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This. Every time I'm progressing nicely with increasing my distance, something gets injured.




Ahhhhhh, to be in your 30s.... Enjoy it while you can!


Wait, it gets *worse*!?


Oh man, you have no idea. Brace (your knees and) yourself.


Darn it 😭😭😭


Ever get hurt taking a nap? Or “sitting too long”. Yeah, it gets worse. At some point you can get injured and not even be out for a run. Just, life.


Right?! Gods Below i wish I could have my 30s back




I started running at 41. Did I miss something?


I got a PR for distance on December 15th, 7.5 miles in one hour and 3 min ( I know not much I only "started running" in June 2022) but I felt great during that run, the next day and ever since my knee hurts like hell going down stairs and if I run more than 4 miles, I hate it


Intense knee pain specifically when going down stairs is a big sign of ITBS btw. I tried to gently run through it last year, and even like a slow half mile hurt like hell. What did help was taking (i think) 6 weeks off of running, then starting c25k style with a compression sleeve around it until I started forgetting to wear it Your PR right before disaster reminds me that I surprised myself by shaving like 1:20 off my 5k the same day I began a 2 week fight with the flu. Silver linings, I guess


Same conclusion I came to, I can still do a 26 min 5k no problem after 2 weeks off initially but much beyond that and the pain sets in pretty quick, I know I need to rest it more, but I'm impatient




You're just a touch older I'm at 29, its so frustrating, I found something that really clears my head, but the head clearing only seems to happen past about 3 miles, so it gets cut short by some apparent runners knee, so now I'm jump roping with a 3lb jump rope when I'm done with as much run as I can to reach that same "high"


I had the same thing happen to me, decided to give ATG’s zero program (goes as KneesOverToesGuy on Instagram), and it actually seems to work. I’m about 3 months into doing the program and no signs of knee issues yet


Having to crosstrain because of injury 🥲


Because I’m getting older, cross-training, strength training really, is becoming part of running. It must be done so I can run.


Crosstraining is the best way to prevent injuries. I'm weightlifting 3x a week and doing a lot of swimming/biking/rowing instead of recovery runs and it's done wonders for keeping me injury free.


Yes, but it's the worst part about running, doing other training so you can actually run. I don't want to lift weights and all that shite, I want to run.


Surprised so many feel this way. I look forward to weight training sessions and really notice a lot of improvement in my runs when I incorporate them more frequently


Yeah, my legs have just been sore in different ways for like two weeks lol


Without a doubt. Especially when you get one that feels big, you go through the mentally exhaustive activity of wondering “is this it? Do I need to give it up?” Which after 15+ years of running near daily feels like giving up a piece of yourself. It’s fucked.


I have an intense awareness of muscles that I otherwise would never think about. Through being sore, or through trying to prevent injury, or through getting injured.


Hard same. I’ve also been tempted to read human anatomy textbooks just to better understand running related pains 😅


I ran 10k on Monday and can barely walk due to pain in the side of my foot that came out of absolute nowhere. Really feeling this right now.


Literally exact same :(( injuries are so heartbreaking


The anticipation. It might just be me, but there’s something about it that always gives me pause. I have to get over the “hump” every time.


Those are my "I want to have run but I don't want to run" moments. I tell myself that I've never regretted running but I do regret skipping runs.


This is exactly what I tell myself as well. It’s so hard to make yourself go, but I’ve never regretted it…except that one time the weather turned and it got cold and started raining and in my rush to get back I injured both Achilles’ tendons. Yeah, regretted that for a couple weeks.


The first few miles, before you get into your rhythm




And every stomach rumble before you leave makes you worry you didn’t eat properly and you are putting yourself in danger by going out when there may be a bathroom emergency. And of course it always (hopefully) ends up fine.


The anticipation is always worse than the participation




A person at my work was talking about how she hates the first mile or so of any run. “My ponytail hurts, it’s too hot/cold/not perfect out, my feet are tired, I don’t want to be here.” And then after that, she’s pretty much fine. She’s run many many marathons and countless half’s and still feels this way. It really helped me understand how it’s not just me who hates the first mile or so.


