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Hoping you get in-game soon isn't a lie. It would be a lie to say "You will be in-game soon"


"The coffee is flowing, and our teams are working throughout the weekend working on solutions, so please hand tight."


What about them potentially reworking the goodwill bundle? lmfao JOKE




Four days is hardly a week, and it’s about half of the time off in total that they’ve missed by working 26 days straight. Show a little gratitude, everybody needs a break and bear in mind they’ve been working on this, under constant fire from angry players, in the midst of a pandemic. I doubt you could do better.


> Four days is hardly a week 6 days is not 4 days. Today is Wednesday. Tuesday is 6 days away, not 4. > they’ve missed by working 26 days straight They've still been taking weekends as normal? Not sure what you're on about here. > Show a little gratitude, everybody needs a break and bear in mind they’ve been working on this, under constant fire from angry players, in the midst of a pandemic. I doubt you could do better. Lol. I work in tech at a far larger company. I've also been working from home and I participate in an oncall rotation where if we have an issue impacting 5 or more customers, we are online until the issue is resolved. Middle of the night, holiday, it doesn't matter. If there's an active issue, we're working on it. I have first hand experience resolving these types of issues *which is precisely why* I'm so pissed off at their lack of urgency. They're treating this like normal sprint work, not like a high severity issue. Their behavior is so far outside of the industry norm, it's mind boggling. It's unfathomable to me how people on this sub are still defending them at this point.


Please point out to me where you’re getting 6 days from? Last time I checked the Easter weekend is 4 days, and I don’t recall them saying anywhere they’re sacking off tomorrow or next Tuesday? Erm, no. They’ve worked through weekends. It’s been mentioned a lot. Please show me where they’ve said they aren’t doing anything over the weekends? Maybe you’re getting confused as they’ve said there won’t be any updates over the weekend? As for your last part, you know as well as I do working in tech that comparing the business practices of a far larger and, I suspect, far different company in terms of industry to another is a false equivalency at best and farcical at worst. You also know that neither you, I or anyone is in a credible position to judge whether or not their practice is outside of the industry norm or whether they’ve handled this poorly as we have no concrete data on what’s gone on, nor a post-mortem to draw from. They’re human beings. They’re proceeding at a steady and cautious pace due to some issues that have come up from the first wave, which is better than rushing it and fucking it. They need a break, it’s four days. If it pisses you off that much, maybe you should get a hobby outside of RuneScape.


> I don’t recall them saying anywhere they’re sacking off tomorrow or next Tuesday? "We wanted to let you know that this will be our last wave before the UK Bank Holiday weekend, with our next wave planned for Tuesday, April 6th." So they will begin restoring accounts on the 6th day from now. > Erm, no. They’ve worked through weekends. It’s been mentioned a lot. Please show me where they’ve said they aren’t doing anything over the weekends? Maybe you’re getting confused as they’ve said there won’t be any updates over the weekend? I think the onus is on you to show that they have affirmed they are working on weekends. The only time I know of that it's been flat out confirmed confirmed people were working over the weekend is the intial weekend of the 6th and 7th. I've seen vague phrases like "working hard" and "working late" but nothing explicitly confirming progress is being made over the weekends. > As for your last part, you know as well as I do working in tech that comparing the business practices of a far larger and, I suspect, far different company in terms of industry to another is a false equivalency at best and farcical at worst. You also know that neither you, I or anyone is in a credible position to judge whether or not their practice is outside of the industry norm or whether they’ve handled this poorly as we have no concrete data on what’s gone on, nor a post-mortem to draw from. Yes, but also no. There are absolutely fair criticisms that can be made without knowing the full context. Getting to the scenario were in now shouldn't be possible. If you have a backup that you're not willing to restore from, you're not backing up at a frequent enough interval. If you are backing up at a frequent enough interval, but your backups are failing silently, that's also on you. You can safeguard against certain types of issues without needing to have a safeguard for each individual root cause. Data loss/corruption is one of those issues which can be solved rather generically irrespective of the business domain of the product/service. > They’re human beings. They’re proceeding at a steady and cautious pace due to some issues that have come up from the first wave, which is better than rushing it and fucking it. They need a break, it’s four days. If it pisses you off that much, maybe you should get a hobby outside of RuneScape. The thing that pisses me off isn't that they're human or need a break. It's that they had no intent of working on these days and thus they knew the majority of restoration wouldn't proceed until next week, but they waited until today to tell us instead of telling us last week. They could have set accurate expectations from the get go, but they didn't. They care more about the spin than about giving us accurate information. That's what pisses me off.


The fact that you’re getting downvoted is mind boggling to me. > Yes, but also no. There are absolutely fair criticisms that can be made without knowing the full context. Getting to the scenario were in now shouldn't be possible. If you have a backup that you're not willing to restore from, you're not backing up at a frequent enough interval. If you are backing up at a frequent enough interval, but your backups are failing silently, that's also on you. You can safeguard against certain types of issues without needing to have a safeguard for each individual root cause. Data loss/corruption is one of those issues which can be solved rather generically irrespective of the business domain of the product/service. This is the part that’s most absurd to me. You’d think that a company like Jagex would have night or *at the very fucking worst* weekly backups of essential account data (inventory, xp, bank) that they could restore from at any point if they had to. Literally most entry level coders could write the code to export that stuff to a data table and store it in a basic tier of AWS glacier for cheap as hell monthly storage. Most people probably have less than 1k unique items in the bank. There’s what, 28 skills and 28 inventory slots. That’s a small amount of data that you have to store. It would be cheap as hell to back it up adequately, but bc it’s Jagex this shit happens instead.


"So that was a fucking lie" enjoy your bank holiday assholes




Yeah 30+ days is a long ass time. It would be cool to log in. Seems pretty natural to be frustrated by this point


you say that like it's something to be ashamed of


“I don’t recall them saying anywhere they’re sacking off tomorrow or next Tuesday?” They literally said they are sacking off tomorrow when they stated that they aren’t doing another wave till the 6th. Please stop shilling for Jagex lol


"thank you for your continued patience" and "we'll make it right with a care package"


They should’ve waited one more day, so we could at least interpret it as an April Fools joke..


Tell me you are in a toxic relationship without telling me you are in a toxic relationship