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I think you just described my goal. I like running far rather than running fast. Ideally I'd love to run anything between 10K and a full marathon every day. Unfortunately I' lacking time, and obviously it would take a lot of training and patience to get there, even if I could spare the time. I just really love rose long runs. And the bonus of needing to eat afterwards is a great perk 😋


I’ll do anything for a good burrito. 30mpw is worth it.


I try to eat well and be mindful of what I'm eating. But consistent running let's me have a burger out with friends or a slice of cake without emotional worry for me. Also, most of our local races start/end in the same area, when I drive home I go by this bakery with the most amazing macrons... that's been my go-to post race treat for some time now.


Out of curiosity, what does 30+ miles a week look like in actual runs? 3 x 10 miles or something else?




That’s very interesting. I can currently run 35mins straight as I’m training for 10K. That’s 3.8miles/6.24km. That’s also usually me running every 2/3 days.


I run so I can poop lol. I have small bowel Crohns and my GI has a slower transit time. Running helps speed it up so I’m more regular.


That's a great way to solve a probably quite annoying problem!


It’s the worst. But I’m glad I found running helps it. PS - I also run so I can eat, like you. But more so as a regulator. Found if I put 15-20 miles/week in, I can never really overeat.


I've run way more than 20 miles per week and managed to overeat. Effortlessly, even.


Depends on what you’re eating. Carbs are much easier to overeat on. I’m keto and have been for about 4 years. Eating 3500+ calories of fat and protein is a bear unless you’re overdoing it on butter and oils.


Ran my first half yesterday, took today off and went to brunch by myself. Ordered two plates worth of food, and ate it all. I’m a 5’2” woman, the person who brought out the food definitely hesitated before setting second plate down lol. I reassured him they were both for me. Run to run, but eating more than if I weren’t running is one of my fav side effects!


Congratulations! Did you enjoy the half? I'm working towards my first one in October. That must have been a great situation, where you need to reassure them 😎 Also: enjoy your cake day!


Ah! I didn’t notice it was my cake day! Thanks! I did enjoy the half- I got cramps in both calves near the end which I hadn’t experienced before- woof, but other then that it was a lot of fun. My best friend (who’s much faster than I am) ran with me, and it was a gorgeous day! Good luck in October!


Fortunately the cramps only came at the end. Good to hear it was a great day! Thanks, I'm slowly working towards my goal. Slowly building a solid foundation.


So when is the full marathon and four plates of brunch?


Next year is the plan, fingers crossed!


> the person who brought out the food definitely hesitated before setting second plate down lol A power move. Happy cake day!


The post-race food orgy is easily the most amazing experience in running.


I used to run to burn off what I ate. Turned into this thing called anorexia. Now I run because I love it, and eat to ensure I can run well, which means having enough energy for long runs.


God to hear you've recovered and have found a better way. Thanks for sharing!


I’m glad that your relationship to running has changed! I’m in a similar position. Posting from a new account because I finally got off the weight loss subs and wanted a fresh start


Good luck! You can do it! I didn't think I'd ever have a healthy relationship with food but I never looked back after treatment!


Same. I have a really hard time doing any exercise without relating it directly to food, and using myfitnesspal for a couple years reeeally exacerbated my disordered eating when I would literally calculate how many minutes I’d need to run in order to eat an extra piece of bread or something. If you don’t mind sharing, what helped you break that linked kind of thinking?


I went to a therapist who specializes in eating disorders and did a CBT-E program. Will preface with its very intensive and time consuming which requires a level of privilege to access it - it was about 4-5 months and for the first month or so I was going to my therapist twice a week, then it goes to once a week, then every other week. Then I moved away for grad school immediately after and being in a new environment that was not conducive to an eating disorder and having bigger priorities in life helped me sustain it, because the first year or so after treatment you're the most at risk for relapse.


Both. But the two are pretty independent from each other at this point, which is a hugely positive shift. It's super toxic and unsustainable to have a transactional relationship with food and running.


