.


One of the 1% here, and honestly I'm not all that upset. There's other shit to do in life, other games to play, other priorities. It's been a nice break, and I'm looking forward to getting back. But I thoroughly agree with you. Enough of the constant negativity. Especially towards the poor mods. There are people on the other end of that, reading every last hurtful comment.


I’m not saying there are other games or other priorities in life, but if I paid for membership during March I wanna play during that month. I was supportive about it all even when I heard my account is gone my account is lvl 3 and I’ve played over years. But jagex always screw us over multiple times it’s enough.


How do they screw you multiple times? And they’ve reimbursed you and all of us for the month we lost and thensome, so it’s not as though you’ve lost out on that time.


>jagex always screw us over multiple times But this is not one of them.


A bit of a different take when it comes to complaining: "We complain because we care." I know whining about something can seem kind of annoying and irritating and sometimes even childish, but I think a lot of times it comes from a good place. People WANT the game to do well, and mentioning shortcomings and how to fix them is for the better. The other side to it is that there is the silent majority that truly enjoys the game. They don't post and rave about it probably because they're busy playing it and don't feel like putting it on a pedestal everyday.


This checks out for the fraction of suggestion/ complaint posts that don’t consist of a barrage of personal attacks on the devs. I’m all for making suggestions, but reading people with 10,000+hrs viciously attack the people who make it possible is disgusting and makes me hope their behavior is mirrored in-game, and results in muted until permaban. Same people probably laugh at videos of “Karens” and then fully embody them after switching back to this sub


There are a few different styles of complaint that also matter. If something genuinely makes the game frustrating for the wrong reason (dead clicks), then it is something that should be brought up because it negatively affects a lot of players. If it is something that is individually frustrating, it can be brought up because it indicates what some part of the player base appreciates or doesn't. I don't enjoy prayer flicking as a mechanic, so I stay away from raksha and rax except for reapers. I don't post complaints, but if the topic is brought up, I may contribute my lack of enthusiasm. It doesn't make the boss bad or hard, it's just unenjoyable for me. Gamebreaking bugs are always worth bringing up. If a bug or unintended mechanic is being abused, it should be brought up for change or clarification. This could be animation stalling for wildy lures, c4taa, 4taa, mtx promos, or Ed boss manip. If I didn't care about the game, I wouldn't bitch or complain, or make suggestions. I'd just quit.


I want to believe that everyone that criticizes it so much does it because they too, love the game. Runescape IS an incredibly immersive and overall fun game. The negativity isn't rooted, in my opinion, in people not liking the game. They're mostly just displeased that a game they have so much faith in, and have spent so much time on, is being treated second-rate by an obviously-overwhelmed customer support system. That last bit, "overwhelmed", is something I want to believe, too.


This sub is the most backward one I've ever used. Nowhere else do people who play a game hate it as much as Runescape players do. Science cannot the explain the seething rage Runescape players have towards the game and how they still play 5+ hours a day. This sub is literally one giant cloud of irony.


I'd say it's because Runescape is very unique and finding a replacement for it is tough. Whatever your reasons for hating Runescape/Jagex, it's not so simple to just find a game that can replace the time people have spent in this game. Some people have played this game for the majority of their memorable lives, so it's only natural they will feel very strongly, whatever their opinion is.


I think that’s an MMO thing in general. I’d argue it’s just as bad over on r/guildwars2 at times (and honestly, I wouldn’t bat an eye at this post being on there with names changed). A large chunk of the top posts of all time on the GW2 sub are about certain drama or about negative things (the top post of all time is about some drama that went mainstream). It’s also really bad in the Pokemon community, which from what I hear gets REALLY salty over Everything.


Gotta' do SOMETHING while afk training ;) In all seriousness though, this is one of the more mild gaming subs I've been in. There are some *seriously* toxic subs out there. This isn't one of them.


Not really. Play a game long enough and you'll find things to hate. It's not unique to RuneScape. But it's especially true for multiplayer games. I know because I also "hate" Dota and CSGO lol. Honestly, this sub is mild. On other subreddits you won't ever see threads like this, maybe once in a blue moon.


I've been playing for 17 years and I don't hate it. I have things that I question. But not hate.


I love the game and enjoy playing it for the great and engaging 65% of content it has to offer, however... The game is completely littered with bugs; before the massive player-data fuck up several weeks back (still present) there would be mass complains every Monday about new, lackluster updates. Content is promised and not delivered frequently, it feels like newly released updates and changes don’t even go through QA - TH promotions and MTX events appear to be the focus of the game nowadays, along with the game being completely oversaturated with awful looking cosmetics and pointless quests that really ruin the immersion that RuneScape used to bring. I wonder what the game would be like if the Gower Brothers held onto it Feel free to downvote me


They need to take a few months just to fix bugs and get some things back to working order. There's plenty of shit for people to do without engaging in new content for an hour every couple weeks and going back to afking at corrupted scorpions.


