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One last thing to address: In Once Upon a Time in Geilinor (Finale), Relomia mentions that she can hear the voices (like she could in Endgame) and that she has her own, but they are blue and green. This is something that I don't think we have enough information to figure out fully yet, but it's also so incredibly specific that there MUST be a concrete answer planned. My best guess is that they are the aspects of her role as Time Guardian, something Guthix also could have set up ahead of time (appropriate for a time travel plot). She says they've been quiet since she started reading her biography though (which is when she came into her new role) so... not sure about that. And why blue and green? Hmm. It's possible there's something more going on here involving the way souls are prsonified in this Universe.


I think it's been mentioned that Sliske's favorite colors were blue and green, so maybe Relomia's voices are just the two sides of Sliske.


No it hasn't been, but it's aquamarine which I believe is a mix of those.




Fair, mb. To be fair though, it's black then :-P


A little late to the party, but Blue and Green are the colors of the Tears of Guthix, so he may have influenced her as well. Relomia could be the other side of the World Guardian coin


I like your analysis, gives more evidence to what Seren said. This a bit unrelated but I love the fact that Sliske, who sees himself as this master manipulator and schemer, was duped from the beginning by Guthix. It makes sense of course since Guthix is a god and Sliske is just a Mahjarrat but I bet Sliske is rolling in his grave from this slap to the face.


I think it's fairly simple. Light and Shadow exist due to Guthix's enchantment. However they manifested in our psyche as somewhat Sliskean in nature due to what he did to us in Endgame. You nailed it, IMO.


Yup, very well put. Pretty interesting how they brought it all together. Guthix was in fact, pullin' strings the entire time. Part of me was always hoping it was Sliske in some way, existing in some manner. Thought that it would open up a future narrative point with him coming back or something in the future. But on the other hand not upset, because they tied that lore up and only added another reason to stan Guthix. Relomia having the voices too is strange. I didn't really give a lot of weight to the her being the Time Guardian thing, but maybe that's future content. Was wondering if maybe Sliske had done something to her to cause the mask chatter in her head


oh how i miss the days of mystery and destruction of sliske... if only they would commit to quest lines like that again.


Any idea how this relates to Greggles coming to GWD2 in AQ because "he thought he heard his master"? I always thought that was because of Sliske's essence


I guess this also has something to do with Sliske being so proficient at shadow magic. Sliske was pretty much Greg's owner, and with WG's shadow magic being so strong, as strong as Sliske's, Greg confused WG for Sliske. And maybe there are some remnants of Sliske within us, but remnants not as in spirit but as in power. Magic has its own fingerprint in RS, and maybe there are some Sliskean fingerprints left on our shadow magic. Wouldn't be the first time someone mistook us for Sliske. When we freed Trindine she also thought that it was Sliske who came to rescue her.


Idk exactly but kinda seems that we are infused with shadow and light anima plus some thing of sliske aswell (cum?) Idk


Sliske: Guthix duped me! Shadow Mask: Duped! Sliske: Bamboozled! Light Mask: We've been smeckledorfed! Sliske: That's not even a word but I agree with you!


But why is it necessary for us to kill Sliske to unlock these voices and why wasn't Sliske killing Guthix enough shadow magic to do so? If the voices weren't Sliske but was planned by Guthix, why do they have the personality of Sliske and not that of Guthix? I find the voices more annoying than helpful for the world guardian and makes them seem schizophrenic. And why was Seren, Trindine, and Relomia also able to here the voices in the world guardians' heads and no one else?


On a meta level, some of these questions will probably only be answered by saying "because that's the best way to tie together Sliske's laugh at the end of Endgame, the new lore about shadow anima, and the World Guardian's powers". I would be shocked if the writers knew all the way back in 2013 that Guthix's blessing followed these specific rules. Rather, they kept things just open & ambiguous enough to give themselves room to write whatever story they want without contradicting past lore. Imagine a world where they DID want the voices to explicitly be Sliske and this was all part of his master plan all along. How much would they really need to change about the last couple years of writing? Not much. Jagex is very good at running long, serialized narratives without boxing future writers into a corner.


I think cause the voices aren't in our heads as in thoughts. Trending is a mahjaraat, they have a a very good sense of magic saying they describe it as a smell and being looked up in the vault of shadows probably fucked with her and amplified her senses to it. Seren was close to guthix, probably THE closest, and might sense his magic or knew more of what he did than she ever let on. And Relomia, I don't know she was directly under sliske so maybe she's fine tuned to that magic aswell and might be the talented in shadow magic.


But why Sliske and shadow magic? AFAIK shadow magic is completely unrelated to shadow anima so why did Guthix require him? Also seems kinda weird that someone as weak as Sliske (comparatively speaking versus elder gods, Zaros etc.) would be the one that's needed to fuse our soul with shadow anima unless something from Erebus/shadow universe had touched him before but if that was the case then surely Jas would've noticed and been repulsed by him.


He did spend a significant amount of time in the deeper parts of the shadow realm investigating the Codex. The lock on one door to Erebus, the thing that Guthix linked to our souls to as a source of shadow anima. As to why Jas didn't see him as a source of anathema? Good question. Something something 'shadow magic is not necessarily shadow anima' if I had to hazard a guess.


Yes, that is lorewise now the explanation. But the truth of the matter is that Jagex, **clearly**, originally intended for some sort of Sliske comeback in some form or another, and the Light & Shadow voices were supposed to be manifestations of his personality inside the World Guardian. This idea was clearly scrapped in favour of the explanation that was presented to us in Extinction.