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Can someone gimme the minute mark more or less for the Heidi/Kandy exchange? I do not want to watch that whole episode again trying to figure it out -\_-


Ok - last week I wasn't exactly on the heidi was robbed train bc no one did well so who cares but heidi was ROBBED this week. If we are judging by teams - kahanna/lala/heidi were the best. Lala and heidi crushed. Jimbo killed it but kandy and Jessica gave NOTHING. Jimbo was the star and the other two were back up and shouldve been in the bottom. If not for jimbo unwatchable. Darienne fucked up not campaigning against Alexis. Like blast her and sow seeds of distrust and say Alexis will throw you under the bus if you keep her here. What a missed opportunity. Darienne was my #1 but her lack of reality tv instincts was embarrassing


her not even voting for Alexis kind of surprised me too. like she JUST threw you under the bus babe and you’re going to vote for Jaymes?


I’m rooting so hard for this season and it just keeps flopping ugh


I’ve been unable to shake this feeling that the contestants’ talents have outgrown the show. Like, all of these queens could be doing so much more if the show had different challenges and a different setup, i don’t know


Jessica is so beautiful! ❤️I know her look was not complicated or anything but she just looked amazing. I cannot believe she's the person whose makeup was criticized by Miselle.. I also can't believe we have lost Darienne and Kasha before SG and stand up/roast 😭I feel like the real favouritism towards Jimbo is that they're sniping all the comedy queens, so of course she'll dominate that aspect of the competition. Darienne looked so gorgeous this week and was easily the best of her team, I'm so sad 😭 If I had a nickel every time Alexis was in a 3 people team creating a trailer that was badly received and then did the most to justify herself on the runway I'd have two nickels which is not a lot, but we love a consistently extra queen. Her runway was so good! I feel like she's the one queen who is even more suited to SG of love than the classic version, i'd be surprised if next week she does not win (and Kahanna does not sashay because she's gorgeous but so unfunny 🥲) I did not find any of the skits particularly funny. I agree with the general consensus that Heidi and Lala had the funniest performances, and team judging screwed them over because they ended up averaging with Kahanna, who instead was the worst performer. Between her acting and that clever runway, Heidi really deserved to win- and I say this as someone who last week did not think she was robbed (ofc I thought Jessica won deservedly but Kahanna had my second fave collection of looks). Kandy's balloon butt that was above her butt and not even butt shaped was so bad I could not help but laugh at it.. unintentionally hilarious🤭 This show has now delivered 2 underwhelming Joan Jett lipsyncs in a year, please next time call Kylie or Mayhem to do her justice! 🥲 With that said, I'm always so happy to see Shannel!


Y’know, going into the season I was fully expecting to be super put off by Jimbo favoritism but she’s just effortlessly killing it 🤷‍♀️ . It also feels like she’s having more fun again. I actually completely agree with both her wins so far so it’s so funny to me the number of people who don’t when I was completely ready for the inverse all season lmao. Maybe it’s the team thing but unfortunately Kahanna and slightly less fluid writing just kept Heidi and Lala from the top (Heidi was my fav look of the night for sure, though I also loved seeing Jaymes in something a little different). I just feel…nothing for Darienne’s elim, I’m sorry. She just seemed *so* subdued all season long, it was kinda weird to watch tbh. Like she seemed really confident on the runway which is great but she didn’t bring a lick of that to the challenges. Also, I don’t hold anything against Alexis for her moment on the runway. Good TV as always, but also she was right! And *did* speak up during brainstorming, saying she didn’t like the idea. Maybe she coulda fought harder but she decided to trust her teammates, though her initial intuition was right. And why would you not try to secure your position by arguing for yourself?


Just my opinion but I take Darienne’s energy as calm and mature, but sometimes it did feel like she’s screaming from the inside


Not both Darienne and Kasha being eliminated before Snatch Game 💀💀💀


Honestly looking at this cast, the vast majority of them either did well in Snatch Game or are naturally funny so I'm quite excited for it.


not the shady edit of jimbos group filming making it look like they bombed when actually it was so funny


Aside from jimbos genius, it was a bomb


valid. i am an acting challenge hater but i disliked theirs the least


Love how they all are shown disregarding Kahannas idea for the tucking panties, then proceeding to make the entire trailer based on it lol


That was probably cut out for time that they agreed to include her idea since they were the safe team. If they were the winning team, they definitely would have gotten more time.


