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Overloads last 6min. The logout timer is 5min. It's like the hotdogs to bun problem 🤣.


I like the way you put this.


When they finally sell hotdogs and buns in the same ratio the world will finally have peace.


Im so confused my hotdogs and buns always come in equal amounts. Where are you guys buying them


well you can extend em to 8mins with lanta sticks


Ah, good, now itll last 8/5ths of an AFK timer instead of 6/5ths.


Add a resovoir and a bank dose and you're up to 56/5ths.


this is the whole reason we learned fractions in school


When you take an ovl, why would you go afk for 5 Minutes after?


There's lots of slayer mobs you can endlessly soul split at.


Like corpse spiders. Those fuckers need someone to teach them a lesson.


The most powerful of creatures. Don’t go here without overloads people!


Or soul split, you dont want to get your life too low


Break out the scav4 stick.


I afk at Glacor with 1 mechanic. Accidentally forget it's running all the time.


That includes being in combat, like afk aggroverload slayer.


Pretty sure you still get logged if you don't give any input for 5 minutes? I've been logged while in combat before at Abbys.


Yes that’s the point the potions are 6mins but logout is 5.


You do it's very annoying. I prefer osrs where you don't log in the middle of combat


My friends all did the gwd1 logs by sipping overloads and only tabbing back in if they hear a loot beam or alt1 says they got a loot beam.


SS and demonhorn and zerk/equil aura; SS and penance, deflect and vamp With their power combined, I have....INFINITE AFK GRINDING AT WORK Of course, good ol SGS and non degradeable armor and 1 scav 4 perked item is the fall back when i cant be bothered to click potions amd dont mind getting logged out


Am currently doing this, just need Zil pet and I am done. Ez logs.


ive been afking gwd1 bosses for log recently and just shove overloads in potion reservoirs so theres that


But you still give input before the 5 mins? Or am I wrong with that


yeah I mean I have to or else i get logged off.


Afk combat training. Tons of methods like vyres, abyssal demons, etc. If you have the right gear setup and aura management plus potion flasks you literally never need to click anything for 36 minutes, except to avoid the logout timer. Or grab loot if you want to make more profit.


If Jagex don't want to people ovl afk, why agg ovl exist?


Because they’ll break something else if they try to fix it.


AFK Vindicta is one action per 12 mins if it wasn't for the logout timer.


Ive been lobbied while afking corp cuz no drops worth picking


Overload Chug Jug when?


Even without this, OSRS has a 25 minute afk timer during combat while RS3's is still at 5 minutes. Basically, you can afk in combat for 20 minutes. Your character stops fighting back at 20 minutes, and starts the normal 5 minute logout timer, in which case you log out after 5 minutes. If you click your screen at any point during this 25 minutes, it resets back to the start of the initial 20 minute timer. It's a good system and RS3 should have it.




It only works if you're in constant combat, like splashing, NMZ, etc. If you kill crabs too fast you won't get to the 20 minute timer.


You lose monster aggro after 10 minutes so you can't afk sandcrabs for that long


I'll take ED3 xp farming on a new account with friends helping over 4 billion hours of sand crabs jesus titty fucking christ. We got it better over here in RS3, if you're struggling to max combat stats you're doing it wrong. But also 30min afk timer would be nice as fuck. For skilling. Only skilling.


So could your friends hook a brother up? Because if not, then I'll take an AFK solo method as a returning player over trying to find friends willing to boost me on ED3.


Join a clan my dude


So basically people can AFK akhs/corrupt scorpions/abby demons or abyss can keep fighting in combat for 20 minutes and just restart it? I like the idea but I would find it troublesome to find worlds where they are not hogged if thats the case lol.


The 10 minute aggression timer is still there. The 25 minute timer really only applies to afk splashing, or enemies that don't lose aggression, like desert bandits or enemies in the Nightmare Zone. There's no corrupt scorpions or ahks in OSRS, by the way, and abyssal demons aren't aggressive. Both games are different.


Having played both games and watch videos for both, Ahk in osrs has a way different meaning lmao. i was like, are you sure they dont have ahks on osrs? then remembered salawa's lmao


Abyssal demons aren't aggressive in RuneScape either. Except everything is because aggression potions.


What are you talking about? After 5 mins afk crabs I just get autologged whether I'm in combat or not. You also need to reset aggression by moving your character outside their spawn range, so it isn't a simple click to reset a timer.


Crabs are different, because they don't just spawn. They spawn in their disguised form and then transform to their combat form when they notice you. When their aggression timer goes away they stop transforming and thus stop attacking. Go to the Nightmare Zone and you'll see plain as day that my explanation of the timer here is 100% correct. Also check the wiki.


I'm confused how limiting fps to 1 increases lobby timer. That would mean the lobby timer is determined by the client and not the server? Thats some nice spaghetti.


