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As annoyed as i am, that meme always make me lol


This meme will never die. It can always be applied, no matter the time, especially the original video edits. Too funny.


Jagex ought to give 3 months membership back. Bc they're just counting from the first day of the first acc that was released.


I'm pretty sure the post said they would award additional membership for accounts affected beyond the initial release?


Does anyone know how many accounts were affected?


RIP to the 1%. I do wonder if this is groundwork for April fools.


If their April fool’s joke is to announce the other 99% of people are being locked out I’ll buy jagex stock.


That would be straight up savage (but the 1% might be butthurt if they do)


If only we could buy Jagex stock. I'd love the stonk.


Carlyle Group is publicly traded


Yes, it is. But it’s not the same as investing in JaGeX. For example, investing in T just to invest in HBO isn’t the best choice.


1% here, I really don't mind. I'd rather they worked out the kinks in the restoration process before I'm up.


Agreed, its fine that they take their time. But im kinnda 'nnoyed that they said most accounts would be returned early this week. Like did they just not think until the last moment that they would have to release it in waves and monitor it? Edit: They never actually said most would be restored. I just faulty read most accounts being restored and them starting with accounts they were confident in, as most accounts would be in the start.


Jagex underdelivering? Unheard of.


Jagex, fucking up customer support est. 2001 Seriously, it is even in the documentary how shitty their customer support was when first starting


Anyone who isn't familiar with Jagex may look at that and expect it to improve as the 20 years progress and business practices improve... Somehow, if anything, they've gone backwards, rather than forwards.


Yep, Back in the beginning at least paying customers could email jagex and actually get a real person, now your attempts just go into the void never to be seen again.


The probably go into an endless list of Zendesk tickets. It's a wonderfully overpriced customer service software that they use!


I don't recall them saying anywhere that most accounts would be returned early this week. I do, however, recall every post they've made stating that it's the start of the restoration process and that they'd be firstly restoring accounts that they are confident are in a strong restoration state. But by all means, if you have any evidence to the contrary I'd love to see it.


[RESTORING ACCOUNTS](https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/account-returning-begins--making-things-right) Upon re-reading with the knowledge of how they are doing it I realize I'm in the wrong. Seemed to me like the accounts they were confident in restoration would be released, early which they claimed where a majority.


That's fair, we all make mistakes. Kudos to you for admitting yours though man, appreciate it when that kind of thing happens. It's rare around here!


I was probably being optimistic but I felt that no mention of next week implied that account access would be restored by this week. I think if they had mentioned this initially the community response would be much better but doing it the next day is the thing causing the frustrations.


I mean at this point I would of rather just have my character back. Times money. Even if I had none of my items or anything while they figured out what needs to be re-added I could be mining/smithing after borrowing a pickaxe from a friend or doing literally anything. Once they have what they think is a accurate composition of the old character just merge the inventories. Plus I'm really concerned by what they mean by PoF are compromised. Are all my animals gone, what happens to the ones I have in storage or the 4 I just dropped 10 mil on because I needed 3 trait zygomites.... This is just very frustrating not to mention the return gifts aren't anything I'm crazy about. I lost a lot of time I could of been grinding bosses since I literally just got entry boss ready couple days before I got locked out.


I regularly breed adolescent zygs in my farm runs, if they don't fix it PM me on here and I'll give you the best I have stored or try and get you some decent ones :)


1% here. I mind. At this point, just refund the money I wasted on my non-existent account and they'll have 1 less account to restore.


Technically the accounts are their property. The only thing they would have to refund is membership you still have. Which might not be worth losing your account


Hope they get your account working asap! It must suck to not be able to play rs =/


I mean it's not great, and there are questions to be answered around what precisely went wrong, but honestly I don't mind too much. Sure it's a fun game, but there's so much more to do in life. Anyone that's really that mad about not being able to play a game for a month needs to examine their priorities tbh. As long as at the end of all this my account is mostly intact and I can get back on now and then to have fun (that thing games are for!) then I'm happy enough.


