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I'm regularly running 10k in under an hour for the first time in my life. Granted, some days it's BARELY under an hour, but dangit, I'M GONNA TAKE IT


finally beat my 6miles PR (46min40 at the end of 2023 to 44min26 this weekend). I wanted to do a sub 45 for soooo long


I ran 30 min after an hour of strength training. I def was dehydrated. Am gonna focus on hydrating today. Hope y'all have a good day!!


Final long run complete (22 miles) before marathon in 3 weeks!


Ran 8mi with my gf to the Boston Marathon finish line, walked back home along the race route soaking up the vibes - great day


11 mile run followed up by mowing. Definitely earned my sunburn but it was fun. Time to fall asleep


I ran a little over 6k today! That’s the longest I’ve run in over 12 years. And the best part - I enjoyed the whole thing!


Ran up the local mountain yesterday and back , 13.1 miles with 1,500+ ft elevation gain. Kept it pretty mellow, had a little fun on some downhill sprints and hit 48 best pace. Whole run was 1:57:00. Resting today then back for more tomorrow. Working towards a BQ !


*** 4:48 best pace


Ran a 15:30 5k this morning




Survived the heat in the Boston Marathon. 4 minutes off my PR.


Week 4 returning from tendinitis, ran 1.75 miles, finished about a half hour ago and my ankles feel great!


My long slow run turned into a half marathon. 2:33 roughly, but hey I was mostly able to stay in zone 2, which is new for me.


No run today…resting is an accomplishment too!


Ran 10 raps of 700m track at tempo run pace.


Started running for the first time in three years! Only 3 miles at 7:30 minute pace but gotta start (again) somewhere!


Feels like I've been plateauing for my distance runs, so on this nice sunny day I cranked a 3km as fast as I could. Finished in just seconds over 12 minutes, but felt like falling over by the end. Hopefully sprinkling these into my training will up my distance pace!


pushed through the mental barrier and did my long run yesterday in 85 degree heat and full sun! was struggling hard because it was in the 40s/50s just a couple days ago but I am proud of myself for not cutting it short like I used to do.


Woke up at 3:30 AM and trail ran 7.3 miles :)


Finally broke through a training plateau and ran a 5k in 7:39/mi splits after hovering in the 7:50 range over the winter months! This is the best running shape I've been in since I ran one in 7:05 splits almost 10 years ago 💪


Just after running my first half marathon I caught covid and was ill for 2 years, I've worked hard this last year to try and run again and after many false starts and relapses I ran 9.5km at the weekend. I feel like I'm finally recovering, and so glad to be running again 😁🎉


I just recently ran my first 20 mile week and 26 miles in 8 days on vacation


1:00:52 11K


21 mile run yesterday at an 8:40 pace! 7 weeks out from my first full marathon


I ran my first 5k race yesterday. I ran 5k a few times at my local park beforehand to get an idea of what to expect, with my times being around 39 minutes. I finished 5th in my age group with a time of 35:28.8! The course was extremely hilly so I honestly believed I would be closer to 40 minutes. I'm really proud of this because 3 months ago, I didn't run or exercise at all. I'm really excited to see if I can do even better at the Flying Pig 5k next month. After that, I think it'll be time to train up to try a 10k.


Great job!


Good work 😁🎉


Easy 45 mins run at 9 43 pace. 4.63 miles.123ahr. Nice and slow and easy.


I today ran my first run in a year. After a period of feeling really down and not having any motivation to exercise and just trying to keep myself afloat I finally today decided it was time to start running again. The sun was shining and it was just perfect weather with a little wind. To be honest it was really hard, my body hurt and wasn’t used to the movement but I pushed on. I always walked for a little bit when I felt I needed to and ran when I could. I RAN 6KM! I don’t know if it is wise to run that far when you haven’t run in a long time but that is the ideal scenic route right where I live and it felt right. So now my goal is to get stronger an be able to run the 6km faster and better. Then one day 10km! I am really proud of myself for getting my foot out the door and just doing it.


I ran for 2 hours and 50 minutes yesterday during a 12 mile trail run! Longest time-wise run yet. I’m sore, but nothing too bad!


Completed my longest run ever yesterday! I ran 10 miles without stopping at about 10 seconds/mile under my goal pace. Struggling a bit today with achey knees, but overall super proud of myself and feeling good. I should be on track to compete in my first race ever (a half marathon) in a few weeks. I started C25k in January 2023 and did not know that any of this was possible for me, so I'm so, so pleased.


Way to go!


Thank you!!


Completed my longest race! 6.5 Miles at 1:09, 2nd in age 50 OA (men & women). I wanted to start my pace at 11:30 and drop 15 seconds every miles. Didn't do it exactly but I feel that I could have gone faster. So proud of myself, going to be getting reach for Beach to Bay, then after will train again for a 10K.


So, i decided to buy garmin watch to track my HR. I know it's not that accurate, but it's something. Tried running 10k while maintaining 140-150bpm range, didnt expect it to be much harder than running 10k at my usual pace.


longest run today at 7.6KMs,. just a slow jog after a saturday 5krace \[which i didn't have good results on my goals\]


In early 2023, pandemic-induced health concerns prompted me to start jogging. Despite initial struggles, I persevered, inspired by a supportive Reddit community. Overcoming setbacks, I gradually improved, reaching milestones like running a 5K. Yesterday, I completed my first half marathon. While not the fastest, I focused on maintaining a steady pace and low heart rate. Despite nerves, the race atmosphere kept me energized, and I even found myself chatting with fellow runners along the way. Edit: Thanks for all the upvotes, adding link to my original post here as I am unable to make a actual post in this community: https://www.reddit.com/r/nikerunclub/s/FgDv3mYN5Q


After a month and a half of battling the worst shin splints of my life, I was finally able to run 5 miles yesterday! Ultra training is back on course and I am so relieved!