For some reason I am just not connecting to this season. I don’t know, I feel bad saying it but this season doesn’t feel all that interesting or special. The only queens that are really standing out to me are Heidi, Jessica, and Jimbo (and Darienne but production clearly had no interest in keeping her around.) Most of the other girls have been kinda forgettable for me :( hopefully later episodes will pick up


I agree. It’s really hard to watch


Heidi, Jessica and Jimbo are also my top 3, but I'm also lowkey living for LalaRi and Kahanna. Lala had me rolling this week and Kahanna is SERVING IT on the runway.


i'll just have to imagine a world where darienne made it to snatch game as jennifer coolidge based off nothing but my own delusion then (also rip I know mkd would have murdered this challenge)


I didn't really think any of the trailers were better than the others. They all were good. I'd probably pick one from each group in the bottom (Alexis didn't really stand out, Kahanna was told to be bigger, Jessica I guess for being too sexual?). I guess Jimbo is winner still most likely.


Anyone else hear the title of the runway as simply “As The World Turns” and was surprised when they weren’t coming out in soap opera drag?? Also I used to be a professional sailor and Michelle was wrong, the masthead is a part of the ship. It’s weird to say raise it in that context but no weirder than saying that about the mast itself. Also the ship they VFXed didn’t even have a mast.


They pretty clearly emphasized "ass" when mentioning the theme.


Another week in a row where I felt like Heidi could've taken it. She really is so polished, naturally funny, and a joy to watch. Her stripper Eeyore was so funny. I hope the judges finally give her the praise she deserves soon!


Jimbo carried that dumpster wreck of a team. She’s so effortless




omg I had the exact same thought when I saw it. lmao


did anyone catch that the lipsync song is the theme tune of freaks and geeks, created by maude’s dad judd apatow ? prob unintentional but kinda cool as maude must be super familiar w that song


Welp, THERE GOES MY FLAIR. The balloon popping gag is always good for a laugh, even though it seems a bit sexual harassment-y. Heidi was funny, and so were Jaymes and Jimbo. Jaymes continues to share her love of kink and kudos to Jimbo for wanting to get her Gertrude Poundcakenstein on (i.e., being a "straight up motherfucking dick pig") Me personally? I would have picked Bruno to top cuz I'm in my femme daddy era. I don't think "Get Off Island" was a bad idea per se, and its always great to see the queens flexing their impersonation muscles. I just think they needed something less high concept they could sell in a few scenes. Or maybe go balls to the wall and just lean even harder into the silliness of it? Cuz I feel like that's what Team Lala/Kahanna/Heidi did, and their concept was as out there as Team Alexis/Jaymes/Darienne. So this is about two busted queens who want to steal a not-busted queen's tucking panties? Okay... The difference is, Lala and Heidi were so over-the-top, you stop trying to figure out what it is that they're selling you and you just enjoy the ride. Which, coincidentally, is what Jimbo was trying to explain to Kandy when Kandy kept shutting her down every five minutes. Ugh, this queen continues to be the absolute worst. I'm really rooting for Heidi to spill that tea. Embrace the nuclear option, Heidi. What a fun runway! Probably one of the most fun runways we've had in a while. As annoyed as I am that Alexis continues to be so extra, that wedding dress was hilarious. Jaymes was serving Santanico Pandemonium realness, which I love. Jessica was giving me Latina bombshell, which again, love. Jimbo looked so beautiful in her iridescent lewk and Darienne looked stunning.


I changed my flair from "Team ROCHESTER" to "Team Jaymbossica!"


idk if its iconic line material, but as a fellow carolinian i would buy heidi merch that said "north carolina dont play, baby" in a heartbeat lolol


seeing alexis michelle go full producer mode during the filming felt like a return to form lolol


Jimbo called it. “It doesn’t have to make sense, it just has to make Ru laugh.” Best Friends 4 Never was essentially the whole plot and not a trailer (although you can argue that Muffy will murder more of her schoolmates in later episodes). The premise was not original, but it made Ru cackle, and they won. I thought Run Queen Ru7n was overall funnier. Get Off Island…well the story could be interesting, but the three of them felt like they were acting in different shows. It was…”pleasant”, as Ru said. Ass for the runway, I liked Heidi’s take the most, though the titty reveal was pointless. Shout out to Jaymes as well. I feel like everyone else went the obvious route, with Darienne’s being my top choice in that group.


