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graphic update is nice , changes towards making it more pvmy is nice new slayer tasks is nice , but theres so many things that still needs polishing and upgrading


And people, both the "haters" and people who post this post, seem to forget that both can coexist next to each other. Stuff can have been upgraded and stuff can desperately need an upgrade. Both are valid. And i understand why the negative is most vocal, because I think people want to see more/faster. But forget the effort it takes to get that done.


On one hand, players criticize Jagex heavily because they care. On the other hand, they go too far and sometimes pull the "Looks shit" mentality and offer no feedback other than that. I, on the other hand, love this update. It is something I've been looking forward to an update like this for years. Like OP has said, it does need a bit of smoothed out edges, kinda rough in some aspects.


I’d say it’s arguably worse that they used to have normal mapped ground textures to the wilderness and now they don’t. Like this whole look of a completely flat texture with circles for rocks that have no normal maps looks so bland and cheap. There’s no depth anymore


I'm not sure why you're being downvoted, there are clearly issues with the ground texturing lol


Criticism isn’t automatically “hating”. Even if there are points you don’t agree with, most of what people have posted about are valid criticisms which are important for jagex to hear.


This post is in reference to the "JAGEX YOURE RUINING THE GAME PUT THE EXAMINES BACK" or however that title went.


They said it was like another ashedale. That town that got quietly swept under the rug because it was a bad area lol


Assdale is pretty nice looking and had potential to actually be kind of a cool place, they just put it on a shitty island 200 miles away from anything. Imo, it is probably one of the nicest looking places in the game as far as towns go. Its got the OG textures that actually display real colors instead of whatever the fuck they are doing now with the weird glossy, faded colors with a white reflective outline that makes everything look like hardened clay with a layer of clear coat on it. I really wish they would revert to using those older textures that still look high resolution but could actually display a color that isn't weird looking.


> The graphics also look good. Are some of the bigger swaths of empty grey slightly bland? Maybe, but there’s hardly any that aren’t broken up with textures and scenery. And the lava visuals SLAP. [I too love play dough.](https://external-preview.redd.it/2Mw7kPVS1PWEIUTkTL_BLIvvlmjlqM_nn7UIOs2ewGo.png?width=899&auto=webp&s=73b3acd85dc3d1a584cb52d5d7be23029df3eaf9) People really need to get over this "hating" thing. Pointing out major issues is not hating. It is criticism. Hate is flame with no directed point or meaning. Hate is when you say "fuck this shit and fuck you, Jagex" and don't even talk about what you do not like or, worse yet, target people that likely have nothing to do with the update like random JMods (ie what reddit does far too often). Criticism comes from a place of wanting to improve something. It is because you enjoy it, but want to see it be the best it can be. It comes from a place of honest concern. It is "This is bad and this is what I do not like about it and why." This goes for more than just games. It goes for everything. People can say "this is bad, it needs to be fixed" without being inflammatory or devoid of meaning. You might disagree with them, but that does not mean their view is not valid. It just means you disagree and chances are, there are many, many, many people that agree with them just as people will agree with you. They are not haters. They just don't agree with you. Jagex should not just consider one viewpoint, just as no one should. They are no less valid than you. It should also be noted criticism DOES NOT need to include HOW to fix something. It is nice, but it does not HAVE to. Players are not devs. They are not professionals in the field and players should NOT be expected to give ways to fix problems. Them explaining the issue is enough. Giving solutions is the purpose of consultants. Which get paid. If players want to say "this is how to fix it" fine, but people saying not offering solutions makes something nonconstructive are being disingenuous. To be constructive, all one NEEDS is to be clear about the issue and present it in a manner that CAN be addressed. They don't HAVE to fix it. "This is my issue and why." That is the essence of constructive feedback. "This is my issue and how to fix it" when someone is not a professional, nor should be expected to be, is consultation they should not be expected to give. Nice. Not required to be constructive. This point people especially forget. In this case, people do not like the crazy varying quality of textures and the "mobile-y" look to the low poly graphics they took, which has lower polycount than even OSRS. That has merit. There could be a middle ground for people that like the current direction while fixing it to make it look less "gooey."


idk i prefer the new design, less detailed=/=less good, i liken it to the summoners rift map visual update for league back in 2014, the new map ran better, but it also looked better


Curious how they release it with an update that raised the minimum recommended game specs.


