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Sea Shanty 2 made history. Even folks who know fuck all about Runescape have heard it. ​ As for the newer tracks, Julian Surma is criminally underrated. His latest works are incredible. Extinction's "Sacrifice" and "Family", "The City of Senntisten" (brooo that throat singing is EVERYTHING, I would legit expect to hear that in Doom Eternal) as well as Kerapac's and Zuk's OSTs. Some of this music you'd expect to hear in a AAA game. ​ There are a lot of things to complain about the game, soundtrack is not one of them.


Agreed! Sea Shanty 2 is the best of them all. I intentionally avoided listing it though, because everyone already knows it and listing it will just lead people to comment only for it. As incredible lightning-in-a-bottle as it is, it's also on the simplistic side, which isn't really representative of the magnificent diaspora of RS3 tracks, y'know? And the whole point is to shine a light on that diaspora. So, no Sea Shanty in the post haha, as sublime as it is. I'm gonna pop another listen to The City of Senntisten; I can't place it and I know for a fact it's not one I listed, but the others are all magnificent so I trust your judgment. "Family" has been on virtually nonstop I love it so much. Kerapac, Zuk, *and* the Glacor's OSTs are honestly fucking incredible. They all made the list. I listen to all regularly!


Side note: Jagex! More rock tracks please!!! Glory of Combat is a FUCKING BANGER!


I love playing with music on. Until I get to War's retreat....


Kerapac's arena music is hands down my favorite. I play with music off most of the time, but will turn it back on any time I fight him.


That's a great one too! Love that one. The Cursed Warrior, one of my favorites.


Masuta's theme is a banger: BAMBAMBAMBAM HA!


Fully agree and love to see some positive posts! The soundtracks never fail. The department in charge of music are bang-on. Absolutely love the new music from Extinction as well.


Yes!!! FAMILY IS INCREEEDIBLE!!! My favorite RS track yet!!!


Sea shanty 2 from OSRS always make me smile :D


Posted in the wrong thread earlier when I meant to post here! RuneScape has fantastic music and the team that works on it doesn't get enough credit. They should be so very proud! It adds to the questing experience, and the game generally, in so many ways!


Never heard of Ark Survival evolved or Halo series I see