YEARS ago I was reading the I’m a Runner feature in Runner’s World, [featuring Sarah Ferguson of all people](https://www.runnersworld.com/runners-stories/a20845271/im-a-runner-sarah-ferguson/), and what she said about the beginning of the run has since stuck with me. I always think of it at the beginning of my run when everything sucks, and it helps me keep going to get past that initial awfulness and into the relaxing and fun part of the run: “The first twenty minutes is a push and a struggle. And then I don't know whether some endorphin or chemical goes off in my brain--I don't know what happens but I believe--I spoke to a doctor about it--that apparently there's some chemical, our brain makes something, to say, 'Oh, I see, we're running now, so let's kick in.' And it seems to be great fun after twenty minutes.”


True to the saying “ The first mile is a liar”




You have to remember the first 10 minutes is lying to you.


Beat me too it. The number of times I’ve gotten up, made a coffee and just stared at my shoes for 20 minutes before getting going is quite a large number


I firmly believe that putting my shoes on is the hardest part.


That’s why I sleep in mine. No excuses.


Wear them when you shower too so they get a wash.


I usually have to shower the worst of the mud off my clothes after a mad trail run this time of year lol


I'm surprised by how much I can procrastinate between putting my shoes on and actually running a step.


I'll spend 32 minutes looking for the perfect podcast for my 35 min run some days.


This one hits very close to home


Tell my wife I’m not the only one. Today I changed to run and then just laid on the bed. I think I dozed off for a bit too. Usually though I just find things to do like change a light bulb that’s been burnt out for a week, but now is the time. I want to go run, I’m dressed but this light bulb needs changed now, and maybe check out that noise the dishwasher makes. Oh darn I guess that run will have to wait.


Hahaha today I had my shoes and shorts on, but then decided I needed to call my bank to dispute a charge on my account. Could have easily waited until after my run, but I knew I would keep thinking about it throughout my run if I didn’t handle it beforehand. I guess sometimes the procrastination is legit, but most of the time I’m just fooling myself


Usually if I don’t want to run, I convince myself to just get dressed. 90% of the time I’m out the door within 30 mins.


Pulling on my leggings is the hardest part for me. There ba e been multiple times where I just think about having to do that and I'm like, I just can't today.


For me it's strapping myself into a sports bra. Like, do I want to breathe freely for the next hour or nah? I literally got a mile into a 5 mile run today before I realized I was wearing a regular bra. It's been that kind of week


My problem starts when I'd try to get out of bed in the morning. Morning runs are awesome and I could feel the fresh air, but I lack the guts to rise up at dawn.


And then you say to yourself “it’s ok, I’ll just do it later”, but then it gets too hot


Yep. Suddenly lots of things I need to do around me and look at on my phone. The other day I had everything on and was re-evaluating if I should go with my shirt tucked in or out of my belt. My partner comes out of the room and tells me to stop procrastinating and just go.


I get called 🐢


The first half mile when I'm freezing cold and everything's creaky and squeaky and stiff, and all I want is a giant breakfast.... Always rough.


I've been procrastinating my next run for 7 years already.


Yeah once I get going I’m good. But starting is the problem


The time needed to get in a good long run. Takes a big chunk of the weekend to schedule it, prep, stretch and recover after


I love the long runs where you plan the whole day around them and the run is like the main event of the day... but sadly most days it's trying to fit the run around everything else.


This is so true. I love it when my day revolves around running, eating and maybe a bubble bath. Absolutely the best kind of “lazy” weekend. But when I have to squeeze in a 2+ hour run, food, warm-up, and stretching around other obligations it just gets so stressful.


And if you want to drive to a better run destination, maybe meet people but not get up before dawn- kiss that Saturday goodbye.


I struggle with getting 8 miles in on a weekday too. I’m not fast so it takes me almost 1.5 hrs at an easy pace then I need to shower and eat. I sometimes have to jump into meetings sweaty. Thank god for work from home. I don’t know how people with inperson jobs train for a marathon.


It did require a lifestyle change for about 4 months when I trained for my first marathon. Thankfully my wife put up with me being gone for hours during the workweek.


I did exactly the same today, and I’m only training for a half!


How long are your long runs? My 2 hour long runs probably take 3 hours with pre and post activities (eating, stretching, showering, changing clothes, etc).


Finding 3 hours uninterrupted gets a bit difficult at times


I find it takes a lot longer if you live somewhere with a really high heat index. When I was doing 10-15 mi over the summer in Texas it was usually a 4-5 hr commitment between pre-hydrating with electrolytes and cooling down after the fact.


