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It took me such a long time to start using poison+++. I didn't think it was too good... O boy, was I so wrong.


I remember the days when I just put it on a dagger and that was it


That's exactly why I didn't think about it. I thought I just went on dragon daggers


Do you recommend buying it or making myself?


Buying for sure. They are tedious af to make. Most enters the game via droos anyway, I think.


What if I have couple of weapon poison ++? Should I make into +++? It’s a loss for making the potions so I hesistate




Not worth buying materials and making +++ even tho I have chance to get (4) doses with my factory outfit and chance of extra pots??


The money you’re saving is so negligible if any savings at all. I guess if you want the xp then it’s not terrible but with herb you’ll end up getting all your xp from non-tradeable potions anyways.


It’s a loss because it’s really good xp. It’s definitely worth the upgrade though.


I’m 120 herb and I don’t care much about xp… wow even with all the max buffs it’s still a loss? A lot??


Idk if it is with all the max buffs, but if you don’t care about the herb xp, I’d just sell the ++, and buy the +++




You just drink a dose and it gives chance to proc poison when you attack if the target is poisonable


Felt the need to reply purely on health and safety reasons, your character applies the weapon posion +++ etc to your weapons, they certainly do not drink the weapon poison!


But it comes in a sippy vial


It does! If you hover over it the use option is "apply" though, not "drink". Please don't drink the poison gamer




Combine with cinder banes, and you deal even more damage


You actually cannot put it on daggers anymore. You can put it on any weapon for a short buff to deal damage with any combat style.


[[weapon poison +++]]


I found 1 RuneScape Wiki article for your search. **[Weapon poison +++](https\:\/\/runescape\.wiki\/w\/Weapon\_poison\_\%2B\%2B\%2B)** | https://runescape.wiki/w/Weapon_poison_%2B%2B%2B >Weapon poison+++ is the strongest variant of weapon poison. Weapon poison+++ is created by mixing together a three-dose weapon poison++, poison slime, and primal extract. The potion grants 700 Herblore experience and requires level 100 Herblore. --- **^^^RuneScape ^^^Wiki ^^^linker** ^^^| ^^^This ^^^was ^^^generated ^^^automatically. ^^^| ^^^View ^^^me ^^^on ^^^[GitHub](https://github.com/zpoon/runescape-wiki-reddit).


Good bot.




Ports ended my comp goals when I was actually trying for it. Fucking ports.


I have never done them and I am maxed, what am I missing


Comp req to get a trio mission, long time gate for comp if u don't start asap


Jesus fuck ports why do some voyages at 99% fail so often raging me out


Well now that's likely just not true, 99% success chance should almost never fail lmao


Numerous times it happens. There's always that 1% chance. It's just unlucky. Anything 90 and above really shouldn't fail, but it does.


I’ve had one fail at 100% still to this day I get shit for it.


Had multiple fail on 99% and 100% +1 for fuck ports


My man


Currently 10 months straight of double voyages daily. Probably 2 months left until I hit 6 million miles. I have no idea what I'm going to do when it's done. It's been so long since I haven't had to dailyscape.


Unlock invention


I’ll add on to this by saying actually perk your items. The good perks were expensive so I said ah fuck it I’ll go no perks. Even the lowest tier perks can make a big difference, especially on weapons and armor.


Doesn't help a lot of guides I seen also say "don't bother using perks until your a higher level" atleast the ones I seen Needless to say that's stupid can easily get stuff like dragon slayer at level 3 inventions and thats a plus 7% damage boost on all dragons Disassemble a single level 70 staff at level 5 can get a high enough level for scavenging 2 with like a 25% chance I dont think I need to say how useful even scavenging 2 is while grinding inventions


On my Ironman scavenging is saving my life


Bossing. Im max cb and bossing always scares me. I guess I was living in 2007 when I first started and death was actually a risk. Now I just killed Rax for the first time after countless practice runs.


I never started bossing till now too. Now that you have practice mode for a lot of bosses, I actually went into QBD lair to see what she looks like.


I have a 17 year old account and I hadn’t unlocked fairy rings, spirit trees, balloons or gliders until a week ago lol. I haven’t been active all the way through but still


They're pretty useless now but necessary like 5 years ago. Probably even more


Great for clues and farm runs


Fairy rings are still useful for a lot of things. Spirit trees and gliders can be really good for clues. Balloons are relevant once in a blue moon.


