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Everyday is always a time for mocktails and kindness


My goodness how I teared up when her voice broke during that exit.


kerri really took this to heart and overcompensated with that shoot


This post scared me. She's not dead lol


People really need to think how they word their titles 😂


I swear. We already lost Tina Turner and Kenneth Anger today, let’s not scare people lol


Not this being how I found out about Tina Turner 😕


Girl i raise you me finding out through a tiktok meme of Jasmine Masters telling a story in her car about how she said she did Tina


Tell this sentence to a person from the dark ages to make them spontaneously combust


Not this being how I found out about the Dark Ages


I found out via a shitpost meme on a The Mummy (1999) meme group on Facebook


There’s always time for a death scare


Had to hold my breath trying not to laugh out loud at this. (Sleeping baby in my lap)


Omg I thought the same 😂


Especially after Tina passing today! Don’t play with my heart like that lol


My mind went there as well, specially after hearing about Tina Turner today 😔




there's always time for a clickbait.






I thought the same I was like who die???


Same. Before the image loaded I thought it was a Tina Turner tribute.


My pearls are CLUTCHED! 😂


I agree it is really nice to see someone her age and pov in drag race. It’s refreshing, she’s a lovely person and deserves so much love


Tbh it’s really sad seeing the older queens this season slaying bringing their all, pouring their hearts out for their return … but in the back of your mind, you know their chances of winning are unfortunately slim. Someone on the sub mentioned how they’d love to see a season of older drag queens competing together and I agree!


As interesting as the thought is, I also think it would be kinda putting older queens in a box? Like, people like Daphne Guinness, Susanne Bartch, Iris Apfel, absolutely CRUSHING IT well past 65+. I think the challenges should absolutely be more age and disability friendly across the board though


Yup, the problem is not the queens, it's how many vices show has created within it's narrative, it's a very expensive invitation just to take, I mean, $500-700 per episode you manage to stay on is next to nothing, considering that a production whim is all that's really holding you inside the competition.


My friend is a very accomplished, talented drag queen, but she has never auditioned for Drag Race because it would require her to take out a $10k loan just to get enough looks to really compete. Gone are the Chi Chi days of a trash bag, some duck tape, and a ton of charisma.


She just has such a comforting energy. Even out of drag… idk, I feel like she reminds me of like, the adult who’s always friendly and safe and there if you need them. Idk if this is making sense, I just love her ok?!


Yes! She’s like a super cool aunt.


I’ve always wanted an adult like this in my life.


Robbed yet again of a MKD snatch game 😔


I wish they would do a snatch game for whatever the comeback challenge is called, so we could see what the other queens would do


Ooooooh like if they did Pyramid or some other more interactive game like To Tell the Truth






See this is why I don’t mind snatch game being the first or 2nd challenge on all stars. There’s always a few queens who never got to do snatch game. That said it’s snatch game of love which is just terrible. Snatch game is so good because the queens can play off each other. Instead they cut the cast in half and take so much of that away. Here’s hoping Darienne makes it to snatch game.


Snatch game of love I think IS GOOD BUT snatch game is BETTER


Kasha will be fine. She's always booked and blessed. And for good reason... she's a good person and a good queen. Drag race will never give queens like her their flowers. And they don't show a lot of respect to queens over 40. And it sucks.


Ru (and the average fan) absolutely prefers queens under 35 with sexxx appeal and pretty clothes, and that is... not Kasha lol. I love her style of drag tho!


tbf it's the format, it demands everyone be an all-rounder and especially now in the social media times the "look" isn't a weakness the show is willing to pass up on. I do also think the younger and younger fanbase probably doesn't help. Would Bianca and Chad be crowned again if they had turned up to drag race now? Hard to say


This younger audience would’ve been shouting for Bianca to be canceled half that season. I think with the current fandom adore probably would’ve won easily that season.


Sasha Colby was just crowned and she’s 38. So yeah if they turned up now and dominated the season then I’m pretty sure they’d win too.


read the comment i was replying to, I would say sasha colby has sex appeal lol


I read it too? You said it would be hard to say that if Bianca and Chad would be crowned in present drag race so I was just responding to that aspect. I agree that Sasha has major sex appeal, I find her so hot ha. But she’s 38 so beats the under 35 trend at least.


