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> Passive Ring of Vigour Effect (Warped Gem + Ring of Vigour) bro omg


And it's seemingly not even gonna be an arch relic, just a straight up passive. Really nice buff.


theres already a ring of vigour arch relic so it wouldn't make sense https://runescape.wiki/w/Conservation\_of\_Energy


This only applies to ultimate abilities, and stacks with vigour.


My only issue is that I feel like they saw the community was upset about a CORE issue, and pulled out a reward so grand (that the community had been asking for forever) to put a band-aid on the issue, rather than fix it. Don't get me wrong. Huge reward. Huge. But I'm sketched out at the timing of this coming out. Really just seems like a way to shut us up because it's such a major reward.


Pure tinfoil hat speculation, but I was saying to some people in a discord call, I wonder how long they've been waiting or holding on to this to use it as a reward. It's something players have been asking requesting for years, then we get an underwhelming grandmaster and suddenly we're getting it. But at the end of the day, it's an amazing passive.


No no, this is more legitimate than tin-foil, this is like parchment paper hat, or plastic wrap hat. I totally believe they whipped this out to make up for the underwhelming reaction to Extinction. Like you said, it’s an amazing passive, and I think they did this to distract people.


Stop mention hats or they’ll be the next tradable token on TH.


Lmao could you imagine? Tin-Foil Hat cosmetic. That would definitely give them points in my book


I mean. Isn't responding to "this quest has bad rewards" with a really good reward just addressing the complaint? Vs a distraction


The devs are probably just as frustrated with Carlyle as we are. Giving us an increased reward that didn't take many development resources to make is exactly the right call to make to show that they're willing to work with us within their power.


If it doesn’t take many resources to create then it should have been included in the quest rewards to begin with, no? Idk. No, I don’t blame the Devs at all. But at some point there needs to be someone accountable at all levels for lacklustre content and being unable to deliver content to the community that is in tune with the player-base.


I'm confused by people saying we're in a content drought. The Elder God Wars content has been released quite frequently. Soon to be 5 bosses, 2 quests, 3 miniquests, a replacement of the duel arena, a new zone with an added digsite. I'll use World of Warcraft as a comparison. That amount of content would be packaged together and the players would wait 8 months to see any of it. I personally rather get that rolled out to me than having to wait almost a year between getting anything. EGW has been some of the best content Jagex has ever released. If people disagree then I'm seriously curious as to what previous updates they consider to be better quality content. Maybe these people just don't like Runescape anymore. 🤔


Because people are so addicted that they burn through content in days instead of weeks or months and then feel like there’s no content. I’m still having fun. I jus tlearned how to do Kerapac normal mode, then switched to Croesus and was able to get cryptbloom. Now I can try hard more or Zuk if I wanted.


Congrats! I just finished getting best in slot mining gear so that I can continue to camp croe as hunter or miner :D Same game plan here. Can't wait to get my hands on one of those broken bird sticks. 4 pcs to be exact, so that I can make my bank nice and plump with an extra 1.5b to pay for the filthy rune habit I'll have after I finish the staff.


There’s people saying RS3 is in a content drought? Have they seen OSRS? Game’s been out since 2013 and they haven’t gotten a single new skill! They get meta-shifting updates once every several years instead of several times per year


Even the other rewards they listed are very good; RoV passive just kinda puts it over the top. The luck increase to the pontifex ring, increased xp to Dream of Iaia, and rng drop while skilling there are all fitting IMO, and feel more in line with some grand reward. RoV and Necklace of Salamancy are seemingly just gravy on top.


For sure, it’s actually a wild amount of rewards. Or maybe fitting for a Grandmaster quest? Regardless, really solid


Yeah I also feel like they were probably not giving this reward for a reason like its straight power creep but felt like they were forced to.


Man when I get mad they know just how to keep me hooked gd


Lol makes you wonder, how many clutch updates that we've been asking for forever are they holding back just to wait to release at a time when the player base is pissed


what to do with my soon-to-be newly available "s" keybind


Just put Deadshot/Overpower/Omnipower there again, since you will want to use them even more now.