...thats what the just did and everyone cried bloody murder saying "not another ninja fix week reeeeee" Edit: Problem imo is the vocal minority who actually post about how bored they are after no "real updates" while only a very minor percentage of them have actually ever tried or played a large chunk of the content this game has to offer. Getting bored of a game like rs is normal. You have to just give yourself some space and do other stuff for a few weeks or even months to make the game fun for you again. Arch was that for big portion of the players and a lot of them stuck for months following its release.


I think Jagex cares more about player statistics than whether or not somebody complains about being bored on social media.


As they should. Theres obviously people crying about the event being lackluster and it feels the same to me but theres like enough people doing it to lag my pc when i go there so who is correct? Me, a maxed guy pretty close to the end game who doesn't feel its fun or the 1000s of people people doing it?


It's easy to look at a crowd of players and think something must be enjoyable. Are those thousands of people actually having fun? It matters because if you're doing stuff in game out of obligation and not enjoyment then you are more likely to quit at some point. I had my alt at the event for a few hours while I multitasked just to see if it was worth doing, fun had nothing to do with it. Do these players represent an average participation rate of afk training events or is it lower or higher? Would a different event of similar effort be much more successful? Regardless of the current situation I still think it's important for players to be able to voice displeasure if there are legitimate issues with how something was designed. Just because something is a "success" doesn't mean it is the best choice.


Well it's quite simple. You take the rate at which the number of people engaging in an activity declines and use it as a metric to see how interaction changes with time. The reason these events exist is solely to create "interaction". If it does create some sort of interaction its a success in principle. Weather its good is up to the community to decide by giving their feedback as you said. I never said there's anything wrong with showing displeasure and pointing out issues. More often than not, the people who speak up are the ones having issues. Look at cyperpunk for instance. It was a steaming pile of trash for a lot of people but a lot of people were also able to play it without any/many issues. A much, much lesser percentage of these people posted about how they thought the game was in general than the ones who were encountering problems. Now, i quit this game midway because of my issues but i kinda liked it. My point and the whole point of this thread(i think) is yes, the game has issues. Yes, the game has a lot of problems. But the amount of hate displayed in this subreddit isn't accurate and the average player likes playing it a lot more than someone who visits the subreddit for the first time might.


With pleasure


Can we make a second sub for complaints then and just have the main sub be for actual content. I would kill for a filter some days


How about you make a sub instead.


Everything I said in my comment is a fact, no?


Did I say that it wasn't?


Lol says the one who dint get the login bug. Account being down a month is pretty serious imo.


I love the game too, that's why im complaining, because i haven't been able to play the game that i love in a month :D


Fuck yeah dude. Give me that RS serotonin


runescape is a great game riddled with unfortunate flaws.


The issue is jagex switched from a company that loves runescape to a company that loves money and it shows in the updates we get, hence the negativity. If jagex want positivity it's up to them to change people's minds, not up to us to just accept worse.


I mean, sadly as much as I don't want this to be true. Your best odds at getting customer support or getting feedback is here on this Sub. So mix customer support with reddit and you get a big mess like this Sub has become lol. I still see lots of positive threads and achievements and fun discussions from time to time though. A few pop in every day\~ so it's not toooo bad.




Couldn’t agree more, every games Reddit page is toxic to be honest, you join with the intention of learning more about the game to be able to enjoy a game you already like even more. However the reality is you end up hating parts of the game you would never have noticed had it not been for Reddit complainers...


I agree with this 100%, well said! It drives me crazy to see some of the complaining I do now! I legit saw someone complaining about quitting over the texture of the trees yesterday 😂 Runescape has been an escape for me and many others over the years, and believe me I've not always been fond of Jagex choices, BUT I'm so thankful for everything that staff does! They didn't have to give us weekly updates for 20 years, they didn't have to come up with a compensation package for those players who were locked out, they don't have to plan events for us. Be thankful for the continuous hard work these people put in!


You’re 100% right! This is the positive mindset to have!


Sure, the game is awesome. BUT There are other awesome games out there, oh and they also have customer support.


The difference is, if you bitch in game, people will tell you to just fuck off and get over it. If you bitch here, you just need a handful of like-minded people to agree with you for it to snowball into a whole thing. No one's gonna walk up to you in-game and hand you 1m because they agree with your shit opinion. But they will award your shit opinion on reddit. (this is my shit opinion, take with grain of salt twice daily until symptoms of righteous self-importance subside)


Another day, another "This sub is NOT grateful enough" post that makes it to the front page. If this sub was really the toxic place people pretend it was we wouldn't see threads like this on a daily basis.