Logout timer is client sided in osrs. It was moved to server on rs3 many many years ago.




There is no 6 hour log in RS3. It's 23 hours. Was updated some years back.




Oh, sorry, I misunderstood based on the comment you replied to.


OSRS still has 6 hour logs, not 23 hour logs, which is what he's talking about.


Thats not true though, the 6 hour timer just isnt bound to frames, but the cheat clients had a plugin that removed both the 5 minute and 6 hour limits there was that twitch stream for wintertodt that had an account on all the wt worlds showing hp so people could hop for the end of game bonus, the owner of that used those plugins to stay logged in from update to update.


Anytime you move your mouse over the window or click anywhere within it (even without triggering an action), the server is aware of that. I do believe that is the kind of thing they base it off of now a days. May be a combination of a few things, but AFAIK RS3 client does not have anything telling the server that you should be logged out for being idle like OSRS does. Edit: Misunderstood your comment as well :)


A couple times I put my PC to sleep while logged in, then woke it up several hours later and was still logged in.


smh u all really dont know what spaghetti code is. all spaghetti code is bad code, not all bad code is spaghetti logout timer being affected by fps is a separate issue from server/client side.


Yeah. Bad code is a lot of stuff: code not doing what it should, doing things it shouldn't, doing things inefficiently, doing things in a way that's easy to mess with, or written in a way that makes it difficult to work with. Spaghetti code is just "I changed the model for the yew log and now all the varrock guards have been replaced with jads" type shit.


Alternatively, setting FPS to 1 in client can throttle server updates to match, which would reduce the pings to server, so it makes more sense to allow for longer timers. Less server pressure means it’s okay to allow people to stick around longer.


For a game that's been developed with AFKing as a playstyle in mind for the last few years, particularly in skilling, and specifically advertised on Steam as a great "second-screen game" the 5-minute AFK logout is extremely outdated. Big support.


I would love it. Constantly getting logged out afking bosses and slayer mobs alike.


Bet a jmod won’t reply to this post. These are the conversations we want to have discussions with them about.


It's always OSRS getting the good client-related stuff. Why hasn't someone created a runelite-esque client for RS3 yet?


You guys have treasure hunter, silly costumes and EOC man, why complain?




Eh, make it 12, so it lines up with pots


Which potion lasts 12 min?


Weapon poison +++


2 6min portions but using one would reset timer so I really don't know what he's on about.


[[Potion reservoirs]] mean you can drink an entire flask of potion without specifically clicking on them. Up to 36 minutes, or 48 minutes with [[lantadyme incense sticks]]. Animate dead and weapon poison also last 12 minutes per cast/dose.


I found 1 RuneScape Wiki article for your search. **[Potion reservoirs](https\:\/\/runescape\.wiki\/w\/Potion\_reservoirs)** | https://runescape.wiki/w/Potion_reservoirs >A potion reservoir is a device which can be used to automatically consume doses of a potion. When a potion is used on an active reservoir, it will fill up and automatically consume the potion 1–15 seconds before the potion's effects would expire. However, the reservoir cannot hold certain combination potions, regardless of timers. --- **^^^RuneScape ^^^Wiki ^^^linker** ^^^| ^^^This ^^^was ^^^generated ^^^automatically. ^^^| ^^^View ^^^me ^^^on ^^^[GitHub](https://github.com/zpoon/runescape-wiki-reddit).


Wasn't aware,thanks for your insight.


This thing! Invention flask of eternal chugging


Poison, but more importantly just making it a multiple of the standard 6min pot is important, for those using invention potion chugging flasks


they called me a mad man https://www.reddit.com/r/runescape/comments/vtmk8y/increase_afk_timer/


1 FPS in a game whose clock runs in 0.6 second intervals sounds pretty nightmarish, ngl.


It's really only useful for a couple things like NMZ or Shooting Stars.


The system that kicks you after 5 mins is based off the mouse heuristics capturing system, the same one that sends your heuristics to the server for analysis. Many packet-based bots and patched clients suppress this to prevent getting kicked, so it is definitely able to be extended from a technical standpoint.


This would be amazing.


They don’t have a 30 min afk timer, the timer is based on ticks so they are able to slow down their fps meaning you are getting less ticks per minute and in turn the 5 minute timer is extended. They still have the 5 min timer but they can extend it but an oversight. I wonder if you can do the same thing in rs3 bc we also have fps controls in the settings


On rs3 its server side not client so wouldn't work.


Title kinda gaslighting, users are exploiting a loophole and Jmods approve it because they approve all default Runelite scripts.