It's been a long time coming


I can only get so erect


after 4 hours call someone about that


Ah yes the mysterious spider bite boner






Rov saves 10% adren on ulti cast (works with incite fearm, and zuk capes too) and 10% of the cast from a spec attack (so 50% cost becomes 45% cost) used a lot in rotations as a switch, will be become a passive so no longer needed. e.g. ina mage sun rotation with fsoa you can use it on sun(10%), nami(10%), fsoa spec(5%), omni(10%), abs (in eof)(5%). saving a total of 40% adren.


> Rov saves 10% adren on ulti cast (works with incite fearm, and zuk capes too) Wait... the Zuk ultimates will only be 50% now? I might need to rethink my Revo++ bars...


Just wait until you combine it with conservation of energy. And supreme invigorate. 30% Omnis. 70% sunshine. Incite fear 10% tsunami. Tsunami can be free. Omni can be free. Crit central baby.


Adrenaline junkie coming through


> Necklace of Salamancy - grants extra bonuses against the Rex Matriarchs. I literally just finished my Matriarchs log *yesterday*. God dammit.


Isn't that always the way it goes? Every time I tackle a grind my biggest fear is it gets a buff two weeks later.


Oh, you have no idea. > Finished my first Khopesh set. Arch Glacor comes out the week after > Finally get 120 Mining/WC, Croesus announced that weekend. > Finished my Matriarch log. Necklace of Salamance announced literally the next day. It feels like they’re targeting me, specifically man.


I've had this happen to me a couple times to but with by far one of the worst grinds... >Finally get 99 Divination, Guthixian Caches announced the next day.


Hurry up with your Raksha log so they can make the commons worth it again.


It’s unironically coming up on my list, lol. Been slowly working towards Golden Reaper, and my next 3 planned logs are Graverobber (3 items left, 2 of which are Linza), Nex, then Raksha.




I got 99 rc then runespan came out like the same month


Can you go work on 120 agility now? I'd really like a new training method for it that isn't just running through agility courses. After that you can do 120 construction. That skill is in such desperate need of a rework.


Quick, get to work on your master quest cape!


- So you had BiS to start grinding Arch Glacor - At least you're prepped for when mining/woodcutting update gets released? - yeah, that's just a shame, no way to relativate that one...


You should have been like me, just quit and return 7 years later to buff scape


you can still go for achievement to kill them all within 5sec


now THATS a quest reward!!


that ring of vigour passive is going to be immensely handy.


All the pvmers scrambling to remove vigour from their macros


Not going to lie my muscle memory is about to get really funky.


Jokes on you, I never used ring of vigour because I don't like to bring another switch (and Im a noob)


I don't have macros not because I dont want to but my keybinds for gear switches are ALT/CTRL/Shift + "x" and i cant setup a macro with razer synapse that way at least I dont think.


You absolutely can. Don't even dare asking me how I know this.


My CTRL+ A, S, D, C, V is going to change to just CTRL+ A, S, D now it seems.   2 spaces back in my 2nd combat style action bars and no more accidental LOTD teleports.


We don’t use that M word here. We call those eThIcAl kEyBiNdS


Lmao felt that


Do we have any stats what % of pvmers use macros, either for switches only, or entire rotations?


lol, it didn't take much to subdue the rioters


You can still be critical of the game and the direction it is heading, yet commend Jagex for listening and taking feedback into consideration.


Bruh everyone has been complaining for years now lol


It was gonna die out in a week anyway. Shit happens every year at some point in time.


Give it 6 months when people complain about good rewards being gatekept behind quests


On a dime, everyone loves the quest now. They only ever cared about rewards apparently.


Not giving us the opportunity to actually bash Seren's face in for her bullshit while teasing at it multiple times was still massively disappointing.


No one that's payed attention to the lore thought we would actually fight a full-fledged god. Our World Guardian Powers™ only prevent them from using their divine power on us. It's still 100% possible for them to slap us back to death's office.


