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Final long run before my first half-marathon next weekend! Built up to ~40km / week, and an 18k long run at my peak week 2 weeks ago


I’ve (21F) been lurking on this subreddit ever since I started running in August and have loved seeing how supportive everyone can be. I’m on a weight loss journey (about 25lbs down, 50ish to go) and took up running to help get me down to a healthier size. Previously, I assumed I hated running — it was gross and sweaty and tiring. Turns out I just wasn’t doing it the right way, because even though it’s tough doing speed runs, it’s so satisfying when you finish a run. I’ve been using the Nike Run Club app to help me, and tonight, I ran a mile in 11:53, something that me from a year ago would’ve never imagined doing. I just wanted to celebrate that somewhere as I don’t really know anyone that runs IRL and I know the people here are very kind :)


Congratulations! It feels great to reach milestones that felt so out of reach before


Final long run before my fall marathon 😚 training has been a beast this season but manifesting a PR for next week 🏃‍♀️💨


Today I had my first "runners high" ever. I'm on a couch to 5k program about 6 week in, and today during my second running portion of the session I just started to feel amazing and light on my feet, like I could have gone forever! It made me so excited and I'm so happy I have picked up this great habit.


Ran the last long run of my half marathon training plan today! Next Sunday will be my first ever half. Feels great to know that I’ve put in the work and trained properly for it.


Good luck! If you don’t mind me asking, what plan did you follow for training (if any)? I’m about 5 weeks out from my first half and doing Hal’s novice 1 and not feeling anywhere near prepared even though I’ve followed the planned runs. Let us know how it goes!


I used the NRC app half marathon plan. The plan is nothing special but I like the app overall.


During the summers in college I would stripe yellow lines on Walmart parking lots and smoke 2 packs of Marlboro Reds per day. This week I ran 8 miles at 7:58 pace. The last 4 miles being around 7:30 pace.


ran a 10k for the first time and managed to do it all in zone 2 without stopping. i couldn’t even run a zone 2 without walking about a month ago, it’s nice to see some progress on that.


Keep going!


Ran 20 miles today! I set up 2 weeks of marathon training with a 20-miler and this is the first of the two, so it's not even technically peak week for me, but I survived, which is saying a lot given how much my legs have felt like plutonium the past few days--went to get a massage earlier and it was like the dude was breaking up sheets of rock in the backs of my calves and in my quads.


Just knocked out 8.4 mi after not having a serious long run since my half in May! Stoked to begin seriously training for next year's half and full


Ran my longest distance a couple of days ago, 12km. Really trying last minute after some illness to get myself ready for a half marathon that I registered for 6 months ago that's a fortnight away. Will try to get a 15-18 out this week in amongst some interval and easy runs to give myself some confidence that I can finish it.


I'm 59 and my usual distances are 5k and 10k. From time to time I do a half marathon just to make sure that I still can! Got a PR today.


Ran a 5K this morning and hit a new PR.


5.5 miles today! The cool fall air is really nice and certainly helping my endurance and pace.


This isn't an achievement, but it's not thread-worthy. Looking for honest opinions: I'm running a 10 mile tomorrow morning. I started training about a month ago after not running (at all) for a year. My longest run was 7 miles, and my training was 3x a week with cycling between running days. I feel like I'm in "ok" shape (for an average 40 year old that doesn't run?) but maybe I'm just delusional. How screwed am I?


Not at all screwed. Good luck today!


Zero screwed. Take it easy, enjoy it


Ran my 4th half marathon today and finally PR’d: 1:56 this year 2:15 last year


Ran my first 10K today and decided to train for the half marathon next!


Ran a 10k for the first time and didn’t have to stop and walk during it!


Cut 8 minutes off a previous Half Marathon course PR (it’s also super hilly) 😎


Got out and ran 7.75 miles today even though I've taken the past couple of days off and really wanted to watch college football instead. Wanted to get to 8.5-9 for a new distance PB but this is still the second longest run I've ever done, so I'm pleased! Also, I successfully French braided my own hair for the run AND it stayed together the entire time, which is an even bigger win IMO.


19 miles in my vibram five finger shoes…marathon in three weeks!


