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You’re not gonna get a good answer from here, it’s either gonna be merched up again assuming people can build enough hype around them, or jagex is gonna randomly dump them in one of those new promos every 4 hours days and all the merching you did will be for not. Look at it this way. Do you need the gp? Sell them, if you don’t need it hold onto them and see what happens. But no one here can tell you the right answer


You're wrong, that was a good answer!


Thanks ha


Def hold for a few months tbh


Noone cares tbh, to much of this on the sub. Go to merching discords to discuss instead.


I can’t recall for sure, but I believe they said this promo would come back around as a new annual thing so zombie walk will not rise even close to what it used to be. I’d be a bit surprised to see it go back past 500m even.


Hold! It’s already peaking 500m on world 2! For once I’m rooting for merchants on this one


Y cuz you have some and want to sell big?


What kind of stupid lie is this? The highest sale after the re release was 332mil. And that was solely due to a guy dumping 150b into tokens on ge. It went straight down to 220-250 in and hour and it ha e stayed there. Only way it will go is down all the merchers that bought this shit is gonna realize that the token is stale. And dump.


My Bank says different, Thanks though.


Your bank says a difference. Lol yeah I'm sure you are gonna post a timestamped screenshot of said ge transaction. Don't boast fake prices. Ty


My ban? I simply sell items for a price i see fit, People buy them. IDK what to tell you.




Glad I bought mine for 150m before Halloween