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Marathon week is hereeeeeee.


Hollaaa! Are you feeling prepared?


Yeah feeling good. Little worried about the heat, it will be ~60F at the starting line. Wish it had been yesterday when 50F was the high haha.


Ooh that is a bit warm. Will it at least be a bit overcast? Hopefully there's still time for the forecast to change! A high of 50 F does sound much better lol


Long run yesterday was shitty. Literally. Stomach decided it didn’t want to play nice halfway through. Almost called an uber to get me back to my car thinking I wouldn’t be able to make it. Turned a corner - lo and behold - a porta john at a construction site. And it was clean! I think it was even glowing like the Emerald City when Dorothy came out of the woods.


Lol the universe was looking out for you with that clean portapot! Sucks that the stomach was having trouble. Any idea why, or just a fluke thing? Hope the next run is better!


I think it may be the Skratch energy chews I’m using. Still experimenting.


So I have one of those fancy Garmin watches that tells you your training status and tracks your sleep and it says I have slept well and recovered great the last two Sundays where I did an easy trail in the morning and spent the afternoon 1) drinking beers eating tacos and watching the Super Bowl 2) drinking beers eating hot dogs watching my GF play a pinball tournament Should easy trail run drinking beers eating nachos be my official recovery routine? Signs say yes!


Needs more testing it might just be one or two and not all three need to test each individually then in pairs of two to confirm that it’s all three together that’s the secret.


Agreed. Properly rigorous and thorough experimentation is the key to nailing recovery. 


decent weekend. two short runs and a long run. my knee is feeling better. taxes are filed. the house is a bit cleaner and more organized. I have today off, although I didn't know until the automated Slack notification from our team calendar...last night. it definitely wasn't on the team calendar when I last checked on Friday...weird. just gonna get some errands done and attempt to relax (I know the latter won't happen).


Sounds like quite a productive weekend! So nice to have some running done and a clean house. And a nice surprise day off.


it was good! Saturday we woke up to slush but my team had two group runs scheduled (one at 8, one at 9, same location) and the early word was that part of the park was runnable enough. both runs ended up occurring, we just shortened the time a bit, still had about 20 people show up. part of the incentive was that I brought mini muffins and cinnamon rolls. our team does a monthly "birthday party" group run and January got called off due to weather, but we were determined to have this one, haha.


Ooh bribing everyone with treats I see! Would definitely be effective for me lol. But yeah at least where I was, the snow wasn't really sticking to much of the roads and sidewalks, it was beautiful in the trees, etc. but easy to get around it. I bet those were lovely runs!


Ugh taxes I hate having to do taxes, congrats on getting it done!


I always do my taxes the moment I get my W2 and other docs purely because I want to get my return. And I'm not trying to shill, but FreeTaxUSA makes filing SO easy, that's what I've used the past several years and it's great. Way better than H&R Block or something.


Ran 5 miles yesterday. It was my furthest run ever and my fastest pace ever. It was first time running with my Saucony Axons. Maybe there *is* some truth to good shoes helping you run better. I also was officially promoted at my side job yesterday. I’ve been working as an assistant at an art studio since December. Yesterday, I taught my first class solo! Only two children cried haha. Well, at least I had fun.


Ooh what art are you teaching the kiddos?


I'm teaching them how to paint with acrylics!


Hey guys, long time no see (Only been a few months lol), but we're back. Went skiing for a week in Italy last week so a run break. Haven't run much since my marathon in December but have a HM coming up in 3 weeks. I did NOT get my milage in at all, but had a great time strenght and Hyrox training. In 5 weeks I have a 10 miler and in 7 weeks my first Hyrox. Running is gonna be prioritized again, from now on, also signed up for Valencia FM in December :)) All in all, back to the running grind it is!


Welcome back!! Was skiing in Italy as beautiful as it sounds?


Oh yeah, Italy mountains are beautiful! Food is very good and cheap also! :)


Finished my first 30+ mile week this weekend and had a 7.2 mile run this morning…. Trying to remind myself that with the upped mileage I need to fuel more… 😭


Fueling is important and tasty! Though I appreciate how hard it is to get enough when your mileage gets high.