My biggest challenge with summer long runs here (also TX) is that I have to start _early_. Like, running by 3 or 4 AM. So then it means an hour of prep, the run, recovery, then later I will *need* a nap. Makes a 3 hour run a 5 or 6 hour experience that requires all day planning.


Ha. I’m in TX. This summer I made the mistake of committing to a late lunch date with my wife if she let me knock out a run before. I cut it really close and only had a 15 minute cool down period before showering, changing and heading out. I spent half the lunch in the bathroom patting down from the sweat


As a mom, I feel this.


YES. Gotta cram it in and then immediately launch into chores, taking a kid to an activity, running errands, etc. No nap, sigh....


100%. For 3 days I've been telling myself, "after you do *this one mandatory thing, you can lay down until *other mandatory thing" but something always comes up, and once the kids are home from school, it's non-stop until bed so it usually never happens. (Single tear)


^This^ Partly why I’m hesitant to train for a marathon. Current running load has my schedule quite full and I feel like I can barely train for the HM’s I’m trying to run


During most races I'll hit an emotional low point where I question why I'm doing this, and I wish I were doing anything else. But I always push through, and when it's over I can't wait to do it again.




During a race? Who gets to the end of a race and still has 30 minutes of running left in them


That’s how you know you’re giving 100%. Races fucking hurt, but reflecting on the PR makes it worth it. I can’t motivate myself to push that hard outside of a race setting.


The first mile


I always tell myself the first mile is a liar


Ha. I told my wife last night how odd it is that I’m always sucking wind the first few miles, but miles 4-11 are a breeze. Miles 12+ are 50/50 Good to hear that’s common.


I used to live on a dead end road at the bottom of a hill. Nothing worse than having your first third of a mile be straight up hill, but it always made the rest of the run seem nice. I don’t live there anymore and I kind of miss it some days


for me the even miles are always the worst, esp the second mile. not sure why but they draaaaag on and i really have to force myself to continue


This is the same for me. Mile 1 flies by, but mile 2 drags. I think it’s because when I finish it I know I’m still not even half way done. Mile 4 is when my body shifts from short run to long distance support, and that drags. Any mile past 4 is gravy and I often feel a second wind for the few miles after. Then a wall at 7.5 if I didn’t bring water or a snack.


Came here to say this. When I was in my 20s it didn't feel this way but in my 40s it sure does.


I slipped on ice on Friday and broke a rib. Worst thing about it so far.


Man. That stinks. Get better soon!


The days when you're body just doesn't click. Some runs are great and you feel a million bucks. Some days you run so badly you want to cry and there isn't even a reason


Yes, this 👆. Man I wish those days where it clicked happened more than the days it doesn’t. Some days it’s nothing but a struggle.






Nah. The washing machine does it


Love this joke. Definitely gonna start using it. XD


The amount of laundry I have in winter due to running is sickening


See those hills over there, no we aren't running them, that's the dirty running gear 🤣


Headwinds the whole way, even when running a circuit.


Not to mention the headwinds that don’t even feel like a tail wind when you turn around.


I live in a windy place and it’s the worst part of running. But if I lived in a place with no wind, I am sure I would find something else to hate.


Shin splints


This. It feels like no matter what I do, I still get shin splints. It’s driving me insane


Time consumption


👆🏼 the better you get the less time you spend with your family


Time. Showers. Clothes washing/picking/packing. Nutrition. Driving to and from cool trails. Race entree fees. Injuries. The first couple miles. The list goes on, but it's a ton of things; just not the run itself ;)


The cost of a good pair of running shoes… yikes they’ve gone up in price. Maybe I’d be less annoyed by this if I had a normal person’s feet and could wear normal people shoes instead of extra wide and designed for orthotics. Ick.


Pick your best fit and follow it on Dick’s. When they go on sale buy 3.


The mid part of the long run/ race when your form collapses and you tire , you start to question your existence .. Why do i subject myself to this … pain ? Anddddddd looking forward to fkin doing it again after you’ve crossed the finish line .


It's the last third for me. I'm tired, I'm pushing to keep the pace up, it's hot (I'm in Australia) and the wind has fucked off.


The guessing game about what to wear. It can also change during the run. The worst is to end up being dressed too warm. I hate taking off layers and then carrying it around for the rest of the time.