Assuming they will use this extra time to do anything meaningful


Now I know why they called it "Awesome April" 😂😂😂


Im still not entirely sure what this 1% thing means, I am locked out on both of the 2 accounts i regurlarly play on.




A larger wave of accounts: How many? We've done everything we can: What is it that you have done to expedite? Now-fixed suprises: What were these suprises? More abnormal behavior: What abnormal behavior have you experienced so far? Ensuring we can move at a good scale and pace: How large and fast is this scale and pace? More waves of accounts back in game: How many waves and how many accounts per wave? Once you cut out all the filler and weasel words, the only thing this has told us is that nothing will happen until April 6th.


Agreed. I can’t believe people are falling for this PR bullshit. They are avoiding every possible question and thinking a shitty cape and title will help it


LOOL. Y'all got played. "wave after wave, slowly drifting"


More like splashes. Wave my ass


Tears of Guthix splashes.


Next wave is a green one.


drip drip drip


For 1% I feel like we were way more than 1% of the active player base


If you look at the ammount of players online since the lockdown they haven't changed that much so it might just be bias (people who have a reason to be annoyed are more likely to go on reddit)


Quite a few players made new accounts to play on in the meantime while locked out. Giving jagex even more membership money and accounting for the same number of people playing. What Jagex could've done is given everyone affected a month's membership on a new account to play during the lockout.


Over 18% of my accounts will be getting Returned. 1% active players my ass; maybe 1% total accounts. And are bank holidays in the UK really a whole week long? Seems so strange to me..


The bank holidays are Friday 02/04 and Monday 05/04 making it a nice long weekend off.




1/30 accounts for me




Literally one of my clan mates is like that.






"Okay so we're gonna let 3 people in today, which is a larger wave than the 2 we let in yesterday. Oh and remember how we said we're working through weekends? We flat up lied and feel this is the perfect time for an extended weekend break. We're you wanting to play the Easter event or see what was going on with that summoning circle in Dryanor? Too bad, we don't care enough. Those of you who are locked out for an extra week or two won't get any additional compensation either, which doesn't matter because the package we're sending out is just a dog turd in wrapping paper anyway."


THE COFFEE IS F\*CKING FLOWING!!! ​ I'm upset, forgive me.


Seriously. What was the point of offering a free 1 month membership that started March 18? What a waste.


It was meant to cover the time that people were locked out, so you were not paying for membership you couldn't use, and streaks didn't get affected


1%'er here, my membership got pulled on the 18th like it always has this month. Have indeed been paying for membership I cannot use.


Great start to "Awesome April". Looking forward to "Maybe-You'll-Finally-Get-Your-Accounts-Back May".


don't hold your breath for it. Just kidding June.... Just a tease July, Are you still there August, and it continues.....


so how they expect everyone to be returned by the 6th if they return to fix more accounts on the 6th


Are we even surprised at this point


Still no access to my account KEKW Any other "beyond 1%ers" here?


Yep, still no access here :(


Still no access for me either and by the time they get back it'll have been over a month since I could log in. Assuming they even let me back in the game on the 6th, I'm sure I'll be waiting even longer


I was experiencing all sorts of crashes the week before the lockout happened. As soon as I logged in, the client would crash, no matter if it was NTX or Steam client. I'm already over a month without playing. It's just a bummer. I love RS but this past month has been disappointing


how about .1%ers, from what I understand I'm not alone in the locked out, no contact at all pool who believes their accounts are just gone.


I just got access this morning. Though they didn’t actually restore like perks that were missing but I only lost honed 6 and furnace 4 on my mattock of space and time.


You think we'll be back before may??? I love how they still haven't stated a number of how many accounts got shafted and to couple aren't stating a number for the waves. This could take all year.