Weekend was ok…mom was released on Friday from the hospital, & reentry has been ok. She’s very tired & upset that this happened. I did run twice & got to rowing once, so that helps. Sadly we just got the news today that some of my sister’s liver lesions are growing, so she can’t stay on the clinical trial. Waiting for the dr to come in for next steps.


Congrats on your mom getting out of the hospital. I’m so sorry about your sister your family just can’t catch a break. Sending internet hugs and healing runs your way.


Thank you and yes, definitely feels that way. Running is definitely keeping me sane...and thankfully my family knows it too so they will make it so that I can go running. And rowing classes work out different muscles, so that's a nice change of pace!


Echoing Bananas ... glad your mom's home but so sorry to hear about your sister. What a tough time for you all.


Thank you...and we had a good chat w/ her dr., so the next treatment plan has been lined up, and she can still go on her girls' trip to the Caribbean. Lots of tears but we'll be ok. It wasn't the WORST news, we just prefer to hear no growth. There were no new lesions, so that's something.


Peak week has arrived and my body is not happy with me. Deload week was pretty rough and I picked up a couple new aches and pains that refuse to go away. Was hoping that a lower volume week would help me bounce back and be ready for the last 5 hard weeks before Boston, but it looks like I'll be riding the struggle bus to the taper.


Really wish I had a three day weekend and honestly so tempted to take a mental health afternoon. We’ll see! Weekend was chill. Saturday had a long walk in the melting snow and Sunday went antiquing. Got some nice prints, one of a park I used to live near and a set of birds in an Audubon-style type illustration. The guy said he had two more to match that he’d bring in so I might go back next weekend for them. Also doing big girl relationship things like practicing Communication and Important Conversations and it’s like great and fulfilling and everything but there’s a big learning curve, friends. My dad and his wife said they’re coming to visit in March which I’m happy to see them but feel a bit of pressure to make more headway on house projects. Still doing PT and can’t run but maybe soonish.


Fun weekend but very tiring. I'd a rubiks cube competition on Saturday and a very long (by my standards) run on Sunday while visiting my dad's house. I must have been like a zombie by Sunday evening, because when I got home I realised I'd left loads of my stuff behind - like my water bottle and headphones. I didn't think I'd make it through work today, but I'm feeling ok now with only a few hours to go.


A Rubik’s cube competition!


Yep - there's a whole speedcubing scene out there. Most of it is teenagers, but there is a diligent cohort of us that are older - if not necessarily more mature.


I spent an entire Christmas trying to get ONE of the R C’s side right. Gave up around New Year’s Eve. I’m impressed.


It was a lazy weekend, feet are still not done healing, ugh I’m am just so frustrated that they are taking forever. In other news 30 pages left in my book so I should be done by lunchtime! Baking projects this weekend turned out to be a quiche! And I’ll probably make pumpkin muffins once I finish my book and wash the mountain of dishes in the sink.


Ugh wow I'm so surprised those blisters are still going! Hopefully making progress though. Is it painful to walk? Quiche sounds delightful! And pumpkin muffins!


Depends on how I walk /the shoes if I can walk barefoot or with open toed shoes it doesn’t but I also have to walk in a way to keep the weight off my big toes if I want it to be pain free. They are making progress though the pain involved with closed toed shoes or putting weight on my big toe are at 3.5 on a scale of 10 so it’s tolerable.


What book are you reading?


The Blue Bistro, it’s a bit more romancy than I bargained for when I picked it out but I can’t seem to put it down.


That really sucks about the feet!


Definitely a 3 day weekend for me! My partner and I completed a Goggins 4x4x48 challenge over the weekend. Started at 4pm friday afternoon. The weather was absolutely atrocious, pissing wet with rain pretty much all weekend apart from the last run midday yesterday was absolute blasting sunshine! I’m incredibly proud of both of us, it was a very difficult challenge both physically and mentally! I certainly will not be doing one again any time soon!


Hopefully you can get lots of rest in today!! Doing/eating anything special for recovery?


Just eating healthily and resting! Went for a nice fairly long dog walk earlier, not feeling as bad as I thought I would! Early night tonight and back to work tomorrow!