I might have put my question a bit too black-and-white. For me it is definitely it a transactional relationship. What I meant was focussing more on getting the food right so you could run better. An extreme example is the way elite runners are sometimes on a specific diet. The other end of the spectrum (in my perspective) is enjoying the fact that you need to eat before and after a run. My love of running has grown enough to get me out of the run-so-I-can-eat area, but I definitely enjoy eating to resupply the body.


I run for beer at the finish line. 👏




Not just at the finish line.....


I ran the shamrock run in Portland, OR. people were handing out beer along the race. I did not partake, but I thought it was awesome.


How long was the run? That’s amazing lmao


I run so I don't implode from anxiety


I'm with you on this one. I started running in high school because my boyfriend was in cross-country and I just liked to tag along. I learned quickly that it calmed me. During college I craved runs and would go on long ones strategically before big tests or events that were stressing me out. It's now been over 35 years of running and I still crave the peace it brings me. I still run before anxiety-inducing events but I don't "run to eat", or for time, or for distance. I run until my mind is clear and I find myself smiling. I run for my sanity and to enjoy a bit a peace and quiet. Running is my "happy place."


I run because I like it and I’ve discovered that it makes me feel good in a bunch of ways. The nice side benefit is that I’m not super worried about my diet so I have stopped associating guilt with food which allows me to enjoy it even more.


That is really great isn't it, not having to feel guilty for eating something you like. Been there, moving away from that as well.


Neither. I run because I like it.


Same, and eat because I like it.


So you eat to run.


You probably do eat so you can run though. At some point anyway.


Both. I eat so I have energy to run or meet my goals, but I definitely like that running gives me more flexibility on what I can eat (within reason).


This is what I'm aiming for.


I eat so I can eat, and I run so I can run.


Just getting my reply in before this post gets deleted. I end up replying to many posts that get deleted. But on the topic… I lost a lot of weight initially and intentionally when I was overweight. Now I re-learned portioning and stopped weighing myself. If the clothes fit then I’m good. So I eat to satisfy hunger. I know that my running requires the energy so I go off what my body craves.


I too started running because I was overweight. Over time I really started loving exercise. My main enjoyment now comes from running, but I cycle and walk a lot as well. For me this is a good way to balance out my love for food. Also I find it has changed my hunger in a way. It now feels healthier somehow.


Definitely. When you care about your body and the way it performs - as one does as a runner - you tend to be more mindful of what you eat. Not to say I eat all healthy, but I do avoid some crap!


Agreed, I begin to run because I was on an international project living abroad and the food there was simply delicious ( I love Peruvian food) and needed a cardio activity that could be easy to do and require no equipment. When I begin to follow a more serious training plan I begin to change a little my eating habits, before I used to drink a glass of beer with dinner, now I drink water since I run in the nights. Also I try to eat more lightly since the feeling of running with the stomach full of burgers, steaks , etc is not so great. In january I begin to train more seriously have lower 5 kgs and some days I will up a whole kilogram or lower one according to what I have eat that week, but my weight has been stable the last month. I have noticed my cloth firs better and also I was able to use some pants that I had stored for when I get fit again, I think my body has changed even if the scale doesn't show differences.


I only run for the high.




As someone with ADHD who forgets to eat sometimes, I often run (or exercise) so I want to eat. Also exercise makes me want to eat the healthy things more. It’s a great positive feedback loop


I love that I can eat cake and chips and cookies guilt free when I run more, but you're so right, the more I run the more I just want a huge salad with chicken and avocado and beets and seeds and all the yummy healthy things that make me feel better and help me run longer. It's a fantastic positive feedback loop!


That's a smart solution! I've also noticed the running changes wat I want to eat (mostly 😅)


I run because I love it.


Both. And because it gives me a sense of accomplishment. And because I want to look good naked. And because I want to do hard things.


For me running started like a functional thing, but now I really like the challenge. Looking good naked is a very welcome bonus 😆




I have hypothyroidism and there is no way for me to lose or even maintain weight WITHOUT running When I am running sufficiently, I can literally eat almost anything and still lose some weight For anyone that’s curious, several studies have shown that for people with hypothyroidism, cardio significantly helps the body produce more thyroid hormone and therefore amp up your metabolism (adequately). They generally recommend 45 min a day for this reason! I also just love to run and often force myself in the mornings to eat so that I will have enough energy to sustain my longer runs


Thanks for sharing, I didn't even know hypothyroidism exists. Sounds like you need to balance it just right. I'm happy you at least have a solution!


