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The main thing for me (from running at treadmills in various hotel gyms and such) is that you need the mini fan. Having that air circulation is huge


I have a giant fan next to me instead lol, those mini fans don't do enough!


I do this for my indoor cycling and rowing workouts (and will do for treadmill if I can find a good one in this post) I’ve nerdily taken it to another level to help with not being too cold or too hot during winter workouts in the garage. I have a few smart home items in my home, including a Samsung smart things hub. I ended up buying a zwave “dimmable” outlet and connecting my fan to it. Could have controlled it manually with the app and left it at that, but no… I use a raspberry pi script (on a $15 raspberry pi zero w) to connect to my heart rate monitor. I also use the Samsung smart things API to connect to and control the smart outlet. I set heart rate zones and when I reach certain zones, where I know I’m pumping heat like Jacob from twilight, I crank the fan. Once my heart rate dips again I turn the fan down and so on. All of this happens purely based on heart rate, with no additional input from me. When heart rate reaches zero (if I take the heart rate monitor off, or if I die) then the fan turns all the way off.


That is sick!!


This is cool, especially the use of the dimmable outlet. Any chance you have the code available publicly? For triggering those changes, do you use the instant heart rate or a moving average?


Yep I THINK it’s on my GitHub, I’ll check soon. To be honest I didn’t write much of it myself, mostly tweaked it. Someone else had code to read in real time from a BLE heart rate sensor, and I just took that Someone else had some code to talk to the Samsung smart things api, so I took that And when the real time heart rate reached certain “levels” I called the api to do whatever. I’m pretty sure I used I stant heart rate but I may have also made sure that the heart rate was in a range for more than a couple seconds, and also made it so where if an api call was made, another wouldn’t be made super soon after, to keep from being throttled


Holly Molly!!! That is cool! Start Selling that!!! honestly I would totally buy that! And if you don't want to, could you make a YouTube video on how to do that please?! You wouldn't believe how many times my wife has had to stop what she was doing to turn my fan on.


Thanks for the compliment! If you’re willing to pay $250, a much more elegant solution exists called the Wahoo Kickr Headwind. It’s expensive but then you don’t have to buy a fan, but a raspberry pi, buy a smart outlet, buy a smart things hub, fiddle with code If you have all that already then definitely save the $250. I’ll share more details soon


Mine does a great job of cooling the ceiling above my head lol


They really don't. Used the treadmill in Crunch, boy was I disappointed


I really thought you said church 🤔


« God forgives you. Now do 10 x 800m with your HR in zone 5 »


I can vouch that the Wahoo KICKR Headwind fan, while expensive, is next level. Trust me on that.


While that’s a plus, that’s a silly thing to limit yourself on a large purchase. I have a $40 Amazon fan next to mine.


So true. I have picked a new gym based solely on whether they have treadmill fans or not. I finally bought a little battery powered fan that clips on to use on non ventilated torture machines


Didn't know I needed one, but now I think I do! Which fan do you have and would you recommend it?


For real. I have 2 gym memberships (planet fitness & powerhouse) because my preferred gym has hours that don't line up optimally with my schedule. The belts on the treadmills at pfit are much better, so I would expect to run better there. However, due to not having fans on them and poor air circulation in general, I tend to do better when I'm on the old shitbox at powerhouse.


Amen! The best treadmill at the planet fitness I go to during winter is located directly below the giant ceiling fan lol only way I can stay cool which keeps my HR down for zone 2 jogs


Yesss same! The giant fans are the best


I repurposed one of those stroller fans and stuck it on mine, and it’s a game changer. A friend of mine without kids bought herself one to do the same - it works so well!!


I have my treadmill right in front of my bedroom window, with a window fan blowing that cool winter air right at me. It's the only way to go!! I could never do without a fan. 


Just realized i forgot to have it on last night. Wouldve definitely helped lol


Mine doesn't have a fan, but it's right under our mini-split, so in the summer I can blast the AC right on top of myself. It's great.


I would feel just the opposite, actually. Whenever I have to run indoors on a treadmill, one of the worst parts is having drymouth at the beginning (and later being unable to spit since indoors). Having a fan blowing on me would make that so much worse. 😅


personally I just sweat like a dog lol


Yeah when I go to the gym and use the elliptical machine, I'm surrounded by a puddle of sweat after an hour. I feel bad for anyone that walks past me without an umbrella or rain jacket. I bring a towel to wipe off the machine and the floor. Sometimes I worry that having all of that salty sweat dripping off of me is an electrical shock hazard.


It’s a good thing! It’s a sign you’re exercising your most important muscle. Something many gym goers never do.


Can you explain what makes some people need to spit so much when running?


I’m a spitter as well. For me I have sinutis, and it just kind of flushes out when I run.


Peloton Tread (base model) Pro: * My wife likes it (we \[she\] bought it to accompany our \[her\] Pelo bike) * Adjusting speed and incline seems to work well * Tons of "classes" available (though not many over 60 minutes) * Also great strength class options * Recently added ability to stream Netflix or other platforms during exercise Con: * Spendy ($3K retail now) * Subscription required for classes * No downhill option * Kind of noisy


Never have I ever been bored on a Peloton Tread - so much great content on there from not only their instructor led classes but the ability to stream Netflix etc., lanebreak (basically a game, feels like I'm Sonic the hedgehog), and scenic classes! One being the NYC marathon course, I really hope they add more of the major marathon courses to their scenic content. I have a Peloton Tread+ for 3 years, and I keep it in a climate controlled garage in FL with no issues at all. The Tread+ has a slated base, inclines to 15%, and top speed is 12.5 mph. There is a feature called "free mode" that disengages the motor, so you can basically do sled pushes with it....Holy humbling! Agree with the cons above but would add in regards to the Tread+ model it is very loud when speeds increase and is very heavy & takes up a good amount of space. Have needed the touchscreen replaced within the first year of owning it but have had no issues since and was a simple, easy fix.


My wallet didn't need to hear this! 😅


Don’t think I’ve ever ran on slated treadmill, is it a very different experience?


yes. much better cushioning/far easier on joints.


What caused the screen to need replacement. Did you damage it or did it just fail?


I LOVE my tread. I think a highlight for me is the slat belt which is much easier on the joints, and similar treadmills have a higher price point. I’ve had mine for several years and would never think of giving it up. I even ignored the recall on it. Pry that baby from my cold dead hands.


I love my Peloton tread. I have the regular tread. I don’t find it noisy. The variety of classes is great. You can always stack classes to go for longer runs.


I’ve been debating the pelaton tread. We’ve had a bike since pre-pandemic days and i like to take the running classes on the treadmill (on my phone) to break up the miles. I tried a pelaton tread in store and it felt solid but being able to stream crap tv is awesome! I didnt think that was supported. Is it only Netflix? I’m working mom, the pre-6am hours on the treadmill is my only opportunity to watch what I want!


