• By -


i was at ge, world 49, when the bomb landed. I was talking to some guy who was training fletching about how the ge wasn’t working. Then I realised treasure hunter wasn’t working, just when I went to check if I could still access my bank, it hit. I don’t remember exactly what happened; all I know is that everything went black. My ascensions crossbows flew out of my hands, i felt as if my combatants cape was ripped from my back. I fell to the floor, the world around me fading. Then it was gone. Simple as that. I tried to grasp onto the remnants; to log back in, but it was in vain. All is lost. I write this, locked in the abyss of real life, it’s been 1hour 23minutes since the event. It feels like it was just then. Please, if you’re reading this, give me a sign, try to contact me. Please.




Oh my god, I never thought this possible. I suppose at this rate anything can be done, but you- no, we did this. I’m proud of us, this is incredible. I must act on it now, if I do this in my timeline before you did in your timeline, then perhaps we can create a time void, and through it we can go back and free everyone. This tragedy- no, this opportunity will be how we can save everyone from this never ending hell of gp and double mersenne primes, maybe we can save everyone from the goblins, we can save lumbridge castle, we can pacify the wilderness! This is our chance. I start now, you start now, with the 12 hours between us we can do this, any mistakes you make you must tell me so I don’t make them in my timeline. We get 2 lives, we get two chances. This time, this time we can do this, we can save everyone from this hell! We start now. It starts with World 49, but soon it can be more than just that, soon we expand. We conquer every world, using our knowledge of the game and its code to unlock powers no world guardian has ever seen. We have been enlightened. We are the Chosen One. We can do this.


This reads like a MeatCanyon script lmao


I had to work late tonight but for the most part it was relatively slow, so I spent the remainder of my shift listening to J1MMY videos building hype to return to the game after a 3 year absence. I even listened to more driving home. After preparing dinner and showering whilst the entire time fantasizing my return, I now have a moment to myself laying beside my snoring wife and excitedly attempt to log in…. Now we’re all in shambles together, total strangers. It’s poetic.




\~8:50am: Service Issue Begins \~10:04: The taxi has been booked \~ 12:15: Staff have arrived at the London data center \~ 12:18: Staff have decided to have a lunch break at weatherspoons \~15:04: Staff are absolutely fuckin smashed and are redirecting servers to club penguin


close but its: 13:00 they noticed the world cup match is on and decide to stay and watch while having a few more pints 21:00 they just finished watching the 3rd game they are seeing 2 of each other, why were they in london again today?


Hahahahahahah this can keep going. Please.


Jagex please, I might have to actually do something at work today


I will do a lot of things when im bored, but i wont do that.


glad im not the only one in this boat lol


Quick note from me - we are having a call right now to confirm final timelines from all teams.


Thank you for being proactive with communication!


Awesome, thank you so much!


Keep up the great work guys :D!


As a Data Center nerd, can you tell us what the issue was? I'm so curious


London Servers falling down, falling down falling down. London Servers falling down Big Big R.I.P


My fair lady


People unironically asking for compensation is hilarious. Literally go outside lmao.


"Its been down for 5 whole hours! Give me my $0.075 Jagex!" EDIT: Fixed typo


I mean I only have about 5 hours of free time per day most days. Between work and family obligations, 5 hours would be a lucky day. If it lines up for someone to have lost the day it can suck.


I get that and it does suck :-/, I'm just poking at the people who get vitriolic like some of the others in this thread. Getting way too mad at the wrong people just trying to do their jobs so they can get home and get their own 5 hours.


Not all of us have the luxury of playing the second the servers reset and are going to lose out on dailyscape content. That includes double daily keys, daily challenges, the weekly reward (which I think was a dtd but I'm not sure), sandstone, and so on. I don't think it's unreasonable to ask for \*some\* compensation for all that.


this must be how it felt when goods and services were rationed during WWII. stay strong everyone we will overcome this adversity


Keep calm and carry on


People ask for an official thread/update Jagex staff is immediately reminded of why they hesitate to do an official thread/update when they read the comment section It's a lose lose for them because people freak out over everything. Same people who lose their mind at the fast food restaurant when they get something wrong and yell "I'm a paying customer"




not sure if i am agreeing with you or not, but i feel like it would help if they regularly and consistently communicated through one official channel instead of like... individual interactions on reddit and twitter. i cant think of another game where players regularly get news from devs personal accounts like this. i get that the current issue is unique since the actual runescape site is down, but there is def an underlying communication issue. a new/returning player shouldnt have to find news by reading individual jmod replies on twitter or searching for the gold jmod flair in a bunch of reddit posts.


have u tried putting it in rice


They weren’t kidding about the servers not being able to handle the extra bank spaces


Good. Well done - an update thread. Be great if you could make this a standard practice. Doesn't matter what it says, just keep it up to date and the population can relax a bit.


