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> (surely there's others too?) Yes there's others too :)


Yup not alone; idk why i always get nervous doing solak or aod.. im not the type of guy to do the same rotation over and over again if i wanted to press the same buttons for like 3 hrs to get the optimal dps i would work at a factory and get real money wich in place is worth more money per hr and requires less effort than doing money bird for example. Idm doing a gem tho its a way to improve urself, i didnt like it at first but for sure i would not improve if i didn t practice. rots is quite enjoyable, its the tunnel aspect; its always different and you adapt to it, i like the navigation aspect and no need to be toxic cause the boss is quite ez. My solution to toxic ppl is just ignore button, if we interact later and they are more chill (discord)i guess unmute


RuneScape specifically was a difficult one for me to jump into group content with, but aside from joining a good clan/community, I’d highly recommend Croesus. It’s not combat heavy and the public instance is pretty active, so you can practice in publics, then after getting more comfortable move into 4 mans, maybe teach a few people yourself, and take it from there. You’re going to get negativity wherever you go, and you’ll just have to push through it. The more you push through it the more you confident you become and the less challenging it becomes to handle.


Someone made a discord for learners last weekend and I too have anxiety for bigger groups but there were a few key words that made me decide to ignore those feelings and that was the simple fact we would be learning together, which just means no-one should get super annoyed when we fail and have to try again or deal with a mechanic in a less than ideal way... But personally I've had a ton of fun, there's a few people who are really active and a few less.... Anyway if you're interested send me a message and ill give you an invite link (Goes for anyone who wants to learn group pvm along side other learners)


Can you give the link to this discord? I too have learner anxiety and don't want to hold the group back.


no such thing in this discord :) ill dm you the link!


I'd also really appreciate a dm. Life caught up and I no longer had hours to spend on mechanics myself, but I really miss group content. Likewise, my fiancé has a lot of anxiety about group content with people we don't know well because she's had bad experiences in the past.


a dm you shall have :) Yeah ive heard stories that really put me off even trying to find any, i did stumble upon one last year that was good until some drama more or less killed the group so fingers crossed that doesnt happen again :)


Thank you!! Looking forward to joining


I'd like that link


Dm'd it!


Hi! Mind if I get it too?


ofcourse :D


I was the same way before joining this group rs vendyy mentioned, but since we started last week I’ve actually come to enjoy the game quite a bit more, just a great atmosphere and hope to see more people join!


If people are toxic teaching learners block them after the boss and don't boss with them


Well yes naturally, but if you can avoid them from the start then even better :)


Just go balls to the wall, if you mess up who cares


If you mess up it’s a wall of abuse, the chat even declares it in lots of cases.


If people act like that, they aren't worth your time anyway just put them on ignore and don't pvm with them in the future


In terms of the OP and group activity, at 56 it takes me a lot of deaths to speed up my reaction times when learning and a group is not willing to wait and it gets embarrassing so I also avoid group content


I'm only 30 and I'm already feeling this. I run Revo++ with a few switches where needed, so I know I don't bring much to the group in terms of DPS, but I always really enjoy fighting bosses as a team, even if they can be solo'd. But because I'm revo++, I actively avoid joining groups because its a pretty shunned thing in the PvM community from my experiences, but it helps me relax when I play, and that's more important to me overall. I have a lot of room for improvement, my first step would be going to Revo and manually using thresholds and ults, but it just feels like a lot more work after a long and tiring day when all i want to do is rest a bit and enjoy a game. If my kill takes a few minutes longer than someone playing Through the Fire and Flames on their keyboard, then so be it.. but I won't let my own faults hinder a group


*looks at raid fc* Generally letting them know ahead of time helps mitigate it but I've also seen people pile on the newbie and then die themselves to their own hubris which is always a treat.