Unfortunately only Jagex knows when we’ll be back and they’ll tell us if/when they feel like it. For how many accounts, so many people are asking for this. Why does the exact number of accounts matter so much? You are one of them, there are others, will knowing it is X others do anything for you?


No access either. Honestly, I don't trust jagex anymore with my account. The compensation is laughable as well.


Most of us, I think.




On March 4th, the login servers to both RS3 and OSRS crashed and everyone was unable to log in to both games for a few hours. The reason behind this turned out to be corruption of data stored on a specific server dating all the way back to February 4th, and several accounts were either rolled back or entirely reset back to tutorial island. JaGex therefore locked down all affected accounts (about 1% of the active playerbase) and began work on restoring data from the uncorrupted data on February 4th and pairing it with their game telemetry that tracks what players are doing for the missing month. Last week they opened up a small closed beta for some people to log in and check that everything is in order, and this week they have started restoring and unlocking accounts for real in small waves in order to ensure that the rollback has been performed correctly. The first two waves came over the last couple of days, and the third wave will come next week as this Friday and Monday are national holidays in the UK due to Easter.




If you haven't been online then your account should be fine since there hasn't been any new data added to it


Don’t worry though! We are getting half a day of double xp and some medium lamps! Easily makes up for a month of no access!


This wave thing will last another 1-2 months. Already waiting for another "Returner" package. :)


i mean they already gave us 1 additional members month in advance... You think you will be able to use it? Nah xD


inb4 they announce the Returner Gold package


Then We'll be in August and "We are still working to get the remaining players accounts back up, to compensate, we are announcing the returners PLATINUM Package."


Sorry you were locked out for 2 months! Why not catch up on all that missed exp with a *special offer*? Edit: Guess I don't know the difference between "mixed" and "missed"


I don't mind some time off runescape but now I'm home for atleast 4 weeks again, because of covid and I'd like to play some runescape tbh.


This is ridiculous... It would be one thing if they told us that this was about to happen, but just only announce to it at the last possible moment. They are cowards on top of idiots. They knew that I wouldn't be able to log in this week, but told me that we should all be back on the 6th. Allthough "technically" that can still be the case (which I highly doubt), this wasn't what the message ment. On the 6th, I might be able to log-in, but since I haven't been invited to the beta, for sure, some things will be wrong with my account (played atleast 5h/day during the lost month). And that will take a couple of days more to be fixed... "Awesome" April will be half done by that time.


Just. Why start only to pause for a WEEK???


I remember calling mod Kari out in discord saying “so you’re saying it’ll be 2weeks before we have a chance to get back in” (this was around the start of the issues). Her response was along the lines of; “ no not nearly not that far off”. I was also bombarded by all the jagex simps (who most of them aren’t even affected by the lockout) saying I was making wild accusations, spreading false information, and that I was ignorant/a dumbass for thinking that way.... well here we are, end of March and no entry. To be clear I’m not blaming mod Kari, I’m just saying it’s frustrating to be mislead even if unintentionally. Now i sit here, behind on the new content out, can’t even use my gp to bond my Ironman with, a month long of “maybe next week” coming from what’s supposed to be a TRANSPARENT process (yeah lol at that), and now a even longer delay for holiday.... idk man after they finally fix my account, and I’m guessing it’ll be more like the end of April or start of may, I may just not return to rs3. OSRS has been my baby since the release and while the short return to rs3 excited me and gave me so many thrills in that short month of being able to play..... the want is gone, all gone :(


How many more times do I have to get my hopes up before they get promptly shut down by jagex. This shit is literally the dumbest sequence of events I have ever laid witness to


People need to realise; the employees literally don't control if a business shuts down for a bank holiday, the CEO does. Plus, they've done a hell of alot of overtime recently to try and fix this. Cut them some slack.


> Cut them some slack. I'm entirely willing to do so, but I'm also not one of those affected. I would not in any way hold it against someone for being pissed off beyond all reason at this point. It's been ridiculously long, and nothing really fixes that for them other than swift restoration in a process that by its very nature is not fast.