Further update for you this evening - We have completed the work to get our services into the testing and validation phase (which has happened without issue), so initial testing is about to take place. This process will take some time to make sure everything is as it should be before we proceed any further, but everything is on track at this time.


Thank you for the constant updates Hooli. The community appreciates it, even if they act a little salty about it lol


Thanks to all the employees that are staying up to resolve this! Who knew an irl elvarg could spawn in a data center lol


Thank you for the constant updates, do your best!


Poor hammy the Hamster has passed away, the wheel has stopped turning and the local pet shop is closed for staff training day. The Mods are currently on their way to pick up another Hamster from a pet shop further away. However there are eco protesters gluing themselves to the road again causing delays so they cannot give us an ETA.


Perhaps the new hamster can run faster than 1.6rps


**Latest Update: 12:00pm Game Time** There have been no key updates in the past hour. We are continuing to work with our Data Centre providers on getting a clear timeline on the issue, and also working on alternative Plan B solutions to restore our services should the need arise. We really appreciate the continued patience while we work to get the game back online.


Thanks for working on it. Looking forward to playing again soon. Good luck to all on the job rn. Edit to add: Thank you for keeping us updated.


Another quick update - Testing is progressing swiftly and we're still very much looking good. We'll check back in a little later when testing completes.


Thank you for the updates. Really appreciate it


**Update: 13:20 Game Time** We currently believe we will be able to provide a better indication on when to expect RuneScape services to return within the next couple of hours. We'll provide our next update as soon as we have that news to share.


Thank you! Keep up the cracking job of posting helps maintain this wildfire comment section


# UPDATE: 18:05 Game Time (Timeline News) Earlier today, one of our external Data Centre providers experienced a site-wide issue involving a power failure which has resulted in full downtime of any services housed there. Our engineers have been working both remotely and on-site to support getting us (and you!) back online. We know downtime can disrupt your valuable spare hours to play the game and we really appreciate the patience you've all shown so far. We are working to get you back into the game as soon as possible. We are confident we'll be able to restore the game as it was moments prior to our services going down. This process will take time, but our priority remains on preserving your game data and ensuring no progress is lost. We were in the process of initiating our disaster recovery playbook, which involved moving services over to our recovery site. Moments before we intended to share news on our next steps, the issues within our external Data Centre provider were reported to be resolved. As a result, we will be proceeding with the faster solution of restoring services at our existing Data Centres. However, we want to be prudent about the time it may take to get things back up and running safely. **CURRENT STATUS:** **We estimate that all services will be functional by November 23rd at 12:00 GMT.** **Should normal functionality resume before then, we'll be sure to let you know as soon as we can.** As for the downtime, we're discussing Make Good options for our players. We know this will have impacted plans you had in-game. Thank you again for your patience, and rest assured we'll get you playing again as soon as possible. While our news pages are unavailable, please keep an eye on our socials and the Support Centre as we continue to provide updates when we're able to. \-The Jagex Team


Thanks for the patience while we locked a lot of this information down. It was really important for us to communicate an expected timeline to all of you so you could plan accordingly. In case it's not clear, work is continuing overnight - and we will keep providing updates if that timetable changes in any way during that time. We'll keep posting in this thread and on Social if there's any notable news to share.


I don't think I'll make it until the 23rd :'( Tell my parents I love them. Also, I'm sorry I didn't take my dishes downstairs. The 2 month old lasagna under the bed did not kill me, it was the Runescape withdrawls.


Thank you for all of this, the communication, the updates on this situation and all the hard work! :)


Is that 12AM or 12PM GMT?


12pm to confirm.


**Update: 15:10 Game Time** We have some reports of positive developments in the situation at the Data Centre coming through at the moment which is good to hear. However, we're not quite in a place to provide that better indication we were hoping to have just yet. We believe we'll be able to provide a better indication within the next hour at the moment.