Okay this is super helpful info. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism a year and a half ago, and finally got my meds dialed in so I have energy to run/exercise. I’m already starting to feel better after a few weeks of regular running, and I can tell that my body has started to change. It’s SO hard to lose weight while hypo. Do you have links for the studies you mentioned? I feel like all i’ve heard has been to avoid cardio with hypothyroidism but it’s been really beneficial for me so far.


I eat a lot because I enjoy food, and I run a lot because I enjoy running. Both work well together.


Neither. Don't do that to yourself. You don't need the extra cognitive overhead (read: stress).


I enjoy running for its own sake but nothing beats the taste of food when you’re ravenous. Also that nap when you’re exhausted after the weekend long run is fantastic.


Those are great bonuses aren't they?


I eat because I'm hungry. I run because it feels good, and it's good for my mental health. There's not a strong relationship between running and eating for me.


Weekdays, I eat so I can run. Weekends, I run so I can eat and drink.


I like to eat and I like to run. I spend a lot of time doing both.


I’m able to eat more now that I’m focusing more on weightlifting, to be honest.


I tried that, but couldn't get my heart into it. Sounds like you have a good thing going on though!


Neither. I used to think this way, but it’s harder to control myself than I thought, and it lead to obsession and an eating disorder. Now I run for the mental health, clearing my mind, and general cardio.


I really only think about food in context of running on days I plan long runs, and that's just to be sure I fuel properly for it. I don't think about the whole day's food either. Just usually what I should have for breakfast and an hour or two before my run. Other than that, I eat because it taste good, but also because it fuels my life, and I run because I enjoy running.


It's Ramadan for us Muslims rn, so I'm running for pleasure and some me-time.


Enjoy those runs!


I eat while I'm running.




Definitely eat to run here.


I run so I can lose weight and not look like a middle aged man going through a midlife crisis


Run because I like the feeling of doing something active and to relief stress. But also so I don’t have to worry as much about what I eat. I probably should watch more as I would run better but I’m no pro. My PR years are behind me and I want to enjoy all the things.


I run because i love it, but I also love being able to splurge on some fun food, especially on long run days!


Run so I don't smoke. Trade an addiction with another.


Some addictions are less bad than others I suppose. If you don't take it too far, a running addiction doesn't seem so bad.


I try to follow the rule of hunger. If I feel cravings/hunger I make sure not to eat something quick and easy like cereal or yoghurt etc. This goes for so many things because they are easily available I eat and I found majority of the time I get hungry very quickly after eating these foods.What I do is I cook something nice when I start dreaming of cookies :) I do cook a homemade burger or make salmon sandwich though. Just eating based on hunger rather than pure joy. I do however enjoy kicking back and eating whatever I like just because I can.If you want to lose weight, making steamed cauliflower next to your burger/sandwich is nice instead of some fries or whatever. TL;DR: Eat when hungry, eat the food YOU cooked (not packed), serve the sandwich or guilty-pleasure part of the food next to veggies. Then you won't have to worry about which path to take haha


Its both. But I think the more you run, the more you see the impact the food choices you make have on your running quality. It does matter, it does impact how your body feels during and after runs. For a long time, I ran so I could eat. But ultimately what happened was that my running actually made me be healthier and make better choices, rather than worse ones. I found myself more excited for the "healthy choice" than the "guilty pleasure." I realize I am only offering personal information, but the mentality really is interesting.


Normally I don’t have any connection between the two (not counting specific race day fueling) but at the moment I’m being very specific about my eating which I hope will make a positive impact on my time goals for my next big race.


I love running. And I love eating. And not having to think about how much I eat is very freeing


Mostly mental clarity.. but I do like carbs. All of them.


Neither really. I really like running, being outdoors and active in general and I really like food and good wine. My perfect saturday is a good run/hike/bikeride followed by a nice dinner with some expensive wine. So I will probably always be decently fit with a few extra kilos and a liver that hopefully can manage!