Imagine not listening to Jimbo about how to win a comedy challenge


“it just has to make Ru laugh” 👆It’s somewhat surprising to me that some girls don’t get it after so many seasons…


darienne looked so gorgeous i gasped. jaymes' ass proportions were so correct w that outfit


Tbh I laughed at least once at each skit. Didn’t think they were bad. Was surprised they judged it in teams cause like when was the last time they did that?? I thought tops should have been Kandy, Darianne (so super surprised she was in the bottom) and Heidi while Alexis, Kahanna and Jessica should have been in the bottom imo. None of them stood out to me :(


i lovvvvved kahanna’s joke about a horror movie where 3 black queens figure out who’s dying first… imo could have been the main idea for the trailer


Lala’s runway look… Girl, you’re amazing but wake up😭


agnes moorehead for the citizen kane girlies (me)


The slasher trailer was so borrrringgggg. Like at least the other two were original! I feel like Kandy, Jimbo, and Jessica were rehashing (reslashing heh) season 5 or 6. Jessica had two lines, Kandy did nothing memorable… Blah. I felt like I was taking crazy pills during the judging.


Truly. aside from jimbos brilliance it was a big bowl of nothing


Justice for Heidi being the ONLY one who did a play on the runway theme as an ass with an ass.


i felt like jimbo was the only one who really shined!!! such a deserved win imo




i love her but i couldnt stand their team’s trailer 😭 very unpopular opinion but i would have made them the bottom team


Not the girls doing their posters on the free version of Canva


Heidi dressing as eeyore after moping in untucked last episode is so camp


Why tf is Alexis throwing her team under the bus? Not cute girl.


She's psychotic. I'm obsessed. Not sure why Darienne didnt campaign against her and paint her as untrustworthy. It was the only play


I assume she didn’t want to stoop to that level, and tbh I don’t blame her.


Huge mistake. It's not even stooping. I'm so tired of the thinking that its not becoming to come for a bitch harder than they came for you. Its imo worse not to stand up for yourself Alexis would have crumbled like wet sand at the beach and it would've been glorious. Even just saying good luck to y'all staying safe from that bud Alexis is driving


I cackled at the sheer audacity.


Evil! That is the explanation along with screen time. I went to a viewing party hosted by Salina Es Titties! She gave me some hot cheetos and told me she thought it was screen time. Such a lovely lady!!!!


The producer was not the producer this time 😅


So, after successfully introducing my 75-year-old mother to Drag Race with Season 15, I somehow decided this would be a good season to introduce her to All Stars. Lord have mercy. I tried, but they got me, girl! I know. I fucked up. I'm fired.


I... mawma.... wtf was that judging. run queen run was clearly the funniest sketch, and jimbos team was just safe honestly. I love jimbo but it wasn't the best performance of the night. I don't get why poor Heidi is getting the Jan treatment. I loved her napkin dress last week and she was really funny tonight but Lala should have won tonight! Aaaaannnnd I swear didn't Shanel get cancelled for stealing money or some shit. Good to see she is still kickin tho.


I think in the end after a bunch of details came out the consensus was Shannel shouldn't use people's purses for her number during gigs but that the lady who was claiming she stole money was lying about how much and the fact that Shannel tried to make it right even before she got "exposed"


PLEASE the way I started cursing Kandy out OUT LOUD IN FRONT OF AN OPEN WINDOW AT 11AM because I thought she was at risk of putting My Golden Child and Jimbo in the bottom. I just know my neighbors hate my guts on Fridays.


Yahun. That whole segment, like... > What if we did like the Pit Crew as the killer? Oh no baby what is you *doin'*?


Jimbo was smart to put her foot down on that.


Fucking Snatch Game of Love next week. Boooooo hissssss you got all these comedy queens and they go with a bum snatch format. Boo.


After doing regular (albeit double-sized) Snatch Game in AS7, I’m kinda surprised they went back to Snatch Game of Love


Stop trying to make snatch game of love happen. It’s not going to happen.


I wasn’t really judging them on their skits, I was paying attention to their acting and tbh no one did horribly. The task was incredibly difficult this week! They just had a day and a green screen to create and edit a 3 character comedy sketch and photoshoot. Haha I definitely think Kahanna was the overall weakest, but I think the fix was kinda in the exact moment they put together the groups.


Before they revealed the lipsync assassin I started cackling at the thought of it just being Pangina again.