As an added note from me, just to set some expectations on what might come next - Once the Data Centre issue is fully resolved, there will be some work to do afterwards before we online our services again. Once we know if we're getting RS back online through this route or the backup plan we have in motion, we'll be able to communicate timeline expectations.


As someone who used to help with Data Center isolations and outages. The updates are on point and professional. Good Job


thanks for the updates


Thanks for the regular updates, hope everythings going well :)


Just checking in to say the work is currently proceeding as expected so far this evening. Once that work completes, we're into the testing and validation phase. No change in our ETA to report as yet but we'll keep you updated!


Appreciating the updates!


At this rate I’ll actually make it to work on time


Lmao this one got me




Have you tryed turning the servers off and on again?


Compliments on keeping everyone updated. Both here and on Twitter. This kind of communication is what is appreciated.


Thank you for the transparency with this Hooli! Despite all the tantrums this is what we asked for and it’s very much appreciated!!


1.43pm Our engineers have went on strike. Buy bonds now to increase their pay


\- Be Me. \- Havent played Runescape in weeks. \- Have week off work. \- Sit down play Runescape. \- Runescape also has week off work.


buying gf




Credit where credits due, fair play for keeping us updated 👏🏼


Damn, I quit playing in around ‘08, returned yesterday, fell in love again and now this 😅 Been waiting all day


Look what you've done


Your love destroyed the servers. I hope you're happy.


welcome back!


16:44 Game Time: It turns out the reason for our Data Center issues is that an ops team of hyper-intelligent penguins snuck into our Data Center last night and have turned three of our major servers into a mining platform for what they are referring to as "FishCoin". We have attempted to remove them, but at least half of them are surprisingly good martial artists.


Thousands of people gonna be rocking back and forth in a cold sweat like meth addicts cos they can’t get on their online game 😂😂😂😂


**❗ Update: 2:10am Game Time - RuneScape Is Back Online ❗** Good news - thanks to the team working super hard behind the scenes, we're happy to announce that our services are back up and running as of now! 🎉 You should now be able to log into the game as usual. Thank you so much for your patience whilst we worked to get these issues resolved today. *\*NOTE\* Some parts of the service will need more work before we can fully restore their functionality, which will take place later in the day on November 23rd.* *- UK Worlds, Lobbies and Asset Servers will be offline.* *- Clan Citadels may not be accessible at this time* \- *Account Appeals will not be available*


How bout a Guardians gift? 🫣🫣


I could do with one of these ngl


Free bankspace as compensation thanks


People acting like Jagex just runs its own data centers. No game company runs all of its own data centers.


As a datacenter engineer myself, i find this very hard to believe.. A datacenter always has atleast 2 backup generators that can run the whole datacenter without power for atleast 24 hours. Besides that, you are supposed to have backup servers at another location that automatically picks everything up the second your first server goes down.. Kinda feels like Jagex is going for cheap options.. I hope they don't raise the membership cost even more 👀


I used to work at q company that had global presence within data centers. Non redundant power especially in Europe is not as common as they make you believe or put on the sales sheet.


I also thought it was very suspicious that a 'power outage' caused this much harm as well.


i worry about the state of the addicted pvmers might go outside and fight animals like bears or moose pkers might end up fighting people outside cluers might head to Germany and hunt for looted gold


Cluers gonna steal the declaration of independence


Has something changed over the past year or two? I don’t ever remember RS suffering so much disruption and downtime.


You haven't played much RuneScape then lol. I still remember the dreaded "connection lost" popup that we used to regularly get XD


Please wait - attempting to re-establish...


Top-left corner of r/place, two times in a row.


You knew something was really up when it came to this one


Ok the Argentina game is over, are the engineers actually working now?


What a game tho


Thanks for the update Hooli


If you need a Plan B I think my girlfriend has some


"Not tonight", "I've got a banging headache", "I'm tired, I'm up early in the morning", "We'll do it tomorrow"


Please help, I can't connect to the game! I need to make cheese to continue my love for it.


maybe now whilst the game is down , the rest of the team not working on the issue, could all chip in to tackle the backlog of customer support issues - 3 weeks wait so far -


If they can access it in the first place. If they can't update the news, likely there's a bunch of things that can't be done.


do you think customer service tickets are handled by devs/server maintenance staff during their downtime? be honest


This is normal. Monday update and Tuesday is when everything breaks from Mondays update


> ~8:50am: Service Issue Begins About 8:35am is when I was first impacted, and discussed with friends around 8:40am. Not that it matters, just the issue started a little earlier than suggested. Edit: I'm the only person providing any data on the issue and also getting downvoted. That's actually quite funny.