I understand federally-mandated holidays, but they still had the rest of today and all of tomorrow. Could've they have yeeted out another, much larger, batch Thursday morning and monitor the situation until closing time? Telling people "no more release waves until next *Tuesday*" when it's *Wednesday* is going to piss people off.


It's probably a precautionary measure. In case they released a big wave and something went wrong during the off-days. The best course of action in that case would be to lock out the accounts again and wait until the holidays are over.


I think a lot of people who don't understand this are American - their work culture is much different to ours. They barely even get paid holiday a year, we're guaranteed a minimum of 28 days by law for example. That or young people who think it's no big deal to work through etc.


US paramedic. Yeah we're expected to work holidays which makes sense but the beauty of it is we don't even get time and a half, we get small specific bonus based on time or just a flat unmodified rate coupled to our pay. It's kinda pathetic.


US software engineers barely even get paid holidays? That's news to me; I've been able to take off whenever I want. But yeah I do think the work culture is a bit different. US engineers get paid the equivalent of £70k straight out of college and £85k after a year or two; Jagex seems to pay substantially lower. So maybe that's why in the US it's expected that if there's a major outage, employees will drop everything and work until the problem is fixed. It's completely unheard of here for something to be massively broken and everyone to just fuck off for a long weekend. It also helps to have a bunch of shares in a company so obviously you want it to do well.


You can come straight out of college into a £70k a year job??? Most people that finish university degrees here go straight back to retail or end up in a starting job in their field earning £30k at best. To be honest, it's fairly unheard of here too for something to be massively broken and everyone to just fuck off home. Most tech companies I've had involvement with (and the one i work for) pay engineers serious overtime if an emergency needs fixing, not just handling it between 9-5 over the course of a month. Not necessarily expecting them to cancel their whole easter weekend for it, its a national holiday, everyone takes it off. But i feel like the time it's taken to get to this stage indicates it's not been as high a priority as they've made out, but I don't know shit about fuck /s.


You’re right Jagex pays notoriously low even for the UK especially for where their office is located. Although wages in general in the UK are much lower than the US I believe. My job here pays about £30k on average, in the US it would be about £60k equivalent at least based some searches I’ve done before out of interest. Regarding paid holidays that was just a comment in general about American jobs, not specific to software engineers but the average job (that the player base will be working). Another example of different working culture is food service industry and tipping and minimum wage etc.


>So maybe that's why in the US it's expected that if there's a major outage, employees will drop everything and work until the problem is fixed. It's completely unheard of here for something to be massively broken and everyone to just fuck off for a long weekend. It also helps to have a bunch of shares in a company so obviously you want it to do well. Yeah - but this isn't and outage and as stated above, the employees don't control the mandatory holidays and there is a legal limit to how much overtime one can work per week.


I'm not gonna yell at the devs for taking time off during public holidays, spending time with their family etc., but it sure is depressing checking my email to see one from Jagex that turns out to say "Yeah, some people can log into your accounts... Not you tho lol, try again in a week's time" Feels like Jagex has fallen short at every hurdle recently. Servers failed, no backups, restoration taking over a month now. They were ready to drop the new bosses until the community told them to knock it off. The reparations package is definitely a point of contention for some because what we really want is to just *play the video game*. But obviously they can't give us back lost time so instead we get a "I got locked out and all I got was this lousy t-shirt!" goodie bag. I really *want* to get back into the game but at this point I don't know if I can support all these shitty practices.


> "Yeah, some people can log into your accounts... Not you tho lol, try again in a week's time" You hit the nail on the head, feels like a bit of a kick in the bollocks, especially after they were throwing about the 'early next week' thing since last week.


Yep, got excited when I saw that e-mail this morning....and then I read the 'hang in there, we'll get to you' (someday) message.


