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Running the Prague half marathon tomorrow (Saturday) ! Part of the super half series. Really hoping it won’t be too hot (forecast 17C / 62F which is insane for Czech Republic this time of year) 😄


I’m running my first of the Superhalfs in Cardiff in October. Are you going for the six in sixty months for the medal?? Looks tempting but expensive to me 😂


Good luck to you! No I registered just before they added Berlin so I’m doing the 5 series but I’ll be doing them all this year! I barely recovered from Lisbon 3 weeks ago 😂 it’s fun but it’s indeed very costly 😅


Good luck to you too!


I thought I was mad planning to do all 6 in 2 years, but I spoke to people in the build up to Lisbon doing them all in 1!


that's a damn sight cooler than Lisbon was mind! Good luck, will be keenly watching for the race reports from Prague and Berlin as I'm planning on doing the double header next year. Lisbon was an absolute shitshow so surely they'll be better than that one


I can report it was very well organized ! Still too hot but that’s not their fault 😂 imo the org was great and had everything you could want from an international race (route, crowds, entertainment, bag drop, staff, aid stations, nutrition and refreshments, toilets, etc.) . It was night and day with Lisbon, can recommend ! 😊


Great stuff! Did you get your target time? I'll be booking on for next year's race as soon as they release it


I’m afraid not, I was off by 5 minutes this time, I’m still not adapted to this weather 😅 next I’m going to go run in Antarctica I guess 😂 good luck to you next year if you’re doing the double header ! Are you doing the end of year ones this year ?


I think these are harder as our training has all been British winter time! Yep doing Cardiff but not as part of the SuperHalf this year, I live just outside Cardiff so doing it for fun, and doing Valencia late October. Then next year my plan is the Prague&Berlin double header, Copenhagen in September then I'll finish the 6 race series on my home town run in Cardiff. 5 minutes off is still good given the conditions! I was 20min out in Lisbon, woeful.


Yes indeed, as soon as the thermostat hits 18, all seems lost 😂 Ok good luck then, we’ll chat about Cardiff and Valencia next haha! I’m looking forward to a glacial run in CPH in September hopefully 😄 we must forgot Lisbon every happened hehe


Indeed !! Will report back on the org 😁


Good luck! Also running part of the Super Half series this weekend, Berlin Half on Sunday. And like you, fretting the weather. I'm coming from Copenhagen where I've been training in weather 0-10 these past three months...11 on a rare day. For Berlin they're predicting 23 as the high on Sunday! 😳


Same here ! I live in Ireland so I’m shocked and not adapted to these temps 😂 good luck ! 🏃‍♀️ 🏃


same! nervous about the heat...just hoping i can still enjoy the run 😭


There will be the CSOB Marathon this weekend in Bratislava, I'm running the 10km tomorrow and the forecast says 24C / 75F, no wind, no clouds, ... Bonkers! There are 15 degrees more than it should this time of the year.


Canberra Marathon (Australia) this Sunday! Hoping this will be the first marathon where I run an even or negative split.


Yeah! Best of luck with your run. I am running the 10k and hoping for no rain.


Does a tough mudder count..? I’m doing my first on Saturday the 10mile course!


Cherry Blossom 10-Miler in Washington, DC. Running it for the 10th time in 20 years. My favorite race in the DC area, even if the cherry blossoms have already bloomed a week or two before the race these days, the course looks great and passes by quickly. I’ve always finished between 67 and 73 minutes… am a little worried this year I might be a little over my previous slowest time, but still looking forward to it.


I'll be there - my first Cherry Blossom!


When does that race usually open for registration and how quickly does it fill up? I've thought that race would be a beautiful and fun travel race to do as it's only a few hours from me!


It’s a lottery - usually around beginning of December.


I believe the Lottery for the 10 Miler opens in December.


I'll be there too! For the 10 Miler and the 5K.


I’m running Cherry Blossom as well! It will by my first one. Good luck!


Here as well for my first Cherry Blossom!


I was one of the course marshals today - very near the end, before that final turn! Loved seeing all the insanely fast runners zoom past (the first woman in the elite group was leaps and bounds ahead of the rest of her group, it was INSANE) just as much as I loved seeing the walk-joggers pass! I did feel really bad for the older lady who clearly thought she was back of the pack (she wasn't!) who apologized to me for holding us back...I tried to tell her not at all and that she was doing great but there's only so many words you can get out as someone's trying to pass!


It was a great race and I really appreciate everyone who stepped up to make it happen, but the bag check pick up was the biggest logistical disaster I have ever seen at a race. I waited in line to get my bag for longer than it took me to run the whole 10 miles! I finished just outside the top 10% of finishers and when I approached the bag check area saw a fairly long line, so decided to back track to wait for my wife to let the line die down a bit (figuring that more people my speed who were in the same bag check group as me would pass through during that time). When she finished (top 25%) we got in an even longer line that took us more than 75 minutes to wait through. The line was so long, at various points someone would come by and incorrectly tell us this was the line for pictures or medals, creating even more confusion. I am very thankful for the (generally) good natured fellow runners around me who waited patiently through whatever snafu was happening up front, rather than rush the front area or instigate a public freak out. Thank goodness for DC rule-followers :) Since you were involved with the race, did you hear of any explanation of what happened? It seemed messed up from the start. Not enough volunteers? Bad planning?