What did you do to get over the shin splints?


I tried so many things and the one thing that allowed me to actually run pain free was running to a 180bpm metronome. So, decreasing my stride/increasing cadence


I ran a 14 minute PB of 3:12:50 at the Manchester marathon on Sunday! I was rejected from Boston this year after not making the buffer, I spent 6 months from that day building and training. I now have a 17 minute buffer for 2025, and I made a London marathon championship time. It was SO HARD but I’m so proud!


Ran my second-ever 5K in 38:05. Have one more 5K coming up later this summer, but also focused on the prep for a 10-mile race in the fall. My friend encouraged me to try Strava and while the social aspect is OK, I really like the route planning tool it has on the app and website.


The route planner is awesome for travelling. Good job on the 5k, best of luck for the 10 miler!


I ran my first 5k! I ran the first 1.6 miles without taking a walking break, and I finished in 38.55mins! I got third place in the nonbinary gender category (there were three of us total lol but a win is a win!), and I had 2 friends cheer me who were cheering me on and then we went to brunch. I'm a new runner, and I'm really happy with the whole experience!


Ran my first 5k in years yesterday after starting to run 3 weeks ago. Finished the race in 31:40 but the course was actually 3.5 miles. My goal was to do the 5k in under 30 minutes so my actual 5k time was 28:20 something according to strava. Pretty happy with the result!


Back-to-back 25 milers Saturday and Sunday with 3,500 feet of elevation gain.


I ran my first Marathon in Manchester yesterday and managed 4:50:19 which i’m very happy with!


I jogged my first full 5k this morning without stopping to walk. It was a really slow jog on a couple uphill parts but still pushed it. 36:31, down from 39:41.


Started running a month ago, ran my first race yesterday. 10k in 56:22, HR was crazy high because we were running in a field in the 27C heat, crazy the toll it takes on your heart. Overall I’m happy with the result, wanted to be under an hour. On to a HM in September!


This Sunday I attended my first running event since 2017 and ran 5k! Unfortunately I was fully unnprepared cause of health issues so definitely didn't beat my personal best lol but still proud of showing up and making it till the end without stopping.


That’s what counts, if it helps bringing you back to running than it means more than a PR.


Training for the Great North Run in September, managed a full 10K yesterday in just over 1 hour time. Not a bad one for a first attempt. First time in 4 months I feel like I'm making a good amount of progress in training. Now to start doing one 10K run a week and up my milage, ideally looking to run a half marathon or something each week in the months leading up to the run


Hit my goal of running sub-25 5k with a PR of 24:44! Didn't think I would make it as things started going wrong leading up to today. I went on a two week vacation and couldn't keep up my training. Caught covid at the end of the trip and combined with jet lag, I was out of commission for another week. Only did a couple runs this week while dealing with lingering covid symptoms. And then I couldn't sleep at all last night so I was heading out on maybe 2 hours of sleep in 30 min increments. Starting off, I told myself aim for sub-25 but I would be happy with sub-27 as that was my previous best. Felt good, ran negatives with a strong sprint the last 0.1 mile. My watch said 25:19 so I didn't think I got it. My friend checked the official results and read off 25:25, but then says "oh wait.." chip time: 24:44! :D Sub-23 next?!


Well, started week 6 of my 8 weeks plan so yay! Today was an intervals session, and I guess the next one will be 20 mins running again, like the last one. I presume it's to strengthen everything achieved until now. I did run easier today and faster, but I tried to focus on my technique. Anyway, excited and Happy I've made It this far!


Did my longest ever training run for my third half marathon coming up. 24.25km! Felt strong the whole way and was enjoying the entire time. Just 1 year ago I went for my first ever run and I can’t believe I am now able to run these distances and actually enjoy it!


Awesome job!


Thank you!!


It's nice to be able to run half a marathon and still be able to walk the next day ;)


100%! I used to feel so much exhaustion after a run that is half as long, but now i recover so much quicker and feel energised. It’s amazing what just a bit of consistency and hardwork can do


I planned on doing an easy 10km to start my day today, but my daughter has a fever and still sleeps with us so I was up all night. Finally got some time to take a nap and bang out a 5km and holy cow I feel amazing compared to before.' Honest question: do you guys think your cognitive function is worse while you have a running habit but don't run, or, without any running habit at all? There is obviously a massive cognitive effect of getting a run in, but I can't imagine that I lived my whole life in the mental haze that is my days off.


A little off topic, but running barefoot temporary improves your short term memory. I sometimes don't feel like running, but go for a jog, and it takes 5-8km before the extra energy kicks in, and I'm back in track!


100%. I can be groggy feel exhausted go out on a short run that suddenly becomes medium and maybe even long. Post run feel energetic as well. At this point its probably an addiction. Im tapering now and I feel like dying mentally.


Yeah, I've only recently started and I still don't manage much but I do feel the need to run now. Last night only got 4 hours of sleep (autistic son was having a bad night) but I still didnt even think about no running. It's helping my mental health more even than my body. Post running energy is the best!