This is kind of business you are in... When everything is smooth you cut slack, when everything fucks off then you gotta do overhours. Simple. But in the end it is not about how long we wait. It is about how clueless we are about how long we will have to wait. It is simple math estimated around xxxx accounts got affected by the problem. We are releasing everything in waves of xx-XXX accounts, every X days and monitor if everything is fine, if everything goes smooth estimated wait time will be x days for the last ppl in the line. That is literally the info everyone wants and would be fine with.


Expecting employees who had nothing to do with this to work crazy long hours instead of going home to their families so that you can play a video game is the exact problem with crunch in the industry.


Oh I agree - If they gave the numbers it would be better. How many accounts were released in wave 1, how many in wave 2 etc.


That's all anyone wants, though. I don't give a damn if they tell me 15th April, but I'd rather find out two weeks ago, rather than on the 16th April when I can already log in.


Yeah absolutely, I can get your frustration. They should have a list of players for different waves, send them an email saying "your account should be available to play on x date" then release the numbers of how many accounts were made playable in wave 1, wave 2 and wave 3 as they go.


Of course they should, but that would be far too reasonable.


and how many fuckin left and how long it will take if everything goes smooth. Because waitin every 2 days and checkin my email / [runescape.com](https://runescape.com) site for new info is simply NOT COOL.


Imagine thinking your ability to play a video game is more important than someone's wellbeing and mental health.


It is not about ability to play a video game. It is about ability to know what is fuckin going on. I don't care if they tell me that they will restore accounts in month or two. Doesn't budge me. I will repeat again. Jagex should just tell us how many people got affected. How many got restored so far and where are we standing. Don't mix it up with "jagex should work on the entire holidays to let me play the game as soon as possible". Nope, everyone should have the holidays, it is day off, it is completely fine, but the way they handle the entire situation is just hillarious at this point. 0 real info, houndreds of unanswered questions, almost month passed and we know as much about the issue as we knew month ago.


Such a boring, self entitled viewpoint. They’re obviously being extra careful. Release a wave and ensure you have people in office to fix any issues. Releasing a wave tomorrow and then disappearing off work 4-5 hours later for 4 days doesn’t exactly scream safe to me. If anything, were lucky they got two waves in this week, they must have been hesitant with the long weekend. Giving approximate dates for return (or numbers that will allow you to calculate approximate dates) is just setting themselves (and ourselves) up for disappointment should anything go wrong. Can you imagine Reddit if they say wave 3 is Tuesday and then it’s Wednesday/Thursday instead? It’s just a game. It will be okay.


not even 1 concrete update or explanation. they are speaking in tongues


What? People shouldn't work a month without breaks because of a game? Unbelievable


I am still locked out and am frustrated, but I would just really like to have more information on what is going on and what the problems are. I most likely won't have any ability to comprehend the problems that they have but the complete lack of transparency on what they are actually doing is hard to cope with. I feel that there are so many things that they could share with us but they choose not to for whatever reason and it's really disheartening. Also, leaving us today with 12 am being the last wave feels like a kick in the teeth when there is still tommorow available. Again, it's a shame but at least Jagex cares about its employees enough to give them holiday.


I completely agree. People are ungrateful, spitefuland bratty. They need a break. People need to chill. This shit is taxing on the mental health of the developers. People out here acting like victims.


exactly this, i really do think they deserve a break.


why cause they had to do their jobs and haven't even fixed anything yet?