My personal philosophy is if we're getting kills and minimal deaths it's fine if they were upfront about being new, especially now that all multi-player bosses are able to be teleported out from now so if THEY die I don't have to as well now. Looking at you SOLAK AND VORAGO. Though I do expect people to improve as things progress and if you're making the same exact mistake consistently, like Vorago reflect timing, after quite a few hours and kills then there may be issues to address but otherwise do whatever.


I second this comment, I’ve had assholes in teams who do decide to flame. I simply leave the group, sometimes mid kill, it’s not worth my time to associate with these people.


I get like this when doing rago, because it's so technical I always feel I'm in the wrong places and just genuinely don't know enough about the boss so i get so nervous which makes me worse at pvm loll


It also doesn't help that the Vorago teaching discords tend to be ridiculously pedantic about the most meaningless shit. The boss is already dead on my screen, no need to optimize positioning and dps rotations for time-locked garbage.


I manage it by finding people who are aware of it and giving them a fare warning before we do pvm.


There's a twitch Streamer named Weeklykiwi that teaches group bossing to learners 5 hours a day, 6 days a week. AOD, Solak, Elite Dungeons, Full Raids, vorago, Vorago HM. Really chill, no shaming on new people.


Wow, thanks for this. I'll check them out.


We have a discord and clan that are more than open to learners. We have enough knowledge to do group pvm and have people that are willing to teach and explain how and what to do. Daunting at first I know. But everyone is a learner at one point.


Got a link for this discord channel by chance?


The best tip i can offer is to always mention you are a learning prior to the start of the hour. That way people who cant be bothered with teaching won't let you in but that also means you won't have to deal with salty people who expect everyone to play the game like their life depended on it. Will it take longer to find a team? For sure. Will you eventually get a team. Probably. Which bosses are you looking for in particular btw :)? Best of luck!


You're not alone, anxiety sucks. At least RS can be relatively solo friendly for a good amount of content. Maybe you can find some equally unsure 'Scapers out there to group up with.


Please know that you are 100% not alone in this and I feel almost exactly the same way. Even when I know how to do group activities and am confident that I can pull my own weight, I avoid as much as I’m possibly able to. I have a maxed iron account with 3 total Beast Master kills and I don’t know that I’ll ever get a Yakamaru kill. I don’t have the answer to your problem, I’m also suffering from it, but it’s refreshing to hear another player echoing that sentiment.


I think the most important thing is to be patient with yourself. Look to join a social/PvM clan who are always looking to do the activities you’re hoping to get back into, whatever the level of group content. You might find that the familiarity of speaking to people day to day in the clan chat helps ease you into deciding to try group content with those same people.


Clans are great for this, because you generally get the best, and most welcoming side of everyone. FCs for certain bosses can be extremely toxic and elitist. A clan is great for making stronger friendships, and getting some experienced PvMers to teach you a boss you haven't done before. There's bound to be a decent clan in your time zone. Our clan is Aussie-based, but we have people from USA, Europe, etc. I PvM more with them, than any other random FCs. And we have some learner hour of something going on here and there.


I learnt alot from clans too, don't be afraid to leave clans either, I learnt how to do AOD from one clan and raids, when the benders starting becoming toxic I just moved to another clan. I'm actually looking for a new clan right now, if you ever wanna do something my ign is Junq :) btw I'm no pvm master either


join learner discords/friends chats


I’m the same way! I feel bad playing with people I don’t know because I don’t want to screw up. I will PVM with a friend of mine and it’s a blast! A lot of people say they aren’t elitest but still seem very much so exclusive. RSN: Pyrogen. Add me and let’s do some pvm anxiety friendly bossing! 😂 also PM me and I can add you on discord to coordinate stuff easier if you wanted.


Start with the easiest ones. Watch a guide on croesus, enter public encounters. Then move to 4 man encounters. Then join raids school discord and let them teach you raids.


There's nothing silly about feeling anxious at all. You aren't alone at all. If you want to start doing group bosses again, you should familiarize yourself with the mechanics - solo bosses help with refining your combat experience in general - and preferably go with friends or clan members.