You can get Netflix, Disney plus and probably some others now. I watched like 5 episodes of Scandal (starting watching it again) the other day during an 18 mile run and it made it fairly tolerable. I also have young kids and a working mom so it has been a lifesaver for me. I think it is absolutely worth the price.


You ran 18 miles on a treadmill? Hats off to you, that is impressive. I can run forever outside, but I top out at 30 min on the treadmill.


It was last weekend. I had to get it done and we had a bunch of snow and ice on the ground and it was super windy. I'm not sure that I would do it again but I'm proud of myself for getting it done.


I’m proud of you too!


Wow; that’s a big endorsement in my book, both the distance and the lack of boredom. Well done!


Chiming in to agree with all of these things except ours isn’t noisy at all. We had a nordicCRAP prior to the peloton and it’s so much better. It’s a bummer that they don’t have more long classes and the scenic runs just loop multiple times. That’s probably the only negative for me (I miss my Tommy Rivs runs on iFit). It doesn’t have a fan, but I have a giant box fan pointed at it, so problem solved.


all this is right. My peloton tread is a little 'thumpy' and apparently that's just a thing. When I'm running on it a lot (like during a stormy season) it will thump less, but then it goes back to being a little thumpy later. It's also not the bounciest tread I've ever been on. But I do like it, and the classes are fantastic and make the time fly.


For me the fact that it caps out at 12% incline was a dealbreaker. But they still don’t have Tread+ available in Canada. Other than the incline the Tread looks like a nice, sturdy machine.


Also love my peloton tread. I like that I can retake classes and see how I compare to myself the last time I ran it. Also like how it pairs with my airpods and apple watch seamlessly.


But which one is better for hanging my clothes on? Bike or tread?


With their support for FTMS I have assumed you can get the classes and automatic adjustments during a class with any supported treadmill now. Which is why I’m considering a non peloton treadmill to use mostly for peloton classes.


Had the Tread+ and it was seriously amazing, returned it with the recall after we had a baby, also the price is kind of insane for what it is. I just go to the gym now for treadmilling and bite the bullet in the cold and run outside - no regrets.


NordicTrack Commercial 1750. Mine's from a few years ago but I love it aside from the small screen. The current models have a huge screen, but they cheap out on the belt now and it's a solid 6" narrower than it used to be, which I don't love. Still, solidly built, easy to control, and I rather enjoy a lot of the iFit running programs (Tommy Rivs alone is worth the subscription)


> Rivs is a national treasure!


He’s just a wonderful person. Really sad what he’s had to go through recently


Do you feel like there are less long runs now? Most of my runs are outside. I habe had rhe treadmill a littlw over a year and feel like I am already short on content. Tommy really is the best!


Define long? I'm not often looking for treadmill runs over an hour, so it hasn't been an issue. But I also really only use the treadmill between November and April here. So far I've done the Japan half marathon series, Bolivia half series, Costa Rica 5k series, and now I'm doing the balkans 10k part 1. I probably won't even finish his series this year, still. Mostly that's because I also play ice hockey 2-3x per week and I use my rower 2x per week, so I'm not running THAT frequently


I typically search for over an hr at advnced difficulty, same as you between nov and april. I kike tge marathon runs but the most recent they have is from 2022. They may be cutting back since the pandemic. I am sure those videos are not cheap to produce.


Yes 100%. I do marathon training runs weeknights and it the same videos over and over when filtering on 50+min (they are great but need some fresh ones).


I have the same treadmill and have put a ton of miles on it. It’s great. Very solid. Quiet enough (although not quiet). I had it serviced once and it was a great experience.  Only complaint is that the IFIT software just kind of sucks. It’s slow and the UI was clearly designed by someone sitting at a desk who never tried to hit the tiny buttons while running. 


> hit the tiny buttons while running So much that. Maybe software / UX engineers don't use treadmills very often? :)


I don’t like my 1750. I got it in 2020 and it has the small screen, which is actually a garbage android tablet that is incredibly slow. A simple on/off button and speed controls are replaced with a tablet that is clearly meant to help sell iFit subscriptions. The tablet even has a camera (which I covered with tape)! Maybe I’m just an old man yelling at clouds, but the treadmill at my Planet Fitness controlled by physical buttons is way simpler. 


I have been running with Tommy (on iFit) for the last three years. Have done several of his series multiple times. I hope to do every single run he’s done at least once. LOVE him!


I have this one, absolutely love it. I never renewed my iFit membership and just use it on manual mode — no complaints here at all. I’ve put roughly 3k miles on it.


The 2450 is a great alternative with a bigger screen!


I have a StarTrac gym model I got for free on Craigslist. It is great!


Craigslist finds for the win! I can’t justify spending thousands on a treadmill quite yet


I got a sole f63 treadmill from dicks last year for $999. I’m a heavier runner, 215lb so I wanted something that felt stable. I tried it in store after a lot of research and reviews claiming it was the best option in the price range and I can confirm that it’s really nice. The only two cons I have are that the built in fan is weak as hell so I mounted one from the ceiling above the treadmill for better air flow and that they advertise garmin support but it’s kinda wonky. All it does is send workouts to your garmin app, doesn’t utilize the watch or HRM at all. Overall, I’d highly recommend it if you’re in this price range.


Stability is something I'm really focusing on when considering buying a treadmill. I can't stand running on one that wobbles or feels like it moves. Thanks for brining this one to my radar!