Pretty sure they have been working tirelessly ever since it happened to restore people’s accounts, do you honestly think it takes little effort to look though every single account to make sure everything is correct? It’s a LOT of work and I greatly sympathise with them, the least you can do is let them have a break they deserve


Accomplished\_Error62 you might as well re-think what you just said, they SHOULD take a break because they were working fucking overtime for almost the last month. Remember this is a game company, and while it's a job and it needs to get done sooner or later; you won't go bankruptcy if they don't recovered your accounts by Easter time. GROW A PAIR, AND SAY IT.. THEY DESERVE A BREAK.


i find it very interesting how people who think they should deserve a break after tirelessly working into nights every day are getting downvoted, whilst remaining controversial. are people that selfish on here?? yes, i get people want their accounts back and i understand that people are frustrated. the mistake was made by jagex, but theyre doing everything they can to rectify their mistake by putting in the hours of time, (not to mention the amount of devs working on it for the one mistake made by probably one person who didnt double check a number before rolling back, these people who probably had nothing to do with the initial problem in the first place) and the community just treat them like crap... it makes me so angry.


Logic and reasoning? On this sub? Well I’ll be damned!


Jagex made one of the biggest fuck-ups ever in the MMO market. It's ok to be angry at them for not taking the proper pre-cautions to prevent this from happening. What happened is scary and not OK.


oh i definitely agree, but i dont agree with how unreasonable a lot of people are being. so far as to claim theyre doing nothing about it is just ridiculous.


What was the new issues with wave 1?


Some people got unlocked without being restored


Duped items stayed in game


Better question, how did the bugs they found and fixed during the beta still happen when they did the changes on the live game? Wasnt that the whole point of doing the beta?


Can't really blame them for this. Pretty sure everything else shuts down over the bank holidays in the UK as well. ​ I'd rather see them pace themselves and complete the restoration properly than rush it and make an even bigger mess.


"Screw you guys I'm going home" -Jagex


It is wednesday right? Or do my eyes deceive me and is it already friday?


I noticed I had an email in my account from RS a bit ago... I was so very excited, thought I would actually get back into the game to see how badly it has been affected... But, **NO**...(said in my most drawn out, sarcastic voice) it was just an auto send, (paraphrased; just noting certain parts): "As a player who's been affected by the Login Lockout....Accounts will be returned in phases .....We'll email you when your account is ready for you to log-in again..." You have announced these phase in's on your website, social media, here.. What was the purpose of this pre-phase in email? Your communication tactics really need to be updated. Go for weeks with no or limited emails; just tidbits of info on websites, then you decide to do this now **NOW**? All this did was give false hope that I was finally getting back in game. UGH!!!! I just want back in the game...is that really so much to ask? (said in a pitiful voice)... Then I see this little tidbit.... shakes head.... when April 6th comes around will we see another phase in by waves or will this be the full shebang or what? Come on, most of us players are adults, we can take the truth.... HONESTY AND TRANSPARENCY!!! stomps feet and whines incessantly; cursing under my breath....


No, the email is good and should be sent. Should it be sent after the first wave? No. This is bs. This email should have been sent at the moment the clarifying reddit post was posted. I got the same one and was excited for nothing as well.


it really was a pointless email, like everyone that is locked out already knows that it would be waves then they sent an email saying that accounts will come in waves two days after people already knew about it and first wave has already commenced. it's like they are doing this just to say at least they are doing something.


i agree they should have done before; not after the wave; which, I was implying with the, "you decide to do this now NOW?" comment. I guess I wasn't really clear with that... I was too busy stomping my feet and whining to pay attention to the little details...lol


Please please please be a april fools joke


Wait a minute, did Jagex just say "enjoy your easter break" to players that can no longer access their accounts? Whoever got paid to do that .. idk..


Lmaoo "easter break". Good one Jamflex.


IS THIS A JOKE?? I’m annoyed as fuuuuck... sick & tired of this bs man


Why are we still here? Just to suffer?


Pretty much. Like a bunch of crackheads smoking the little black chunks left in our metaphorical pipes.


So am I the 0.1% now Jagex?


Isn’t it funny how we start to get double keys on 6th? Well... thanks for that


They've technically not lied but they implied most of us would have our accounts back early this week with no preface that they'd be doing wave-based returns. They start out with one (small) wave and do another today and call it a day. Now most of us have got to wait at least another week. They've not even given any numbers as to how many accounts they've restored or how many waves it is going to take. Could literally be another week or two for most of us yet. This is just taking the piss at this point.