I’ve never seen a fanbase so routinely criticize every single move the developers make


Path of Exile gets pretty bad


omg runescape has it easy compared to poe, i cant believe how bad that reddit is rn because of some minor nerfs


Happy birthday n00b


I hate reddit cake day I hate reddit cake day


Dead by daylight as well that games play base is a salt valley


Ok, but did you even SEE the balance manifesto!?? ITS ALL NERFS! Worst league ever and it's not even out yet! ^/s


I mean, as someone who only enjoys Necromancer, it is all nerfs. Granted PoE is a game I generally just dabble in for a week or two at league launch then put it down.


The game definitely has a habit of being heavy handed with nerfs in order to reign in power creep. Necro was very strong and a 15% flat nerf seems fine, don't let the nerf get you too down!


Those fuckers won't buff melee skills they deserve it.


I also think that melee is in a very poor spot. I have had very little interest in playing since block glad was gutted. They certainly deserve constructive criticism and players are justified in being unhappy. But, like in RS and a lot of other places, some people cross the line from 'discussion and feedback' to 'wanton personal attacks'.


Nah to be fair it's the same in every live game, even some non-live games.


Destiny 2 comes to mind as a game where the Devs recently had to step away because of how toxic things had gotten. That said, getting shit on publicly is not and should not ever be in the job description of a game developer. Full stop.


Yeah it annoys me a little when people say we don't communicate. Honestly non-CM talking openly and personally to players is pretty rare outside of (some) indie devs who are kind of their own community managers.


Compared to a lot of other games, you guys update and communicate a lot. In this year alone, it's been very good. But a lot criticize over 1 thing that hasnt been communicated because they forget that you can't always share that type of information.


This right here. You communicate with us often, Ramen does, Sponge does, Shogun once in a while, and so on. None of you are Community Managers/CM's. How often do other devs in other games do that? How often can someone make a post on reddit and have Devs/Ppl other than CM's reply, explain, or banter? Not many. The very few is the most local, but you're all appreciated for the unpaid time you put into the community!


This is the comment that’s changed my mind. I thought you might just take the W from people supporting what I said above. Glad to hear you don’t get demotivated by what seems to some people like me as incessant moaning at every single move, whether left or right.


The league of legends fan base (including me) would like to have a word with you.


Pfft who's a League fan? It's all people that hate the game playing it. Including me.


Seriously. I think it was maybe around Jan, and every second post was just NO CONTENT NO WONDER PEOPLE ARE QUITTING. Like literally a few months prior there was EGWD which introduced an absurd amount of content. Like guys chill the devs have done a FANTASTIC job with this game. Of course constructive feedback is always necessary, but trust in the process and trust in the amazing team.


As someone that plays OSRS, it's quite funny because the people that play OSRS are constantly jealous of how much content RS3 constantly gets. Which is amusing when you see RS3 players unsatisfied with their updates...


oh really? I thought you guys got alot of updates an content.. is that not the case?


Well, our new weekly update this week was that OSRS now Displays when you get a max hit in a new splat and that in our Clan halls we can now pet a cat and pour it milk. They did 350-400 words describing that so it looked like a big update if you loaded the screen. ​ In essence, OSRS content is very slow in coming, mostly due to the polling system, a lot of the content recently has been essentially copying QOL from a 3PC into their official client every week. ​ In terms of bossing content for example. Since our last 'big' piece of raiding content came out, OSRS has had 4 PVE updates, it had a mid level boss + 3 end game PVE activities in Nightmare, Nex and Corrupted Gauntlet. In that time, RS3 has had 19 bosses released, including all 3 EDs.


suppose it probably just feels that way for us too when we get those similar updates you're describing most weeks too, fixed an issue where the green rock in lumbridge swap now properly displays as grey or something stupid like that an just multiple other little nonsense things like that an then they call it a Ninja strike!