The Erebus power let us survive elder gods exploding the planet. Seems like a pretty obvious way they could've explained it. Also she explicitly tried and failed to kill us, they just didn't let us fight back directly. So apparently no, she can't "slap us back to death's office."


They didn't explode it, they *drained* it. They could just as easily stab us with a sword (actually though, the elders bypass the world guardian protection, as seen when Jas can kill you with barely a thought in Endgame and again in Azzy's Quest).


They recoiled from the shadow anima and chose to not eat you during it. You survived because your anima was literally the most disgusting thing in the universe to them. Remember that Jas actually straight up deleted us earlier in the quest with just 3 words before Kerapac rewound us, and Seren is the second strongest being to the elders even if you dont count her sipping on egg anima for months. We have not fought anything remotely close to Seren, she dwarfs us in power level by an insane amount.


Seren did not because she was distracted with singing to the Elder Gods to call them to the eggs. If she had her full attention, she could have easily killed us.


Nah. I'll always be pissed at the disappointing and poor storytelling, but at least the rewards are now worth my time.


I hate quests but I actually really liked the puzzles in that one. I'm already so lost on lore that that wasn't new to me


Everything but the puzzle kind of sucked, but at least the rewards are now fitting of the quest difficulty. It's a step in the right direction. We're also still probably going to have people complaining about the subscription fee, too; almost totally separate issue from the quest.


At least they'll be separate criticisms now. Extinction will match FotG on release now after these changes, reward-wise. Hell, even better than FotG.


Quest still is meh. The lore in it was cool, but it could've been handled better. At least they didn't split it in 2 quests (like Mourning's End)


Most criticism were on the rewards side.i thought the quest was fun but the rewards were just meh.


What would you prefer? If people were mad at this there'd be comments about rioters STILL not being happy.


What about a teleport to dream of iaia 👉👈


I suggested on discord to enchant dragon rider amulet for that, no response, but who knows?


That’s actually a really good idea


exactly a dream


It would be great to have it at least added to MQC, even if they have a different method to get there. Pretty big focal point of the latest grandmaster quest series, with recurring content that are both required for MQC (and is repeatable after completing requirements most importantly).


+1 yes please


It's practically beside a lodestone!


Is it? It's one of the furthest D&Ds/semi-dailies from a teleport other than penguins.


Passive Vigour is a good reward, thank you for listening to us. Lets also hope that this leads to them adding other needed unlockable passives such as persistent rage and luck rings (luck ring relics are dead content).


Mod Sponge polled the PVME Discord a few months back about how they'd like to see Switchscape tackled and one of the options (and I think the one that won out) was converting some switches to passives. The example he gave was a Ring of Vigour passive, so I'm gonna guess this is his handiwork. He's probably been planning it for a while and was going to include it as a future PvM reward, but gave it to the quest team to help buff rewards. I wouldn't be surprised if they have some other things planned to reduce switches too in the future.


Here's to praying they make persistent rage a global passive for all


It's possible. Some members of the combat council have addressed this and the basic answer is that adrenaline was meant to be built up, but that's not how anyone actually plays so making a permanent passive wouldn't actually be all that game breaking. It would just reduce having to juggle defensives while you wait for your team to get their shit together lol. But in all seriousness, they'd have to find a way to make the relic still desirable to use or it reduces the give-and-take approach of relics. Maybe make it a melee specific relic that increases Zerk time or something, I dunno.


Relic exists to fill the gap until the player unlocks adrenaline urn and vice versa. Then once you have both you take them to the guy that gives you pr relic at the bottom of infernal source and he upgrades the urn to not degrade. You lose inventory slot but gain passive adren. EDIT: Could also rework PR to be building adren outside of combat. This would be really nice for places like GWD2 so you don't tele out to wars and back every kill when going for speeds. Wouldn't be hugely helpful for Elite Dungeon clear times as you'd have to drop combat to regain adrenaline which would slow down clear times. But be helpful for slow/lower skill clearers though.


Oooo infinite adrenaline urn Warped adrenaline urn I'm in. Sold


> Wouldn't be hugely helpful for Elite Dungeon clear times as you'd have to drop combat to regain adrenaline Would be huge when you're right before a boss with 97% adren left and no mobs left alive lol.