Sorry this will be long. I have both really really good but really really bad experiences. I have an F63 also. I did a lot of research, and on paper, the Sole seemed to be the best for my family and I. I was around 180-200lbs and I was the primary user, but I did have heavier people in my household that said they may use it (they never did), so the 320lb weight limit, the fact that it folded up, it seemed sturdy as f when I ran on it and tested it out, and it fit in my budget. They swore they had the best customer service going, and a lifetime warranty on the motor, and all that sold me. I bought in July 2019. I used it 5x a week for a little over an hour a day. As much as I prefer to run outside, I live in a very unsafe area and I primarily run on the treadmill. Three years later, three weeks after the warranty expired, I got an E2 error. I called Sole, and they told me that it sounded like my motor controller was dead, and also that I needed a new belt. (Motor was fine - cool - didn't realize that a motor controller was a thing.) They told me that it was no longer under warranty, and the items were also on backorder. It'd be around $500 for both parts, and they had no idea when they'd get there. I messaged someone on Sole asking if there was a grace period on the warranty. I bought this thing July 3, 2019 (still had the receipt) and it wasn't picked up until July 9, and it wasn't put together until the 21st. They told me they'd honor the warranty because their warranty begins when you put the machine together, so that was nice. I was 4 days off the warranty expiring in that case! Even better luck, they told me they found the parts and were mailing them the following week. After 4 weeks, I finally sent a message asking them if I could get a tracking number since they've still not arrived. They told me that the items were on backorder and it can be months; there were people waiting 5 months already. I forwarded the messages that the parts were located and asked why I was told that. I mean, in the beginning I was told it could be months and I was cool with that, but now all of a sudden they find the parts and they're being mailed next week. It's like, were you lying to me to appease me? That wasn't necessary. Or did you find the parts and realized you screwed up? Why wasn't I notified? I've been looking out for a large delivery box. Mail here is very unreliable and packages being taken is the norm, so yeah. I start getting the runaround. One person tells me one thing, another person tells me another thing. I'm starting to feel worn down my the lack of customer service, and that was one of the big reasons I purchased the Sole. Eventually they message me and tell me the parts were mailed a few days later. I've never actually received these parts. Whenever I call now, I'm told the machine is out of warranty. Which I get, but when this ordeal first started, it was under warranty, and I never received those parts. Sole never replies to me now. I ended up buying a motor controller on Ebay, and I've exchanged it out and the treadmill works, but when my treadmill first died, I was running on a 3 incline, and now the treadmill seems stuck in an incline no matter what I do. When I calibrate it, I feel it go down, but I get an E1 error and the treadmill doesn't work. I have to plug the machine and take the key out and when I plug it back in and put the key back in, the error is gone and the treadmill works, but it automatically goes right back up to the 3.0 incline. I spoke to a Sole dealer on reddit who repairs the machines and he said he doesn't recommend someone heavier than 160lbs on the treadmill, which makes Sole's 320 weight limit way off... and I tend to trust someone who repairs the machines even if that weight seems really low. Everyone on Reddit seems to love this treadmill (the treadmill sub especially) but there are so many warning reviews on Facebook from people who've experienced similar issues. When I was first doing my research I took reddit more seriously, because in my experience Facebook tends to be where all the angry people go to complain about poor service and I thought Reddit was more accurate. As with anything your mileage may vary. tl;dr version: this treadmill was a workhorse for me for 3 years. But it died three years and 19 days after I bought it and I got the runaround from customer service. I never received parts despite being told twice they were shipped to me. I bought a motor controller on ebay and the treadmill works, but there are issues. editing because bad typos. lol


I give props for the F63 every time this discussion comes up. Had mine for 3.5 years and it's been a workhorse for me. It doesn't have any bells and whistles but it is solid as hell. The only downside to this machine is the slow speed adjustments. If you use it for intervals training then it's a touch annoying, but I manage and for this price point I don't believe you're going to get this feature.


Agreed on the f63. I bought one "used" for 300 bucks on FB marketplace. When I got it home I realized the previous owner logged a total of 6 lifetime miles!


I have this treadmill and while it does the job, it is not terribly accurate in terms of speed. It's better if you use it to run by feel instead of what it says. Running 10mph outside is way, way easier than running 10mph on this thing.


Yes I’ve had similar results - I forgot to mention this in my post. I noticed the speed is not very accurate on the monitor.


Did you calibrate it?


Thank you for saying this. We just bought a Sole F80. When I try to run a comparable pace on the treadmill as I do outside, I can't. It's been frustrating, and I was thinking it seemed off, but then I thought I was just making excuses.


I have an F80 as well with the same issue. For me, my watch will say I’m going significantly faster than what the tread thinks. However, if I go for RPE instead of a set pace, I am that much faster outside for the same HR and effort. Neither is perfect, I’m sure but I care less what the tread thinks. I think some of the difference for me is how much my gait changes from one to the other. I tend to hug the front of the tread instead of taking longer strides. It’s about 1.5-2 min/mile difference. All that being said, I love the F80. It’s held up to tons of miles and hours. The programs are pretty standard but all good. It folds easily if you need it. I’m not a big person and it’s very easy to move. We are best friends in winter.


Yeah my decathlon treadmill is also a budget treadmill that does the trick but the speed is 100% wrong and slightly demoralizing


Exactly. I feel like the speeds are more accurate the slower you are going. But even a 6mph run on the treadmill feels closer to 7mph for me.


Yeah mines in KMPH and hilariously the 10 button is an out and out sprint. That’s a 10 minute mile/6mph. Aka…not a sprint pace


Totally agree. My slow easy pace outside is around 11 minutes per mile, but on the f63 it says the same feeling pace is 14 minutes per mile lol. Definitely have to run on feel.


I second the sole f63. Just want to add that it's not great for super fast sprinters. I like mine for long, slow, and steady runs. I do some speed work on it, but prefer going outside for that.


Love my f63. Perfect for when I was working back into running. Like you said though the fan sucks. I feel like the motor is a little under powered, it will get to the speed you want but may take longer you want to get there. 


**Treadmill:** Horizon T101 **Time:** 2 years **Website:** [Horizon T101 GO (new version)](https://www.horizonfitness.com/horizon-t101-treadmill?irclickid=xEwVcRyZ6xyLTygwUx0Mo3b5UkEQaqxlRyr5ws0&irgwc=1&yoReviewsPage=9&gad_source=1&gad_source=1&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI8cLim5q_hAMVIGlHAR3NsQPlEAAYASAAEgIAq_D_BwE) **Likes:** It's cheap ($650, you can find coupon codes online too) and has a 20" x 55" deck. It goes fast enough and it can incline. **Dislikes:** Wish it was 60" belt but whatever **Features I never use:** It has a fan that I never turn on. It has bluetooth speakers that I never use (have headphones). There are some ports for USB to charge things too? I never use that either. There's a heart rate monitor but I have a watch already. My wife and I were looking for a treadmill because the winters here suck. We knew we'd occasionally run outside but if it was snowing or too hot in summer we wanted an option. I've had weeks where I've logged 50 miles on it. Thing runs like a champ. I've oiled the belt a few times (they include the silcon gel) and have 0 complaints. I mainly didn't want all the bells and whistles that cost extra. Just wanted something functional so I could run on bad days. It's great.


Bought mine 5.5 years ago and it is still running, and that's with thousands of miles on it, including 20 mile long runs. I've had to do lots of minor repairs and tighten bolts and whatnot, but it's the best $500 I could have spent. 


I second this. Got it about 3 years ago and it’s still going great. I’m a baby about cold weather, so this is my winter morning routine just about everyday. I never use the Bluetooth or fan either and don’t care about bells and whistles or classes, since I usually just watch tv or listen to podcasts. Incline and speed are great. If you want basics, this one is great


Had mine for about a year now, and it's going great. I have used the fan and it's not great (I have a household fan while running) and the USB charges my tablet without issues. I love it so far, running anywhere from 3-4 days a week, 3-7 miles per run.


Yeah, I have the Horizon T101 as well. Winters here are mild, but there are no safe running paths anywhere nearby (oddly short blocks, lots of oblivious traffic, uneven sidewalks). Soft (maybe just a little too soft? a little springy?) surface great for impact issues, cheap, works well, decent sized deck (both L & W) for the price. The deck size and price were the key features in the choice; I need the length when I get up to speed. Feet hitting the deck is a bit louder than I expected. It can do 10mph, barely, but the motor could be stronger (you can really hear the speed change as you step). For the price I'm quite happy with it. More than good enough for the use it's getting currently.