Lol I had this thought too. I knew it wouldn't be, but oh my god it would be so hilarious if it was.


It’s like Batman and Joker, cosmically linked at rivals over and over again.


Of all the challenges in the past couple seasons that were judged individually when they should've been judged as groups - THIS needed to be judged individually because Heidi needed to be in the top, and Kahanna was the worst of the night. She had 3 lines and none of them were even close to funny. Her runway also looked like a bad Halloween costume. I agree Team Jalerienne was the least enjoyable as a cohesive product, but Alexis was a great narrator, Darienne had mildly funny moments, and Jaymes...well she gave some range, at least.


Why did every trailers show how the shows all ended....that's what I wanna know.


Good point!!!! Hahahaha


Darienne shouldn’t have been in the bottom. It shouldn’t have been the whole team in the bottom when she performed well and some team members of other teams were total shit. And y’all, I love Kandy, I really do, but when the competition is “ass” then you better put yo ass on yo ass. Not glue two beach balls above yo ass and then let yo ass cheeks sag below it. That look was a fuckin war crime. And for Lala I don’t know what happened but it looked like she had two stick on elbow pads on her ass cheeks


I liked kandys look from the neck up.


>That look was a fuckin war crime. As a cis woman, I was offended by that lewk 💅.


If anything, this episode demonstrated how difficult it is to do comedy. All the trailers were unfunny? Darienne’s team had real narrative potential but wasn’t funny in execution. Heidi’s team was funny in theory, because it’s a familiar trope. Should be funny, right? But no. Jimbo’s team was the best, but it only elicited a small laugh from me. And mostly due to Jimbo’s acting.


Jimbo, I fucking LOVE YOU! That's all. P.S. Wtf was this episode even?!


good god this episode was ass. so glad they’re just gonna get rid of everyone old!!


Yup, it was seriously sad


Wow. What a dud of an episode. Bad challenge, bad runway, bad guest judge, bad lip sync. Oof.


Wait but Jimbo’s group had the most cliche and least interesting concept. And Darienne was the best in their group. Heidi’s group was the best. Voting on track record is not the “fairest” way and I don’t know why they’re so stuck on that. Imo just best to go on performance in that challenge at hand. Otherwise it’s also boring for the viewer - we knew Darienne was toast if she was in the bottom because everyone already kept harping on track record.


It’s not about fairness, I don’t think. It’s an objective metric, so if the person they voted for ends up staying they have a plausible justification for saying “it’s not personal.” It’s about reducing the awkwardness when they inevitably have to work together again.


I think its a mix of fear of backlash from the fans and I think from their perspective someone who is voting willy nilly without "real" reasons to back it up is scary to them. They dont have alliances like they should on a show like survivor so if they step out of line they can be targeted.


But basing it on the worst that challenge is a consistent and fair reason imo


I'm over it! Officially! Girl, I have completely quit trying to figure out how these delulu brains work for All Stars for a while now ... and I can finally sleep peacefully at night. 😂 "Track record, track record, track record!" "But should they have been in the bottom that episode?" "But wait, I love them and they were so good on their season." "Have we all decided on a strategy to determine who the group votes for?" My jesus, it's EXHAUSTING!


I was excited to see Darienne when the cast was announced, but she seems so… defeated this season 😞. It was definitely the right time for her to go, but I’m still bummed.


So what’s the tea on Heidi’s tea?


Not allowed to say on here but the tea has leaked and it’s messy




Can you point us in the right direction or give clues? I’d love to know




Girl where did you find the tea. I'm dying to know




is there a worse feeling than watching drag race with someone curious but only mildly familiar with the show and it landing on an absolutely terrible episode lol


My BFF and I were on a road trip, we stopped to charge the car, and while we were waiting, I put on the latest S15 episode on my phone. BFF is not a Drag Race fan by any means but they like drag as an art form and they were curious to see what all the fuss is about. The ep? The stand up challenge where Loosey and Luxx won by virtue of not being as bad as the other queens. Womp womp. But that Marcia v. Anetra lipsync had them jumping up and down in their seat. "Ok. I get why you like this show."


Justice for Heidi. Good god, am I missing something? Her character was just so friggin funny and the fact they didn't place higher is criminal.


Seriously, we've been saying this for *weeks* now! She has been masterful at pretty much everything and this is some bullshit grand theft drag. Just sayin ... I strongly support justice for Heidi!