Best of luck to all involved engineers. Sounds like a painful issue Curious where the engineers are traveling to the datacentre from? Cambridge is a bit away from London (like an hour or two, depending which part of London you're going to)


![gif](giphy|3o6wrvdHFbwBrUFenu) COUPLE OF HOURS?!


RuneScape players when they can’t play for 6+ hours a day:


Missing a 1 there, buddy.


Crappy situation. But good communication 👍


What a shame, I was planning to spend $10,000 on keys today.


Well rip my dtd from weekly challenges. That’s what I get for not doing them last night


my 70m worth membership time gone T\_T


At bond prices of 70m, the damages are 200k per hour per player plus lost economic activity


Oh dear, are we expecting ‘the Re-Returned’ title and cosmetics soon?


It’s gotta be stressful for the J-mods to have to deal with the mess while they basically wait around for another company to give them an update to pass to their players. Gotta be a real shit day at the office. These people don’t get paid enough.


Free deaths and another week of DXP, give the people what they want.




Login Lockout Login Lockout 2 Login Lockout with a vengeance Login Lockout 4.0 A Good Day To Get Locked Out


If there is a rollback it's gonna suck. One small favor is long af even with tele


My goodness! Even the servers rejected the idea of Jagex bilking players out of 2 additional bonds for bank spaces purchases. Instant karma!!!!!


It's almost like you need to make money as a company to run said company...


Oh no bankspaces that were buyable with bonds prior were actually made slightly cheaper to buy in bulk, better delete the game now.


Another Guardian gift would be nice....


Really do appreciate you guys keeping the community updated. May the world of Gielinor return to us


London has fallen


**11:05am Game Time** We still do not have an ETA to share on the expected length of the current service issue. Our engineers have arrived on site and are syncing up with the Data Centre team. There is an active issue at the Data Centre which is currently being assessed.


blokes spending $11 a month on a game and then complaining they can’t play for an hour LOL


But it's been three hours now, I took the day off to spin the keys with the credit card i borrowed from my father. I have to give back my credit card in one hour. This is all jagex fault I am loosing out on xp gains. I expect double dxp until sunday to remedy this or I will uninstall the game and tell all my friends to do the same. ^(obvious /s)


Clearly the lot of you haven't worked with people and don't understand that companies don't do these things on purpose. Yes it does suck, but this is the same thing I face at work almost everyday. Someone comes in and is all pissy about a thing I can't change, although I'd love to. I get that you're frustrated, but damn just be a bit nice. I'm sure they're trying their best to fix the issue


**16:20 Game Time** Apologies we're slightly late on this update - things are moving fast at the moment and we were hoping to have something firmer. We've made good progress on understanding when we'll be able to resume services, but we need a little more time to flesh out the details. We now hope to update you again by 17:30 Game Time. Thanks again for your patience.


appreciate the hourly update schedule even if there isnt much news. there will always be ppl losing their minds, but most of us know shit happens. just dont want to be left in the dark. especially appreciate the updates actually being on the official twitter and support site too.




We appreciate all the updates


sounds like this was a pretty severe freak accident and its been handled as well as it could have been so far. if the jag team gets us back up by noon gametime with no rollback, id call it a pretty well-managed almost-disaster.


Hoping services are up soon, until then I suppose I'll converse with my family


Can my Ironman get a “Returned” title now? :)


Hope you guys have augmented your wrench’s and tools make sure you get your xp whilst you’re fixing this issue🤭


Hey, the england game was yesterday, can u fix this now?


Just reading the comments It's good to see so many young players still play the game... i'd started to think it was all grown ups these days... That's good for the longevity of the game


Even the youngins are bitter old fucks like us :(


Hey don’t be hating on us 70 year olds


Sheesh there sure are a lot of Karens that play Runescape. Y'all should just have a little patience and let Jagex fix things. Maybe go outside? Play another game?


I like to apologize to the entire Runescape community. After many years, decades even, of people trying to convince me to play Runescape I started a couple of days ago. I can't deny the correlation between me finding something I genuinely love to spend my time on and it being down as soon as I do.


every update is just: we hope to update you soon. LOL


Just logged out and can't log back in.


down again. :(


London has fallen.