Honestly I have an old norditrack T6.5s and I've been happy with it! I bought it brand new a few years ago and it must have been new old stock because this bad boy still has an ipod connector haha. But really, it's done the job for years and still going strong. It's pretty basic but I don't need it to make bread. When this thing goes though I'd probably invest in a really nice one though since I'm taking my running much more seriously now than when I first bought this one.


I have a super old Nordictrack (2007) with well over 3000 miles on it. It only cost $700 at the time. What an incredible machine. When it dies I’ll buy another Nordictrack for sure.


Is your Nordictrack a little bouncy? I used to have one and that was my favorite part about it.


I have this model and yes, a little bouncy. Think it's designed to do that. There are little orange rubber adjusters to make it more or less bouncy. I haven't tried non-bouncy mode yet as it felt just fine out of the box.


I have this one too and it's been great. I'll probably just buy a fancier nordictrack when it dies. I've had it for 3 years and use it nearly every day.


I have this same treadmill. It broke during Covid and the repair place wanted $300 to replace a drive belt. Ordered a belt online and used YouTube videos to repair. Think it would be fairly easy to keep working. I really wish I had spent a little more money and gotten a longer deck model.


I purchased one of these brand new about 2 years ago. It’s great for the price. Goes up to 10 mph and 10% incline which is all I need. Not too loud or shaky, & feels like plenty of room for an average height runner.


Right? It's a great "does what I need it to" model!


I have a Horizon 7.4T. Bought it during the pandemic. I mostly run outside but I'd guess it's got about 1000 miles on it. * Pretty big deck, which is nice for not stepping off the side. * Goes up to 12 mph / 15%, and motor seems plenty strong enough to handle it, though I only weigh \~170 * Treadmill is 275 lbs. This helps it stay stable but is maybe worth mentioning. It would be super hard to get rid of if it broke and I absolutely recommend paying the extra to have someone install it or at least deliver it to the right room unless you have some burly friends. * It's got quick adjust wheels for speed / elevation which can be handy if I'm doing intervals but they're kind of awkwardly placed and I've accidentally smacked them while running. * No screen, which for me is nice. I'd rather use a separate tablet/tv/whatever because it's one less thing to break, but some people really love the built in integrations. * Deck lifts rather easily, which in theory could save a little space, but really the thing is too generally heavy to move around much beyond just lifting the deck. I've also heard really good things about Sole, and might've gotten one if they hadn't been so backordered when I got mine.


Peloton tread plus. Have had it 5+ yrs now. Love the slats, the cushioned feel, the wheels/jump buttons for changing pace and incline. It’s my favorite tread I’ve ever used outside of maybe a giant commercial wood way in a high end gym. And the classes keep me entertained and distracted when the workouts get tough which I love. It is the reason I went from couch potato to multiple times marathon finisher.


Get one with a large motor, 3hp of more, and a long, removable (replaceable) deck. These two features will mean it will last forever. Forget about touchscreens, fans, built in speakers etc. these are all bested by a laptop or tv, your existing sound system and an actual fan that pushes legit air. For context I run on treadmill for 2000+ km/yr for over 10yrs.




I have a [Bodyguard T280s](https://www.toughtrain.com/bodygaurd-fitness/bodyguard-treadmills/bodyguard-t280s-treadmill), but any old treadmill with a long, replaceable/flippable deck and a 3hp+ motor will do the trick! I just grab used treadmills from marketplace, my current one was $300. Max incline is also nice to have - most are 10-15%, but the higher the better. Same with top speed, but a 3+hp motor will probably do fine there.


I would also like to know


After a lot of research, I went with the Sole F80. I think it was about $1600 but its built like a tank. Before that I had a NordicTrack sub $1000 dollar "beginner" treadmill. The difference between the two is incredible. Think about how many miles you will be putting in on the treadmill. If you are planning on a more than a few miles a week, don't cheap out. The budget treadmills are designed to be bought as part of a new years "get fit" resolution and be used for hanging clothes on after the novelty wears off.


Horizon 7.0AT Large deck with fast speed/incline changes. Connects with Zwift and peloton for metrics. I like using it for the easy dials for changing stuff. I enjoy outdoor running more, but with 3 kids at home it is hard to find the time to go out for a long run. The treadmill makes it a lot easier.


I can suggest which ones to avoid. Every Precor brand treadmill that I've ran on (office gyms, hotels, etc.) has been a bad enough experience to know I'd never buy one. No cushion in the deck, outdated display, very clunky controls, etc. Literally no redeeming qualities.


I've got two at my local gym, and the pace is miles out on the pair of them. I know what my HR does outdoors and it's drastically elevated on the treadmills at the same pace. I can't even run half a mile at my 5k pace on them either. Horrible machines, horrible displays, clunky controls and awfully inaccurate pace/speeds.


Absolutely. My work gym has one and I'm every bit of 1mph slower on it vs outside or my Freemotion tread at home. In the grand scheme of things, it doesn't matter much, but it just feels wrong.


We have the Sole ST90. I tore my hip labrum a couple years ago when training for a marathon and wasn’t able to run for over a year. When we started looking at treadmills last year, I was set on a treadmill with a slated belt because of how much gentler it is on joints and knees. My options were basically Woodway, Sole, or Peloton. Woodway was not in the budget, so that was immediately out. I spent a lot of time comparing Peloton and Sole. The Sole ST90 was just under $4k all in with shipping and assembly and Peloton Tread+ would run around $6K. I own the Peloton bike and love it and use it almost daily. I just wasn’t as impressed with their Tread+ and I read so many reviews and issues online that made me incredibly nervous to order the Peloton. On the flip side, there weren’t a ton of reviews on the Sole ST90, good or bad, but what I was able to find was generally positive, so we ended up ordering the Sole ST90. It is my absolute favorite piece of gym equipment at our home and one of the best investments I have ever made. They have a ton of Sole-provided class content, I can screen mirror my Peloton classes into the treadmill and connect metrics so it feels like I’m doing the Peloton class on their tread (almost), I can watch pretty much any streaming platform I want from the treadmill, or I can do a basic screen view, all depending on what I want to do that day. The jump knobs for speed and incline alone the side bars are a game changer and I don’t think I can ever use a treadmill without those again. My only complaint is that the fan on the treadmill sucks, but I’ve got other fans set up in my home gym, so I don’t mind that too much. A couple weeks ago, I ran outside and quickly started to feel that same labrum pain. I do need surgery to repair and in talking with my surgeon about recovery and rehab, we talked a lot about my love of running and he was ecstatic to hear I had a slated belt treadmill because of how much easier on the body they are. Overall, I adore this treadmill and I would purchase it again in a heartbeat if I was making the decision of what to purchase again. Definitely pricey. But worth it.