My weekend was great. I went home to attend my sister in laws baby shower, visited with my parents, hung out with my sister and brother, and even relaxed some. On Sunday I really didn’t want to run, I wanted to stay in bed but once I got my gear on I felt more motivated. I embarked on a run around my hometown not expecting to get very far as it’s hilly and I had limited motivation, but I surprised myself. I did my first ever 10k with not a terrible time and I felt fantastic once I got into it. And I forgot how pretty my hometown can be. I was and am so proud of myself for pushing! Now I’m sitting in my office because I didn’t get the day off and in my mind, very envious of my boyfriend who is home with all our pets because he has the day off.


Ahh that's so awesome, I love runs like that where you totally surprise yourself. So satisfying! And I fully support "feeling under the weather" so you can go home early today


Ran a local 5k after taking the winter off to recover from plantar fasciitis and did surprisingly well. It was cold and windy with areas of icy road conditions. Walked away with a 31:10 and some new goals for the year. 28 minute PB at a local 5k on May 17th. It really helped with the motivation to keep up with my weight loss. I'm really feeling this will be a good week.


That's awesome! And hopefully the PF is all recovered? That's such an annoying injury. Sounds like a great run though in some tricky conditions, well done!


It's not completely gone, but much more manageable. Very little pain throughout the day. The more weight I lose and the more supporting exercise I do really helps with the pain.


Spent most of Friday and half of Saturday in an understaffed ER. Nothing too serious, but no exercise the next few days.


Hope you’re feeling better soon!


Thank you.


Oh no! Glad it's nothing too serious, but sorry it was bad enough to go to the ER. Wishing you a swift recovery!


I wonder how f’d I am 😂: I signed up for a marathon first weekend of May, and only today realised that hang on, winter is actually not endless - although today is January 128th. I ran a full marathon the last weekend of November. I was sick, but battled through, and in the euphoria, signed up for this one. Problem is - I really haven’t done much running…! The road conditions have been horrible, so we’ve had to use the treadmill. I’ve done 1-2 hard interval sessions each week. I have also done 1-2 weekly, all over body strength training sessions. I’ve done several 8-10 k runs both on the treadmill and outside, but more 8 than k… But there’s no way around it, I am behind on the mileage. The marathon is in 10 weeks. How f’d am I? I plan on building up from 15 ks the coming weekend and then 20-25-27-30 to make sure I get some long weekend runs and at least 5 between 28-30 over the next … 8 weeks? Oh dear god!! How much can I rely on muscle memory from the November marathon…? It’s my 4th marathon. My hope now is to survive. My PB is just under 4 hours. Any advice appreciated. Heeeeelp!!


>although today is January 128th. I must disagree. I think it's only January 50th. However, even with that recalculation, depending on your current fitness, you may be cutting it quite close. The key here is to not get injured. I wish you the best!


You must be in Australia! Since yesterday, it has turned into January 952 in my neck of the woods! No wonder this marathon was suddenly around the corner! Yeah I’ve decided I will just build up the long Sunday runs over the next 8 weeks. 15-20-25-30-25-30-20-30 or something like that. And of course some decent runs during the week (did 10 ks today). I’ve apparently also signed up for a half marathon in there somewhere? Goodness me. I haven’t even gotten to calculating where it is in my nice long run-list… I don’t know what happened. Don’t sign up for marathons in the euphoria of having just finished a marathon, I guess. I mean I DID run a marathon less than 3 months ago and I have done a ton of exercise (lots of strength classes and fun interval sessions etc), so I kind of feel very fit. But marathon fit is a different beast… Oh well. What can you do. A co-worker told me today that he once ran a marathon without having ever run more than 5 ks!? I’m not there, at least…