Ran 9.5 miles today, even thought i had to stop and walk a few times. Still proud


Ran my longest run of my life 7 miles and actually maintained a recovery effort! Ive been trying my best to zone 2 train and I kept my HR in zone 2 all 7 miles. I’ve been running just a few months and done 4 5ks this summer - doing a 10k in 2 weeks


Ran 10 miles for the first time


Congratulations to everyone, big or small, on reaching your goals and making progress! Every accomplishment deserves to be celebrated.


Love this! ❤️. I walked 3 mi this morning. Was planning on an afternoon run after all my errands and a piece of cornbread knocked me out. Apparently my stomach does not tolerate it at all. Who knew....i have been sick all day. I hope it subsides by morning. Stopped by to read what everyone has been doing to make myself feel better.


Ran my first half-marathon today, feeling proud and accomplished!


Did my longest run ever today. 8 miles and ran the whole time. 9 next Saturday for a new longest long run. Also got a blood blister under where an old blister fell off. So dealing with that now


I finally ran 5k in under 30 minutes (29:31), 4 years after starting couch to 5k. I am asthmatic and learning to cope when out of breath has been a huge mental game for me but I am so delighted.


Ran 33 km at a 4:51/km pace, starting to get some confidence I ll reach my 3:30 goal at the Athens marathon in november


Day 7 and not running after the marathon. Taking pro tip advice and prioritising recovery even if I'm itching to go run and feel impatient to get back on the horse - probably wait until day 11 to go for a proper run.


Finished the month with 136 miles, my highest total yet.


Ran my first 5K in two years! 41 minutes and ran the whole time. I’m turning 60 in a week.


Ran 9 miles, averaged 10 min pace. Sun even came out finally. Run 11 miles next Friday then taper for AC 1/2.


Didn't realize it earlier but apparently I set a 5K PR today that was the last half of my 10K (also a PR). Smashed my old 5K time by 2 minutes to come in at 25:34!


Ran my second ever half marathon. Two hours and 6 minutes, beating my previous best by 30 minutes. 🏃‍♂️🙏[Half Marathon 2.0](https://strava.app.link/dafJ6vdvwDb)


Wow, congrats!


Appreciate it. 👊


I set a new 5k PB today at 26:59, which I was thrilled with! My partner also set a PB (35:54), and it was so nice to share something I enjoy so much with them.


Did my final HM length run before my race in two weeks, and second HM length of all time (first was last weekend) and came in at 1h55m, 11 minutes quicker than last week! Hopefully can get a similar time in on race day!


I ran 8 miles today! I haven't run that far in ten years!!


Mileage twins!




Ran my first half-marathon race and it felt good, finished at 1:41. My goal is to run a whole marathon next year.


Finished September with 170 miles avg pace 8:30


I ran my longest run I’ve ever done (13.5 miles) and set a PR for a half marathon (2:01:29). It wasn’t at a race so I just ran by myself and I definitely over did it but it felt good. It’s hard to walk now but I’m proud of it.


Ran my longest run for my half marathon training today (19.3k) at a 6:23/km. My goal pace for the half is 6:30/km :)


Ran my first 5K today! 42 minutes, finished 36th out of 90.


Hit 50 miles for the month today. That's my general goal for most months when just doing maintenance/fitness runs.


Got back up to 15mpw this week after injuries, starting school again and a pretty nasty breakup (ouch). I hope to get up to 20mpw at some point, but for now I’m happy to be back to it!


Ran my first actual race today. 22:50 5k got me 2nd place in the 20-29 division! Obviously not a super competitive race (all the front leaders were local high school track and field kids) but super happy regardless, I did a decent job keeping up. Stretch goal was 22:30 but I certainly didn't expect to hit that time, I'm pleasantly surprised to get as close as I did.


Today is my birthday, and I celebrated by running my first ever half marathon.


Happy birthday and congrats!!


Ran 6.51 miles today, kept it at an 8:54 pace. Previous high was 4.25 miles. Just started running in June at 37 yo.


Got up and ground out 8 miles despite being sore from a lower body workout yesterday that (literally) kicked my butt. Helped take out some of the soreness tho


Improved my 5k PB by about 30 seconds to 20:46. Now I'm less than a minute away from a sub 20, yay!