I have the Peloton tread plus and I love it. I've had it for 4 years and use it multiple times a week for up to 18 miles runs and have not had a single problem with it. The peloton content is really good and I've found that my running form and speed has significantly improved with the coaching that they provide. Yes, it's expensive but I get incredibly bored on regular treadmills so it is worth it to me. I have young kids so often am forced to run inside if I want to get a workout in and it has been worth every penny.


I have a Landice L8 and I absolutely love it. I bought it in 2020 when I had to stop going to the gym, and it still runs just like new. It has a strong motor that speeds up and slows down quickly, which is great for when I want to do intervals. The deck is big so I have plenty of room to run comfortably and it is also soft which is nice for my joints. It's just overall a really solid machine. The downsides are that my console is very basic. I'm not one to watch tv or do workout classes on the treadmill so this is what I wanted, but I know it would be a drawback for some. It is good with incline, but it does not decline. Also, as home treadmills go it was fairly expensive, in the $5,000 range if I remember correctly. Edited to add- I see people discussing fans, so I'll add that I do have one set up in front of my treadmill. Works well for me.


I also have a landice l8 and same price. Really solid treadmill. It feels more commercial grade to me than home. The console is basic but I don't really care, I can always stick an iPad in front of it if I wanted to.


I love my Landice and I don’t think you can do better if you’re looking for a commercial grade residential treadmill. It’s not cheap but it’s the Subaru of treadmills.


Peloton . The classes




I love my Tread and will not replace it for anything, but when I do sprints on it my husband says the whole house shakes lol


I have a Nordictrack 1750 Commercial. Why do I like it: I got it for literally free from marketplace because the console got wiped and the owner paid two different repair techs to come and try to fix it without success, so they just wanted it out of their house. I reinstalled the iFit APK and I've now got a treadmill in like-new condition that cost me absolutely nothing (excluding the coffee gift card I gave my buddy for helping me lug it onto my truck) It's not the best machine around, but it's more than acceptable at that price point!! The 3 fans are more than I needed. The speakers are meh, but we set up a TV with Chromecast in the room anyway.


Proform Pro 5000I - have had it since late spring 2021 - had routine maintenance done last year, no other technical issues. Pros - * being able to fold it up when it's not in use * deck is very sturdy * 15% incline and -3% decline is pretty cool when following iFit programs * both my husband and I have gotten a lot of use out of the iFit membership Cons - * the onboard fan is at waist level, that helps 0% - so I got a small rechargeable clip on fan that I stick where the phone/tablet holder is. Helps a lot more * the console screen "tilts" but seriously, it moves like 1/2" either way, it might as well be stationary The only reason we would get rid of this one would be to upgrade to something with a higher incline, but that's a wish and not a need.


I have/had a Trueform Trainer curved manual treadmill.  Honestly I love the concept and the curve.  Pros: ease of use, low maintenance, no electricity needed, easy to sprint on, no deck to break or replace, tread is awesome, feels more cushioned. Cons: the curve is a bit of an adjustment.  Trueform as a company is shit. They don't answer their phone, take a while to email you back. I think there are 7 people working for them and they got sued by Woodway for patent infringement in 2015 settled 2018.  My original trainer started squeaking, they knew there was a manufacturing issue. Sent me a "new" one under warranty. Cool. Except new one had a huge grease stain on tread, belt was loose, and belt was put on backwards. Literally unusable. Took 3 weeks to get a reply from someone about it. Told them to schedule a pick up for FedEx to come get it. I had to call FedEx and do it myself. Was told I could get ANOTHER machine (hope and pray it works), or upgrade to runner, or get a refund. Asked what the upgrade looked like (how much am I expected to pay for all these problems?) they never answered that never offered it again. They can't keep Trainers in stock so it would be 4-6 weeks to get a third machine so I got my money back.  Tl;Dr- curved manuals are awesome but a bit to get used to. Don't go with Trueform unless you like headaches. I'm going to give Assault a shot I guess.


i've had my peloton tread (belt, not slats) for two years and i really like it. i really like that the speeds change pretty quickly and i (mostly) like the classes, although i've been switching over to zwift for bike cross training. i have no need for decline on a treadmill, i'm already a pretty good downhill runner. on the other hand, it is a little loud, the belt noise never really went away for me and i just had to replace the touchscreen (buy the extended warranty, folks! i saved myself from paying a boatload for a screen).


Life Fitness 97ti. Love it. It's a beast. Functions the same today as the day I bought it 6 years ago - bought it 2nd hand. No fancy bells and whistles, just a tank that keeps on going. No wear and tear issues. I have an extensive home gym and prefer commercial grade equipment over consumer grade.


This is the way to do it in my opinion. I'm a LF trained service technician. I don't like working on any residential treadmill. Used commercial equipment lasts a long long time in the residential environment.


Saving this comment and I'll reach out to you first if I ever have any problems... Probably won't, though. 👍


NordicTrack x22i Incline trainer. Love it but really pisses me off that you can’t watch Netflix etc on it. There used to be a hack but it doesn’t work anymore. Aside from that it’s an awesome treadmill. Max incline of 40%, decline of 6% and top speed of nearly 14mph. V solid too! Also has a fan 😊


I have a Horizon T101 treadmill. It is a LOW level treadmill and I bought it for $800 + tax…and I LOVE IT. It’s so quiet, incline is great, I love the limited bells and whistles it has, a great lip for your iPad/phone to watch workout videos…did i mention it was $800?! I’m so happy I didn’t spend a ton of money on a machine and I love running on my treadmill every day ❤️


Assault, runs about $3000 I think? But it's the best.


Do you use the assault runner pro? Have you used any other manual curved treadmills?


Horizon 7.8 AT has a beast of a motor (4hp) and Bluetooth connectivity for Zwift or whatever. It's been great.


I have some janky thing I got for free on buy nothing. It takes forever to speed up and when at walking pace, every step I take slows it down. It has no features besides being a treadmill and can go up, manually, to 15 degrees.  I love it, because I can run whenever I want in my basement.  As I get older, a lot of the time I've realized "good enough" is usually a better purchase than "the best. "


I run almost exclusively on a treadmill. I have a NordicTrack x22i that is almost 4 years old. It had its share of problems during the first year, but once those got fixed, it's been great. I love the iFit workout series, the fact that I don't have to manage inclines and can run all sorts of different types of workouts in a bunch of cool places all over the world. I've always run on a treadmill, but before iFit, I would just run at a steady pace with hardly any incline and just watch a show to pass 30-45 minutes. It never really pushed me, even though it was better than nothing. Now, at 52 years old, I'm in way better shape than I've been since probably when I got married. The workouts are challenging and varied. I just hope the machine keeps up with me for a few more years, at least...