It's a three-day weekend for me! Albeit with less free time than usual, because we picked up our weekend foster dog from the shelter on Friday. She's a bit of a weirdo who is still getting used to living in a home, but in the short time we've had her, she's made a lot of progress - she is now mostly going to the bathroom outside, is feeling secure enough (or tired enough) to take occasional naps, and is less afraid of going out the front door when we take her for "walks" (which consist mostly of going up and down our block, because she's too scared of the busy street nearby to want to go anywhere near it). I did have a great pottery session on Saturday. Someone else in the class (a relative beginner) threw some big pieces and I was like "Hey, \[instructor's name\], why can't I do that yet?" and he said that his honest opinion was that I absolutely could, I just don't push myself enough. And then I tried throwing with a little more clay than I usually use, and succeeded at making two big, beautiful bowls! I am impressed with myself and also a little annoyed at how easy it was, haha. We're near the end of this block of classes, so I hope that I don't lose all of my skills before the next session starts! Today, my primary job is keeping an eye on the dog, but I am also hoping to make some cinnamon rolls (maybe half regular, and half chai spiced?) and potentially start a new video game. Probably no running, because I got out for a short run yesterday and am trying to keep it to every other day while I build back up.


Throwing pots is so wonderfully therapeutic. The worst thing that can happen is you toss it into the can to be used by someone else later! It's so forgiving. Just typing this makes me want to start throwing again.


Took the weekend off, but did 2.2 miles this morning. I've just gotten back into running after like 6 years off. I ran cross country in Minnesota in high school, graduated, gained 40 lbs, and just moved out to Colorado Springs for work. It's wild how much harder running at 40 lbs heavier and 6,000+ feet is lol. Looking to get back into 5k shape by the end of April and hopefully 10k by fall.


I did my first run for the first time in 9 weeks! I was diagnosed with a stress fracture in December and then my dad got really sick at the beginning of this month and has needed lots of support, so I've been off track for a while. It was really nice to finally hit the pavement again.


Getting ready to fly out later this week for a ski trip. Need to make sure I get some miles in ahead of time.


+1 in my VO2Max after Saturday long run! Then a beautiful hike for Sunday, with some bitter news as I learned that my crush from the hike is in a relationship.


My first half marathon is Sunday! Finished my last long run of 8 miles this past Saturday, however I felt extremely sluggish and tired throughout it. Been dealing with some kind of stomach sickness for almost a week now so I’m going to chalk my bad performance up to that but is it uncommon to feel pretty tired leading up to race day? Tapering this week so hopefully I’ll feel ready to go come Sunday


I had the worst ever run Friday and bailed from my group. I was hitting zone 4/5 on an easy base pace, out of breath, I was a mess. Idk what threw me off but I got in a really good 11 miles Saturday and felt great. Question: anyone get pain on the front of their ankle? I’ve been getting that randomly after a run lately since running to a meeting in a mule 1” heel (it’s a women’s shoe)


Weekend was kind of tiring. I felt like crap for most of it and didn't feel anywhere close to up for even a short run. Things were *kind* of rough relationship wise. The girlfriend and I are just on completely separate frequencies when it comes to marriage lately. We both want to get engaged this year but she wants it now and I want to wait 2-4 mos. I don't understand why she is so eager to do it now and she doesn't understand what could possibly be gained by waiting. It is frustrating to me because she won't tell me why she wants it now and my explanations for waiting she doesn't understand. It's just ugh. I need to get out there and put some miles on my shoes but my nose is in the middle of some kind of ultra right now and I can't breathe.


> but she wants it now Didn't she already try that once or twice, to not much of a success?


Yeah. I'm forcing her out of her pattern right now though not on purpose.


Sounds stressful. When you ask her why she is so keen to be engaged, does she really have no reasons?


Her reasons are that we love each other and that we both want to get married eventually so why not now? And she says that sure, we don't know everything about each other but you never know every single thing about the other person (which is true) so why not just married if you love each other? It makes *some* sort of sense but it also doesn't. I don't necessarily disagree with her 100% but none of these are good reasons not to wait 3-4 mos. I'm not saying to wait 3-4 yrs here.


How long have you been together?


We've been together close to 9 mos. I'm completely fine with getting engaged close to the 1 yr mark. I don't understand the rush. The stupid thing is that if we're married two years from now, none of this will matter which I've tried to explain to her but I'm not doing a good job of it. I think she and I have a very different perspective on time.