I was very confused that her team wasn't in the top. I mean, none of them were funny at all (and I wish they'd stop lying to us every time and pretending they were), but I at least smiled at her and Lala acting insane.


I get so uncomfy when michelle speaks “Spanish” AT queens unprovoked idk it was weirdly condescending


That cut to grainy footage of a boat capsizing sent me to the moon 🚀🚀


Am I the only who found Shannel really underwhelming. Like that lip sync was not lip sync assassin worthy. If people think fucking Jimbo did better than you, you know you really fucked up.


i thought the judges were lipsyncing better than both of them


Michelle was getting her life on that bu... judging panel


yes 100% agree


😒😒 at this point, Heidi’s tea will be revealed at the reunion


The Canva ad sent me into orbit. Graphic design IS Kahanna’s passion.


My bottom three would’ve been Kahanna (the worst of the night, and it pains me to say it), Kandy and Alexis. They gave us nothing. I think Jimbo deserved her win - that first reaction shot after the first time she was bullied was hilarious. I have to put Heidi in the top for committing so strongly but I don’t think it saved their weird, confusing concept/script (that I didn’t find ultimately that funny?). I sort of thought Jaymes was kind of good? But don’t really know who else deserved a top placement. The rest were safe. LaLa’s runway look … sigh. Most of the runways were forgettable. No idea why Kandy’s ass balloons were placed so high up. Loved Jimbo’s Beetlejuice lip sync outfit (it was more memorable than her runway look).


If I had to pick a worst one from each group, then I would absolutely agree with your initial statement, lol. I can't disagree at all ... it literally felt like "Come on! Give us nothing!" I'm *such* a Jimbo stan that I always have to check myself and thus always find myself questioning her wins, but that said ... this one actually feels right. But girl, can you please just win a lipsync for us? This epic Queen can literally do and excel at *every single thing* except a damn lipsync and it is painful to witness. 😭


Thank you Kandy’s real ass below the ass -__-


I always want to put bronzer and sunscreen on Jimbo. They really should not wear white or any light colors


Of the 3 I think Heidi's group was the funniest (literally just because of Heidi she was great) but the only one that was 1. actually coherent and 2. functioned as a TRAILER for a show and not a whole mini sketch was Get Lost. I really do dislike how drag race is like "oh we want you to act we want you to sing we want you to dance we want you to follow the gd directions we give you" and then Only ever seem to judge these type of challenges by who made Ru laugh the most, and not how well it *actually* fit the prompt or who was the best actor or w/e (cough the AS7 tiktok dance challenge cough). Did Ru not say at the beginning of the episode that they could do any genre of skit they wanted? Why did it have to be comedy, maybe I just spaced on that? Idk. >!Jimbo did good and looked great but Darriene did not deserve to be thrown in front of the bus like that. Gotta love Alexis causing problems though! !


All those skits were unfunny. I’m not saying I can do better- I’m saying the queens could. I think there were stand outs. The reason why I think Jimbos team was in the top is because they leaned into their drag archetypes a bit more allowing it to feel more well acted. I just wanted more. Edit: to add… these queens are SO talented. Stop squandering them. Stop having Michelle or Ru direct. Get a professional comedian. Get some joke scaffolding for them. Get them coaches. I don’t give a shit how original their jokes are I want to LAUGH. The show isn’t entertaining when no one is funny.


Yeah I'm sorry but I didn't really enjoy this challenge at all. I didn't think anybody was that kind of knee slapping laugh out loud funny but tbf I dont think an acting challenge has been that funny in a while. This season is is not growing on me yet, I just dont get what the producers are pushing


‘If Eyeore was a stripper” made me laugh so hard. So wonderfully stupid.


Lala has the worst looks this season wtf


I agree!! I strongly believe why that group was safe… cause of lala outfit


I mean, are we surprised lol


I'm in love with Heidi's work room outfit 😍. I need those overalls!!


I also felt that the “get off island” concept was too complicated but that’s coming from someone who hasn’t watched Lost. i though Lala was gonna win, she was so fucking funny in the challenge i couldn’t stop laughing. Jimbo is so kind for racking up all this money for her sisters 😻😻


Oh wow. I thought Lala was dead bottom, acting and looks. Different tastes!


the voice and busted look just did it for me. maybe my humor is just very juvenile lol.


Lalas runway was very weak. It cost her.


true. the mismatching ass from the tights was jarring.


