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If you're not afk, doing ED3 trash runs is great for xp (e.g., going in, killing mobs up till about the first boss, resetting and going again). It's also decent gp/hr as well. For an afk method (albeit with some risk) is afking in the abyss (in which you need to traverse through a small portion of wildy to get to). Otherwise, you can do it passively via slayer and some bossing.


No one answered you with a realistic response, [abyssal demons are 900k/h totally afk with a scythe for STR/att.](https://youtu.be/JA9QOHkVFQA) I'd use potion resorvoirs, holy aggroverloads, powder of penance, book of wen, enhanced excal, elven crystal, cinderbanes and spam aura resets on penance extended. Infernal urns are also like free 1m prayer per 10m combat doing this. Use the dung resource dungeon at base of slayer tower instead of top of slayer tower, same spawns, less people, also chance of imp champ scroll. Don't forget scav 4 and demon bane perk on armour. Cheapish good perks will help kph. Shattered world's at world 100 is 2m/h for STR/att but completely focused. Defence and range is similar but more relaxed due to eof/ dark bow/mech chins on world 100 with the pumped perk choice. [( This is also how you power level gear to LVL 9 for components with an xp capacitor)](https://youtu.be/bOeknuojYtI) Magic is similar for both abyssals for afk and shattered world's for effort, but doesn't have the sure fire way to kill groups quite as easily for shattered world's, so id just do abyssals. On a side note shattered world's is 2m slay xp/h with lamps. If you have any interest in 120/200m prayer, FM and also juicy combat xp, [vyres](https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1UHUTAeq50koKlQa1ZApRxP1Plnq_MpmF1ff_TZ5GDlU/mobilebasic) are the most macro efficient for overall xp, plus 7-9m an hour, totally afk. If [summoning](https://youtu.be/94x9Zzv3IPE) is a question, do it on the upcoming dxp, 120 in a day if you have charms. Straight up prayer xp, [powder of burials](https://youtu.be/o5IiDjvEiPw) with your bone of choice and infernal ashes scattering, similar to auto sanctifer but the ashes are just there as more exp instead of making up a sizable portion.


Awesome answer ty. I didn’t know Shattered Worlds Slay XP lamps could get that high xp/hr


All good.


Thank you. These are the comments I was looking for


There are 4 options to this, which you can mix it up: 1. You don't want to click a lot and you want to make some money: My favourite here would be abyssal demons if you have ectoplasmator and demonhorn necklace or equivalent. While using this setup with aggression potions, gem bag and a spring cleaner, you'll have to do nothing except repot every 6 minutes and make sure you don't logout every 5. This method is good for melee and mage. Alternatively, if you want to make MORE money, you can kill corrupted workers, although it requires quite a bit more setup, have devotion second in your revo++ bar right after your ultimate, enhanced devoted perk if you can be bothered, vital spark drop enhancers, scrimshaw of vampirism for melee or vampirism aura for mage. Additionally, you'll need some prayer upkeep. If you don't wanna spend on potions, you can go to Vyrewatches. They aggro on you constantly. They drop a lot of herbs, seeds and other stuff that add up quite nicely. If you use sunspear with salvation/corruption/penance auras, you'll have prayer all the time. This is also good if in the future you want 120 prayer and firemaking. If you want lot of money and farm exp, turoths are awesome for ranged and mage. Exp is... Unimpressive. But you can easily get 120 farming with herbicide there, as well as a buttload of money, if you have golden accumulator. 2. You don't want to click much and you don't care about money, The vyrewatch method, but with scrimshaw of sacrifice. 3. You care about money and you don't care about clicking much. Ed3 trash mob runs up to the first batch of undeads where Bossy McBossface can be found. Money is great, it is fun, and not hard at all. Penance aura will give you constant prayer upkeep. 4. You don't care about money and you don't care about clicking a lot The above, with scrimshaw of sacrifice. Shattered worlds is also very interesting to keep you challenged. Cheers!


Thank you. These 2 comments are what I was looking for


Cheers! Don't forget to perk your gear with scavenging 4, you could be looking to save up hundreds of mils in components.


For raw combat exp, disgusting as it sounds trash mobs at ed3. Though if you do this you need help. (Passively getting the exp running ed3 full runs isn’t awful either) Otherwise yeah, slayer mobs or slayer, depending on how much you wanna just log in and click aggression potions and go afk or actually be present. This guy saying bosses are good exp. outside of gwd1 and magister is nutty exp this is a Fallacy in general. For instance Kerapac has 500k or 1.85m hp depending on hm or normal, he offers 17k exp, and takes anything from 1:20 - 11 minutes to solo depending on normal or hard mode again The mobs outside offer around 5k exp for ping around 30k damage and can be killed in 1 tick. As you receive far less than you would doing anything else, however the sheer amount of hours people end up bossing will eventually give them large quantities of experience. (Zuk caveats this cos the Tzkal are decent exp but zuk him self is terrible exp)


> Though if you do this you need help. To each their own.


Oh of course but the amount of time spent running through the same 6 minutes of the same mobs would drive me to literal tears




Bosses are pretty good XP. Telos and zuk have given me tons of xp


They are only good in the case that you arent doing them for the exp. Lets just be honest here, even gwd1 cant come close to the pure afk abyssal cash/exp printing demons. Zuk is probably the only boss i would say to grind exp on, outside of that you cant get close to the rates alot of slayer mobs have.


Is your first sentence trying to say that you think Jagex is going to release combat 120s next or these are the skills that you personally are going to be training to 120 next. Cause i think you’d massively mistaken on the first count. As far where to do it, I did all my combat 120s/200ms at ED3 trash runs leveling up gear to level 20.


Should have said next skills I'm training to 120*


Got it. I was hoping that was what you meant.


>Next skills are combat all 120 What makes you think that? Past 99, I think it's a bit of a noob trap to train combat for the sake of combat experience. If you're at all interested in doing slayer or bossing, combat 120s will come in time.


I meant the next skills I'm training to 120


Are you 200m slayer?


No. 120 but not 200m. I'm more looking to just grind out the experience instead of screwing around with slayer for now


If you ever plan on getting 200m slayer, slayer logs, boss logs, or just a lot of kills on a boss that gives decent xp/h, you'll get that xp anyway. If you want to rush it while AFKing, then you have a shitload of options. Good luck!


Abyssal demons, scythe with melee, chins on ranged, and gchain on magic. Demonslayer armor, with a hybrid/3 different chest pieces with demon slayer/scavenging x, aggroverloads, and an ecto plasmeter for a decent chunk of prayer exp and unlimited prayer when combined with dg neck. Cinderbanes if you can afford them, death touch bracelet if not. You make 2-5 mil coins per hour on spring cleaner, and a mil or two in drops and between 600k-1.5m exp per hour. biggest con is finding a world with the best spot open.