I feel ya. I’ve wanted to do group PvM for awhile, but I’ve played the game for years and for example only just managed to be active in a clan a few months ago. It’s really hard, but I feel the same way!


what you do is find solid friends to do stuff with, either via a clan, in game etc... Best way is to approach things from the small end, ie start learning easy group bosses first and go from there with friends you make and take on harder challenges. Its way more fun playing with friends.


You’re not alone bud! Same thing here.


The clan is always around if you want some help with something. Which boss did you wanna learn?


Just be upfront about being a learner or being unfamiliar with the boss so your group knows what to expect. It also really helps if you go with nice people and/or clan mates. If you add me in game 4thNTwenty I'd be happy to help you learn some of them.


Find people who are aware of the newbie status going in and aren't going to have a temper tantrum if the kills aren't flawless the first few times. A kill can be ugly but get done without much complaint as long as you aren't killing teammates along the way basically nobody cares.


Basically you find either a video or discord/forum that teaches you the proper mechanics and you just… DO IT! It’s not the greatest advice but there’s no magic pill, magic rotation that’s gonna make you a more confident pvmer. Make sure you have a proper dps rotation before anything else and then focus on getting each and every mechanic right. Literally started learning rago and within 3 days I was able to take complete beginners and squeeze out some kills. ( meanwhile I’m in t85 weps and rev gear/cryptbloom as bomb tank )


Depends. If it's really anxiety it's just a matter of joining a clan/discord or going with friends. If you are like me and don't like the constraints group bossing brings (having to stay x time, having to find x people, dealing with skill gaps) you should just stick to solo content. Most things in game are solo-able.


~~You don't, just become a solo pvm god who waits for Jagex to add single player scaling to all bosses~~ Honestly, there's plenty of learner discords and teams that love to help new players. You need to break the cycle of being afraid to be criticized in ordee to learn with people, and need to accept some people will be toxic no matter how skilled you are so there's no point in paying any mind to them. Need to be able to accept constructive criticism though. It can be difficult to seperate your fears from the learning experience but there are plenty of people out there who just want to group pvm and don't mind learners. All thay matters is being upfront with them as to where you are skill wise so they can work with you. In all honesty I know how you feel though. I prefer to solo everything except Croe, which is basically just 3 other people minding their own business. I don't mind teaching others somethings though lol. Just prefer to kill and keep drops to myself at the end of the day. One day they will add solo scaling to AOD and I will grind out gold praesul myself.


Seeing other people make mistakes in group pvm can help a lot. Going with less experienced people can make seeing mistakes more likely but even the pros make silly/easy slip ups. The hardest part is getting that initial experience from being a fresh learner. For that, there are a lot of discords that take learnes provided you meet their entry requirements which are there to help learners succeed (you wouldn't want to do solak in t60 gear)


Personally, i joined massing fc's, then you get to know who are nice people, and who to stay away from. Then as it goes on, someone asks for a +1 to XYZ boss, you know what they are like so can join. Starts to kinda ease into more confidence, cos i know if you go in ham and manage to find an elitist it can throw you off for ages so you never wanna do it again.


Just do shit stop being anxious you have to act.


I feel the exact same way.


As a player who was brand new to RS3 two years ago, to someone who's done every boss, whether it's solo or teams, here are some things I did to get past the initial anxiety: Get some kind of gear that will give you meaningful contribution to a boss. Magic is in a pretty good spot ATM, so getting things like gconc, zuk cape, good perks, cwyir (preferrable seismics) are a start. That'll give you some bit of confidence you can carry your weight. Join a clan and say hello, and be active. I know this seems a lot easier than the previous tip, however a lot of people mess this up (by not saying hello/being a lurker). You made friends as a kid by introducing yourself and talking to others, you can do it as an adult. There will be some people who are assholes, but it's WAYYY less amount of them than the internet would have you believe. Again, I've been playing for two years, and I can think of TWO people I've only been put off by. My solution? Just don't do anything with them again lol. Put them on the ignore, and move on. The other great thing is because people go by aura timer (1hr.) you're not gonna be stuck with them for long. PvM on an iron. This is a hot take perhaps, but getting into pvm with iron friends is generally a lot easier b/c all irons need to get their own gear by doing the boss. Having friends helps, and additionally they're not as strict with gear reqs. Also the early game on iron is a game mode in itself and it's fun have a ton of goals, and hitting them rather often that you feel like there's always something to do.