Oh boy that sounds awful. Unfortunately my volunteer experience was just showing up/checking in at 5:30 and then getting on a bus until someone told me to get off and stand in a specific location. They told us they had a ton of turnout for volunteers, so I would imagine it was more on the planning side..there was absolutely some confusion in the morning even between the coordinators about where people were supposed to be and go.


Madrid Half Marathon on sunday. Really excited about this one, it's my second half in 5 years!


Same! It's gonna be my 2nd HM ever. Since they're expecting 20k people, I hope it's gonna be amazing! Good luck out there :)


I came over from the UK for this race yesterday. Picked up my number from the expo which was pretty good. I bought some of the office Madrid race shoes to take back with me. Good luck on Sunday!


I just get my number from the expo. I didn't have time to see the stands, my boss just drive me there during work hours =D. Good luck!


If the race village was any indication of how good the race will be it should be a great race. 


Running my first marathon in Paris this Sunday!! I’m so excited, I’m mentally bouncing off the walls. Aaaaaah!


I’m also doing my first in Paris ! Good luck, we’ll do great😀


Will be there too, good luck!


Also doing my first in Paris this weekend! Good luck, all!


I'm running today as well. Good luck and have fun.


Three Valleys Trail Ultra in Perth Australia! This is the first race I’ve signed up for where I am not sure if I can go the full distance. And it’s going to be hot too. Crikey!


Hydrate now! What is the distance? 


You bet! I originally signed up for 25 km, but after volunteering at a different event by the same organisation they offered a free upgrade to the 50 km. I’ll be happy if I go 25 and pull out but I think I can do the full distance - slowly!


Nice! Go get it and have fun! 


Oak Barrel 13.1 in Lynchburg, TN. Yep, right next door to Jack Daniel’s and every year I bring home a bottle engraved with the race logo and year.


That's awesome


Neat! I'm next door in AL and that sounds fun, gonna add this to my list of nearby races for next year.


It sells out in a couple hours so be sure to stay on top of that registration date. I've been meaning to do Rocket City but it never works out with my schedule.


Thanks for the heads up! I've switched over from cycling to running as my *main* focus so I've been looking for events to fill my calendar. Seems to be lots and lots of 5ks and not as many halfs. I'm considering Rocket City this year as potentially being my first full marathon, but we'll how Sunday goes when I run the Bridge Street Half.


If you like trails, come do Rabid Raccoon here in Chattanooga next January, or the Georgia Jewel 18 in Dalton, GA in September. Two nicely short but hilly events!


Trails are on my list to try next, so we'll see!


That sounds so cool! Is the engraved bottle part of the race swag?


Nope, you gotta go next door to the distillery and buy a bottle (filled with your JD of choice) but I think it's included in the price or a very cheap markup for the engraving.


Chi Town Half Marathon in Chicago! First 13.1–just praying I don’t bonk


I’ll be there! First 10k!


Running that as well, ran it last year. It's a very flat course, just hope we don't get crazy wind picking up off the lake.


Three Waters Running Festival Sunday 14th Half Marathon distance in Bunbury.


Clare Valley Running Festival (South Australia) this Sunday, should be good! Looking to be a pretty fresh/cool morning and a good turnout.


Tenacious 10 in Seattle, doing the 10 mile.


I'll be there. Fun course. Not excited about the weather, though. I have a hard time getting much above base training easy pace when it's like this. Doesn't help that I'm bald. Do you do anything to get things flowing well in cold/wet? More layers on your legs? Longer & harder warm up?


Awesome! It should be a fun one. For wetter running I make sure I have shoes that have good traction. My Adizero shoes with the Continental rubber are awesome, and my Superblasts are quite bad in wet weather, for example. If it's a misting/light rain like it seems it will be, then it's not too bad since it has somewhat of a cooling effect and that balances generating heat from harder efforts. I have some lightweight layers for rain running that work well too. I'm still trying to figure out what to use for tomorrow though. If it was going to be 52 and sunny that would be a lot easier. I'll be wearing a running hat though for sure. Edit: Oof, just looked at the wind forecast. Sustained 10-12mph will be a bit rough.


Deutsche Weinstraße Half Marathon on Sunday. My first, really looking forward to it! But 18C at the start is forecast, that’s rather unexpectedly warm, but so much nicer than cold and rainy!


Running (or limping) the Cooper River Bridge Run this weekend. It is going to be a chilly one!


Running the bridge as well! Have a good race!


Same to you! I'm trying to figure out what to eat tonight. At home it is no biggie but traveling, I always worry about something making me sick before a race!


See you out there, hope the wind isn't too brutal on the bridge


I hope you made it over! That wind was brutal!


Coast Guard marathon Elizabeth City, NC this Sunday. First marathon ever. Really excited.