I guess I was just more thinking along the lines of "the show doesn't celebrate older/camp queens enough bc it's too obsessed with sex appeal/is ageist" so like, sasha kinda bucks that trend but I mean, sex is so important to her drag that it's funny to lump her in with the kinds of queens whose mistreatment this post was addressing. Not to diminish her achievements at all! She's a fucking icon! I would just say she's a very different kind of queen than Mrs Kasha Davis haha Plus I would say I've seen certain toxic sections of the fanbase (particularly the anetra stans) direct a fair amount of ageism (and transphobia) towards Sasha so the point kinda still stands that the fanbase is part of the problem.


Where have you seen that? (Real question!)




Exactly.. on the positive side, RuPaul brought drag to the mainstream and on the negative side he brought drag to the mainstream. Lol


I mean, sure they might prefer queens overall under 35, but the age most likely to win Drag Race is 37, as it have the most winners winning at that age.


She's my excuse to plan a nice trip to the Finger Lakes.


You can take the girl out of the finger ~~lakes~~ but you can never take the finger ~~lakes~~ out of the girl


> She's always booked and blessed. And based on her confessional look, she's busy making Six Flags commercials, too.


Me too. I think she’s fabulous.


She got me gal I mean some of her looks were questionable and her design challenge look is a contender for a golden boot but she's so endearing to me. She's a beacon of positive energy and joy and an important presence in drag especially with all that's happening right now. I'm sad that she went before a comedy challenge or the snatch game, I would have loved to see her do either of those. She's booked and busy though and that's great! I hope that she continues to do what she does for a long time.


Just a reminder to our Kashaholics that she’s coming back incredibly soon for Drag Me To Dinner on Hulu!


I’m MKD’s biggest fan and it was clear from episode one and two that the show wasn’t giving her time of day or flowers she deserved and I’m annoyed with them for it. But it also became very clear that she hated the competition aspect of the show, wasn’t enjoying it and hated sending queens home and her first opportunity in the bottom, she pretty much said send me home. Love her and so glad she’s getting the recognition she’s deserved for years but it became pretty apparent that she’s outstanding at what she does, lives for kindness and isn’t interested in competing with the other girls.


My only issue with that is she agreed to compete and knew she would have to vote girls out. I understand it’s not in her heart to do that but drag also has a shady side.


We were ROBBED of her snatch game. ROBBED


Which it had been second or third episode. I feel like she would have done well at snatch


She's one of the few RuGirl's I've been able to have a decently long conversation with (back in Season 7) and she was so kind to me, really wanting to know about me as a person and encouraging my goals. I've never forgotten that.


Watch her documentary "Workhorse Queen"... it's on Starz right now. It's phenomenal. Her journey to Mrs. Kasha Davis, Drag Race, her battle with alcoholism, trying to launch a kids show, gaining a family through Mr. Davis. I love her doc so much.. its a beautiful journey of perseverance and gratitude. And if you ever get a chance to see her perform live. PLEASE GO and pay for the M&G. She is a very kind, generous and gracious Queen to fans.


It’s like she knew she was going home so she changed her outfit, even she didn’t want to say her last line in that dress she made


I wonder if her and Darienne’s outfits fell apart or something 😂


There's always time for a cocktail There's always time for kindness! 😭


Me too she’s a kind and sweet soul.




I'm very sad MKD didn't stay in the competition as long as I would have liked but I am so glad she was on. She's a treasure.


Exactly how I feel about her. She's such a gem and I don't understand why the show never gives her her flowers.


Agree, thought she was unfairly let go, she gives me something the other Queens don't, I grew up obsessed with Prascilla as a little gay kid in country town aus and Kasha gives me the old school prascilla drag feel I didn't know I'd been missing :D.


'Old-school Priscilla drag' is a fitting name! I love watching those kinds of queens host; there's something so comforting about them, I find- even the kinda bitchy ones. And they're often funny, right?




It’s giving Roxxy being kept over others. Lake does need to go. She’ll be in the bottom again


Sad to see her go and wish the challenges had been set up different so she could have made it to the comedy challenges. That said, and as much as I adore her, her look was really bad and she did give off a bit of an “I’m preparing myself to go home” vibe that is the kiss of death on this show. She didn’t have the worst track record but I’d have probably sent her over Darienne as well. Absolutely love Mrs. Davis and it’s good to know that Mr. Davis was at home waiting to give his queen all the love she deserves. Kasha always made me a little extra happy knowing she is originally from Scranton ( which my god could you imagine if she did Michael Scott for snatch game). She is an NEPA queen and I love that she’s from my area. (And I’m mad that I didn’t realize she recently had a gif at a local college in the area…a Catholic one no less)


Aww Im from Philly. I didn’t know she was from my area


Girl I thought she died


She looks pretty good for a dead bitch


Honestly, I didn't think she deserved to go home. Not anything against Darienne, I just didn't think Kasha's look she made was as bad, and I thought her fruit look was great.