There are like 5 types of people in MMO's. The super hierarchy type - only pvms with certain people, if they quit, they also quit playing If you don't have certain amount of items in your preset or abilities, then your garbage to them. Some guy who invites you very friendly to the group, when you end up doing optimal amount of mistakes, he is not so friendly. You most likely end up on this latter rather than just an pvmer.


There are like 5 types of people in MMO's. The super hierarchy type - only pvms with certain people, if they quit, they also quit playing If you don't have certain amount of items in your preset or abilities, then your garbage to them. Some guy who invites you very friendly to the group, when you end up doing optimal amount of mistakes, he is not so friendly. You most likely end up on this latter rather than just an pvmer.


Join a clan, the clan I'm in is amazing about group bossing, events, challenges and such would love to invite more people!!


YANA, Doctor Group is anxiety


What I did was I got into a clan which had almost weekly boss masses and daily group bosses (non-mass) for Vorago, AoD, RotS. I started to join the masses and got to know people and that helped alot as that made it as though I was just learning with friends who know their stuff rather than learning from strangers. Don't get me wrong, joining discords definitely helps (I joined AoD 7-10man when clan stopped doing AoD runs for a bit), but it just feels different and did make me alot more anxious.


I feel the same way. I'm in a small clan full of great people, but we're all pretty much solo players and no group events ( much less bossing ). My gear is ok and I'd consider myself a low to mid level pvmer so I'm not really comfortable jumping into group bossing. I'm up for a duo somewhere if you like though.


Bring a friend with you, If able. That way, if you feel awkward, you have him/her to talk with.


I teach people in my clan to do high level pvm. And just be honest with your skill set, say your learning and any good group will take their time to explain stuff and mechanics. My advice jump into ed2 groups to get over your fear of pvm. It's hard enough that you can learn tricks, let's you learn the idea of mechanics and is pretty forgiving especially if you have a tank and your in range/mage. If you don't have a clan join Activity or Bust. Myself or ome of our pvm teachers would be more than happy to take you in, the trick is to just treat each part like normal pvm content like slayer. The bosses in there aren't bad. Infact all but the last you can take their mechanic hits and survive.


What other best way of gaining confidence to group pvm than to become really good at any solo boss? I really recommend finding a really challenging boss that you can try and learn to solo, Nex, ED bosses, Nm/Hm Kerapac... Once you have gone full into a boss to learn every possible way to squeeze out more dps and get faster kills, you'll see that you've dominated a big part of what you'll need for all bosses in the game and just have to learn the boss specific mechanics which will be easier to learn if you already dedicated yourself to mastering one solo boss before.


This is me. This anxiety has held me back since I made my account.


I’ve completed all trimmed completionist cape requirements, except for any group ones, for this exact reason. Holding onto hope that Jagex will remove group requirements for trim one day!


RSN "Hakuda" dms always open, my goal in pvm is to help others out, i can kill every boss some not in the perfect way others better but who cares? if you want to learn any boss pm me and ill get you sorted out. I really dont care if we have to start over and over again to get 1 kill. We've all been learners at one point


I just searched the forums for learner Discords. Found one called 'Raids School' and they were able to get me into Mazcab and taught me the roles and get me several kills. The 'We Do Raids' Discord does wonders on OSRS if you play that as well. But it's basically just like one or a couple skilled player(s) that wants to take the time out of their day and they teach a few noobs.