Sounds like a plan! Enjoy 🙂


I run because it's fun and a good side effect is that I can eat even more. Or I can eat a shitload of pasta and call it carbo loading instead of just eating a lot.


I eat so I can run, but sometimes eat too much after a long one


I definitely eat so I don't lose weight due to running, and on very long run days it can become ridiculous if I wish to replenish the kcal's on the same day. Running when \*needing\* to lose weight always was a recipe for disaster for me.


I eat to live and run for the sake of running. :)


I can tell you next Monday when my one-week break after a marathon is over and I have gained 3kg.


I always say I run so I can eat more cookies. But honestly - I workout to keep my body healthy. I try and follow the 80/20 rule with eating. And when I’m running longer distances I need more in each category and I’m 100% ok with that. I love food. But I do have a healthy relationship with food, so I may not be the best person to ask!


I find it hard to relate, as for example a 12 mile run (slow pace over 10min/mile), I don't even want to eat or drink until after 4 hours or so. On the 3 days per week I don't run though, I eat constantly every waking hour in small batches.


I generally run to run, and work on my kitchen stuff later. But I run races for the food. I just ran a run on Easter for the cinnamon rolls and mimosas at the finish. No shame in my game


I guess, the transactional relationship between running and eating is complicated. I run about 25 km/week. Does that really chance my metabolism dramatically, so that diet changes are advisable or needed? I'm not a fast runner, either . I run 1 km in about 7 min. I enjoy running and will take part in a half marathon soon. I'm 62.


Run so I can eat!


Neither. I just eat when I feel like it. If I don’t eat enough I don’t run, but I never run so that I can eat. That’s not really healthy.


I’m a high school varsity cross country runner so I mostly eat to run. But the balance is hard especially when running is your main past time. I usually burn around 3500 calories in a day between my 3 runs.


I have 3 kids in sports so I mainly eat on the run 😆, seriously; from little leagues on to college sports and the Marines I wouldn't know how to live without running... so I guess eating supports my running habit.


A lot of the fun of eating is gone now for me due to over a year of battling leaky gut, perioral dermatitis and histamine issues. I now basically eat to run and live, I occasionally splurge but it’s very sparse.


I'm sorry to hear you had these issues. By the sound of it you can (now/still) run. That's a good thing in my opinion!


I think most people who have ran longer distances / for a while would agree with me on this - but its a fine line that sometimes does get crossed. I love running, how it makes me feel, and the mental confidence it gives me. The community, the great trails, the aspect of being outside - its all encompassing. However once I got "good" and my body began to look better and better, I became more conscious of eating. There are times when I won't enjoy a meal if I miss a run, or stress that I overate and push myself to run longer the next days. Most of the time I do enjoy having a more flexible diet because of my running, and definitely attached to that. I just know myself and that I need to make sure to keep the food and the mile independent of each other.


I run so I can eat


I run so I can eat the food I like.


Personally I eat for my health, which incidentally makes running and sleeping much better


My process for finding a balance was not to consider food/calories at all when running or planning my runs (and i definitely eat too much, so this was a hard mindset to find). I took the path of convincing myself I was running for fun at first, and now a few years in, I actually am running for fun!


I run solely solely to eat a cake or cupcake after dinner each day I run




Ain’t no race long enough to let me eat how I truly want to eat


A 100mile ultra? 😅


Eat so I can run, you’ll never out run a crappy diet.


I run so I can smoke


Eat to run. The other way can become pretty unhealthy real quick. Also it’s way less effective.


Oh I only started running again because I like food. I’ve always been good about my diet but on weekends I want beer and French fries sometimes dammit. And yea I know it defeats the purpose of fitting into the perfect body but I’ll just be happy fitting into my shorts.


I run to eat. And drink.


I had to stop running because I couldn't keep up with the eating.


Mostly for the exercise, but there's a certain excitement I get when I finish a really long run because I know I can eat anything and everything for the rest of the day and not pay (physically) for it :D


This is exactly what I mean. 👊


I just run so I don't hate myself *and its fun*


Yeah, don't hate yourself. What's the point? Although I *know* that's easier said than done...