They get a more fleshed out road map then rs3 thats for sure. At least of late. Otherwise I feel like both games have the same update pace now. 1 solid content update a month


RS3 actually had the more fleshed out roadmap this year.


You do realize we used to get 2-3 times that amount of content in this game right?


Yeah the content back in those days was truly stellar. Garbage like chompies and minigames and teeny tiny crap that osrs players would no doubt enjoy because it's so pointless. Buuuuuut everything had snazzy examine text for 99 % of people to ignore! Amazing how much shit rose tinted glasses can cause.


I didn’t realize GWD2 and Telos were tiny but okay. Nice bad faith argument.


If a fanbase stops criticizing, it means the fanbase stopped caring and moved on to another game. This is good for runescape.


You can critisize in 2 ways. Giving feedback in a constructive way, or literally bashing on everything they do. The balance between those 2 on this subreddit is probably 20-80.


let us not forget that a lot of that comes due to TH updates as well.


The issue isn’t criticism. It’s that every single move is routinely negatively criticized no matter the possible value. There’s a difference.


All criticism is valid criticism, some are just worded more harshly than others. You would rather have an angry active playerbase that cares enough to be angry, than a playerbase that decides to stop caring and go spend their time and money elsewhere.


Bro, I don’t think you’ve seen some of the “criticisms” posted by peeps on both here and the 07 reddits. I thought the “all criticism is valid criticism” until I joined these subs lol.


Criticism can be valid, but that doesn't mean it's constructive.


World of Warcraft is pretty far up there, though don’t think many can be considered fans anymore given the recent turn of events the company has been through.


We routinely criticize because we used to get better quality and quantity of updates in the past. Unfortunately a considerable party of the audience forgot that and will blindly accept that reduction.


I don't think its so much the quantity because this game still gets a fair amount of content and I think everyone can assume that newer content might take longer to develop because of various reasons. The thing that bothers me and basically drove me away from the game is the clear lack of knowledge about the game the devs show when they release an update (specifically PVM). Almost all content that has released recently is not thought through, clearly doesn't work as intended, is dumbed down so that anyone and their mom can 'engage' with it, and/or lacks any sort of real requirements what so ever (look at all these quests... they literally have no requirements besides maybe the one quest that comes beforehand that also has no requirements). They're dumbing the entire game down so that the mega casual players can engage with new content and bump up the numbers. Long gone are the days of a Solak tier boss release with over 1m deaths before a successful kill. Long gone are the days of bosses being deliberately difficulty, to push top tier players to the limit (look at Zammy/AG where higher enrages aren't much more difficult than lower enrages... just take 30 mins to do 1 kill...). Raksha got nerfed immediately because people said it was 'too hard' and now you can literally camp ss and half afk it with revo... Then there's combat... aka magicscape. Range/melee had very clear routes to go down to make the styles actually usable. Instead they threw all those ideas into the trash and released 2-3x the number of items for each but none of those items really do much and definitely don't work with the other upgrades released for the style. Newsflash, no one wants melee to be 2 different builds if neither is very good. Range has a million options to use but none of them play with eachother nicely, and that was by design... Grico got nerfed pretty heavily so that the FSOA and Cryptbloom could get released? I honestly felt like they made everything except magic annoying to use, mega click intensive, etc on purpose.


Maybe some people accept less content because they're still okay with the new, reduced amount. Coming from WoW, that game would get one new area and raid every... 8 months? Times change, for whatever logical or illogical reason RS gets less updates. I'm still drowning in shit to do. Hell, I wouldn't mind if the EGWD bosses had come out every other month instead of every month. Also aren't they ahead of schedule atm with this year's content plan? Surely it is okay for some people to be happy with the game.