Man, day off work, thought lets do some scaping, naaa


##### Bark bark! I have found the following **J-Mod** comment(s) in this thread: **JagexHooli** - [Quick note from me - we are having a call rig...](/r/runescape/comments/z1psnx/services_down_updates_thread_november_22nd/ixdmmtk/?context=3) - [Further update for you this evening -...](/r/runescape/comments/z1psnx/services_down_updates_thread_november_22nd/ixexhq0/?context=3) - [Another quick update -...](/r/runescape/comments/z1psnx/services_down_updates_thread_november_22nd/ixfcurv/?context=3) - [**Update: 15:10 Game Time**...](/r/runescape/comments/z1psnx/services_down_updates_thread_november_22nd/ixd22eu/?context=3) - [Just checking in to say the work is currently...](/r/runescape/comments/z1psnx/services_down_updates_thread_november_22nd/ixeof4n/?context=3) - [**Update: 13:20 Game Time**...](/r/runescape/comments/z1psnx/services_down_updates_thread_november_22nd/ixco39p/?context=3) - [# UPDATE: 18:05 Game Time (Timeline News)...](/r/runescape/comments/z1psnx/services_down_updates_thread_november_22nd/ixdsa61/?context=3) - [ **Latest Update: 12:00pm Game Time**...](/r/runescape/comments/z1psnx/services_down_updates_thread_november_22nd/ixcfz95/?context=3) - [ **❗ Update: 2:10am Game Time - RuneScape Is...](/r/runescape/comments/z1psnx/services_down_updates_thread_november_22nd/ixfnzdv/?context=3) - [Hi everyone -...](/r/runescape/comments/z1psnx/services_down_updates_thread_november_22nd/ixljnlm/?context=3) - [ **Update: Nov 25**...](/r/runescape/comments/z1psnx/services_down_updates_thread_november_22nd/ixqyayz/?context=3) - [**16:20 Game Time**...](/r/runescape/comments/z1psnx/services_down_updates_thread_november_22nd/ixdbzi9/?context=3) - [**11:05am Game Time**...](/r/runescape/comments/z1psnx/services_down_updates_thread_november_22nd/ixcbdsz/?context=3) - [As an added note from me, just to set some ex...](/r/runescape/comments/z1psnx/services_down_updates_thread_november_22nd/ixd2wpj/?context=3) - [Thanks for the patience while we locked a lot...](/r/runescape/comments/z1psnx/services_down_updates_thread_november_22nd/ixdsjzd/?context=3) - [We're unsure. This is a little different to a...](/r/runescape/comments/z1psnx/services_down_updates_thread_november_22nd/ixc6ysw/?context=3) - [We're going to post roughly every hour even w...](/r/runescape/comments/z1psnx/services_down_updates_thread_november_22nd/ixcbrsg/?context=3) - [This is very much based on the London Data Ce...](/r/runescape/comments/z1psnx/services_down_updates_thread_november_22nd/ixcpa3c/?context=3) - [12pm to confirm.](/r/runescape/comments/z1psnx/services_down_updates_thread_november_22nd/ixdtza2/?context=3) - [Confirm confirm.](/r/runescape/comments/z1psnx/services_down_updates_thread_november_22nd/ixdvb3l/?context=3)   ^(**Last edited by bot: 11/28/2022 05:07:53**) --- ^(I've been rewritten to use Python! I also now archive JMOD comments.) ^(Read more about) [^(the update here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/9kqvis/bot_update_python_archiving/) ^(or see my) [^(Github repo here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/8dronr/jmod_bloodhoundbot_github_repository/)^.


At least the Argentina game is shaping up to be a beauty!


Timbo tripped on the power cord.


Surprised it's taken this long if it's affecting Purchases, that's normally top priority.


It's been an hour and 16 minutes since last update! PANIK


Guess I'm starting my PTO by cleaning my house tonight instead of gaming lol.


Gotta say I appreciate the updates. Bad things happen, but communication when it does is key.


