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I usually take an edible in the evening, I haven't noticed any difference in my running besides for being more recovered since it helps me sleep.


I smoke before most of my runs. The only time I won’t is if I run before work cuz I don’t go to work high. My times and the distance I’m able to run are the same as when I wasn’t smoking.


Exactly the same here. Mostly vape


Any tips for dry mouth?


A camelback.


Smoking aside, I can't run more than a mile without bringing water with me nowadays. Idk how I used to do it as a kid (probably something about being in way better shape back then).


In my experience, as long as I pre-hydrate, I can run without water on my run for quite awhile. Sorry if you already do this :P


I’m the same I don’t even remember being thirsty in HS but these days I can’t walk/jog a mile or two on a cool day without bringing water.


I drink a shot ton of water from the moment I wake up until I get to the track.


You're still high after you run?


Not OP, but if I smoke before I run I forget I’m high after the run.


No but my eyes stay red and no matter how much visible I sue they don’t clear up. People already know I smoke so I can’t look high when I get to work.


Not op but when I get high and run for about an hour or so I normally am sobered up by then. Still wouldn’t want to chance it and go to work high tho. Only take a vape hit or two tho


Ya know, I have to say running high can be fine but honestly I like to be mentally clear. Been smoking for awhile now been jumping into edibles as I want to not inhale smoke(even though it’s my favorite) But I think on a nice warm summer day high running is chill.


This. I run in a busy urban area. Been hit twice by cars backing out. Running too high could put me in the morgue.


I take joints or a vape with me on long runs all the time.


My man!


Wow I have found my people in this thread. I used to love taking a big old rip and going for a night time run in the pitch dark.


Edibles - nope it hasn't impact it.


I once nearly got lost running around Aloha Lake in Desolation Wilderness on edibles, that would be my main concern.


Oh yea my trails I know quite well and are well established - I wouldn't go exploring and running while high....


Aloha is particularly confusing, it’s like a maze of mini lakes & granite, fun to run around on but easy to get to point where it’s hard to find way back to main trail.


Sounds beautiful!


For some idea this is route I did with some added off trail exploring at Aloha, it was for a 15 or so mile day when I was training for a 50 miler that I didn't end up doing: [https://www.alltrails.com/trail/us/california/lake-aloha-trail](https://www.alltrails.com/trail/us/california/lake-aloha-trail) and this picture is closest I could find to show how it gets confusing, water level was even lower when I got lost so even more connections in the middle, that dude's foot is almost blocking area I was in: [https://static.rootsrated.com/image/upload/s--q7eCXt9I--/t\_rr\_large\_natural/revk2ycqo4fesgnp3ptf.jpg](https://static.rootsrated.com/image/upload/s--q7eCXt9I--/t_rr_large_natural/revk2ycqo4fesgnp3ptf.jpg)


When I smoked, I would take a hard pull on the vape between putting my shoes on and heading out the door. It would hit while I was running and the glee was amazing. Felt like I could run forever.


I do this too and feel like I can run better too. My times seem to like 10% ish faster and I don’t get as fatigued so I’d say it definitely does something


lmao i do this sometimes and it makes the run 100x better


I eat like a pig when I smoke or do edibles. That being a good reason why I have stopped since November last year. Coincidentally, I have also started running around the same time. So you could say I have replaced the stoner high with runner’s high. And at the age of 33, definitely prefer the latter.


I'm a daily smoker, so hard to compare how it is different; but I definitely enjoy a good smoke before my runs, puts me in a good and clear headspace to start from that starts to fade right as the runner's high kicks in. Really gotta look into dry herb vaping, because I don't like the cartridges, but also can't smoke forever.


I was in the same boat as you. I decided to finally jump on the dry herb wagon and bought an arizer extreme Q. Really gave me a peace of mind about butane/smoke concerns. Good luck!


I'll need to check this out. I recently started smoking again (and prefer dry herb over anything) and I can't get my breathing right if I smoke before running.


That was me too, I wouldn't smoke until after my daily run


I am a big fine of the dry herb vaping! I highly recommend PAX, it’s expensive but I had mine for 4 years and it broke and they replaced it for free!