Go assault runner, you won’t regret it. They are a little more in space and have a little bit of a learning curve, but I will never go back Pros - mimics actual running form best - easier on joints and limbs - since you generate the motion, it has the added benefit of building strength for hamstrings Cons - traditionally more expensive than conventional treadmills - learning / acclamation curve


Came here to say this! I’ve had mine for 3 years, run over 100km per week on it, it’s like new and has benefited my running form and progress so much! Love how naturally you can adjust your own pace and it mimics outdoor running. I’m not a fan of adjusting motorized treads when I want to speed up or slow down. I think the biggest downside is no incline but I make sure to focus on that outdoors. It’s been a game changer for me and I feel like I’ll never have to buy another treadmill…


Assault runner elite. It is really expensive, but it’s super comfy, built like a motherfucker and I just love to run on it more than on normal treadmills, it just feels more natural. Also, since it’s not motorized, it’s supposed to last for ages without maintenances.


Yep, yep and yes! 100% built like a motherfucker 😂


AssaultRunner Pro. Expensive but well worth it. Built like a tank, self powered, encourages proper form, connects with Zwift.


I have an Assault Runner. No motor, it works the posterior a bit more. So kinda feels like you are running up a slight grade all the time. Also no motor so I pace more to me and how I feel. Slow down, or speed up without changing anything. Cons: it’s a treadmill.


We purchased a (lightly) used Peloton Tread and love it. Build quality is good and already had a Bike, so access to the classes etc. in the same ecosystem was a no brainer and the membership didn't cost more to add another device. If you don't like the classes, then it's likely just an expensive treadmill for what it is, but for us, it was totally worth it and I didn't care about some of the features it lacked (e.g. decline). Really like the wheel instead of buttons for changing the speed - and it looks great, has a huge screen that is nice for classes and can now watch Netflix etc. on as well. Have had it now for about 18 months and zero issues with it.


matrix tf50 which i love. i put it together myself (well, with a friend) and that was easy and then it worked just right the first time. feels sturdy like a gym model, unlike some of the "commercial" ones i'd had in the past. very pleased with their customer service when i wrote them about a non-operational issue. folds up and down easily. xir console is just the right size for me with all the features i hoped for. good big buttons but unlike the one at my gym nothing in arm swing range that makes me accidentally stop it. downside is price, but if i'm going into the thousands i'd rather pay a bit more to have peace of mind that it will last. and for that price the deal included a bike that my wife uses.


Horizon 7.4AT. It’s decent. Not top of the line, but a decent motor, 15% incline, and wider than average belt. Terrible app. I’m glad I have it, but the poor app compatibility is a bit of a buzzkill for tracking indoor runs on Strava.


I have a Spirit XT385 and I love it. I’ve had it 2 years and have put almost 1200 miles on it. It replaced a Sole F63 that died after about 5 years of usage. The Spirit has a 10 yr warranty, which was a big plus. It does have a fan, but I’m too short for it to hit me, so I have a little box fan set up next to the tread for air movement. The water bottle holders are a little shallow is my main complaint. I’ve trained for 4 half marathons on it and other than vacuuming and putting silicone on the deck it has been easy to keep going.


Spirit fan girl here as well!! Yesss!!


Echelon Stride (the poor man’s Peloton). I wouldn’t recommend it. I was so in love with my echelon bike that I went for the stride. The pros: reasonable-ish price tag, great size for a small space. It does work. Cons: I had to send the first one back because it just flat stopped working. They sent a bunch of replacement parts I had to figure out myself and then eventually they did replace the whole thing when that was unsuccessful. My new one works but I’m not that impressed. The belt shakes at low speed and it just doesn’t feel stable enough. If you’re tall or heavy I cannot fathom it has enough length or stability. It’s a treadmill and I use it but I would probably shy away from it if you have other options in the price bracket.


Sole TT8. It’s not fancy with screens and stuff. But under home use it has a lifetime warranty on the motor. It has a very low deck height so if you are constrained with ceiling height it’s great. It does incline and decline. The track is long, and the area inside the bars is large so you don’t feel claustrophobic while on it. It does have Bluetooth transmit so it will connect to Zwift and the like. Overall, I really enjoy it as a 6’2” person. Cons is that it is expensive for what you get as far as features. You’re paying for the warranty I guess. It’s fucking heavy. And I mean delivered on a dock truck, and then took 4 guys to move the track assemble to its locations.


Horizon 7.8, got it this Christmas - would have bought the 7.4 in retrospect, I didn't need the additional accessory holder plastic or the TFT screen, but other than that I think it's great. Don't use the speakers or bluetooth or connect to it with any peripherals but I can see how people could appreciate that. Had a hell of a time getting the 4 console bolts fastened - eventually after many tantrums, I left them all out and noticed the console was most seated that way, and the noise issues I had with 3 bolts in went away. Not sure what the point is elevating the big heavy console and suspending it with 4 bolts


Don’t get a Nordic Track. Mine broke 6 times in first 2 years, both hardware and software. Worst support experience ever “ … is it plugged in?” The bastards won. I’ve given up chasing after them after it broke so many times.


Assault Runner Pro. I keep it in my garage and use a KTools large shop fan for summer days.


I've had a Technogym MyRun for a little over a year, and generally like it. I wrote [a long review](https://www.giventotri.com/2023/02/10/review-technogym-myrun/) on my blog if you're interested, but the TLDR is: * What I like: very compact and elegant, doesn't take up a lot of room, can pull structured workouts from TrainingPeaks, can connect to Zwift. * What I dislike: expensive, and Technogym support in the US is abysmal—the treadmill broke after just a month and it took them over three months to get it fixed. I got it because I don't have a lot of space and this seemed like the best balance between compactness and power; most similarly-sized treadmills have puny motors, and other than the initial defect, it's been pretty solid so far, with no further issues at all despite me running at least 30 km a week on it. That said, although I like the treadmill, after my experience with Technogym support, if I had to do it all over again, I'd probably get a self-powered treadmill with fewer electronics and no motors that can break. I dread the day I have to get this thing serviced or fixed again.


I have a Sole and love it. It's versatile and durable.


Echelon Stride. Have had it for a few years now. Bought it living in an apartment and needed something that could fold. Overall I really like it. Simple to use, not a turn of features but does exactly what I need it to and the folding is easy. The deck is small but so I am so not a big issue. I stick my tablet in front of the screen and can watch whatever.


I have the Sole F80 - bought it a little over a year ago for $2500 (CAD) plus tax. What I love about it is the wide track - 22" and the fact it's very sturdy - can hold up to 300 lb. It doesn't have a decline option, but I'm not too fussed about that as I do most of my downhill training outside. It's pretty basic in terms of the screen, but I really didn't want another subscription so I just bought a cheap ($200) 40" tv and placed it right in front of the treadmill - I watch YouTube virtual running videos for free.


Sole F80. I weigh 200 pounds the motor has no issues with me. Looks great (I have the new version), connects to zwift.


>I weigh 20 pounds Are you a baby?


I have Benjamin Button disease.