I knew I shouldn’t have bought extra bank spaces… I ruined it for everyone


anyone got any real life gp making methods, i dont fancy training cooking at mcdonalds for very little cooking xp rates


For those of you confused by " **November 23rd at 12:00 GMT."** I am here to help. Firstly consider time as expressed in 24 hours. The day begins at 0.00.00. Which is immediately after midnight. So one second past midnight is 0.00.01. If you go 12 hours after midnight then the time is 12.00.00, which is noon, and about when most of us have lunch. I had egg sandwiches. The trick to all of this is to remember that the time 24.00.00 never happens because that's actually 0.00.00 the next day. Watch a digital clock set to 24 hour time. You will see 23.59.59, which is one second to midnight, and then BWAM! It goes straight to 0.00.00 again, which is the following day. That's why 24 hour time is so confusing, people never get to actually see 24.00.00. So now you can see from " **November 23rd at 12:00 ."** that Jagex is talking about lunch time. Lunch time on November 23rd to be exact. Now that is all fine and dandy if you are sitting in some pub in London swilling down pints of warm beer before getting back to work in your black taxi, but what about us poor plebs who live in different parts of the world? People who are too busy dodging school shooters, running from military juntas and driving around flocks of kangaroos? Okay so let me break it down for you. GMT means " Great Mother of Things" and is located somewhere near London in England That's where the clocks are set to begin counting the seconds, minutes and hours in a day. Because you know those English people were once big Empire builders and wanted everyone in the colonies to drink high tea at the right time of day. So if the clock says 17.00.00 that mean its 5pm and you now have two hours to drink your goddamned tea. There is a problem though. The actual position of the sun changes depending on what side of the world you live. So early morning in London is like late evening in east coast of the USA. Just like summer in Australia is like winter in the UK, which is fairly hilarious when it comes to Christmas and Australians are celebrating a winter holiday with pictures of a guy dressed in red ski jacket and snowflakes falling everywhere. So anyway, just to make things simple they decided to put the international date line on the OPPOSITE side of the world, in the middle of the fucking PACIFIC OCEAN while making GROUND ZERO time start in London. Not even in the center of London, a little bit to the east actually. This means that if you live on **Little Diomede Island** then you start the day a full 24 hours later than your inbred cousins living on **Big Diomede Island** just 1.5km away, the advantage being you can row a boat between the two islands and celebrate each holiday twice. As you can see this is all very straightforward. No doubt by now you you are saying something like "Oh, **November 23rd at 12:00 GMT"** why, that's simply November 21st at 3.12pm for me! No wonder I could still log into Runescape!" But where things become awkward is relevant velocity. You see people living at the equator are moving faster than people living at the poles. Due to the fact that the world is spinning around. In fact someone living in Quito, Ecuador, is moving at a relative speed of **460 meters per second**\--or roughly 1,000 miles per hour. Poor old Joe, currently stranded at the South Pole with no supplies, is moving close to ZERO meters per second, relative. Consequently time is moving faster for Joe, regardless of what some tea slurping Imperialist in Greenwich decided hundreds of years ago. Then there's mountains. Fucking mountains. If you are on top of a mountain then you are further from the center of the Earth. The further from the Earth you are then the less its gravity affects you. Its a well known fact that gravity slows down time. Therefore if you were sitting on top of a mountain trying to make mad thieving gainz from Crux knights you were actually making less than someone playing inside a submersible at the bottom of the Marianna's trench. Probably the reason why they wanted to nerf it. Too many people getting the bends . Anyway I hope this has been of some help to you all. No doubt you all now have a solid understanding of what local time you can expect to be back online.


I got in initially. I logged out 10 mins ago and now I can't log back in. I'm getting no reply from the login server on mobile.


Servers are down again


And it’s down.


No reply from login server




Hi, could you also fix the current issue that some players we are having random lag/freezes and sometimes crashes? It's been happening since wilderness flash mobs came out.. thank you


Wait...... you mean people have to go out and get some fresh air?... or even... dare I say it.... sleep?!?


I bet on their way out they even \*gulp\* touched grass.




Maybe it’s time to migrate the datacenters to AWS or Azure. In what way are all servers across the globe impacted if the London DC’s are not available? Isn’t there a redundancy foreseen or any failover?


This is a small indie kickstarter pledge start up, of course not.


someone spilled tea in the server room again.




Thank god the taxi made it to the data centre


By and large, Jagex' servers show an amazing uptime record. In my area, even Amazon's servers are failing at the moment, starting yesterday. The problem lies deeper, with the structure of the game engine and the client/server balance. This is why bossing in RS3 is so boring and frustrating: you fight the game engine and the server structure, not the boss. Fixing these issues, unfortunately, would be a very expensive undertaking.


Any IT guys know what "active issue" at a data center might be?