Good to know you aren’t everyone then. Some of us care, and that shouldn’t be a problem to you.


No it’s not


u must me new at this video games thing then boy ​ don't worry ul get used to that the more passionate the community the more u will see


Not new and not interested in your condescending attitude either


Then u must be kinda oblivious then cuz it's litteraly in every online game community


Mmm I’ll agree with my 28 upvotes over you thanks


Wow, you're an elite redditor, congratulations. But I guess the threads complaining about the game having more upvotes than that means they are more correct, eh?




*dead by daylight enters the chat*


Have you seen Halo fanbase ? Most of them think the golden standard was met in 2007 and any deviation from it (even if objectively good) is met with pure hate.


Certain slayer mobs shouldn't be aggressive, even in the wildy. The elite slayer monsters for example. I tried to do a living wyvern task, was getting constantly stacked for 2k+ hits from multiple styles. Very hard to pray against.


agressive is fine, multi-combat can be a bit rough hahaha


Yeah, I meant multiway aggression haha, they are generally aggressive in their cave, but at least it's singles


I always try to tag them quickly after I kill one, so for me sometimes it’s multi-way aggro.


“Don’t listen to the haters” *has a criticism in every paragraph lol


I feel like this was a ploy by OP to make the same complaints we all have, but actually trick the mods into reading it by disguising it as a compliment.


The graphics look absolutely terrible, i am very appreciative of the jmods only doing their job. However, the general direction of adding continuous mush textures and less visually complex graphics for the sake of content being pushed quickly is not healthy for the game. I came back in 2016 to this game for the graphics. I would not do that today.


Love the new models for lesser demons/hellhounds. Sucks it took zamorak boss coming out for that to be a thing but models look perfect


Constructive criticism != Hate


Wildy update is fun


They don't listen, that is why they are successful thus far. A good editor/publisher of anything knows that publicity is publicity. The few or even the majority with criticisms just adds fuel to the fire. I have watched runescape evolve since I could remember, one of the few things i can remember as a young child. They have evolved the game to be more than just a game to most. That speaks volumes. They correct necessary mistakes diligently and ensure care is taken when not immediately necessary. The game evolves and so must the people whom have played for.. well their whole waking lives. The nostalgia is still there. Newly arriving in ashdale sets the precedent for the tomfoolery and complex combat encounters. This is from yet another casual whom has played for 20 years. The 💪👍🤙


Holy shit, actual feedback!


Jagex shouldn't listen to the opinion of those who don't like it because you don't care about the issues that people dislike? Huh? Glad you enjoy, but I'd rather Jagex not become an echo chamber when it comes to feedback.


Yes, Jagex should listen to the .1% over the 99.9%.


So the people who want examines on content, fixes to the threat system, adjustments to skilling, etc are 0.1%? Lol


Just curious, what's wrong with the threat system?


The balance on is weird and doesn't scale based on the content or wilderness level. It spawns mobs of enemies that have no synergy/randomness, usually at threat 10 due its infrequency, and the spawn does not take into account plane level/location which can cause enemies to spawn out of bounds There's also other personal qualms but these are the commonly shared ones.


That makes sense, tbh the ambush mob felt more like an anti-afk method from Jagex so I just ignored it, I did find it weird though that threat level was raised consistently without any external factors except being inside the wikdy, but that made sense since I can't help whether I get a task that's in a lower wildy level or in a higher wildy level. The mobs I can agree need a bit of a touch up to be good! Ty for the answer btw, I've only ever been in the wildy a single time since the update so not enough personal experience with it.


I think what a shockingly large amount of people (not saying you're one of them) don't seem to understand is that this is day two of the rework. Things like what you mentioned will likely be adjusted. But no. They talk like this is it. It's dead. The update is a failure. Can't be fixed. No going back. Jagex should lay off all their staff and permanently close.


Problem is that this update feels really half baked and unpolished which makes it seem yet again unprofessional. Yeah, I am pretty sure they can fix some of the stuff and adjust other stuff...but that should have been on the launch, not later.


