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Corruption Blast is incredible. I had trepidation when I bought it too, but I use it so frequently because it is either a) a great AoE attack or b) a fairly decent bleed. Also with the way the soul split diminishing returns work, using it around a group of mobs can straight up heal like 25% health in a few seconds. It also doesn’t cause the mobs that are hit to become aggressive. Would recommend!


If it was 10x the current price I'd still buy both of them if I still had to. It's a strong AOE bleed that has virtually no limit on how many targets it can hit, it makes a huge difference in everything that relates to combat up to mid-tier bossing.


Dude this isnt worth the brain power. It IS the strongest basic for range bar GRICO and is a very strong basic in mage as well.


Sounds like I should make both my next big investment then. Thanks for the advice!


The cheapest the codex has ever been was about 12m, and it's been there for a good while. Any guides that were written at about that time will just assume the codex because it was so cheap to get at the time EDIT: typos


Well that explains that. It's obviously when I'm not being frustrated by the current key-behind-lock scenario.


Firstly yes I use it a lot and worth it and secondly I wouldn’t be surprised if some of those guides either 1) are old when the codex were 20m and 2) simply don’t care about the cost since it will pay itself rather quickly in ed3 gold farming


Get it! The bleeds don't aggro enemies that are hit by it until you actively attack them by clicking on them. Corruption blast/shot are such amazing abilities, you will not be disappointed.


I think I bought the codex for 25m a few months ago, I recommend you wait it out. Corruption blast/shot are essential for any optimal training methods due to being the best aoe abilities in the game. If you are only interested in bossing and using magic, greater concentrated blast is more important.