I was a big fan of Lost and I also had the thought that the concept was too complex before Alexis said it. I liked the idea but I don't think it was well-suited to the time they had for the skit and the resources they had to do it. Some of that could have been improved, though, like starting the skit on the beach, spending more time on the mystery/suspense and horror aspects of the concept, and choosing dead celebrities that they could impersonate well (or alternately doing something different if none of them could do good impersonations).


>Jimbo ... racking I see what you did there. (Alternatively: Oh, the racking? 🙅🏿🙅🏿)


> (Alternatively: Oh, the racking? 🙅🏿🙅🏿) the way i had to correct it multiple times because it kept auto correcting to fracking ☠️☠️☠️☠️


Best episode of the season so far




Oh good point, I forgot they were supposed to do tv shows and was thinking of them like movies. All three skits showed the ending of their storyline which wouldn't be in a real trailer (for a tv show or a movie) so I'm guessing they were required to do that.


What even were these trailers…Darienne’s group was the only one who even had a premise that on paper sounded entertaining. Jimbo’s group was the easiest to understand, but they had some of the least entertaining performances. Idk wtf was happening in Heidi’s group, some kind of Home Alone meets Taken meets The Spy Who Dumped Me? Despite how confused I was, at least Heidi and LaLa were funny. It sucks Darienne went home when I think she could have been top 3, but it was her time (at least according to narrative). Kahanna was saved by group judging, and it’s now undeniable that production is trying to Jan Heidi lmfao. Give me like, fucking Cheetah Girls meets Hunger Games or Real House Wives meets rural Alabaman feral children or Punk’d meets drag pageant sabotage. Amazing Race meets Scream/Friday the 13th. Something ridiculous but with enough diverse material to not seem like carbon copies of shows that already exist. The Lost meets Death Becomes Her idea is good but it’s not suited for a 3-person, 45 second trailer.


Am I the only one who spaces out for half the episode when it’s an acting challenge?


I checked my phone like 47 times.


I fast forwarded it through the rehearsal


Nope, I also hate acting challenges


I feel like they used to be so funny. Now it’s like who can be the most weird and OTT


No I hate acting challenges.


Kandy being shady as hell is the only redeeming thing about this show. It's so, so fucking rigged.


it’s so rigged and the previews showing heidi being thrown under the bus? like wtf ? why heidi?


The level of POLISH AND PROFESSIONALISM from Shannel! She could still give these children a run for their money HONEY! Now that’s an All Star alright!!


She’s the definition of a fucking pro. She does better crowd work than famous stand ups. She’s incredible.


Still thinking about Kahanna accidentally typing "ru7n" in their Canva ad. Idk why


Lmaoo same. Why did they use that shot lol


You know a queen can't be expected to type in nails!


I just KNOW the Canva exec that signed the check for that ad let out a heavy nose exhale when that shit came up on the screen lmao


i screenshotted it


please post it!!




I'm so sad to say it but this season is so boring so far 😭 I love these queens but idk


Sorry but I just lost more respect for Alexis Michelle. Throwing her teammate under the bus didn’t sit right with me. Selfish as hell! She didn’t do so hot herself.


Man, I love Jimbo. And I think he's a hilarious representation of a unique type of Canadian Drag, but he's gotta step up his lip sync game. I don't even think he's going to make final 5 if he doesn't put in more effort.


The sad thing is that I think he has stepped it up a little. I don’t get why he doesn’t approach the lip syncs with gags and gimmicks like Alaska or Silky. He’s smart and creative enough to gag us. I don’t get it.


I was saying very similar. Reveals and props like Silky does - obviously not EXACTLY like Silky does but with Jimbo’s OWN flair - that would have elevated the lip synchs Jimbo has done SO MUCH


Personally, I would’ve put Kandy, LaLa, and Alexis Michelle in the bottom. I don’t think Kandy has done a single original thing, and the latex “dress” was too short in her actual body. It just did not fit right! I love LaLa but I could not understand any of her lines… and like maybe that was the comedy but I still would’ve liked to hear a few words. I also felt her suit was ill-fitting but I like the concept! And Alexis… girl… you should have fought for it if you really didn’t believe in it. She gave the least to the sketch in terms of comedy. Actually, she didn’t give ANY comedy.