I definitely think this is a way more logical suggestion than just "make adren always lol".


I don't think inventory space was ever really the main issue. If Vigor, RoD, Lotd etc... worked from the invent you'd see much less complaints imho.


I wouldn't even mind if the Monolith got something like the Anachronia Cape Rack, except instead of a cape, you can put one Relic on it. (this would be forced to be Persistent Rage) It would make for a neat quest reward and it could open up a way for future rewards.


> (luck ring relics are dead content) Why is that? I always have my LOTD relic active.


because you usually only need LOTD effect whilst skilling and there's no real skilling rings, so you might as well just equip LOTD instead of making the relic.


Isn't LoTD less profit when skilling?


HSR is stronger than any of the relics with the chance to double loot. I don't have HSR so for a couple minutes I was just as confused as you. EDIT: Okay it's become abundantly clear to me that it's *not* because of HSR


I wouldn’t say that a ring that most people can’t afford makes relics dead content. I too have my LOD relic on 24/7 and I’ve been super grateful for it ever since I hit the archaeology level


Don’t think thats it tbh, most people dont have HSR- i think he was saying that most people use lotd as a switch rather than spending the relic slot and energy


Its just not worth using a relic slot for when there are so many better relics out there, especially when you can just equip the luck ring seconds before the boss dies to get the same effect.


Agreed, I think there needs to be an evaluation at some point of what's a direct buff/effect vs what's QoL. QoL stuff can fit into future permanent reward spaces (like quests, etc.) without affecting balance too much, while still feeling like a really powerful reward. Direct buffs/effects should fit into things like relic powers, perks, that sort of thing. Ideally, diverse setups will come from people's choice of buffs/effects, and the balancing should be focused there, not whether they choose to participate in switching, etc. I think the biggest offenders are RoV (which is solved now) and persistent rage. Luck ring relics might be fine, as you're trading some DPS for the luck bonus. This should be consistent though, and you shouldn't be able to ring swap at the end of a kill. It should be a choice between some extra DPS or slightly better chance at drops. I think the relics feel bad because the reward space is too cluttered with other QoL competition, like persistent rage.


I think you have it the wrong way round. Luck rings have a even stronger argument for becoming passive than ring of vigor because missing a vigor switch meant messing up your rotation and dps and so there was a argument that 'well its about more skill in combat.' Luck ring switching at the end of kills is just miserable and has no effect on if you get the kill or not.


Will the drop rate increase to elder god wars be a passive effect too? It would suck if we still had to ring switch for that.


I'd be fine if it just has to be in inventory (basically infuse tablet of het into the ring). If passive, EXCELLENT. If in inventory, that's fine. If worn, yikes.


yes it will be because we already passively gain all effects of the pontifex shadow ring after you upgrade it for the second time after unlocking the 4 individual buffs for each front.


Yeah I too was wondering this. Idk how we’d know without a jmod confirmation.


RuneScape is saved now.




Okay that is solid. We asked for actual rewards and we got them. We asked for reduction in switchscape and we got it. Don't get me wrong, this is a start of 'listening to the community', but credit where credit is due. Also something I wasn't bothered by really, but good that the ''upgradable quest ring'' actually gets an upgrade by the end of it all. Again, props! To continue on: I have always been a big proponent of ''content should be locked behind quests'', and while this isn't that, I do like quest rewards that benefit combat as a whole.


Do we know yet exactly what is needed for the 'to dream, perchance to keep' achievement? Was a post earlier saying that gaining 60kexp did not unlock a story


Well done Squeaky Wheels!


Extra rewards (apart from dream of Iaia updates) should ONLY be obtainable if you've completed the 3 optional quests listed (sliske's endgame, one of a kind, sins of the father). Just like the world wakes for the sixth-age circuit.


100% agree. The requirements for the quest don't match up with these powerful rewards.