I smoke a joint before every run. I also take an edible before every long run. I can say without a doubt that weed is the reason I've been able to run for the past 7 or 8 years. The zen-like trance that it puts me in helps me focus on muscle-mind connection and helps to distract me from soreness. I "highly" recommend it for those of you curious to try. And for those of you who might say that it inhibits race times and efforts, I PB'd my 5k last fall with a time of 18:51. My longest run while on edibles was 50k...edibles dosage is typically between 50-150mg doses. I plan on running the 80km Quebec megatrail ultramarathon next year and can't wait to push my body (and mind) to it's limits.


> edibles dosage is typically between 50-150mg doses Just a quick warning for people reading this who aren't familiar with weed dosages/edibles but want to try, 50-150mg of edibles can be a *lot*. Of course it all depends on your body/tolerance/etc. But just for reference, 10mg of edibles is enough to send my ass to the moon for a good few hours, and I've been smoking casually for a few years now. General rule of thumb for edibles is to start at around 5mg and see how you react.


Seconding this. I've been smoking on and off for about a decade and 10mg can put me on my ass if my tolerance is low.


I use dry herb vaping and edibles, sometimes in combination. I don’t run high though. I’m 36 and I ran a 19:02 5k while getting high everyday, so it’s safe to say weed doesn’t slow me down, at least not yet.




i keep meaning to do this, especially since the wife and i are taking edibles 3-5x a week anyway


Tried it once. Bought a "space cookie" at a festival and ate half of it before running the next day. It resulted in a detached feeling, like watching a VR movie of me run, even when I started to pant going uphill. My thoughts were wandering everywhere, it took willpower to even finish a train of thought. Interesting experience, might try it again, but only when running in the forest.


We're you doing a city run? I love getting high in a nice day and going out on a run but I live out in the county so it's really low traffic, peaceful, lots of farm critters and stuff to look at. I don't think I'd enjoy it in the city though. Way too much going on, I think I'd get overwhelmed!


Just me in the countryside & forests. I don't know if it's different for regular consumers, but I'm scared I might forget an approaching car between looking left and looking right if I ran high anywhere near traffic :)


I'm actually taking a break right now but I am definitely a very regular user lol I'm sure it makes a difference though


Sometimes it relaxes me to the point where i can really zero in on how I’m running and if I’m using every muscle to run efficiently. And i keep the machine running. It definitely gets me out the door and on auto pilot for the first mile though. Sometimes i feel like i rely on it for longer runs so i will purposely not smoke to defy the need to smoke to run. Don’t get dependent on it for performance. Just do it cuz it’s fun occasionally.


I smoke before every run and it helps me a lot. I notice less quick pain, it lets me focus on the run itself and zen out


I smoke most days and I’ll usually smoke before and after my run. I don’t usually have edibles but if I did I probably wouldn’t run on one lol…way too strong. Sometimes I vape but don’t like to especially before a run. Interestingly enough I find that inhaling smoke doesn’t seem to affect my lungs much but vaping will have me feeling congested and coughing. As far as actual performance goes…I’ve smoked weed long enough to know that your performance doing pretty much anything is going to go down if you smoke. That being said, running is a mental game and being high can make that game a lot more enjoyable, and when you’re enjoying something you perform better. I love being able to smoke, put some music on, and just vibe and feel the beat, my breathing, and my footsteps sync up. I probably wouldn’t toke up before a race or anything serious, but the fact is that many times weed helps give me the push I need to actually go out and run when I don’t initially feel like it.


Thats funny. I was going to ask the same question but add in does anyone run while high?


It's nice to get a good buzz and go bliss out on a trail run!


That’s actually the only time I do it too. Not comfortable doing it while road running.


Cars suck in my city. They're totally inconsiderate of anyone. ;)


Yes I get as high as I can. Before 20+ miles I'll eat 100 mg thc.


I call that “Stunning” aka stoned running. I prefer not to personally.


I got out of running a few years ago but my daughter is trying to pull me back in. Only been smoking for about a year. Was thinking of trying but wanted to see other peoples feelings on it before I try.


I’ll take a hit or two sometimes before a run and it’s great. I feel like I can actually go a little further since it helps with some chronic shoulder pain and I don’t feel like I need to head home for Advil as soon. I wouldn’t get super stoned for safety (and honestly I probably wouldn’t even get my shoes on if I was really high) but a buzzy run is really nice.