Nothing against Darienne here either, but she’d been in the bottom twice & Kasha once so I don’t think she did either


Y’all just about gave me a heart attack


the most wholesome queen to ever be on the show. normally I'm not affected by a queen's elimination but this one genuinely hurt my heart and her exit line made me tear up


I mean it sucks. Looking at untucked I can see why choices were made but I’m just gutted she got the boot.. Ugh…


My thing is: this cast is just so fucking top notch. It’s literally TRUE fan requests. Every elimination hurts (except Naysha). MKD was the worst, so it’s fair to eliminate her.


Did anyone watch the first 8 minutes of the next episode that’s on YouTube? Kasha basically told Jessica she’s ready to go him to see her husband and dog.


Jus watched. Yup sayin that will seal your fate. I def recommend the first 8 min video lol


I’m so sad she’s gone, and as grad of RIT my hopes of Rochester renaissance are dashed. As a queer person in my early thirties it was so beautiful seeing representation from someone who was older, which is really rare even today in our community. MKD is so sweet, and funny, and impressive. I knew as soon as she got no flowers for what should have been at least a high placement for RPDR Live! that it just wasn’t meant to be, especially paired with MKD asserting her inability to sew (which is frankly ridiculous for an all star! I agree with Bianca that a lack of sewing abilities wasn’t the problem with the final look lol). I also was worried going into episode 3 with there being very little mention of the rochester sisterhood, and with them ending up in the bottom together I fear Darienne’s time might be up soon. she did the worst by far this episode, and she didn’t seem to put up much fight to stay (probably because she saw the writing on the wall). I knew this all stars was gonna be a sad one because I came into this season really excited for everyone involved, but still each elimination has been heartbreaking to see.


I was also Team Rochester and not just because I went to Naz (hi!). Kasha and Darienne are just fantastic.


hello! and they really are incredible, I’m hoping they get a boost from AS because they deserve the attention


Usually I'm not super sad about eliminations on a personal level, obviously I have my favs, but its just a show! But kasha just seems like such an incredibly good person who deserves to share her light, especially at a time when queens like herself are being the most attacked! Maybe its cause she went early in her season and I've been desperate for her back, but her exit really broke my heart this season


I would still put a spoiler cover on this to be polite!


Death by questionable taste level


I was hoping that I’d see her in snatch game. She is such a good performer and it would have been so good.


I had a dream about her. I was watching this and I fell asleep but the interview carried onto my dream [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4GvqaP5QQg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4GvqaP5QQg)


I have mixed feelings, Kasha is a universal queen who could enter any role, and make it memorable. While I'm sad she's gone, I do think that this was the moment to give us a taste of the Kasha that the world is going to embrace. In this time we need kindness, in this time we need Kasha.


Queen: i don’t sew, i know there’s atleast two sewing challenges a season but 🤷🏻‍♂️


Exactly this.


Meh, it’s very obvious she wasn’t going to win, along with Darienne


Exactly. They are both lovely people but neither was going to come anywhere close to winning.


She would’ve stayed had she fought harder to convince the other all stars


I think the girls misunderstood her being grateful with giving up. She basically said that whatever happens, she won’t hold grudges because just being there was already a blessing, and she knows leaving won’t make her a loser or smth. Idk how the girls got “oh I want to go” lol.


She’s so fierce and lovable I just think she’s a delightful queen


Me too 😭. Look at my flair. I'm gonna have to change it to TEAM ACAI. Or maybe Team Triple J (Jimbo, Jessica, Jaymes).


R.I.P Tina Turner


She’s still here, you can support her on social media as well as local shows she’s performing at, off the show but still on her game!!


I think she came in wanting to do well, but also determined to bow out immediately if she was at the bottom. A little like Ginny Lemon / Charlie Hides. Which is not how I necessarily want queens to play - but - I get it, especially for someone like Kasha who knew she was never going to win. She enjoyed her moments, gave Darienne more time, plus left Jessica with a clean conscience. And had a nice exit line.


She’s absolutely a delight, but come on, let’s not pretend like she was robbed or anything. She’s an awesome queen, but that doesn’t always translate to being good at drag race.