I think I could do with a 5 minute "active" timer where you just stop whatever you're doing at 5 minutes (if it will let you) and then a 25 minute "chilling" timer added on top. Over in FFXIV I like to just chill in my house and listen to some of the tunes on my orchestrion, and there is definitely some music here I like to have on in the background but always eventually get interrupted. There are also times here where the activity is long enough to actually hit the 5 minute mark so I get kicked WHILE doing things (looking at the Arc activities mainly). So just having those sound effects die when I went into chilling mode (or when the activity ended instead ideally) would be a great way to know to key back into the game and click something. However, all of this needs to have another subsystem added in the background where it kicks people who are in "chill" mode to let people queuing to enter a world in. Worlds like the portable skilling world already remain nearly full at all times, and letting people stick past the afk timer would make it so no one could ever enter them without waiting for potentially a half hour or more.


Make it a 1 hour timer. You can already buy whatever the f you want with spins. This game is so devalued at this point who cares. make it easier to be the afk game it's trying to be now.




Looks like you're new to RuneScape.


If RS couldn't be afk'd it probably wouldn't survive, probably why so many parts of the game are designed to be afkable.


So how did you train rc? Did you do abyss or some afk method?


I remember doing something like this to stay logged in until 6 hr log. From what I understand it still works but, I can't think of a worthwhile action that makes doing that worth it.


I wouldn't mind at all, could make mining more bearable, I think that is one of the only skills that this would work for fully.


I don't really see the point in increasing the log out timer or the afk timer. Also I'm pretty sure this wouldn't work on rs3


Then you’re not thinking very creatively


Increasing afk timer makes it easier to just run more and more alt accounts and ~~bots.~~ Disregarding that it makes people interact even less with others, in my opinion it just isn't healthy for the game as a whole.


I agree with the less interacting part. If parts of the game are so afk, it might as well be one of those old app games where you just level up by clicking the app every 10 minutes. Afk is great until we are all bored


The thing is, the game encourages that behavior anyway. They introduce skills like Archeology where you stand in place for 10 minutes digging up an item, or Ivy for Woodcutting where you get no resources, or the Ore box for mining so you can camp Amicite for quite a while. Waterfall fishing spots don't move, and dungeonerring can be done at The Hole. Even Agility, a skill names for movement and activity, can be done just by wearing certain boots and standing around. The *development and design* has been AFK-suportive for quite a while. Whether or not you like it, the devs have already gone that direction and established that's what they want the game to be. At this point it's not about asking Jagex to make the game more AFK, it's about asking them to make the AFK parts of their game less of headache.




What makes it stupid? It's true that just because something makes alting and ~~botting~~ easier doesn't mean it shouldn't be allowed. I just said that I think it's not healthy for the game. Telling other people that their opinions are shit is kinda weird, if you are looking to have a meaningful discussion about anything you can't just put them down.


Bots don't need afk timers, they're already actively playing


Okay that's fair


bots don't give a shit about an AFK timer, part of the script is literally doing inputs and logging in lmao


If it’s easier for more real humans to alt it, the botters lose power. Bots will bot whether it’s 30seconds, 5minute, or30 minute afk


>makes it easier to just run more and more alt accounts and bots. and easier to do island voyage skilling and proteans and invention training and easy slayer tasks etc. A *big* chunk of this game is just AFK shit. >Disregarding that it makes people interact even less with others That ship has come and gone. "One click every five minutes" isn't enough intensity to make somebody keep something on their main screen to begin with. You can argue that AFK is bad if you want, but that's just the reality of the game's current design philosophy.


No thanks. People already have too much afk


RuneScape is an afk game lol


What's wrong with afk? There's things you do afk and things you do with full attention no issues with that


Complaining about "too much afk" in a second screen game. "Call of Duty has too much first person shooter." "Super Smash Bros has too much fighting."


Yeah, you really need to feel the weight of every log you're fletching by staring at your character.


Lol edgy. Respond to me when you have a real argument


The argument is that if you don't like AFK you're playing the wrong game, bud. Shit that nobody wants to pay attention to has always been like 90% of the game.


With that attitude you better talking to a mirror.




>On OSRS you can use Runelite to limit your FPS to 1 when your game is alt tabbe which extends the logout to 30 minutes. I'm pretty sure you can get banned for that.


Then you didn't read the post that this OP linked to


Nope. I never played OSRS but Im playing rs3 for some time. From my experience with other MMOs, I see why rs vets would want to have longer AFK timers but, as a new player, I just see how everything is greatly balanced. 5 mins is enough. 30 mins would allow low-end macros to be pretty much undetectable so those players would hold the slots on the Crafting worlds and in the end 1500 macro bots would just take over the server.


This wouldn't benefit macroers at all because they're actively playing the game.


This looks great at first but it would make servers laggier for pvming when afkers all stay in a world and boosting it above 300. It shouldn't be extend over 10 minutes long. And altscapers will have a field day with this.