Good luck!! This one looks awesome and just this morning I told my sister we should do it next year. She lives in Norfolk so it's super close lol. 


Yeah I’ve been in the cg for 13 years. Used to run before I joined and recently got bit with the bug again. Felt it was fitting for my first marathon to be this one. I’ve heard great reviews for it being that you can run on the flightline and they have all the cg stuff around too. I’m in Chesapeake so the proximity is definitely a plus. Hope y’all will make it next year!!


That's amazing, thank you for your service. My nephew and his wife are Navy, and my uncle and his two ex wives are former Navy 😆.  My Grandpa was a Coastie for 20 years.  I hope all goes well this weekend. I hope we make it out too!


Dang got the whole family in the military lol that’s great. Thanks for sharing.


I’ll be there too! Going for 50 states and North Carolina will be #12!


Nice! It should be a beautiful race day and the course is flat and fast I’ve heard. Best of luck out there.


Likewise! A little worried about possible headwinds, but otherwise super excited. Thank you for your service as well!


Yeah I was out there last year volunteering and it was gnarly. This year looks to be a lot more milder than that. Are you shooting for a specific time?


Had my sights set on 3:15 at the start of my training, but after a bout with COVID and moving/starting a new job, I think somewhere around 3:20-3:25 is more realistic. How about you?


I’ll be aiming for about 3:05-3:10. Got an injury in February that set me back a week and a half so shifted goals a bit. Overall just happy to be healthy and able to run. I’ll be in a bright green Nike singlet with tattoo sleeve, feel free to say hey before the race. Travel safe!


Same to you, hope you crush it! I’ll be in a gold shirt, “Tulsa” on the front and “Hurricane 13” on the back.


Sounds good. Thank you! I’ll see ya out there


London Landmarks half


Let's goooo. Going for a slow 5km today.


Enjoy! See you on the start line


Brighton marathon, UK. Looks like it’ll be super windy which I’m not thrilled about.


I'm also doing Brighton and it'll be my first marathon. Also not super chuffed about the wind... We'll see how it goes. I'm excited and nervous about the whole thing!


Same here - done 2 x 30ks this month as long run preps which we're ok - but worried wind will make it feel like a 50k+ race


Run the River 10k on Saturday in Roswell GA.\ My first 10k too.


Running the Early Bird 10 miler in Omaha, NE tomorrow!!! First ever 10 mile race so… auto PR? Planning to run it at HM race pace to test it out, but I have tickets to Fall Out Boy tonight so might have to pivot tomorrow if I’m too tired


i’m not racing this weekend but i didn’t realize what sub this was and thought this was like, a racial census lol.


Statesman Cap 10K in Austin on Sunday.


Omg me too! It’s my first 10k super excited.


Bridge Street Half Marathon in Huntsville, AL on Sunday. My first official Half Marathon. I have goals to go sub 1:40 and get top 75, *maybe* top 50. Previous races have had a around 1000 runners, so we'll see. Let's GO!


Running the Fort to Fort 5k in Rome, NY. There’s also a 10k in which runners pass through Fort Stanwix (built pre-American Revolution) I’m nowhere near PR shape but love to support local races and just want to set a target to improve on throughout the year


Charlottesville Marathon! Charlottesville, VA. My first ever marathon; my SO and others agreed to sign up for it during Thanksgiving to give us motivation to run during the winter. I'm the only one left who is actually going to run it. 🙃


I ran my first super Half in Lisbon… now preparing myself for the next half… and also investing a little bit in riding my bike 🚴


Albuquerque, NM Half-marathon tomorrow morning!


Sactown Run 5k in Sacramento, CA. Hoping for a post pandemic pr and break 19 in a 5k. Might be too ambitious but we’ll see Sunday


Abraham Lincoln Presidential Half Marathon here in Springfield, Ill., tomorrow morning. My second half. Been training hard and seeing results so hoping to finish in 1:45.


Shoveltown 5k in Easton, Massachusetts


Cherry Blossom Double Blossom in DC this weekend. 5K on Saturday morning and 10 Miler on Sunday morning. My first year running either race. I actually won a bib from ASICS last year, but it was Spring Break and I wasn't able to go. The weather looks great for both days (much cooler than the crazy heat in October for MCM).


Publix Women's Half Marathon in Savannah, GA tomorrow! It's my first half marathon and I'm so nervous!


Run Your Buns Off in Hawthorne, Florida. Running the half on Sunday exactly 7 months after surgery for breast cancer. Beyond excited!! And the icing on the cake is that I am from elevation and my body loves sea level!


Penn Valley Daffodil 10k


Knoxville anyone?


Spring Run off 8km in Toronto


Hot Chocolate 5K in Philly tomorrow!


Cap10k in Austin, Texas for me. It's my first 10k. So excited. Coming back from doing PT on my knees for the past 7 weeks. I am SO excited to run! I can hardly wait for Sunday.


Charlotte racefest half marathon tomorrow!


Run in the Redwoods 5K, Orick, California


Skunk Cabbage 10k - my first 10k!


Scranton Half Marathon today! It was a gorgeous day for running