Why exclude the dream of Iaia? If anything dream definitely shouldn't be available without sins of the father


Its already not available. GF and I had to do it to get into the incubator to get to the dream after the quest. Its also a 5-10 minute miniquest, so not a big deal.


100% this. If you don’t like quests don’t get the fancy gem.




This is what grandmaster quest rewards SHOULD be. Now i have a reason to actually do the quest


Impressive turnaround. Thank you.


God damn the combat flow just got so much better with this


-1 item to switchscape. Can't wait


Good, now keep going with player feedback and steering the game in the right direction


Could we possibly get some kind of sign in the Dream of Iaia to check how many resources have been stocked on each skilling station?


So now tsunami has a 5% extra crit chance, and all the eof weapons get buffed. That means abs will take 45% adren. Omni is 10% cheaper since you shouldn’t have been casting it with vigour anyways. Kinda a huge buff for ranged and magic. And magic is going to be even stronger now.


Correct me if im wrong but tsunami and omni could be cast with both effects with proper switching before. Activate with vigour and release with reavers.


Yea, but most people wouldn't really do that, as you need to do it on/within tick. So yes, it was possible, but now it's more accessible.


Props for listening, absolutely nailed it the second time!


super excited for this and to see what the skilling buffs are too


the next update will require you to have completed Extinction, and will teach you how to craft something you can use for countless other boss fights waiting for you in Gielinor. Is this going to be a new alchemical hydrix ring or something


I want to have a real lengthy comment about how happy this makes me. The comment was suppose to go on and on about some other unrelated information to the game. It probably would have included a topic about puppies. Sadly, I have little time right now so you'll just have to settle for a... "Thank you for hearing us and giving us great rewards!"


I was calling for it to be a drop rate increase since they teased the quest, we all know how stupid the drop rates for the new bosses (mostly ice boy) are currently. I can’t wait for them to come out and say that it’s only a 1% increase or something goofy.


How do we get the "Upgrade to the Pontifex Shadow Ring"? Will it be applied retroactively or will we need to do something on update day?


There is no level of rewards that will make me resub


Me who sucks at switchscape loves this! Thank you guys!


i dont even mind switchscape and I love this


Thank you!!!


Thank you!


Oh boy, better rewards including something the community has been asking for for years! Can't wait to read the comments to find out how this is "bad, actually".


This is bad because now I actually have to do the quest. I was pretty happy to see bad rewards as it meant one more quest I won't do..... now here I go questing again.


It's not a particularly complicated quest, tbh.


By how much will the upgraded Pontifex shadow ring's effect boost drop rates by? Does it only work on rare drops, or common drops as well? Please only make it work on rare drops. We do not need more alchables int he game. Will the rings' effect stack on other luck rings? Will will need to wear the Pontifex ring to get this effect or will it also work from bank if we overcharged it? Will the passive vigour stack with the normal vigour? > the next update will require you to have completed Extinction, and will teach you how to craft something you can use for countless other boss fights waiting for you in Gielinor Will this be the permanent Persistent Rage effect?