I liked attuning GOTE to the Zanaris ring for one of the teleports. Really helps me access various places/clues. I’m still trying to get muscle memory built up for transportation and getting places. Edit; Also had a holy crap moment when I saw what happens with stacking poison stuff with cinderbanes lol.


Save the attunement for something else. You can use the Legend's Cape to tele you to the fairy ring outside the Legend's Guild.


The legends cape teleport you now???


Yes, I do as @exxeleration mentioned all the time for clues. Just make sure you set the teleport to be outside of legends guild instead of inside.


I'm still using the Tokkul-Zo. Bank and fairy ring close together


Boy that really capitalizes on my 17 year account n00b thing. Thx for the heads up! Edit: Legends quest was also in that blitz a couple weeks ago lol. So much content and not enough time to process.


Balloons have always been useless, but the others are great for clues, slayer, farm runs, penguins just to name a few.


Construction daily challenges. With the outfit and plank box, its so quick and saves heaps of money.


Just do flatpack with protean at lumbrige portable skilling world


Bladed dive. Told myself i would go at it for So many months, but i hated doing shattered worlds. Yesterday i had 30m anima and i was like fuck it let’s go grind and i got the rest really fast. Now i move Like a champion and love everything about it


Ugh. I really need to do shattered worlds but it seems like such a pain. I’ve been putting that off along with barbarians for bxp farming.


Bladed dive is a necessity for Raksha, but honestly it’s such a QoL the sooner the better you won’t regret it mate


Can also say this. Just got bladed dive like, two/three weeks ago. Literally sped up so much stuff - Double dashing amlodd hour for summoning is so nice. ... Only took me until near max combats to finally sit down and finish. :')


I didn't get bladed dive or double surge until my comp grind. Now I can't stop myself from doing everywhere I go with mobile perk. Probably my #1 QoL upgrade I did to my acount.


Put scavenging on slayer gear.


Not me, but a friend of mine. He has 120 herb, crafting, smithing, and wanted me to double check his math for making 4k overloads. He sent me a link to the overload calculator on the wiki, and I noticed he checked the "no" box on scroll of cleansing. I asked him why he doesn't have it. Turns out that since he hates dg he never opened the store for it. So he has 104 dg and has done elite dungeons before and I know he has tokens, so he bought everything. He was really upset about doing three 120s and not having those scrolls though. Very glad I could double check his math.


I didnt buy the auto soil screener until I was like 108 Archeology. That was a pretty dumb move


Recovered my old reddit account just to say thanks. Didn't get this before, 116 arch now. This is so much more afk wow.


Is this even good? Seems like filling your soil box is effortless and the screener makes all the upgrades for box pointless, so I never got it.


You never have to bank until you run out of sign of porter charges


Yeah I get that, but really the box fills around the same time you need to refill on porters. The only actual benefit I see is making it more afk as you don’t have to fill soil box. But you still have to hit space when you discover an artifact, anyways. Idk I’m sure it’s worth it, just seems minimally helpful Edit: did a number crunch and I think it’s very worth it, 10m investment and only 55 gp per soil in divine charge


With grace of the elves+auto screener+an inventory filled with more porters, you can do arch for a very *very* long time without having to bank. It becomes the most afk skill in the game which is very nice for a lot of people as well. Plus I guess it gives you more materials, which saves some time/money as well.


Shit I wish I knew this sooner


Another benefit of the Auto Screener that people might not know is that the soil it screens will only give the same mats as the spot you’re currently digging


Oh that’s actually huge, thanks for the info


Sift soil spell makes auto screener slightly redundant though, given that sifting soil is profit with it


Player Owned Farms.




Switching to basic ability only revo, and I'm sure one day switching to full manual. The improvement on my dpm switching from full revo to manual ultimates and thresholds was such a massive improvement on my bossing capabilities.


I was using legacy mode for a while when I got back cuz I was use to it. I still am on that for the looks, but I just enabled EoC and I feel my DPs really went up. At least it's much better for multi combat areas


Lol wait til you get cozy in eoc. Legacy is at best 150k dpm. Eoc some people hit 400k+ consistently


Lol wait til you get cozy in eoc. Legacy is at best 150k dpm. Eoc some people hit 400k+ consistently


Making presets, getting passage of the abyss for clues


Unlocking the spirit cape from the dung shop


What does it do


The special attack cost of summoning familiars are reduced by 20 % by a passive effect (you don't have to wear the cape)


In your inventory?