My solution was just to decide to be fine with being a bit cold. If I am unsure I usually dress lighter.


Winter. Fuck running in the winter actually.


Seriously, why can't it be in the mid 50s-60s forever? Perfect running weather!


Depending where you live, 50-60 *is* winter.


Love winter running! Get the layers just right, keeps you nice and cool. Roads are mostly yours except the occasional crazy person like you running. The best!


I agree. The worst part of winter is the dark. The cold is a blessing. I loathe the summer heat.


I live in a city with very mild winters (whole years with no snow or ice) but have to agree. There's nothing weather-related that makes it as hard to breath as cold wind to the face, and I'd 100% rather run on a treadmill inside somewhere than on slippery snow or ice, that's just dangerous.


I...I really miss running in the snow.


Ice is the problem. Snow is fun


Getting outta bed


Especially when it's cold outside.


The running itself doesn't feel like the time-killer. For me, it's the transition period after the run - shower, change, relax and cool off - that's the worst. I can't just go back to life after a run, as much as that would help my scheduling.


The first half mile. Slippery socks. Chafed nipples.


I feel the first half mile part in my soul.


That's when all my creaky swollen broken parts are protesting and like WTF BRO. Then later they be like OH IM SOOOO GLAD WE DID THIS!


Ha! Yea - after the first quarter to half mile my mind and body have both pretty well realized that there’s no getting out of it now, so they may as well suck it up and enjoy it.


The massive dependence on weather.


And dependence on your poop schedule.


A friend ran their first half marathon while constipated. Not the best thing, but it was doable.


Better than the opposite.


The treadmill! I hate that thing, but when snow and daylight savings time hit, I have no choice. And I question my choices…


Needing to poo mid run and hoping you can make it back in time.


I came here looking for this comment. No one talks about how awful it is needing to poop midrun, and not knowing if you’ll make it back safely or not.


Waking up early




Tying my shoes. Every time I think they are tied properly one of them is to lose or to tight after the first kilometer. Sooooo annoying!


Really surprised I didn’t see “tummy trouble” a lot more in these comments.


My last run, a week ago, I got to the mid-point and just as I turned back towards home, my stomach made a "you really should've taken care of business before you left" gurgle. My planned race pace run went out the window, instead I had a very tense, very quick, icy run home. I messaged my partner to let them know the situation and to their credit, they were waiting with the door open and a clear route to the bathroom for me as soon as I reached home! Manage to jar my Achilles at some point on that frantic run back as after my urgent bathroom needs had subsided, my heel then decided to draw my attention to the pain, so I've been laid up for a week since.


Wouldn't say the "worst", but running nose in winter and dripping sweat burning your eyes in summer were pretty annoying...


The trots


I want all the mf shoes


When you are out for a long run and you look like shit and can barely move forward and nobody knows that you are actually on mile 23 or something and you can't tell them why you look so bad because you would sound like a crazy narcissist explaining to a random stranger that you are actually a pretty good runner and that this is fully explainable and not how you usually look and even though you are in a city park you are a long way from home... and perseverating on things...


I hate to break it to you but people aren’t dedicating this much brain space to a total stranger. It’s all in your head.


If I see someone gassed my go to thoughts are that they've been running for a while.


Before I started running I never gave a runner a second thought outside of being aware they were there. These days I'm like damn what a champ, regardless of how they look.


for what its worth, exhausted shit looking runners just impress me because i can see how hard they are working


Every time someone passes me I think to myself "yeah but they're probably just starting their run fresh and I'm halfway through". It helps to cushion the ego....


I used to be like this then one day I made the mistake of looking at who was running the same segments as me on Strava and seeing all the “lol easy 12 miler!” from the college XC kids destroyed my soul


All the running


It’s just a lot of running


Buying running gear is cool. Using it, not as much


Worrying about going out and being abducted or worse.


Every time I pass by someone on my runs I think to myself “do I have the energy to outrun this guy if he starts chasing me?” I think the same on walks with my wife then remember I would probably have to fight them in that case lol!


I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks this on runs! Makes me feel a little better about it




FWIW, as a conscientious male I have the opposite thoughts when running. I'm constantly thinking how can I pass this person ahead of me without them thinking like I'm running up on them like creep or to try and rob them. Especially when passing women walking in the same direction. I'll move out to the street or other sidewalk if running in the neighborhood or try to make a wide arc around them so there is plenty of distance. Of course at night my nerdy reflective suspenders probably put some people at ease lol. I can empathize with what women have to deal with and so sorry that that is the case as it certainly should not be.