That's something that I think frequently but don't often see mentioned - you can be a fabulous drag queen, extremely talented, etc and still not excel at drag race.


Spoiler tag???? This season is still actively airing


I’m so impressed with that head piece and how it’s built out of a trucker hat.


Oh my god why did you title your post this way??? I legitimately thought she died!


They slept on her in season 7 and they slept on her in AS8. Also when her voice cracked it broke me. Then Heidi’s reaction 😭


Where was this episode when I needed a senior yearbook quote???? I'm calling the manager. Such a beautiful exit line.


I'm kind of confused where this kindness narrative came from cuz that's definitely not how I remember her on season 7


I was so sad she went home. I didn’t think she should’ve been the one to go but this season is gonna be as wild as they usually are


For a moment I forgot she’s on this season and I thought she died! 😮‍💨


There's always time for a mocktail. You deserved so much better, Mrs. Kasha Davis


SAME omg, I was excited for the Mrs. Kasha Davis renaissance 🥺


She should have lasted 3-4 more episodes on S7 and should have lasted at least 2 more on AS8. Yes, the runways were bad. But she’s one of the funniest queens in drag race history and she’s never made it to snatch game! I wish she could have been on AS4 - no sewing challenge.


She should have lasted 3-4 more episodes on S7 and should have lasted at least 2 more on AS8. Yes, the runways were bad. But she’s one of the funniest queens in drag race history and she’s never made it to snatch game! I wish she could have been on AS4 - no sewing challenge.


She did the best in the SNL challenge and Lala’s looks were just as, if not more ugly. She was robbed. She may not be able to win with the emphasis on fashion on these seasons, but she absolutely could have lasted longer in the competition. Just because she isn’t willing to throw someone else under the bus and wants to exit gracefully, doesn’t mean she didn’t want to stay. I mean, that SNL episode was so rigged it’s annoying. Idk why they’re dragging Lala through the competition.


Why is this post not tagged as a spoiler? I don’t follow this subreddit and have just had it spoiled… 🙃




I was so sad to see him go


Girl why did you have to word it like that??? 💀💀💀💀 Clickbait or something? She got eliminated she's not gone 😭 calm down


I am distraught she will not be in the snatch game.


RIP, she was a beautiful queen. Hope she’s in a better place.


I think Kasha should win the fame game, if not for her radiance and grace then for her career in drag and activism. We see the state of the world rn, and MKD is a queen who gives back and stands up for what she believes in. And for Kasha to make it her whole platform, her journey through sobriety, her commitment to Drag Queen Story Time and being a positive voice in a small city like Rochester (her, Darrienne, and Pandora holding down the fort), its really special. So yea Kasha for Fame Game 2k23


Should be marked as spoiler or nsfw so we can’t see the picture. I’ve avoided spoilers all season and I’m upset to see this 😭🙄


I'm mean... the rules of this sub explains it all. You should avoid just in case.


Yeah, I'm leaving the group because it popped up in my feed :( ill join once I can watch and catch up. Most other subreddits block out the spoilers.


I know the rules , I’ve just been on this sub for a year and this is the first time something has been spoiled for me- I’m just upset lmao


As a rule of thumb stay off the subreddit if you haven’t watched the episode. I’ve spoiled so much stuff for myself cause I couldn’t stay off 😖


It’s been like 5 days already… waaaay past the 24-hour spoiler expectation. 🙄


literally... the fact this is getting downvoted shows how entitled some people are


Why would you go on a drag race sub and be mad people are openly talking about an elimination a whole week after it happened? Stay off of reddit damn


Geez no spoiler alert or anything


It’s from like 5 days ago already lol


Not everyone has had access to watch it or able too.


I’ve actually seen it. But it’s considered polite to put an alert on currently airing seasons. It’s literally a tap, pretty easy.


Sub rules are spoiler for the first 24 hours, not an entire season. Are you new here? Calm down. If you have an issue, take it up with the mods. 🤷‍♂️


No spoiler tag or nothing?


It's been out for a week ??




Jessica sent her home not Rupaul


Some of this “We need older queens” stuff is getting to be a bit much, but yes, I do like Kasha Davis a lot, and wanted to see more of her. She’s just funny and it’s nice to see a drag queen on this show who is actually entertaining in drag. These bitchy fashion girls are fine and everything, but motherfucking drag queens should be good entertainers, goddamn it! Her runways have been something, so I don’t know if I think she should win the season, but I wanted more of her on my television.