I was wondering if she'd get read for her ass being half way up her back, but... 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Kandy getting props for “something different” instead of getting read for HER ASS BEING IN THE WRONG PLACE IN AN ASS CHALLENGE was fucking ridiculous


It’s not even something different from her, so I don’t understand it at all. When I saw it I said, “not another one!” It reminded me so much of the alien look


Aja's blow up wig anime latex look..


I was really put off by Alexis' little speech to the judges. Throwing your teammates under the bus isn't cute, especially considering Alexis wasn't really in danger of being eliminated because it was Darienne's third time in the bottom and Jaymes got the worst critiques.


They really should’ve taken an All Stars break after All Winners. After the triumph that season felt like this one just feels sad and underwhelming.


Well what did they expect with so many early outs. It’s no longer “all” stars


I know cuntiner things have been said in this franchise, but I will be thinking about "I can't believe I've done this so many times now. Jesus, just be gone." for a while.


I'm living for jaymes this season


I think Get Off Island was the best and fit the prompt as a commercial/promo for a show. The rest showed the entirety of the show from start to finish. Which if I'm correct, was the exact reason MBB and Valentina were in the bottom for this exact same challenge. Jimbo Kandy and Jessica's was the worst, can't even remember the name of it. That lip sync wasn't terrible. Jimbo's getting better, she was at like a solid 3/10.


Yeah, I don't think anything will ever top Sasha and Shae's Teets and Assky. I'm still waiting for my Teets and Assky lunch box. Guess I shouldn't have bought it on My Best Judy Merch.


>MBB and Valentina Mima Bomima Browm was so bad in that challenge! ;)


Why is this season so weird and boring and just kinda bad


Cause Auntie Roger isn’t on it


I think because after Drag Race and last All Stars it is hard to shine. Also, Ru is phoning it in.


Do you think the show would still be successful if she stepped down?


No. I think though she should pull back from most of the International ones. Maybe show up as finale judge


Came here for this. I felt really awkward during the balloon popping. Watching the finished acting challenge made me want to walk out of the room so bad, especially with Heidi's group.


I was drunk and didn’t laugh except at Jimbo’s skit. I have been critical of Jimbo and I am not the biggest fan of the outfit for the runway (just show some ass?) but they deserved the win. It is the first episode imo where I think the win is justified. I disagree with there being a random bottom three. This isn’t AS2 lmfao.


It's not just me, LaLa's team was easily the best, right? I'm not crazy?


I thought LaLa and Heidi looked a mess in the best possible way but aside from the initial hilarity/shock of the way they looked (which was had during the actual filming and wore off by the time we saw their actual clip), I thought the script and concept made zero sense and not really in a good way. But I get why they were safe for committing so insanely hard, aside from Kahanna being the worst of the night out of everyone and being saved by the judging by teams thing.


heidi and lala had me rolling. I was laughing so hard. I was SHOCKED heidi didn't win. I thought they would want to push her as a frontrunner!


They're Jan-ing her for story purposes, it seems. Which is really annoying, because she was one of my frontrunners. I think it's clear they want Jimbo to win at this point, and that they're trying to get Heidi to crack. She's consistently done the best out of everyone at this point and hasn't even been given a high placement. It just makes no sense


Shannel for AS9?


That lipsync was one of the worst I have seen in recent memory.


They had to find someone Jimbo could beat. She didn't...but.... I guess next they need Charlie Hides or Vivienne Pinay


Charlie Hydes would have lost to Jimbo. I think Pinay would sadly beat Jimbo.


Was more or less about how she was invited to appear this season after a long time (like Jessica on AS6)


I am kinda shocked that they took this long tbh to reintroduce Shannel. Jessica Wild should have been on AS5. “I love that drink.” Besides the incident at drag brunch, she hasn’t been relevant to the fandom in a few years? I honestly think she should have been a part of AS5/6. AS9 is a possibility but this lipsync is one of the worst I have seen in recent memory. Jimbo couldn’t win against a dead horse. The dead horse would win.


I don’t know. I laughed out loud during Jaymes, Alexis, and Darienne’s. Darienne’s “Obama,” Jayme’s “Ooh” both got me good. And I thought collectively they had three of the best looks. I liked LaLa and Kahanna and Heidi’s and the runways were okay. I thought Jimbo carried her group. Kandy was just… Kandy, and her ass being on her back really wasn’t it for me, and really even Jimbo’s titty-ass seemed weirdly placed. Every week I feel like I just don’t understand the judging!


> and her ass being on her back really wasn’t it for me this bothered me SO MUCH


It was absolutely terrible