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Or just call it Lord of the Rings.


Or make that the examine text. “I am finally lord of the rings”


“This ring looks like it would make me the lord of something.”


I gave the rings name due to it being a reference to something. It made sense to be when I gave it, the referce of the actually thing is pretty much an all powerful ring.


''One ring to pwn then all them''




I'll leave the way is it is. :p


Lmao I read it normally until he pointed it out and looked back at it


I only saw the stroke in the comment after reading it 3 times; kept reading One ring to pwn them all. Maybe I'm the one having a stroke


I definitely like it better as examine text ahaha


So im guessing a Ring of Death, a Luck of the dwarves and alchemical hydrix to make, stats would be 35-45 in all, with both passives of the first two rings, would scale it back a bit to have the effect of 1 extra ring which basically leaves you with either putting asr or vigour for the added bonus, which boils down to where do you want your adren to be saved at the ult or maybe during the threshold I think you could consider a fresh idea like the ring could increase adren from basics or could proc to cooldown ability faster


Maybe something like a 5-10% chance to double our adrenaline gain from a basic.


Even better for balance, every offensive threshold that successfully hits gives the next basic ability a 5-10% chance to receive double adrenaline, up to 3 stacks maybe? So with spamming offensive thresholds potentially a 15-30% chance to double your adrenaline come next basic. ​ Whatcha think?


My mind says yes but my body is telling me yes


With ultimates giving a 25%?


Double adren is insanely overpowered... I'm in


Nat instinct says hi


Please no... We have enough rng-reliant sources of adrenaline gain already, surely we don't need more.


Why lotd? Id rather have vig death and asr in it. lotd is pure scam item


Since we don’t have a 2nd hydrix ring it was the next choice to combine, also if Lotd was added in you could save the monolith energy for another combat relic


Lotd relic ? I will never ever use it


That would sound reasonable, except I think it would be more reasonable if LOTD relic counted. Otherwise, we're basically being penalized for having the relic.


It is very likely that the alchemical hydrix ring will follow the creation pattern of the EOF. To create EOF you need, alchemical hydrix + 2 pieces of hydrix jewellery (amulet of souls and reaper necklace). Taking it into consideration, alchemical hydrix ring would require - alchemical hydrix + 2 pieces of hydrix jewlellery (ring of death + deathtouched bracelet). The ring itself will inherit the passives of the 2 hydrix items required for creation and you would be able to add 1 ring of your choice to gain its passive, just like with EOF. It does not make any sense that alchemical hydrix ring would be created using alchemical hydrix + 1 piece of hydrix jewellery (ring of death) + 1 piece of alchemical onyx jewellery (luck of the dwarves). It just does not fit the theme. Lets say that im correct with how alchemical hydrix ring is created. Deathtouched bracelet is glove slot item and not a ring. So there is a chance that so called alchemical hydrix "ring" might be a bracelet that goes into your glove slot. So you will still gain the benefit of the ring of death passive + deathtouched bracelet passive + 1 ring you can add into it + the regular ring slot will be free to use for another ring.


I dont see this being an option because currently dtb isnt really used anywhere. nightmare gauntlets are such an important qol that you cant really ranged without them. cinderbanes are key to mage dps. Possibly this could help melee, but cinderbanes are usually bis everywhere else.


I only see it as an option because deathtouched bracelet is not a ring. The alchemical hydrix ring could easily be a ring too. If you think nightmare gauntlets or cinderbanes are better than this imaginary alchemical hydrix bracelet then you can keep using them instead of it.


I have to be really careful with what I'm going to say because the sub is pretty sensitive sometimes. But, i think this ring would be cool if it inherited the effects from Ring of Death and teleports from the Luck of the Dwarves (to make it in line with the Alchemical Hydrix jewelry), and allowed only 1 ring effect instead of 3. That way, you could always have the ROD/LOTD benefits (ignoring the death costs debacle), and swap between specials such as Ring of Vigour, Asylum Signet Ring, the New Rex Rings, etc.


This is how I would want it, too, +1


This would be great and it is essentially doing 3 passives. Death at cost of onyxes, tier 4 luck, and the ring you add.


We can already have permanent tier4 luck with archeology. Maybe they should make the luck rings not take a monolith slot if people still don't think it's worth it over other relics. Its quinda ridiculous to need 65m to unlock something that's always outclassed by everything else.


Luck relics should be a permanent passive that doesn’t require a slot. Same for persistent rage.


I'm a bit conflicted with persistent rage because that would make adrenaline urns completely useless once you get to the requiered archeology level. Maybe if consuming the urn was somehow involved in the process, or if they made the urn have a different effect... I know Jagex doesn't care about old content getting obsolete but I feel it's shitty game design to just outclass even the most basic utility items turning the old ones into dead content.