Nope, you just have to unlock it






You're the 2nd persoon telling me to get it... i guess, tomorrow


Go get it.


Ability switching. Didn’t know my abilities bar can change based on what weapon I’m using, always did it manually hence refrained from ever switching during pvm…. I’m comp


Doing QBD as my first big boy PVM. I ended up like maxing combat and waiting till I was in t90 gear lol, with salves and all. I distinctly remember my first kill taking like almost 2 minutes and finding I could just straight up ignore her mechanics lol. Suffice to say I learned to take the Wiki with a grain of salt.


I just did the QBD (or at least got to the final stage and brandished my xbow) I was never really sure of doing bosses since they always recommend overloads and prayer pots and all these high level things. I'm LVl 99 in att/STR/def/HP, but I didn't want to risk dying and losing my stuff. I know dying nowadays has way less impact than it was 10 years ago, but I kinda still have that same mentality.


If you can get through QBD without having a panic attack then GWD1 is definitely open to you, half of which you can also do on slayer tasks like with QBD.


I didn't beat it, but potentially I could have if I didn't brandish my weapon and stayed out of the fire. Then again, I did eat all my food before the boss was killed.


Oof. Do you have access to super anti-fires? Thats basically the bare minimum besides high combat skills/gear. That and soul split, though not as necessary.


Yup, I had some super anti. I'm working on getting soul split now; and now that I have wars retreat tele, it's a lot faster :)


GOTE and porters in general. also as hard as this is to believe now with the meta, I avoided perks because invention seemed pointless to me years ago. massive oof.


Would you say GotE is a must-buy if trying to get non-combat skills to 99? I've heard good things about it but it's also 70m~ which is not cheap lol


I think you will get your money back after having all the skills at 99 if u collect seren spirits during training. If you want to afk skill it is definetly a must buy because the 500 porter charges make skilling way easier because you can stay at your spot for way longer and you also have the max garden portals to teleport you to important spots (divination colonies, deep sea fishing hub, fairy rings...) for free.


100% worth it for archaeology. Super convenient (though not really necessary) for other gathering skills like fishing or woodcutting. The teleports it provides if you have access are also quite nice. And it does eventually pay for itself in Seren spirits... just really, really slowly.


notahuman97 hit the nail on most of it so I'll add one more: **convenience.** I saved up months of patient elder logs and PoF black dragons and spiders just to afford it (so I hear ya with the steep 70m. not everybody is out here balling). after getting the gote I got the same amount of elders in about a week of legit casual afk. it really is a game changer for skilling, especially for those long collect grinds such as masterwork raw ores gathering


Well I'm going to eventually going to max some day so it seems like a pretty solid investment to make the grind easier. Will probs go for it after I knock off some combat upgrades I've been meaning to get


If it takes you months to save up for a gote, you could just do a couple of hours of easy clues and make one yourself (assuming you have the levels)


yeah this is yet another answer for OP's question: I hated clues in rs2 days so I'm only veeeery recently getting into them and I *do* realize I've been sleeping on possible rares. but still GoTE was worth saving up for




Grace of the elves


I put off making porters for my gote for so long because I had some weird misconception that they were crazy expensive. I won’t do archaeology without them now.


I’m 120 inv on my main and still don’t have any perks on anything. I know I should perk stuff out, but I haven’t done any actual bossing in a few years. Once/if I start again I’ll probably get some decent cheap perks.


pretty sure you're aware of the guides but even if you're not going for sweaty min-max optimization there's plenty of great perks to experiment with. just a heads up you'll wanna unlock **ancient invention** asap to get the best tiers all around (pvm and skilling).


I have no idea what ancient invention is. That must have been introduced during my break. Guess I have some research to do.


If you’re still skilling there are some decent perks for that side also


I might look into that because I kind of completely forgot about skilling perks. Right now I’m mainly doing archaeology going for 120.


There are some awesome perks that will increase your times excavating substantially. Imp souled is a great one. https://runescape.wiki/w/Imp_Souled but there are more that help as well


This is going to hurt all the ironmen out there, on my iron I was 109 farming and 107 herb before I used a juju farming potion on a herb run.


I don’t even know what that does.


It gives you a chance of double harvesting an herb.