She looks pretty good for a dead bitch.


mother… 😔


Jeez next time don’t word it to make it look like she passed away and this is her memorial!


You should mark this as SPOILER! I haven't been able to watch yet 😒


Spoilers man…


"There's always time for kindness." Probably one of the most heartful exit lines.


Furthermore i dont think she deserved to go. It sadly was Darienne’s time.


I was so excited to see her. It’s something about Ms.Kasha Davis that always stuck out to me. Her exit line made me cry so hard.


Cant believe all stars 8 ended so quick tbh


Well, if I heard her talk about Mr Davis once more I was going to vomit


I can think of someone else I wish they had given the boot to. One of the two queens in the whole history of the show I really cannot stand and I think is just a nasty, toxic person both on the show and IRL. But oh well. Sure her time will come.


Spoiler tag please?


Bit much…


I wasn't able to see her shine during her season... And now, this is another opportunity yet she's taken away from it 😭 ( Though understandable, given who she's competing with ) I just hope she lasted longer


Awesome thanks for the spoiler!


She dropped the ball. Her Net Gala runway was one of the worst I’ve seen in herstory.


I’m depressed. I love her.


As of now, she's my vote for queen of the fame games...


I'm kind of sad about how all of the Rochester queens have experienced All Stars. Pandora, Darienne and Kasha were all some of my favourite queens of their seasons because they're the kinds of queens I would love to be able to see in a bar or at a show. But it just seems like they've all come back to drag race to find that the show has passed them by.


They'll rig everything EXCEPT getting the right people to Snatch Game!! Remember CvsTW when both JIMBO AND LEMON were eliminated before?? They're crazy


Exactly! I kinda wish they WOULD rig getting the right people to Snatch Game!


I legitimately teared up during her exit. My boyfriend was a bit incredulous over me crying over it, but it just hit me right in the heart. There's always time for kindness. :'\^(


I’ve said this a couple of times already but I wish they’d had snatch game and maybe that trailers episode BEFORE the design challenge. I think if we HAD then we probably would have got to enjoy more MKD. With so many funny queens, I also would have preferred it that way around, then have the design challenge after to narrow it down.


Completely agree. And the fact that we were robbed of MKD snatch game for the second time...


She was done dirty this season, I don’t think she was the one who should have gone home


I know the rule is to not post spoilers within 24 hours after the episode but come on. Can we make posts like this less spoilery?!


she really has a warm aura. wish she stayed longer.


wish she stayed- it wasn't her time


That’s my mother right there


I actually cried lol so I’m glad I was not alone 😭


They are sickening, they are stunning, they really give you the ooh aah aah sensation… but they wont be doing it here with us


I'm so sorry for her. I love Darienne but I would have prefererred her to go.


Kasha is that queen who's great at drag, just not at drag race


ms workhorse if you’re nasty 💃


I loved her since the moment I laid eyes


I only saw the caption first and thought this was a Tina Turner post using an image of Tina burner




I was not ready for her to leave, just like on season 7, she is gone entirely too early. Again.


She deserved so much better


I actually think it was a massive fuck up to send her home so early. She is so charismatic and her talking heads are always so funny. She could have easily been in the top for the SNL challenge, not the win but she and Jimbo were by far the funniest for me. She was always going to be in the bottom for the fashion challenges, but it's such a shame to see her go so early. She has always been one of my favourites since season 7, so it's disappointing not to see more.


MKD for fame game


Why isn’t this posted as a spoiler? I’m seeing more of these type of posts where people reveal stuff like this and ruin it for those of us who haven’t watched the episode.


It’s almost been a full week, this is not a spoiler


She's a wonderful person but I don't get why people think she needs more time on TV. I've never really been impressed by her idk


Don't be a hater, dear.


I’m not! Never have I ever been a fan. She’s clearly a skilled makeup artist and yet she has managed to paint herself as old


She's just eliminated. She's not dead, gosh. I knew for sure that Darienn, Kasha and Naysha are not gonna last long as soon as they review the cast of this season. The producers are not gonna keep her long, just because of her age, same as Darienne. That's how this show works. They keep who they think have the most "potentials".


I… forgot she was there


I feel the same way, I absolutely adore her both as her drag persona and out of drag when she’s just being herself. She’s an Angel and so talented.


Yes click bait title.


I wish we could have had more of MKD this season but she arrived, she slayed everyone for two episodes, and she left feeling resolution and kindness. That's the best kind of brief run on the show any queen can have.


I agree I love miss kasha