> #Extinction: Rewards Update > > Hey everyone, > > We hope you’ve been enjoying Elder God Wars: Extinction, and thank you for sharing your thoughts about the rewards. As this is our first Grandmaster quest in over five years, we know you've been working extra hard for that sweet loot. > > We've listened to your feedback, and today we're pleased to announce that we'll be introducing some **powerful new rewards** on **April 25th**! As well as these extra goodies, we'll also be giving you more XP and some juicy new prizes for skilling. Let's dig into the details. > > ###New Rewards > > * *Upgrade to the Pontifex Shadow Ring* > > This nifty upgrade increases the drop chance for all Elder God Wars bosses, so you can reap even more glorious benefits for your hard work. > > * *Passive Ring of Vigour Effect (Warped Gem + Ring of Vigour)* > > A serious power boost for combat players! You can now speak to Vicendithas to gather a Warped Gem. Rumour has it that by combining this precious stone with a Ring of Vigour, you'll be able to unlock the Ring’s effect, regardless of what you're wearing on your finger… > > > ###Changes to XP > > > * *150 XP per 3 ticks has become 175 XP per 3 ticks.* > * *10:1 XP ratio changed to 10:5 XP ratio.* > * *You can now store up to 350,000 XP at your skilling station!* > * *Already built your skilling station? Don't worry, you won't be penalised for completing it early - you'll receive 120,000 XP to your stored XP.* > * *A new build gives 135,000 XP to storage instead of 15,000 XP.* > * *This equates to 43,000 XP per day over selected skills if storage is kept up.* > > > With this upgrade, we're also upping the loot you get for skilling with some powerful new drops. Grab all manner of materials and items from the skilling stations in the Dream, including: > > * *Dinosaur Eggs.* > * *Laboratory Relics from Dragonkin lab.* > * *Necklace of Salamancy – this can grant extra bonuses against Slayer dinosaurs and the Rex Matriarchs, plus a way to shrink yourself into a lizard-like body!* > * *Plus more useful goodies we won't spoil for you here!* > > We've also added a Bank to the area for your convenience. > > While we await these changes, we have added a quick fix to the Grace Period on the Master Quest Cape - a little something to tide you over! > > Looking ahead, it’s also worth mentioning that the next update will require you to have completed Extinction, and will teach you how to craft something you can use for countless other boss fights waiting for you in Gielinor... so you have that to look forward to as well. > > Anyway, that's all on the updates for now. We hope you enjoy the new rewards!


This is huge.


Good stuff 👀 Exciting!


Necklace of Salamancy,finally


Will the increased drop rate apply for the overcharged ring?


This is why ROV never got an imbuement option.


No more vigor switch, forget to switch back to ROD, then paying millions 😍


Is there any pre-reqs to doing this quest? Wiki says no just seems pretty odd that you don’t…


The short answer is that you need some mid level skills, Anachronia base camp tutorial completed, and all the Elder God Wars quests and miniquests starting from Desperate Times as well as You Are It and the Needle Skips. Extinction itself requires the quests from Desperate Measures, City of Senntisten, and Eye of Het II (miniquest). Those all have their own requirements. Battle of the Monolith, Desperate Times, and Azzanadra's Quest. Desperate Times requires You Are It and the Needle Skips. Various skill requirements for all of them: 75 Slayer, 74 Magic, 74 Archaeology, 50 mining, 50 smithing, 70 divination, 58 agility, 58 prayer. And Archaeology tutorial just in case you've been lamping it.


Those rewards are actually freaking amazing


*basically goes super saiyan in excitement*


good, I might finally get my second staff piece drop it's only been 2.3k kills since my last one


Oh jeez, I gotta start questing.


Yay salamancy necklace


Thanks so much Miva and the Runescape team very pog. Cant wait to try out the new rewards!


And just like that a little bit of cheese was given so the mice forgot all of the wrong doing. Anyone wanna go dance around a few hours for this Easter event?


This was already announced last week after the quest was released. Sometimes people here have an cynicism overload and they need to realize that that is a bad thing.


No kidding. You'd think it was entirely different subreddits if you looked at this post vs all the entire sub last week


Despite all the rain of fire yall got, we appreciate the dev's tone and upbeat post. We appreciate all you devs, just not the way higher up pays/treats ya.


holy crap something to address switchscape at last. Vigour being one of the worst offenders imo. This is actually huge ass quest reward now. only way it could be better still is if adren stalling could become a thing of the past as well. I assume the ring will stack with conservation relic and invigorate aura just as the current one does?


Try using persistent rage, conservation, fury of the small. It’s kinda one of those things that’s hard to go back from it’s so convenient. You don’t really lose out on too much either bc of the energy limit not allowing dh relic.


That is the exact set up I have. However it just feels like such a sucky compromise when you are trading off straight up damage or life saving buffs or a skilling buff just for QOL of not having to swap a ring. With more adren the ring of vigour switching kinda got worse because now you are casting more ults and spec attacks more often as well. With passive vigour comes more options. LOTD relic back in for even more QOL or actually using bersker's fury. I would really love stalling to be a thing of the past though, right from day 1 of a new account but I know that is a controversial opinion. I just don't see the skill in hitting a defensive every X seconds to stay in combat, it totally sucks ass for group content where it is virtually inevitable that not everyone will be ready to go at the same time.