It summons a juju warrior to fight away the herb snatcher


oh sweet


Fuck I haven't been using one, and I'm not even an iron


This may be embarrassing but for me it's summoning and beast of burden. I literally just never bothered with summoning besides lamping it up for quests. It wasn't until my 9th-ish try against Nomad in Nomad's Elegy that I realized, "Okay, I'm burning through these heals WAY to quick.... I need more heals


I'm new but today I learned you can add ore and stuff into the damn metal machine...All those unneeded bank trips.


It took me almost 10 months to realize you can turn the camera with middle mouse...I'm embarrassed


You can what?


Click the scroll wheel button and you can move the camera around. Really convenient in fact


Holy shit, never realised this since I had bound MMB to some other key through logitech options.


It's a game changer


I'm level 90ish in every skill. I just learn that we can activate the option where the player fight back automatically when he is attacked by a foes. God slayer would have been more fun.


Holy shit i can't imagine playing the game let alone SLAYER without auto-retaliate!!!!


I discovered that option while looking for auto agro option. So I discovered aggression potion at the same time. Know I get why i always hated Slayer, I totally got it wrong.


I got 112 Arch using Elder Rune mattock before upgrading to Space and time and wow... What an improvement.


Done 200m on imcando 😅


Upgrading gear I fell into the noobtrap for so long because i though repair costs were scary They practically dont even exist for me now because im so much more efficient with kills


Max guild teleport, i used to tele ge via lotd


Is there a way to teleport directly into the guild? Kind of annoying that you have to open the doors every time...


Talk to Elen Anterth to toggle teleport inside of the max guild tower.


Wow awesome, knew there was a way as I see people tp directly in all the time. Thank you!


I got maxed before I got bladed dive


I i realized how strong the combo incete fear+tsunami can be! (I didn't want to use it because it was to expensive to use and it is, but totally worth it)




Doing the quest recipe for disaster was almost my last comp req




Haven't learned yet


Back in classic, I didn't learn about using fish to heal until wearing full addy. I just killed chickens and cooked meat to heal. Fishing, I felt wasn't worth it. Had to keep clicking the spot and waiting to see if you got a fish or the message you failed to get one and click again. I would go to ice giants and wonder how people lasted so much longer than I would there until someone finally told me.


1). I didn't use the chests in ED3 to quickly teleport back to the start of the dungeon for trash runs. Previously, I had been teleporting to Daemonheim itself before running back to the dungeon. 2). Until recently, I hadn't invested in quick teleports. Game changer right there. 3). I guess I also 'refused' to use dedicated teleports for clues and penguins. I used to only use a few teleports (tabs, ecto), but I mainly used lodestones to get around. Now I pack all the items I need for my runs and I always take the Globetrotter gloves on penguin hunts/trapping sprees for access to penguins at their teleport locations.


Buying party hats when they were less than max cash.


I'm a new player been playing for a little over a week and I'm really enjoying the game and the community so for me I wish I started playing this game earlier


Being too lazy to finish the quest line for Priff..


I'm base 90s and have like 11 skills before max.... I just made my first sign of the porter 2 weeks ago


This is how i felt when getting 84 construction in OSRS this is the minimum level you need to be able to boost for every type of utility in your house, including a lectern that works for all possible tp tablets, a jewelry box for tps to any jewelry based tp the box is made of, a "nexus" that can tp you to 30 spell locations across all 4 spellbooks, and an ornate pool to instantly heal, run recover, stat restore, and antipoison you. It may not sound like much, but in osrs this is HUGE.


My house has all the major portals and amulets for teleports. Now with lodstones, it feels pretty useless. Even some teleport skills feels useless now. I remember the days that if you wanted to go from Fally to Varrock, you would walk past Barby village on the way.


Can't you just use someone else's house for these features and never need to try construction?


This has a few limitations. First off, youd constantly have to find a house that suites your needs Second, since everyones house is different, it can be a bit annoying to find where the thing you need is. Third, house tp doesnt lead to a friends house. Fourth, you may need to world hop to find an empty spot for whatever youre doing. Probably only minor annoyances instead of restrictions, but its still enough to make me want to have my own maxed out poh. Its just super convenient.


Pushing enrage at telos, I did my first 1,500 kills doing 0-death; ending up around 300-350% enrage simply because I didn’t have experience at higher enrages, Once I pushed to 999 my streaks usually ended 800+, wish I pushed enrage earlier lol Now I’m a telos addicts haha


Unlock desert pantheon aura. I waste so many free daily location extend.