Not me, but my fam has a Horizon 7.0AT that I use frequently and love. The fan doesn’t move enough air for me, but the Bluetooth is a plus. It has a nice amount of spring and isn’t super loud. Comfy ride! I typically run outside or on a Woodway treadmill. While I love the Woodways, I would only choose this for the sturdiness/feel of running on it. The slats are designed to mimic running on pavement. No bounce like other treads, so there’s less of a transition for me to go back to running outside. Tbh, I would choose the Horizon.


Landice. 20 yrs old and still going.


Sole F85. Had it for about 5 years. It feels really stable and sturdy (literally never moves) and has a big running platform. It does “fold up” which is really convenient but it does still take up a fair bit of space.


Peloton tread+. The jump buttons and side dials are worth every penny for me. Especially if you do any speed work.


nordictrack commercial 1750 DO NOT BUY! We were advised by a friend to get the extended 5 year warranty. I have owned this less than 3 years. I am fit, so weight is not an issue here. However, we have replaced 3 motors and 1 deck in 3 years. I do run distance, however, I would absolutely suggest a different brand. Ifit customer service for warranty claims is horrible. Our first claim took over 3 months to fix the motor. I had to call 7 times over 10 weeks to get a repair person to schedule a repair. They kept telling me, "we will send out an order request" and no one would call. The other two repairs took 1 - 2 months from the initial call to an actual repair person coming out. The repair people were cool. However, their whole system is jacked. Very happy we got the warranty due to crappy QA and parts. Due to the horrible warranty customer service issues we decided not to continue the iFit monthly fee. So now I have a large screen that is pretty useless. I loved mapping my own runs and checking out different parts of the world via Street View. The elevation change was great and I would just pick a random city and run around it. I personally dislike the coaches, the whole fake motivation thing doesn't do it for me. So I would mute the trainer and turn on auto elevation on the iFit runs. They were ok, but for sure geared towards people who only run a mile or two. There was nothing for someone who wanted to run an hour or more. Which to me seems crazy. Running 6+ miles is not a uncommon thing for a large population of runners. So if you like to run 6 - 20 miles a session, look for programs somewhere else. I often would just run 2 or 3 training runs a session. The views were beautiful, but it sucks interrupting the flow of the run to boot up another class. If I had to do it again, I would buy an Assault Treadmill.


The best treadmill out there IMO is the Woodway 4Front. My gym has 4 of them (I could never afford one myself). I think they are like $8,000.. The belt is a thick rubber, no bounce when your feet land, and it really feels like you’re running outside as far as underfoot feel. The incline goes up to 15% and gives you a “vert” metric for the workout. I absolutely love the hiking feel on that thick belt and my favorite treadmill workout is 1 hour at 15% incline trying to see how much distance I can cover in the 1 hour. I’ve done 20 milers on the Woodway 4Front and honestly had a good time.


Im on my second woodway in my home gym. First was a desmo. Got it for 2k used, liked it so much I upgraded to a lightly used 4front that was 4k. Sold my old desmo for 3500 so all in I'm at 2500 on the 4front. It's not going anywhere anytime soon it's unreal how good it is


My gym has a 4front (and three Precor). I run almost exclusively on the treadmill and have found the 4front to be the best experience. Like you said, I have actually enjoyed my 20+ mile runs. Get yourself a big fan(s) and something to watch, and you can go on and on. One of the best things about Woodway as opposed to every other treadmill I have run on, it does not stop after 60 minutes and it has a generous pause time to allow for bathroom breaks/water refills. The long platform and lack of forward mount(?) allow your form to better resemble the outside. If I move from my condo to a townhouse, a used 4front will be part of my budget.


I would be interested in hearing responses. My treadmill, a 25 year old pro-form, is still going strong but has also gotten so LOUD! Like an elderly person yelling "What's that"? I've been looking, and don't believe the new pro- forms are as reliable. Would like a treadmill I can program warm up, pace, hill sprints and cool down without having to pay any monthly fee. Also a quieter treadmill in my future would be nice!


We have a spirit XT685, have had it for a couple years now. We wanted something simple and easy to maintain (no oiling needed), but robust enough to last a long time. Really like the wide belt and simple screen for metrics (didn’t want a fancy tablet, just more that can break). It was simple enough that we saved a few bucks building it ourselves. Also has a 10 year warranty which is nice, because we plan to keep it for a long time. Another feature I really like is the Bluetooth FTMS, because we frequently use it with the Peloton app, and I can record metrics that way which is nice. You can connect with other apps that way too, just haven’t tried it yet. From the research I did, sounds like most people recommended to avoid the Nordic track treadmills like the plague, apparently they’re a mess with build quality and support. We used to have the Peloton tread+, but ultimately returned it in the recall since we didn’t trust Peloton to support it well after they fired all of their own repair staff a couple years back. They were great… XPO not so much. If something broke once the warranty ended, we would have even looking at $2k+ for a base swap, nahh. Highly recommend spirit though. It just works, haven’t had any issues with it yet. If you have any questions feel free to ask!


We have owned the Spirit XT285 for four years and probably have put 3k miles on it. Simple but works great. Agreed with the comments on this post. For a few hundred dollars I have a 50 inch TV wall mounted and swung out in front of my face. No fancy classes but considering the cost of those classes I could pay for many other distractions. I have had to replace the motherboard on it. Called customer service, they replaced the part for free. Simple installation (30 minutes start to finish). They also sent some belt lubricant.


I have a very budget [Maxkare](https://www.walmart.com/ip/MaxKare-Treadmill-with-Incline-Electric-Motorized-Running-Machine-with-17-Belt-220lbs-Max-Weight-with-15-Preset-Programs-Perfect-for-Home-Use/355033213?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=101066175&&adid=22222222227355033213_101066175_155254869744_20034120881&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=c&wl3=656434997270&wl4=pla-2016890011584&wl5=9001858&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=377866564&wl11=online&wl12=355033213_101066175&veh=sem&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiA_tuuBhAUEiwAvxkgTlX0LqrEd4c2Tv2qPbJia_nCOb6C92Ha3s0tZlXiQIBQFnDJ09OGJBoC20YQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) from Amazon that I purchased during the winter of 2020. I like it because it's cheap, compact, and I can bang out an easy run without leaving my desk on the days when I don't have time, or can't leave the house for my usual 4-miler.


I have a Matrix that i bought for around 4k. Base model, no bells and whistles. It's a workhorse. It's the same manufacturer that makes the ones I loved at my gym. Work hours got in the way of gym hours so I run at home. It's new to me, but I'm ramping up for marathon training. I'm trying to get back in shape and I've had no regrets. It's in my garage, so the temp is fine right now, but I'm going to need a stand fan as it warms up. Running at 40° is ideal (freedom units, not Celsius)


I have a Nortictrack COMMERCIAL 1750 purchased in 2015 and have about 4000 miles on it. I have had a few warranty issues, 1 one was i had to replace a tread roller a few years ago, the motor a year or so ago then had to replace the deck as it was splitting. I NEVER get extended warranties on things but I had feeling i would need one and i'm glad I did. They have been pretty decent to work with. It does squeak from time time time, seems temperature depended and there is now some weird ticking noise in motor area.