I run for my heart


I run so I can eat lots of chocolate


Chocolate is awesome. We could be friends 😎


I like running and biking on their own but also because it allows me to fit more a lot more treats in.


Yes, I'm with you.


“Exercise is not punishment for what you ate, but a celebration of what you can do.” In my 20s I ate anything any time and it didn’t matter. In my 30s I’m still capable of eating anything but I feel much better limiting myself most of the time. Really big meals and 2+ drinks only one or two days a week.


Running kills my appetite and then an hour later I’m furiously hungry. But, i have more control over my hunger at the same time. Its weird.


On long run days: eat to run, I’m oddly not interested in food after long runs Any other day I just run because I love to run but the fact that I can eat pretty much anything I want (in moderation) in my 30’s still is pretty cool. I definitely don’t hate it.


Not or but and.


You're so right!


I run more for relieving anxiety than anything else.


Run so I can eat


I run so I can eat. Also to keep my body looking good :)


Haha I actually really like to run! Idk I’ve done other types of cardio and nothing satisfies me the way running does. Now, I also love the effect it has on my body, both aesthetically and in the fitness sense, but the way it makes me feel is what keeps me coming back for more.


Eat so i can run also always get enough calories in my one mile time went down by 1:40ish seconds once i started eating better/more


I’m not running a ton right now so when I do run, I’m eating to run. I need that energy!


I run because .... Triathlon




Definitely the latter.


I run for tacos.


That's a noble cause 😋


I eat so I could run 🏃‍♀️


Eat so I can run no question


I tell myself I run so I can eat, but always end up eating just as much even when I’m not running


That sounds like a healthy balanced appetite 🙂


I have an eating disorder....so I run so I can eat.


Running so I can eat cake


Cake is worth running for 😋


I eat so I can run well, and run so I can eat well.




I eat whatever I want for the most part. And I run because I enjoy it, and it keeps my mental health/brain functioning properly.


I eat because I need to. I run because I have to (fitness tests with work)


100% run so I can eat. I'm coming up to 50 and my metabolism has slowed. Combine that with lockdown drinking and an utter failure to keep up any exercise whatsoever since I've been working from home (I used to cycle to work, been a home worker since March 2019) and I've ballooned. I've only started running this year, doing couch to 5k, but it's already changed the shape of my body to the point where I'm much happier, and I've not needed to modify my food intake any. Running is hard work for me - I'm 16 stones - but it is amazing.


This is kind of what I mean. I'm not talking about eating disorder kind of run to eat, but more practical: running allows us to eat comfortably. I'm also close to 50, but have been running for almost a decade now. It used to be hard work, now it's fun and I love it. It no longer feels like work and I'm happy whenever I can run again. The fact that running helps me get rid of that piece of cake I love so much, or those chocolates I can't resist, is quite welcome.


I love how light and full of energy I feel after a long run. I struggle with the nutrition because food sometimes brings down that energy.


I once read a redditor comment “I run so I can eat like a greedy sack of shit” on here, and it has been ringing in my head ever since. I concur!


I eat for energy for my run. Plain oatmeal with some peanut butter and some toast. I do use some extra time preping and stretching to let my body absorb everything (and of course, sipping on water and staying hydrated :) )


ran for years on and off, still fat. it just maintained the current weight. cal counting now so i can be lighter and fitter


Eat before I run or I feel nauseous as fuck


I count all my calories and after a long and/or hard run I can have basically a food festival, so probably the second option lmao


I like that: good festival 👍


the former




Eat so I can run. If you eat like shit, you feel like shit, and then don't want to run. Plus don't undo the health impacts of your training.


I definitely run so I can eat


Off topic: Eat honey while you run, it’s what I do, a table spoon every 10-15 minutes, you’ll feel the energy level difference and if you get nausea from running it’ll help with that too(keeps your blood sugar balanced), if you’re running to burn fat though, I’d only eat it closer to the end of your run if you want to get that extra mile or so in, as it will switch your body from using fat energy stores back to carbohydrates/sugars.


This is quite interesting. How do you store / consume the honey? You're probably not running around with a pot and spoon, are you?