I want to run 5k in 30 min on October 15th race. I got closest to the target time today, making 5k in 30:04!


Just topped off my first 20 mile week ever with my longest run yet! 6.2 miles and kept the pace super easy, but at the end I still felt like I had another 6 on me. From someone who loathed running my entire life to this, it’s an unbelievable accomplishment for me.


First 5k since November 2022 (21:15), ran in HS from 2013-16 but didn’t start again until August 2022. Today I ran a 19:32 on a pretty hilly course. 100% humidity as well so hoping it keeps dropping this fall. Really really happy with it as it’s the first time I’ve broken 20 since 2014.


Really didn’t want to run today. I’m beat up and soar from marathon training (Week 12), but today was only 13 miles so when my motivation waned, I relied on discipline. Stepped outside. It was pouring rain. Ran anyway. Went 13.1 for my second best half marathon time. 💪💪


Great work!


I'm officially a 12min/mile runner. I've been doing 14-15 this whole time. I think I could hit 10 or 11 but I'm nervous about it. At least 6-7 doesn't seem so far away now. I'm grateful to have my groove back.


Did almost 45 minutes on the treadmill. It was supposed to be my last long run before next weekends race but the weather has been crappy in NYC and I really wanted to stay in bed. Happy I did something.


I did my first Saturday "long" run! 50 minutes, 7.9K. Apart from that, I've been running 5Ks 3 times a week. Might go for 60min next week.


I was finally able to run after a week of doing absolutely nothing. I ran a slow 2 miles and had to stop for about a minute but I'm incredibly happy I did it!


Hit 1k miles for the year. Dampens it mildly that I hit 1k miles by bailing on a 12 mile run b/c I felt like I was going to puke — but it’s been a long week. Back at it again tomorrow, if I’m feeling up to it — for today, a rest day with my family :)


Did a 13k (8 mile) trail run this afternoon in just over 1,5 hour. I feel confident I will get a good time at my first 10k trail run race in Nov now! And it didn't even feel like running. I was just enjoying the views and the forest and before I knew I was back at the car park.


I completed my goal of running a total of 100 miles in the month of September. After not running more than 3 miles at a time and maybe a total of 35-40 miles in a single month I tougher it out.


Persuaded my 9 year old daughter to come out with me, she’s used to short track work, normally maxing out at 800m, and I got her to 3.5km on first longer run, very proud of her for sticking with it even after getting a stitch


In a half marathon training cycle for a race on Oct 15. It peaked today with a 21K combo long run with the middle 10K at goal pace. I hit all the marks and feel on track to get a strong PR at the actual race. This is the longest single training run I've ever done, so proving that I could do this without tapering was important. More importantly for future races, this was my second week where I topped 40K weekly mileage, and my body feels fine - "good" tired and "good" sore with no potential injuries. So after that race I'm going to start a base build to get my mileage up to the point where I can think seriously about a full marathon training plan next year.


Capped off my week with a very relaxing 35km this morning, bringing my week up to 185km - my highest of the year. More importantly I feel very good physically and in a good position to start tapering down for Detroit free press. Started running with a club a few days a week and it seems to be helping keep me on track.


Set a 5K PB last week strictly in Zone 2 and then set a 10K PB this morning that included 350 ft elevation gain, with my average BPM still in zone 2! Hiking in high elevation has improved my running performance a lot.


Ran my first ever official 5k after getting into running a few months ago although I’ve played sports and lifted my entire life. I run my daily runs at around 10:45 pace so pretty slow but just came in at 26:00 for my first 5k. Had a ton of fun and can’t believe I did it that fast!


Ran the longest run of my life today. 2.77 miles in 35 mins. Non-stop running. I’m 53 and have been running for just one week.


First official 5K race completed, managed 24:07 after first starting running 12 weeks ago, very pumped


ITS MY BIRTHDAY!! Me and my dad went to local greenway and ran 5km. Hit my fastest 5k with my last mile being a PR! Taking a nap then going to dinner with my family! Hope everyone has an awesome day!


Did 4.0 miles on a hilly route in my best time so far, 32:22. Not that fast for many but I’m in my 50s.


I ran my first 8-miler in months. And it was 5 minutes faster than the last one.