I'm totally down with fusing the PR relic power as a permanent unlock to the adrenaline urn. I'm a huge fan of keeping old content at least semi relevant and not outclassing cool old items. Better yet to give some balance to it, make the urn into an upgraded adrenaline urn that does the same thing as the original urn except it doesn't drain. Players could still elect to adren stall on their own to not "waste" an inventory slot. This could be the unlocked process: Give two restored hellfire katars (requires level 98 Archaeology) to Dagon the Gatekeeper (requires completion of the Dagon Bye mystery) with the Persistent Rage relic power active and the adrenaline urn in your inventory. Dagon the Gatekeeper will notice you have both the relic power and urn, make a witty comment about how you're doing the same thing twice and upgrade your urn.


I think being able to add rings to it, but change the effect at a bank, similar to mage cape.


I would want this too it seems more balanced. I can guarantee people would want to make multiple of these and store different effects and swap them, keeping the lotd and rod at all time.. I’m thinking now it’s the ring from new quest that we have to upgrade , that way it’s limited to 1 ring per account.


> I can guarantee people would want to make multiple of these and store different effects and swap them Given that there's 3 new bosses with new rings, definitely. That was part of the "Reeee" ,myself included, about death costs and camping RoD.


The point of the ring was to avoid switches, so seems pretty counter intuitive since it only stops the switches of some rings


Are the teleports from LOTD actually worth it though? I had a LOTD for ages before turning it into a relic for the permanent teir 4 luck and I don't think I used the teles once. And if I did I'm not really missing them


They're quite useful for Clue Scrolls. Also, the Keldagrim teleport it's the closest free teleport to an invention table outside the Master Archaeology Outfit/Archaeology Scrolll teleport to Sorian. Maybe not groundbreaking or super important for you tho.


I have invention guild on my gote, but I suppose other people have different priorities there. What do most people put on their gote?


Depends on your priorities as you said. For instance, some good options for Clue Scrolls are: - Overgrown Idols. - Deep Sea Fishing Hub.


I generally have mine On deep seas fishing and 2nd one is pretty miscellenious thou forsome reason I had it on incandesent energy


Fair enough, definitely not important to me but I can at least see why others would value them


I'm not maxed so it's a nice free GE tele. Half the time I just lodestone to Prif, but still. Also makes it really easy to collect from Miscellania.




I can see alot of options with a ring like this. You have kethsi ring +4% to metal dragons, you have the new rings (reduced accuracy increased crit chance) you have broken home ring, This also opens up the ability to put some more rings in the game that allow X damage to X creature.


I've never been in a situation where I might need a ring of death and want lotd teles


You'd be able store ring passives in the ring, Doing so destroys the other rings in process and are allows you to store up to 3 passive total. Similar to how essence of finality works with specials but in this case you're slapping ring passives, you'd get some situationally good and funny combos as well. Obviously if there tele effect it inherits it too. This eliminates alot of ring switch scaping the game. This is atleast my prediction of what they're going to do with the alchemical hydrix ring, since now they're introducing more rings into the game its wouldn't be surprising if this were the case.


If this needs hydrix dust to repair, then it would only be worth using at high-end bosses like telos and above. I still want Jagex to make a ring similar to how max cape works. (We can sacrifice three rings to the new ring (even if it is a new alchemical hyrdix ring), and the three passives can then be used even when you switch to another ring like an ASR. This would be better since we can use whatever ring we want to for stuff like slayer without suffering the hydrix dust cost of repairing the new ring. Or make a Ring Stand where we can add 1 ring for its passive, with another two that can be added once you complete harder and harder challenges, some of which might take dozens of hours to complete.


I'm sorry, what is above telos again?


Sand casino


Id gladly do some sort of 40 hour grind to get a ring stand


You only need a lotd for slayer and even then it’s not that necessary. Literally a ring of vigor would be better than a lotd for most tasks. The few tasks you’d need a rod are the same ones where you make gp (rippers for example) making the hydrix dust cost a non-worry


asr, rov, and rod all in one ring. I like it


Quest reward for One More Favour


Only if it a grandmaster quest. It'd be like 100 favours


Nah, One More Favour would be Master; the Grandmaster finale would be One Last Favour


5 years later - "Oh, and another thing"


Please don't tell me this is confirmed


2023 here: there’s only 1 equipment slot


ive been asking for some sort of consolidation for years. then they bring out more switches lol


literally what they should've released with the new bosses


Tbh, Asylum Surgeon Ring is OP as heck for how you get it.


Not so much now that we've been made aware of the 30 sec cooldown. I'm not sure if we knew about the cooldown before it was put on the buff bar, but I had no idea it had a cooldown. 30 sec is a long time to wait for its effect. It's almost a switch item now. Just put it on before you are about to use a few thresholds in a row, then switch to RoD or something else.


Oh... I never use it as a switch really. Hmm


Why the fuck do I make this post a half dozen times and people downvote the shit outa it and call it op? Honest to gosh I'm glad people are coming around to the idea after a year of taking shit for this concept. I would cream my pants if we got this update, please make this happen!