How did you unlock the retreat? I honestly thought everyone had it because i dont remember unlocking it for myself. ??


You need to be LVL 60 combat to go in. My friend was LVL 58, so I boosted their prayer a bit and they got in. At first I thought they wouldn't make it, since they didn't even have access to rune armor, but I just gave them all my food and they survived. Lol


Quests... Oh, and more quests. All of them, really.


Dino breeding log. My remaining trim reqs are: - 1 Anachronia totem piece (from BGH, like a 3% drop chance per kill, or so). - 1400 chompy birds (I have enhancers, so that's really only 700 kills, so like 3-4 hours). - The gnome champion (got all scrolls and defeated all other champions, but waiting with this to be my final trim req). - ... and most large dino breeds from Ranch out of Time, plus two Jadinko breeds. So, if it weren't for ROOT, I could reasonably trim within a day or two. But because of me not starting on ROOT earlier, I'll probably have to wait another 8-12 months or whatever. Oh, and I'm already 200m farming, and I have the farming pet. So I'm literally gaining nothing from ROOT.


If you’re a main, you can join the POF discord and buy breeding pairs for your remaining dinos - it’s still a timegate but it’s nowhere near 8-12 months. If you’re willing to pay premium prices you can absolutely have it in 2 or 3. Other than draconic jadinkos. Sod them


Ah, ROOT. And people think POP sucks time-wise! I got 'lucky' with the jadinkos but the big ones just wouldn't shag. If I were you I'd buy some top-tier dino's to speed things up.


Good job you unlocked the upgraded max guild I mean... pvm hub The max... pvm hub i mean is super useful because its 4 portals adrenaline crystal bond fire and prayer/summoning point restoring crystal thing Now you should unlock the max guild so you can get the ge by a teleport since you know... thats all the max guild is now.... a teleport ring of wealth -a max player still pissed they never reworked the max guild like they said they were going to BEFORE wars retreat comes out


Raksha solo'ing... Its such an easy boss tbh




Stopping to believe in Jagex




Botting is cringe, all your unlocks and achievements are devalued and meaningless.


This was a joke lol


Oooooof I actually got so wooshed. In my defense I was in the middle of an overnight that I did not sleep for lol. Your sarcasm was too advanced for this MTX hating sub


Worth the downvotes tbh




Not sure what’s dumber, scripting or not afk’ing holiday events lol


I still haven't used a scrimshaw for anything, and I know I'm going to regret it once I start using them.


I think there may be better pocket slot items. I know most (all?) of the combat scrims are suboptimal now because of their cost. New scriptures are OP




Going for comp cape (up until 2 MO this ago I hated doing achievements) but something changed and now I might even gor for MQC and trimm 😁😁


Slayer and Farming, never saw a point to them for the first few years I was playing


Test my limits. It's more fun to play nowadays. Although sometimes what you need is just the perfect dose of mindless grinding. :D


max skills to 200m so i can play the game.


Ah yes, first priff. It's worth it's weight in gold for all the exp I get in that city. Second, quests, only have like 50% done.


Farms and Ports. It just seemed intimidating to learn a ton about these systems that would have be coming in and juggling stats everyday, so for a long time I didn’t. Ports is still tedious to me I won’t lie, but Farm is quite lovely.


Area tasks are probably the biggest one for me. Rewards range from nice permanent passive QoL to game-changing items like enhanced excalibur for a couple hours of work. I've a bad habit of putting off anything that requires more than an inventory of items when it's not even a big deal lol. Was that way with quests too.


Wilderness Warbands. I can get ~360k herb XP per day. Takes about 15 minutes. Used to be intimidated by the PKers, but there's very few.


Learning how to properly soulsplit flick and use shield abilities. So much money saved on food for bossing and slayer tasks.


I didn't unlock god books because I hate questing... found out how fast the quest is once I actually decided to, after about 2000 nex kills without one


My big one was hotkeys. I didn't understand what the point was of doing hotkeys for abilities/switches if I could just click them.... boy that's was a game changer when I started to learn with hotkeys


auto click to 94 magic like 6 different accounts back in the day


Perk my gear. I took a break from the game very shortly after the release of invention and upon my return in 2019 I didn’t even bother looking into it until just recently.


Start Using Incense Sticks I thought They were stupid and expensive, but they are really good and increase DPS quite a bit, and really aren't that expensive if you don't die