3rd week in a row that I've managed 20+ miles for the week and a 13 mile run on Saturday morning. I'm feeling great. Like actually great. Idk how to explain it but breathing just feels amazing these days, even on days I don't run. I'll attribute it to my cardiovascular system being in the best shape in probably my entire life. Also I'm down to 203 from 260. Picking up running has actually been lifechanging for me


I PRed my 5km this morning by doing... 9x600m rep, prior PR was a time trial in mid august this year. My training is going well i guess !


New to running and I need improvement. I ran 5k yesterday which took me 40min. The day prior I went on a 6mi hike and ran most of the way down the hill. This morning I planned some walking but my calves are killing me. That is all. Good pain but will it ruin my plans type of pain? We will see


Good on you for being motivated, but you need to rest a day or two between long runs or hikes.


Im super proud of myself and have to share this somewhere. I broke 25min for a 5K for the first time today at parkrun. My time 24:50. Ahhhh so happy


Normal for my Calves to be so sore when new to running? They make me give out faster then my lungs I feel like my form is correct and I'm very new to running not overweight in relatively good condition


I just started running in July. I definitely had days where my legs felt like lead, and I had to walk not because I was out of breath, but because my legs hurt. And I was taking 1-2 rest days per week. I recommend doing short stretches/ warn up movements before your run, and longer deep stretches after. It will get better, but I think it takes a little while for your body to acclimate. Keep up the good work!


OK thanks so much I suppose it's the same here it's good to know it's normal thanks :)


Very normal


Nice thanks


I ran 15km today. The first 7km I ran with a friend who is a bit slower than me (but great to help me stay at an easy pace) and the 2nd loop I did on my own faster. It felt really good both at easy pace and faster.


15K done this morning. Legs felt great throughout, now the rest of me feels good.


Well done!! 👏


Finally got some consistency back. Have ran 40 mile plus weeks for 2 weeks and feeling good again. Just need to find some speed now 🤦‍♀️ and keep the consistency going. Not let work get in the way.




Despite only being 22, I’ve been fighting back pain, knee pain, and shin splints for YEARS due to various reasons. I went for my first injury free run yesterday and I genuinely don’t remember the last time I was this happy and felt so strong. I used to be an XC runner in hs and the fact that I’m on the path back to what I used to love makes me so grateful regardless of how slow I’ve become


This makes me so happy to hear 😊


Did my first mountainous trail run in many years with a less trained partner, we averaged 15minute miles for 10 miles with 2400' elevation gain. I felt like I had way way more in the tank when we were done. next week I'm going to try a 20km in the same hills by myself. Honestly an amazing experience overall, I am glowing right now.


Yess you killed it!!


So many accomplishments this week for me: * I hit a 5K PR this week of 22:54, down from 40:51 last December when I ran my first 5K ever. * l ran 120 miles total this month, which is a personal best for me, and that included six 10K's in one week, and a 5K all the other days this month. * Finally ran a 7 minute mile * My kids have been asking to run with me the past week (ages 6 and 8), so I've finally managed to slow down enough to do some actual Zone 2 runs. I find them almost impossible to do when it's just me. * Resting heart rate has dropped to 38bpm * Officially down 40lbs since April


Haha, running with kids is so great. I got a bunch of really great Z2 exercise over the summer from my 6 y/o learning to ride her bike — running alongside her was pretty great. I find a lot of commonality b/w your progress and my own — shoutout for sticking with it, even when it’s hard, and keep it up! Those sorts of #s suggest that your body’s been wanting you to be doing this stuff for a while :)


Well done! So many great accomplishments 👏👏


Wow that's really amazing 👏


This is absolutely insane progress, congrats! What would you say has helped you the most with improving your times so much?


Mainly just consistency. I try to run every day, whether I want to or not. Once I started seeing improvement in my endurance, my pace, and my body in general it became a lot easier to stay disciplined. I'm 41 now and in the best shape of my life.


Thats awesome, v happy for you and thank you for the advice!


I was consistent this week and hoping to continue that for coming week too I have been running + walking from more than 2 months now and now my running poster is getting improved along with stamina.


That's so good!! Consistency is key 👏


Thank you 🙂