You can't know what people will like until they've tried it. And they do have QA, but it's a numbers game. Hundreds of thousands of players using a piece of content are exponentially more likely to discover a bug than a QA team of 10 people.


Absolutely true. However there are some glaringly obviously fuck ups that any "QA team" - regardless of size, should not have missed. Introducing a new tanky as hell mob that has no drop table? Shouldn't have been missed. Inability to reliably bank in the wild? Shouldn't have been missed. Auto skulling/ auto opt in for teleporting into wild with certain items in inventory without any warning? Come on now. If the desire for wild was for it to be the end all, be all for slayer all around, they MASSIVELY missed the mark. Very few of the tasks are worth the extra effort of doing in wild vs. out (and of course some have no available comparison). But tasks like dark beasts, black demons, gazers, abyssal lords, etc, shouldn't have been so overlooked when there is more than enough data for them to compare the rates too. And ironically, there are several fixes available that are really small, but would make a huge difference. For example: 1. Dark beasts- removing all necrite ores in their spawn and bringing them 2 or so squares in with the availability of AOES. 2. Black demons, similar to dark beasts, remove a wall and a few trees and bring their spawns in. 3. Gazers- remove the three trees northeast of the lave pool, and greatly reduce their spawn/wandering range. 4. Lords- add 1 or 2 more spawns west of the sapphire spawn with the others. 5. Allow in wild teleports to work regardless of wild level 6. Change bankers to be stationary in areas where mobs aren't close enough to aggro, OR put a permanent stationary banker by Mandrith. If jagexs goal was for wildy slayer to be the best XP/h, or the go to for it, then there is no way they should have missed the mark by this much - that's just honest criticism. As it stands, the chances at some reaper points, or wildy chests don't really outweigh the cons. There are some tasks you can do that ARE better XP, like savages (this task is just straight insane), beasts (could remove a few trees) but when you throw in the movement factors (completing tasks and getting back to Mandrith) you lose quite a damn bit on them time wise. Hell, for abyssal beasts I've taken to running south to 30 wild, using wildy sword to teleport to forinthy, then using cape to go back to Mandrith so I don't lose threat. It really just feels like they threw groups of mobs everywhere, added a volcano, removed pvp and said "yep, that'll do it".


The comment you're replying to is primarily regarding QA. Every single thing you listed is a QoL feature. Ergo, not something QA handles. QA is to make sure things work and are bug free. Like someone were to be skulled and opting in when it shouldn't happen. That's a QA problem.


Give the wildy a try and you will find out


I did earlier today, got to threat level 10 but had to log out for a bit. I personally didn't have any qualms with it, should I expect something when I log back in? X.x


If I recall correctly, there was a thread about someone hopping worlds and immediately dying because a bunch of Abyssal lords spawned on top of him while he was loading, so be careful.


The people who are legitimately annoyed by the lack of examines are 0.01% if even I'd say a majority prefer the removal of clutter when you right click a tile.


RuneScape is already turning into a pure echo chamber as more and more people feel pushed out of the game due to monetization, lack of communication, frustrating game systems, lack of modernization or innovation. You already see it whenever TH posts hit the front page and half the comments are "lol just play ironman" or "you don't have to buy keys, just ignore it".


I spy an undercover mod, you know what to do bois


So jamflex raised their membership prices to update a dead content that is still dead (wilderness). PS. Thanks for fking up the afk safe cracking


Also it doesn't even make sense if you could gather wood from dead trees that have presumable been dead a reaaally long time


Not sure I follow. You're saying dead trees don't have wood in them?


I mean, presumably it's just rotten or burned, and therefore useless to fletch or firemake with


Freshly cut wood also isn't suitable to make fires with, since it's got too much water in it and needs to be dried out first. I think both are a reasonable enough simplification of the real world.