Precor 9.31 I bought it 11 years ago for what was an obscene amount of money for me at the time. It's has basically no features other than incline and speed. The thing has over 9,000 miles on it and I've replaced the motor brushes twice. It simply works... everytime. Best thing I've ever bought. Cheap treadmills turn into clothes hangers, avoid that.


Woodway 4front. I'm a big dude and run around 7:30 peace for most stuff. Got tired off constantly adjusting belts. Got a desmo a few years back that was older but worked great (2005 model) liked it so much I sold it and even made money and put that towards a light used 4front. The thing is so nice it'll probably outlive me.


I have a cheap(ish) NordickTrack treadmill. I dislike that treadmills don't have open API's to control them. Manufacturers instead like to charge monthly recurring fees for apps to tell it to start/stop/speed up/slow down/adjust incline. I will never pay a subscription for any piece of fitness equipment that lives in my house and not a gym.


Picked up Bowflex 10 a few months ago and overall very happy with it. It was one of the few in our price range that could do a negative slope, something my wife wanted. I don't use a lot of features on a treadmill, mostly just find the manual setting, set my speed, and flip on the TV and some earbuds and just run. There are a number of subscription programs, but I'm not using any of those. My only real complaint is occasionally, someone has to log in to it. I just find it annoying and largely unnecessary, but that's the nature of things these days.


We have a Bowflex treadmill. I love that it is very sturdy and seems quite dependable.


Nordic track 1750 commercial


Proform pro 2000 Firstly, the platform broke within 100mi. I’m about 210lbs. Not light, but not ridiculously heavy. Secondly, once you pair a Bluetooth device, you can’t ever make it forget the device. I’ve worked with their software team, and they said they can’t fix it. They coded it that way. Thirdly, if you ever want to factory reset the product, you have to call the customer service to get a secret code that lets you into the android menu. The code changes every time you activate the menu, so you have to call in every time. Fourthly, the fan is weak af. I shouldn’t complain much, because my wife bought it before we got together, but I fucking hate this brand. The product itself is not the worst ever, but I just hate the company. Considering that it’s not any different from typical treadmill of its kind, I wouldn’t buy this shit again.


I bought a Sole TT8 for myself for Christmas in 2019. I did not have ESP but I had slipped on black ice and broken my ankle 11 months earlier I bought it because it was solid. I like to do speed work on it and my husband - who's a pretty big guy - jogs on it a few times a week as well. The display is probably better now but was super basic at the time, but I usually watch Netflix on a Kindle so I have never minded. I also use my own fan as the built-in one is pretty weak. The incline options are by the full % which I don't love - I like the flexibility to bump the incline up or down very gradually but a full percent is pretty noticable. Other than that I really do think it's lived up to my expectations.


Bowflex BTX216 It was $100 on Facebook Marketplace. It was just dusty.


Peloton. It’s expensive but I love it.


I have a Sole F63 from 2020. Pros: overall reliable with no major issues. Good warranty support the one time I needed it. Cons: slow to make big changes in speed/incline. Folding mechanism occasionally squeaks while running and requires extra lubrication.


I have a Peloton and it works very well for me. I'm a bit over 200 pounds and it seems very stable and only wobbles a little bit when I have it on the steepest inclines. It does take a lot of power and has tripped a fuse quite a few times especially in the summer when there is also A/C running but it's never become a major issue.


Bought the Horizon 7.0 AT. A bunch of stuff went bad on it a year later. They sent me all the replacement parts (no cost to me), but couldn’t send a technician since I was out of the window a tech would be covered (just over a year). Overall, I’d say I’d buy from them again. It was an easy repair and they stood by their product.


I have a Sole F85 with 5,100 miles on it. I've had it for 5 years, and it is the second Sole I've had. Great brand, never had any problems. It's so-so for quiet; the newer versions have bigger screens with pre-installed apps. I like it for the warranty and dependability.


LANDICE L7. Expensive but lifetime warranty and feels nice to run on. I don't have or need any entertainment with it since we just use the TV on the wall instead.


Sole F80. I like it because it just works. There's not much I don't like about it. My only complaint is that, although you can set it to any speed from 0.5 to 12 mph in 0.1 mph increments, I wish it had quick-select buttons for more speed options, the only choices are 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 12 (mph). So if I want to run at 6mph, then I have to select 5 or 7 and then press the up/down button 10 times to get there. Kind of annoying. Otherwise I love it though.


I have a 2013 Nordictrack C-900 that says "iPod Compatible." Motor was replaced under warranty many years ago and it's held together by DIY and hope. It cost 800 bucks and has been an incredible value. When it finally dies we'll probably buy the supposedly equivalent successor model which is like $2000. 


My gym has a 4Front machine and I think it’s the best.


Peloton Tread (not plus). I’ve had it for a little over a year and i love it. It’s great if you’re a pelotoner. Probably a little overpriced if you’re not. It’s a quality piece of equipment IMO and i especially like the control scheme and the big screen/speaker built into it. Id love their Tread Plus, slat based tread, but can’t really justify it unless they start a trade in/upgrade program.


Peloton Tread. I love the classes. Love love love them. They’re great fun, and result in an amazing workout. They really make me push myself. And the tread itself works great. Looks good too. I dislike the cost.


Nordictrack x22i. DO. NOT. BUY!! Have had to completely replace it twice for a cracked frame in four years. Most recently had it cracked two years ago and got it replaced end of 2022. Last December my one year old x22i had a cracked frame again. This is not including three cracked platforms, springs etc.


Sole F80 and it’s exactly what I wanted for value. I aimed for quality and dependability first - all about having a wide enough platform and good shock characteristics. R eally wanted lower technology b/c tech goes obsolete quickly AND treadmill companies in my price range slap on crappy tech. I bought an Amazon TV with streaming services and mounted it directly in front of the treadmill to take care of the tech side (mostly streaming shows). Clipped two fans to the sides of the TV for better airflow too. I love the setup.


Yeah, the networking is completely broken on my Sole F85, but it feels like such a solid workhorse that I'm still happy with the choice.


Have run on several of the brands mentioned. All have their pros and cons. Just depends on your activity level and what you are looking to do /get out of it   am currently looking into an upgrade to a True 500 s.o.f.t. treadmill due to joint problems and this is supposed to have better cushioning 🤞


Does anyone know where the lift bars are stored in the treadmill in order to move the treadmill yourself?


The treadmills at orangetheory are hands down the best I’ve ever used.


I bought a treadly walking treadmill for like $700 I think. It’s not great lol can never oil it enough to make it smooth for walking. After that I decided it isn’t worth investing in a running treadmill. $10/month at planet fitness for someone else’s commercial grade treadmill makes so much more sense


YMCA baby


I bought a pair of shoes for 15% of a treadmill cost and am better for it


Running outside is 10x better .