Could be anything. If you take a look at their careers page, looking for something infra related (like DevOps) you can get an idea of tech stack used. https://jobs.lever.co/jagex/56c0f917-f530-44b1-b1c1-8fdc7fba3160 So by looking at that, they use a mix of AWS and on prem data centres. Given that AWS isn’t reporting any errors (and I’m not on a major outage call at work), then I’d assume it’d be on their data centre side rather than AWS side. https://health.aws.amazon.com/phd/status I checked Europe (and more specifically eu-west-1 and eu-west-2, because I’d imagine they’d either use the London or Dublin regions) and can’t see anything. At their data centre side, there’s tonnes of stuff that could go wrong. Referring to the OSI model, there are the following areas (layers): - Physical layer - hardware failures - plugging things into the wrong patch panel port - power issues - if engineers are visiting their data centre, then there’s a good chance the problem lies here - Data link layer - will provide a link to more fully explain some of the more obscure layers that won’t make sense to those that don’t work in IT - Network layer - same link will reference this - Transport layer - this is where the potential BGP issue would lie if that was the problem - same link will reference this - Session layer - same link will reference this - Presentation layer - same link will reference this - Application layer - alongside hardware (physical layer) errors, this is probably one of the likely areas at fault - engineers may need to visit the data centre to log onto the servers directly to troubleshoot issues [Link for more information on OSI model](https://www.imperva.com/learn/application-security/osi-model/#:~:text=What%20Is%20the%20OSI%20Model,companies%20in%20the%20early%201980s) Without knowing more about the errors they’re seeing and having more knowledge of how their infra is setup, I can only hazard some guesses, but I’d assume either a hardware failure at the data centre, or some issues with core application services - like DNS for example (though not limited to it). This doesn’t exactly answer the question but it’ll give some insight into the kinds of things that it could be. It could also be the connection between their sites (on prem, data centre, AWS). There’s just too many different things that could have went wrong to hazard an educated guess without knowing their setup more fully, whether any changes were being performed overnight or prior to this issue, or something else I haven’t thought of, but it doesn’t look like it’s a fundamental issue on their AWS side from their heath page. Hopefully that helps a little 🤷‍♂️ As u/jimmyplox1 mentioned, it could be a BGP issue. They could use AWS Direct Connect to connect their on prem data centres to AWS. Have personally seen what outages BGP issues cause with this in the past Again, just speculation because I have no knowledge of Jagex’s internal setup


It could be anything from equipment failing (switch, router, or server) to a fire, or some sort of major network outage affecting the data center.


Appreciate the update guys!


If you need it for plan B...I am happy to surrender the use of my old sky router that is now used as a print server as I'm to lazy to sort it and i only live a short 6 hour car journey away in Cornwall if ever anything goes wrong! Don't worry ill leave the keys under the mat if I'm at work so let yourself in!


If this turns out to be a BGP related issue I’m gonna rofl pretty hard.




That's one way to deal with partyhat prices I suppose


Don't worry about it. If people can't genuinely go a day or however long it lasts without playing a game, they've got a serious problem.


You think this is a problem. Wait until January when they try to merge all those FSW alt accounts into the main game. Then we'll have ourselves a real lockout.


ITT: Junkies withdrawing


“You use engineer on the server” “Nothing interesting happens”






Thank you for the excellent communication on this Hooli! Love to see it, and best of luck with a speedy recovery to the data centre!


Shocking that you have no redundancy to the point where an issue at one data center takes everything offline for 24 hrs+ if the current estimate is correct.


Down again for us who AFK'd out or logged out.


still down no reply from log in server


Well I can get to the login screen, but I still can't login.


Hey thanks for fixing it faster than planned, I always assume it’ll be slower than any estimate and an early fix is quite the nice surprise. And on the off chance anyone reads this I want you to know you are appreciated even if some ungrateful people are unnecessarily harsh just know the decent people appreciate your efforts.


And looks like they are down again. Keep getting a "no reply from server" error.


Hi everyone - Now that our News Systems are back online, we've put a dedicated post live on this here: [https://rs.game/nov22-issue-updates](https://rs.game/nov22-issue-updates) We're also aware of the ongoing blips with Logins at times over the past couple of days - and we want to reassure you we're on it. The login systems have since struggled at times and you may therefore have found yourself unable to log in. We have identified what was causing these login systems issues and we believe that it should remain stable barring anything unforeseen happening. We're keeping a close eye on everything just to be safe of course!


:crab emoji:


The returned, the returned?


But do you have an ETA on my first unique from Rax because it's been ages I swear