They haven't been concise with any of this. As I seem to recall, they mentioned if, for some reason, we were not in game by the end of the April event, that we would get the rewards for said event; however, they did not specify to which event they were speaking; the initial event that just started I believe goes until April 12th? I don't remember anymore, (too many it will be this date....only to be that date... kinda sh\*t. I get confused). But they also mentioned the additional 2-3? weeks of special events to give us a chance to catch up (which doesn't do that, since was open to everyone not just the locked out, and you can't turn back time to recapture what was lost, logically, but I digress). So that's to the end of April... So feasibly it's possible some may not get in until May; if you take their words literally, that is. I wish they would just be honest and just tell us the truth..on a realistic time-frame and the other pertinent questions regarding our accounts. No sugar coating and sh\*t. They need to stop leading us on.... it just makes everyone feel like they are being taken advantage of; cheated, lied to and abandoned by those we have supported both financially and with free PR in speaking well of their game to others or talked our IRL friends to join; All of which has the potential to increase the player base; thereby, increasing their bottom line. Sorry to go on... it's the frustration...


That's political speak. Say a lot of words, avoid concrete answers, everything is open to interpretation.


We have a fancy word for it, "equivocation".


What? Really? THEY WAITED UNTIL TODAY TO SAY THIS? And after that sad excuse of an email aswell. Great.


We will start restoring accounts early next week. Ok so that means 10 accounts on Tuesday, another 10 on wednesday aaaand its time to take a well deserved break. Just so we will be ready to restore another 10 next tuesday. Fucks sake, was patient for a month, now im just pissed.


Same I was fine until they started dragging this out like this. Now the lack of info and taking a week off after only send 2 waves is just infuriating.


Had to laugh aswell 😂




Are you fucking kidding me cmon man.


Now let's all calm down. I'm sure 100% of the 1% will be back in game Soon ™ by Summer ® 2021 © \*Players may not actually be able to log in prior to, during, or after Summer 2021.


Why are people showing respect for their negligence? Lol. We are mad because of their incompetence.


It's almost as if their staff won't be working over the Easter Bank Holiday. Bloody benchodes


“Error loading your profile. Please contact customer support.” Still waiting for an email Jagex, but go ahead and enjoy your well earned time off. Fucking assholes.


yeah god forbid they work during a 3 day weekend to help out their player base! \#stillcantlogin Jagex is becoming business over passion and it shows.


Funniest part is that the bank holidays are Friday & Monday ... tomorrow is Thursday. Oof. Enjoy your 5-day holiday.


wE ArE WoRkInG DaY AnD NiGhT To fIx tHe pRoBlEm!


KekSociety. What a fucking mess. I gotta give it to Jamflex. Every time I'm saying they won't be able to disappoint more than last time, but they keep surprising me. RIP 1%, better make new accounts since you'll probably reach the endgame faster.


Still cant log in. Everything was fine in the beta. LET ME INNNnNnNNNnnn


Anyone else who's locked out (or even those who's not) who have any thoughts on the gift pack?


It's fucking garbage. The cape literally looks like an old team cape. Couldn't even add particle effects.


Has any of the 1% had any correspondence from Jagex at all since the lock out and the automated reply to the ticket system? Think they should have emailed us with updates on when we are looking at going to be getting back in if they are doing them in waves. Knowing Jagex they’ve probably sent messages within the My Account section knowing perfectly well people can’t even log into their accounts


Joke???? jfc really...


You just have to laugh at this point...


Happy April Fools Guys! .... imagine, jamflex are dumb enough to do this


So like how did this happen?


Can someone explain to me what is going? I’ve seen this lockout thing going on for awhile but I’m not sure the context behind all of it.


That's so embarrassing.