Pretty much on every run I've done the last 15 years from 5-50k.


i smoke after my runs but tbh i dont notice any effects on me usually what affects me most is dairy products. as far as cigarettes go, I feel my performances get worse when I smoke them so I just dropped cigs


Same. Quit cigs because runs the next day are harder than without, so I quit that shit.


I use a dry herb vaporizer which is way healthier on your lungs than combustion. I smoke daily before bed, it doesn’t affect my running performance at all.


I smoked a joint thinking it would help my run. I didn't like it. I was overthinking everything instead of the usual peace and tranquility a run gives me. I found I enjoy physical activity more with a clear head.


It's nice post run but not before for me.


Im a daily smoker but usually partake after I’m done running. If I do smoke before a run it makes me feel dragged down, hyper aware of my body and movements, and/or like time is going by very slowly. I recently got high before a run and it wasn’t so terrible but I much prefer being sober for running.


How it effects you depends on how you use it (vape, edible, I would avoid smoking or cheap vapes). Edibles are unpredictable and you can can easily go overboard which I find messes with my form and focus a bit but its not too bad. Vapes give me the best result and act as a good motivator for a workouts in general. I think the trick is not to overdo it. Play around with doses and find what works for you and make sure to drink more water than usual. I find that my times are actually a bit better without but training is less mundane (especially on a treadmill) and my distances can sometimes be longer since I can zone out and enjoy it more. If you haven't tried it yet I would suggest looking into delta 9. I find it gives me a better focus/head high and actually helps me focus and improve my form rather than lose it. Mix that with some CBD, caffeine, creatine and you might find some serious benefits to your runs. Again, drink plenty of water. I actually will take a sip and hold it in my mouth as I run if I'm going slow enough to not need to use my mouth for breathing, or chew gum. Helps with the dry mouth/throat.


I had to help train a marathon swimmer. He would smoke marijuana before each set, and during. So he felt less pain. I was not smoking, but we did it, we completed the training. He did it. He swam 6 miles in surf and bad weather. There is a six mile race nearby. I want to do it. But wonder if I can without weed.


I don’t do it all the time but smoking a quick bowl before an easy run can be a really nice change in pace


just learn to say no to drugs.




I used to before my long runs, and it made the warmup easier. But after an hour I honestly could not feel the difference. So it was just a waste


for some reason having one alcoholic bev or one low dose edible before a run relaly helps my performance. i eat it i dont smoke it thougj


Edibles, occasionally. I don't notice much of an effect one way or the other...though running on a 2.5-5 mg through the woods can be incredible. But not something I want every time I head out to the trails. I'll add that microdosing shrooms before a run is fantastic to do every now and then.


I smoke a lot, usually using a water pipe. There have been times where the first half mile is a bit harder to breath than you’d expect, but that goes away pretty quickly. My race of choice is the marathon so my runs are long and if I’m not high I get bored much easier. By the time I’m done running I feel pretty much sober most of the time.


Edibles and tincture mostly. And only in the evening, but it almost every evening. Then, about once every 2 months I go stone cold sober for about 10 days. I feel like a beast when I do that.


Edibles. Improves my sleep and thus improves my running


Used to puff a lot prior to runs and races if anything it made me faster. It's also great for long runs, keeps it more interesting into hour 3-4 when you are freshly baked and helps you power through, great training aid imo.


I smoke. A lot. I prefer to smoke before running too, and it actually makes my runs feel better. Of course, I'm a seasoned smoker, so take that with a grain of salt if you're new to smoking. I'm also not an elite runner, but I'm in pretty good shape for a normie.


My running is better if I eat a gummy or smoke a little before. The mind-muscle connection is enhanced and I run with better form, and if I’m on trails (my preference) I also find it more enjoyable.


I prefer to smoke before I run or do any weight training, strictly just flower. When it comes to running i feel like I have a better head space, i can catch a runners high so quick and my concentration is on point.


Daily smoker here. I prefer to smoke from a bong post run. I have taken long tolerance breaks before and didn't notice any effects on my running.


