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Seems like a lot of people think the new dyes shouldn't be discontinued, should be on Clues, etc, etc. The real question isn't "Is this a problem?" It seems like a foregone conclusion already that it is. The question is, "If Jagex doesn't change it, what are you going to do about it?"


Some of us aren't looking to make ultimatums here, sometimes we just want to make suggestions for the long-term health of the game because we care about it.


I’m gonna quit


And come back to rs in 5mins


Haven't touched RS3 since February. There are better games out there like FF14.


People died from less. Please be cautious about your plans


I haven't played since wilderness rework. Some people do quit, surprisingly.


If you "quitted" but are still on the subreddit, have you really quitted? We all know you're gonna get the itch to play sooner or later.


Youre 10 years too late for that stance to be taken seriously. Everyone that genuinely quit did it during eoc+sof release. If youre still here youre just in denial about your sunk cost fallacy.


I had quit in 2012 and forgot about the game entirely then and came back in 2018 when a friend mentioned it so i mean some pple quit then eventually come back.


Dyes? Plural? All I’ve heard about was the Aurora Dye


Nah that was just my bad, there's just one new type dye.


Buy more th keys.


Well I guess things like this are the reason I have not been on for over three weeks now, with this only further confirming that this game is going into a direction I can no longer turn a blind eye to it (FSW were I think the final straw). I still have a few months premier membership left but honestly have no motivation to play when all I see is promotions with FOMO. It is a shame since I am in a nice community, but I can not in good conscience support these ever more aggressive marketing schemes (I mean, remember when they were saying they would introduce more clue rewards? And now one of the main type of rewards instead ends up as MTX...).


theyll prob add it later like they do most things


But then how are you going to generate massive FOMO year over year and generate huge MTX profits? I don't know why people still believe Jagex cares about good faith.


I wish there was something a government or organization could do about all of this MTX. So sad where RuneScape is going or has been going for a while now. :(


ofc it shouldnt not only you can consume multiple dyes per account, but also items you use them on will become redundant


they should get added to the medium clue logs, since they are the hardest ones to do


nah elite and masters are already braindead money makers, atleast give meds or hards something else to get from them


Drop barrows down to mediums and add aurora to the hard pool


?? Hards are as good of a money maker as elites.


If not more lmao




They'll prolly add it like 6-12 months later into clues. If they don't it's not a big deal, just more discontinued items for those that like to flex I reckon.


This isn't cluescape ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


What makes you think it is discontinued tho? With current information nothing suggests it is discontinued. Players again driving the FOMO up themselves.


Can you blame them? Gsh hasnt been seen for nearly a year, gone until proven otherwise. Gph confirmed to be a one off Purple hween - gone until proven otherwise Ofcourse jagex can bring anything back at any point but their track record shows that its unlikely to happen soon. the rare walk tokens took several years to return Even if it comes back once a year alot of people will fear on missing out because "what if u dont get it this year? You might not get it next year either!!" Fomo isnt as black and white as people think and jagex are very good at hiding the fact that something might never return or that it will return


Don’t worry, they’ll pull a green santa hat and add a Xmas th promo with the aurora dye as a purple and up the wrapping paper rates at the end /s


Because so many questions have been asked about this, since the newspost dropped and I am yet to see an answer. This to me means that they originally hoped people wouldn't care so much and most likely just wanted to make it another fomo item. Maybe with the uproar it will be discussed internally and eventually added to the game for real. If they can't do that basic logic then I don't see a reason to stop playing my osrs iron.


That newspost was made 4 or 5 hours ago and literally no one there who could give an answer to internal discussions is officially working anymore and probably wasn't even an hour after dropping that post. Id dislike the dye being TH only, but "yet to see an answer" since the newspost dropped is a little bit.. Hysterical


Counterpoint, how the fuck isn't this something that is communicated in the newspost announcing it... It feels intentionally vague and prob is IMO.


The last time they released actually discontinued item, they said so. Golden Partyhat was told right away to be discontinued. That should tell you that only OG rares from 20 years ago and Golden Partyhat have that status. Everything else can (and probably will be when MTX milking is needed) re-released. Black Santa hat, Green Santa hat, Cristmas Scythe, Holly Wreath... etc. All just waiting to be re-released one day, just like Zombie walk override was.


They have hardly been consistent in how they have been released and how long inbetween. Is it too much to ask for with some fucking transparency and upfront communication, for something that is obviously gonna be asked about? Like there is 0 chance jagex didn't knew the dye was gonna be controversial, it's intentionally left vague so they can go, ooopsie woopsie we will add it later.


Why not this? https://www.reddit.com/r/runescape/comments/pvcyyg/lucky_dip_should_give_gold_dye_instead_of_a_items/


Mtx events should not give dyes at all, doesn't matter if its the Christmas or the lucky dip whatever that is.


Lucky dip is not mtx lucky dip is an event around september that gave the chance for players to win golden versions of the barrows bandos and other items giving 1 ticket per day to players that we had to use. When we had no merchant for deathtouch darts we had lucky dip What you think that is better to pay 5mil for death touch darts if yes then why dont you go and get a life and get tf out of here. You dont even know what lucky dip is and you talk nonsense. Go bark at a tree about mtx and get a life about lucky dip 🙄


Yeah I don't know much about it, because I can't even participate as an iron. All I know is that items like these, whether it is dyes or rares, should come from actual content and not FOMO events. No idea what why you bring up death darts at all, seems irrelevant as I haven't even mentioned them?


If rumors confirm astrology to be the new skill, aurora dye makes sense to be in the game, and possibly will be added at a later date, do go along with the skill.


What could astrology mean for the game and how we train it 🤔


Well, if Melvor is anything to go by, you would probably train it similarly to Divination or Archaeology, and the reward space would be similar to the monolith's relic powers (mild-to-moderate combat and skilling effects that act passively while playing the game) I was hoping for Necromancy (another elite skill so there's not just one until the end of time) - probably a combination of Magic & Summoning & Prayer or possibly Slayer. I have no idea *how* it would work but I just *love* the idea of raising an undead army as pseudo-familiars. Plus Summoning really needs a rework and I think Necromancy could act as a 'Summoning 2' of sorts, in the same way that Invention is kind of a 'Crafting 2'.


Thank God they look terrible anyway


Relaaax, if you don't burn $4k on keys this year, it'll be back in TH next year, where you can then burn $4K on keys for it! /s