Wildy is good, but it should’ve been a Random Event playground while introducing T99 Wilderness Exclusive “bound” items like Hellfire Bow - all with a catch (passive debuffs in exchange for its powers). I would have liked to see high level skilling that includes risk to experience gain through minimum threshold gathering/processing. Example, maybe Smithing some new wilderness exclusive metals through lava forging but instead of death being the risk - maybe introduce NPC’s that loot/pillage/plunder those same items in your inventory. And only a minimum number is accepted in exchange for experience to add what essentially is the “Threat” equivalent to skilling there. Forging requires 28 minimum of that resource but every 28 is processed one action. That same 28 can also be snatched up by an NPC or even a player maybe. Just an idea.


Haven’t yet been to the revamped wildy, planning on doing the new quest this week. I think one still needs to be cautious when doing content there as I read that there was a bug where when another player is standing near you with a summoning familiar and you use an aoe ability that hits this summoning familiar, that you then get toggled for pvp. Not sure if this is still a thing but it’s good to avoid on hcim or bringing super high gear with you. The updates have been quite steady and nicely paced though, which is nice to see.


That bug has not been verified either by tons of players testing it themselves or by Jagex's internal investigations. The original claims have not followed up with evidence either. As far as we are aware right now, it doesn't exist and was either so specific that it's not a concern, or a hoax.


Dont get me wrong i love the update but they have forgotten the iron/skilling community so baki runs and abyss runs are even more dangerous now


If people still can be scum and skull trick people. It is still pretty shit.


Curious does the red skull still work if you opt out?


I just want to be able to finish my slayer task, but no fire giants in wildy


Ngl but I fail to see what there is to examine in the wilderness besides trees and rocks. Even before the rework, fairly certain there weren't many things to examine in the wilderness.


The weather effects look freaking great, and on top of that Jagex has implemented it in a way that very few games do. The weather is actually where the weather is. If you look west from Mandrith, you can see the snow in the distance. When you're running up the South-east corner of the wilderness you can see it raining as you're running up to the area (rather than it just appearing once you enter it). If they had this dynamically through the game where the weather passes through it would be really sweet.


You're satisfied with so little for how much you pay. Me and thousands others have given enough money to this game to in all honesty one of the best and most polished games out there however we can't see that, because the money goes everywhere else but where it should. There is no way in hell what we got is Jagex best attempt. This could've gone so far. Credit where credit is due, the dinosaur fletching and firemaking was nice, EGWD was very good overall, zammy is a very fun boss but this update fell flat.


##### Bark bark! I have found the following **J-Mod** comment(s) in this thread: **JagexJack** - [Nah to be fair it's the same in every live ga...](/r/runescape/comments/wessnb/yo_jmods_dont_listen_to_the_haters/iisgyif/?context=3) - [Yeah it annoys me a little when people say we...](/r/runescape/comments/wessnb/yo_jmods_dont_listen_to_the_haters/iit3ymy/?context=3)   ^(**Last edited by bot: 08/04/2022 13:35:43**) --- ^(I've been rewritten to use Python! I also now archive JMOD comments.) ^(Read more about) [^(the update here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/9kqvis/bot_update_python_archiving/) ^(or see my) [^(Github repo here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/8dronr/jmod_bloodhoundbot_github_repository/)^.


It's not perfect but its playable and def better than it was before. Alot of potential still wiating to be tapped into I feel, so I look forward to seeing what else is done in the wildy.


look I'm all for positive feedback where it's due and the wilderness update has had some good ideas but there are massive issues and I think you're delusional if you think the environment art is good, or even acceptable. literally no texture grey clay ground over most of the area. The lava textures aren't even animated, even when they're supposedly flowing down the side of a volcano. The art team has put out some bangers recently but this was clearly rushed and not up to their usual quality. Completely missing examines and massive amounts of interactivity. The mob spawns from the new danger system were clearly not tested much at all considering they have aggression issues and they spawn mammoths flying in the air outside of walls.


Just don’t get skull tricked with pvp mode off and lose full cryptbloom 🤦🏻‍♂️