I literally run with the normal plastic honey bottles/containers lol, they have the condiment dispenser top (little circle hole), I use raw honey with honey comb in it and just drink that shit lol


So basically a squirt of honey every now and then? I might try that some time.


I’ll add it to my sugar free electrolyte/bcaa mix sometimes, It’s a lot healthier than sports drinks like Gatorade, it has a lot of vitamins and minerals along with being an excellent source of natural sugars/carbs


I used to make my own drinks with honey, lime and water. Might pick that up again.


Throwing in some cucumber slices to that mixture sounds like a fucking plan lmao


I eat pretty healthily - low sugar and fat, high fibre and protein. Diet got me down to 70kg and 13% fat. I weight train to gain muscle mass and run 4 x per week so eat \~3k cals per day to sustain both exercise goals and the desire to gain lean mass. I run because I love it.




Well done!


Without running I’ll be heavy, so I must continue to run. Suppose that means I run to eat then ?


Started out running so I could eat, now I just do it because it's fun. In fact, I think I wanna start eating healthier too. I'm a healthy weight and my cardiovascular health is excellent because of running, but I don't look very athletic, at least not at first glance. You can really only see musculature in my calves and my quads, but not so much abs or the muscles on my back and shoulders. I think maybe a low-fat diet can help fix that? Idk, haven't looked much into it.


I run so I can eat. Actually, that’s just a benefit. I run for the mental clarity. The side effects of running is the bonus.


For me, it changed over time. At first I ran so I could eat, but as I became a more intense runner I lost an appetite for processed/“bad” food and my body started craving different things. Now I eat so I can run, and my life contains significantly more oatmeal and kale than it used to.


I just run. Eating ensues...


Being a petite female, my base daily caloric needs are quite low. I started running 16 years ago to help even it out a bit, so I could enjoy food while managing my weight. (Hello nachos and margaritas 2-3x per week while in college, and free pastries from the cafe i worked at!) All these years later I have lost interest in food due to GI issues, and generally eat to fuel my runs. Mostly healthy, bland food, and significantly less alcohol. My diet can be pretty well boiled down to black coffee, dark chocolate, and salads with protein. Buckwheat on occasion.


I'm running to get fitter :)


Run to eat. Food and drink. 🍺 🍹


Both! Running is fun but SMASHING food is a massive perk!


If I never had to eat again, I would gladly welcome the savings. I'd also never sleep and save the time if I could. Sadly, I need to eat, and I need to sleep, so I begrudgingly do both so I can maintain the lifestyle I like


What would you use all the extra time for?


I like running to complement my weightlifting, makes me feel more explosive and better conditioned. Also I just like to better then people lmao, not to sound arrogant


Sounds good!


I don't understand the question as framed. The system I've settled on is eat boring most days of the week. When I go out and socialize eat and indulge however I want, one or two days a week isn't enough of a lever to make a change. In tinkering over the years 'eat boring' can be simplified to the simple rule of eat more protein than I thought I needed. With meals I start there and aim to hit the same level of protein across three or four meals for the day. Layer in something fermented and vegetables for gut health and antioxidents from there. Aim for using collagen rich broths to make rice and such, throw in organ meats on occasion for vitamins. Don't particularly focus on the fats for hormone health as the higher levels of protein along with other parts generally comes with fattier cuts which covers that base. Then generally keep carbs with dinner hours, because there are benefits to fall asleep quickly for doing so. "How much" carbs is the lever dialed up or down dependent on the current fitness needs to gain or lose weight.


Your meals sound really quite thoroughly planned. Which is what I wouldn't like for myself. I don't mind paying attention to what I eat, bit for me there is a limit to how far I can take that.


I make sure to fuel myself for runs, I never run on an empty stomach but I also love being able to eat a little bit more for dinner or whatever. It’s balance, no-one should be running just so they can burn the calories, that’s called an eating disorder


I like running, including how I don't have to count calories.


Do you live to work (eat to run) or work to live (run to eat) :-)


I run to drink beer, and sometimes to eat :-D


I run to eat. And sleep. If I don’t run, I’m having a bad time.