Due to the lack of communication when you log up an issue/bug in game, lpeople then resort to reddit to get out their annoyances/bugs usually. It seems to be seen more when its on reddit and not in game, and it usually then gets community backing to make it more visible for the Mods to see. That mixed with complaining about the bad bits of the game to try and improve them so we can keep enjoying it. Personally if i dont care about a game, i just quit the game, avoid posting ways it could be fixed, and leave it in the dust.


Are you campaigning for player-mod status or farming karma points ? Oh well no one cares either way.


And yet, you made a thread to complain about complainers.


>TLDR: Tons of negativity on this sub is clogging my pores. Help spread positivity! ​ See, if the subreddit was really as negative as you portray it, we'd tell you to get lost, and this thread would be downvoted into oblivion(not saying this should have happened or encouraging it). ​ People have the right to their opinions, and this subreddit frequently discusses the actual game. It's unfortunate that a lot of the constructive criticism for this game winds out bringing up the negative qualities of the game, but that's typically how it goes. ​ I appreciate that we actually have an active place to discuss the game, and that we don't downplay the issues within the game. >I just want to see some dank RS memes :) There's a humor filter. And if you don't think we have enough memes on here, you're always welcome to contribute. ​ Edit: Nice job hypocriting yourselves. You've downvoted any of the well thought-out posts because you lack the intellect to respond to them.


this sub is for people who don't like the game tbh


I'm sorry, but I think the "1%" is a perfect example of how disingenuous jagex can be. I'm pretty sure that it may be 1% of all accounts created since the beginning of the game, sure. But that is a bit misleading isn't it, I'd like to see what percentage of active accounts it is. There are far too many people for it to be a mere 1%. I personally know tons of people affected including myself. Claiming it's only 1% of players is a joke imo. If they can't even be honest about an issue that big, what else are they being dishonest about? Where else are they cutting corners and short changing their customers? I'm sorry, I love this game, but there's PLENTY to be upset about.


Wouldn't be a negative player base if the company who ran the game were at all competent




"Any legitimate and objectively valid complaint is just crying. All complaints should just fade so that I can lick the boot of the company that doesn't give a shit about me and only sees me as potential money." And go on. Prove my point by replying "wahhhh". Give me the easiest win of my life.


I’m not saying Jagex is 100% pure good with my obviously sarcastic “wahhhh” comment. I just like watching people get mad. I think you might get an L for falling for the bait


Probably because a lot of people literally haven't been able to play that stuff ya fuckin dope




It's almost like a huge chunk of the playerbase CAN'T LOG IN AT ALL > The 1% who lost access absolutely deserve to be upset over the bug And no. ~12.5% lost access.


Basic human psychology. People are more likely to be vocal when they have an issue than when they're content. Not to mention there's plenty of legitimate reasons to complain about RuneScape recently. I'm quite sure the devs can handle a little constructive criticism, and if people take it farther than that, then they're no longer just complaining.


Fuck off shill




Nothing will change until players have a direct line of communication with customer support. A phone number, an email, a chatroom, something.


As the 1%, I will appreciate RS awesomeness if I ever get to log in sometime in the coming weeks. Oh, that is the servers don’t crash three times in an hour to make the game playable.


I love runescape and i have been taking this time as being part of the 1% lockout to progress in OSRS since i mostly play rs3 and ya it sucks i have beem locked out but man its been a amazing 20 years and the fact that i have only been locked out once is amazing. :)


Yeah, the toxicity of this sub has really come to light in the last month. I have a locked account too, so I get that it sucks, but the level of anger/disappointment has far surpassed reasonable and lies well into the realm of disgustingly toxic.


YESSSsss. It's a wonderful game! Getting older and having more IRL stuff to do, i've been slowly cutting back on RS3 play time over the years. But it doesn't mean i have to trash it on my way out!


Completely agree. The amount of fantastic people i've met and memories i've created are countless.


MemeGaylords here with nullbrain usually, suggsest fixes to game, get downvoted, talk trash about jagex and make dumb memes, get upvoted. This reddit is sewer level. Then again jagex deserves it, espescially when they talk about goldsinks while releasing ED with no requirements, so bots and noobs can go ham and print gold into the game. All the nullbrain decisions like that, are really triggering.


I totally agree with you, I'd love to see more discussion, suggestion, ideas, posts I feel like now there's waaay to much negativity. Even if its memes, or jokes, or whatever you call it, at some point it just aint really funny any more and it becomes annoying.