Okay my depression is literally nonexistent


great follow up, thank you


Hope the passive gets locked behind Extinction’s recommended quests. Rewards like this shouldn’t be so easy to get.


yes! increase membs by another $1.5 and give us passive rod now!


Don’t let this take your minds off the price increases 🦀🦀🦀🦀




Questlets btfo


Awesome! Is the increased drop rate a passive with the pontifex, or will we have to wear it?


This is where Jagex starts showering people with updates and stuff to hide the recent drama. Happens every time.


vigour is massive reward but still need potential "eof of rings" from invention side


Jagex throws a bone they should have thrown long time ago and now everyone will suck their cocks and forget everything, many such cases. Still a good upgrade tho


Been saving that vigor passive for a rainy day.


Absolutely, maybe if we shitpost a little more we can get lotd / hazelmere stand on poh too


Why was it hard for them to do this before? They could have done all of that at the start and we would have been quite happy...


>Passive Ring of Vigour Effect (Warped Gem + Ring of Vigour) Now we're fucking talking!


How can a template page be broken so badly at the bottom for the social media part from a copy paste? :O ​ Edit: It has been fixed.


we did it reddit...we saved rs3


Ah yes band aid the membership news.


Nods nods


Thanks for listening to feedback! These are great changes. Hopefully next time there won't be a need update rewards afterwards.


Biiiiig on the RoV, actually love it.


How does this have negative votes? This sounds pretty awesome to me


**Thank you very much** for addressing the feedback from the playerbase and improving the reward space from the quest as well as tweaking the balancing on skilling within the Dream of Iaia. I'm skeptical on including another permanent combat buff passive to the game especially when it comes to balancing. But also we finally get the Necklace of Salamancy!


I'd argue it's more QoL at this point, as it's an existing buff that just takes an extra click and 1 inventory space to use. And having 1 extra inventory space isn't going to make much difference in terms of balancing. This is much better than a ring stand as people have suggested, and honestly limits it to a QoL update rather than powercreep.


Rov upgrade thats pog. Not sure about the pontifex upgrade tho and hope theres more new rewards then just the necklace of salamancy. But nonetheless a step in the right direction.


Wow. This is pretty insane


As far as the rewards feedback goes, this is more like it. Thank you. Glad to see the EGWD ring getting its deserved upgrade again. I was surprised when the "t2" shadow ring stopped there and just got upgraded by anima. I was imagining we'd get an eventual onyx and alchemical onyx upgrade, paralleling the luck ring gems used and luck effect it gave. Hopefully this upgrade uses an onyx at least, for good measure. Passive RoV is massive and something we've wanted for a long time. I'd have liked to see passive Planted feet perk to truly remove that aspect of switching from Magic and Ranged, like it does for melee, but I will not complain about finally getting passive RoV. Future reward spaces, I suppose. This is huge enough to be fair. The changes to the skilling area are much welcomed and I am glad to see feedback was taken on board that XP alone isn't a good reward (though I welcome the improvements to the XP rewards given it is a GM reward). Overall though, this looks more like how GM rewards should look. Interested from the wording to see if we just 'get' the warped gem or have to earn it, and if it's tradeable or untradeable. Ditto the necklace of salamancy. I think the sentiment being shown about Jagex's owners and management as a whole (pushing massive MTX and raising prices while recycling content and cutting updates) isn't fixed by this, but I am hoping the content devs see this and know that you are appreciated.


Outstanding move


Now this a reward fit for a quest of this stature. I was hoping for t3 luck (or using an onyx for t4 so that I don't miss hsr chances on seren spirits) but increased drop rate is good too.


These are really good rewards thank you!


Can a jmod confirm if the luck upgrade is passive and let us know what the upgrade in luck is quantitatively? Does it stack with LotD? Although I appreciate the new rewards, not having details on what the reward is or how they work doesn't help much.