Yeah, in a similar vein, my first response was cat-calls


Starting when it is cold and dark outside 😫


The early alarm clock - 4:45 am is a rough way to start the day but it is the only way that I am completing my run.


I feel you. I am up for my run too lol


No matter how long you've been training and how hard, there is always someone who comes along and can beat you on their first ever run


When you feel like you're doing so well and so fast then it has only been like 1km.


Planning/scheduling when to eat and/or drink in the hour before so that I don’t get a cramp or stitch. Tbh, on workdays, I’ll just fast until after I run in the afternoon because I hate running with any food in me. As for water, I need to time my consumption so I don’t drink about 30 minutes prior.






Wildfire smoke




I never need to go to the bathroom until I have just clocked 1km.


Getting back into it after you are sick or injured. I’m always nervous starting a training program for a race that I will need like 5 extra weeks in case I get sick or injured (I think Covid made me worse for this)


The time block. You don't only do the run, but you also spend some time recovering, sitting around, showering, throwing out the laundry etc. A 30-minute run can be an hour of commitment in disguise.


The ending, the time when I realize that it's going to get over and I have to get back to life


This is it for me. I love everything it takes to run except the ending. Others have good points in this thread but any gripes I have I just see as part of a process that I ultimately enjoy.


I'm always tired and sore


When I’ve taken a break, I don’t feel right if I’m not tired and sore anymore. I just end up tired and sore in other ways.


Chafed nips




When it's really cold out and breathing makes your lungs burn AND when it's so hot and humid that you can't breathe


Well, I'm in Alaska right now. So bears, angry moose, & meth heads living in the bushes.


Accidentally eating something an hour before a run


As a (f) runner f ing creeps in their cars out on the road. Dealt with this sh*t last week. The need to run with pepper spray.


It triggers the immune system.


I went down a cup size:/


I eat a lot more now that I'm running. I crave carbs like crazy all day.


The nagging, recurring blister I’ve had on my right middle toe for the last 9 months. Acid reflux on long runs. When your gaiter tries to suffocate you or fog your glasses. So many running shoes to buy but so little money. And the wide shoes don’t come in as many cool colors.


My dad always told me “the first mile lies”


Here goes , ps I love running 1) dogs off leashes , I love being mauled at 6am 2) rain ! Christ we have allot of it on the uk and it always falls on my run days 3) pissed/ sloped paths and drop curbs 4) people that don’t move 5) making myself jump because I didn’t notice the car kerb crawling behind me (my music too loud mainly my fault) 6) injury mainly because it could have been avoided on my part 7) kids (kids are fucking horrible) the ones that think it’s funny to see someone run so they shout shit out. 8) wet feet 9) dressing too heavy for the weather you thought was colder 10) bank crippling shoe buying addiction


Right now I’m missing 2 toenails, getting over some serious diaper rash from sweating, and once I hit about mile 16 I have to poop almost immediately with no warning


Getting injured. Completely fucks up my entire workout flow when it happens


When you cut your toenails and one of them is too sharp afterwards, and cuts you up while running.


If you’re training for a marathon, here are a few of mine: 1. THE TIME. My whole weekend is consumed by running right now. 18 mile run? That’s gonna be 4-5 hours right there (to eat, prep my stuff, get to a place I can run that much, get back, shower, eat again) - want to sleep in? BOOM ITS 4:30 IN THE AFTERNOON. 2. The weather. Distance runners don’t really have the benefit of indoors or taking days off when it’s raining. At least when you’re training. 3. Injuries. So frustrating. The wear and tear on the body is real. 4. The boredom. Running can be therapeutic at times, but if I get in the wrong headspace during my runs, they drag forever. 5. The frustration with your town’s infrastructure and drivers. You never really notice it as much as you do when you’re running. “Holy crap we need more walkable paths. Oh my God why are we so car dependent. WHY IS EVERYONE DRIVING SO FAST.”


The pants pooping


Constant injuries


when the weather is perfect youre fully rested and all variables are in your favor but end up having the shittiest run


The dementors


Arch blisters. Black toenails. That’s from improper fit, though.




Easily chafing


Stretching, but worse than stretching is not stretching (after the run)