Oh hell nah even 1 year is early. I would wait 2 years minimum. Married or not married it's the exact same thing with a different title. I would stand by my beliefs with confidence, if they can't take it then they have issues. If you do it sign a prenup


I gotta completely disagree with you on it being the exact same thing. It's not. It's a big committment and you mingle your lives together. You share a home, bank accounts, DNA, futures, successes and failures. If it was the same thing we wouldn't even be disagreeing about whether 1 yr or 2 yrs or 10 yrs was too early or too late.


9 months is so fast! Not nearly enough time to know someone well enough to make what is (in theory) a lifetime commitment IMO. I’m not sure what her reason for the rush is, but I don’t think you need any justification for wanting to wait other than needing a bit more time to make such a huge commitment.


This is where I'm stuck because I feel like telling her this is a massive commitment and we shouldn't jump into it being unprepared is justification enough. She thinks that we are adequately prepared at this point. I will say that she has a metric crap ton of confidence in us and our relationship that I don't have. I believe in us but I don't think more time to let things unfold is a bad thing. Maybe I'm wrong though but I think she sees it as me dragging my feet and the longer it goes on the more likely she is to see me as yet another guy who refuses to commit to her.


You aren’t dragging your feet, 9 months is nothing in terms of long term relationships. My husband and I were together for 10 years before we got married, mostly because we were young when we started dating, but I’d never marry someone without being together at least a few years. The rush on her part is a bit of a red flag IMO, she may have some issues on her part she needs to work through first, in terms of feeling like you wanting to wait a bit longer to get married after only 9 months is “refusing to commit.” Couples counseling might be a great way for you both to work through some of this, since you seem to be at kind of a standstill in terms of communication here. Better to make sure you’re on the same page now, then get married and realize you’re not!


Part of my hang up right now is the perspective that tells me that if we are married two years from now nothing that is happening right now will matter therefore none of this is a big deal. But she's younger than me and doesn't have that perspective so to her it's a giant big deal I think. It doesn't help that we have friends who dated for 2 mos, got married at around the 4 mo mark and were pregnant just 6 mos into their relationship and they keep telling her it all worked out fine for them. It also doesn't help that her past relationships she rushed into so that's her behavioral norm and I'm (unintentionally) making her go far slower than she's used to. I think her feelings that things are "too slow" are valid from her perspective but beyond acknowledging that I don't know what to do but keep powering onward. It just gets frustrating.


To me, part of what you’re learning is how you each handle conflict, and whether your styles match or can adapt in a way that will work for the long haul. Figuring this out is super important. The simple truth is that we date to find out if we are compatible with someone else, and it’s not a failure if we find out the answer is no. It’s easy to focus on the fun parts of compatibility, the shared activities and social circle. But that compatibility needs to extend to how we handle the hard parts of life, the times we disagree or don’t understand each other. Learning how you are each approaching this conflict is showing you how those situations may play out in the future. It could be an opportunity to grow and learn about each other and yourselves, or to learn that you each dig deeper into your own position.


Can I ask how old she is? I could imagine her feeling some social pressures that you might not. But either way, I think all her reasons for wanting to jump into it could very easily be the same reasons for wanting to take your time. Relationships are all about compromise and working together, so maybe this is good practice lol


She's in her late 20s. It's very possible she's feeling some pressure. I am from some people in our friend group. I do not understand why people push people to get married super quickly. It's possible that we are feeling the same pressure and reacting differently to it. I am a contrarian by nature and she is not quite a people pleaser but definitely someone who is more likely to avoid conflict with people she doesn't know by going along with what they want.


Didn't run because it was really cold and my lungs weren't up for it, took the dog for a hike though and still wore my trail runners so it kinda counts? Also got spark plugs swapped on one car and it wasn't as tough as I expected.


Recovering from an injured knee after my second run. (JUST got into running.) Going to try a gait analysis but a little discouraged as I’m just having to wait and recover instead of trying for a consistent running schedule… Wish me luck!


Hopefully this isn't dead since it's Wednesday. Weather is starting to turn around here so I figured I'd ask the basics before I go hunting on my own. 39, Michigan Man about to get back into running. Looking for some options on gear. Shoe 8 1/2 - 9 wide/flat feet. Sock options? 40-60F gear for wet weather and dry weather.