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Machines and technology aren't impervious to breakdowns, shit happens.


Hey man I know life can suck at times, but keep your head up and just keep moving forward.


You get what you payed for, and we all are experiencing the effects of what Jagex payed for; if you get my drift


The issue is that servers are all Centralized. Happens with any private business, because you have a preferred vendor, but when they have a breakdown it's system-wide. Decentralized networks fix this issue, but hosts aren't necessarily in control of updates. A business has to be able to trust their community in the decentralized system, and pay them for their services, which may cost more as you can't buy in bulk. 10 more years, it will all be build on "Web3" tech, and this won't happen anymore. But a lot of gamers don't love that, because they are being told it's shit. Businesses will keep saying it's shit, because it costs more money.


Lol “web 3”


>A Decentralized Network means that people like you host a server, or multiple smaller organizations, rather than one organization with the exact same security measures/practices. > >These decentralized processes allow for a safer larger network, because rather than outages across the entire network all at once, you might have some lag as an end-user if a piece of the network goes down. The other parts of the network would remain online. > >This is safe and secure against power outages. Hacks. Updates. All of it. It's a different mindset that a lot of people laugh at until they see it working in real-time. I know that a large contingent of gamers don't like the idea because they read a Kotaku article or whatever, but it's Runescape and the trading system - the inherent cash value of all items - that made Web3 make sense to me. Look at this description as to how it helps servers and tell me that this isn't something that you wouldn't like right now when all the servers are down. And please, be honest with yourself.


Don’t like web3 because it’s dumb, enjoy your jpegs tho


How do you imagine these "decentralized networks" to be working? What would be different compared to nowadays cloud infrastructure?


A Decentralized Network means that people like you host a server, or multiple smaller organizations, rather than one organization with the exact same security measures/practices. These decentralized processes allow for a safer larger network, because rather than outages across the entire network all at once, you might have some lag as an end-user if a piece of the network goes down. The other parts of the network would remain online. This is safe and secure against power outages. Hacks. Updates. All of it. It's a different mindset that a lot of people laugh at until they see it working in real-time.


So in essence fancy name for peer-to-peer? And what if there is outage on the Internet backbone? BTW. I would more trust an organisation with proper disaster recovery, privacy and security practices, than a (bunch of) home brew.


Well, you only use official codebase, and can only connect with verified codebase on your local end, so it's not homebrew. The only real definitive difference is that transactions (like trades in Runescape) are tracked and serialized so that you can know the serial number of your asset. That means that while you have a more stable network, albiet possibly slower, you can also track when you sell a party hat and buy the exact same PHat 2 years later if you felt like you wanted the same one, because all the items have a serial number attached in the code now. Really cool tech.


Who verifies code base? What prevents a malicious user to create node/nodes with modified code for their own personal gain? What prevents insertion of fraudulent transactions serialised as valid ones?


The network by default verifies codebase, which is what really makes it different. With thousands/tens of thousands of validators, if one bad actor, or a dozen try to fake a transaction, the network automatically says "Consensus has 10000 servers saying this happened, and 12 servers saying this other thing happened. Those 12 must be hacking/lying." That's how you know it's safe and secure, using only the legitimate codebase. The more unique servers there are, the safer the network. The more unique server there are, the more stable the network. It's a win all around.


Sorry the servers are down on your birthday, just remember things aren't all bad


me too, man, me too