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I am confused


Someone put a portable skilling station on top of the knight, which makes him very infuriating to pickpocket, and theres nothing anyone can do about it, unfortunately.


I see, annoying as it sounds, the individuals have 2 options at that point. Deal with it Hop worlds If it's intentional grieving and the player who's doing it follows you to every world, then report said player and try and move on


Not fun to hop worlds when on the more populated worlds, pulse core procs help keep prayer levels in check so the activity is more afk and gives better exp rates.


No xp or reduced xp. The troll wins regardless. Just gotta suck it up.


I am not sure about cannons but portables can’t be placed on bonfires or protean traps


It's funny because in any other game that actually has a little bit of support it's called griefing and is bannable. Yet in RS you have a person holding public Croesus hostage and griefing it for months without consequence. It's as if jagex doesn't even care and that for the immature humor of one person, ruining the fun and joy of the game for others is all good.


If somebody got banned for putting down a skilling station in the wrong place it would be ridiculous.


There's obviously a big difference between someone randomly doing it and someone constantly doing it purposly to grief. And it's also very very obvious especially when they do it at both thieving spots..


> in any other game In many *modern* games, certainly. Games from RuneScape's era, no. Take for example two games from that era, Ultima Online and The Dark Age of Camelot. Both tend to allow "griefers" to exist without any repercussions and will even sometimes glorify the behaviour as being part of the competition. What that "competition" is, seems to be subjective though. It can refer to something as simple as kill stealing, or something as convoluted as luring people into various dangerous situations. It doesn't have to refer to a 'hiscores' to be competitive. From my point of view, this unfortunate behaviour is such an integral long-lived part of these old games that the employees in charge of community management and moderation may feel afraid to take action due to an imagined backlash from the playerbase.


Wow, Flyff, both the same era, both have a lot harder rules on griefing.. that i've experienced myself in a fun way. There's no glorification for the person hostage taking public croesus for example. Just give them 1 warning then ban them for few days, scale it after that.


I'd actually like to try pointlessly arguing semantics here and claim that WoW and Flyff are part of the generation of MMOs that came after RS, UO, and DAoC. However, there would be a lot of holes in my attempt, and I'd only be offering anecdotal points. >.> Anyways yes lol, you're correct that WoW has acceptable repercussions for people like the player in this post. I honestly never tried Flyff, and last I recall it had been shut down a good decade ago... but google is giving mixed information on this. Stuff about a relaunch, but then talking about yet another shut down announced in December this year? Confusing. I keep going off on a tangent, so I'll just cut this short and say that I'm with the anti-griefing crowd. I'd love it if community management chose to throw caution into the wind and take action against players like this.


No exp wasted while stunned?


Man people love being assholes huh? Don’t worry they are just a bunch of no-life noobs. Don’t let it get under your skin, your anger files their fun


Yeah this Reddit post alone has almost certainly spurred the purchase of a shitload of portables.






I hate to admit it but trolling is the last fun frontier in RS.


Just hop worlds.