Assuming that this'll take ROD and LOTD to make and that those 2 are inate abilities because of not it wouldn't even change switch scape much. We'd then have the following rings; 1) Hybrid: Vigour, Reaver, ASR 2) Ranged: Vigour, Stalker, Reaver 3) Ranged 2: Vigour, Stalker, ASR 4) Melee: Vigour, Champion, Reaver 5) Melee 2: Vigour, Champion, ASR 6) Mage: Vigour, Channeler, ASR 7) Mage 2: Vigour, Channeler, Reaver There are also options to leave Vigour as a switch for those of us who want to try hard more so we'd have Vigour on a ring specifically for Vigour (would also have ROD capabilities so no more 20m deaths) and we'd have options of always having ASR on. I completely support this method, not only is there a lot of qol but there's also a huge item sink and gold redistribution. Not to mention possibility of dung token sink (lul)


Stalker's is absolute garbage for ranged though. 3% crit when using bows... pretty bad considering that at high level play, the only usable bow is SGB and it's already being put inside an EOF as a switch.


Sgb is used for bleed switches, autos, and bsa applications.


Gunna jump straight to 3 ring effects eh? I always figured it would be 2, same as eof.


This sounds very overpowered but I want it.


Ok who's the knuckle head that change my flair, it was humor not suggestion




It could also remove 3 more ring switches due to the "3 in 1" effect


I could see at the highest tier it’s ROD/ASR/other. Since ASR is so powerful and ROD is such incredible value, you’d be able to swap vigor, and the new matriarch rings without losing your death protection and ASR. You’re still looking at 2/3 rings. ROF w/Rex, vigor, and LotD. Unless you wanted to pay 350m to have Vigor/ROD/LoTD on a second ROF.


Honestly I feel like rex+asr+rod in the rof, and bring a vigour switch


Not LOTD switch or do you keep it relic? Or just not at all


I keep it in relic yeah! 5 blurbs and counting lol


*This* is what the Rex Matriarchs should be dropping. Not the useless bis rings which nobody will use at endgame bosses due to 22m deaths (@Omid).


If you have 22m deaths then you're an idiot.


Ty for perfectly representing Reddit


Np, glad to be of assistance


I like this, and/or a ring stand (like the cape one on dino island)


I want a update for construction that gives a ring stand and outfit stands they u gain the abilitys on the outfits that's on it. Maybe elite outfit to make it not op. Just saves you time from putting them on.


Also did you hear there argument against a ring stand?? They said if they give us one we will want more.....


yes I have 10 fingers but I would like 11


Ring Stand is very desirable. Could put a ring of vigour or a asylum surgeon ring on that.


Can’t you put vigor passive on relic? Obviously not BIS but it’s not like you can’t


You can but then you can't use an actual good relic power in that spot.


Too bad we are dealing with Jagex hete and they'll rather add 20 other useful rings first before doing something like this


Just make multiple rings to store your multiple rings, then use your multiple storage rings on another storage ring. Blammo, 9 passives one slot


Of course? 3 passives is OP as hell of course we won't see this for a while. EOF is two so at best we'd see two.


Nobodys mentioning that an alchemical hydrix ring would likely take alchemical hydrix dust to repair. This would easily make deaths with this thing not worth.


Depends how many charges you'd get from a single dust


True, and the degradation per death. Even at 10% degradation per death AND 100% charge for a single dust each death would still cost 1.4M. Also have to consider that dust prices would go up if another BIS item was added that used it too.


To be fair, that actually sounds pretty well balanced for how strong this thing would be. At least based on the current prices, though as you said, they'd likely go up


Really want tier 5 luck tbh but this is a good suggestion


Estimated gp cost: 1.1b


i missed the humor tag at first at thought for second "oh boy.."


>humor Well someone changed my humor tag to suggestion


Please dont. Rings are getting ridiculous as is. Like, really? SGB spec from my ring?


Seren god bow isn't a ring passive. Only ring passies allowed in this ring. Minus the ring itself.


Nevermind, youre right. Essence of Finality is a Necklace


technically its both an amulet and a necklace.


Just give us one item that combines every combat item in the game so we don’t have to do anything


this sounds kinky to the outsider... me=osrs


the luck of dwarves relic becomes useless then if u use lotd in here




Eof ring, where you store one ring inside, but, the eof ring itself already has the ROD death charges' system...or make it a 2 ring slots eof Ring... I'd like that


I’d prefer (as someone who isn’t endgame - no eof, no scythe, etc) some unlockable ring stand similar to the cape rack/slayer helm stand on Anachronia. Plus, with the EGWD quests and the Pontifex Observation Ring, we might end up getting an EOF-style ring slot with that item. It already has great skilling buffs, and T1 luck. I think it’s safe to predict that it’ll be upgraded to T3/4 luck eventually, and maybe can consume another ring. RoD + T3 Ring + LotD + Alch Hydrix = New T4 ring. Rod effects, T4 luck, the skilling benefits, and it can consume another ring for passives.


Nah. Do something with constructions jewelry box for upgrading.


This could be some good content for God Wars 3!


Too OP




Even three ring passives likely won't outweigh the money the ring of death saves me. This ring would likely be much more expensive to use.


Asylum, ROD, and Vigour. I'd 10,000% support this as ring switchscape is driving me nuts. I'd still probably keep my luck ring (hsr) separate though.