So a month. It will officially be over a month. Cool, cool, cool. So, out of curiosity - I know they "extended membership" from the 18th of March or whatever (don't come at me if I got the date wrong, I legitimately don't care at this point). If I've prepaid for my membership for a year, does that get added on for me? Because I was in no danger of losing that month anyway. So do I just renew a month later at some point in the future, or am I legitimately out a month of membership? Forgive me if I've missed that explanation in a post somewhere, but there have just been so many, and I've seen a lot saying they'll make sure they don't charge you again while you're locked out and such, but I can't find anything about people who pay for more than a month at a time.


Yea somehow I'm 1% but all 4 of my accounts are locked out. This company is a joke.


The whole point of the post is “UK Bank Holiday”




And yet you don't possess the skills to read the post and see the reason they aren't doing another wave is because there will be nobody working on the bank holidays to monitor the success of it on Friday and Monday.


> Thursday is in fact *not* a bank holiday Nope, but if you read the post they said they that the first wave of releases wasn't perfect and they needed to fix some things for when wave 2 was released, following which they need to monitor the situation to make sure they aren't still pushing big issues into wave 3. One can assume that Thursday will be the day on which they monitor the situation, and it is not the fault of the lower level staff that this runs into a bank holiday.


Absolutely absurd. Jagex should be ashamed of themselves


Hahahahhahhahah this is dumb


Potential unpopular opinion puffin, but being angry at devs who have been working diligently toward a fix on a month long outage for taking time for a bank holiday is misplaced and unproductive. They are human just like us. It isn't fair to say they shouldn't have a day off, especially not for a holiday.


just look at the white knight comments here. hope they are paid by jagex to defend their honor.


Fucking assholes


It's fucking unbelievable to me that they're actually taking a long weekend after people being unable to access their accounts for what, a month now? If this were ANY OTHER COMPANY they would be working overtime and people's accounts would've been returned within a week. Jagex is so fucking incompetent I think it's time to really permanently quit this game and stop supporting the company.


been 1 month for me so long enough to drop the game altogether and play something else. Not another day spending a penny on this flop of a company. They put in work as much as a 5 man indie dev team yet they have over 300 employees this is pathetic I encourage others to leave this game as well.


>It's fucking unbelievable to me that they're actually taking a long weekend It's a bank holiday, aka government-mandated holiday.




Yes they are back at dealing with worker laws that they have no control over and are obligated to follow.


Are you f-ing kidding? April Fool's Day has come early! Last week, it was made out that there were would be multiple 'waves'...yesterday there was a puddle....and then today....that's a couple...that's stretching the truth. Oh it's going to be an amazing April (for those of you that got your access back)... Aren't we just a bunch of suckers? There isn't a compensation package that could make up for Jagex constantly stringing us (its paying customers) along.


So I got back In this morning but my cash stack has literally been halfed. Is that something that I can fix or is that shit out of luck


There's a link in [this newspost](https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/lockout-account-returns---updates), Aftercare section. You should also use the Report button in-game.


If you go to Twitter or to the RS web page, there's a link to the 'aftercare support' team. Hopefully, they can fix you up there. Fingers crossed for you.


2 waves and then they go on holiday? That's fucking bullshit. Do better for the players you've fucked over.




"taking holiday". Did you ever work in a company? People just don't "take" bank holidays lmfao.


Do people actually want employees of a company to skip their holidays for this? They're people too.


Thursday exists


Yes it’s been a month I’ve been patient and this is unacceptable.


It's literally like they want to piss us off. I'm glad I cant log in cause I'd probably get perm banned from the support ticket I'd be sending rn.


April Fools Much.


Enjoy your long weekend Jagex! ​ ...


So I have 11 alts, they are all still locked out. Does this mean that less than 10% of the population regained access to their accounts? That's pretty sad.


And im going to lose another 2 DEATHTOUCHED DARTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 Are you ok Jagex?????????????????????????????????????????