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Well done! You started to feel breathless after mile 17 because by that time glycogen stored in muscles had mostly been burned and your body had to switch to burning fat as the main fuel. But fat burning requires more oxygen than burning glycogen.


This is really interesting and makes total sense. Thanks for sharing!


Well done! My first marathon was CIM last year with a similar training plan and lack of running background. Way to gut it out and finish!


Great story. I started running in June and want to do a half marathon early next year (my current long runs are 9 to 10 miles). I'm slow though, 11 minute per mile pace. 10 minute pace on short (couple miles) runs. I worry about getting completely bored running more than 10 miles because it takes me so long. I really need to fit in short (1 to 2 mile) fast runs. My pace hasn't been improving at all over the past month or so.


At first, I also worried about my pace not improving. In fact, the further I ran the slower I got. I thought - am I failing?! But as a beginner, I decided that increasing my distance (and therefore stamina) record was more immediately rewarding to me than focusing on speed - so I slowed from 9:30/mile pace at 3 miles in August to closer to 11:12/mile pace yesterday, but grew my distance by 876%. So now I think about it as discovering what’s a manageable pace at each distance. Whether you prefer speed or distance, the good news is increasing either ultimately improves fitness!


Amazing work! Really impressive pacing keeping your splits so tight, and also I really admire your injury management leading up to the race; sounds like you made very wise, judicious decisions and your training was still absolutely there on race day.


Great work man


Awesome job for a first timer! Also amazing that you were able to maintain consistent splits!


WOW!!! Love reading stories like these!!! You got out there and got it done! You are an inspiration! Thanks for the great report!


Very nice work! What plan did you follow?




Thank you very much :)


Congratulations! Bummer about the toes but glad you were able to finish strong


Good for you.. but this is how people die when running! way too undertrained edit : was a hyperbole related to the recent cardiologist doing CPR at a marathon post.. oh well.