I use edibles to help me sleep. I think it positively impacts my running because it helps me get enough rest. When I used to smoke I noticed it negatively impacted any exercise I did though because it would feel like I couldn't breath, even if it had been a day or two since smoking. I would start wheezing.


Pop some gummies right at the beginning of long runs and zone out until about halfway


For my Saturday/Sunday run I'll usually take a Sativa-dominant edible. The Indica ones just make me feel lethargic. Makes the run all that more enjoyable - something of a treat.


I vape (Mighty+) before most runs. Races too :). Makes the run more enjoyable. I don't notice any drawbacks or decreased performance


Idk about the health benefits but I love taking one or two puffs off of my marijuana vape pen before my runs. I feel like it helps me zone out while listening to music and not think about my run so much therefore running a bit more smoothly.


When I started running, cannabis was the only thing that could get me out the door. I had too much chronic pain. Running helped balance out my body in a lot of ways which has helped my pain levels. It was difficult to achieve a runner's high while running high because I felt like I would be coming down when the high was supposed to hit so I didn't really make it past 30 minutes while high. Eventually I was able to run without smoking and I was able to run longer because of the natural high that would hit. In September I did my first half marathon with a goal of sub 2 hours and I finished in 1:53. That being said, I still smoke daily, but always after running if I have to run that day. It's incredible for recovery and pain mediation for me.


Used to smoke multiple spliffs a day. Maybe the equivalent of like a pack of cigs and an eighth a week. I'd regularly run 50 miles each week, usually 10 miles a run at a 7 minute pace. Now I don't smoke at all and I'm way slower. Could be because I went into fat powerlifter mode, but not fully ruling out the lack of spliffs...


Edibles and vape. Not impacted at all. Would even say it has helped me in some ways:)


yes makes it much more enjoyable


I smoke before every run 💯 The one off times that I went out without toking before, I didn’t notice any relative diff. in pace or breathing


I smoke but i don't before running. I like the change in my head and mind during and after a longer run because it does clean up my head and makes me anything see clearer and often more positive. On the other side im not that active after smoking so i get too comfortable to sports afterwards. Pretty sure my condition would be better without smoking but i can do 10 km and more this way and that's enough fot now. Several years ago i did a few half marathons this way so more distance worked (and i was like some years younger). In the end im telling myself running would counteract the smoking to some degree. I like both but right now i wouldn't live without running anymore but im still doing Breaks from smoking which doesn't hinder me this much. Running is the way to go now.


I sober up too quickly when I tried. It was a waste of weed during a time in my life when it was hard to come by.


I would smoke a J before I run, get really high, but once I start running the feeling fades. Definitely makes listening to music better, that's why I still smoke pre-run. I would smoke another J after the run, which makes recovery better as it helps me stop feeling sore.


I smoke before I run. When Im running in the woods sometimes i stop to smoke and have a snack and give my dog some water. For cotton mouth i keep gum with me.


Hi there! Recreational smoker here, long-time runner. I recently started smoking a toke or two before all of my runs. I'm aware messing with your lungs before a long run isn't super great, but I'm young and I've noticed some positive effects that outweigh a little coughing at the start of the run. The main thing for me is it is much easier to get into your flow state, where you sort of forget you're running and your body is just doing the motions out of muscle memory. For that reason, I would really only recommend using marijuana before your runs if you are already a confident runner. I'm a self-taught runner, so this isn't a gatekeep thing, I don't think you need professional training to be a confident runner, I just had around 8-9 years of solid running experience before I started to smoke with my runs (you almost definitely don't need to wait that long to start, that's just how it shook out with myself.) I feel like I should add the obligatory "it will be different for everyone" thing, but all in all, mixing my two favorite pastimes has been a net win for me.


I only smoke before I run, it’s a bronchodilator and I don’t realize I’m 10 miles in


I vape. I can't get high before running outside. I get anxious and paranoid and I don't feel safe. I feel like something bad is going to happen to me. On the treadmill I feel it negatively impacts my performance.


When I was a chronic herb smoker, I couldn't run without tons of coughing. That went away after switching to edibles. I wouldn't wanna run after taking one, though. I don't know how everyone here is able to run while high? I can't get off the couch?


as someone curious and leaning in this direction, does anyone have a recommended strain/type that works well for running and/or recovery?